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J. W. Turner

Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge 70803

Summary 1. The direct measure of performance under

The utility and documentation of traits and measured environmental stress is the ap-
characteristics of Zebu, Bos indicus, cattle in proach utilized by response scientists.
beef production in the United States are dis- The application is to control the envi-
cussed with reference to adaptation. Zebu ronmental stresses reducing performance
cattle are uniquely suited to hot climates due to or to predict the ability of the animal to
coat, hide, skin and hematological attributes. adjust to environmental stresses (Dowling,
Form, growth and physiological aspects are 1974; McDowell, 1974).
unique genetic attributes which are different 2. The classical genetic approach of fitness
from those of Bos taurus cattle. Compared with details a selective value for adapted ani-
Bos taurus cattle, Zebu cattle are lower in re- mals to effect a population change i n
production, later maturing, slower growing and harmony with existing environmental
lower in beef quality. Zebu cattle are valuable in conditions (Falconer, 1960).
crossbreeding, with adaptive aspects trans- Rohles (1974) presented an interesting con-
mitted and large amounts of heterosis in cept for environmental research as the eco-
growth, maternal effects and reproductive traits. system complex. The ecosystem complex in-
(Key Words: Beef cattle, Adaptation, Zebu, Bos cluded: ( i ) physical factors defining the envi-
indicus, Production.) ronment; (2) organismic factors, which are
factors describing the animal, and (3) adaptive
Introduction factors, those factors that interact with the
physical factors and organism to allow for
Adaptation is a broad term used to describe adaptation. While adaptation is a complex sub-
the ability of animals to adjust to environmen- ject, the application of knowledge concerning
tal conditions or to infer genetic modifications Zebu cattle is important to beef production in
that make animals more suitable for existence several environments. This paper will present
under specific environmental conditions. Zebu, pertinent research that documents the adaptive
Bos indicus, cattle are widely recognized as aspects of Zebu cattle and their utility as a
adaptable to tropical and subtropical environ- genetic entity.
ments that are restrictive to Bos taurus cattle. Bonsma (1973) presented a comprehensive
However, objective measurements of traits and review of adaptation and beef cattle breeding.
characteristics that directly affect adaption are Zebu, Bos indicus, cattle evolved in the South-
limited. Most work documents the effects of ern hemisphere and ~tdapted to muggy and
environmental factors on production variables scorching environments. These include environ-
or the broad effects of breed comparisons ments defined by mean monthly temperatures
under specified environments. of 18 C or higher and relative humidity of 55%
or higher. It was noted that humidity was of
Discussion little importance compared to temperature.
Research into adaptation can be viewed Therefore, particular emphasis was placed
from two classical perspectives: on temperature effects in the discussion of
Zebu cattle. Because Zebu cattle are smooth-
coated, have primary hair follicles, have better
=Presented at a symposium on "The Role of Zebu developed sweat and sebaceous glands than Bos
Cattle in Efficient Beef Production" at the Annu. taurus cattle and can lose more moisture by
Meet. of the Southern Sec. of the ASAS, Feb. 5, 1979,
in New Orleans, LA. evaporation, they are cited as adaptable to hot
ZPublished with approval of the Director of the climates. In addition, the ability to maintain
Louisiana Agr. Exp. Sta. thermal equilibrium is a necessary factor for

normal function and performance. Bonsma quent investigation of ambient temperature,

(1973) expanded Zebu attributes to include humidity and sunlight in association with horn
coat color, pigmentation, conformation, genetic fly counts and respiration rate, surface temper-
adaptation to the source of nutrition (forages) ature and moisture of the animal did not define
and resistance to pests and disease. The implica- attractiveness and(or) repellency. Brahman
tions are that Zebu cattle are adaptable to breeding was cited as the important variable.
poorer quality forages and soils of low pH and Brown et al. (1977) found lighter coat color to
are resistant to ectoparasites and diseases trans- be important in reducing fly counts in Arkansas.
mitted by ectoparasites. Frisch and Vercoe Breed differences were important during peri-
(1978) studied 15-month weights of Bos indi- ods of high fly populations. No specific refer-
cus, Bos taurus and crosses and listed Brahmans ence to the Brahman breed was made, yet
as resistant to ticks, worms, pinkeye, heat and purebred cattle were studied. Rick (1962)
nutritional fluctuations. Brahmans (Bos indicus) established Bos indicus breeding as a factor
were also cited as having lower inherent volun- promoting resistance to the cattle tick, Boopbi-
tary feed intake and lower relative maintenance lus microplus. Bos indicus x Bos taurus crosses
requirements. were more resistant than were Bos taurus cattle.
Howes (1963) reported that hematological A portion of the resistance was termed innate.
comparisons of Brahman and Hereford cattle Strother et al. (1974) documented the resist-
in Florida were related to respiration and ance of Brahman cattle to the Lone Star tick,
adaptation. Brahman cattle were observed to A m b l y o r n m a americanum. Both Brahman and
have higher red blood cell counts, total cell Brahman • Hereford crosses were more re-
volume and hemoglobin values. Venous blood sistant than Herefords.
of Brahman cattle had less carbon dioxide than Steelman et al. (1973) and Steelman et al.
did that of Herefords. These results imply that (1976) documented the efficacy of Brahman
Brahman cattle are capable of maintaining characteristics in reducing weight loss due to
lower respiration rates during periods of high mosquito attack. Brahman steers were found
ambient temperatures. Evans (1963) confirmed to be more tolerant to mosquito attack than
these hematological advantages for Zebu cattle were Herefords on the basis of weight gains.
as well as the effect of the advantages on Dowling (1974) dismissed the notion that
adaptation to temperature stress. heat tolerance limits Bos taurus cattle in
Allen (1962) compared Brahman and Jersey Australia. He cited the resistance of Bos indicus
cattle skin temperatures and respiration rates at cattle to ticks and parasites and calving ease as
air tempetaures from 24 C to 35 C. Zebu cattle the important adaptive attributes and suggested
had lower respiration rates at all levels of skin that crossbreeding with Bos taurus cattle is
temperature, and skin temperature of Zebus necessary to improve production efficiency.
closely followed air temperature. Zebu cattle The environmental effects of nutritional
had the lower skin temperature below 24 C and status and breed x environment interaction on
the higher mean temperature above 35 C. It Zebu cattle are difficult to document. Zebu cat-
should be noted that Jersey cattle are generally tle are universally accepted as adapted to poor
accepted as adapted to warm climates. quality forages. Stated differently, they can
Cartwright (1955) documented advantages survive and produce in restrictive environments.
in heat tolerance of Brahman and F-1 crosses Most attribute this quality of Zebu cattle to a
over Hereford cattle. Superior summer gains genetic ability to utilize forages more effi-
were cited as important measures of adaptive ciently. Rogerson et al. (1968) compared Boran
merit of Brahmans and the Brahman x Here- (Zebu) steers with grade Herefords (Bos taurus)
ford crosses. on high energy diets and concluded that Zebu
Johnson (1963) cited the major factor steers have lower dry matter intakes but do not
favoring Brahman cattle as heat tolerance or use feedstuffs more efficiently. Zebu cattle had
the ability to respond to increasing heat loads. lower metabolic rates, and water intake was
Tugwell et al. (1969) studied levels of Brah- similar. Efficiency was measured as growth
man breeding and color as factors affecting relative to feed intake. Lofgreen et al. (1975)
horn fly, Haematobia irritans (L.), attractive- reported that Brahman • British steers utilized
ness and(or) repellency. As Brahman breeding energy more efficiently than British steers
(percentage of blood) increased, actual fly under a heat stress of warm drinking water
counts decreased, regardless of color. Subse- (32.2 C) compared to cooled drinking water

(18.3 C). Moore et al. (1975) reported a sig- ance but lower reproductive efficiency. Howes
nificant breed x diet (energy level) interaction (1963) and Hentges and Howes (1963) indi-
in diet digestibilities. They observed that Brah- cated that Brahman cows milked more than
man bull calves were more efficient on low Herefords and used feedstuffs and nutrients
energy (high roughage) diets than were Here- from body stores to lactate at the expense of
fords, yet Herefords were superior to Brahmans reproduction. Delayed estrus and subsequent
on a high energy (low roughage) diet. The im- lower reproductive rates were obvious effects.
plication was that Brahman cattle utilize low Kincaid (1963) documented a lactation status
energy diets more effectively than high energy x breed interaction in fertility (calving rate).
diets. Related observations made by Bonsma Dry Brahman cows were 13% more fertile than
(1973) verify that Zebu cattle founder readily wet Brahman cows, while wet Hereford cows
under intensive feedlot conditions with moder- bred better (10%) than dry Hereford cows.
ate to high energy diets. Feed intake, nutri- The Brahman breed of the United States has
tional requirements for growth and mainte- other unique reproductive qualities. Perinatal
nance requirements for Zebu cattle may be calving losses are normally greater in purebred
different from those for Bos taurus cattle Brahman herds (Reynolds, 1973). Franke et al.
(Frisch and Vercoe, 1978). Evidence at least (1975) documented the incidence and charac-
suggests advantages for Zebu cattle on roughage terized the weak calf syndrome in Brahman
diets. Zebu cattle do not adapt to high energy cattle. Purebred Brahman calves are often lack-
feeding as readily as Bos taurus. ing in vigor at birth and are adversely affected
The unique qualities of Zebu cattle in com- by cool, moist conditions. Puberty occurs later
parison to B o s taurus breeds are important in Zebu cattle than in Bos taurus breeds (Plasse
considerations for the breeding decisions made et al., 1968b; Bazer, 1973). Late sexual matu-
by many cattlemen. Because Zebu cattle are rity is a well-known characteristic of Zebu
humped and atypical in conformation, and cattle. Brahman cattle have a gestation period
appear by observation to be shallow and nar- of 292 days (Plasse et al., 1968c), and calving
row in the heart girth and narrow in the crops, intervals average 410 days (Plasse et al., 1968a).
they may not be considered as acceptable beef Plasse et al. (1968b) observed a seasonal estrus
animals. Zebu cattle grunt or bellow more activity in Brahman heifers, with spring and
than low, and their disposition is truly different. summer activity greatest. Zebu cattle are
Zebu cattle are docile and quiet yet possess the recognized as having excellent longevity and
ability to become aroused more quickly than little dystocia (Wythe, 1970).
do Bos taurus cattle. Zebu cattle are difficult to Brahman cattle have been characterized as
handle under forced or stress working condi- slow-growing feedlot cattle that are lower
tions. Some will fight, jump or exhibit ex- grading and produce less tender beef (Turner,
tremely nervous behavior. Others sulk and 1973). Slower growth performance for pure-
refuse to be moved when they tire or face bred Brahman steers was also reported by
unfamiliar surroundings. It is safe to say that Crockett (1973) and Peacock et al. (1973).
more research into animal behavior is needed Carpenter (1973) reported that compared to
and that learning and understanding the Zebu straightbred Brahman, British • Brahman
psyche will be an interesting research area. crosses produced carcasses with increas~ed
Some Zebu cattle are extremely docile while weight, grade, palatability and fat content
others are totally unruly. Disposition is be- with lower percentage lean and bone. Zebu
lieved to be heritable, and it is the most impor- purebreds are not recognized as efficient
tant reason why Zebu cattle are not used more beef cattle but are desirable in restrictive
in crossbreeding. environments.
Zebu cattle are poorer in reproductive effi- The genetic utility of Zebu cattle has been
ciency than Bos taurus cattle under subtropical well documented in beef production systems.
conditions in the United States (Warnick, 1963; Zebu crossbreds, Bos indicus • Bos taurus,
Reynolds, 1973; Wythe, 1970; Bazer, 1973). including reciprocal crosses, exhibit heterosis in
Howes (1963) stated that Brahman cows had several economically important traits. The
lower ovulation rates than did Hereford cows. greatest and most important hybrid effects are
Also, lower levels of thyroid, adrenal and found in reproductive performance (Turner e t
ovarian activity were cited as factors con- al., 1968; Bazer, 1973). Maternal heterosis is
tributing to the Brahman's greater heat toler- large for weaning weight (McDonald and Turner,

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