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Theories of crime causation
Remedial Exam

NAME:___________________________________Block:_______________________ Date: __________

INSTRUCTIONS: Read carefully and UNDERLINED ONLY the letter of the correct answer of the
following question below.

1. This belief is true during the pagan age when any wrongful act of man is attributed the will of evil. This
statement is referring to:

A. Devine will theory

B. Supernatural theory

C. Classical theory

D. All of these

2. All but one is the characteristics of criminology

A. Scientific

B. Applied science

C. Nationalistic

D. Dynamic

3. Criminology changes as social circumstances changes. It means that the progress is in corcondant
with the sciences applied to it. It connotes that criminology is_______

A. Dynamic

B. Nationalistic

C. Social science

D. An applied science

4. What deals primarily with the study of crime causation?

A. Criminal etiology

B. Criminal ecology

C. Criminal epediomology

D. Criminal physical anthropology

5. Criminal_____refers to the study of the millieu to criminality

A psychiatry

B. Anthropology
C. Ecology

D. Epediomology

6. Who advocated the free will theory of crime causation

A. Charles Darwin

B. Cesare Lombroso

C. Jeremy Bentham

D Raffaele Garofalo

7. All except one, are the normatives elements difining individual participation in a group interaction

A. Taboos

B. Anomie

C. Folkways

D. Laws

8. It is the process by which individuals reduces the frequency of their offending behavior sd the age

A. Age-increased phenomenon

B. Criminal reduction

C. Aging out phenomenon

D. Active precipitation

9. A person who is small-boned,fat, short, easy-going and craves for comfort and lifestyle is___


B. Octomorp


D. Mesomorph

10. White collar crimes are those committed by persons of responsibility and belonging to the higher
strata of society. Who gave a traditional definition of white collar crime.

A. Edwin Sutherland

B. Cesare Lombroso

C. Charles goring

D. William Sheldon

11. Under social learning theory,there are factors of attachment, commitment, involvement and belief. How are
these called?

A. Social behavior

B. Social contract
C. Social bonds

D. Social learning

12._____theory states that crime and delinquency results when an individual bonds to society is weak or broken .

A. Social structure

B. Social reaction

C. Social process

D. Social control

13. What school of thought adopted a social ecology approach to studying cities l,and postulated that urban
neighborhood with high level of poverty often experience breakdown in the social structure and institution such as
family and schools. Arose in the twentieth century, through the work of Robert Ezra Park,Ernest Burgess?

A. Chicago school

B. Classical school

C. Positive school

D. Neo-classical

14. The view that crime is a function of a decision-making process in which the would be offender weights the
potential costs and benefits of an illegal act.

A. Rational choice theory

b.masculanity hypothesis

C. Liberal feminist Theory

D. None of these

15. According to this principle,the punishment should be the same as the harm inflicted on the victim. Therefore, a
man who broke the hipbone of another during the fight will be punished by also breaking his hipbone.

A law of talion

B. Classical

C. Utilitarianism

D. Neo classica

16. He founded sociology and applied scientific methods in the study of society, which him passes through stages
divided on the basis of how people try to understand it, leading them to adopt a rational scientific understanding of
the word. Comte called this the positive stage,and those who followed his writing called.

A. August Comte

B. Positivist

C. Positivism

D. Sociologist
17. Psychological reaction to highly stressful event, symptoms may include depression, anxiety, flashback and
recurring nightmares.

A. Post traumatic disorder

B. Aging out phenomenon

C. Attention deficit hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD)

d. None of these

18. Victims of crime, especially victims of childhood abuse,are more likely to commit crime themselves.

A. Cycle of violence

B. Crime pattern

C. Chivalry hypothesis

D. Masculinity hypothesis

19. The view that the victimizations results from the interactions of three everyday factors: availability of suitable
targets,the absence of capable guardians and the presence of motivated offender.

A. Routine activities theory

B. Lifestyle Theory

C. Deviant place theory

D. Vuctim precipitation theory

20. The theory of crime causation which states that the offender should be punished regardless of their conditions
during the commission of the crime. Thus, emphasized more on the injurious effect of the criminal than upon the
offender refers to:

A. Classical theory

B. Positivist Theory

C. Neo classical theory

D. Differential association theory

21.This Theory reflects the way people react to a given situation based on the social influences they
acquired from other people that practically determine their behavior. This theory likewise serves as the
learning process of delinquent behavior and considered as one of the most important theory in crime

A. Social disorganization theory-

B. Culture conflict theory

C. Differential association theory

D. Social reaction theory

22. What theory considers crime as a natural social phenomenon

A. Somatotype theory-th
B. Differential reinforcement theory-

C. Anomie theory-

D. Phycho analytical theory

23. This theory argues that intelligence is largely determined genetically that ancestry determines IQ and
the low intelligence as demonstrated by low IQ is linked to behavior including criminal behavior

A. Nature Theory

B. Strain theory

C. Psychological theory

D. Labeling theory

24. This theory focuses on the development of high crime rate areas associated with the disintegration of
conventional values caused by rapid industrialization, increased migration and urbanization.

A. Social disorganization theory-

B. Different association theory

C. Culture conflict theory

D. Maternal deprivation theory-.

25. This is one of the culture deviance theories whose premise is that obedience to the norms of their
lower class culture puts people in conflict with the norms of the dominant culture.

A. Strain theory

B. Culture conflict theory

C. Differential association theory

D. Theory of anomie

27.It states that individuals are deviant mainly because they have been labeled as deviant by social
agencies and others. The notion of deviance is not inherent in the act itself, but rather in the reaction and
stigma attached to the actor.

a. Containment Theory –

b. Theory of Imitation

c. Social Process Theory

d. Social Reaction theory

28.His great contributions to criminology were the principle of utilitarianism and the felicific calculus.

a. Cesare Beccaria

b. Jeremy Bentham

c. Cesare Lombroso

d. Emile Durkheim
29.He propounded the theory of evolution that inspired the now known “Father of Modern Criminology” to
develop the theory of atavism.

a. Cesare Lombroso

b. Charles Goring

c. Cesare Beccaria

d. Charles Darwin

30.This is a theory by Robert Merton which assumes that people are law abiding but under great
pressure, they will resort to crime.

a. strain theory

b. social learning

c. cultural deviance-

d. anomie

31.A societal stage marked by normlessness in which disintegration and chaos have replaced social

a. Social disorganization

b. Anomie

c. Strain

d. Differential opportunity theory

32.This theory focuses on the development of high crime areas associated with the disintegration of
conventional values caused by rapid industrialization, increased migration and urbanization.

a. Cultural Deviance Theory

b. Differential Association Theory

c. Social Disorganization Theory

d. Strain Theory

33.A police officer’s frustration in the realization of his ambition and goals in life both as an officer of the
law, and as a private citizen, can push him to a life of crime, as pointed out in this particular theory.

a. Disorganization Theory

b. Culture Conflict Theory vs Lower Class Culture”

C. Differential Association Theory

d. Strain Theory

34.This theory reflects the way people react to a given situation based on the social influences they
acquired from other people that practically determine their behaviors. This theory likewise serves as the
learning process of delinquent behaviors and considered as one of the most important theory in crime

a) Social Disorganization theory

b) Culture Conflict theory

c) Differential Association Theory

d) Social Reaction Theory

35.This theory argues that intelligence is largely determined genetically; that ancestry determines IQ; and,
that low intelligence as demonstrated by low IQ is linked to behavior including criminal behavior:

a. Nature Theory

b) Psychological theory

c) Strain Theory

d) Labeling theory

36. When almost all member of a free society are once upon a time a victim or an offender of a Criminal
act. Crime is an associate society affects almost all people, regardless of age,sex, race, nationality,
religion, financial condition, education and other personal circumstances. It cannotes what?

A. Crime is pervasive

B. Crime is expensive-

C. Crime is destructive

D. Crime is progressive

37. Tanggol has been bullied all through his early years because he is an introvert person,but Smart and
intelligent wherein Tanggol excels in his academic grades in skinny, This is the manifestation of a

A. Mesomorph

B. Endomorph

C. Ectomorph

D. Dysplastic

38. This theory focuses on preventing easy access and exit by potential criminals as well as the
elemination of their hiding places and where they can geographically select a target.

A. Defensible space theory

B. Broken window theory

C. Routine activity theory

D. Social disorganization theory

39. What theory of primary crime prevention applies when. Mr. Pedro leaves his place rather than
improving the place to be crime free Area.

A. Differential association theory

B. Conflict theory

C. Defensible space theory

D. Rational choice theory

40. Dominick during his childhood is somewhat to be found witty. Now he is already 40 and was
admitted in a mental hospital because of being unable to maintain proper, institution and committed a
crime outside the hospital. Dominick should be exempt from criminal liability under the theory of

A. Neo classical

B. Classical theory

C. Positivist Theory

D. Supernatural theory

41.Who among the following are the “Holy Three

in Criminology”?

a. Lombroso, Bentham, Beccaria

b. Lombroso, Garofalo, Ferri

c. Beccaria, Bentham, Ferri

d. Beccaria, Garofalo, Lombroso

42.He introduced the “theory of imitation” which states that individuals copy behavior patterns of other
individuals, and that those with weaker personalities tend to get influenced easier by those with stronger

a. Emile Durkheim

b. Adolphe Quetelet

c.Gabriel Tarde

d.Enrico Ferri

43. It conceded that certain factors such as insanity might inhibit the exercise of

free will or free will is affected by insanity

a. Classical theory

b. neo-classical

c. Sociological

d. Positivist

44. He said that individuals are like human calculators (felicific calculus). Before a person commits a
crime, he first analyzes whether the satisfaction he would gain is greater than the possible negative effect
he would have to suffer if the gets caught doing the crime:

a. Cesare Beccaria

b. Cesare Lombroso

c. Edwin Sutherland

d. Jeremy Bentham

45. Who stated that crime is normal in a society?

a. Cesare Beccaria

b. Cesare Lombroso

c. Emile Durkheim

d. Enrico Ferri

46. This theory contested the findings of Beccaria’s Free Will Study, stating that its absence among
mentally retardate persons or those with some psychological imbalances and personality disorders or
physical disabilities, could likewise lead to violation of laws thereby citing said theory as one of crime

a. Classical Criminology

b. Positivist Criminology

c. Neoclassical Criminology

d. Social Structure Theory

47.those who violate the rights of others deserve to be punished. The severity of the punishment should
be commensurate with the seriousness of the crime.

a. restorative justice

b. jus desert

c. utilitarianism

d. equality of punishment

48.The following are the characteristics of the Classical School of Criminology:

I. The basis of criminal liability is human free will and

the purpose of penalty is retribution

II. Man is essentially a moral creature with an

absolute free will to choose between right and


III. Criminals are distinguishable from non-criminals

because of their physical deviations.

IV. That every man is therefore responsible for his act.

a. I, II, III are correct.

b. I, III, IV are correct.

c. II, III, IV are correct.

d. I, II, IV are correct.

49.These are crimes which are wrong from their very nature. Examples of these are murder, robbery, and
other violations of the Revised Penal Code.

a. Heinous crimes
b. mala in se

morally wrong.

c. Serious crimes

d. mala prohibita

50.These are crimes which are wrong only because there are laws that prohibit them in

order to regulate an orderly society. Examples of these are the violations of special laws like

the violation of “Anti-Smoking Law”.

a. Mala prohibita

b. less grave felonies

c. Mala in se

d. light felonies

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