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With Muzna Ali
The 7 Cs of Communications

1. Clear
2. Concise
3. Concrete
4. Correct
5. Coherent
6. Complete
7. Courteous
The first 7 Seconds and Beyond
Power posture
• Superman Pose

• POTUS Pose

• Orangutan Pose
Hand Gestures
• Show your palms

• Steeple

• Interlocked hands
Wow she got a promotion that’s wonderful
5 Vocal Foundations to
Great Communication
• Rate of Speech

• Volume

• Pitch

• Tonality

• Pause

Remember: PRPTV
Filler Words weaken your communication
Instead of Say Phrases
"Um" "Ah“ "Let me clarify“ “On top of that“

"Like" "You know“ "To be honest“ "In other words"

"Actually" "Literally" "To add to that“ “Not to forget“

"Just“ "So “To come to think of it“ “To be

more specific” “for instance”

Let’s put the phrases to use
Drop the Mic!
• Relatable to the audience

• Penalty for using fillers

• Body language & vocals (PRPTV)

Speech: 2 minutes

Prompt: A memorable day as a young

professional.. From the first few days of
your professional life.
Putting your Thoughts Together

1. Communication Style

Reflect on your preferred communication style and that of the


Style 1: Mover Style 2: Planner

Results Strategies
Objectives Organization
Achieving/Doing Facts
Focus: What Focus: Why
Style 4: Thinker Style 3: Connector
Concepts Communication
Theories Relationships
Innovation Teamwork
Focus: Why Focus: Who

(Based on the work of P Case “Teaching for the Cross-Cultural Mind” Washington, DC, SIETAR, 1981)
Find out your communication Style
Putting your Thoughts Together

2. Listen to Learn

Hold back assumptions

Tips to
Listen with
Putting your Thoughts Together
3. Ask Meaningful Questions

Questions that seek insights

What …
• Ask open-ended questions How …
• Focus on moving forward
• Use what and how rather than why
Separate poor questions from good ones
1. "Can you explain the specific problem we're trying to solve and how this project will address it?“

2. "Why did you make that mistake?“

3. "What are your thoughts on this proposal and how do you think it aligns with our overall goals?“

4. "Don't you think this is a good idea?"

5. “Why didn’t you inform you me about it ahead of time?”

6. "How can we ensure that this project stays on track and that any potential roadblocks are addressed?"

7. "What resources or support do you need in order to complete your portion of this project?“

8. “Why did you speak to the client without looping me in?"

9. "Can you provide more context on this decision and how it will impact other areas of the company?“
12 ways to say NO at work

• Could you help me prioritize my project list?

• I appreciate the offer but…
• I am up to my neck with preassigned work
• I’d love to but…
• I wish I could….
• Not likely, I will be able to finish it in time
• I’ll need to bow out!
• I have a lot on my plate right now
• I know that you will do a great job yourself!
• I am not able to commit to that right now as…
• Can I throw out another idea?
• I want to, but I’m unable to
Practice Saying ‘No’
1. Manager: Listen, I need you to share the final list of vendors after reviewing all 80
vendors carefully by tonight. (Manager did not share this deadline earlier. You already
have personal commitment for the evening)
You: _____________________________________________________________________________________

2. Colleague: I have a lot of work to do, extremely tight deadlines. Can you do these tasks
on my behalf so I can deliver on my deadlines this week? (You have your own deadlines to
meet and the work takes up all your day)
You: _____________________________________________________________________________________

3. Manager: There is a presentation I want you to design, it needs to be presented in 2

days. (you have a lot of tasks to get done with and you are already struggling to meet the
Tactfully Communicate - Use Expressions

Build Rapport with co-workers Explain a delay

• How long have you worked here? • I had to put that on the back burner
• Looks like you are under the weather • We ran into a glitch
• I am glad you are feeling better • Something urgent came up
• How did your weekend go? • The network is down

Resolve a conflict
• We can turn this into a win-win situation
• I understand where you are coming from
• I’m sorry we got off on the wrong foot
• Let’s start afresh!
What would you say?
Building Rapport
Alina: _______________________________?
You: I have been with ABC Company for 2 years, and you?

Explain a delay
Your manager asks you the status of the project you are leading but since then you have been
given many important and urgent tasks that you have been working on tirelessly.
Manager: What are the updates on the legal’s document that I assigned you 2 weeks ago?
You: ________________________________________________________

Resolve a conflict
HR Manager: I have mentioned this earlier as well that without completion of 2 years in the
same role, promotion is not possible. It is part of the PMF policy.
You: ________________________________________________________
Tactfully Communicate - Use Expressions
Disagree with someone Agree with someone
• I am not sure about that • I couldn’t agree more
• I’d rather not • I couldn’t have said it better myself
• I’d share a different perspective • I second that
• I’d like to add another point • Sounds like a plan!

Starting a meeting Interrupt politely

• Let’s open the discussion with… • Can I borrow him for a minute
• Let’s go over today’s agenda • Sorry I couldn’t follow you, can you say that
• Let’s get down to business again?
• Let’s get the show on the road • I lost you after…please repeat.
What would you say?

Akmal: We should go with plan A if we want to meet the deadline.
You: _________________________________________. Plan A was designed keeping the original
timelines in mind not the revised one. We should go with Plan B because…

Interrupt Politely
Your manager and an employee from a different department are having a meeting. You
need to discuss something urgent with your manager.
You: ________________________________________________________________

In a meeting
You are the presenter in the meeting to show the final version of the software. You show
the presentation and call everyone in the room to action.
You: Let’s _______________________________________________.
Project Conversation Kit
Ali: How far along is the project? → status update Ali: What about the budget?
Sara: We are just getting started/ we are at the home Sara: We have overconsumed it by
stretch/ We are half way through 300K
Ali: That’s over and above the initial
extra 80K we utilized.
Ali: Is there a delay?
Sara: Yes. -------------
Ali: How behind are we? Sara: There is an inevitable delay
from procurement’s end.
Sara: We are two weeks behind and would miss the Ali: Align legal and launch team to
deadline. prepare for the delays and devise plan
Ali: Then you should get your team back on track and put B to speed things up.
in extra hours.
Theme A: Discussion on the update of a project in a meeting with the
Expressions Category: Project | Build rapport | Explain a delay |
Resolve a conflict | Agree with someone

Theme B: Discussion on the initiation of a project.

Expressions Category: Start the meeting | Project | Disagree with
someone | Interrupt politely | Ask for advice
Just Enough Words to Seal the
Everyday Idioms at Work

Call it a day | Stop working on something To pull your own weight | To do your fair share of work
Miss the boat | Miss an opportunity, it’s too late She goes the extra mile | Over and above the call of duty
Cut me some slack | Don’t be so critical Off the hook | No longer in difficulty
On the ball | Doing a good job In true letter and spirit | By the rulebook
Steal someone’s thunder | To steal someone’s Follow something to the T | Do something exactly how
spotlight/credit briefed

Silver lining | There is still good in bad Pencil the dates | Lock the dates tentatively
It’s a piece of cake | It’s easy Ballpark figure | Approximate number
Elephant in the room | A known problem but is avoided Know it like the back of my hand | To know something in
and out
The bottom line | The most important factor
Get the juices flowing | To come up with productive ideas
I am buckling down | Tackle a task with determination
It drives me up the wall | Makes me irritated/angry
I want a piece of the pie | I want my share
Ahead of the curve| Ahead of majority
Vocabulary Hive
align Amenities

Unsolicited Collaborate Strategize


Methodical Co-exist Exploit

Brainstorm Persistent Foster Impulse

influence Scarce Squander

Hand in
Practice Vocabulary
Find out the meaning to the vocabulary on the page above and then fill the blanks in using correct vocab from above

1. The _____________ of the new corporate office are worth appreciating.

2. Let’s ____________ a strategy to effectively manage the outpour of customer’s requests.
3. We have to _______________ with procurement, legal, and finance on this project.
4. The recourses are ____________, we have to carefully allocate them to get the maximum
5. I get bothered by such frequent ______________ advice from my colleague, I know how to
do my work.
6. My manager is precise and _________________ in his approach towards work, I learn a lot
from her.
7. Let’s set up a time tomorrow to _______________ ideas for the goal setting activity next
8. Please _______________ finance and HR team before you move ahead with the plan.
works for those who
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