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A Renovated Pole Clustering Technique for Model

Order Reduction
Abha Kumari C. B. Vishwakarma
Research Scholar Assistant Professor
Electrical Engineering Department Electrical Engineering Department
Gautam Budhha University Gautam Budhha University
Greater Noida, India Greater Noida, India

Abstract- A renovated pole clustering technique is proposed center will be achieved. Hence a condition is applied that is
in this paper to reduce large scale linear dynamic systems into a cluster must have number of poles equal to or greater than
lower order linear dynamic systems. The denominator two unlike other techniques available in the literature. At
polynomial order is decreased by using renovated pole last the excellence of the proposed technique is proved
clustering technique and numerator coefficients are calculated
computationally with famous order reduction methods and
by using improved pade approximations technique. The
reduction algorithm is completely computational. The reduced numerical examples from literature.
system retained the stability characteristic of the original
higher order system. The Comparison is performed by 2. FORMULATION STATEMENT
simulated graph and performance index like integral square
error (ISE) which justify its excellence. Assume nth order original system, described as
Keywords: Integral square error, Model order reduction,
N(s ) x 0 + x1s + x 2s2 +.......+ x n −1sn −1
Pade approximations, Renovated pole clustering, G n (s )= = (1)
D(s ) y0 + y1s + y2s2 +.........+ yn sn
Where x 0 , x1 , x 2 ......... x n −1 and y0 , y1, y2 ........ yn are
The modelling of high order dynamic system plays the numerator and denominator coefficients of original
a vital role in control engineering. It is complex to analyze, system respectively.
synthesize and identify the higher order model in day to day Now assume k th order reduced model, described as
Nk (s ) u 0 + u1s + u 2 s2 +............+ u k −1sk −1
life. To overcome these type of problems a lot of
approximation techniques are existed in the literature. So R k (s )= = (2)
the model order technique is a brilliant idea to analyze, Dk (s ) v0 + v1s + v2 s 2 +...........+ vk sk
simulate and design effective controllers for many Where (u 0, u1, u 2....... u k −1) and (v0, v1, v2....., vk ) are
engineering applications. It reduces the order of large scale
the numerator and denominator unknown scalar coefficients
original systems in an optimal manner.
of the reduced order system respectively.
For linear dynamic systems, various approximation
The purpose of this paper is to reduce large scale
techniques are available in the literature for the frequency
and time domain both [1–5]. Also, some mixed dynamic system G n(s ) into lower order system R k(s )
approximation techniques have been discussed by using the matching all qualitative properties with original higher
combination of two frequency domain methods [6-8,17-20]. order system G n(s ) .
A.K. Sinha and J. Pal [4] made clusters by grouping zeros
and poles separately in their clustering technique. Then 3. PROPOSED MODEL ORDER REDUCTION
cluster centers are found out by inverse distance measure TECHNIQUE
(IDM) criterion. J. Pal et al. [5] synthesized the
denominator by cluster centers, which are achieved by The proposed technique is explained as
grouping only the poles of large scale original system.
Step1: Find out denominator polynomial of the k th order
Further, Vishwakarma [6] has suggested modified pole
cluster technique which is based on the inverse distance reduced model R k(s ) .
measure (IDM) criterion. It generates more dominant Some points must be followed to obtain R k(s ) by renovated
clusters, as compared to obtained in [4–5]. The drawback of pole clustering method. They are following.
stability characteristic is overcame by improved pade a. Real and complex poles must be separate for
approximations method [10]. the pole clusters.
In this paper a technique is proposed named b. A cluster must contains the number of poles
renovated pole clustering technique. In this method a small equal to or greater than two.
modification in step 3.1 and 3.3 of technique suggested by
Vishwakarma [6] has been done. As we know that c. Poles at the origin and the imaginary axis must
betterness of cluster center depends upon the number of be considered in the pole clusters.
poles in a cluster in order to achieve more effective reduced
systems. More number of poles in a cluster, better cluster

978-1-7281-3958-6/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

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Dk(s )= (s − θc1)(s − θc1)......(s − θck / 2 )(s − θck / 2 )
* 0 * 0
Let us consider ‘r’ number of poles in the i th cluster are (4)
( )
q1,q 2,..........,q r , assuming that all poles are real and
Case 3 For real and complex conjugate poles both, assume
q1 < q2 .........< qr which pole cluster center is represented (k-1) are real pole cluster centers while single pair of
by qci . Now, assume j pole cluster having complex pole complex conjugate pole. Hence k th order reduced
denominator polynomial is find out by
of ‘m’ number of pairs
as [(σ1± jλ1)(, σ2 ± jλ2 ),...........(σm ± λn )] where,
( )
D k (s )= (s − q c1)(s − q c 2 ).... s − q c (k − 2 ) (s − θc1)(s − θc1)
* 0
σ1 < σ2 ..........< σm and its pole cluster center will be
represented by θcj = E cj ± jFcj From above three cases k th order reduced denominator is
Where, θ*cj = Ecj + jFcj and θ0ej = Ecj − jFcj found out by

Dk(s )= v0 + v1s + v2s +.......+ vks

Calculation of the renovated modified pole cluster 2 k
centers are explained following. (6)

3.1 Assume ‘r’ number of real poles in a cluster such that Step 2 reduction of numerator by improved pade
approximations method.
q1 < q2 .............< qr and r ≥ 2 .
G n(s ) is expanded in power series as

G n (s )= ¦ Mis s=∞
− ( i +1)
3.2 Initiate b=1 about (7)
i =0

3.3 Evaluate pole cluster centers by = ¦ Tisi about s= 0 (8)
−1 i =0
ª r § −1 · º
¨ ¸
h b = « ¦ ¨ ¸÷(r −1)»
Where Mi and Ti are i Markov parameter and
«i=1 q i » Time moment of G n(s ) respectively.
¬ © ¹ ¼

3.4 Now Set b = b +1 th

k order simplified system is obtained by
k −1

Nk (s ) i¦
ui s
R k (s )=
3.5 Find out renovated pole cluster center by
Dk (s ) ¦ vi si
−1 k
ª§ −1 −1 · º
¨ ¸÷2»
h b Ǭ +
= i =0
« q i h b−1 ¸ » The numerator coefficients ‘ui’, where
¬© ¹ ¼
i = 0,1,2,.....,(k −1) of R k(s ) are calculated using following
3.6 check r= b set of equations.
No, follow 3.4
Yes, follow 3.7 u 0 = v 0T 0 ½
u1 = v0T1 + v1T 0 °
3.7 Obtain renovated modified pole cluster center of k th °
u 2 = v0T 2 + v1T1 + v 2T 0
cluster by qck = h bk °
........................................... °
Now to obtain denominator polynomial of
R k(s ) any one case described below must be fulfilled.
u σ −1 = v0T σ −1 + v1T α − 2 + ..........+ vσ − 2T1 + vσ −1T 0 °
Case 1. When renovated pole cluster centers having real = + + .......... ........ + + ¾
u k − λ vk M λ −1 v k −1Mλ − 2 vk −λ + 2 M1 v k − λ +1M 0 °
poles only, then k th order reduced denominator is find out
u k − λ +1 = vk M λ − 2 + v k −1M λ −3 + ................. + vk −λ + 3M1 + v k − λ + 2M 0 °
by °
.................................................................................. °
Dk(s )= (s − qc1)(s − qc 2 )..........(s − qck ) (3) .................................................................................. °
st nd th
Here qc1,qc 2...........qck are 1 ,2 ,....., k renovated u k − 2 = vk M1 + vk −1M 0 °
pole cluster centers respectively. °
u k −1 = v k M 0 ¿
Case 2. When renovated pole cluster centers having (10)
complex conjugate poles only, then k th order reduced
denominator is find out by

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The k th order numerator of R k(s ) is calculated as Now the numerator coefficients of R 2(s ) are
N k (s )= u 0 + u1s + u 2 s 2
+.......... ..+ u k −1s k −1
(11) calculated by step 2 of section 3 by taking few Time
moments and Markov parameters from the literature[12].
4. SIMULATION AND RESULTS Since, σ + λ = k
Where, σ,λ,k represent the number of Time
The excellence of the proposed technique is proved moments, Markov parametesr and order of simplified
by taking three large scale systems G n(s ) and comparing system respectively.
with other famous techniques existing in the literature. For For example 1 the numerator coefficients of R 2(s ) are
first numerical example calculations are explained step by calculated as
step, but only results are given for other examples. At last
performance index, integral square error (ISE) between For (σ =1,λ =1,k = 2)
R k(s ) and G n(s ) is calculated using matrix laboratory and u 0=v0T 0=5.1613×1=5.1613
compared it with other famous techniques existed in the u k −1=u k M0
literature. Lower the value of integral square error u1= v2M 0=1×18=18
means R k(s ) is closer to G n(s ) .
For (σ = 2,λ = 0,k = 2)

ISE can be described as ISE = ³ y n (t )− y k(t ) dt ]
u 0=v0T 0=5.1613×1=5.1613

Where, yn(t )→ unit step response of G n(s ) u1=v0T1+ v1T0

yk (t )→ unit step response of R k(s )

Example 1. Assume a system from the literature [7] Finally obtained R 2(s ) are described as

N (s ) 18 s 7 + 514 s 6 + 5982 s 5 + 36380 s 4 + 122664 s 3 + 222088 s 2 + 185760 s + 40320

G n (s )= =
D (s ) s 8 + 36 s 7 + 546 s 6 + 4536 s 5 + 22449 s 4 + 67284 s 3 + 118124 s 2 + 109584 s + 40320

Poles for the example 1 are (-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8). N2(s ) 15.7608s+5.1613
R 21= = 2 (σ = 2,λ = 0)
D2(s ) s +6.0039s+5.1613
Assuming this system has been reduced into a second order
system. Hence there is a requirement of two pole cluster
N2(s ) 18s+5.1613
centers. Consider first pole cluster having poles (-1, -2, -3, - R 22= = 2 (σ =1,λ =1)
4) while second have (-5, -6, -7, -8). By following 3.1 to 3.7 D2(s ) s .0039s+5.1613
+ 6
of section 3 pole cluster centers are calculated as:
The graph of unit step responses of G8(s ) and R 2(s ) are
For first pole cluster: shown and compared in Fig.1.
ª§ −1 −1 −1 −1 · º
h1= «¨¨ + + + ¸÷3» = −1.44
«¬© −1 −2 −3 −4 ¹ »¼
ª§ −1 −1 ·¸ º
h 2 = «¨¨ + ÷2» = −1.1803
«¬© −1 −1.44 ¸¹ ¼»
ª§ −1 −1 ·¸ º
h 3 = «¨¨ + ÷2» = −1.0827
«¬© −1 −1.1803 ¸¹ »¼

ª§ −1 −1 ·¸ º
h 4 = «¨¨ + ÷2» = −1.0397
«¬© −1 −1.0827 ¸¹ »¼
Hence, qc1 = −1.0397
similarly, second pole center is obtained as q c 2 = −4.9642
Hence, desired denominator R 2(s ) of is
D2(s )= (s +1.0397 )(s + 4.9642 ) =s + 6.0039s + 5.1613

Fig.1 Time response comparision

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The proposed technique is compared with other famous is ( −1.1525 ± j0.6150) . Now applying case 3 of the section
reduction techniques existed in literature and tabulated in 3, denominator polynomial of reduced R k(s ) for example 2
has been calculated. Similarly, the numerator coefficients of
Table 1 R k(s ) can be calculated by using step 2 of section 3.
Techniques Reduced Model ISE
5.1613+15.7608s Finally obtained R 2(s ) for example 2 is described as
Proposed 0.009735
5.1613+ 6.0039s + s2 10.2450s +17.064
R 21(s )= (σ = 2,λ = 0,k = 2)
s + 2.305s +1.7064

1.9906 + 7.0908s
14s +17.064
R 22(s )= 2 (σ =1,λ =1,k = 2 )
Mittal et al [2] 0.2689
2 + 3s + s2
s + 2.305s +1.7064
4.4357 +11.3909s
Mukharjee et 0.056897
4.4357 + 4.2122s + s2 Step Response
al. [3]
C. B. 5.45971+16.51145s
Vishwakarma 0.01406
[6] 5.45971+ 6.19642s + s2 10

8 + 24.11429s 8
G. Parmar [7] 0.04809
8 + 9s + s2
2 + 6.7786s 6
Shamash [8] 0.279
2 + 3s + s2
500 +17.98561s
J.Pal et al. [13] 1.4584
500 +13.24572s + s2 4th order original system
2nd order reduced system(R21)
40320 +155658.6152s 2nd order reduced system(R22)
Krishnamurthy 1.6532
et al.[15] 40320 + 75600s + 65520s2 0
0 2 4 6 8
0.43184 +1.98955s Time (seconds)
Friedlad et al. 1.9170 Fig. 2 Time response comparision
[16] 0.43184 + 41.17368s + s2
Table 2
Technique Reduced Model ISE
From the table 1 the proposed technique is
illustrated having lower value of the integral square error
Proposed 17.064 +10.2450s
Technique 0.1465
(ISE) in comparison to other famous techniques of 1.7064 + 2.305s + s2
literature. Hence excellence of the proposed method is
justified. 23.369 + 9.2350s
Singh et 0.2500
th al.[12] 2.3369 + 2.677s + s2
Example 2 Take 4 order system from literature [2].
40 + 30s
Lucas 0.2061
28s + 496s +1800s + 2400
3 2

G 4(s )= 4 [10-11] 40 + 6s + 3s2

2s + 36s + 204s + 360s + 240
3 2

Poles of G 4(s ) are (−1.1967 ± j0.6934 ) and

11.90362 + 22.532255s
R. Prasad 2.743
(− 7.8033 ± j1.3567 ) . According to point a) of section 3 real [14] 1.190362 + 3.145997s + s2
and imaginary parts of the complex conjugate pole are 13.043478 + 9.046283s
separated for pole clusters. Let assume first and second pole Krishnami 1.208
clusters are (-1.1967, -7.8033) and (-0.6934, -1.3576) rthy [15] 1.3043478 +1.701323s + s2
respectively. By using 3.1 to 3.7 of section 3, first and 2400 +1371.048s
second pole cluster centers are -1.1525 and -0.6150 Vishwaka 1.763
respectively. Hence renovated complex pole cluster center rma [16] 240 + 317.1498s + 201s2

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For example 2 unit response of G 4(s ) and R 2(s ) are shown The integral square error between G8(s ) and R 4(s ) for
in the figure 2 while ISE of proposed technique and other example 3 by proposed technique is obtained as 32.533
existing techniques in the literature are compared and which is better in comparison to J. Pal [4] of value 41.54.
tabulated in Table 2. The step responses for G8(s ) , R 4(s ) and reduced system by
J. Pal for example 3 are shown in figure 3. From graph it is
Example 3. Take a system from the literature [4].

N(s ) 19.82s7 + 429.26156s6 + 4843.8098s5 + 45575.892s 4 + 241544.75s3 + 90581.05s2 +1890443 .1s +842597.95
G 8(s )= =
D(s ) s8 + 30.41s7 + 358.4295s6 + 2913.8638s5 +18110.567s4 + 67556.983s3 +173383.58s2 +149172.19s + 37752.826

Poles of this system are calculated as (-0.46, -0.75, -8.5, - clear that the proposed technique is better than other
15.6, -0.35 ± j6.8, and -2.2 ± j3.6). For R 4(s ) three pole existing techniques of literature.
clusters are required and from point a) of section 3 of this
paper, it is clear that real and imaginary part of complex 5. CONCLUSIONS
conjugate poles are separated for making pole clusters.
Poles in pole clusters and pole cluster centers obtained by A new mixed renovated pole clustering technique
the proposed technique are following. has been proposed. The reduced order model R k(s ) has
been found out by the renovated pole clustering technique
1st pole cluster (-0.46,-0.75), pc1 = −0.3988 and improved pade approximations. In this technique, a
condition is applied, that is the number of poles in a cluster
2nd pole cluster (-8.5,-15.6), pc 2 = −7.4809 must be equal to or greater than two in order to get better
3rd pole cluster (− 0.35 ± j6.8, −2.2 ± j3.6 ) , cluster centers and hence more effective reduced model.
Three examples [2,4,7] have been taken from the literature.
pc 3 = −0.3366 ± j3.1792
The excellence of the proposed technique is proved by
comparing it with other techniques existing in literature
Numerator coefficients are calculated by using step 2 of [2,3,4,6,7,8,10,11,12,13,14,15,16] on the basis of step
section 3 and taking few time moments and Markov responses graphs and performance index integral square
parameters from the literature [12]. error (ISE) shown in figure 1,2,3, and table 1,2 respectively.
The Proposed technique satisfied, excellent transient
Hence, desired 4th order simplified system is response matching, mathematical and computational
19.8240s3 −3.9831s2 + 680.6413s + 680.45 simplicity, and quality of the model.
R 4 (s )=
s +8.5529s +18.5086s +82.5437s + 30.4921
4 3 2
For (α = 2,β = 2, k = 4 )
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