OFFERING LETTER- indos staff kontrak- Rizky Nurhendra

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No. HRD/11102017/ICM

Dengan Hormat,

Sdr . Rizky Nurhendra,

Menindak lanjuti proses Penerimaan Karyawan dari PT. Indos Cakra Mandiri,
kami dengan ini memberitahukan bahwa saudari telah lolos dalam seleksi karyawan
dan mengenai Surat Penawaran Kerja dengan kondisi sebagai berikut / Further to our
recent recruitment processes, we would like to let you know that your application has been
successful and we are offering you the following employment term and conditions:

1. Jabatan/Position : Accounting
2. Jenjang /Grade : B-Support
3. Status kepegawaian/
/employee status : Kontrak – PKWT 6 bulan
4. Pemeriksaaan kesehatan FIT
/ Medically fit : Status kepegawaian akan dilanjutkan apabila lolos
pemeriksaan kesehatan / Your employment will be
further processed if you have successfully passed the
medical examination.
5. Commencement date : ASAP
6. Point of Hire {POH) : Jakarta
7. Tempat penugasan/
Point of assignment : All operational ICM – FJ Grilled
8. Atasan langsung /
Reporting to : Accounting Supervisor

9. Kompensasi / Compensation (Gross Income) :

Basic Salary (all in) Rp. 4.500.000,-/bln
Pajak ditanggung oleh karyawan / tax is provided by employee

10. Jadwal Kerja / Work roster : Senin – Jumat jam 08.00 – 17.00
Jadwal kerja dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu
mengikuti peraturan perusahaan.


Jl. MulawarmanPerumPermataHijau (daksa) Cluster Alamanda Blok PA 10 No.11 Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur
NoTelp: (0542) 877 472 / 877 473
11. Medical Scheme & Other Benefit :
Hospital Claim Karyawan didaftarkan oleh BPJS Rawat inab akan di tanggung perusahaan
Rawat inab (in- Kesehatan Program / employees minimal kontrak 3 bulan / Hospitalization will
patient)&rawat will register in BPJS program. be covered by the company with minimum
jalan (outpatient) contract 3 months
Asuransi AIG/ Nilai pertanggungan apabila
Chartis meninggal karena kecelakaan
sebesar Rp 150.000.000,- , /
Insurance coverage when died
because accidents will get Rp

12. BPJS Ketenagakerjaan : Karyawan akan di daftarkan program jamsostek

dengan premi 5.74 % dari perusahaan dan 2 %
dari karyawan / Employee will be registered at
Jamsostek and premium of 5.74% will be paid by the
company and 2 % will be paid from employee.
13. Religious Allowance : THR bagi karyawan kontrak akan di bayarkan sesuai
dengan peraturan perusahaan Religious Allowance
(THR) / contract based will required prorate based and
will paid refer to the government regulation.

Silahkan di tandatangai prihal penawaran kerja ini dengan membubuhkan tanda

tangan dibawah ini / Please advise us of your acceptance of this offer by signing in the
space “offer accepted” below.

Balikpapan, 11 Oktober 2017

Yours faithfully Offer accepted

William Wengkang Karyawan



Jl. MulawarmanPerumPermataHijau (daksa) Cluster Alamanda Blok PA 10 No.11 Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur
NoTelp: (0542) 877 472 / 877 473

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