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Experiment: 01
Demonstrate the conductivity of different given solutions.

An electrolyte is a compound, the solution of which contains ions when dissolved
in water. Due to the presence of ions, a solution conducts electricity. Conductivity
of electricity through the solution can be checked by dipping the electrodes of a
battery into the solution.
Dry battery cell with holder key, connecting stirrer, two electrodes,five beakers,
test tube holder.
Distilled water, sugar, NaCl, vinegar, HCl, NaOH.
1. Take five beakers each containing about 100cm3 distilled water.
2. Now dissolve 2.5g each of NaCl, NaOH, and sugar separately in each beaker
and stir well with the glass rod to make a homogenous mixture.
3. In the remaining two beakers add 2.5cm3 of HCl and 2.5 cm3 of vinegar
solution. Stir well to make a homogeneous solution.

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4. Now connect the electrodes as shown in the diagram.
5. Now insert the key. If the bulb gives light, it me anec current is passing
therapy the solution in the beaker and the solution is an electrolyte.
6. If bulb does not give light, it means the solution is non-electrolyte. Perform
the experiment in the same way by changing the solution or the liquid of the

Answer the following Questions.

Q.1. Why people get electric current shocks from the electric poles when it is
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Ans. Impure water is a conductor of electric current. Therefore, if people touch the
electric poles, the ions of water being good conductor will allow the electricity to
pass through human body producing a shock.
Q.2. Is human blood, tears, urine and sweat electrolyte or non-electrolyte?
Ans. Electrolytes
Q.3. Arrange the following in the increasing order of their electrolytic
strength. sea water, river water, rain water.
Ans. Rain water, river water, sea water.
Q.04. Why a solid electrolyte does not conduct electricity while its aqueous
solution can?
Ans. In solid state the ions attract each other with a great force and are thus held
very strongly. Therefore, current cannot pass. But when this substance is dissolved
in water, the substance ionizes and ions thus produced allow the current to pass.
Q.05. Define an electrolyte.
Ans. It is a liquid or solution which allows the current to pass through it along with
chemical decomposition.
Q.06. Define electrolysis.
Ans. It is the process in which chemical decomposition of an electrolyte takes
place by passing current through it.
Q.07. What is a conductor?
Ans. A solid substance which allows the current to pass through it without
chemical change is called conductor.

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Experiment: 02
Demonstrate that two elements combine to form a binary compound.

A binary compound is a chemical compound which is made of two different
elements. It may be molecular or ionic e.g. H2O, HCI, H2S are molecular binary
compounds. FeS, NaCl are ionic binary compounds.
Burner test, tube holder, bar magnet. test tube, balance with weight bod,
pestle and mortar.
Iron and sulphur

Chemical Reaction:

Fe + S Heat FeS
i. Weigh out accurately 5.6 g of iron dust and 3.2 g of sulphur accurately. Then
grind the two substances thoroughly in a mortar. Divide the mixture into two
parts, put one half of this mixture in a test tube.
ii. Heat the test tube with a small flame, the mixture will glow when it does so,
remove the flame. You will see that glow will spread slowly through the
mixture without further heating.
iii. Allow the test tube to cool. Then break the test tube on the piece of paper
carefully. A dark grey or black mass will be obtained. This black mass is the
binary compound of sulphur and iron. You can confirm it to be a new
compound (FeS) by the following tests

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Test Mixture before heating Solid left after heating

Add sufficient water to a Add sufficient water to a

Action of water small amount of the mixture small amount of the solid in
in a test tube and shake a test tube and shake
thoroughly. Allow it to thoroughly. Allow it to stand.
stand. Powdered sulphur The solid will settle down as
will form the upper layer a single layerlayer.
and heavy iron-dust will
settle down.
Put a small amount of Move the magnet into the
Action of magnet mixture on a paper and solid, very small un-reacted
move the magnet in it. Iron- iron-dust will stick to the
dust will stick to the poles poles. The bulk of the black
of magnet and only sulphur solid will not be attracted by
will be left on the paper. the magnet indicating that
the solid is a compound.
Move the magnet into the Repeat the same experiment
solid, very small un-reacted with the solid in the test tube.
Action of dilute iron-dust will stick to the A colorless gas with the
hydrochloride poles. The bulk of the black rotten egg smell will evolve.
solid will not be attracted by Take a lighted paper to the
the magnet indicating that test tube. The gas will burn
the solid is a compound. with a blue flame without

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Answer the following Questions.
Q.1. Which binary compound helps to digest food in our stomach?
Ans. Hydrochloric acid (HCl).

Q.2. What is a mixture?

Ans. A substance which consists of two or more pure substances not chemically
combined with each other is called a mixture.

Q.3. Is sodium chloride an element, a mixture or a compound?

Ans. Sodium chloride is a compound.

Q.04. Where do you often find hydrogen sulphide gas?

Ans. It is often found in sewers.

Q.05. What is the smell of hydrogen sulphide gas?

Ans. It has rotten eggs smell. It is off from rotting eggs and also from decaying
cabbages both of which contain sulphur.

Q.06. Select the substances which are mixture. Air, water, glucose, sand, gun
powder, sodium chloride, copper, petrol.

Ans. Petrol, air, sand and gun powder are mixtures.

Q.07. In Photosynthesis which binary compounds are used?

Ans. Carbon dioxide (CO₂) and water (H₂O).

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Experiment: 03
Demonstrate sublimation using solid Ammonium Chloride.
Sublimation is the process in which a solid on heating is directly changed to
vapours without passing through a liquid state and the vapours on cooling are
directly changed to solid without passing through liquid state.
This process is very useful for the purification of those substances which sublime
e.g. naphthalene, ammonium chloride, iodine and camphor etc.
China dish or watch glass tripod stand burner or spirit lamp funnel cotton
wire gauze sand bath and filter paper.
Sand and naphthalene.
Take about 5 to 8 g of impure sample of naphthalene and sand in a China dish.
Place it over a sand bath which already has been placed over a tripod stand as
shown in figure.

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Fold a filter paper in a cone shape. Now moisten the inner side of the funnel water
and place this filter paper inside the funnel.
Now heat the sand bath gently Naphthalene will sublime and condense on the
cooler surface of the funnel.
Continue heating until whole of the naphthalene has sublimed and sand remains in
the China dish. Stop heating and allow to cool. Then carefully lift the funnel and
remove the filter paper. You will see the crystals of ammonium chloride on the
filter paper.

Answer the following Questions.

Q.1. Which of the following mixture can be separated by sublimation?

a) Iodine and naphthalene b) Potassium chloride and sodium chloride
c) Camphor and sodium chloride d) Methane
Ans. (c) Camphor and sodium chloride
Q.2. The insecticidal and fungicidal tablets contain substances that prevent
the attack of insects and fungus on the grains and wheat for months. On the
basis of which property these are used for such a longtime?
Ans. On the basis of sublimation.
Q.3. Why mosquito mats become inactive after one or two days?
Ans. Because the insecticidal material present in the mosquito mats undergo

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Q.4. Why do solid air refreshners disappear after a few days?
Ans. Because they contain the chemical compound which sublimes slowly
Q.5. Why the crystals of camphor are used for crematorium?
Ans. Because camphor has very strong smell which suppresses the smell coming
out of dead body.
Q.6. Why a solid sublimate sometime melt?
Ans. A solid sublimate melts because the combination of inter molecular attraction
and pressure is not enough to keep the particles near one another once they leave
the solid state.
Q.7. Define sublimation?
Ans. It is the process in which a solid substance changes directly to vapours state
and vapours on cooling are directly changed to solid without passing through liquid
Q.8. Name the process by means of which a volatile solid can be separated by
non-volatile compound?
Ans. Sublimation
Q.9. What do you understand by a volatile substance?
Ans. It is the substance which can be easily changed to vapours e.g. ether, acetone.
Q.10. Is sublimation process suitable for all types of solids?
Ans. No, by this process only those substances can be sublimed which have high
vapour pressure (are easily changed to vapours) at a temperature below its melting

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Determination of boiling point of given compounds (Ethanol & Acetone).
The temperature at which the vapour pressure of a liquid becomes equal to
the atmospheric pressure is called boiling point.
Water, ethyl alcohol
i. Put the liquid in a fusion tube and tie it with a thermometer by the help of a
rubber ring or thread in such a way that both the ends of the fusion tube and
the thermometer are equal.
ii. Close one end of the capillary tube on the oxidizing flame of the burner and
put the closed end in the fusion tube upward.
iii. Now place the beaker containing water on a tripod stand and suspend the
thermometer and the fusion tube in water with a stand as shown in the figure.
iv. Heat the beaker and stir water with a glass rod. Go on heating until on
v. bubbles start rising from the open end of the capillary tube.
vi. Note down this temperature the thermometer.
vii. This is the boiling point of the liquid.
viii. Repeat the experiment twice and take the mean to get the exact boiling point.

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Answer the following Questions.

Q.1. What is the difference between evaporation and boiling?

Ans. Evaporation is the escape of molecules of a liquid from its surface at all
temperatures. Boiling is the change of a liquid into its vapours at a particular
temperature when the vapour pressure of a liquid becomes equal to atmospheric
pressure or external pressure.

Q.2. What is the principle of pressure cooker?

Ans. The pressure cooker is based on the principle that the boiling point of liquid
increases with external pressure.

Q.3. What is the use of pressure cooker?

Ans. It helps in cooking meat and vegetables quickly at high altitude.

Q.4. For finding the boiling point of a liquid. is used?

Ans. A fusion tube.

Q.5. A pure liquid has boiling point than the impure liquid.

Ans. Lower.

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