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Intervention Material: Designing a Research Project Related to Daily Life for Grade 11

To help Grade 11 students understand and design a simple research project related to their daily lives.

Materials Needed:

 Handouts
 Laptop (PowerPoint presentation)
 Chalkboard

Introduce the topic:

 Explain the importance of research in solving everyday problems.
 Provide a simple overview of the steps involved in designing a research project:

1. Choosing a topic
2. Formulating a question
3. Planning how to gather information
4. Collecting and analyzing information
5. Drawing conclusions

Choosing a Topic:

Discuss how to choose a research topic that is interesting and relevant to daily life. Examples include:

o The effect of social media on study habits

o Healthy eating habits among teenagers
o The impact of exercise on mood

Formulating a Research Question (10 minutes):

Explain the importance of having a clear and focused research question.

Provide examples of good research questions:

o How does social media usage affect study habits in high school students?
o What are the eating habits of teenagers in our school?
o How does daily exercise impact the mood of teenagers?

Guide students to formulate their own research questions based on their chosen topics.

Interactive Activity: Designing a Simple Research Plan (20 minutes):

Provide students with a template to design their research project, including sections for:

o Topic
o Research question
o Method of gathering information
o Plan for collecting data (e.g., how many people to survey, how long to observe)

Have students work individually or in pairs to fill out the template with their ideas.

Circulate among the students to provide guidance and feedback.

Conclusion and Sharing (10 minutes):

Summarize the key steps in designing a research project.

Allow a few students to share their research plans with the class.

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