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HANDOUT - 4 2nd Term (2023-2024)

Name: Class: VI Roll: Section:

Subject: Computer Science Teachers: Sumaiya Shabbir Date:

1. Multiple choice questions:

a) In which brand of smartphones does Siri come as assistant?
i) Windows ii) Motorola iii) Apple
b) What type of intelligence is applies to analayze or evaluate problems and arrive at
i) Creative intelligence ii) Analytical intelligence iii) Practical intelligence.
c) When algorithms are self-learning, the itself is an asset.
i) Algorithm ii) Machine iii) Data
d) is mostly determined by heredity but a suitable environment is
necessary to improve it.
i) Data ii) Knowledge iii) Intelligence
e) Intelligence is a capability that involves the ability.
i) mental ii) creative iii) abstract

2. Fill in the blanks:

a) John McCarthy is known as father of artificial intelligence.
b) The word “intelligence” comes from intellegere .
c) Intelligence is a mental capability that involves the ability.
d) There are seven types of intelligence.
e) A person having good convincing power of talking power is having interpersonal type
of intelligence.

3. State True/false.
a) The concept of AI leads the computing world to 4th generation language. False.
b) The goal of AI is to make intelligent human beings. False.
c) The word ‘intelligence’ is coined by John McCarthy. False.
d) To make machine work we require frequent programming of machines. True.
e) According to NITI Aayog,AI refers to the ability of machines to perform cognitive
tasks. True.
4. Match the following columns:

Column A Column B
1. Hidden layers are part of a. of the child.
2. The main objectives of AI is to have b. Interpersonal intelligence.
machines that
3. Intelligence is the innate natural c. Neural Network
4. A person who can convince other people d. can learn on their own.
easily is said to have

Ans: 1-c,2-d,3-a,4-b.

5. Answer the following questions:

a) What is the need of Artificial Intelligence?

Ans: AI can automate repetitive tasks, improving efficiency and productivity in various
industries. Data Analysis and Insights: AI algorithms can analyze large data quickly,
providing valuable insights for decision-making.

b) What do you mean by intelligence?

Ans: Intelligence can be defined as the ability to solve complex problems or make
decisions with outcomes benefiting the actor, and has evolved in lifeforms to adapt to
diverse environments for their survival and reproduction.

c) Do all people have same level of intelligence?

Ans: Most of intelligence is hereditary, though the specific genes underlying high
intelligence are largely unknown at this point. By adulthood, about 80% of the variance in
IQ between people is due to heredity. The rest is mainly a function of education and
epigenetic factors (mostly harmful exposures that lower IQ)

d) Is there any difference between human intelligence and artificial intelligence?

Ans: While artificial intelligence includes technologies that let computers mimic cognitive
processes such as learning and problem-solving, human intelligence is a collection of
common mental traits such as creativity, perception, and memory.

e) Why is Artificial intelligence important?

Ans: AI is a technology that mimics human intelligence, allowing computer applications to

learn from experience via iterative processing and algorithmic training.

Since this can be completed rapidly, much faster than the rate a human being would be able
to perform similar work, AI systems can become experts far faster than humans, making
them incredibly effective options for any process requiring intelligent decision making.

This makes AI an incredibly powerful, and extremely valuable technology, since it

essentially allows computers to think and behave like humans, but at much faster speeds
and with much more processing power than the human brain can produce.

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