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Learn & Talk I

Chapter 4 Daily Life

Lesson 30 Finding a Book
at the Bookstore
at the bottom of the following pages: TI=teaching instructions; T=teacher; S=student

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A. Let ’s Learn (10 mins)
B. Let ’s Talk (12 mins)

Learning Objectives:
Part 学习目标:
Review (1 min) 4 words about “at the bookstore”
Expressions for “at the bookstore”
How to talk about “at the bookstore”

A. Let’s Learn

Vocabulary (3 mins)
fiction /ˈfɪkʃn/
the type of book or story that is written about imaginary
characters and events and not based on real people and facts
e.g. The book is a work of fiction and not intended as a
historical account (记述、叙述).

release /rɪˈliːs/
to make a product (e.g. a book) available for the public to buy,
often with a celebration; launch
发布 (新书等)
e.g. The new edition (版本) of the dictionary will be
released by the education minister (教育部长) later this
TI: Teach the pronunciations, definitions and example sentences of these words, then ask S to make sentences with them.
A. Let’s Learn

Vocabulary (3 mins)
title /ˈtaɪtl/
the name of a film, book, painting, piece of music,
e.g. The author's name was printed below the title.

bestseller /ˌbestˈselər/
a product that is extremely popular and has sold in
very large numbers
e.g. The "Harry Potter" novels were all bestsellers.
☞ also “best seller” or “best-seller”
TI: Teach the pronunciations, definitions and example sentences of these words, then ask S to make sentences with them.
A. Let’s Learn

Dialog (4 mins)
Role-play the dialog with your teacher twice, and learn the highlighted expressions by heart.
Clerk: Hello, can I help you find something?
Jones: Yes. Can you tell me where the fiction section is, please?
Clerk: Well, the fiction new releases (最新发行的书籍) are at the front of the store. The
dedicated (专门的) fiction section is on your right. Is there a specific book I can help you find?
Jones: I’m looking for an old book and I’m not sure of the title.
Clerk: Well, if it’s an old book, it may be out of print (绝版的).
If it was a bestseller at one time, there’s a chance that it’s still in print.
Jones: Ok, thank you.
TI: Take turns to play both characters. Emphasize and repeat the highlighted expressions.
B. Let’s Talk

Conversation (3 mins)
Suppose you’re at the bookstore. Use the vocabulary and expressions you’ve learned in Part A to
complete the following conversation.
A: Could you tell me where the _____ section is, please?
B: Sure. It’s in the back of the store, past the biographies (传记). Can I help you
find anything?
A: Well, I’m looking for a book that was _____ recently. • release
• bestseller
B: OK, what’s the _____ of the book? • fiction
• title
A: It’s called “The black book”.
B: This book is the _____ of 2019. You can find it behind the fiction shelves (架子)
on your right.
TI: Let S practice situational conversation with what he/she has learned in Part A. Answers are on the next page.
B. Let’s Talk

Talk with your teacher about the following questions. Refer to the hints if necessary.
(3 mins)


1. Which do you prefer, reading physical books or electronic books (e-books)?

Explain why.
Hints: Key to exercises on
• E-books → more environment-friendly / many books, last page:
including the great classics, are free ... • fiction
• released
• physical books → touching the pages and holding the book • title
make reading a good experience / better for eyes than e- • bestseller/best
books ... seller

TI: Let S practice speaking by answering the questions. Correct S as necessary.

B. Let’s Talk

Discussion (3 mins)
Talk with your teacher about the following questions. Refer to the hints if necessary.

2. What kind(s) of books do you like? And why?

• history / biography (传记) / science fiction / detective stories (侦探故事) /
classical literature...

TI: Let S practice speaking by answering the questions. Correct S as necessary.

B. Let’s Talk

Discussion (3 mins)
Talk with your teacher about the following questions. Refer to the hints if necessary.

3. Describe a book you would like to read again.

You should say:
• What the book is about
• Why you read it
• What you’ve learned from this book
• And explain why you would like to read it again.

TI: Let S practice speaking by answering the questions. Correct S as necessary.

C. Let’s Review

Review (1 min)
In this lesson, you’ve learned:
✓ 4 words about “at the bookstore”
fiction release title bestseller
✓ commonly used expressions for “at the bookstore”
• Can you tell me where the fiction section is,
✓ how to talk about “at the bookstore”
TI: Review the learning objectives in this lesson briefly. © 2018 Acadsoc Limited
Learn & Talk I
See you next time!


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Further Study

Listen and Learn


How to Choose a Good Book

① Make a list answering these questions:
e.g. What genre of books do you like?
What authors do you like?
② Ask someone to recommend a good book.
③ Use the search engine in the bookstore to find a certain book.
④ Find the book and skim over the back of the book or the
inside flap.
If that holds your attention, it‘s probably a good book for you.

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