Lesson 3 Opening a Bank Account

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Learn & Talk I

Chapter 4 Daily Life

Lesson 32 Opening a Bank Account

at the bottom of the following pages: TI=teaching instructions; T=teacher; S=student

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A. Let ’s Learn (10 mins)
B. Let ’s Talk (12 mins)

Learning Objectives:
Part 学习目标:
Review (1 min) 4 words about “opening a bank account ”
Expressions for “opening a bank account ”
How to talk about “opening a bank

A. Let’s Learn

Vocabulary (3 mins)

valid /ˈvælɪd/
a ticket or other document is valid if it is based
on or used according to a set of official
conditions that often include a time limit
e.g. My passport is valid for another two years.

initial /ɪˈnɪʃl/
of or at the beginning
e.g. The experiments have given initial results.
TI: Teach the pronunciations, definitions and example sentences of these words, then ask S to make sentences with them.
A. Let’s Learn

Vocabulary (3 mins)
deposit /dɪˈpɑːzɪt/
to put money into a bank account
e.g. I deposited 500 dollars in my account
this morning.
account /əˈkaʊnt/
an arrangement with a bank to keep your money
there and to allow you to take it out when you need
e.g. I need to draw some money out of my account.
TI: Teach the pronunciations, definitions and example sentences of these words, then ask S to make sentences with them.
A. Let’s Learn

Dialog (4 mins)
Role-play the dialog with your teacher twice, and learn the highlighted expressions by heart.
Jerry: Welcome to Standard Bank. How may I help you?
Tom: I have some questions about opening a bank account here.
Jerry: I’d be happy to help.
Tom: Great! First, what do I need to open an account?
Jerry: You’ll need to bring a valid form of photo ID (有照片的身份证明文件) and we’ll also need
your home address and telephone number.
Tom: How much cash do I need to deposit at the time of opening an account?
Jerry: Well, the initial deposit is 25 dollars.
Tom: Thanks! You’ve been very helpful. I’d like to open a savings account (储蓄账户).
TI: Either of you plays both of the characters. Emphasize and repeat the highlighted expressions.
B. Let’s Talk

Conversation (3 mins)
Suppose you’re opening an account at the bank. Use the vocabulary and expressions you’ve learned in
Part A to complete the following conversation.
A: Good morning, how can I help you?
B: I want to open a savings _____.
A: Ok. Would you please fill out this application form first? And give me a
_____ form of photo ID, please. • valid
• deposit
B: Sure. How much cash do I need to _____ at the time of opening an account? • account
A: Well, the _____ _____ is 25 dollars. And you will also get an ATM card. • initial

B: Ok. I will put 30 dollars in my account.

A: Thank you, could you please sign on this line?
TI: Let S practice situational conversation with what he/she has learned in Part A. Answers are on the next page.
B. Let’s Talk

Discussion (3 mins)
Talk with your teacher about the following questions. Refer to the hints if necessary.

1. Do you have your own bank account(s)?

How do you choose a bank to open an account?
Keys to exercises on
• major banks last page:
• account
• banks with promotions and offers • valid
• convenient locations(s) • deposit
• initial deposit
• number of branches
TI: Let S practice speaking by answering the questions. Correct S as necessary.
B. Let’s Talk

Talk with your teacher about the following questions. Refer to the hints if necessary.
(3 mins)

2. Do you have the habit of saving money?
Can you provide some money-saving tips?
• Buy foods at supermarket right before they close, and cook them at home
• Set up a time deposit (定期存款) account and link it to your savings account,
then have a fixed (固定的) amount money transferred (转账) from your
savings account to your time deposit account every month.

TI: Let S practice speaking by answering the questions. Correct S as necessary.

B. Let’s Talk

Talk with your teacher about the following questions. Refer to the hints if necessary.
(3 mins)

3. Do you have a credit card? When do you usually use it? Why do you think some
people never apply for (申请) a credit card?

• when → when buying expensive items / when lacking money / when
you want to enjoy special benefits provided by the credit card
• reasons for not applying for a credit card → control how much they
spend / avoid bank fees / avoid spending too much on things … /
mobile payment is enough for them …

TI: Let S practice speaking by answering the questions. Correct S as necessary.

C. Let’s Review

Review (1 min)

In this lesson, you’ve learned:

✓ 4 words about “opening a bank account”
initial deposit valid account
✓ commonly used expressions for “opening a bank account”
• What do I need to open an account?
• How much cash do I need to deposit at the time of opening an
✓ how to talk about “opening a bank account”
TI: Review the learning objectives in this lesson briefly. © 2018 Acadsoc Limited
Learn & Talk I
See you next time!


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Further Study

Listen and Learn https://www.acadsoc.com.cn/IES/Apl


① Make sure you're eligible to open an account.

② Choose the bank that's best for you.

·Large chain banks
·Smaller local banks
③ Visit your bank and ask important questions before you finalize
your account.
e.g, Is there a monthly fee for maintaining this account? If so, what is it?
Is there a minimum balance that I must keep within this account?
④ Supply the necessary information to create your account.


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