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wrot, âb~ut her friend Liam. Matth the pi~res with th~ee of.~e paragra_phs:
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I tlii~k ~ciu~ V!!ry .
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~~1ratt1J:J6~·:dis~lg\~twith':çjd~lts. For exampI~, '!'ve· nevé; sgid 'No,· f çlonl q'g~eé:)'
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.:;: •')de,,~~,~~!ifJ!_:pJ:füifs?J~~l -Mè'~ forgètful. Lost wéék; he pr9mised to•;come to my house •

t;} i _•. -\~~jJftJJ!if~Ei~~~g~~~~~!,- H~ -âi~n:~ c.9me. 1waited, ther:i 1·phoned him. He's honest, •~o he said,
:·.\1·-· :<ttllt}1~~!:-l!tl~iit[t~z~("J?h~-n~w. ·And he did. He arrived with a big smile, saying: 'I always
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•• L; -':::}?gi~IMtt92t!Pm~.about Liam • . . . . ·.
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, "'' j · : _,,.:;'-'.,~'4-:dnai.--com e~li;,-,,·:.:· -.
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··!: {:. •• -;{~-,~1b-S<i;t~~l1~- •·r~:.r-. lnçr9ç th~~ pèfsàn. _Giy~ hi~/her riàme ~néÎ
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~ct~ciio&ftT~6Fâhd how they met
-',..)•l,!~?>~<n • -~-~~~.:"!.:.•·· • s~y vihen ~IJg_Q~~ri YQY.fu~t•_ ·: ,.-.-._ :,:<: ." _:__ -; ·
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.: ,_ A~':::~~-,tÇ,~.9-iM;tijing about Liam • f?<plaio wby YQüÎhe(~se·ëtifferent :' . a

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;_ ;:S\,;~ITT~t-2.~«,-4~-'tl~Ject;ves desaibe Liam? anq bad p()in_ts!) ançl,giv~-~2<t1TIP.1~. ·..
R:1+,lr:,_:;i· i:r1!Ç.,J ·®tifir~f~W~(·~~
1 .,,•..,,,,,,::=--~•t"~VIIL<:;;,:;,··..c•...-,'.,;:'.;•·· ,- •. , 4 fid e fi~ish with ~,ÇÇ.tn·m~~t. frj~hdship _ ~k~4(i~~;
.,./•r· ';..;.fiJft.·~~~~~i~::if.i.:'.:\;-?"·: ;-~ con ent ôr your hôpës"fê;r the rutyrè~ •
•.If<•.-. ~-~1;;:;;..;.:.,1>11ès~i--?1:i(=t.~
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S forgetful
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,:i;I ·,,~-'Ç:•A·~~JJ.•',~{,,:':};t-'."'~-"- • 6 talented
.,t ,.-:;·)~{;f~~ll'6:~---- ·· . S - You are going to write about a person you
'· ·~;i,~1+i-%ll>'1ilc~th'ëth~~:~b

..!~ tlif.Jlt~~ai~~~~t-.,0 ~es you ticked in ~ercise 3.
r'--,r,--,,·:,-f.,,;;YY, 1.~examP,lêi"a ~.é,... -.
know well. C~oose a friend or a family member
:Jc:-:):ft"îiîtie: :v~~i~,~Ïf~. ~~ppy give to show that these and write a plan. Use the Writing tip to help you.
:a:•! •
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:.t i . ·.;~;"..gft'[~~j.1~JliF~'~':_ç_s,._,. · . • lntroducing the person
':·t 11··::~1~~~:t{;f:1}':• •
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Good and/or bad things about him/her

·ii;)}i Final comment
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l• 1

• ,.-,'.;.:,_,.~ 6 lfit+1'Mi Writeyourdescription in 150-200

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