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Aquaculture Research, 2005, 36, 1588^1594 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2109.2005.01383.

The impact of light intensity and algal-induced

turbidity on first-feeding Seriola lalandi larvae

Alexander G Carton
Leigh Marine Laboratory, Warkworth, New Zealand

Correspondence: A G Carton, Leigh Marine Laboratory, PO Box 349,Warkworth 1241, New Zealand. E-mail:

Abstract tems is paramount as it is these systems that directly

underpin exogenous feeding and thereby play a crucial
Feeding performance (intensity and incidence) of
role in survival (Blaxter 1969, 1986). Because energy
¢rst-feeding yellowtail king¢sh larvae was evaluated
stores are directly proportional to weight, larvae have
under a range of light intensities and algal-induced
little stored energy to withstand periods of starvation
turbidities. Larvae were fed with varying degrees
(Fuiman 2002). Consequently, if exogenous feeding is
of success under all light intensities tested (0^
not initiated shortly after absorption of the yolk sac,
17 mmol s 1 m  2), in both clearwater and green-
larvae reach a ‘point of no return’and fail to feed even
water (8  104 cells mL 1). There was a consistent
if given the opportunity to do so (Yin & Blaxter 1987;
trend for feeding performance to increase with larval
Bisbal & Bengtson 1995). The period between yolk sac
age and light intensity in both clearwater and green-
absorption and the point of no return then represents a
water conditions, demonstrating that visual pro¢-
critical period when ¢rst feeding must be initiated.
ciency increases with larval age. Feeding intensity
In the majority of larvae investigated to date, prey
remained low over the ¢rst 3 days of ¢rst feeding
detection is primarily mediated by the visual system
across all light intensities tested. Days 6 and 7 post-
(Blaxter 1968, 1969; Batty 1987; Browman & O’Brien
hatch larvae showed considerably higher feeding in-
1992; Job & Bellwood 1996). Consequently, the initia-
tensities particularly at 8 and 17 mmol s 1 m  2. This
tion and continuation of exogenous feeding will be
improvement indicates an ontogenetic shift in sen-
most successful if larvae and prey are matched in
sory or locomotor competence. First-feeding larvae
time and space (Cushing 1972), and under conditions
performed equally well in both clearwater and green-
that are most advantageous to visually mediated
water (8  104 cells mL  1) conditions, although at
feeding. Visual feeding thresholds for larval ¢sh are
the lowest light intensity tested (0.1 mmol s 1 m  2)
highly variable across species (Blaxter 1968, 1969;
feeding performance was noticeably reduced. Feed-
Batty 1987; Pankhurst & Hilder 1998; Downing & Lit-
ing performance was severely diminished across
vak 2001; Pena, Dumas, Saldivar-Lucio, Garcia,Tras-
all larval ages at an algal cell density of 32 
vina & Hernandez-Ceballos 2004), an e¡ect that most
104 cells mL  1, demonstrating that for this species
likely results from species-speci¢c di¡erences in ret-
algal-induced turbidities 416  104 cells mL  1 ad-
inal morphology and/or development. Consequently,
versely a¡ect the ability to capture free-swimming
illumination levels that are conducive to ¢rst feeding
prey during the ¢rst-feeding window.
in a larviculture situation will vary according to the
species being cultured.
Keywords: light intensity, greenwater culture,
Larviculture often employs a technique in which
¢rst feeding, feeding performance
turbidity is induced by the addition of algal cells into
the culture medium, a technique commonly referred
to as greenwater culture. This technique has been
Many marine teleosts have a reproductive strategy shown to improve survival in larviculture operations
that involves producing numerous small pelagic eggs, (Naas, Naess & Harboe 1992; Gulbrandsen, Lein &
which hatch with a small endogenous energy supply Holmefjord 1996; Lazo, Dinis, Holt, Faulk, & Arnold
in the form of a yolk sac (Fuiman 2002). During this 2000; Eddy & Jones 2002; Papandroulakis, Divanach
period the development of sensory and locomotor sys- & Kentouri 2002), although the precise mechanism

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Aquaculture Research, 2005, 36, 1588^1594 E¡ect of light & turbidity on ¢rst-feeding Seriola spp. A G Carton

remains unknown. In some species turbidity has Sciences, New Zealand), under ambient photoperiod
been shown to enhance visually mediated feeding and water temperature. Fertilized eggs, from natural
(Ben¢eld & Minello 1996; Rieger & Summerfelt 1997; spawning events, were collected each morning
Utne 1997; Cobcroft, Pankhurst, Hart & Battaglene (  0700 hours) and stocked into 250 L black cylin-
2001), while in others feeding performance has re- dro-conical upwelling tanks and incubated at
mained una¡ected (Gardner1981) or declined (Moore 20.5 1C (range 18.7^21.2 1C). Natural salt water was
& Moore 1976). Collectively these studies illustrate a ¢ltered to 1 mm, UV sterilized and maintained at
species-speci¢c component in the e¡ect of turbidity 0.5 L  1 min 1. Incubation was conducted under
on feeding performance. Often the in£uence of tur- simulated ambient photoperiod, using £uorescent
bidity on larval feeding resembles a dose^response- white light (Philips Alto, Auckland, New Zealand)
type function, with feeding performance declining producing a light intensity at the surface of
at a particular turbidity. Consequently, the level of al- 2.8 mmols s 1 m  2. Each day 4 L of water was
gal-induced turbidity used in larviculture will have a drained from the base to remove any dead eggs. Lar-
profound in£uence on both the initiation of ¢rst feed- vae began to hatch after  3 days incubation (ca.
ing and subsequent feeding performance. 72 h), after which 10 L of water was drained from the
Yellowtail king¢sh, otherwise known as Gold- incubator to remove egg debris, and the water £ow
striped amberjack (Seriola lalandi, Valenciennes), are increased to 1L  1 min 1. Following hatching, larvae
a sub-tropical marine ¢sh of the Carangidae family. remained in the incubators.
The aquaculture of Seriola spp. is well established in
Asia, with sea cage culture of yellowtail (S. quinquer-
Experimental apparatus and lighting
adiata) in Japan being one of the largest and most
pro¢table aquaculture industries in the world (Bene- Feeding trials were conducted in black circular
tti, Nakada, Minemoto, Hutchinson, Shotton & Tin- containers (20 cm (D)  10 cm (H)), ¢lled with 2 L
dale 2001). The Japanese industry principally depends of 1 mm ¢ltered seawater. Containers were lightly
on wild caught juveniles, which are then ongrown to bubbled with air at the center to prevent prey from
marketable size (Benetti et al. 2001). Because of the settling down and to ensure a homogeneous mix of
species exceptional growth characteristics, high de- algae; this did not noticeably a¡ect larval locomotion
mand and price on the international market S. lalandi or orientation. White light was generated by Osram
is currently being assessed as a potential aquaculture 50 decostar bulbs (400^700 nm) (OSRAM Australia,
candidate in the Australasian region (Poortenaar, Sydney, Australia), ¢xed 1.2 m above the tank. Lights
Hooker & Sharp 2001). The New Zealand culture of S. were mounted in the ceiling of a light-tight cabinet
lalandi is solely reliant on hatchery production, how- that was divided into ¢ve separate compartments,
ever, high mortalities experienced during early devel- each with its own light source. Intensities were ad-
opmental stages are seen as a bottleneck to ¢ngerling justed via a rheostat and measured at the water sur-
production in this species (Benetti et al. 2001). Poor face using a Li-Cor Li-185A light meter (LI-COR
feeding performance and low rates of ¢rst feeding in Biosciences, Lincoln, NE, USA). Intensities were
early larvae appear to indicate that inappropriate cul- checked prior to and at the conclusion of each trial.
ture conditions during the ¢rst-feeding window may Water temperature within the experimental contain-
have contributed to high mortality in initial rearing ers remained static even under the highest light in-
trails. The aim of this study was to examine the feed- tensity tested.
ing performance of yellowtail king¢sh larvae at
various light intensities and various algal-induced
Sampling and analysis of gut contents
turbidities over the ¢rst-feeding period with the speci-
¢c intention of determining optimal larviculture para- Following yolk sac absorption, larvae were fed twice
meters that promote the initiation of ¢rst feeding. daily (09:00 and 14:00 hours) with rotifers (Brachio-
nus plicatilis enriched DHA Selco, INVE Aquaculture,
Belgium) at 6 mL 1. On the morning of each experi-
Materials and methods ment, feed was withheld and  350 larvae were re-
moved from the rearing tank and transferred to a
Egg collection and incubation
20 L holding tank using a ladle. Fifteen larvae were
Broodstock were held at the Bream Bay Aquaculture then sampled from the group to con¢rm gut evacua-
Park (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric tion prior to experiments. Twenty larvae were then

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E¡ect of light & turbidity on ¢rst-feeding Seriola spp. A G Carton Aquaculture Research, 2005, 36, 1588^1594

ladled into each of the test containers (10 larvae L  1) er larvae and a higher level of replication. There were
and placed at random into one of ¢ve light-treatment three replicates for each treatment across a single lar-
compartments. Larvae were allowed to acclimatize val cohort.
for15 min before the introduction of live feed (rotifers).
At the start of each trial containers were stocked with
rotifers at a density of 7 mL  1, the addition of which Statistical analysis
was staggered at 8 min intervals across trials, this al-
lowed a su⁄cient amount of time to assess feeding at To standardize development larval age was converted
the conclusion of each trial. After 2 h larvae were col- to degree days prior to statistical analysis. All data
lected on an 800 mm screen, washed with 1 mm ¢l- were tested for normality (Kolmogorov^Smirnov
tered seawater and transferred on to cold ( 2 1C) test) and homogeneity of variance (Fmax test). To ac-
microscope slides, a cover slip lowered on top, and ex- complish this, proportional data (feeding incidence)
amined under a dissecting microscope. Using this were arcsine transformed and feeding intensity data
method gut contents are either expressed or made logarithmically (x 0 5 log (x11)) transformed. A one-
clearly visible through the transparent straight gut. way ANOVA was then used to analyse the e¡ect of light
Individual rotifers can then be identi¢ed whole or by intensity or algal-induced turbidity treatments on the
the undigested mastax (Downing & Litvak 2001). feeding intensity and proportion of larvae feeding at
Feeding performance was evaluated as feeding inten- each age. When treatment e¡ects were signi¢cant, a
sity (rotifers consumed per larva per hour) and feed- Holm^Sidak multiple comparison test was employed.
ing incidence (proportional of larvae feeding). Data are reported as mean values  SEM.

E¡ect of light intensity on feeding

performance in clearwater
E¡ect of light intensity on feeding incidence
Experiment1examined the e¡ect of light intensity on
in clearwater conditions
the feeding performance of days 3^7 post-hatch lar-
vae in clearwater conditions. Five light intensities The incidence of ¢rst feeding at day 3 post-hatch was
were tested, 0, 0.1, 1, 8 and 17 mmol s 1 m  2. There signi¢cantly di¡erent among treatments (Po0.001),
were six replicates for each treatment across two lar- peaking at the two highest light regimes tested
val cohorts (3 replicates cohort 1). (Fig. 1a). This remained consistent in day 4
(Po0.001) and day 5 (Po0.001) post-hatch larvae.
Large increases in feeding incidence under 8 and
E¡ect of light intensity on feeding
17 mmol s 1 m  2 were clearly evident between 3
performance in turbid conditions
and 4 days post hatch (DPH), increasing from
Experiment 2 examined the e¡ect of light intensity 30.1  4.6% to 56.7  10.3% under the highest light
on feeding performance of days 3^6 post-hatch lar- intensity tested. Feeding incidence was signi¢cantly
vae in greenwater conditions (8  104 cells mL 1, di¡erent among treatments on day 6 (P 5 0.001) and
Chaetoceros muelleri). Light intensity and level of re- day 7 (P40.001), although feeding incidence at
plication were identical to those used in the clear- 1 mmol s 1 m  2 was not signi¢cantly di¡erent from
water experiment. that observed under 8 or 17 mmol s 1 m  2. Light in-
tensity also had a signi¢cant e¡ect on feeding inten-
sity at all larval ages. In general, feeding intensity
E¡ect of variable algal-induced turbidity on
increased with both larval age and light intensity
feeding performance
(Fig. 1b). Feeding intensity of day 3 post-hatch larvae
Experiment 3 examined the e¡ect of increasing levels was low although it di¡ered signi¢cantly among
of algal-induced turbidity on the feeding intensity treatments (Po0.001). At 4 DPH feeding intensity
and proportion of larvae feeding in days 3, 4 and 5 progressively increased with light intensity, peaking
post-hatch larvae under supra-threshold light inten- at the two highest light regimes tested (Po0.001).
sity. Four algal densities were used, 0, 8, 16 and Feeding intensity of days 5^7 post-hatch larvae
32  104 cells mL  1, light intensity at the water sur- peaked at 8^17 mmol s 1 m  2, although feeding in-
face for all treatments was set at 12 mmol s 1 m  2. tensity under these light regimes was not signi¢cantly
Low production of eggs prevented assessment of old- di¡erent from that observed under 1 mmol s 1 m  2.

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Aquaculture Research, 2005, 36, 1588^1594 E¡ect of light & turbidity on ¢rst-feeding Seriola spp. A G Carton

(a) 90 (a) 90
80 0 80 0
0.1 0.1

Feeding incidence (%)

Feeding incidence (%)
70 70
1 1
60 8 60 8
17 50 17
40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
3 4 5 6 7 3 4 5 6
Age (days post hatch) Age (days post-hatch)

(b) 6 (b) 6

5 5
Feeding intensity

Feeding intensity
4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
3 4 5 6 7 3 4 5 6
Age (days post hatch) Age (days post-hatch)

Figure 1 (a) Feeding incidence (mean  SEM) and (b) Figure 2 (a) Feeding incidence (mean  SEM) and (b)
feeding intensity of ¢rst-feeding yellowtail king¢sh larvae in feeding intensity of ¢rst-feeding yellowtail king¢sh larvae
clearwater at ¢ve di¡erent light intensities (0, 0.1, 1, 8 and in greenwater (8  104 cells mL 1) at ¢ve di¡erent light
17 mmol s 1 m  2). N 5 6 replicates, 20 larvae per replicate. intensities (0, 0.1, 1, 8 and 17 mmol s 1 m  2). N 5 6 repli-
Di¡erent letters within larval ages indicate signi¢cant di¡er- cates, 20 larvae per replicate. Di¡erent letters within lar-
ences among light intensity treatments (Po0.05). Feeding in- val ages indicate signi¢cant di¡erences among light
tensity is measured as rotifers consumed per larva per hour. intensity treatments (Po0.05). Feeding intensity is mea-
sured as rotifers consumed per larva per hour.
Feeding performance under total darkness was ap-
preciably impaired across all larval ages.
cell density (P 5 0.422). Feeding incidence in the
32  104 cells mL 1 treatment was signi¢cantly dif-
E¡ect of di¡erent light intensities and single ferent from all other treatments in day 4 (P 5 0.004)
level of algal-induced turbidity and day 5 (P 5 0.002) post-hatch larvae, with feeding
incidence being consistently higher at 0, 8 and
Feeding performance in greenwater conditions
16  104 cells mL 1 treatments (Fig. 3a and b). In
showed similar trends as those observed in clear-
the case of days 4 and 5 post-hatch larvae both the
water with both feeding incidence and intensity
incidence and intensity of larval feeding was drasti-
increasing with light intensity and larval age
cally depressed at the highest algal cell density tested
(Fig. 2a and b). Algal-induced turbidity of 8 
(32  104 cells mL  1).
104 cells mL 1 severely reduced both feeding inci-
dence and intensity of days 5 and 6 post-hatch larvae
in the 0.1 mmol s 1 m  2 treatment.

Yellowtail king¢sh larvae consumed prey with vary-

E¡ect of variable levels of algal-induced
ing degrees of success under all light intensities (0^
turbidity at a single light regime
17 mmol s 1 m  2) tested. Despite this, feeding inci-
The incidence of ¢rst feeding was highly variable at dence and feeding intensity in clearwater conditions
day 3 post hatch and this was independent of algal were severely depressed in total darkness, indicating

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E¡ect of light & turbidity on ¢rst-feeding Seriola spp. A G Carton Aquaculture Research, 2005, 36, 1588^1594

(a) 90 of enhanced visual detection of prey. For example, ac-

0 8 16 32 tively feeding herring alter swimming behaviour and
70 speed in response to variations in light intensity
Feeding incidence (%)

60 (Batty 1987). Increases in feeding performance could

then also be attributed to modi¢ed swimming beha-
viour, which may alter the prey encounter rate or
total search volume, or a combination of both.
Feeding performance in clearwater conditions
increased with larval age across all light regimes
(0.1^17 mmol s 1 m  2), suggesting an improvement
0 in visual capabilities with larval age. Increasing feed-
3 4 5
Age (days post-hatch) ing performance with larval development is consis-
(b) 2 tent with other studies (Pankhurst & Hilder 1998;
Cobcroft et al. 2001; Downing & Litvak 2001). Days 6
and 7 post-hatch larvae showed considerable im-
Feeding intensity

provement in feeding performance at light intensities

 1 mmol s 1 m  2 indicating that the development
1 of the visual system, locomotor system or a combina-
tion of both rapidly improves over this period. Feed-
ing intensity following yolk sac absorption initially
remained relatively low (ca. one rotifer per larva per
hour), although the incidence of feeding was in ex-
0 cess of 50%. This suggests that feeding over this early
3 4 5
Age (days post-hatch)
post-hatch period may be constrained by the develop-
mental state of the visual or locomotor system. Feed-
Figure 3 (a) Feeding incidence (mean  SEM) and (b) ing intensity rapidly increased at days 6 and 7 post
feeding intensity of ¢rst-feeding yellowtail king¢sh larvae hatch, which appears to indicate an ontogenetic shift
at four di¡erent algal densities (0, 8, 16 and 32 
in sensory or locomotor competence, or a combina-
104 cells mL 1). N 5 3 replicates, 20 larvae per replicate.
tion of both. Improvements in visual sensitivity over
Di¡erent letters within larval ages indicate signi¢cant dif-
this period may result from an initial increase in cone
ferences among treatments (Po0.05). Feeding intensity is
measured as rotifers consumed per larva per hour. density, summation of photoreceptors to gangilion
cells and an increase in eye size and lens diameter,
that yellowtail king¢sh larvae are primarily depen- which collectively improve acuity, sensitivity and vi-
dent on vision for feeding. The ability to feed in com- sual range (Higgs & Fuiman 1998a,b).
plete darkness is most likely to be mediated by non- In general larval feeding performance was com-
visual sensory systems, in particular the lateral line parable under clearwater and greenwater conditions;
system (Montgomery, Macdonald & Housley 1988; consequently, algal-induced turbidity appears to
Jones & Janssen 1992; Janssen, Jones,Whang & Oshel have little positive bene¢t in terms of feeding perfor-
1995). At hatching, yellowtail king¢sh larvae possess mance. Miner and Stein (1993) found reduced prey
a number of super¢cial neuromasts distributed over consumption by larval bluegills in turbid conditions
the head and trunk, and these receptors proliferate under low (o450 lx)-surface light conditions, but
during early development (pers. obs.). not at high-surface light conditions. This also agrees
Light intensity may in£uence feeding performance with the observations of Naas, Huse and Iglesias
either by operating directly on the visual system or (1996), demonstrating that in black-walled tanks, as
indirectly on non-sensory attributes. An increase in those used in this study, the addition of greenwater
feeding performance with increasing light intensity (25  104 cells mL 1) decreases illumination to-
has been demonstrated for £at¢sh (Blaxter1969), her- wards the centre of the tank throughout the water
ring (Blaxter 1968), striped trumpeter (Pankhurst & column, thereby decreasing the amount of light
Hilder 1998; Cobcroft et al. 2001) haddock (Downing available for vision.
& Litvak 2001) and spotted sand bass (Pena et al. Varying levels of algal-induced turbidity had a
2004) larvae. Increase in feeding performance with clear e¡ect on feeding intensity and incidence for
increasing light intensity may not solely be because days 4 and 5 post-hatch larvae. At 3 DPH there was

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Aquaculture Research, 2005, 36, 1588^1594 E¡ect of light & turbidity on ¢rst-feeding Seriola spp. A G Carton

no di¡erence in feeding performance across the four Ben¢eld M.C. & MinelloT.J. (1996) Relative e¡ects of turbidity
algal cell densities tested. However, at days 4 and 5 and light intensity on reactive distance and feeding of
post hatch, both feeding intensity and incidence were an estuarine ¢sh. Environmental Biology of Fishes 46,
adversely a¡ected at the highest algal cell density 211^216.
(32  104 cells mL 1) tested. Reduced feeding per- Benetti D.D., Nakada M., Minemoto Y., Hutchinson W.,
Shotton S. & Tindale A. (2001) Aquaculture of yellow-
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In contrast, feeding performance at the remaining dentatus larvae. Marine Ecology Progress Series 121,
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8  104 cells mL 1 for day 5 post-hatch larvae. These ity of herring larvae. Journal of Experimental Biology 48,
results demonstrate that for yellowtail king¢sh lar- 39^53.
vae algal cell densities of 416  104 cells mL 1 have Blaxter J.H.S. (1969) Visual thresholds and spectral sensitiv-
an adverse impact on the ability to capture free- ity of £at¢sh larvae. Journal of Experimental Biology 51,
swimming prey during the ¢rst-feeding window. 221^230.
Blaxter J.H.S. (1986) Development of sense organs and beha-
Consequently for this species the optimal greenwater
viour of teleost larvae with special reference to feeding
culture density appears to be between 8 and
and predator avoidance. Transactions of theAmerican Fish-
16  104 cells mL  1.
eries Society 115, 98^114.
The present study demonstrates that the feeding Browman H.I. & O’Brien W.J. (1992) Foraging and prey
performance (incidence and intensity) of yellowtail search behaviour of golden shiner (Notemigonus crysoleu-
king¢sh larvae is in£uenced by light intensity and al- cas). Canadian journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49,
gal-induced turbidity. Greenwater-induced turbidity 813^819.
does not appear to convey a substantial feeding ad- Cobcroft J.M., Pankhurst P.M., Hart P.R. & Battaglene S.C.
vantage with feeding incidence similar in both clear- (2001) The e¡ects of light intensity and algae-induced
water and greenwater conditions, although at day 5 turbidity on feeding behaviour of larval-striped trump-
post-hatch feeding intensity in 8  104 cells mL  1 eter. Journal of Fish Biology 59,1181^1197.
was signi¢cantly higher than other treatments. How- Cushing D.H. (1972) The production cycle and numbers of
ever, algal cell densities 416  104 cells mL  1 ad- marine ¢sh. Symposium of the Zoological Society of London
29, 213^232.
versely impact on the ability to capture free-
Downing G. & Litvak M.K. (2001) The e¡ect of light intensity
swimming prey during the ¢rst-feeding window.
and spectrum on the incidence of ¢rst feeding by larval
These results can assist in developing larviculture
haddock. Journal of Fish Biology 59, 1566^1578.
protocols that maximize larval survival by providing Eddy S.D. & Jones S.H. (2002) Microbiology of summer £oun-
lighting and greenwater culture regimes that aid the der Paralichthys dentatus ¢ngerling production at a
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tion through the ¢rst-feeding window. Fuiman L. (2002) Special considerations of ¢sh eggs and lar-
vae. In: Fishery Science: The Unique Contributions of Early
Acknowledgments Life Stages (ed. by L.A. Fuiman & R.G. Werner), pp. 1^32.
Blackwell Publishing, Oxford.
I would like to thank Dr Brendan Gara (National Insti- Gardner M.B. (1981) E¡ects of turbidity on feeding rates and
tute of Aquatic and Atmospheric Sciences, New Zeal- selectivity of bluegills. Transactions of the American Fish-
and), Damien Moran and Cea Kapiri-Smith (Institute eries Society 110, 446^450.
of Aquatic and Atmospheric Sciences, New Zealand) Gulbrandsen J., Lein I. & Holmefjord I. (1996) E¡ects of light
for assistance with egg collection, larval rearing and administration and algae on ¢rst feeding of Atlantic hali-
logistical support. but larvae, Hippoglossus hippoglossus (L.). Aquaculture
Research 27,101^106.
Higgs D.M. & Fuiman L.A. (1998a) Associations between
sensory development and ecology in three species of clu-
Batty R.S. (1987) E¡ect of light intensity on activity and food- peoid ¢sh. Copiea 1998,133^144.
searching of larval herring, Clupea harengus: a laboratory Higgs D.M. & Fuiman L.A. (1998b) Associations between
study. Marine Biology 94, 323^327. behavioural ontogeny and habitat change in clupeoid

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E¡ect of light & turbidity on ¢rst-feeding Seriola spp. A G Carton Aquaculture Research, 2005, 36, 1588^1594

larvae. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the Naas K., Naess T. & HarboeT. (1992) Enhanced ¢rst feeding of
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