ANS 21CT029-QB.docx (1)

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Question 1
Scenario: "EcoBazaar - The Sustainable Online Marketplace" In the year 2024, EcoBazaar emerges as a
revolutionary online marketplace dedicated exclusively to sustainable and eco-friendly products. The platform
aims to connect conscious consumers with environmentally responsible sellers, fostering a community
committed to a greener lifestyle. Here's a glimpse into the EcoBazaar online market space

Figure 1 Market Space

Complete the missing statements for the traditional vs digital marketing.

S.NO Comparison Traditional Digital Marketing


1 Medium Offline channels

2 ? Local or Regional ?

3 Duration of ? Continuous and

exposure extended duration
(ii) Suggest the suitable digital marketing platforms to reach your targeted audience and justify.


To reach your targeted audience through digital marketing, use these platforms:

1. Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok): High engagement and precise targeting.
2. Search Engines (Google, Bing): Reach users actively searching for your products.
3. Email Marketing: Personal and direct communication with high ROI.
4. Content Marketing (Blogs, Videos): Attracts and engages with valuable information.
5. Online Ads (Google Ads, Social Media Ads): Quick visibility and measurable results.
6. Influencer Marketing: Leverages trust and reach of influencers.
7. Video Platforms (YouTube): Highly engaging and SEO-friendly.

(iii) The Avengers End game was planned to be released worldwide. Identify the phases that
Marvel Studio uses to reach the audience from different countries and different age gaps.

Pre-Release: Teasers, trailers, social media campaigns, and global press tours.
Targeted Marketing: Localized content, influencer collaborations, and age-specific campaigns.
Release: Staggered releases, regional premieres, and merchandise launches.
Post-Release: Continued engagement on social media, streaming availability, and home media
Question 2
EcoLiving Co., a startup dedicated to promoting sustainable living practices and eco-friendly products, sees the
opportunity to establish a strong online presence through the creation of a brand website. The company aims to
educate, inspire, and sell products that contribute to a greener lifestyle. Here is a plan for planning and creating
the EcoLiving Co.

Figure 2 A Startup Company

(i) Refer the figure 2 and infer how the Digital Marketing applications to reach the maximum local and global
audience for online business environment.


To maximize EcoLiving Co.'s online presence and reach a global and local audience, focus on
these key digital marketing strategies:

Website Development:

● Use a web development tools like WordPress, blogger.

● Optimize for SEO.
● Ensure mobile-friendly design.

Content Marketing:

● Publish blog posts on sustainable living.

● Create video content and infographics.

Social Media Marketing:

● Utilize Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok.

● Engage with followers and partner with influencers.

Email Marketing:

● Send regular newsletters.

● Segment email lists for personalized content.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM):

● Run targeted Google Ads.

● Optimize for local SEO.

Affiliate Marketing:

● Collaborate with eco-friendly bloggers and websites.

E-commerce Integration:

● Set up a user-friendly online store.

● Create detailed product pages.

Analytics and Optimization:

● Use Google Analytics to track performance.

● Perform A/B testing to optimize strategies.

(ii) Based on the above Figure 2, Eebees bakery owner wants to know the traditional and digital marketing
differences for future business plan.

S. Traditional Digital
No Marketing Marketing
1 Low High ?

2 Static ? Nature

3 ? Possible ?

4 ? ? Reach

Figure 3 – Market Space Company

Refer the scenario , and complete the missing blocks that are famous in Market Space Company among
business environments.


Question 1
Search engine marketing is arguably the most important digital marketing channel for customer acquisition. Now
you are using Google search engine to search about car insurance. Based on the information solve the
following questions.

Figure 1 – Search Engine Optimization

(i) From the hint, select the correct algorithm for the below mentioned statement:
a. Moving us away from the strict adherence to keywords toward understanding a
searcher’s intent
b. Google's local search algorithm
c. Machine learning-based search engine algorithm
Hint: Panda, Penguin, Rank Brain Update, Possum Pigeon, Humming Bird


a) Humming Bird
b) Possum Pigeon, Penguin
c) Rank Brain Update,

(ii) Predict whether the given process matches with the IDIC approaches, if not map with the suitable
1. Common methods for identification are the use of cookies or asking a customer to log on to a
site – Interaction
2. This refers to building a profile to help segment customers – Communication
3. These are interactions provided on-site such as customer service questions or creating a tailored
product – Differentiation
4. This refers to personalization or mass-customization of content or emails according to the
segmentation achieved at the acquisition stage – Identification
1. Identification
2. Differentiation
3. Interaction/Communication
4. Customization
(iii) Refer the given scenario and indicate the important prerequisites in the below figure 2 to get a grand
success in the online business by using loyalty model in the digital marketing.

Figure 2 – Online Business

Question 2
Imagine you have a small, local bakery named "Sweet Delights." Your goal is to enhance the online presence of
your bakery in the local community and attract more customers.

Figure 3 SEO- On and Off Page

(i) Prepare six on-page SEO factors for your own website.


● High quality content

● tag elements like meta tags ,header tags, title tags
● Internal and external linking,
● url optimization
● mobile optimization
● Page speed optimization

(ii) Identify the types of search (paid, local, organic )

1. Google shopping Ads - paid search

2. Pizza delivery - local search

(iii) The rewards of revenue model is given below:

I. Ease of conversation
II. Increased awareness
If so, justify.


Ease of Conversation:

● Benefits: Enhances customer satisfaction, boosts conversion rates, and fosters customer
loyalty through effective communication.

Increased Awareness:

● Benefits: Expands market reach, builds brand recognition, and creates a competitive
advantage by making the business more visible to potential customers.
Bean Haven can start a newsletter to share updates, exclusive promotions, and upcoming events.
Offering discounts or freebies to subscribers can incentivize customers to sign up, fostering a stronger
connection with the brand use of email marketing.

Figure 1 Email Marketing

(i) Pinpoint the Listen, Management Repudiation and Transform the brand strategies of social
media marketing from the listed below.
a) Reach
b) Act
c) Convert
d) Engage
e) Audience
f) activity
g) Publishers
h) Competitors

● Listen: Audience - Understand audience needs and sentiments through social

● Management: Competitors - Monitor and analyze competitor strategies on social
● Repudiation: Publishers - Collaborate with influencers to amplify brand
● Transform the brand: Engage - Foster meaningful interactions and build brand
loyalty through engagement on social media.

(ii) Read the statements carefully and find the suitable statement for the Pay per click and Quality
a) It is not specific to Google Ads, but it is the most common type of paid campaign.
b) The relevance of your keywords, the quality of your landing page, and your past
performance on the SERP.

2) The relevance of your keywords, the quality of your landing page, and your past
performance on the SERP.

This statement directly addresses the factors that influence Quality Score in PPC
(iii) Refer the above figure 1, outline the key types of social media platforms for develop a strategy in
the social media company site.
Social Social
S. No Social Search Social Blogs
Networks Knowledge
1 Linked In ? RSS Feed ?
Q & A How O
2 ? Yahoo Bing ?
Google Product
3 Facebook ? ?
4 ? ? Company Forum


Question 2
platform such as Google Ads and pay a fee every time someone clicks on it.Run almost any
search onGoogle (or Bing), and you will see ads displayed at the top ofthe results page. Most
commonly, youwill find that businesses start their PPC marketing on Google Ads, for the
simple reason that it givesaccess to the largest audience ofpotentialclients and customers, as
wellas a number ofdifferentwaysto setup and runcampaignsdepending on yourgoals.

Figure 2 - SMS Example about a discount offer

Sanju received a message in his phone from “TOP STYLE”.“50% OFF ONLINE ORDERS!
(i) By referring the case 1, predict the online advertising layouts.


The predicted online advertising layouts will include:

1. Prominent Offer Display: Clear "50% off online orders."

2. Urgency Indicator: "Today only!" for urgency.
3. Clear Branding: Visible brand name "Top Style."
4. Call to Action (CTA): Direct action prompts like "Shop Now."
5. Mobile-Friendly Design: Optimized for mobile viewing.
6. Contact Information: Option to contact support.

1. Skyscraper 2. Leaderboard. 3. Mobile leaderboards 4. Square.

5. Medium/Large/Small Rectangle
(ii) By referring the case 2, indicate the standard ad sizes defined by the Interactive
Advertising Bureau (IAB).


IAB standard ads commonly refer to a set of the three most common ad sizes: 728×90
(leaderboard), 300×250 (medium rectangle) and 160×600 (skyscraper).

(iii) Refer the scenario figure 2 and find steps 1,2, 4, and 6 to make a video for your

1. ____________________
2. ____________________

3. Understand And Use Your Cameras.

4. ____________________

5. Prepare your talent.

6. ____________________

7. Organize your footage.

8. Recordyourvoiceover.
9. Choose your music.

1. Plan Your Content
2. Write Your Script
4. Gather Your Equipment
6. Record Your Video

Question 1
The importance of social media is undebatable. It is a powerful channel of marketing — a game
changer for any business. It provides us the flexibility to communicate at both personal as well as
business levels. Business owners can improve search rankings, leads, sales, and traffic using
search media. This can be done at reduced marketing expenses. Besides business, it is a cool
platform to connect with friends and dear ones.

Figure 1 - Social Media Marketing

(i) Complete the statement with the correct KPI’s from the given below table:
KPI Description
? Number of Likes, Number of Shares, Number of Comments,
Number of Mentions, Average engagement rate

Engagement ?
? Followers or Subscribers count, Number of Impressions, Amount of
traffic to the website, Audience growth rate, Post reach, Share of


1. KPIs For engagement - Number of Likes, Number of Shares, Number of Comments, Number of
Mentions, Average engagement rate

KPIs for conversion - Sales revenue, Conversion rate, click-through rate

2. Engagement - engagement is a metric that measures the number of interactions on a

3. KPI For Reach - Followers or Subscribers count, Number of Impressions, Amount of traffic to
the website, Audience growth rate, Post reach, Share of voice.
(ii) Indicate the correct subject lines that generate a higher open rate in digital marketing.




● It creates a sense of urgency and importance ("you need to know").

● It implies that the information is essential and valuable to the reader, increasing the likelihood of

(iii) With reference to the hint predict the suitable Email marketing technique used by the below applications:
a. If you sign up for an industry webinar, you will fill out a form and receive a thank-you email, which
gives you login information to join
b. Special Offer Emails
c. Email every time there is a new login or access from a new device
d. The man feeding a remote Alaska town with a Costco card and a ship
e. The email cannot be accepted by the mail server
Hint: hard bounce/soft bounce/security check emails/transactional emails/promotional emails/email

1. Transactional Emails
2. Promotional Emails
3. Security Check Emails
4. Email Newsletter
5. Hard Bounce

Question 2
A Facebook page is a great free marketing tool for businesses. These pages let businesses
identifythemselves – not just through listing product offerings and services, but also by sharing links,
image and posts on a customizable page to give a better sense of a business’s personality and
Figure 2 - Social media marketing for Dollar shave club
(i) Identify the social media marketing platforms for the business.

The suitable social media marketing platforms for businesses are:

1. Facebook
2. Instagram
3. Twitter
4. LinkedIn
5. Pinterest
6. YouTube
7. TikTok
These platforms help businesses share content, engage with customers, and build their brand

(ii) In the given scenario 2, consider the following statements:

a) Relatively low cost of fulfillment

b) Direct response medium encourages immediate action
c) Faster campaign deployments
Are these statements are benefits of E-mail marketing in CRM? If so, Justify.


The statements - relatively low cost of fulfillment, direct response medium encouraging immediate action,
and faster campaign deployments - are indeed benefits of email marketing in CRM. Email marketing is
cost-effective, prompts quick customer responses, and allows for swift campaign execution compared to
traditional marketing methods.

When developing an email marketing, there are several options to review as a part of
E-CRM. Now conclude the missing suitable checklist options for using outbound email
marketing in the given statements.

S.NO Check List Process

These tend to be less regular and are sending out as
i Event-triggered email part of an automated touch strategy
Someone visits a web site and expresses interest in a
ii product or service

These are periodic emails to support different

iii objectives
Consider options of different frequency such as
iv weekly, monthly or quarterly with different content for
? different audiences and segments
v A horrible word! It refers to the difficulty of displaying
Render ability the creative as intended within the in-box of different
email reading systems.
vi Email recipients are most responsive when they first
? subscribe to an
Question 1
Artificial intelligence is still in the early stages of development, there were plenty of useful examples of
AI-based marketing efforts in 2022
Figure 1-Digital transforms
(i) Pinpoint the process that allows businesses to advertise their products, services, offerings, applications,
as well as other products to internet users. Justify.
a. Google Search Engine
b. Google AdWords
c. Google One
d. Google Chrome


● Google AdWords (now Google Ads) allows businesses to advertise their products, services, and
offerings to internet users.

● Google Ads is an online advertising platform where businesses can create and display ads on
Google's search engine results pages and across its extensive advertising network.

(ii) Conclude whether the user can use the other Ad networks alongside Google AdSense on your blog.


Yes, users can use other ad networks alongside Google AdSense on their blog. Google AdSense
policies permit the use of other ad networks as long as the ads do not mimic AdSense ads and the
website adheres to AdSense program policies. This allows bloggers to diversify their revenue streams by
incorporating multiple ad networks.

(iii) Refer the scenario, and outline the AdSense bidding formats will work best for the spice company in
EVEREST by comparing them.


1. Maximize Conversions Bidding: Optimizes bids using AI to get the most conversions within the
budget, ideal for increasing sales.
2. Target CPA Bidding: Achieves predictable cost per acquisition, ensuring budget efficiency by
focusing on specific cost goals for conversions.
3. eCPA Bidding: Pays for specific actions (e.g., purchases), aligning ad spend directly with sales
4. CPC (cost-per-click);
5. CPM (cost-per-thousand impressions);
6. Active View CPM (Active View cost-per-thousand impressions);
7. CPE (cost-per-engagement).
Question 2
Consider Bank(SBI) for digital marketing plan SOSTAC is a simple, logical system that delivers a reassuring
sense of order andcreates a structure that allows departments, divisions and different products to use the same
planning template, which, in turn, allows product plans to be aggregated into asingle master plan more easily.

Figure 2 Situation Analysis

(i) Conclude the Social Media Solutions into Your Digital Transformation Initiative using the below:
[Hint: Identifying, conducting, determining, creating, analyzing ]
1. Comprehensive Social Media Strategy
2. Market Research on Current Trends
3. Opportunities for Social Media Innovation
4. Results of Your Social Media Efforts
5. What Platforms to Utilize

To integrate social media solutions into your digital transformation initiative:

1. Identifying: which platforms to utilize.

2. Conducting: Conduct market research on current trends.
3. Determining: opportunities for social media innovation.
4. Creating: comprehensive social media strategy.
5. Analyzing: results of your social media efforts.

(ii) Indicate the missing business tactics in the below given figure 3 for SBI Life insurance.

Figure 3- SBI Life Insurance

Customer Satisfaction
Training & Development

(vi) "An online retail company is based on United States but ships to customers all over the world.”
Identify the targeting option that should be refined for the above statement.


Geographic Targeting involves adjusting your marketing and advertising strategies to cater to different
regions, ensuring that you can effectively reach and engage with customers in various parts of the world.
● Setting up different campaigns or ad groups for different countries or regions to address
local preferences and behaviors.
● Customizing content and offers to match the cultural and regional nuances of each target
● Adjusting shipping information and options based on the destination.
● Considering language differences and potentially providing content in multiple languages.

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