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S@ GIAO DUC VA BAO TAO KY THI TUYEN SINH LOP 10 THANH PHO DA NANG TRUNG HOC PHO THONG NAM HOC 2021-2022 ‘BE CHINH TH! Mén thi: TIENG ANH (chuyén) That gian: 150 phat (Khéng tinh that gian giao é@) (Dinh cho thi sinh thi vio Truting THPT chuyén Lé Quy B6n) BB thicé 06 trang. Thi sinh lam bai trén Phiéu tr Io1. Shared by Angel of Otto Channe! Sau khi hét gid lam bai, thi sinh nép Iai 8 thi cing Phiéu tré 161 (gm 04 trang) cho cén b6 col thi. ‘SECTION A: GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY (50 pts) I. Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following sentences. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (20 pts) 1. The exhibition provided the young artists with a_ to showcase their talent. A. likelihood B, chance . possibility D. probability 2. It is strongly recommended that an immunization programme to prevent epidemics. ‘A. conducts B. conducted . should conduct D, be conducted You can go either way at the fork in the road: lead to the beach, A. they all B. all of them . they both D. each of them 4. Parents should be consistent in their approach to discipline, otherwise problems i A. tise B, raise C. arouse D. arise 5. The stray cat was looking a lot healthier. It was dear that someone had something to eat. pity on it and given it A. felt B, taken C. fallen D. brought 6. These shorts should have cost £30, but the assistant made a mistake and her. She paid £20 for them. A. undercharged B, underestimated C. underpaid D. undermined 7. The fete will be opened by a well-known television - A. temperament B. personality C. behavior D. manner 8. - "Please don't tell him you saw me here.” “Don't worry. My lips are x A. covered B. stuck C. sealed D. closed 9. After looking at verbs which take the gerund, we went on those which are followed by the infinitive. A. study, B, studying C. to study D. to studying 10, I've been searching for that certificate but I can’t find it. A. high and low: B. up and down C, back and forth D. top to toe 11. I got very nervous about the exam, but in the event, I j It was really easy. A. didn’t need to worry B. needn’t have worried C. needn't worry D. don’t need to worry 2. Con the roads is down to five metres due to heavy fog. A. Vision B. Visual C. Visualization D. Visibility 13, I don’t know much about it, so I don't feel ‘to comment. ‘A prepared B, determined C. qualified D. concentrated 14, One of the candidates was caught cheating in the exam by the . A. surveyor B. invigilator C. investigator (D. assessor 15. The newfound source of water is 30 metres beneath the ground. A. several B. many C. few D. some 16. She often her throat before she begins to speak. A. Clears B. deans C. closes D. hurts 17. I don't like it when he keeps sticking his into my personal life. A. foot B.eye C. hand D. nose 18. The match attracted more than 4000 to the stadium. A. spectators B. onlookers C. sightseers D. viewers 19. The band is going on _again next year, They'll be playing in nine European countries in three months. A. trip 8. tour C. journey D. excursion Trang 1/6 20. The police with the hijackers to at least let the children go free. ‘A. reasoned B. urged C. warned D. argued II, Read the text below carefully. There are TEN mistakes in the text. UNDERLINE each mistake and write the correction in the corresponding line in the box provided on the Answer Sheet. (10 pts) UBER DRIVERS WIN THEIR FIRST EVER UNIONIZATION DEAL Uber have recognized a labor union for the first time in a move that could boost efforts by gig economy worker to win better employment rights, GMB, ‘one of Britain's largest unions, will now be able to represent up to 70,000 rivers across the United Kingdom, one of Uber’s mast important international markets. Shared by Angel of Otto Channel "This groundbreaking deal from GMB and Uber could be the first step to a fairer working life for millions people. We now call on all other operators to do the same,” sald GMB's national officer Mick Rix. Uber is the only major private taxi operator offers these protections, according to GMB. ‘A move comes after Uber reciassified its drivers as "workers" under UK employment law in March, giving them greater protections and entitling them with the minimum wage and 2 pension, The unionization agreement will give significant influencing power to GMB and “strike a cultural chord change” in what Uber interacts with its workers, according to Rebecca Thornley-Gibson, a partner at London law firm DMH Stallard. The agreement could increase pressure on Uber elsewhere in Europe or in the United States, where the company is facing mounting challenges to the way it classifies and treats its drivers. In the United States, a ballot measure approved by California voters that exempts firms as Uber and Lyft from classifying thelr drivers as employees, more than independent contractors, is | facing legal challenge, III. Complete each of the following sentences with ONE suitable particle. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (10 pts) 1, Don’t throw those bottles . We were walking in the woods when we came __an old abandoned cottage. It was love at first sight. I fell him immediately. Ted's mother made that she didn’t mind what he was doing, but he knew she did, they'll come in handy for the picnic next Sunday. 2 3 4 5, My mum said I had to do all the ironing as a punishment, but I'm hoping she will let me . 6. She has been trying to pass her driving test for six years, and she has carried it eventually. 7. They have to get ‘on a small salary they earn every month. 8, Our manager objects to our proposal, but we believe he will come __soon. 9. Put your coat on and do it 10, It s widely believed that parents shouldn't give to their children’s demands all the time. Sofia or you'l catch a cold. Trang 2/6 IV. Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (10 pts) HOW TO START YOUR DAY IN A CENTERED AND ORGANIZED WAY Why is the moment you awaken in the morning the most (2) part of the | 1. INSTRUMENT day? Those first few seconds after opening your eyes are pivotal to the rest of your day. If your thoughts are filled with dread and anxiety, followed by rushing around to get out the door, then you're not off to a great start and the remainder of the day may follow (2) . Even If you're working from home these days or you're retired | 2, SUITABLE and dealing with the daily (3) and isolation that social distancing can | 3. BORED bring, the start of your day matters. (4) __ of the circumstances, the goal should be to kick off the day in a| 4. RESPECT centered and organized way. Establishing a morning routine Is essential, It fosters ) and security and tames the a.m. chaos. Keep it simple and include | 5. COMFORTABLE something you enjoy. This could range from listening to your favorite music to savoring your cup of coffee or to taking a morning walk. Preparing the night before helps the morning run more (6) too, Lay out | 6. SMOOTH clothes, prepare breakfast and set out whatever you need to grab as you head out the door. Perhaps the most critical aspect to the flow of your day is your (7) no matter what happens. Much of your reality is formed by your beliefs and ‘expectations. Worry doesn't take away your troubles, but it does take away your peace, Choose to be calm, Choose to respond, not react. It may be a (8) 8. LIFE destination, but we're all a work of progress. 7. MIND Creating slivers of joy in the morning (9) Us to get out of bed. Having | 9, MOTIVE something to look forward to fuels happiness and excitement, which are often missing from our day. These rituals will vary for everyone depending on the amount of time You can carve out. Meaningful moments include sharing breakfast together as a family, spending time in nature or chatting with a (10) friend, Making over your | 10. SUPPORT morning will make over your day. SECTION B: READING (30 pts) Shared by Angel of Otto Channel I. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (10 pts) MOMS ARE BURNED-OUT: WHAT CAN WE DO TO EASE THE BURDEN? More than 20 years ago, it was (11) surprise that mothers did the vast majority of child-rearing, as (2) as all other work around the house regardless of whether they worked outside the home, ‘Two decades later, this ratio has not changed significantly. Moms stil raise the kids. Moms stil do the lion's (3) of the cooking, cleaning, laundry and so on. As a result, 1 have found in the (4) few years that moms who are married (5) ‘men are increasingly burned-out, 6) their time and energy caring for their children, husbands and homes, when not otherwise ‘occupied. The distribution of labor with dads remains minimal. And unfortunately, the truth is we really haven't done much to change the age-old attitude that housework is women's work. ‘What moms can do to ease the burnout Too often, wives and moms are forgoing self-care in the name of taking care of their family members. So, you moms, be clear with your family about (7) you need, and protect time for yourself and your Trang 3/6 needs daily, whatever that looks like. Leave your husband with the kids and take time for yourself. Schedule that time to care for your mind, body and spirit. You may need to make your needs clear to your family, and be overt that you will be protecting time for yourself. Your family may need a bit of practice to get (8)__ to the fact that Mom may not be available at a moment's (9)__. But stick with it. They'll adjust (10) time. Mothers remain the heart of most families, and the trend would ‘suggest that this is not changing any time soon, even if men and fathers improve incrementally in the labor department. It's so important that you moms take care of yourselves, as your family Is, no doubt, going to continue to need you for years to come. IL. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (12 pts) CORONAVIRUS VARIANTS TO BE NAMED USING GREEK LETTERS, WHO SAYS Coronavirus variants of concem and variants of interest will now be named using a system (1) _to hurricane naming, wherein each variant gets assigned a letter of the Greek alphabet, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced Monday. For example, the coronavirus variant first found in the U.K. will be (2) as Alpha, according to a statement from the WHO. This new label does not replace the variant’s scientific name,, but can now serve as an easy-to-pronounce (3) to that jumble of letters and numbers. Likewise, the B.1.351 variant first identified in South Africa will now be called Beta. The P.1 variant found in Brazil is now Gamma, and the B.1.617.2 discovered in India is Delta. The order of the letters bears no scientific meaning but (4) the order in which each variant was flagged by the WHO as a potential threat, The New York Times reported. Shared by Angel of Otto Channel “while they have their advantages, these scientific names can be difficult to say and recall, and are (5) to misreporting. Consequently, people often resort (6) calling variants by the places where they are detected," the WHO statement reads. This trend can be seen in news (7) ___, which often refer to the P.1 variant as the so-called Brazil variant, for example, or to 8.1.617.2 as the Indian variant. (8) Just because a variant was discovered in a particular country doesn't mean it originated there, so these names can be (9) . One concern is that tying the name of a country to 2 variant of concer may generate stigma and potentially (10) _countries from reporting new variants. With these concerns in (14) the WHO's Virus Evolution Working Group set to work several months ‘ago to develop a new variant-naming system. The group (12) trled generating two-, three- and four- syllable names that weren't real words, but these often turned out to be too cumbersome or happened to be existing business or family names. The team also discussed naming the variants after Greek gods, or simply ‘numbering the variants sequentially as they emerge, but they eventually settled on the Greek alphabet ‘naming system instead. 1. A. same B. equal C. similar D. parallel 2. A. known B. called C. named D. titled 3. A.option 8. alternative ©. choice D, substitution 4. A. indicates B. supposes C. deduces D. assumes 5. A. likely B. inclined C. resigned D. prone 6 Ain 8. with to D. for 7. A headings B. headlights . headwords D. headlines: 8. A. Beside B. What's more C. Asa result D. However 9. A. misleading B. astonishing C. distorting D. altering 10. A. obstruct B. frighten C. hinder D. dissuade 11. A. brain B. thought mind D. head 12. A. principally B. initially . primarily D. basically Trang 4/6 III. You are going to read an article about the largest electric vehicle charging hub in the UK. Eight sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-I the one which fits each gap (1-8). There is one extra sentence that does not fit any gap. Write the answer on the Answer Sheet. (8 pts) BUS DEPOT BID TO BE UK'S LARGEST ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING HUB Scotiand's biggest bus operator has announced it is building the UK's largest electric vehicle changing hub. First Bus will install 160 charging points and replace haf its fleet with electric buses at Its Caledonia depot in Glesgow, 1, _. Charging the full fleet will use the same electrity as it takes to power a town of 10,000 people. 2. First Glasgow managing director Andrew Jarvis told BBC Scotland: "We've got to play our part in society in ‘changing how we all live and work. A big part of that is emissions from vehicles. "Transport is stubbornly high in terms of emissions and bus companies need to play their part, and are playing their part, in that zero ‘emission journey." First Bus currently operates 337 buses out of its largest depot with another four sites across Glasgow. The new buses will be built by Alexander Dennis at its manufacturing sites in Falkirk and Scarborough. 3. ; But the company says maintenance and running costs are then much lower. The buses can run on urban routes for 16 hours and be rapidly recharged in just four hours. 4 . Government grants only cover 75% of the difference between the price of a diesel and an electric bus so its stil a good bit more expensive for them. But they know they have to do it as a social responsibility ‘and because the requirements for using Low Emissions Zones are likely to become stricter. The SNP manifesto committed to electrifying half of Scotland's 4,000 or so buses within two years. 5. - But it's a commitment that environmental groups will certainly hold them to. Transport Scotland is providing £28.1m of funding to First Bus as part of the Scottish government's commitment to electrify half of Scotlanc's buses in the first two years of the parliamentary term. Net Zero Secretary Michael Matheson said: "It's absolute critical that we decarbonise our transport system and what we have set out are very ambitious plans of how we go about doing that. We've set out a target to make sure that we decarbonise as many of the bus fleets across Scotland as possible, at least haif of it over the course of the next couple of years, and welll set out our plans later on this year of how we'll drive that forward." Transport is the single biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Scotland which are responsible for accelerating climate change. 6. 7. ___. Driver Sally Smillie said they had gone down well with passengers because they were much quieter than diesel buses, She added: "In the beginning it was strange for them not hearing them coming but they adapt very easily and they check now. It's a lot more comfortable. 8. _. I think they're greet buses to drive." Shared by Angel of Otto Channel ‘A. The introduction of this new electric bus technology will ultimately improve air quality and noise pollution in the city centre and other communities. B. This sa big investment which the company wouldn't be able to achieve on its own. . The scale of the project means changes are needed to the power grid to accommodate the extra demand. 1D. The programme is expected to be completed in 2023 with the first 22 buses arriving by autumn. E, Some are questioning whether that’s even achievable in the timescale, given the electricity grid changes that would be necessary for charging. Trang 5/6 F. The transition requires a £35.6m investment by First with electric buses costing almost double the £225,000 bill for a single decker running on diesel. G. First Glasgow has been trialling two electric buses since January 2020. H. You're not feeling a gear change and the braking's smoother. I. In 2018 the sector was responsible for 31% of the country’s net emissions. SECTION C: WRITING (20 pts) I, Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it is closest in meaning to the one printed before it, using the word given in CAPITALS. (10 pts) 1. After trying for several years, he finally succeeded in giving up smoking. TO After trying for several years,he smoking. 2, He never asks when he borrows my things. ALWAYS. He is asking! 3. The reason for the extinction of dinosaurs became clearer due to the discovery of their fossils, LIGHT ‘The discovery of their fossils dinosaurs became extinct. 4. They decided against employing him because of his age. TAKE ‘They decided because of his age. 5. You can borrow it, but you must give it back next week. PROVIDED. You can borrow it next week. 6. His condition improved so rapidly he went home four days after the operation. SUCH There In his condition he went home four days after the operation. 7. Td prefer you not to wear those jeans to the wedding yesterday. RATHER 1d those jeans to the wedding yesterday. 8. He put everything back nits place before he left. UNTIL He everything back in its place. 9. The moment she put the phone down, the doorbell rang. DOWN Scarcely the doorbell rang. 10. John can't join us because he is busy with his school report. NECK John 0 he can't join us. IL. Write a paragraph to answer the question below. (10 pts) It is advised that everyone should look on the bright side of everything. What are the positive sides that you can see of the COVID-19 pandemic? ‘You should write about 150 words on the Answer Sheet. s+ The End --- Shared by Angel of Otto Channel Trang 6/6 s6 GIAO DYC VA DAO T40 KY THI TUYEN SINH LOP 10 THANH PHO DA NANG TRUNG HOC PHO THONG NAM HOC 2021-2022 Mén thi: TIENG ANH (Chuyén) Shared by: Angel of O80 crannel HUONG DAN CHAM DE CHINH THUC ‘SECTION A: GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY (50 pts) I, Multiple Choice (20 pts) 1B 20 3c 4.0 5.8 6A 7.8 B.C 9.0 10.A 1B 12D 13C 148 15D 16A 17D 18A 19.8 20.8 Error Identification and Correction (10 pts) UBER DRIVERS WIN THEIR FIRST EVER UNIONIZATION DEAL | Uber hhave recognized a labor union for the first time in a move that could) 9. have > has boost efforts by gig economy worker to win better employment rights. GMB, 1. worker -> workers fone of Britain's largest unions, will now be able to represent up to 70,000 rivers across the United Kingdom, one of Uber’s most important international markets. “This groundbreaking deal from GMB and Uber could be the first step to a 2. from > between fairer working life for millions people. We novy call on all cther operators to do. 3, millions -> millions of the same," said GM8's national officer Mick Rix. Uber is the only major private taxi operator offers these protections, according to GMB. 4. offers > to offer/that offers A move comes after Uber reclassified its driversas "workers" under UK | 5. A> The employment law in March, giving them greater protections and entiting them swith the minimum wage and a pension. The unionization agreement will give | 6. with > to significant influencing power to GMB and “strike a cultural chord change” in what Uber interacts with its workers, according to Rebecca Thornley-Gibson, a | 7. what -> how/ the way ppartner at London law firm DMH Stallard. ‘The agreement could increase pressure on Uber elsewhere in Europe or in the | 8. or > and United States, where the company is facing mounting challenges to the way it classifies and treats its drivers. In the United States, a ballot measure approved by California voters that exempts firms as Uber and Lyft from | 9, as > such as / lke Classifying their drivers as employees, more than independent contractors, Is | 10, more > rather facing a legal challenge. III. Phrasal Verbs (10 pts) 1. away/ out 2. across 3. for 4. out 5. off 6. through/ off 7. by 8. round / around 9. up 10. in Word Form (10 pts) 1. instrumental 2. suit 3. boredom 4, Irrespective 5. comfort 6. smoothly 7. mindset 8, lifelong 9. motivates 10. supportive ‘SECTION B: READING (30 pts) I. Cloze Test (10 pts) 1. no 2. well 3 share [4 fast past T'S. to 6. spending 7. what / all /everything | 8. used / 9. notice 10. over J anything accustomed Trang 1/2 IL. Multiple-choice Cloze (12 pts) Le [2a [38 [4A [5D 7.0 [88 [9A [10.0 [iC [i268 IIL, Gapped Text (8 pts) Lo 2c ae a8 5. 61 8.H ] SECTION C: WRITING (20 pts) shered by: Aneel ofono Cuamnet I. Sentence Completion (10 pts) 1, After trying for several years, he finally managed to give up smoking. 2, He is always borrowing my things without asking! 3. The discovery of their fossils threw/cast/shed light on (the reason) why dinosaurs became extinct. 4. They decided not to take him on because of his age. 5. You can borrow it provided (that) you give it back next week. 6. There was such a rapid improvement in his condition he went home four days after the operation. 7. V'd rather you hadn’t wom those jeans to the wedding yesterday. 8. He didn’t leave until he (had) put everything back in its place. 9. Scarcely had she put the phone down when the doorbell rang. 10. John is up to his neck in his school report, so he can't join us. 1. Paragraph Writing (10 pts) Notes: The mark given is based on the following criteria: 1. Content: (35% of total mark) 8. Providing all main ideas and details as required b. Communicating intentions sufficiently and effectively 2. Organization & Presentation: (30% of total mark) Ideas are well organized and presented with coherence, cohesion, and clarity. b. The paragraph is well-structured. Language: (30% of total mark) 2, Demonstration of a variety of vocabulary and structures appropriate to the level of English language gifted upper-secondary schoo! students . Good use and control of grammatical structures 4. Punctuation, speling, and handwriting (5% of total mark) a. Good punctuation and no spelling mistakes b, Legible handwriting Markers should discuss the suggested answers and the marking scale thoroughly before marking the papers. +The End --- Trang 2/2

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