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Class 11 Mathematics | CBSE Sample Paper - 2 | Solutions
Class 11 Mathematics | CBSE Sample Paper - 2 | Solutions

Sample Paper - 2
Class 11 Mathematics | CBSE Sample Paper - 2 | Solutions

Maximum Marks : 100 Time Taken : 3 Hours

General Instructions:

(i) All the questions are compulsory.

(ii) This question paper consists of 4 sections A, B, C and D.

(iii) Questions from Section A carry 1 mark each.

(iv) Questions from Section B carry 2 marks each.

(v) Questions from Section C carry 4 marks each.

(vi) Questions from Section D carry 6 marks each.

(vii) Use of calculator is not permitted.

SECTION – A (1 * 4 = 4)
Question 1:

If A and B are two sets, then find the value of (A ∩ B) ∪ (A - B).


(A ∩ B) ∪ (A - B) = (A ∩ B) ∪ (A ∩ B’) [Since (A - B) = (A ∩ B’)]

= A ∩ (B U B’) [Distributive Law]
=A∩U [B U B’ = U]

Question 2:

If f(x) = x2 – 3x + 1, find x such that f(2x) = f(x).

Given, f(x) = x2 – 3x + 1
Now, f(2x) = (2x)2 – 3(2x) + 1
Class 11 Mathematics | CBSE Sample Paper - 2 | Solutions

= 4x2 – 6x + 1
Again, given, f(2x) = f(x)
=> 4x2 – 6x + 1 = x2 – 3x + 1
=> 3x2 – 3x = 0
=> 3x(x - 1) = 0
=> 3x = 0 or x – 1 = 0
=> x = 0, 1

Question 3:
Find the angle between the minute hand and hour hand of a clock when the
time is 7: 20.
Angle traced by the hour hand in 12 hours = 3600

Angle traced by the hour hand in hours = = 2200

Angle traced by the minute hand in 60 min = 3600

Angle traced by the minute hand in 20 min = = 1200

Angle between the two hands = 2200 - 1200 = 1000

Question 4:
A group consists of 4 girls and 7 boys. In how many ways can a team of 5
members be selected if the team has at least one boy and one girl?
At least one boy and one girl the team consist of
Boy Girl
1 4
2 3
Class 11 Mathematics | CBSE Sample Paper - 2 | Solutions

3 2
4 1

The required number of ways = 7 * 4 +7 *4 +7 *4 +7 *4

= 7 + 84 + 210 + 140
= 441

SECTION – B (2 * 8 = 16)
Question 5:
How many 4-digit numbers can be formed by using the digits 1 to 9 if
repetition of digits is not allowed?
Here order matters for example 1234 and 1324 are two different numbers.
Therefore, there will be as many 4 digit numbers as there are permutations of
9 different digits taken 4 at a time.
Therefore, the required 4 digit numbers = 9

= 3024

Question 6:

Find the domain and range of the function f(x) =


Given, f(x) =

Clearly, f(x) is defined if x – 5 > 0 => x > 5
Class 11 Mathematics | CBSE Sample Paper - 2 | Solutions

So, the domain of f is (5, ∞).

For x – 5 > 0, >0

So, >0

Hence, range of f is (0, ∞).

Question 7:

Find the value of the trigonometric function tan + cot( ).

It is known that the values of tan x repeat after an interval of π or 180°.

Now, tan = tan(6π + ) = tan = √3

Again, the values of cot x repeats after an interval of π or 180°.

So, cot( ) = cot( + 4π) = cot = 1

Now, tan + cot( ) = √3 + 1

Question 8:
Find the principal and general solutions of the equation cot x = -√3
Given, cot x = -√3
We know that cot = √3

Now, cot (π – ) = -cot = -√3

and cot (2π - ) = -cot = -√3

So, cot = -√3 and cot = -√3

Therefore, the principal solutions are: x = and x =

Now, cot x = cot
Class 11 Mathematics | CBSE Sample Paper - 2 | Solutions

=> tan x = tan

=> x = nπ + ,n∈Z

Therefore, the general solution is x = nπ + ,n∈Z

Question 9:
The 17th term of an AP exceeds its 10th term by 7. Find the common difference.
For an AP, an = a + (n − 1) d
a17 = a + (17 − 1) d
a17 = a + 16d
Similarly, a10 = a + 9d
It is given that
a17 − a10 = 7
=> (a + 16d) − (a + 9d) = 7
=> 7d = 7
=> d = 1
Therefore, the common difference is 1.

Question 10:

Evaluate limx->0


limx->0 = limx->0 * 42

= 16 * limx->0

= 16 * 1
= 16
Class 11 Mathematics | CBSE Sample Paper - 2 | Solutions

Question 11:
Write the contra positive and converse of the following statements.
(i) If x is a prime number, then x is odd.
(ii) It two lines are parallel, then they do not intersect in the same plane.
(i) The contra positive is as follows:
If a number x is not odd, then x is not a prime number.
The converse is as follows:
If a number x is odd, then it is a prime number.
(ii) The contra positive is as follows:
If two lines intersect in the same plane, then they are not parallel.
The converse is as follows:
If two lines do not intersect in the same plane, then they are parallel.

Question 12:
A letter is chosen at random from the word ‘ASSASSINATION’. Find the
probability that letter is (i) a vowel (ii) a consonant
There are 13 letters in the word ASSASSINATION.
Hence, n(S) = 13
(i) There are 6 vowels in the given word.

So, Probability (vowel) =

(ii) There are 7 consonants in the given word.

So, Probability (consonant) =
Class 11 Mathematics | CBSE Sample Paper - 2 | Solutions

SECTION – C (4 * 11 = 44)
Question 13:
Are the following pair of sets equal? Give reasons.
(i) A = {2, 3}, B = {x : x is solution of x2 + 5x + 6 = 0}
(ii) A = { x : x is a letter in the word FOLLOW}
B = { y : y is a letter in the word WOLF}
(i) A = {2, 3}; B = {x: x is a solution of x2 + 5x + 6 = 0}
The equation x2 + 5x + 6 = 0 can be solved as: x(x + 3) + 2(x + 3) = 0
=> (x + 2)(x + 3) = 0
=> x = –2 or x = –3
So, A = {2, 3}; B = {–2, –3}
Hence, A ≠ B
(ii) A = {x: x is a letter in the word FOLLOW} = {F, O, L, W}
B = {y: y is a letter in the word WOLF} = {W, O, L, F}
The order in which the elements of a set are listed is not significant.
So, A = B

Question 14:
Find the domain and range of the function f(x) = 2 - |x - 5|.
Given, f(x) = 2 - |x - 5|
Clearly, f is defined of all x ∈ R.
Now, |x - 5| ≥ 0 for all x ∈ R
=> -|x - 5| ≤ 0
=> 2 - |x - 5| ≤ 2 + 0
=> 2 - |x - 5| ≤ 2
Class 11 Mathematics | CBSE Sample Paper - 2 | Solutions

=> f(x) ≤ 2
So, the range of f(x) is (-∞, 2].

Question 15:
Prove that sin 3x = 3 sin x – 4 sin3 x
We have, sin 3x = sin (2x + x)
= sin 2x * cos x + cos 2x * sin x
= 2 sin x * cos x * cos x + (1 – 2 sin2 x) sin x
= 2 sin x (1 – sin2 x) + sin x – 2 sin3 x
= 2 sin x – 2 sin3 x + sin x – 2 sin3 x
= 3 sin x – 4 sin3 x

Question 16:
Prove the following by using the principle of mathematical induction for all n ∈
N: 1.2 + 2.22 + 3.22 + ... + n.2n = (n – 1)2n+1 + 2
Let the given statement be P(n), i.e.,
P(n): 1.2 + 2.22 + 3.22 + ... + n.2n = (n – 1) 2n+1 + 2
For n = 1, we have
P(1): 1.2 = 2 = (1 – 1) 21+1 + 2 = 0 + 2 = 2, which is true.
Let P(k) be true for some positive integer k, i.e.,
1.2 + 2.22 + 3.22 + ... + k.2k = (k – 1) 2k + 1 + 2 .........1
We shall now prove that P(k + 1) is true.
Class 11 Mathematics | CBSE Sample Paper - 2 | Solutions

{1.2 + 2.22 + 3.22 + ... + k.2k} + (k + 1).2k+1

= (k – 1)2k + 1 + 2 + (k + 1).2k+1
= 2k + 1{(k - 1) + (k + 1)} + 2
= 2k + 1.2k + 2
= k.2(k + 1)+1 + 2
= {(k + 1) – 1}.2(k + 1)+1 + 2
Thus, P(k + 1) is true whenever P(k) is true.
Hence, by the principle of mathematical induction, statement P(n) is true for
all natural numbers i.e., N.

Question 17:
If 2nC3 : nC3 = 11 : 1, the what is the value of n?
Given, 2nC3 : nC3 = 11 : 1

=> =






=> 8n - 4 = 11(n - 2)
=> 8n – 4 = 11n – 22
=> 11n – 8n = 22 – 4
=> 3n = 18
Class 11 Mathematics | CBSE Sample Paper - 2 | Solutions

=> n = 6

Question 18:
Solve the following system of inequalities graphically:
3x + 2y ≤ 150, x + 4y ≤ 80, x ≤ 15, y ≥ 0, x ≥ 0
3x + 2y ≤ 150 ………1
x + 4y ≤ 80 ………2
x ≤ 15 ………3
The graph of the lines, 3x + 2y = 150, x + 4y = 80, and x = 15, are drawn in the
figure below.
Inequality 1 represents the region below the line, 3x + 2y = 150 (including the
line 3x + 2y = 150).
Inequality 2 represents the region below the line, x + 4y = 80 (including the line
x + 4y = 80).
Inequality 3 represents the region on the left hand side of the line, x = 15
(including the line x = 15).
Since x ≥ 0 and y ≥ 0, every point in the common shaded region in the first
quadrant including the points on the respective lines and the axes represents
the solution of the given system of linear inequalities.
Class 11 Mathematics | CBSE Sample Paper - 2 | Solutions

Question 19:
If the sum of first p terms of an A.P. is equal to the sum of the first q terms,
then find the sum of the first (p + q) terms.
If the third term of an A.P. is 7 and its 7th term is 2 more than three times of its
third term, then find the sum of its first 20 terms.
Let a is the first term and d is the common difference of the AP

So, the sum of p terms Sp = {2a + (p - 1)d}

And Sum of q terms Sq = {2a + (q - 1)d}

Now since sum of first p terms is equal to the sum of first q terms, then
Sp = Sq

=> {2a + (p - 1)d} = {2a + (q - 1)d}

=> p{2a + (p - 1)d} = q{2a + (q - 1)d}
Class 11 Mathematics | CBSE Sample Paper - 2 | Solutions

=> 2ap + p2d - pd = 2aq + q2d - qd

=> 2ap + p2d - pd - 2aq – q2d + qd = 0
=> 2a(p - q) + d(p2 - d2) - d(p-q) = 0
=>(p - q)*{2a + d(p + q) - d} = 0
=> (p - q)*{2a + d(p + q - 1)} = 0
Now p - q = 0 ...1
and 2a + d(p + q - 1) = 0 ........2

Multiply in equation 2, we get

* {2a + d(p + q - 1)} = 0

=> Sp+q = 0
So, the sum of p + q terms is 0.
Let a is the first term and d is the common difference of AP
Given, the third term of an A.P. is 7 and its 7th term is 2 more than three times
of its third term
=> a + 2d = 7 .......1
And 3(a + 2d) + 2 = a + 6d
=> 3 * 7 + 2 = a + 6d
=> 21 + 2 = a + 6d
=> a + 6d = 23 .........2
From equation 1 - 2, we get
4d = 16

=> d =

=> d = 4
From equation 1, we get
a + 2*4 = 7
Class 11 Mathematics | CBSE Sample Paper - 2 | Solutions

=> a + 8 = 7
=> a = -1

Now, the sum of its first 20 terms = *{2*(-1) + (20 - 1)*4}

= 10*{-2 + 19 * 4)}
= 10*{-2 + 76)}
= 10 * 74
= 740

Question 20:
Find the centre and radius of the circle x2 + y2 – 8x + 10y – 12 = 0
The equation of the given circle is x2 + y2 – 8x + 10y – 12 = 0
=> x2 + y2 – 8x + 10y – 12 = 0
=> (x2 – 8x) + (y2 + 10y) = 12
=> {x2 – 2 * x * 4 + 42} + {y2 + 2 * y * 5 + 52} – 16 –25 = 12
=> (x – 4)2 + (y + 5)2 = 53
=> (x – 4)2 + (y + 5)2 = (√53)2
=> (x – 4)2 + {y – (-5)}2 = (√53)2
Which is of the form (x – h)2 + (y – k)2 = r2
Where h = 4, k = -5 and r = √53
Thus, the centre of the given circle is (4, -5), while its radius is √53.

Question 21:
Three vertices of a parallelogram ABCD are A (3, –1, 2), B (1, 2, –4) and C (–1, 1,
2). Find the coordinates of the fourth vertex.
Class 11 Mathematics | CBSE Sample Paper - 2 | Solutions

The three vertices of a parallelogram ABCD are given as A (3, –1, 2), B (1, 2, –4),
and C(–1, 1, 2).
Let the coordinates of the fourth vertex be D (x, y, z).
We know that the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.
Therefore, in parallelogram ABCD, AC and BD bisect each other.
So, Mid-point of AC = Mid-point of BD



=> x = 1, y = –2, and z = 8

Thus, the coordinates of the fourth vertex are (1, –2, 8).

Question 22:

If y = + then prove that 2x * +y=2


Given, y = +

=> y = +
Differentiate w.r.t. x, we get

=> -

=> 2x * = -

=> 2x * +y= - + +
Class 11 Mathematics | CBSE Sample Paper - 2 | Solutions

=> 2x * +y=

Hence, proved.

Question 23:
In a town of 6000 people, 1200 are over 50 years old and 2000 are females. It
is known that 30% of the females are over 50 years. What is the probability
that a randomly chosen individual from the town is either female of over 30
Let A1 be the event that the person is a female and A2 be the event that the
person is 50 years old.
n(A1) = 2000, n(A2) = 1200

n(A1 ∩ A2) = 30% of 2000 = * 2000 = 600

n(A1 ∪ A2) = n(A1) + n(A2) - n(A1 ∩ A2)

= 2000 + 1200 - 600

= 2600

Now, P(A1 ∪ A2) =

SECTION – D (6 * 6 = 36)
Question 24:
Find the value of:
(i) sin 75° (ii) tan 15°
(i) sin 75° = sin (45° + 30°)
= sin 45° cos 30° + cos 45° sin 30° [Apply sin (A + B) formula]
Class 11 Mathematics | CBSE Sample Paper - 2 | Solutions

(ii) tan 15° = tan(45° – 30°)

= [Apply tan(A - B) formula]




– –
= –


= 2 - √3

Question 25:

Solve the equation 3x2 – 4x + =0


The given quadratic equation is 3x2 – 4x + =0

This equation can also be written as 9x2 – 12x + 20 = 0
Class 11 Mathematics | CBSE Sample Paper - 2 | Solutions

On comparing this equation with ax2 + bx + c = 0, we get

a = 9, b = –12, and c = 20
Therefore, the discriminant of the given equation is
D = b2 – 4ac = (–12)2 – 4 * 9 * 20 = 144 – 720 = –576

Therefore, the required solutions are =

= [Since i = √(-1)]

Question 26:
Show that 9n+1 - 8n - 9 is divisible by 64, whenever n is a positive integer.
In order to show that 9n+1 - 8n - 9 is divisible by 64, it has to be proved that,
9n+1 - 8n – 9 = 64k, where k is some natural number
By Binomial Theorem,
(1 + a)m = mC0 + mC1 a + mC2 a2 +………..+ mCm am
For a = 8 and m = n + 1, we obtain
(1 + 8)n+1 = n+1C0 + n+1C1 8 + n+1C2 82 +………..+ n+1Cn+1 8n+1
=> 9n+1 = 1 + 8(n + 1) + 82 [n+1C2 + n+1C3 8 +………..+ n+1Cn+1 8n-1]
=> 9n+1 = 1 + 8n + 8 + 64[n+1C2 + n+1C3 8 +………..+ n+1Cn+1 8n-1]
=> 9n+1 = 9 + 8n + 64[n+1C2 + n+1C3 8 +………..+ n+1Cn+1 8n-1]
=> 9n+1 - 8n – 9 = 64[n+1C2 + n+1C3 8 +………..+ n+1Cn+1 8n-1]
Class 11 Mathematics | CBSE Sample Paper - 2 | Solutions

=> 9n+1 - 8n – 9 = 64k, where k = [n+1C2 + n+1C3 8 +………..+ n+1Cn+1 8n-1], is a natural
Hence, 9n+1 - 8n - 9 is divisible by 64, whenever n is a positive integer.

Question 27:
If S1, S2, S3 are the sum of first n natural numbers, their squares and their
cubes, respectively, show that 9S22 = S3(1 + 8S1)
Given, S1 is the sum of first n natural numbers

=> S1 =

Again, S3 is the sum of square first n natural numbers

=> S3 =

Now, S3(1 + 8S1) =

= [1 + 4n(n + 1)]

= [1 + 4n2 + 4n]

= (2n + 1)2 ..……1

Also, 9S22 = 9

= ……….2

From equation 1 and 2, we get

9S22 = S3(1 + 8S1)
Class 11 Mathematics | CBSE Sample Paper - 2 | Solutions

Question 28:
Find the lengths of the medians of the triangle with vertices A (0, 0, 6), B (0, 4,
0) and (6, 0, 0).
Let AD, BE, and CF be the medians of the given triangle ABC.

Since AD is the median, D is the mid-point of BC.

So, coordinates of point D =

AD = √{(0 - 3)2 + (0 - 2)2 + (6 - 0)2} = √(9 + 4 + 36) = √49 = 7

Since BE is the median, E is the mid-point of AC.

So, coordinates of point E =

BE = √{(3 - 0)2 + (0 - 4)2 + (3 - 0)2} = √(9 + 16 + 9) = √34

Since CF is the median, EF is the mid-point of AB.

So, coordinates of point F = = (0, 2, 3)

Length of CF = √{(6 - 0)2 + (0 - 2)2 + (0 - 3)2} = √(36 + 4 + 9) = √49 = 7

Thus, the lengths of the medians of ∆ABC are 7, √34 and 7.

Question 29:
Find the mean and variance for the first n natural numbers.
The mean of first n natural numbers is calculated as follows:

Mean =
Class 11 Mathematics | CBSE Sample Paper - 2 | Solutions

=> Mean, X =

Now, varience σ2 = * Σi=1n (xi – X)2

= * Σi=1n xi2 – * Σi=1n 2 * xi + * Σi=1n

= –

= – +

= –



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