re-axam chemistry2020

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faculty : health science 26.9.2020

course general chemistry re-exam

students name........................................................................deparment....

part one: circle the correct one of each(60marks)

1. the smallest particle of a element is called

A atom B ion

C molecules D compounds

2. the mass number of water H2 is (H =1g,)

A 3g/m B 2g/m C 3g/m D 4g/m

3. subatomic particles are

A electrons B protons

C neutrons D all of them

4. the mass of CUO is 80g/m (Cu=64g, O =16g, ) there fore the percentage of each element is

A 60% of carbon, 60% of Hydrogen B 80%of carbon, 20% of hydrogen

C 72% of carbon, 28% of hydrogen D 67% of carbon, 33% of hydrogen

5. the number of moles in 90g of water is ( formula mass of water = 18g/m)

A 5mole B 10moles C 15moles D 20moles

6. the body temperature of health person is

Celsius scale Kelvin scale Fahrhiete scale

A 37C0 310k 98.6f
B 3.7C0 273k 32f
C 25C0 298k 212f
D 37C0 250K 98.6f
7. how many uncertainty are in this measurement 46.76

A 3 numbers B 2numbers C 1 number D 0 number

8. the conversion of 750litre to milliliter is

A 0.75ml B 7500ml C 75000ml D 750000ml

9. which one of the following has three significant figure

A 0.00003 B 0.877 C 10.000007 D 0.70906

10. mass of NH4NO3 ( H= 1g, N = 14g, O = 16g) is

A 80g/m B 54g/m C 78g/m D 100g/m

part two: structure question (40marks)

1. find the mass of Na2CO3 methane( c= 12g, Na = 23g, O = 16g)
2. convert this temperature in to Kelvin
a 30C0
3. define solution
4. what is organic chemistry?
5. prescription of nifedipine calls for a dose of 0.2mg/kg of body weigh. the drug is packed
in a capsules contain 5mg per capsules. how many capsules should be given to a patient
whose weigh is 80kg?

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