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Getting to know MCD2040.

Some key instructions on how & where to find key resources for MCD2040 on Moodle.

The official Moodle page.

Getting to know the folders.

Getting Started.

You can find info about,

• The Unit Outline.

• Information about your textbook and a link to
purchase it.
• A collection of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
by students and the answers for them.
• Special consideration forms and details on how to
access it.

This is where you will find all staff contact information.

Use emails if you want to contact a staff member instead of calling.
When contacting the Unit Leader or your Tutor, use your Monash
College email address not your personal email.

Your Student ID, First and last name of the student and tute no.

Assessment Info.

This folder contains information of all the assessments.

• Summary of Assessment information.

MCD2040 Managing People and Organisations.

Academic sources

This folder contains resources such as,

• Evaluation module (exercises that help you
understand how to reference)
• Academic articles that can be used to aid your
• Referencing and Research guides.

In Class Test – Wk3 & 4.

• Case studies for week 2,3,4.

• Practice questions
• links to do your in-class online tests.
Week 3 Online test link
Week 4 Online test link

These tests are worth 15% of your total grade.

MCP Folder/Tile.
This folder contains everything you need to know about
the Monash Consulting Project (MCP).

Includes resources needed for 55% of your overall grade,

• Turnitin links.
• Rubrics
• Assessment guidelines.
• Templates and sample answers.

links to do your in-class online tests.

These tests are worth 10% of your total marks and will
•• Gives
3 Online test linkof this assessment and
an overview
• what
4 Online test
to be link
• Week 6 Draft submission
• Sample annotations. link.
• Instructions on how to complete the assessment.
• Tips and information on how to achieve high
grades for the assessment.

MCD2040 Managing People and Organisations.

Illustrating how weekly folders work for MCD2040.

This folder contain resources for week 1.

• Work to do at home.
• In class section.
• Interesting stuff.

*Similar structure applies to all weekly folders.

What does it mean by “Work to do at home”?

WORK TO DO AT HOME is work that students must complete prior to attending the tutorial
that week at home to prepare them for IN CLASS the following week.
For example, Week 1's WORK TO DO AT HOME is for Week 2's IN CLASS work, with Week
2's WORK TO DO AT HOME being for Week 3's IN CLASS work.

How can I access online quizzes?

After watching each video, a quiz will unlock. Once the student completes the first quiz, the
second video will unlock followed by the second quiz, then the third video and the third quiz.
These MUST be completed every week (Weeks 1 to 10) before the deadline!
DEADLINES: Each week the quizzes will close at 6pm on SATURDAY.
Students can do these quizzes anytime from Monday up until Saturday 6 pm of that
particular week.
The weekly quizzes have a total mark of 1%, making up 10% of the Unit's overall Grade.
Students who do not complete their quizzes for the week will not get a second chance to do

I don’t have the week 2 Folder, what should I do?

This is because you have not watched week 1 videos and done week 1 quizzes. If you’re in
week 2 and have not done your quizzes for week 1, then watch the videos for week 1. This
will allow you to gain access to week 2 videos.
This process will apply to all weeks.

MCD2040 Managing People and Organisations.

If you do not have a particular week’s folder, then you must go back to the previous week’s
folder and watch the videos. You will not be able to do the quizzes since time has lapsed.

Accessing online collaborative resources.

MCD2040 uses the G suite and mainly Google docs.

You can access resources when your tutor shares those

with you. If not you can request access from your tutor.

These resources include,

• MCP related documents
• Draft worksheets.
Google Google Google • Simulation documents and information etc.
Doc. Sheet Slide.

MCD2040 Managing People and Organisations.

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