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Chapter Particular Pages

No No.
1 1.1 Introductions 1–4
1.2 History Evaluation 5–9
1.3 Current Scenario of E–Banking industry 10 – 12
1.4 Porter’s 5 forces of E–Banking industry 13 – 15
1.5 Challenges of industry 16
2 2.1 Literature Review 17-28
2.2 Structural Model 29-30
2.3 Research Gap 31
3 Research methodology 32
3.1 Research Objectives 33
3.2 Research Design (6W’s) 34-36
3.3 Data Collection 37-40
3.4 Sampling design 41-42
4 Data analysis 43-48
5 Findings and Results 49-54
6 6.1 Theoretical contribution 55
6.2 Managerial implication 56
6.3 Future scope 57
7 Bibliography -Annexure 58-59
Chapter – 1


A bank is defined as "accepting deposits from the public that can be repaid on demand
and withdrawn by check, draft, or otherwise for the purpose of lending or investing."

Banks are an industry that involves the processing of cash, lending, and other financial
transactions. Banks provide a safe place to store extra cash and balances. They offer
savings accounts, certificates of deposit, and check accounts. Banks use these deposits to
make loans. These loans include mortgages, personal loans, business loans, gold loans
and car loans.

Banking sector is one of the crucial pillars of an economy; the stronger the banking sector
is the stronger will be the economy. So it becomes very important to study this sector in
this technological oriented century. (Dr. Viral Bhatt, Farana Kureshi, 2018). The banking
industry has been continuously upgrading its operation by making use of technology.
With the advancement of this technology, banks have implemented various systems to
carry banking transactions easily and quickly. In a developing country like India, where
customers possess a varied form of needs and desires it becomes legitimate for the banks
and service providers to offer quality services speedily and efficiently to meet the
customer’s expectation. (Jyotsna Sharma, Jagdeep Singh, Amandeep Singh, 2020)

The banking industry is under increasing pressure to demonstrate that their services are
customer – focused and that continuous performance improvement is being delivered.
However, in introducing improvement, banks need to ensure that their customers
satisfaction are met. (Wan Nur Syafinas Jaafar, 2020)

Internet banking introduced few years ago is a new kind of banking service introduced
based on digital technology. With regard to new technology acceptance, unless the
specific need of a consumer is full-filled, consumers may not be prepared to change from
present familiar ways of operating finance. In the context of online, mobile banking and
traditional retail branches, whether consumers will adopt new technology –based delivery
channels, depends on their attitudes towards each of these channels. (Deepanjal Shrestha,

Banking transactions that takes place in a virtual ambience on the website of a banking
company or a financial institution is termed as “Internet Banking or E-Banking”. The
essence of internet banking lies on on-line access by customers of banking and financial
services. E-banking implies performing basic banking transactions by customer’s round
the clock globally through Electronic Media. Modern banking is more information based,
speedy and boundary less due to the impact of E-revolution modern banks must be well
versed in information technology its users and applications. Banking division must be IT
based, with the spread of digital economy. Thus the practice of baking has undergone a
significant transformation due to adoption of E-banking. (Dr. S. Raji, Mrs. Hemavati M,

The pace of technological evolution is immense, leading to drastic growth and

development of this sector. Along with the effectiveness of service, efficiency will be
enhanced of service encounters on account of use of these new technologies. Moreover in
order to face the tough competition in this competitive scenario of banking sector, banks
are forced to adapt to new technologies and they should concentrate on class banking
instead of mass banking. Digital banking is the outcome of this scenario. (Dr. Viral Bhatt,
Farana Kureshi, 2018)

Technology Advancement and extensive use of internet have changes the service delivery
methods in last few decades. Customers are demanding new package of convenience and
flexibility as compared to traditional methods of banking services. This motivated service
providers to shift their way from traditional and go digital. This motivated service
providers to shift their way from traditional and go digital. There are various
determinants of service quality like accessibility, tangibility, responsiveness, reliability,
security, competence, etc. that are used by various service providing industries. (Dr.Viral
Bhatt, Animesh Banker, Dhawal Jadhav, 2020) To reframe and modernize the level of
services provided by banks first they need to identify the area of difficulty they are
quality and then make changes accordingly for smooth running of business model
reframed by service providers. (Dixita Nagar, Dr. Viral Bhatt, 2021)

Digital banking is a new concept in the field of e-banking. Before appearing digital
banking concept, electronic banking is known as online banking or online banking. There
are a number of other indirect banking channels such as ATM, telephone banking, mobile
banking, etc. However, their purpose is to cover only basic banking services by
Electronic banking system. However, digital banking is a very broad concept and covers
all possibilities banking services and all alternative banking channels such as automatic
teller machines (ATMs), Point of Sale (POS), Online Banking, Mobile Banking, App
Banking, Phone bank etc. except for bank branches. Digital banking can also be referred
to as "Direct Banking Channel”. Advancement of technology and innovations in the areas
of communication, transportation, media and computing has made the world smaller and

Advancement of technology and innovations in the areas of communication,

transportation, media and computing has made the world smaller and fueled the
globalization in almost every area of life starting from culture to industry. Globalization
has opened new doors for spreading the business across the globe. With the increased
opportunities there has been increase in number of cross-border transactions across the
globe and the volume of transactions has grown tremendously high. (Dr. Viral Bhatt &
Ishan Harshadbhai Patel, 2018). With the rapid advancement of information allied
technology in recent years, the internet has changed the lives of people and also affected
the various business processes. According to Statista Research Department of India,
Current active e commerce penetration in India stands 28% and India’s retail e commerce
CAGR is projected to reach 23% from 2016 to 2021 (Dr. Viral Bhatt & Himasnhu Raval,
2020). Internet users in India are over 560 million and by 2021 it will increase to 600
million. Further, it was found that majority of the Indians accessed the internet through
their smart phones.


Various developments are underway at

Indian banks. Throughout its development,
technology has influenced the way
customers interact with banks. Electronic
channels and products such as ATMs,
cards, internet banking and mobile banking
are offered alongside traditional branch channels. There are differences in the use of
channels between developed and developing countries. There is evidence that there is a
transition from traditional channels to electronic channels. For example, digital banking
usage is over 90% in developed countries, and digital channel penetration is 11-25% in
developing countries. According to a survey by Capgemini's World Payments Report
2014, there are 334 billion cashless transactions. Consumers tend to act towards digital
channels. Banks developing digital skills will benefit. Customers recognize that
convenience is increasing through digital channels. However, banks need to address
customer service issues and fraud related to digital channels.

This paper makes an important contribution to the current literature on electronic

banking. It is clear that significant progress is taking place at the forefront of electronic
banking, which we classify as a revolution. India is no exception to the electronic
banking revolution. Regulators have formed specialized organizations aimed at focusing
on retail electronic payment products. The most important milestone in this regard was
the establishment of the National Settlement Corporation of India. The role of regulatory
agencies in promoting electronic payments in the retail industry has been considered, but
the role of specialized organizations for monitoring functions needs to be investigated.
NPCI has played an important role in the growth of electronic payments. Evaluate events
in India by tracking progress by comparing the period before and after the establishment
Electronic Banking and Its Evolution

Online banking started in the 80's. The term

online became famous in the late 80's.
Online banking in the youth includes the
use of terminals, keyboards, and televisions
(or screens) picture) to access the banking
sector by telephone lines. Online services
began in New York in 1981 when four of
the city's major banks (Citibank, Chase
Manhattan, Chemical and Makers Hanover) offered banking using a video text system.
After that, the concept of videotext became popular in France. In the United Kingdom,
the first online home banking service was discovered by Nottingham Building Society
(NBS) in 1983. It is supported on the UK Prestel system and uses computers, such as
BBC Micro or keypad (Tandata) connects to telephone and television systems. It gives
customers the choice to pay their gas, electricity and phone company bills and accounts
with other banks. It was the Stanford Federal Credit Union that provided internet banking
services to all of its customers.

Online banking refers to the use of the Internet as an offshore distribution channel for
banking services, such as opening a term account or transferring money to different
accounts, etc. Moreover, this is a desirable opportunity for banks where the key to
success is customer acceptance. There is an evolution in the development of banking
services over the Internet. At a basic level, online banking involves a bank setting up an
internet site to provide information about the bank's products and services. At an
advanced level, this involves providing conveniences such as access to accounts,
remittances, semi-integrated additional processes, and access to other financial services
such as investments and insurance Dangerous. There is an advantage for customers as it
provides the ability to manage their banking transactions without the need for a bank
teller. Services through Internet banking are payments by etax; account access to view
systems rail reservations, money transfers from customer accounts to other accounts,
applications loan, etc. The online banking channel is very convenient compared to the
bank branch system because the parties involved can access their accounts at any time.
Banks have taken advantage of the Internet by offering online services in recent years.

Researcher identified three functional levels of Internet banking as information,

communication, and transaction. At the information level, it has been established that
banks have marketing information about the bank's products and services on an
autonomous server. The risk is very low because the information system does not have a
path between the server and the internal network of the bank. The communication level
of online banking allows some interaction between the bank's systems and the customer.
This engagement is limited to emails, account inquiries; loan applications, static file
updates, and do not allow any money transfers. Transaction-level online banking allows a
bank's customers to electronically transfer funds to/from their accounts, pay bills and
perform other banking transactions online. There is a higher level of risk in the trading
levels compared to the other two.
Indian Banking Industry

The modern first bank was the Hindustan Bank, which was founded in 1770 and
liquidated between 1829 and 32. The first limited liability banking company was an
Indian general bank founded in 1786.

The largest and oldest bank which is still in existence is the State Bank of India (SBI).
Established in mid-June 1806, it began operations as Calcutta Bank. In 1809 it was
renamed Bengal Bank. It was one of three banks founded by the presidential government;
the other two were Bombay Bank in 1840 and Madras Bank in 1843. Independent,
became the State Bank of India in 1955. For many years, the Presidential Bank, like its
successors, served as a quasi-central bank until the Reserve Bank of India was established
in 1935, under the Reserve Bank of India Act in 1934.

In 1960, the State Bank of India gained control of eight state-owned banks under the
State Bank of India (Subsidiary) Act of 1959. However, the merger of these affiliated
banks and SBI came into effect on April 1, 2017. Nationalized 14 major private banks,
one of the major banks was the Bank of India. In 1980, six more private banks were
nationalized. These nationalized banks are the majority of lenders in the Indian economy.
They dominate the banking sector because of their size and extensive network.

The Indian banking sector is broadly classified into scheduled and nonscheduled banks.
The scheduled banks are those included under the 2nd Schedule of the Reserve Bank of
India Act, 1934. The scheduled banks are further classified into: nationalized banks; State
Bank of India and its associates; Regional Rural Banks (RRBs); foreign banks; and other
Indian private sector banks. The SBI has merged its Associate banks into itself to create
the largest Bank in India on 1 April 2017. With this merger SBI has a global ranking of
236 on Fortune 500 index. The term commercial banks refer to both scheduled and
nonscheduled commercial banks regulated under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.

Overall, the supply, product range and reach of banking services in India are quite
mature, although reach in rural and poor areas of India remains a challenge. The
Government has developed initiatives to address this issue through the State Bank of
India expanding its branch network and through the National Bank for Agriculture and
Rural Development (NABARD) with facilities like microfinance.

On the suggestions of The All India Rural Credit Survey Committee, The Imperial Bank
of India turned into nationalized and State Bank of India got here into life in 1955 below
the SBI Act 1955. Under SBI (Subsidiary Banks) Act 1959 8 banks of the princely states
State Bank of Bikaner, Bank of Indore, State Bank of Jaipur, Bank of Mysore, Patiala
State Bank, Travancore Bank, Hyderabad State Bank and State Bank of Saurashtra have
become subsidiaries of SBI.

14 banks having deposit of greater than Rs.50 crores every have been nationalized in
1969 and different 6 banks with deposits of Rs.2 hundred crores and greater have been
nationalized in 1980. Rest of the banks persevered to function as Private Banks.

In 1993 under liberalization policy of the government, RBI set up new guidelines to from
private sector banks. The banks established post liberalization is known as new
generation private sector banks. The essential banks installed at some stage in this era are
HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, AXIS Bank (previously called UTI Bank), and Kotak
Mahindra Bank, Yes Bank etc. Liberalization policy has opened the doors for foreign
banks also.

The new concept of a payment bank was introduced by the RBI on the recommendation
of Nachiket Mor Commission in 2014. In 2015, RBI granted key approvals to 11
institutions Set up payment bank in India. Paying banks have to be networked from the
start. The some restrictions on the paying bank, for example, the deposit amount is
limited to Rs. 1 lacs, they cannot grant loan or issue credit cards, may not establish
subsidiaries to carry out non-banking activities, and at least 25% of branches must be
opened in unbanked regions.
1.3 Current Scenario of E-banking

The Indian banking system consists of 12 public sector banks, 22 private sector banks, 44
foreign banks, 43 regional rural banks, 1,484 urban cooperative banks and 96,000 rural
cooperative banks in addition to cooperative credit institutions. As of September 2021,
the total number of ATMs in India reached 213,145 out of which 47.5% are in rural and
semi-urban areas.

According to the RBI, bank credit stood at Rs. 116.8 lakh crore (US$ 1.56 trillion) on
31st December 2021.

As of February 2022, credit to non-food industries stood at Rs. 114.10 trillion (US$ 1.53

In FY18-FY21, bank assets across sectors increased. Total assets across the banking
sector (including public and private sector banks) increased to US$ 2.48 trillion in FY21.

In FY21, total assets in the public and private banking sectors were US$ 1,602.65 billion
and US$ 878.56 billion, respectively.

RBI has decided to set up Public Credit Registry (PCR), an extensive database of credit
information, accessible to all stakeholders. The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
(Amendment) Ordinance, 2017 Bill has been passed and is expected to strengthen the
banking sector. Total equity funding of microfinance sector grew 42% y-o-y to Rs.
14,206 crore (US$ 2.03 billion) in 2018-19.

As of February 21, 2022, the number of bank accounts—opened under the government’s
flagship financial inclusion drive ‘Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY)’—
reached 44.63 crore and deposits in the Jan Dhan bank accounts totaled Rs. 1.58 trillion
(US$ 21.25 billion).

Rising income is expected to enhance the need for banking services in rural areas, and
India is the world's largest market for Android-based mobile lending apps, accounting for
~82% of all online lenders worldwide. India currently has 887 active lending apps.

The digital payments revolution will trigger massive changes in the way credit is
disbursed in India. Debit cards have radically replaced credit cards as the preferred
payment mode in India after demonetization. In January 2022, Unified Payments
Interface (UPI) recorded 4.62 billion transactions worth Rs. 8.32 trillion (US$ 111.8

The volume of digital payments in India has increased by 33% year-on-year (YoY)
during the financial year (FY) 2021-2022. A total of 7,422 crore digital payment
transactions were recorded during this period, up from 5,554 crore transactions seen in
FY 2020-21, said the Ministry of Electronics and IT.

NPCI’s unified payment interface (UPI) was the most used platform for digital
transactions during the period, accounting for 452.75 crore transactions with a value of
₹8.27 lakh crore, until the end of February.

According to NPCI, the total volume of UPI transactions during the month of February
was almost twice the transactions seen a year ago. In February 2021, 229.2 crore UPI
transactions worth ₹4.25 lakh crore were made. This shows that the use of UPI on a
monthly basis in particular has almost doubled in the last year.

The use of digital payment apps in India has grown considerably, especially after the
pandemic, which forced people to stay indoors and order food and other items through
online platforms. To avoid contact with delivery agents, many of the online stores and
aggregator platforms had blocked cash payments.

PhonePe with 212 crore transactions was the leading UPI app during February with
Google Pay right behind it with 152.4 crore transactions, as per NPCI data.

India has been the leading market in terms of digital payments since 2019. According to a
payments transactions with 2550 crore payments, followed by China (1570 crore) and
South Korea (600 crores). The US with 120 crore transactions was ranked 9th.

In the last few months, RBI has implemented several rules to make online transactions
more secure. Last September, it implemented an additional factor of authentication
(AFA) for all recurring credit or debit card payments. It was followed by a mandate on
card-on-file-tokenisation that requires all payment companies to replace card details with
an alternative code called a token.

5 Issues and Challenges in the Internet Banking Sector.

Online banking has many benefits. Two

of the most important are speed and
convenience. People who participate in
online banking can access their accounts,
view their statements, make transactions,
pay bills, and more, all from their homes,
or on the go. It is because of these
benefits that roughly 51 percent of U.S.
adults participate in online banking.

However, despite the benefits of online banking, there are also several distinct issues and
challenges in the online banking sector. These are important both for the banks that offer
online banking, but also for their customers, who depend on the bank to operate

Online banking marketers need to be aware of these challenges in order to deal with them
effectively. Here are some of the top issues and challenges in the online banking industry
that marketers need to be aware of:

Traditional Banking Habits

Despite the benefits of online banking, 49% of American adults do not participate at all.
This is mainly due to the fact that traditional banking is familiar to many people and can
take some time to break habits. Therefore, online banking marketers should focus on
persuading traditional banking users to start using online banking services.

These marketing tools aim to highlight many of the benefits of online banking. Online
banking needs to show people how to solve traditional banking problems more efficiently
(must go to a bank branch, high fees, etc.)

Security is one of the most significant challenges for online banking marketers. This is
because, in the past, if a robber was going to steal a person`s bank savings, he or she
would have to break into the bank vault and make a daring escape with the money. This
was an extremely difficult prospect and involved a lot of danger and risk.

With online banking, cybercriminals simply need to ascertain certain personal

information to break into a person's account and steal their money. It can be done
anonymously and involves significantly less physical danger than in the past. in fact, in
the U.K. in 2015, roughly 130 million British pounds were stolen from online bank
accounts through fraud. Therefore, security remains an important issue for online banks
and their customers. Online banking marketers need to focus on demonstrating and
explaining the security of online banking to overcome this challenge.

Transaction Difficulty

Depositing and withdrawing from online banks can be very difficult and time consuming.
Not only are ATMs at online banks often less than traditional banks, but it can also take
longer for deposits to be processed and deposited in your bank account. For example, it
takes about 35 days for deposits to appear in your PayPal account, one of the largest
online banks. This is the problem that online banking marketers are most likely to
struggle with until online banks reduce their trading hours.

Technical Issues

Online banks are heavily dependent on online platforms and can suffer significant losses
if the system crashes or contains bugs in the code. A single technical problem that makes
a bank unavailable for a day can cost the bank millions. It can also cause havoc to bank
customers who may not be able to pay or trade while the website is down. Currently, 54%
of consumers use mobile banking apps. Therefore, not only is the online platform running
smoothly for banks, but mobile apps are also important. A loss of funds or data due to a
prioritize alleviating this worry by explaining how account funds will not be lost if
technical issues occur.

Small Budgets

Many start-ups need to work with a minimal marketing budget before they can grow to a
larger scale. This can be a big challenge. If you have a small marketing budget, you
should focus on Priority spending. All inbound marketing strategies of building search
engine-optimized websites, creating accounts for all major social media networks
(Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.) and starting a blog should be prioritized. Websites
also need the option to allow visitors to be added to the mailing list. In addition, a good
PPC campaign can be a very good investment for your business. Companies earn an
average of $ 3 for every $ 1.60 they spend on Ad Words.

Convenience: E-banking gives fantastic comfort to clients for acting diverse

economic transactions. People can without difficulty get admission to their financial
institution debts every time simply sitting at their houses without touring their
financial institution.
Faster Service: It provides fast service because people don't need to queue to pay
bills or transfer money. Money is transferred instantly from one account to another in
less time with an online payment system.
Higher interest rates: Online banking offers higher interest rates to customers. It has
reduced operating costs for banks, helping them to offer better interest rates on
customer deposits.
Service quality: Internet banking has improved service quality for customers. It's
efficient, secure, and easy to make payments with online banking. Customers can
track all transactions related to their account using e-banking application.
24×7 facility: Online banking is available to customers at all times, 24 hours a day, 7
days a week. Some online banks, like Ally Bank, take it a step further by giving you
24/7 phone access to a physical customer service agent. This can be extremely helpful
if you don't have internet access or think you need the help of a human brain rather
than a computer algorithm.
Liquidity: It provides better liquidity of funds to customers. They can easily
withdraw money from ATM anytime and anywhere.
Discounts: Another important advantage of using online banking is that it helps
customers take advantage of various discounts. People benefit from various discounts
at retail stores when using a credit or debit card.

Literature Review

Today’s world is based on the internet. It’s tough for the consumers to imagine their life
without the internet because e-marketing has revolutionized the market and the minds of
the consumers, as they can browse through the internet to source information for
whatever they want, whenever they want. Today businesses around the world recognize
that “the consumers are not the king but they are the soul mate”. (C. S. Shruthi, S.
Sahayaselvi, 2015)

Traditionally customer satisfaction has been defined as the consumer response after using
a product or service. Customer satisfaction can be measured as the repeat purchases the
goods/services. Chances of repeat buying increases as customer satisfaction towards a
product or services increases. Customer satisfaction in the banking industry has obtained
researchers interest for years and studies have been conducted on the many aspects of the
banking services all over the world. (Wan Nur Syafinas Jaafar, 2020)

Attitude is a social nature which is part of the structure of human perception. It is a

persistent structure of one’s belief, feeling and action tendencies. Scaling is the extension
of measurement for placing respondents in continuum. (Dr. A. S. LAKSHMIRANI,

Attitudes are composed of three components: (a) a knowledge or cognitive, (b) a feeling
and affect and (c) a behavioral and cognitive. Customer attitude leads to perceived risk
reduction which builds confidence and creates a striking influence on user willingness to
engage in online exchanges of money and personal sensitive information thus leading to
internet banking adoption. Moreover the self-assisted channels where users can access
banking service via the public wireless Internet empowers user in terms of time and
accessibility. (Deepanjal Shrestha, 2020)

Customer satisfaction is the most important element of success for any kind of business
activity. Higher level of customer satisfaction of existing customers will help in retaining
are highly critical for any bank to succeed. Various service features like staff training,
complaint management play an important role for customer satisfaction. When bank
management wants to improve customer satisfaction core features and relational features
are equally important, 23 however when management focuses on customer retention core
items becomes more important including better problem resolutions. (Dr. Viral Bhatt &
Ishan Harshadbhai Patel, 2018).

Researcher analyze the factors which make a change in usage of internet banking services
by the post graduate students and conclude that the some of the non-users hesitate for the
reasons like security, unawareness and technical problems. The most of the users very
happy about their convenient and satisfaction of service. (Dr. A. S. Lakshmirani,
B.Shanmugapriya, 2021)

Researcher investigated the impact of perceptions of interactivity on consumer trust and

transactions in mobile commerce and concluded that trust does in fact play a significant
role in determining consumer intentions for transactions. (Hiteshi Ajmera, Dr. Viral
Bhatt, 2020)

Researcher in their paper highlights the implications of demonetization on e-banking

services by taking primary data and concludes that, in spite of the initial hiccups and
disruptions in the system, eventually this change will be well assimilated and will prove
positive for the economy in the long run. Black money hoarders will definitely lose out,
eventually boosting the formal economy in the long run. Short term fall in real estate
prices might benefit middle class citizens. This move by the Government along with the
execution of new currency and the plastic notes in large scale will eventually make the
system more accountable and efficient. (Suvarna Vardai, Dr. B. S. Navi, 2017)

Researcher stated that use of information technology in banking sector can serve to
reduce costs and improve service reliability. The study was to examine customer
communication preferences when interacting with their bank. Researcher reviewed the
importance of satisfying the existing customers for establishing long term customer
any service producing organization including banks. (Dr. Sushil Kumar, Dr. Niraj
Mishra, 2017)

In this study researcher discussed on Internet Banking in India – a perspective on benefits

and challenges involved suggested that commercial banking activities over the long haul
can be significantly streamlined by limiting the branch based connections with the
customers, empowering the banks to centre on coordinate offering and different exercises
requiring higher spotlight with respect to commercial banks. (Sikdar P, Makkad M,,

The tremendous advances in technology and the growing infusion of information

technology had brought in a paradigm shift in banking operations. For the banks,
technology has emerged as a strategic resource for achieving higher efficiency, control of
operations, productivity and profitability. (Dr. G. Karunanithi, Mrs. P. Sountharya,

Convenience and satisfaction with service quality directly influences the use of online
services as customers incur cost to use these online services when compared to offline
services. While in their study of customer satisfaction of internet banking revealed that
the satisfaction of internet banking user depend upon Reliability, Responsiveness,
Security, and Ease of use and Tangibility. So far as online banking adoption is concerned,
security, trust and privacy concerns are being considered as exceptionally significant
from the customers’ point of view. (Dr. Viral Bhatt, Farana Kureshi, 2018)

Service quality is about overall assessment and discernment by customer regarding the
importance of service delivery. Today’s competitive atmosphere is totally differentiated
and dependent on excellent service delivery. There are numerous examples where loyalty
is being attained by providing perpetual and uniform services to the customers. Customer
satisfaction as quoted by Philip Kotler: “person’s feeling of pleasure or disappointment,
which resulted from comparing a product’s perceived performance or outcome against
his/her expectation”. Researchers also verified that service quality is helpful in long run
Researchers proved that perceived usefulness, ease of use, reliability, responsiveness,
security and privacy, and continuous improvement of e-banking services significantly
influence customer attitudes towards e-banking. There are various researches which focus
on service quality in e-banking can be measured using twenty-one parsimonious
measures spread across five dimensions, namely, access, website interface, trust,
attention and credibility. (Dr.Viral Bhatt, Animesh Banker, Dhawal Jadhav, 2020)

One research conducted on India regarding service quality of private as well as public
banks digital banking services states that here researcher used factors like assistance,
tangibility, competence, ease of use, security, accessibility and connectivity proved that
all these factors are contributing in overall service quality of e-banking but when it comes
to banks individually than the intensity of usage of that factor varies from bank to bank.
(Dr Viral Bhatt; Bhumi Mehta;, 2020)

Researcher had evaluated factors influencing customer’s inclination towards online

banking and discovered that almost 50% of the banking customers had switched over to
online banking systems due to perceived usefulness, security and privacy provided by
them. Researcher tried to find out the dimensions of electronic service quality and found
out that Convenient and accurate electronic banking operations, accessibility and
reliability, good queue management, service personalization, friendly and responsive
customer service and targeted customer service are dimensions of electronic service
quality. (Dr. Viral Bhatt, Farana Kureshi, 2018)

Customers are satisfied with one service quality factor or more than one at a time. So the
various factors are summarized into nine dimensions named communication, reliability,
credibility, tangibility, security, competence, responsiveness, understanding, access.
(Jyotsna Sharma, Jagdeep Singh, Amandeep Singh, 2020)

This research explained the Impact of Internet banking on customer retention plainly
demonstrate that internet banking holds customers. On the off chance that the bank
intends to expand the customer base of internet banking they should concentrate more on
elements of internet banking. All the more ever the bank ought to be more mindful to
make their internet banking service greater quality full for their customers. (Trivedi G,
Remedios R., 2014)

Researcher explain the use of Internet as a new alternative channel for the distribution of
financial services has become a competitive necessity instead of just a way to achieve
competitive advantage with the advent of globalization and fierce competition. Online
banking is the fastest growing service that banks can offer in order to gain and retain new
customers. The rise of Internet Banking is also due to its number of benefits for both the
provider and the customer as well. (Suvarna Varadai, Dr. B. S. Navi, 2019)

Majority of the respondents are satisfied with the factor of “E-Transfer of Funds, Security
of Transactions”, majority of the respondents are highly satisfied with the factor of
“Balance Enquiry, User friendliness of E-Banking, Promptness in attending
grievances/Queries, Adequacy of Information provided by banks. (Gomathi,A., 2017). It
is measured to identify the level of satisfaction of the respondents used by ATM, Mobile
banking, Internet banking and Mobile apps. (Dr. A. S. LAKSHMIRANI,

It also stated that the customers of private sector bank are of high level than that of the
public sector banks in respect of these aspects. Hence it has been concluded that the
public sector banks must have commitment to net banking along with a deeper
understanding of the customer needs. At the same time, the banks from both the sectors
should maintain effective E-banking practices. (Gomathi,A., 2017).

Researcher emphasize on as online banking adoption is concerned, security, trust and

privacy concerns have been outlined as extremely important ones from the consumers
standpoint. The on on-line, real time banking services have now become a birth right of
the customer as the customer demands the flexibility of operating an account in any
branch of a bank irrespective of which branch the account was domiciled. (Hasan A.,
Baten M., Kamil A., Parveen S., 2010)
Researcher outline the significant influence of trust, transparency, and financial expertise
to explain the German households to stay or switch from traditional banks to FinTechs,
while the price does not appear to influence the switching probability. The same authors
argue that “younger people have a greater affinity for digital innovations” becoming the
main pillar to explore the students’ perceptions of digital banking services in Romania.
(Georgiana-Loredana SCHIPOR, Cristina DUHNEA, 2021)

Researcher conducted a comparative study about usage of digital payments between

private and public sector bank customers. Authors found from the study that most of the
respondents belongs to urban area whereas rural and semi urban people are less aware
about the fact. They also found that demographic and socio-economic is a common
factor. Private employees are more responsive and salaried people are much more aware
than business persons. They concluded that private banks play an important role in digital
payments introduction to the citizens. (Dr.S.C.B.Samuel Anbu Selvan, N.Vivek, 2021)

The study mainly focuses on examines the impact of various factors of online shopping
platforms (i.e., perceived content applicability, accessibility, ease of use, tangibility,
responsiveness, assurance & attentiveness, credibility and security) on customer service
experience. The researcher concluded that the online retailers can improve their quality
and by changing in their E service quality dimensions that can lead to customer
satisfaction and loyal customers. The result of the study shows that all the dimensions
have significant effect on customer service. (Dr. Viral Bhatt & Himasnhu Raval, 2020)

Researcher analyzed that digital technologies are very fast and the transaction will
happen within nanoseconds. So the skilled workers prefer to operate their transactions
through e-banking services either for payments or to check the balance. Out of all digital
technologies in e-banking services the first rank is given to ‘ATM’ service. It is evident
that respondents can transact money from anywhere, at anytime and it works for round
the clock. As and when time permits the respondents could operate their transactions.
Adding to that to handle ATM service it is simple and to convenient to handle. The
secrets are maintained and there is a less chance of fraudulent activities compared to
other way of e-banking services. (C. S. Shruthi, S. Sahayaselvi, 2015)

On accessibility, it was found that bank customers were aware of what entailed
accessibility. The most accessible digital platform was mobile banking with a feeling that
digital banking could be accessed on a moderate extent. Additionally, having the ability
to bank anytime and anywhere and further check balances and access statements could be
interpreted as accessibility. Use of technology was the major barrier towards accessibility
as technology was changing very fast without the bank customers embracing the needed
skills to cope with this new phenomenon. The study thus concludes that increase in
accessibility leads to an increase in customer satisfaction. (A.Pappu Rajan, G.Saranya,

Researcher in their study concludes that security issues are the major barrier to internet
banking which affects with more risk on payments system and hence more care and
proper vigilance should be kept on the digital banking transactions. There should be solid
analytical foundation for the policymaking especially with respect to digital banking
services. (Suvarna Vardai, Dr. B. S. Navi, 2016)

The study centered on customer satisfaction of mobile banking services. The research
successfully identified customer satisfaction with mobile banking. The study findings
show that time, accessibility, ease to use factors that make customers embrace mobile
banking. Many consumers have been optimistic about the above reviews, mobile
banking content is very easy to understand that mobile banking offers faster services.
Having transfer funds is easy and having a survey of the balance in the use of mobile
banking is easy. Eventually in this report, finding out that customer faced the issue of
mobile banking services as a network and request solution. This study therefore indicates
that bank will provide training and create awareness of the technical aspects certainly
more customers will adapt the Mobile banking services. (Dixita Nagar, Dr. Viral Bhatt,
Digital Banking services comprise of different kind of services. In few of the digital
banking services customers uses their own devices like mobile phone etc. Each customer
uses different kind of devices. The banks need to design such Digital banking platform
that can work on all kind of devises. (Koenig-Lewis, Adrian Palmer and Alexander
Moll, 2010). the research tried to develop canonical definition of affordance of
accessibility issues of mobile banking as social collaboration and networking involves
essential elements of social practices (e.g. devices sharing, internet sharing, helping each
other, share knowledge through videos and helping disables) as committed parties, their
limits to collaborate like confidentiality issues, collective efforts to keep safe, differences
and mutual benefits of families and friends to facilitate the mobile banking as social
affordance practices. (Naeem Muhammad, 2022). Researcher asserted that with the
exception of withdrawals, digital banking provides customers with the opportunity to
make transactions at a click of a mouse. In essence, digital banking gives universal access
to clients on any internet based computer and smart device irrespective of the location.
(Abdul Hamid, 2019)

Assistance, Accessibility, Security, Connectivity, Competence‖, Complexity and

Materiality were identified as most influencing factors for service quality and all the
seven factors together have significant impact on the service quality of Digital Banking
Services suggesting 87% changes due to these factors. Researcher stated that In order to
sustain in the new technologically challenging and highly competitive market, the banks
need to have superior products and best-in-class technologies. Digital Banking services
act as a shield for banks. So it is very important that customers adapt and use these
services on continuous basis for which effective service quality offering is mandate.
Banks should attract the customers to accept Digital Banking services by improving on
service quality aspect. (Dr. Viral Bhatt, Farana Kureshi, 2018)


Customer service and assistance are one of the main dimensions of EBSQ. Customers
will return to an e-banking website for banking services and promote it to others if they
product features and services excellence. Banks need to maintain their relationships with
customers when it comes to e-banking loyalty. Individual response mechanisms can be
linked to service quality using CMR theory. E-banking users also demand access to
advice and help conventionally when they find a problem when conducting e-banking.
Thus, customer service and assistance need to be easy to understand, simple and
beneficial to achieving higher levels of satisfaction. (Shankar A., & Jebarajakirthy C.,
2019). Customer service and assistance are one of the main dimensions of EBSQ.
Customers will return to an e-banking website for banking services and promote it to
others if they obtain active high quality services. Banks need to gain customer loyalty
through their product features and services excellence. Banks need to maintain their
relationships with customers when it comes to e-banking loyalty. (Amin, 2016)


Competency indicates one party perception on other’s skills and abilities. Similarly,
honesty is a service provider’s sincerity and determination towards fulfilling promises.
The last belief is known as benevolence, which refers to company concern about
customer for mutual befits. (Handarkho Yonathan, 2019) Banks should ensure that
each branch is equipped with the most updated machines and programs to foster a sense
of importance among consumers. It is aligned with that traditional banks have a slow
pace in improving their banking service. (Christophers, 2018). Service quality has been
seen as a significant factor of success for the firms through which the companies can
formulate their competitive advantage, as well as heighten their competitiveness. For any
service, most of the banks offered the same services thus service quality is a vital means
for banks to differentiate themselves in the marketplace. Researcher mentioned that the
proper navigational attributes, besides search facilities, have a significant impact on
customer perception of an Internet banking site. (Hassan, 2015). Researcher stated in
their study where lack of self-efficacy (competence to use Internet and banking
applications) was seen to negatively affect customers’ perceived ease of use which
consecutively was found to have the negative impact on customers’ adoption of Internet

Complexity is similar to the ease of use factor in TAM that pertains to the degree to
which a consumer views usage of the target technology to be relatively free of effort.
Innovations that are perceived to be more useful and easier to use have a higher
likelihood of being accepted and used by consumers, at the both stages of the innovation
adoption process. (R. Agarwal, J. Prasad,, 1998). Researcher analyses that the proposed
complexities due to familiarity with the internet technology, download speed, website
design unfriendly, people gaining easy Access, Misusing of information, security, Fear of
Government tracking transactions, hinder the users in accepting and adopting internet
banking technology in Pakistan. (Akhlaq, 2011). Since high-involved consumers have
more technical and product (or service) knowledge and are further aware of complex
issues relating to e-services, they are more likely to resolve their technical problems on
their own. That is, they are less dependent on customer care support teams. However,
low-involved customers are more reliant on customer care teams to resolve technical
difficulties because of their lack of knowledge of eservices. (Quach, 2016)


Privacy and Security are important dimensions to consider when evaluating service
quality. Researcher stated that service quality is a strong basis as a measure of customer
satisfaction. According to an empirical review of consumer perceptions of service quality
in US banks, higher EBSQ quality contributes to user satisfaction. (Foroughi B., 2019) .
Security and privacy are two important aspects of accepting e-banking as a development
of technology. Customers are hesitant to provide personal information to websites for
fear of it being taken advantage of via the internet, especially for financial transactions.
Customers may have doubts about trusting the e-banking privacy policy. From this, it can
be concluded that privacy and security are dimensions that need to be considered by e-
banking service providers. Researcher finds that dimensions such as web usability, trust,
access, and information quality service recovery, and flexibility have become important
aspects of e-banking service provision. Good quality service in these dimensions will
used with caution to ensure a high degree of Information security, confidentiality, and
transaction protection is all important considerations. (Wang, 2015)


The network is one of the determining factors in the quality of internet banking services;
therefore an accurate calculation and review of the network used needs to be done. This
of course is also related to network costs that need to be carefully considered. (Ade
Maharini Adiandaria, 2019). Lack of required infrastructure and connectivity and trust
has been reported as the major inhibitor for technology adoption in India. (Sinha I and S
Mukherjee., 2016). Customers faced various problems while using internet banking.
Here an attempt is made to know which problem is most frequently occurring while using
internet banking. Among these problems Server connectivity was the major problem
faced by them followed by lack of fast and clear response as another problem faced by
them. As per the rank order, poor connectivity, security problem, too many steps in
processing of transaction, Login and sign-out problem were the other problems faced by
bank customers frequently. (Dr.C.Yogalakshmi, 2020)



Proficiency Customer
H3 Satisfaction




H1 – Accessibility significantly contributes to E – Banking customer satisfaction

H2 – Assistance significantly contributes to E - Banking customer satisfaction

H3 – High Proficiency contributes to E - banking customer satisfaction

H4 – Low Complexity significantly contributes to E -Banking customer satisfaction

H5 – Better Security significantly contributes to E -Banking customer satisfaction

H6 – Good Connectivity significantly contributes to E -Banking customer satisfaction


Here the research gap is that in the given literature the date of bank clients of age group
21-35 years, while we have taken the data of bank customers of the age group. The
literature says that the data taken in the research is of on undergraduates, while in our
research we have taken the data of undergraduates, graduates and post graduates. Here
the research says that there is no influence of client technical capability while our
research has proved that low complexity leads to higher customer satisfaction. The result
of the literature says that satisfaction only depends on availability, here security has no
impact on the E banking services. While our research says that along with availability if
the security is also high it leads to higher customer satisfaction. Literature says that it has
taken cross-sectional in one area while longitudinal in another one. While our research
says that research which primary data can be only cross-sectional. The literature says that
due to technological advancement and introduction of e banking services it had been
impacted on employees of banking sector, while our research proves that due to reduction
in connectivity issues it had been positively impacted on customer satisfaction of e-
banking services.

Research Methodology

Research means finding

something new or providing a
solution to an existing
problem. Nowadays, research
day is becoming more and
more important because
people's needs, wants and
expectations are changing
rapidly. People want
something new every day.
Research helps an organization provide goods and services based on people's needs.
Research is a systematic process of gathering knowledge and facts to find a solution to a
problem. Research method is a systematic way of solving a research problem. It includes
the overall study design, sampling procedures, data collection methods, and analytical


1) To analyze different forms of E- banking services. What are the services that a
customer demands from the banks. By the research small variations can be
known which can give better growth to the banking sector
2) To analyze the different factors effects the customer satisfaction on E – Banking
services. By the research it can be found whether which factor has how much
impact the satisfaction level of customer.
3) To examine the influence of various demographic factors on E – Banking
services. Demographic factor place an important role in satisfactory level in E –
Banking services.

Research Design defined as the detailed outline of the study which helps in
achievement of the research objectives and decisions related to research process and
data collection methods used. (Dr. Viral Bhatt, Dhawal. S. Jadhav, Dr. Keyur Nayak,

Descriptive research:

Descriptive research design helps to describe the various characteristics of people

understudy, helps to predict behaviour in a specific situation as well as variables,
helps to identify clear research question, problem statements and helps to analyze
hypotheses. (Jigar N, Dr Keyurkumar Nayak, Dr Viral Bhatt., 2021)

Descriptive research is used to describe characteristics of a population or

phenomenon being studied it does not answer question about how/when/why the
characteristics occurred rather it addresses what question. The descriptive research
design used here is through survey method in form of questionnaire data is collected.

A detailed picture regarding the situation can be only studied with the help of
descriptive research. A descriptive study is one in which information is collected
without changing the environment. It is used to obtain information concerning the
current status of the occurrences to describe "what exists" with respect to variables or
conditions in a situation.

Cross sectional research:

This is a cross sectional attempt of researcher to understand a classification of senior

personnel with respect to psychographic and demographic aspect of workplace stress
in financial services. This is unique attempt made by researcher trying to derive new
conclusions with fresh collection of data in different geographical region,
demographic profile and with different techniques. (Ms. Hiral Borikar, Dr.Viral
Bhatt, 2020)
A cross-sectional study involves looking at data from a population at one specific
point in time. The participants in this type of study are selected based on particular
variables of interest. This type of research can be used to describe characteristics that
exist in a community, but not to determine cause-and-effect. This method is often
used to make inferences about possible relationships or to gather preliminary data to
support further research and experimentation.

Cross-sectional study design is a type of observational study design. In a cross-

sectional study, the investigator measures the outcome and the exposures in the study
participants at the same time. Unlike in case–control studies (participants selected
based on the outcome status) or cohort studies (participants selected based on the
exposure status), the participants in a cross-sectional study are just selected based on
the inclusion and exclusion criteria set for the study. Once the participants have been
selected for the study, the investigator follows the study to assess the exposure and
the outcomes. Cross-sectional designs are used for population-based surveys and to
assess the prevalence of diseases in clinic-based samples. These studies can usually
be conducted relatively faster and are inexpensive.
 6W’s

What are you studying about?

This survey looks at customer satisfaction with electronic banking services. This study is
primarily aimed at analyzing the satisfaction of the electronic banking services based on
various variables. This study analyzes the different impacts of different variables such as
accessibility, support, capabilities, complexity, connectivity, security, and customer

Why is this study required?

This study is necessary to know which variables have a positive impact on customer
satisfaction using e-banking services and which variables have a negative impact on
satisfaction with e-banking services. Therefore, research is necessary to know what
factors affect users of e-banking services.

Who is the respondent?

Subjects of the survey are users of e-banking services provided by banks. Here, we only
take data from people who have used the E-Banking service. Respondents are those who
directly or indirectly use e-banking services.

What factors are being considered in this study?

This study explores various factors such as accessibility, support, capabilities,

complexity, connectivity, security, and customer satisfaction. This survey identifies the
factors that influence and the few factors that affect customer satisfaction with electronic
banking services.

When was the survey conducted?

Whether it is appropriate time to study the subject finalized for the research? If the study
is too early the outcome will be immature and in case if it is too late then the results will
not be that much useful. Conducting the research at the right time makes it most
beneficial for the parties concerned. This survey will be conducted over a 23-month
period and data will be collected and analyzed.

How was the study done?

This question is sub-set of the previous question “Which”. The data collected needs to be
analyzed appropriately in order to get the reliable and genuine results. The question here
arises how to analyze the data. Answers were collected in online mode, which contains
only data for bank customers using electronic banking services to ensure correct answers
and reduce the likelihood of errors.


Primary data:

Primary data are devised by the research scholar for specifically for their research.
Basically primary data is collected through marketing research. In this research the data is
collected through structured questionnaire method. (Hiral Vora, Dhawal Jadhav, Viral
Bhatt, 2020). Primary data, also known as raw data, has its own characteristics because it
is collected directly by researchers for a particular study. Simply put, it is the first time a
researcher has used it. There are many ways to collect primary data for research. The
researchers took the time to create the questionnaire. The questions are based on your
knowledge of e-banking services.

To achieve the above objectives an empirical study was conducted to test the relationship
among the construct. A structured questionnaire based on the contributions of previous
related studies. The questionnaire was designed in two parts. Part 1 consisted of data and
information related to the demographics of the respondents such as age, educational
qualification, occupation, monthly income and so on. In part 2 the core variables are
studied through extensive literature review. (Dhawal S. Jadhav, Neha Upadhyay, Dr.
Viral Bhatt, 2021)

Secondary data:

The study is based on secondary data which were collected from business reports of the
respective banks, data of the reserve bank of India, publications of the Indian Banks
Association, magazines, magazines, to documents and other published information
(Bindiya Baxi Chhaya, Dr. Viral Bhatt) . The researcher also used secondary data for
more clarification. The Secondary data was collected from:-

The scale adopted in this research is 7-point Likert scale. The degrees of the scale are
given as follows: -

“Strongly Disagree”


“Somewhat disagree”


“Somewhat agree”


“Strongly Agree”

The Reason behind taking this scale is that here we have done research on the behaviour
of the customers. 7 - point Likert scale is considered as accurate in structured
questionnaire. Due to this scale, we can differentiate a minor difference in the behaviour
of respondents. It differentiates the somewhat agree and somewhat disagree option from
the 5 - point Likert scale. The factors which are considered during studies are as follows:

1) Accessibility 2) Assistance 3) Proficiency 4) Complexity 5) Security 6) Connectivity

7) Customer Satisfaction

There are various demographic taken in the research which are mentioned and explained
as follows: -

1. Gender

Here in this demographic, the gender options include the basic classification of male and

2. Age

The age groups are divided into three age categories, 18-30 and 31-45, the last one being
over 45 years old. The reason for using these age groups is that satisfaction varies from
age group to age group. The first age group includes young people who can see the
greatest uses of electronic banking. The second age group is middle-aged people who use
electronic banking, but not the first group. The last group includes seniors, but few are
using electronic banking services because they are struggling to embrace digitalization.

3. Monthly income

The monthly income demographic is being divided into 4 parts which are mentioned as

 0 – 25,000
 25,000 – 50,000
 50,000 – 1,00,000
 Above 1,00,000

The reason behind taking monthly segment is that we wanted to research that whether the
change in income have some effect on the satisfaction level of E – Banking services.
4. Marital Status

Marital status demographics are an important demographic factor that includes two
options for respondents to be married or unmarried. This is an important factor as it is a
common perception to analyze whether there is a change in respondents' satisfaction with
marriage or singleness. Here, we wanted to analyze how marriage status affects the
satisfaction of electronic banking services.

5. Educational Qualification

A demographic qualification degree includes three options: undergraduate, graduate, and

graduate. The reason for this option is to analyze whether the use of electronic banking
services provided by banks varies with different levels of education.

6. Occupation

There are 5 options available for respondents, i.e. Job, Business, Professional, Student
and other. The reason behind these classifications in occupational demographics is that
the preference for banking services varies by occupation. Student and job are occupations
where banking services are less than professionals and businessman.

Here non- probability convenience sampling is used for the researcher.

 Non-probability Convenient Sampling:

Convenience sampling is a type of non probability sampling in which people are sampled
simply because they are "convenient" sources of data. Researchers use this approach
widely to collect samples from the target population. In this method researcher select the
sample unit and collect the data on the bases of convenience.


 Every individual's choice is different because everyone's usage depends on their

 Individuals who do not normally use many E-Banking services or who will not use
services regularly were also included in the study.
 Some categories of people who make money and know about E-Banking services use
E-Banking services.
 Samples were taken during the study so that they could provide us with accurate and
complete results.
 Here, the main feature of the samples is that the data is taken about specific people
who are users of the E-banking service.
 The main focus is on people who are already using the bank's electronic banking
 Majority of the earning members of the family use the services in order to perform
Day – to – day financial transactions are included can be seen in this study.
 Graduate and graduate respondents are more common in their responses, as it is
widely believed that higher educated people can easily embrace new trends.

Sample size determination is a very important decision for any kind of research as correct
or rather appropriate sample size will lead to much reliable results which portray the
picture of the present situation of the area under study and in case of inappropriate or
lesser samples the results will not portray the correct picture.

The research has been conducted with the sample size of 300 respondents. In general
terms if a research is being conducted with 95% confidence interval the sample size
should be 300-400 so that the result can be accurate and generalized. So here we have
taken the 95% confidence interval in our data analysis so we have taken the data of 300


The tools and techniques used in the research are mentioned as follows: -

1. Microsoft Excel 2. IBM SPSS – 25

The various statistical tools used in SPSS are as follows: -

1. Crosstabs 2. Correlation 3. Regression 4. One way ANOVA 5. Chi-square test

6. Independent T-test 7. Graphical – Pie Chart


Data Analysis
1) Gender


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Female 177 59.0 59.0 59.0

Male 123 41.0 41.0 100.0

Total 300 100.0 100.0




The above graph shows that out of data collected from 300 respondents, 177 respondents
are male with 59% and the rest 123 are female respondents with 41%. Here we can see
that the proportion of females is greater than the male respondents as they have social
responsibility because of which they are making use of e-banking services nowadays.
2) Age

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid 18-30 132 44.0 44.0 44.0

31-45 83 27.7 27.7 71.7

46 and above 85 28.3 28.3 100.0

Total 300 100.0 100.0


44.00% 18-30
46 and above



According to the above chart out of 300 respondents, there are 132 (44%) respondents are
coming under the age group of 18-30, other 83 (27.7%) respondents belong to the age
group 31-45, and the rest 85 (28.3%) respondents are from 46 and above age group. Here
we can see the majority of the respondents are coming under the age group of 18-30 so
we can say that youngsters have adopted digitalization more as compared to other age

3) Marital Status


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid unmarried 133 44.3 44.3 44.3

married 167 55.7 55.7 100.0

Total 300 100.0 100.0


44.33% Unmarried


The above graph shows that out of the 300 respondents 133 (44.3%) respondents are
are using more e-banking services as they have more financial responsibility compared to

4) Education


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid under graduate 54 18.0 18.0 18.0

post graduate 123 41.0 41.0 59.0

graduate 123 41.0 41.0 100.0

Total 300 100.0 100.0



41.00% Under Graduate

Post Graduate


In the above data out of the 300 respondents, 54 (18%) respondents are undergraduates,
and 123 (41%) respondents are postgraduates. Here we have collected data from
graduates and post-graduate people because education plays a very important role in the
adaptation of new trends.


Findings and result

 Results from Demographic Factors:

 Out of data collected from 300 respondents, 177 respondents are male with 59%
and the rest 123 are female respondents with 41%. Here we can see that the
proportion of females is greater than the male respondents as they have social
responsibility because of which they are making use of e-banking services
 Out of 300 respondents, there are 132 (44%) respondents are coming under the
age group of 18-30, other 83 (27.7%) respondents belong to the age group 31-45,
and the rest 85 (28.3%) respondents are from 46 and above age group.
 The above graph shows that out of the 300 respondents 133 (44.3%) respondents
are unmarried whereas the rest of the 167 (55.7%) respondents are married.
 Out of the 300 respondents, 54 (18%) respondents are undergraduates, and 123
(41%) respondents are postgraduates.
 Out of 300 respondents 107 (35.7%) are doing a job, 48 (16%) respondents are
having a business, 74 (24.7%) respondents are students, 51 (17%) respondents are
professionals, and the rest of the respondents 20 (6.7%) are falling under other
 Out of 300 respondents, 86 (28.7%) are have monthly family income between 0 –
25000, 82 (27.3%) respondents are having monthly family income between 25000
– 50000, 104 (37.7%) respondents are having monthly family income between
50000 – 100000, and rest 28 (9.3%) respondents are having above 100000
monthly family income.
 Out of 300 respondents, 134 (44.7%) respondents are having a bank account in
public banks whereas the rest 166 (55.3%) respondents are having bank accounts
in private banks.
 Out of 300 respondents, 20 (6.7%) respondents are using e-banking services for
balance inquiry, 15 (5%) respondents are using them for generating account
statements, 68 (22.7%) respondents are using them for bills payment, 27 (9%)
respondents are using for mobile / DTH recharge, 60 (20%) respondents are using
for fund transfer / RTGS / NEFT, 50 (16.7%) respondents are using for cash
withdrawal/deposit, 37 (12.3%) respondents are using for online shopping, are
remaining 23 (7.7%) respondents are using it for online TAX payments.

 Results from CHI-SQUARE TEST:

 From the chi-square test, it can be interpreted that there is a significant association
regarding age and monthly family income with respect both men and women. The
reason behind that because men have more transactions than women. This may be
due to greater financial responsibility than women.
 From the chi-square test, it can be interpreted that there is significant difference in
transaction selection between males and females. Whether male or female, the
types of transactions performed depend on their requirements. The nature of the
transaction may vary from person to person. Since each customer uses the type of
transaction according to their needs, so there is a significant difference in
selection of transaction between male and female.
 From the chi-square test, it can be interpreted that there is significant association
regarding education and occupation with respect of customer satisfaction to
private bank and public bank. The type of preferred bank can differ from person
to person. Mostly public bank is chosen as people have a mindset that public
banks are more trustworthy than private banks.

 Results from T-TEST:

 From the T-test table, we can interpreted that There is a significance difference
between male and female with regarding factors like Assistance, proficiency,
security, connectivity, and overall customer satisfaction with respect to customer
satisfaction on E – Banking services.
 From the T-test table, we can interpreted that There is a significance difference in
preferred bank regarding factors like security, complexity and overall customer
satisfaction with respect to customer satisfaction on E – Banking services.

 Results from ANOVA:

 Age Group

Different age groups have different beliefs regarding all the factors i.e. like
accessibility, assistance, complexity, proficiency, security, connectivity and
customer satisfaction with respect to customer satisfaction of E- Banking services,
which creates significant difference among various age groups regarding all
individual factors with respect to customer satisfaction of E- Banking services.

 Education

Different education groups have different beliefs regarding all the factors i.e.
complexity with respect to customer satisfaction of E- Banking services, which
creates significant difference among various education level with respect to
complexity as a factor for customer satisfaction on E – Banking services.

 Occupation

Different occupation groups have different beliefs regarding all the factors i.e.
like accessibility, assistance, complexity, proficiency, security, connectivity and
customer satisfaction with respect to customer satisfaction of E- Banking services,
which creates significant difference among various occupation groups regarding
all individual factors with respect to customer satisfaction of E- Banking services.
 Results from REGRESSIONS:

 In order to study the impact of all five factors identified i.e. proficiency,
Assistance, Security, complexity and Connectivity on overall service quality step
wise multiple regression was conducted.
 “Proficiency” was identified as the factor affecting the customer satisfaction.
Almost 46.2% changes in the customer satisfaction are because of this factor. This
shows that proficiency has significant impact on the customer satisfaction of E-
Banking services.
 “Assistance” was identified as the factor affecting the customer satisfaction.
Almost 25.7% changes in the customer satisfaction are because of this factor. This
shows that assistance has significant impact on the customer satisfaction of E-
Banking services.
 “Connectivity” was identified as the factor affecting the customer satisfaction.
Almost 14.9% changes in the customer satisfaction are because of this factor. This
shows that connectivity has significant impact on the customer satisfaction of E-
Banking services.
 “Security” was identified as the factor affecting the customer satisfaction. Almost
11.2% changes in the customer satisfaction are because of this factor. This shows
that security has significant impact on the customer satisfaction of E-Banking
 “Complexity” was identified as the factor affecting the customer satisfaction.
Almost 5.8% changes in the customer satisfaction are because of this factor. This
shows that complexity has significant impact on the customer satisfaction of E-
Banking services.

Contribute, Future scope & limitations


 To investigate customer satisfaction with E-Banking services, we investigated at

eight different factors.
 Accessibility, assistance, proficiency, as well as specific elements such as security
and connectivity, are all taken into this research.
 The research has also contributed to numerous demographics, in which it was
attempted to understand the various demographic differences in the behavior of E-
banking customers.
 The model states that the quality of services is prioritized, and customers would
be satisfied if banks provide assistance to them whenever they need it. Customers
are more satisfied, according to the research, if banks focus more on simpler
transactions and straightforward E-banking procedures.
 Customer satisfaction is the major variable which we studied and one of the
researcher discussed about the positive impact of the study that customer are
satisfied with the services and have responded positive impact on variable he took
and suggested to the bank need to gain more knowledge and understand of
customers ' expectations and needs accurately. While one of the researcher says
that it should not get depended upon only on the quality, trust, safety and
employee behaviour, but it depends on these services offer diversity as well as
from the fast and simple completion of transactions.

This research will aid in determining the most significant components of consumer
satisfaction when it comes to E-Banking services. In our research, we discovered that
youngsters prefer e-banking services over those of other age groups as more Knowledge
and technology awareness is found in the young generation the result seems more.

Private bank has more customers than Public bank because the quality of E-banking
services provided by private bank are far better, easy to understand and convenient. And
the quality of services provided by the public bank are not better as compare to private
bank, so they should improve the quality of services to attract the more customers.

 The research covers a broad range of scope of research in the field of behavioral
implications of the E-banking sector. E-banking is a rapidly growing industry in
which there is a huge future scope.
 Future researcher can apply some other theories or extended model with some
additional variables and model can replicate in other areas. (Darshil Shah, Dr.
Viral Bhatt, 2022)
 Any future researcher can take into account the findings of this study, and the
research can be expanded in the E-banking area. There are a few things that can
be improved, and some new findings can be made.
 The survey does not yet include the banks' video banking and WhatsApp banking
services that are currently available. On that, a study can be done, and conclusions
can be drawn.
 In the future, a study on particular fraud detection and how frauds are discovered
in E-banking services could be done. Our research does not go into detail on how
banks detect fraud and how they can enhance their detection.
 As a result, we can conclude that there is a significant future opportunity for
banking study.

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