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Consumers Attitude towards Social Media Marketing




In recent years the online environment is viewed by users from a new

perspective, in a commercial way. The development and the emergence of
online stores have turned users into consumers. Also the most important role of
social media has changed the way of how consumers and marketers

Social media which represents the online technologies and practices that
individuals make use of to share opinions, insights, experiences and
perspectives with each other, affects how marketers connect and communicate
with consumers and influence their purchasing decisions.

The usage of social media represents increasingly exponentially to

satisfy the social needs of internet users, at the same time it has also increased
the opportunities for corporate to market their products and services in a
personalized way. The past record shows that social media has contributed
significantly in changing the perception of consumer in buying process.
Organizations can’t ignore the growing importance of social networking sites
on the buying behavior of consumers.

A company that uses social media is more likely to create relationship

with members of its target demographic rather than traditional media where
conversations between the medium and audience are unlikely. Now, social
media outlets have made it easy for consumers to post product reviews and
reach out to other likeminded individuals as their communities. As social media
infiltrates our lives as consumers, before people make purchases, they are
increasingly reaching out to their social media communities for opinions.

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Consumers Attitude towards Social Media Marketing

Social media such as facebook , twitter and youtube and dynamic tools
that facilitates online relationships. It is relatively low cost form of marketing
and allows organizations to engage in direct and end user contact. Given the
choices made available to consumers and the influential role of social media
marketing, the brand and consumers have a changing role to play in the
organizations strategy in that they now have an economic impact. Brands
influence consumer choice. Customers influence other customers. These chain
of events affect repurchases, which further affect earnings and long term
organizational sustainability.

Social media sites such as my space, facebook, LinkedIn, and twitter

have become more than just a means of communicating with long lost friends
or relatives. These sites are a way to update your friends. Millennial spend an
increasing amount of time on these sites and use them as a primary means of
communication. Retailers, manufacturers, and advertisers realize that using
social networking sites is the best way to reach millennial since more than 55%
of teens and young adults use these sites. Retailers and manufacturers,
therefore, have included social networking sites in their promotion mix in order
to engage their customers in and create new ones. It is estimated that, in the
near future, revenue created by social networking sites will be almost half of
that created by all users-generated content sites.

Social media puts consumers back to the centre of business world and
provides marketers a new set of tools to interact with consumers and to
integrate them into the brands through innovative ways. In essence, marketers
have to understand how social media has influenced consumer buying


 Ducoffe (1995) observed that value of advertising could be assessed by

four factors which include informativeness, deceptiveness, irritation and

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Consumers Attitude towards Social Media Marketing

entertainment. Each of these factors has been found cardinal in past

research on consumer reactions to individual advertising.
 Malhotra (1997) provides guideline for the designing of virtual
community. The community was studied through initiation, adoption,
and successive design changes. Issues and conflicts that arise in the
course of life of a virtual community where also traced. The result of the
study led to the creation of leading website that has attracted more than
3,00,000 visitors since its inception.
 Teo et,al. (2003) focuses on the virtual learning communities. He
examine the impact of information accessibility and community
adaptively on the sustainability of virtual -learning communities. The
result indicate that both information accessibility and community
adequately have significant effects on users perceptions and behavioral
 Sweeny (2006) and Howe and Strauss (2003) identified core traits that
are more common in millennials that in previous generations, thus
providing more insight into their behavior. Millenials are demanding
consumers who expect a large variety of items, personalization, and
customization of goods and services, as well as instant gratifications.
 Hensel and Deis (2010) are of view that marketers should consider
positively the use of social media to influence the consumer behavior
There are benefits, drawbacks, and challenges associated with any social
media strategy, and these must be addressed before a specific social
media strategy is implemented. Businesses need to assist in facilitating
the social media inputs and discussions. In addition, social media
strategies should also be used to track a business presence online, and to
make sure that clients are not degrading the branding value.
 Gianiodis (2010) investigate the affect of social networking technology
on firm opportunity recognition. They consider opportunity recognition
as a metraconstruct consisting of opportunity discovery and opportunity
creation. They suggest that information technology can be used an
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Consumers Attitude towards Social Media Marketing

enabler of opportunity recognition, as a mechanism to support and

promote opportunity discovery, through viral marketing, and
opportunity creation , through customer relationship management.
 Ahmad and Wasiq (2012) has done an empirical research to understand
the effectiveness of social media as a marketing tool and an effort has
been made to analyze the extent social media helps consumers in buying
decision making. Results of paper suggested that the medium is growing
very fast and holds huge potential but is still in its nascent stage in India.
Therefore, it is time for the companies to make effective strategies and
execute them to win larger share of business through third revolutionary
medium and become the innovative firm of coming future.
 Bhakuni and Aronkar (2012) tried to understand the usage pattern of
social media among the students of Gwalior city and also assessed the
influence of social media advertising on the purchasing intension of the
students. The study concluded that social media is rapidly growing area
with large number of young students associating with it and there is a
strong positive relationship between purchase intention and social media


This study reports the results by the influence of social media on the
buying decisions dof the consumers. It is evident that majority of the youths
are fairly computer literates and thus have an access to social media markets
which invariably increases their potential as customers. As the youths are also
increasingly turning away from traditional advertising media and actively
seeking out social media platforms and make frequent purchase using
information obtained from social media platforms because they regard it as
being sufficient for decision making reliable, convenient and results in less
time wastage.


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1. To analyze the influence of social networking sites on buying behavior

patterns of millennia’s.
2. Ts study the different social media in current scenario.
3. To analyze the impact of social media in marketing activities.
4. To analyze the perception and attitude of consumers towards social
5. To compare the impact of social media on consumer behavior on the
basis of demographic variables ( age, education).


As the study is related to “Consumers Attitude Towards Social Media

Marketing”, the present study restricts to social media and also the customers
attitude towards purchasing through social medias only.


The descriptive research was undertaken to meet the above objectives of

the study with the collection of both primary and secondary data.

Primary data-

The primary data was collected from respondents through a

questionnaire designed for respondents, representing the genders, different age
groups, education level, and monthly income. Respondents were randomly
selected and screened only for age to ensure that they were eligible to
participate .

Secondary data-

Secondary data was collected from various journals, articles, websites.

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1. This study is restricted to internet users only.

2. Due to time constraint the survey was limited to 50 respondents only.
3. The study area is restricted to kadur .


Chapter-1: Research Design

It includes introduction, literature review, objectives of the study,

statement of problem, scope of the study, methodology, limitations of the

Chapter-2: Consumer And Buying Behavior.

This chapter includes brief introduction of consumer, types of consumer,

consumer attitude, components of attitude, consumer decision process, 5 stages
of decision making model, consumer behavior, nature of consumer behavior,
consumer buying behavior, factors affecting consumer buying behavior.
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Chapter-3: Social Media.

This chapter is completely related to social media. It includes

introduction, definition, brief history of social media, forms on social media,
characteristics of social media, advantages, disadvantages of social media and
finally about popular social networking sites.

Chapter-4: Data Analysis And Interpretation.

This chapter includes introduction, tables,graphs which are prepared

with the help of questionnaire.

Chapter-5: Summary Of Findings, Suggestions And Conclusions.

This chapter is majorly based on the findings, suggestions and

conclusion on the topic consumer attitude towards social media marketing.

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This chapter is devoted to highlight the survey findings on consumer

attitude towards social media marketing. For the purpose of conducting survey,
questionnaires are prepared and are requested to fill it and return to us. The
findings are as under,

Table-4.1: Table showing classification of respondents on the basis of age

Age No of respondents Percentage (%)
15-25 years 42 84%
25-35 years 06 12%
35-45 years 02 04%
Above 45 years 00 00
Total 50 100%
Analysis :
The above data indicates respondents age group. Out of 50 respondents,
84% of them are between the age group of 15-25, 12% 0f them are from the
age group of 25-35, and 4% of them belongs to the age group of 35-45.
Graph 4.1: Graph showing classification of respondents on the basis of age

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Graph 4.1: Age

100% 84%
40% Percentage (%)
20% 4% 0
15-25 years 25-35 years 35-45 years Above 45

Interpretation :
From the above analysis, it is understood that most of the respondents
belongs to the age group of 15-25 years. From this it can be made clear that
most of the respondents are youths.

Table-4.2: Table showing classification of respondents on the basis of


Gender No of respondents Percentage (%)

Male 23 46%
Female 27 54%

Total 50 100%


The above data indicates the classification of respondents on the basis of

gender. From the above analysis, it is made clear that 46% of the respondents
are males and 54% of the respondents are females.

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Graph-4.2: Graph showing classification of respondents on the basis of

Graph 4.2: Gender



45% Percentage (%)




Interpretation :

From the above analysis it can be made clear that most of the
respondents are females compared to males who are showing their interest
towards social media marketing.

Table-4.3: Table showing classification of respondents on the basis of


Qualification No of respondents
SSLC and below 07 14%
PUC 02 04%
Degree 12 24%
Post graduate 29 58%
Total 50 100%

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Analysis :

The above table shows the clear picture of educational qualification of

respondents. 58% of the respondents are post graduates, 24% of the
respondents are graduates, 14% of the respondents are SSLC and below, 4% of
the respondents are PUC.

Graph-4.3: Graph showing classification of respondents on the basis of

educational qualification.

Graph 4.3: Educational Qualification.

SSLC and PUC Degree Post
below graduate

Interpretation :

From the above analysis it can be interpreted that majority of the

respondents are post graduates that is 58%, and 24% of respondents are
graduates who are focusing towards social media networks.

Table-4.4: Table showing classification of respondents on the basis of


Occupation No of respondents Percentage (%)

Business 00 00
Student 30 60%

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Agriculture 04 08%
Service 14 28%
Others 02 04%
Total 50 100%

Analysis :

The above table gives the clear picture of occupation of respondents.

60% of the respondents are students, 28% are service oriented, 8% are
agriculturist, 4% are others. None of them are business holders.

Graph-4.4:Graph showing classification of respondents on the basis of


Graph4.4 Occupation
0.2 0 8%
0 Series1

Interpretation :

From the above table it is clear that majority of the respondents that is
60% of them are students and 28% of the respondents are service oriented
people who prefer social networking sites.

Table-4.5: Table showing classification of respondents on the basis of

monthly income.

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Income No of respondents Percentage (%)

Less than 10,000 24 48%
10,000 – 20,000 19 38%
20,000 – 30,000 07 14%
30,000 – 40,000 00 00
Above 40,000 00 00
Total 50 100%

Analysis :

The above table represents the monthly income of the respondents. 48%
of them are having income of less than 10,000. 38% of them are having income
around 10,000-20,000. 14% of the respondents have a income around 20,000-

Graph-4.5: Graph showing classification of respondents on the basis of

monthly income.

Graph 4.5 Income

0 Percentage (%)
Less than
10,000 –
10,000 20,000 –
20,000 30,000 –


From the above analysis it is clear that majority of the respondents are
havin a income level of around less than 10,000 and 10,000- 20,000. Very few
of the respondents are having a income of around 20,000- 30,000.

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Table-4.6:Table showing classification of respondents having active

membership in social media sites.

Social media sites No of respondents Percentage %

Facebook 32 64%
Linkedlin 01 02%
Twitter 04 08%
Myspace 00 00
Other 13 26%
Total 50 100%


The above table shows that 64% of the respondents are having active
membership in facebook, 2% of them are having in linkedln, 8% of
respondents in twitter, and 26% are having membership in other social
networking sites.

Graph-4.6 :Graph showing classification of respondents having

membership in social media sites.

Graph-4.6 Social media sites

70% 64%

26% Percentage %
10% 2% 0
Facebook Linkedlin Twitter Myspace Other


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From the above analysis it is made clear that majority of the respondents
are members in facebook. And 26% of the respondents are having membership
in other social media sites. Very few are having membership in twitter and
linkedln .

Table-4.7: Table Showing Category Of Investor

Category of Investor No of respondents Percentage %

Long term investor 25 50%
Short term investor 19 38%
Day trader 6 12%
Total 50 100%

Analysis :

Category of Investor has been identified with the help of multiple

response analysis and it includes long term investor, short term investor and
day trader which is tabulated


This analysis implies that, 50% of the respondents are a long term
investors, 38% of the respondents are a short term investors and 12.0% of the
respondents are a day traders in this study. Thus, it can be inferred that the
majority of the respondents are long term investors in this study.

Table-4.7: Table Showing Type Of Market Operated

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Type of market No of respondents Percentage %

Primary market 13 26%
Secondary market 15 30%
Both 22 44%
Total 50 100%

Analysis :

Type of market has been identified with the help of percentage analysis
and it includes primary market, secondary market and both which is tabulated.


From the above table, it can be observed that, 26 % of the respondents

said primary market as a type of market, 30 % of the respondents said
secondary market and 44 % of the respondents said both the market.

From this analysis, it can be observed that most of the respondents are
operating both in primary and secondary market.

Table-4.7: Table Showing Experience

Experience No of respondents Percentage %

Less than 3 years 23 46%
3 -5 years 10 20%
Above 5 years 17 34%
Total 50 100%

Experience in the market has been identified with the help of percentage
analysis and it is tabulated

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From the above table, it can be observed that, 46 % of the respondents

having the experience of less than 3 years, 20% of the respondents having 3-5
years experience and 34 % of the respondents having above 5 years of
experience in the market. From the analysis, it is observed that most of the
respondents having experience of less than 3 years in stock market.

Table-4.7: Table Showing Sources Of Investment Information

Sources No of respondents Percentage %

Newspaper 7 14%

Magazines 5 10%
TV 6 12%
Internet 9 18%
Stock broker 8 16%
Social media 7 14%
Friends and Relatives 7 14%
Others (Specify): 1 2%
Total 50 100%


A source of Investment Information has been identified with the help of

multiple response analysis and it includes newspaper, magazines, tv, internet,
stock broker, social media and friends and relatives respectively which is

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The analysis found that, 14% of the respondents are using newspaper as
a main source of getting investment related information, 10% of the
respondents are using magazines, 12% of the respondents are using TV, 18% of
the respondents are using the internet, 16% of the respondents are using the
advice of stock broker, 14% of the respondents are using social media, 14% of
the respondents are using the advice given by friends and relatives and 2% of
the respondents are using the others option.

From the above analysis, it can be observed that, the majority of the
respondents using Internet as a major source of getting investment information
and 1.8% of the respondents using others as least sources of investment
information. Respondents specified others includes self study, SMS etc.

Table-4.7: Table showing time spent by respondents on social networking


No of hours No of respondents Percentage %

0-1 hour 16 32%
1-3 hour 13 26%
4-6 hour 10 20%
7-9 hour 01 02%
10 hours and above 10 20%
Total 50 100%

Analysis :

The above table shows that the time spent on social networking sites by
the consumers. 32% of the respondents spend 0-1 hour on social networking
sites per week, 26% spend for 1-3 hours, 20% of them spend for 4-6 hours and
and above 10 hours, and 25 of them spend for 7-9 hours.
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Graph-4.7: Graph showing time spent by respondents on social

networking sites.

Graph-4.7 No of hours
35% 32%
30% 26%
20% 20%
15% Percentage %
5% 2%
0-1 hour 1-3 hour 4-6 hour 7-9 hour 10 hours and


From the above analysis it is interpreted that majority of the respondents

that is 32% used to spend on social media sites for 0-1 hours and 26% of them
used to spend for 1-3 hours respectively. 20% of them used to browse for 4-6
hours and above 10 hours.

Table-4.8:Table showing main purpose of using social networking sites.

Purpose No of respondents Percentage %

Communication 34 68%
Multimedia sharing 04 08%
Support to scope 05 10%
Meet new people 07 14%
Total 50 100%


The above table represents the purpose for which the consumers use
social networking sites. 68% of them use for communicating, 14% use to meet

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new people, 10% use for the purpose of support to scope, and 10 % of them use
for multimedia sharing.

Graph 4.8 : Graph showing main purpose of using social networking sites.

Graph 4.8 Purpose

Multimedia sharing

4 Support to scope
Meet new people


From the above analysis it can be easily interpreted that majority of the
respondents use social networking sites for communicating with others, and
very few use it for meeting new people, support to scope, multimedia sharing.

Table-4.9:Table showing consumers level of influence on using media.

Media No of respondents Percentage %

Television 29 58%
Newspaper 08 16%
Magazines 02 04%
Online advertising 11 22%
SMS advertising 00 00
Total 50 100%


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In the above analysis it is made clear that 58% of the respondents are
influenced on television, 22% on online advertising, 16% on newspaper, and
4% on magazines.

Graph-4.9:Graph showing consumers level of influence on using media.

Graph-4.9 Media


4% Newspaper
Online advertising
SMS advertising


From the above analysis, it can be interpreted that most of the

respondents are influenced on television compared to other medias like
newspaper, magazines, online advertising, SMS advertising,

Table-4.10: Table showing considering as a main resource for additional

information and product and service review.

Resource No of respondents Percentage %

Brand website 8 16%
Product review 11 22%
Facebook group / page 10 20%
Youtube product review 21 42%

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Total 50 100%

Analysis :

In the above table it is given that consumers review for information

regarding product and services. 42% of the consumers consider youtube
product review videos, 22% of consumers consider product review, 20% of the
consumers consider facebook group / page and 16% of them consider brand

Graph-4.10 :Graph showing considering as a main resource for additional

information and product and service review.

Graph-4.10 Resource

50% 42%
30% 22% 20%
10% Percentage %
Brand Product Facebook Youtube
website review group / page product


In the above analysis it is made clear that majority of the responds view
youtube videos for additional information related to the product / services
compared to brand websites, product review, facebook group pages.

Table-11: Table showing advertisements on social media are more

interactive than traditional media.

Particular No of respondents Percentage %

Strongly agree 22 44%
Agree 23 46%

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Neutral 05 10%
Disagree 00 00
Strongly disagree 00 00
Total 50 100%

Analysis :

In the above table it is made clear that 46% of the respondents argree
that social media are more interactive than traditional media, 44% strongly
agree, 10% neutral.

Graph-4.11:Graph showing advertisements on social media are more

interactive than traditional media.

Graph-4.11 Particular

44% 46%

Percentage %
0% 0
Strongly Agree
agree Neutral


From the above analysis it can be interpreted that majority of consumers

agree that social media are more interactive than traditional media.

Table-4.12:Table showing advertisements on social media are more

informative than traditional media.

Particular No of respondents Percentage %

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Strongly agree 14 28%

Agree 24 48%
Neutral 12 24%
Disagree 00 00
Strongly disagree 00 00
Total 50 100%

Analysis :

In the above table it is made clear that 48% of the respondents agree that
social media are more informative than traditional media, 28% respondents
strongly agree, and 24% of them are neutral.

Graph-4.12 :Graph showing advertisements on social media are more

informative than traditional media.

Graph-4.12 Particular

30% 24%
Percentage %

0 0
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
agree disagree


From the above analysis it is clear that majority of respondents agree

that social media are more informative than traditional media.

Table-4.13:Table showing seeking of products and services information

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Particular No of respondents Percentage %

Strongly agree 07 14%
Agree 30 60%
Neutral 08 16%
Disagree 05 10%
Strongly disagree 00 00
Total 50 100%


From the above table it can be made clear that 60% of respondents agree
that with the social media sites one can seek out product and services
information initiatively, 14% of them strongly agreed, 16% of them are neutral
and 10% have disagreed.

Graph-4.13:Graph showing seeking of products and services information




Percentage %
14% 16%

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree


From the above analysis it can be interpreted that majority of

respondents agree with seeking information in social media sites before
purchase of products and services. 10% of the respondents have disagreed with

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Table-14:Table showing prejudgement towards a particular product or

service before an actual consumption.

Particulars No of respondents Percentage

Always 08 16%
Often 14 28%
Sometimes 19 38%
Rarely 02 04%
Never 07 14%
Total 50 100%

Analysis :

The above data states that the judgement capacity of respondents differs
before the products consumption, among 50 respondents, 38% of them
prejudge sometimes, 28% of them often, 16% of them always and 14 % of
them never and 04 % of them rarely have prejudgement towards product before
its consumption.

Graph-4.14 :Graph showing prejudgement towards a particular product

before its consumption.

Graph-4.14 Particulars
40% 28%
16% 14%
10% Percentage

Interpretation :

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From the above analysis it can be interpreted that majority of the

respondents are sometimes prejudged towards products before its
consumption. And some of them are prejudged ofenly.

Table-15:Table showing factors causing prejudgement

Factors No of respondents Percentage

Previous experience 12 24%
Knowledge and awareness Of 08 16%
Brand reputation 04 08%
Information from internet 06 12%
Information from mass media 04 08%
Information from peers, friends 16 32%
and family
Total 50 100%


The above table shows the cause for prejudgement. 32% of the
respondents show prejudgement because of their family and fiends. 24% of
them by their previous experience, 16% of them by having knowledge and
awareness on brands. And 8% of them by brand reputation and mass media.

Graph-4.15Graph showing factors causing prejudgement.

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Graph-4.15 Factors

35% 32%

20% 16% Percentage %
15% 12%
8% 8%

Interpretation :

From the above analysis it can be interpreted that majority of

respondents show prejudgement because of the opinion of family and friends.
And some by their previous experience.

Table-4.16: Table showing does social media triggers you to purchase a


Particulars No of respondents Percentage %

Yes 37 74%
No 11 22%
Not sure 02 04%
Total 50 100%


The above table states that 74% of the respondents get triggered by
social media on products purchase. And 22% of the respondents doesnot get
triggered by social media. And 4% of the respondents are not sure about it.

Graph-4-16: Graph showing does social media triggers you to purchase a


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Graph-4.16 Particulars

40% Percentage %
Yes No Not sure


From the above analysis it can be interpreted that, majority of

respondents get triggered by social media to purchase a product or service.

Table-17:Table showing advertisements on mass media are still attractive.

Particulars No of respondents Percentage %

Yes 32 64%
No 18 36%
Total 50 100%

Analysis :

The above table represents the attractiveness of advertisements in

mass media. For this, among 50 respondents, 64% of the respondents agree that
advertisements in mass media are attractive. And 36% of the respondents
doesnot agree with the above statement.

Graph-4.17: Table showing advertisements on mass media are attractive.

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Graph-4.17 Particulars



50% 36%
40% Percentage %



Yes No

Interpretation :

From the above analysis it can be interpreted that majority of the

respondents find that the advertisements on mass media are still attractive.

Table-4.18:Table showing information searching via social media is easier

than mass media.

Particular No of respondents Percentage %

Strongly agree 12 24%
Agree 29 58%
Neutral 03 06%
Disagree 06 12%
Strongly disagree 00 00
Total 50 100%

Analysis :

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From the above table it can be analysed that 58% of respondents agree
that information search in social media are easier than mass media, 24% of
them strongly agree, 12% of them disagree, 65% of them are neutral.

Graph-4.18:Graph showing information searching is easier in social media

than mass media.

Graph-4.18 Particular
30% 24%
Percentage %
20% 12%
10% 0
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
agree disagree


From the above analysis it is clear that majority of the respondents

agree that the information search in social media is easier than mass media.

Table-4.19:Table showing do you search for related information on social

media before purchase.

Particulars No of respondents Percentage %

Yes 39 78%
No 11 22%
Total 50 100%

Analysis :

From the above data it can be analysed that 78% of the respondents
search for related information on social media before a purchase. And 22% of
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the respondents does not search for related information on social media before
a purchase.

Graph-4.19 :Graph showing search of related information on social media

before a purchase.

Graph-4.19 Particulars

22% Percentage %


The above analysis states that majority of the respondents search for
related information on social media before a purchase.

Table 20: Table showing does social media makes your decision making
more complex

Particulars No of respondents Percentage %

Yes 19 38%
No 31 62%
Total 50 100%


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The above table states that 62% of the respondents think that social
media does not makes any complications in the decision making process. But
38% of the respondents think that social media can make their decision making
process more complex.

Graph-20:Graph showing does social media makes your decision making

more complex

0.7 62% Graph-20 Particulars


0.5 38%

Percentage %



Yes No

Interpretation :

From the above analysis it can be interpreted that majority of our

respondents think that social media doesnot makes our decision making

Table-4.21:Table showing social media provides effective platform for new

products .

Particular No of respondents Percentage %

Strongly agree 20 40%
Agree 20 40%

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Consumers Attitude towards Social Media Marketing

Neutral 06 12%
Disagree 04 08%
Strongly disagree 00 00
Total 50 100%

Analysis :

The above table reveals the data that 40% of the respondents agree
and also strongly agree that social media sites provides an effective platform
for new products, and 12% of them are neutral and 8% of them disagree with
the above statement.

Graph-4.21 Table showing social media provides effective platform for

new products.

Graph-4.21 Particular

12% 40% Strongly agree
40% Disagree
Strongly disagree

Interpretation :

From the above analysis it can be interpreted that majority of the

respondents strongly agree that social media sites provide platform for new


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Consumers Attitude towards Social Media Marketing




In the light of market survey, the attempt is made to present the

summary of major findings, suggestions and conclusion which is majorly based
on consumers attitude which will be further helpful for the development of
social media marketing.


 Large number of respondents belongs to the age group of 15-25 years

that is 84%, and 12% of respondents belongs to the age group of 25-35.
 In our survey, most of our respondents are females when compared to
males that is 54%
 While considering the educational qualification of the respondents,
majority of them are post graduates and graduates who prefer social
 While considering the occupation of respondents, majority of them are
students and service oriented.
 Large number of respondents have active membership in facebook.
 Most of the respondents spend on social networking sites for nearly 3
hours per week.
 Majority of the respondents use social networking sites for
communication purpose.
 While considering the media, consumers are having highest level of
influence on television.
 Most of the respondents prefer youtube product review videos for
additional information about a product / service.

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 Most of the respondents strongly agree that advertisements through

social media are more interactive than traditional media.
 Most of the respondents strongly agree that advertisements through
social media are more informative than traditional media.
 Most of the respondents seek out the information related to products
and services through social media sites.
 Most of the respondents are having prejudgement towards a particular
product before an actual consumption for sometimes.
 While buying a product, factors like information from peers, family and
friends and from previous experience causes prejudgement.
 Most of the respondents agree that social media triggers the consumers
to purchase a product / service.
 Most of the consumers agree that information searching is easier via
social media comparing to mass media.
 Majority of the consumers search for related information in social media
before a purchase.
 Most of our respondents agree that social media has provided effective
platform for new products / services / brands to draw consumers


1. As social media sites are informative and also interactive, the

marketers should move their promotional efforts from traditional
tools to social media tools.
2. As the social media sites are more interactive, the marketers should
show proper response and well interactions with the consumers so
that they can hold the consumers.
3. It is necessary for the marketers to take regular feedback from the
consumers even after the buying and selling activities. So that the

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marketers can produce the products according to consumers taste and

4. The respondents should be made comfortable in sharing their
information on social media websites so that marketers can get
additional information about prospects which can help them to target
customers in better way.
5. In order to increase the effectiveness of advertising via social media
sites, there is necessity of customization of advertisements which can
be made easily understandable by all the social media users.


From the above study it is clear that customers give much and more
concentration towards online advertising. Majority of Internet users are aware
about social media and also they are using it, so it can be a best tool for brand
promotion, if used efficiently. Social media not only make customers’ aware
about brands, but customers also prefer the brands advertised through social
media while making their final purchase. But still there is no significant
relationship between awareness and preference of brands that are promoted on
social media sites. Customers have positive perception towards social media
marketing practices; they consider social media advertising more interesting,
innovative, informative and interactive as compare to traditional advertising.

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