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Concept Building Questions
Time: 20 minutes

These sets are to be discussed in the class; no solutions will be provided for the same. The purpose of
these sets is to develop/depict the basic approach to such/similar types of problems.

Directions for questions 1 and 2: Study the given information and answer the questions that follow.
• There are six friends A, B, C, D, E and F.
• Each one is proficient in one of the games: Badminton, Volleyball, Cricket, Hockey, Tennis and Polo.
• Each one owns a different coloured car, namely yellow, green, black, white, blue and red.
• D plays Polo and owns a yellow car.
• C does not play either Tennis or Hockey and owns neither a blue nor a yellow car.
• E owns a white car and plays Badminton.
• B does not play Tennis, he owns a red car.
• A plays Cricket and owns a black car.

1. The colour of the car owned by F is

A] Green B] Blue
C] Green or Blue D] Data inadequate

2. Which of the following combinations of car colour and game proficient in is not correct?
A] Yellow : Polo B] Red: Hockey
C] Black: Cricket D] Green : Tennis

Directions for questions 3 to 6: Refer to the following information and answer the questions that follow.
Seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G live in a seven-storied building. The floors are numbered 1 to 7 from
ground to top floor. Three of these seven persons are teachers, two are doctors, one is an engineer and one is a
scientist. Each one of them owns a mobile phone of a different brand, namely Lenovo, Apple, Sony, Samsung,
Micromax, Xiaomi and HTC, not in any particular order.
I. C owns a Sony mobile.
2. Neither C nor E is a scientist.
3. None of the teachers lives on an even numbered floor.
4. F who lives on floor 6, owns an Apple mobile phone.
5. G, the engineer, lives on a floor immediately below the floor on which one of the teachers lives.
6. A teaches in RV Colleg� and lives on floor 5.
7. The engineer doesn't own an Apple, a Micromax or a Sony mobile.
8. D, a teacher, owns a Lenovo mobile.
9. A doctor, who lives on the middle floor, owns an HTC mobile and the scientist owns a Xiaomi mobile.
10. The ground floor is occupied by the scientist.
11. D lives on a floor that is above the floors on which the doctors live.

3. Which of the following brands of mobile is not owned by any of the teachers?
A] Samsung B] Sony C] Lenovo D] Micromax

4. Who stays on floor 3 and which brand of mobile does he own?

A] E, Micromax B] C, Sony
C] G, Samsung D] D, Lenovo

Roots Education 2 DAS04


5. Which of the following statements is correct?

A] The engineer lives on a floor that is between the floors occupied by a doctor and a teacher.
B] Only two persons stay on a floor 6elow the one on which the person who owns the Micromax
mobile lives.
C] G lives on floor 2.
D] Exactly two persons stay between the floors on which A and D stay.

6. How many persons stay between the floors on which the engineer and the scientist stay?
A] Three B] Two C] One D] Zero

Directions for questions 7 to 9: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
Five women decided to go shopping to M.G. Road, Bangalore. They arrived at the designated meeting place in the
following order: 1. Archana, 2. Chellamma, 3. Dhenuka, 4. Helen, and 5. Shahnaz. Each woman spent at least
Rs. I000. Below are some additional facts about how much they spent during their shopping spree.
1. The woman who spent Rs. 2234 arrived before the lady who spent Rs. 1193.
11. One woman spent Rs. 1340 and she was not Dhenuka.
m. One woman spent Rs. 1378 more than Chellamma.
iv. One woman spent Rs. 2517 and she was not Archana.
v. Helen spent more than Dhenuka.
v1. Shahnaz spent the largest amount and Chellamma the smallest.

7. What was the amount spent by Helen?

A] Rs.1193 B] Rs.1340 C] Rs.2234 D] Rs.2517

8. Which of the following amounts was spent by one of them?

A] Rs.1139 B] Rs.1378 C] Rs.2571 D] Rs.2718

9. The woman who spent Rs. 1193 is

A] Archana B] Chellamma C] Dhenuka D] Helen

10. There are 15 females enrolled in a weight-loss program, grouped in any one of the five weight-groups
WI, W2, W3, W4, or W5. One instructor is assigned to one weight-group only. Sonali, Shalini, Shubhra,
and Shahira belong to the same weight-group. Sonali and Rupa are in one weight-group, Rupali and
Renuka are also in one weight-group. Rupa, Radha, Renuka, Ruchika, and Ritu belong to different
weight-groups. Somya cannot be with Ritu, and Tara cannot be with Radha. Koma) cannot be with Radha,
Som ya, or Ritu. Shahira is in W1 and Sowmya is in W4 with Ruchika. Sweta and Jyotika cannot be with
Rupali, but are in a weight-group with a total of 4 members. Arnita, Babita, Chandrika, Deepika and Elina
are instructors of weight-groups with 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 member(s) respectively. Who is the instructor of
A] Babita B] Elina
C] Chandrika D] Deepika

Roots Education 3 DAS04


Time: 25 minutes

ALL questions in CLASS SHEET are to be discussed in the class; no solutions will be provided for
the same. You may discuss the doubts etc. of the Home Sheet in the next session.

1. Each one amongst Atul, Bakshi and Charanjeet plays either Cricket or Tennis. If Atul plays Tennis, then
the other two play an identical sport (any one from the two sports). Also, if Charanjeet plays Cricket, the
other two play an identical sport (any one from the two sports). However, if Bakshi plays Tennis, the other
two play two different sports. Who among the following will always end up playing Cricket in all the cases
where NONE of the above conditions are flouted?
AJ Atul BJ Charanjeet
CJ Bakshi DJ Indeterminate

Directions/or questions 2 to 5: Answer the questions on the basis of the following information.
7 students P, Q, R, S, T, V & W study in different standards from IV to X and study different subjects - English,
Science, History, Geography, Math, Hindi and Sanskrit.
(a) Q studies in VII standard & does not like Math & Geography.
(b) R likes English and does not study either in V or IX.
(c) T studies in VIII standard and does likes Hindi.
(d) The one who likes Science studies in X.
(e) S studies in IV.
(t) W likes Sanskrit.
(g) P does not study in X.
(h) The one who likes Geography studies in V.

2. In which standard does W study?

CJ X DJ Data Inadequate

3. Which subject does P like?

AJ Geography BJ Maths
CJ English DJ History

4. Which subject does S like?

AJ History BJ Geography
CJ Math DJ Data Inadequate

5. In which standard does P study?


Roots Education 4 DAS04


Direction/or questions 6 to 10: Refer to the following information and answer the questions that follow.
The finals of the 4 x 100m relay race of Jio Olympics had 4 teams - USA, Uzbekistan, Japan and Jamaica -
eyeing for the gold. The race consisted of 4 laps. In each lap, one representative of each country ran with a baton
in his hand. The runner in any lap had to carry the baton for the entire lap before passing it to his team member
running the next lap. Eventually, the runners in the fourth lap who were the first, second and third to cross the
finish line won the gold, silver and bronze medals respectively for their countries. The 16 players who
participated in the race were Lewis, Heller, Maxim, Charis, Johannes, Erwin, Kohlberg, Oberlin, Austin, Festus,
Nolan, Bailey, Gordon, Dalton, Isner and Planck. The following information is also known.
I. Lewis passed the baton to Bailey.
II. Dalton ran the same lap as Isner and Nolan.
III. The lap in which Bailey ran was immediately before the lap in which Gordon and Festus ran.
IV. Kohlberg passed the baton to Maxim, who passed it to the final runner of his team.
V. Oberlin ran the same lap as Johannes and Planck.
VI. Charis passed the baton to Dalton who won bronze for Uzbekistan.
VII. Bailey, while running for Japan, passed his baton to another person who then passed it to Isner.
VIII. Austin ran the same lap as Heller and belonged to the same country as Erwin.

6. Who among the following ran in the 2nd lap?

A] Charis B] Heller C] Festus D] Erwin

7. Who among the following did not run the same lap as Charis?
A] Maxim B] Gordon C] Festus D] Austin

8. If Gordon is from Jamaica, who passed the baton to Isner?

A] Charis B] Gordon C] Festus D] Nolan

9. If one of the runners shares the initials of his name with his country's name, who passed the baton to
Austin? Use information from the previous question.
A] Oberlin B] Planck C] Heller D] Johannes

10. If Planck is from Uzbekistan. who among the follm\ing is not from the USA? Use the information from
the previous questions.
A] Oberlin B] Erwin C] Kohlberg D] Nolan

Roots Education 5 DAS04


Time: 35 minutes

ALL questions in CLASS SHEET are to be discussed in the class; no solutions will be provided for
the same. You may discuss the doubts etc. of the Home Sheet in the next session.

Directions for questions 1 and 2: Answer the following questions based on the following information.
Four gentlemen (Adam, Bill, Chuck, and Dan) went to an expensive restaurant to dine. They checked their coats,
hats, gloves, and canes at the door (each of the gentlemen had one of each). But when they checked out, there was
a mix up, and each of the men ended up with four articles of clothing such that each one had exactly one article
belonging to each person in the group. A pair of gloves is considered a single item of clothing. It is known that
Adam and Bill ended up with their own coats, Chuck ended up with his own hat, and Dan ended up with his own
gloves. Adam did not end up with Chuck's cane.

1. Whose gloves did Chuck end up with'?

A] Adam B] Bill C] Dan D] Either Adam or Dan

2. Who ended up with Chuck's gloves?

A] Dan or Bill B] Bill C] Dan D] Adam

Directions for questions 3 to 6: Read the following information and answer the questions.
Annie, Qamal, Ratna, Shobhit, Tina and Umrao are six friends \\ ho meet at a college reunion after a gap of 12
years. Three members of the group are males and three are females. There are two managers, two film-makers,
one teacher and one doctor in the group. Qamal. Tina, Annie and Ratna are the t\\ o married couples and all four
have different professions. Tina, a teacher who works in Bombay, is married to a male film-maker who works in
Bastar. Both the husbands work in the same city while both the wives also work in the same city. Two persons in
the group work in Bombay, two others work in Bastar and the remaining two work in Najafgarh and Gurgaon
respectively. Annie is a male manager whose sister Shobhit is also a manager. Qamal is a female doctor.
3. Who is the wife of Annie?
A] Qamal B] Ratna C] Shobhit D] Tina

4. Which of the following is a group of male members?

A] Annie, Tina, Umrao B] Annie, Ratna, Umrao
C] Annie, Ratna, Tina D] Annie, Qamal, Ratna

5. Which of the following is a pair of married ladies in the group?

A] Annie, Ratna B] Tina, Shobhit C] Qamal, Tina D] Data inadequate

6. Which city does Umrao work in'?

A] Najafgarh B] Gurgaon
C] Najafgarh or Gurgaon D] Data inadequate

Roots Education 6 DAS04


Direction for questions 7 to 10: Refer to the following information and answer the questions that follow.
Akash, Vijay, Ranjeet and Sharad are the four leading actors while Monica, Priti, Priya and Swati are the four
leading actresses in TV serials on four different TV channels named Channel 1, Channel 2, Channel 3 and
Channel 4. Four TV serials are shown on each of the 4 TV channels. In each TV serial, exactly one of the four
actors and exactly one of the four actresses mentioned above are paired with each other. Each pair of actor and
actress acts in only one TV serial.

The following table shows the number of TV serials on different channels that the four actors and the four
actresses are part of.
Channel Actors Actress
Akash Vijay Ranjeet Sharad Monica Priti Priya Swati
Channel 1 2 0 1 1 1 2 0 1
Channel2 1 1 0 2 1 0 1 2
Channel3 1 2 1 0 0 1 2 1
Channel4 0 1 2 1 2 1 1 0

Additionally, the following points are also known:

I. Ranjeet and Swati act together in a TV serial on Channel 3.
II. Akash and Monica act together in a TV serial on Channel 2.
Ill. Ranjeet and Priya do not act together in a TV serial on Channel 3.
IV. Sharad and Monica do not act together in a TV serial on Channel 4.

7. For how many TV serials can the pair of actor and actress be uniquely determined?
AJ 4 BJ 8 CJ 12 DJ 16

8. On which channel do Ranjeet and Monica act together in the same TV serial?
AJ Channel 1 BJ Channel 2 CJ Channel 3 DJ Channel 4

9. On which channel do Priti and Vijay act together in the same TV serial?
AJ Channel 1 BJ Channel 2 C] Channel 3 DJ Channel 4

10. On which channel do Vijay and Priya act together in the same TV serial?
AJ Channel 1 BJ Channel 2 CJ Channel 3 DJ Channel 4

Roots Education 7 DAS04


Direction/or questions 11 to 14: Refer to the following information and answer the questions that follow.
Pradeep serves as a librarian at the State Science Library. At the end of one day, he saw that 5 books written by 5
different authors (Kadam, Nayyar, Srivastava, Jadhav and Jindal) and belonging to 5 different subjects (Molecular
Biology, Nuclear Physics, Astrophysics, Electrochemistry andEmbryology) were lying on the table. He asked his
assistant Shruti to put all the books back to their original shelves. The shelves are numbered 1 to 5 and are named
after the field to which its books belong. However, because she was a new recruit, Shruti messed up in this task
and ended up putting all the books in the wrong shelves. The following points are known:
I. The book on Molecular Biology was placed in the shelf meant for Astrophysics.
II. Jadhav's book was placed in the shelf forEmbryology.
III. Srivastava authored the book on Molecular Biology.
IV. The book on one out ofElectrochemistry andEmbryology was put in the shelf of the other.
V. The book by one out of Jindal and Jadhav was put in the shelf meant for the other.
VI. Nayyar authored the book in Embryology.
VII. Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics belong to the Physical Sciences. Molecular Biology and Embryology·
belong to the Biological Sciences. Any book from Physical Sciences was not placed in a shelf meant for
Physical Sciences. Similarly, any book from Biological Sciences was not placed in a shelf meant for
Biological Sciences.
VIII. Jadhav authored a book on Physical Sciences.

11. In which shelf did Shruti place Jindal's book?

A] Nuclear Physics B] Electrochemistry
C] Molecular Biology D] Embry ology

12. In which shelf did Shruti place the book onEmbryology?

A] Nuclear Physics B] Electrochemistry
C] Molecular Biology D] Astrophysics

13. Whose book was placed in the Molecular Biology section?

A] Jadhav B] Kadam C] Jindal D] Nayyar

14. If Shruti interchanges the positions of the books by Kadam and Srivastava, and also interchanges the
books by Jadhav and Nayyar, how many books will be in their correct shelves?
A] 1 B] 2 C] 3 D] 4

15. 8 people carrying food baskets are going for a picnic on motorcycles. They are A, B, C, D,E, F, G and H.
They have 4 motorcycles, M1, M2, M3 and M4. They also have 4 food baskets 0, P, Q and R of different
sizes and shapes and each can be carried only on motorcycles M 1, M2, M3, or M4, respectively. No more
than 2 persons can travel on a motorcycle and no more than one basket can be carried on a motorcycle.
There are 2 husband-wife pairs in this group of 8 people and each pair will ride on a motorcycle together.
C cannot travel with A or B. E cannot travel with B or F. G cannot travel with F, or H, or D. The
husband-wife pairs must carry baskets O and P. Q is with A and P is with D. F travels on M1 and E
travels on M2 motorcycles. G is with Q. B cannot go with R. Who is travelling with H?
A] A B] B
C] C D] D

Roots Education 8 DAS04


Time: 30 minutes

Directions for questions I to 4 on the basis of the information given below

Five friends - P, Q, R, Sand T - live in city A. They plan to visit various cities - B, C, D, E and F (in that order)
- by driving their respective cars. They own the following cars (in no particular order) - Qualis, Nano, lndica,
Hummer and Brio. The distances between cities A & B, B & C, C & D, D & E and E & F are 50 km, 22 km, 13
km, 17 km and 26 km respectively. Each car can be driven only up to a certain total distance, so an individual can
only visit the cities falling within that distance for any particular car. For example, if a car can be driven only up
to D and not further, then the person driving the car will visit cities B, C and D but not E and F. The final
destinations of all the five friends were unique. The following information is also known.
I. The maximum distance that the Qualis could be driven for was 110 km.
II. The maximum distance that the Brio could be driven for was 80 km.
III. Q drove the Nano and could not visit D.
IV. The person driving the Hummer was able to visit all the destinations.
V. The person driving the lndica could not visit E.
VI. R visited D andT visited E.
VII. P visited D but did not visit F.

I. Who drove the Brio?

A] P B] s C] T D] Cannot be determined

2. Which of the following cities did P definitely not visit?

A] C B] D C] E D] F

3. Who drove the Indica?

A] P B] R C] P or R D] P orT

4. Which of the following indi\ iduals did not\ isit city D?

A] T B] R C] P DJ s
Directions for questions 5 to 8: Refer to the following information and answer the questions that follow.
Four friends Abhijeet, Avijit, Arijit and Atish have specialized in one of Finance, Marketing, Operations and HR
(not necessarily in that order) from four leading B-schools of the country, namely NIM-Ahmedabad, NIM­
Bangalore, NIM-Calcutta and NIM-Lucknow (not necessarily in that order). They are from Maharashtra,
Kamataka, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh (not necessarily in that order).
The following points are known:
1. A student who has specialized in Finance or Marketing is not from NIM-Ahmedabad or NIM-Bangalore.
11. Atish is from Karnataka and his friend from NIM-Lucknow is from Maharashtra.
iii. Abhijeet is from NIM-Ahmedabad and his friend from Madhya Pradesh has specialized in HR.
1v. Arijit has specialized in Finance and he is not from NIM-Calcutta. His friend who has specialized in
Operations is from Gujarat.

5. Which of the following B-schools is Atish from?

A] NIM-Bangalore B] NIM-Bangalore or NIM-Calcutta
C] NIM-Calcutta D] NIM-Lucknow or NIM-Bangalore

Roots Education 9 DAS04


6. Who is from Maharashtra?

AJ Avijit BJ Arijit
CJ Abhijeet DJ Arijit or Avijit

7. Consider the following statements:

(i) The friend who has specialized in Marketing is from NIM-Calcutta.
(ii) Avijit has specialized in Operations.
(iii) The friend who has specialized in Finance is from Maharashtra.
How many of these statements must be true?
AJ O BJ 1 CJ 2 DJ 3

8. If Abhijeet has specialized in HR, then the person who went to NIM-Bangalore is from
AJ Kamataka BJ Gujarat
CJ Either Kamataka or Gujarat DJ None of these

Directions/or questions 9 to 11: Read the following information and answer the questions that follow.
Five lecturers namely Dr. Verma, Dr. Das, Dr. Bharti, Dr. Krishnan and Dr. Choudhary teach five different
topics of Hindi literature (Kabir, Tulsi, Sur, Jayasi and Gaalib, not in any specific order) in four different
universities (JNU, DU, AMU and IP University, not in any specific order). The following are known:
• Dr. Verma teaches "Sur sahitya" in DU.
• Dr. Krishnan is neither in AMU nor in DU and he teaches neither "Kabir sahitya" nor "Tulsi Sahitya".
• Dr. Das teaches "Gaalib sahitya" but neither in DU nor in IP University.
• Dr. Bharti teaches "Tulsi sahitya" in JNU.
• Two lecturers are from AMU.
• One lecturer teaches one subject and in one university only.

9. Who teaches "Jayasi sahitya"?

AJ Dr. Verma BJ Dr. Das
CJ Dr. Krishnan DJ Dr. Bharti

10. Which university is Dr. Das from?


11. Which of the following combinations is correct?

AJ Dr. Choudhary - Kabir - JNU BJ Dr. Krishnan - Jayasi - AMU
CJ Dr. Choudhary - Kabir - AMU DJ Dr. Das - Jayasi - AMU

Roots Education 10 DAS04


Directions for questions 12 to 14: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
Five friends meet every morning at Sree Sagar restaurant for an idli-vada breakfast. Each consumes a different
number of idlis and vadas. The number of idlis consumed are 1, 4, 5, 6, and 8, while the number of vadas
consumed are 0, I, 2, 4, and 6. Below are some more facts about who eats what and how much:
1. The number of vadas eaten by Ignesh is three times the number of vadas consumed by the person who
eats four idlis.
11. Three persons, including the one who eats four vadas, eat without chutney.
111. Sandeep does not take any chutney.
1v. The one who eats one idli a day does not eat any vadas or chutney. Further, he is not Mukesh.
v. Daljit eats idli with chutney and also eats vada.
v1. Mukesh, who does not take chutney, eats half as many vadas as the person who eats twice as many idlis
as he does.
v11. Bimal eats two more idlis than Ignesh, but Ignesh eats two more vadas than Bimal.

12. Which one of the following statements is true?

A] Daljit eats 5 idlis. B] Ignesh eats 8 idlis.
C] Bimal eats I idli. D] Bimal eats 6 idlis.

13. Which of the following statements is true?

A] Sandeep eats 2 vadas. B] Mukesh eats 4 vadas.
C] Ignesh eats 6 vadas. D] Bimal eats 2 vadas.

14. Which of the following statements is true?

A] Mukesh eats 8 idlis and 4 vadas but no chutney.
BJ The person who eats 5 idlis and l vada does not take chutney.
C] The person who eats equal number of vadas and idlis also takes chutney.
D] The person who eats 4 idlis and 2 vadas also takes chutney.

Direction for questions 15 to 17: Refer to the following information and answer the questions that follow.
Paolini, Raphael, Saldira. Theodore. Ursula and Vangold are six colleagues who work for Flex Feature Inc.
headquartered at Minsk. Each of them li\es in a different city that is one out of Parzedena, Rhodes, Stalkin,
Troitskaya, Ukalion and Vontage, not necessarily in that order. Their organization has assigned each of them for a
field visit in one of these six cities such that neither of them will be sent to the city where they live. The following
points are known.
► Saldira will visit the city where Theodore lives.
► Ursula will visit Parzedena.
► Vangold is from Troitskaya.
► Raphael and Ursula will visit each other's home city.
► The person who lives in Rhodes will visit Paolini's home city.
► The person from Stalkin will visit Troitskaya.
► The initials of the name of each employee, his home city, his visiting city and the name of the person who
lives in that visiting city are different.

15. Which city will Vangold visit?

A] Stalkin B] Ukalion
C] Rhodes D] Cannot be determined

16. Which city is Theodore from?

A] Rhodes B] Vontage
C] Stalkin D] Cannot be determined

Roots Education II DAS04


17. Who will visit Rhodes?

A] Theodore B] Paolini
C] Saldira D] Cannot be determined

Direction/or questions 18 to 20: Refer to the following information and answer the questions that follow.
BATA Crucible is a prestigious quiz contest organized for B-school students from India. Six students from
National Institute of Management-Lucknow participated in the contest. They were Mandar, Bhanu,
Chandrashekhar, Amarendra, Tushar and Jayant. They were from six different states of [ndia, namely Rajasthan,
Gujarat, Orissa, Assam, Kerala and Maharashtra in no particular order. They specialized in six different fields,
namely Finance, Marketing, Operations, Human Resources, Systems and General Management in no particular
order. Three of them are less than 25 years old and the rest are more than 25 years old. Each of them got a unique
rank (between 1 st and 6th - both inclusive) in the contest. The following information is available.
I. The student from Rajasthan specialized in Marketing and is the eldest among all.
II. Jayant, who is not from Gujarat, specialized in Systems and finished fourth.
III. The student who specialized in Finance is more than 25 years old and is from Orissa.
IV. Bhanu was ranked higher than at least 3 students.
V. Tushar, who is the youngest student, specialized in Operations.
VI. The student who specialized in General Management was ranked second, while the student from Assam
was ranked first.
VII. The rank of Mandar in the contest was immediately after the rank of Amarendra.
VIII. Chandrashekhar is from Maharashtra.
IX. lncidentally, all the students were ranked in the contest in the ascending order of their ages.

18. To which state does Jayant belong?

A] Kerala B] Orissa C] Rajasthan D] Assam

19. In which field did Amarendra specialize?

A] Human Resources BJ General Management
C] Finance DJ Marketing

20. Which of the following statements is definitely false?

AJ The second oldest student is from Orissa
B] Bhanu specialized in Human Resources
C] Amarendra is less than 25 years old
D] Chandrashekhar specialized in General Management

Please DO NOT ATTEMPT HOME SHEET-L2 unless you have got �36 marks within the stipulated time.
lncase you have got less than 36 marks, please go to the topic in the concept-book, do the solved examples
again, practice the exercise and review the class-sheets before attempting HOME SHEET-L2.
This is important for you to find out your level in this topic and will help you immensely later in cracking the

Roots Education 12 DAS04


Time: 45 minutes

This sheet will help you determine your final level in this topic.
Please ensure you are fresh and will have no distractions during the period of this exercise.
Please ensure you attempt this exercise in one go & within the time-limit.
At the end of the time-limit, please evaluate using the solutions provided & put your score and mark your
level accordingly on the cover page of this booklet & on the ADAPTIVE CARD given to you. This will ensure
you have taken another step towards cracking the CAT!

Directions/or questions 1 to 4: Refer to the following information and answer the questions that follow.
Six friends with surnames Gowda, Nayak, Ramakrishnan, Nayar, Ramaiah, and Naidu are returning to their
homes for Diwali. They meet at Bangalore City Junction railway station and are from six different towns in
Karnataka, namely Mandya, Mysore, Gulberga, Belgaum, Chitradurga and Mangalore. The trains to these places
are scheduled between 8: 15 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. at 15 minutes intervals. The first names of the six friends are
Abhishek, Ashutosh, Avijit, Arijit, Abhijeet and Ashish.
1. The last train for the day is scheduled at 9:30 a.m. to Mangalore.
2. ArijitNayar has to go to Belgaum on the 8:30 a.m. train.
3. Avijit tells Ramakrishnan that he is going to Gulberga, the train to which is scheduled to depart 15
minutes before the last train for the day.
4. Abhishek Gowda is leaving for Mandya half an hour after Arijit's train.
5. Ashish tells Nayak that he is taking the last train for the day.
6. AbhijeetRamakrishnan tells Ashutosh that he is leaving for Chitradurga 15 minutes after the Belgaum
7. Nayak is from Mysore.
8. There are no other trains during the given period.

1. To which destination is the train scheduled at 8: 15 a.m. supposed to go?

A] Mandya B] Mysore C] Gulberga D] Belgaum

2. Which of the following can be the last name of Avijit?

A] Gowda B] Nayar C] Nayak D] Ramaiah

3. Which of the following is definitely a correct combination of the first name and the last name?
A] Ashutosh - Ramaiah B] Avijit - Nayak
C] Ashutosh - Nayak D] Ashish - Naidu

4. Who among the following is going to Mysore?

A] Ashish B] Ashutosh C] Avijit D] Cannot be determined

Roots Education 13 DAS04


Directions/or questions 5 to 8: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
Twenty-one participants from four continents (Africa, America, Australasia, and Europe) attended a United
Nations conference. Each participant was an expert in one of four fields, labour, health, population studies, and
refugee relocation. The following five facts about the participants are given.
(a) The number of labour experts in the camp was exactly half the number of experts in each of the three
other categories.
(b) Africa did not send any labour expert. Otherwise, every continent, including Africa, sent at least one
expert for each category.
(c) None of the continents sent more than three experts in any category.
(d) If there had been one less Australian expert, then the Americas would have had twice as many experts as
each of the other continents.
(e) Mike and Alfonso are leading experts of population studies who attended the conference. They are from

5. If Ramos is the lone American expert in population studies, which of the following is NOT true about the
numbers of experts in the conference from the four continents?
Al There is one expert in health from Africa.
B] There is one expert in refugee relocation from Africa.
C] There are two experts in health from the Americas.
D] There are three experts in refugee relocation from the Americas.

6. Alex, an American expert in refugee relocation, was the first keynote speaker in the conference. What can
be inferred about the number of American experts in refugee relocation in the conference, excluding
I. At least one
II. At most two
A] Only I and not II B] Only II and not I
C] Both I and II D] Neither I nor II

7. Which of the following numbers cannot be determined from the information given?
A] Number of labour experts from the Americas
B] Number of health experts from Europe
C] Number of health experts from Australasia
D] Number of experts in refugee relocation from Africa

8. Which of the following combinations is NOT possible?

A] 2 experts in population studies from the Americas and 2 health experts from Africa attended the
B] 2 experts in population studies from the Americas and 1 health expert from Africa attended the
C] 3 experts in refugee relocation from the Americas and 1 health expert from Africa attended the
D] Africa and America each had 1 expert in population studies attending the conference.

Roots Education 14 DAS04


9. The Bannerjees, the Sharmas, and the Pattabhiramans each have a tradition of eating Sunday lunch as a
family. Each family serves a special meal at a certain time of day. Each family has a particular set of
chinaware used only for this meal. Use the clues below to answer the question that follows.
• The Sharma family eats at noon.
• The family that serves fried Brinjal uses blue chinaware.
• The Bannerjee family eats at 2 O'clock.
• The family that serves sambar does not use red chinaware.
• The family that eats at 1 O'clock serves fried brinjal.
• The Pattabhiraman family does not use white chinaware.
• The family that eats last likes makkai-ki-roti.
Which one of the following statements is true?
AJ The Bannerjees eat makkai-ki-roti at 2 O'clock, the Sharmas eat fried Brinjal at 12 O'clock and
the Pattabhiramans eat Sambar from red chinaware.
BJ The Sharmas eat sambar served in white chinaware, the Pattabhiramans eat fried brinjal at l ·
O'clock, and the Bannerjees eat makkai-ki-roti served in blue chinaware.
CJ The Sharmas eat sambar at noon, the Pattabhiramans eat fried brinjal served in blue chinaware,
and the Bannerjees eat makkai-ki-roti served in red chinaware.
DJ The Bannerjees eat makkai-ki-roti served in white chinaware, the Sharmas eat fried brinjal at 12
O'clock and the Pattabhiramans eat sambar from red chinaware.

Directions for questions 10 to 14: Answer the questions on the basis of the following information.
Three pairs of twins live in three different cities: one pair in each of the cities, New Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai.
Each pair consists of a boy and a girl. The girls are Daamini, Kaamini and Maalini; and the boys are Aakash,
Prakaash and Vishwaas (not necessarily in that order). The following facts are known about them.
(i) Maalini is the only girl having a Pajero.
(ii) Aakash's sister is not a newsreader.
(iii) The girl who owns a Pajero lives in Mumbai.
(iv) The girl living in Chennai likes Shahrukh Khan.
(v) One of the girls, who is a newsreader on NDTV, lives in New Delhi.
(vi) The girl who owns a Pajero doesn't like Shahrukh Khan.
(vii) Kaamini, who does not own a Pajero, does not live in New Delhi.
(viii) Prakaash watches his sister reading news on NDTV every day.
(ix) Vishwaas sometimes exchanges his Scorpio with his sister's Pajero.

Who is a newsreader on NDTV?

AJ Maalini BJ Daamini
CJ Kaamini DJ Indeterminate

11. The twins living in Chennai are

AJ Kaamini & Prakaash BJ Maalini & Vishwaas
CJ Daamini & Aakash DJ None of these

12. Kaamini's brother is

AJ Aakash BJ Prakaash
CJ Vishwaas DJ Indeterminate

13. Who lives in New Delhi?

AJ Maalini BJ Vishwaas
CJ Daamini DJ Aakash

Roots Education 15 DAS04


14. Which of the following is not necessarily false?

A] Maalini likes Shahrukh Khan. B] Kaamini does not like Shahrukh Khan.
C] Daamini owns a Pajero. DJ All these are necessarily false.

Directions for questions 15 to 20: Study the 10 statements given below and answer the questions.
S 1: Six businessmen from six different nations are staying in different rooms in succession in the same row in a
S2: Each of them owns a different number of cars and has donated to different number of institutions during the
last year.
S3: The businessman in Room no. 102 owns twice as many as the number of cars owned by the businessmen who
has donated to 8 institutions in the last year.
S4: The businessman from Uruguay and the businessman in Room no. 106 together own 40 cars in total.
S5: The businessman from Argentina owns 8 cars less than the businessman from England but donated to 10 more
institutions in the last year.
S6: Four times the number of cars owned by the businessman in Room no. 104 is lesser than the number of
institutions to which he has donated in the last year.
S7: The businessman in Room No. 103 owns 12 cars and donated to 8 institutions in the last year.
S8: The businessman who owns 16 cars donated to 24 institutions in the last year.
S9: The businessman in Room no. I 05 owns 8 cars and donated to 2 institutions less than the number of institutes
to which the businessman from Canada donated last year.
SlO: The Brazilian businessman is staying two rooms ahead (room number higher by 2) of the English
businessman who is staying two rooms ahead (room number higher by 2) of the Canadian businessman.
S11: The unit digit of room number of the businessman from Germany is not a prime number.

15. In which room is the Brazilian businessman staying?

AJ Room no. 102 BJ Room no. 103
C] Room no. I 04 DJ Room no. 105

16. What is the number of institutions to which the Argentinean businessman donated in the last year?
AJ 8 BJ 3 C] 18 DJ 24

17. The businessman of which country is staying in Room no. 106?

AJ Argentina BJ Canada C] Uruguay DJ Germany

18. The businessman of which country has donated to 24 institutions in the last year?
AJ Argentina BJ Uruguay CJ Canada DJ Germany

19. The businessman of which country owns the highest number of cars?
AJ Argentina BJ Uruguay CJ Germany DJ Brazil

20. The number of cars owned by the English businessman is

AJ 8 BJ 12 CJ 4 DJ 20

Roots Education 16 DAS04

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