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Belledjmel Middle School Full Name :……..

Class: 3MS…….

Third Term Exam of English


An endangered species is any type of plant or animal that is in danger of disappearing forever. In 1960.

People became aware that many species were endangered. Natural disasters or changes in the elimate can harm

or destroy habitats. Humans as well pollute habitats with garbage, car fumes, and factory wastes. They also

may hunt and kill too many of certain types of animals

Today many countries have made it illegal to harm, eapture, kill, or sell endangered species. In addition,
many organizations work to keep endangered species from becoming extinct. Such programs have helped to
ncrease the populations of the black-footed ferret, the California condor, and other endangered animals. Giant
pandas survive only in remote parts of China and in zoos, for many years they were considered endangered. In
2016, however, the IUCN declared that efforts to protect the pandas have worked and animals are no longer
endangered, though they are still in danger need to be protected.

Part One:

A/ Reading Comprehension:

Task01: Read the text carefully and answer with true or false

1- Humans Pollute habitats with garbage ………

2- It is legal to harm and sell endangered animals ……….

3- Animals don’t need to be protected …………

Task02: Find in the text words that are Closest in meaning to the following:

Garbage=………………. A lot =………………

Task03: What do the bold words refer to:

That§1=………….. They§1=……………
B/Mastery of the Language:

Task01: Supply with punctuation and capital letters where necessary

children drop litter in the river so the water will be polluted

Task02: Write the correct form of the given adjectives

- Gouraya national park is……………...than Bellezma national park (small)

- Plastic waste is………………….to the environment than fruit waste (dangerous)
- Rats are……………than mice (big)

Task03: Circle the silent letter in each of the following words

Listen whale Wrap Knot

Part Two: Situation of Integration

Write a paragraph for your school magazine in which you suggest ways to protect endangered
animal using should/ shouldn’t and the imperative

Use the following notes:

- Ban illegal hunting

- Recycle and buy sustainable products
- Protect their habitat
- Slow down while driving
- Make your home wildlife friendly

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