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By Kinshuk Sir

Ancient India
Location Based - स्थान आधारित
Dynasty Based - िाजवंश आधारित
Terminology Based - शब्दावली आधारित
With reference to ancient South India, Korkai,
Poompuhar, and Muchiri were well known as:

a) Capital cities

b) Ports

c) Centres of iron- and- steel-making

d) Shrines of Jain Tirthankaras

Korkai, Poompuhar, and Muchiri
• Lothal: Located in present-day Gujarat, • लोथल: वर्तमान गज
ु रार् में स्थथर्, लोथल
Lothal was a major port of the ancient Indus प्राचीन स ध
िं ु घाटी भ्यर्ा (लगभग 2400

Valley Civilization (around 2400 BCE).

ई ा पूव)त का एक प्रमुख बिंदरगाह था।

• धोलावीरा: स ध
िं ु घाटी भ्यर्ा का एक
• Dholavira: Another prominent port of the
अन्य प्रमुख बिंदरगाह, धोलावीरा कच्छ के
Indus Valley Civilization, Dholavira was
रण में स्थथर् था।
situated in the Rann of Kutch.
• बारीगाजा (भरूच): गुजरार् में नमतदा नदी
• Barigaza (Bharuch): Situated on the banks
के र्ट पर स्थथर्, बारीगाजा मौयत और
of the Narmada River in Gujarat, Barigaza गप्ु र् ाम्राज्य के मय व्यापार के सलए
was a key port for trade during the time of एक प्रमुख बिंदरगाह था।
the Maurya and Gupta empires.
• Muziris: Located on the southwest coast of • मुस़्िरर : भारर् के दक्षिण-पस्चचमी र्ट
(वर्तमान केरल में कोडुग
िं ल्लरू ) पर स्थथर्,
India (present-day Kodungallur in Kerala),
मुस़्िरर रोमन काल के दौरान एक प्रमुख
Muziris was a major port city during the
बिंदरगाह शहर था। यह म ालों, कीमर्ी पत्थरों
Roman period. It served as a significant और अन्य वथर्ओ
ु िं के सलए एक महत्वपूणत
trading hub for spices, precious stones, and व्यापाररक केंद्र के रूप में कायत करर्ा था।

other commodities. • अररकामेडु: वर्तमान पुडुचेरी के पा स्थथर्,

अररकामेडु कोरोमिंडल र्ट पर एक प्राचीन
• Arikamedu: Situated near present-day
बिंदरगाह था। इ के रोमन ाम्राज्य और
Puducherry, Arikamedu was an ancient port
दक्षिण पूवत एसशया के ाथ व्यापाररक ब
िं िंध
on the Coromandel Coast. It had trade थे।
connections with the Roman Empire and

Southeast Asia.
• Tamralipta: Located in present-day Tamluk • र्ाम्रसलप्र्ा: पस्चचम बिंगाल में वर्तमान
in West Bengal, Tamralipta was an र्ामलक
ु में स्थथर्, र्ाम्रसलप्र्ा प्राचीन
important port during ancient times, काल में एक महत्वपण
ू त बिंदरगाह था,
mentioned in ancient Indian texts like the स्ज का उल्लेख महाभारर् जै े प्राचीन
भारर्ीय ग्रिंथों में ककया गया है ।
• Korkai: An ancient port in the Pandyan
• कोरकाई: पािंडडयन ाम्राज्य
kingdom (Tamil Nadu), Korkai was
(र्समलनाडु) में एक प्राचीन बिंदरगाह,
renowned for its pearl fisheries and trade
कोरकाई अपनी मोर्ी मछली पालन
with the Roman Empire.
और रोमन ाम्राज्य के ाथ व्यापार
के सलए प्रस द्ध था।
With reference to the period of Gupta
dynasty in ancient India, the towns
Ghantasala, Kadura and Chaul were known
as: [2020]

a) Ports handling foreign trade

b) Capitals of powerful kingdoms

c) Places of exquisite stone art and


d) Important of Buddhist pilgrimage centres

• The ports of the east coast, Tamralipti, • पूवी र्ट के बिंदरगाह, र्ाम्रसलस्प्र्,
Ghantashala, and Kadura handled the
घिंटाशाला और कदरु ा, दक्षिण-पव
ू त
north-Indian trade with south-east Asia,

and those of the west coast, Broach, Chaul, एसशया के ाथ उत्तर-भारर्ीय

Kalyan and Cambray, traded with the व्यापार को िंभालर्े थे, और
पस्चचमी र्ट के, ब्रोच, चौल,
कल्याण और कैम्ब्ब्रे, भूमध्य
ागर के ाथ व्यापार करर्े थे।
Consider the following pairs: 2022
Site of Ashoka’s Location in the State
major rock edicts
1. Dhauli Odisha
2. Erragudi Andhra Pradesh
3. Jaugada Madhya Pradesh
4. Kalsi Karnataka
How many pairs given above are correctly
(a) Only one pair
(b) Only two pairs
(c) Only three pairs
(d) All four pairs
• Kalsi - Uttarakhand • काल ी-उत्तराखिंड
• Sannati - Karnataka
• न्नतर् - कनातटक
• Yerragudi - Andhra Pradesh.
• Girnar - Gujrat • येरागुडी - आिंध्र प्रदे श।

• Dhauli - Odisha • गगरनार - गज

ु रार्
• Jaugada - Odisha • धौली-ओडडशा
• Sopara - Maharashtra
• जौगाडा - ओडडशा
• Shahbazgarhi - Pakistan
• Mansehra – Pakistan • ोपारा - महाराष्ट्र
• Kandahar – Afghanistan • शाहबाजगढी - पाककथर्ान

• मन ेहरा - पाककथर्ान

• किंधार-अफगातनथर्ान
Which one of the following ancient towns is
well known for its elaborate system of water
harvesting and management by building a
series of dams and channelising water into
connected reservoirs? 2021

(a) Dholavira

(b) Kalibangan

(c) Rakhigarhi

(d) Ropar
• Harappa: • हडप्पा:
• Location: In present-day Pakistan, near the • थथान: वर्तमान पाककथर्ान में , रावी नदी के पा ।
Ravi River.
• Special Features: The city had a well- • ववशेष ववशेषर्ाएिं: शहर में जल तनका ी की एक जटटल
planned layout with a complex system of प्रणाली के ाथ एक ुतनयोस्जर् लेआउट था, जो उन्नर्
drainage, indicating advanced urban शहरी तनयोजन का िंकेर् दे र्ा था। परु ार्ास्त्वक खोजों में
planning. Archaeological findings include a
एक बडा अन्न भिंडार और एक गढ शासमल है ।
large granary and a citadel.
• Mohenjo-daro: • मोहनजोदडो:

• Location: In present-day Pakistan, near the • थथान: वर्तमान पाककथर्ान में , स ध

िं ु नदी के पा ।
Indus River.
• ववशेष ववशेषर्ाएिं: ग्रेट बाथ एक उल्लेखनीय िंरचना है ,
• Special Features: The Great Bath is a
और शहर में मानकीकृर् ईंटों े तनसमतर् प्रभावशाली
notable structure, and the city had
impressive buildings constructed with इमारर्ें थीिं।
standardized bricks.
• Dholavira: • धोलावीरा:
• Location: In present-day India, on the Rann
of Kachchh. • थथान: वर्तमान भारर् में, कच्छ के रण पर।

• Special Features: Dholavira is known for its • ववशेष ववशेषर्ाएिं: धोलावीरा चैनलों और जलाशयों
intricate water conservation system,
टहर् अपनी जटटल जल रिं िण प्रणाली के सलए
including channels and reservoirs.
जाना जार्ा है ।
• Lothal:
• Location: In present-day India, near the Gulf • लोथल:
of Khambhat.
• थथान: वर्तमान भारर् में, खिंभार् की खाडी के पा ।
• Special Features: Lothal was an important
port city with a well-developed dockyard, • ववशेष ववशेषर्ाएँ: लोथल एक ुववकस र् गोदी
indicating maritime trade.
वाला एक महत्वपण
ू त बिंदरगाह शहर था, जो मद्र
ु ी
व्यापार का िंकेर् दे र्ा था।
• Kalibangan: • कालीबिंगन:
• Location: In present-day India, in the • थथान: वर्तमान भारर् में , राजथथान के
Hanumangarh district of Rajasthan. हनम ु ानगढ स्जले में ।
• Special Features: Kalibangan is known for • ववशेष ववशेषर्ाएिं: कालीबिंगन अपनी अनूठी
its unique fire altars, suggesting ritualistic अस्नन वेटदयों के सलए जाना जार्ा है , जो
practices. Archaeological findings include a अनुष्ट्ठातनक प्रथाओिं का ुझाव दे र्ी हैं।
ploughed field, suggesting agricultural पुरार्ास्त्वक खोजों में एक जुर्ा हुआ खेर्, कृवष
activities, and a distinctive pottery style. गतर्ववगधयों का िंकेर् और एक ववसशष्ट्ट
समट्टी की बर्तन शैली शासमल है ।
• Rakhigarhi:
• राखीगढी:
• Location: In present-day India, in Haryana.
• थथान: वर्तमान भारर् में , हररयाणा में ।
• Special Features: The site features a well-
planned layout with residential and • ववशेष ववशेषर्ाएिं: ाइट में आवा ीय और
industrial areas. Archaeological excavations औद्योगगक िेत्रों के ाथ एक ुतनयोस्जर्
have revealed a granary, a large bathing लेआउट है । पुरार्त्व उत्खनन े एक अन्न
platform, and evidence of craft activities. भिंडार, एक बडा थनान मिंच और सशल्प
गतर्ववगधयों के ाक्ष्य समले हैं।
Which one of the following is not a Harappan
site? [2019]

a) Chanhudaro

b) Kot Diji

c) Sohgaura

d) Desalpur
• Harappa, • हडप्पा,
• Kalibangan, • कालीबिंगन,
• Lothal, • लोथल,
• RakhiGarhi, • राखीगढी,
• Dholavira, • धोलावीरा,
• Chanhudaro, • चन्हुदडो,
• SutakagenDor, • ुर्ाकाजेनडोर,
• Mohenjodaro, • मोहनजोदडो,
• Balakot, • बालाकोट,
• Kot Diji, • कोट दीजी,
• Rangpur, • रिं गपरु ,
• Nageshwar, • नागेचवर,
• Ganeriwala • गनेरीवाला
Consider the following pairs: [2016]

Famous place - Region

1. Bodhgaya - Baghelkhand

2. Khajuraho - Bundelkhand

3. Shirdi - Vidarbha

4. Nasik (Nashik) - Malwa

5. Tirupati - Rayalaseema

Which of the pairs given above are correctly


a) 1, 2 and 4 b) 2, 3, 4 and 5

c) 2 and 5 only d) 1, 3, 4 and 5

Dynasty Based
Consider the following dynasties: [2023]
1. Hoysala
2. Gahadavala
3. Kakatiya
4. Yadava
How many of the above dynasties established
their kingdoms in the early eighth century
a) Only one
b) Only two
c) Only three
d) None
Timeline मय

1. Hoysala - was founded in the 10th 1. होय ल - की थथापना 10वीिं शर्ाब्दी में
हुई थी
2. गहडवाला - 11वीिं शर्ाब्दी में उत्तर
2. Gahadavala - emerged in the 11th भारर्ीय िेत्र में उभरा।
century in the North Indian region.
3. काकर्ीय - 12वीिं शर्ाब्दी में थथावपर्
3. Kakatiya - founded in the 12th century 4. यादव - 9वीिं शर्ाब्दी में दक्कन िेत्र में
उभरे ।
4. Yadava - emerged in the Deccan region in
the 9th century.
• Gupta Empire (c. 320 AD - 550 AD): • गप्ु र् ाम्राज्य (लगभग 320 ई. - 550
• Vardhana Dynasty (c. 6th - 7th centuries):
• वधतन राजविंश (लगभग 6ठी - 7वीिं
• Chalukya Dynasty (c. 6th - 8th centuries): शर्ाब्दी):
• चालक्
ु य राजविंश (लगभग 6वीिं - 8वीिं
• Pallava Dynasty (c. 4th - 9th centuries):
• Chola Dynasty (c. 9th - 13th centuries): • पल्लव राजविंश (लगभग चौथी-नौवीिं
• Rashtrakuta Dynasty (c. 8th - 10th
centuries): • चोल राजविंश (लगभग 9वीिं - 13वीिं
• Partihara Dynasty
• राष्ट्रकूट राजविंश (लगभग 8वीिं - 10वीिं
Which of the following Kingdoms were
associated with the life of the Buddha?
1. Avanti
2. Gandhara
3. Kosala
4. Magadha
Select the correct answer using the code
given below.
a) 1, 2 and 3
b) 2 and 4 only
c) 3 and 4 only
d) 1, 3 and 4
• Shakya Kingdom: • शाक्य ाम्राज्य:

• Birthplace: Siddhartha Gautama was • जन्मथथान: स द्धाथत गौर्म का जन्म

लबुिं बनी में हुआ था, स्ज े शाक्य ाम्राज्य
born in Lumbini, which is believed to be
का टहथ ा माना जार्ा है । लबुिं बनी वर्तमान
part of the Shakya kingdom. Lumbini is
नेपाल में स्थथर् है ।
located in present-day Nepal.
• कोशल ाम्राज्य:
• Kosala Kingdom: • स द्धाथत के वपर्ा, राजा शुद्धोदन, शाक्य
• Siddhartha's father, King Suddhodana, ाम्राज्य के शा क थे, और रानी माया े
was the ruler of the Shakya kingdom, and वववाह के माध्यम े, स द्धाथत का पडो ी
को ल ाम्राज्य े ब िं िंध था।
through his marriage to Queen Maya,
Siddhartha had connections to the
neighboring Kosala kingdom.
• Magadha Kingdom: • मगध ाम्राज्य:
• Magadha, one of the most powerful kingdoms of • मगध, प्राचीन भारर् के ब े शस्क्र्शाली
ancient India, became significant in the later part राज्यों में े एक, बद्ु ध के जीवन के उत्तराधत
of the Buddha's life. The city of Sarnath, near में महत्वपूणत हो गया। वाराण ी के तनकट
Varanasi, is where the Buddha gave his first ारनाथ शहर वह थथान है जहाँ बद्ु ध ने ज्ञान
sermon after attaining enlightenment. प्राप्र् करने के बाद अपना पहला उपदे श टदया
• Vajji Confederacy:
• वस्ज्ज िंघ:
• Vajji was a confederation of eight republican • वस्ज्ज आठ गणर्ािंबत्रक कुलों का एक िंघ था,
clans, and it is mentioned in Buddhist texts as one और इ का उल्लेख बौद्ध ग्रिंथों में उन िेत्रों में
of the regions visited by the Buddha during his े एक के रूप में ककया गया है जहािं बुद्ध ने
teaching years. Vaishali, a prominent city in the अपने सशिण वषों के दौरान दौरा ककया था।
Vajji confederacy, is known for its association
वैशाली, वस्ज्ज िंघ का एक प्रमख ु शहर, बद् ु ध
के ाथ जुडाव और अपने लोगों के ाथ
with the Buddha and his interactions with its
उनकी बार्चीर् के सलए जाना जार्ा है ।
With reference to the history of India, the
terms ‘kulyavapa’ and ‘dronavapa’ denote:

a) Measurement of land

b) Coins of different monetary value

c) Classification of urban land

d) Religious rituals
The land under cultivation was usually called खेती योग्य भूमि को आितौि पि क्षेत्र कहा जाता था।
Kshetra. Lands not under cultivation were मजन भूमियों पि खेती नही ं की जाती थी उन्हें म़िला,
variously called as Khila, Aprahata, etc. अप्राहाटा आमि कहा जाता था।

In some areas Nivartana was the term used कुछ क्षेत्रों िें भूमि की िाप के मलए मनवततन शब्द का
for a measure of land whereas in the प्रयोग मकया जाता था, जबमक बंगाल के मशलालेखों िें
inscriptions of Bengal terms like Kulyavapa कुल्यवापा औि द्रोणवापा जैसे शब्दों का प्रयोग मकया
and Dronavapa are used जाता है ।
Which of the following phrases defines the
nature of the 'Hundi' generally referred to in
the sources of the post-Harsha period? [2020]

a) An advisory issued by the king to his


b) A diary to be maintained for daily accounts

c) A bill of exchange

d) An order from the feudal lord to his

With reference to forced labour (Vishti) in
India during the Gupta period, which one of
the following statements is correct? [2019]

a) It was considered a source of income for

the State, a sort of tax paid by the people.

b) It was totally absent in the Madhya

Pradesh and Kathiawar regions of the Gupta


c) The forced labourer was entitled to weekly


d) The eldest son of the labourer was sent as

the forced labourer.
In the context of the history of India, consider
the following pairs: [2016]
Term: Description
1) Eripatti: Land, revenue from which was set
apart for the maintenance of the village tank
2) Taniyurs: Villages donated to a single
Brahmin or a group of Brahmins
3) Ghatikas: Colleges generally attached to
the temples
Which of the pairs given above is/are
correctly matched?
a) 1 and 2 b) 3 only
c) 2 and 3 d) 1 and 3
Occasionally a very large village would be कभी-कभी एक बहुत बडे गााँव को एक इकाई के रूप
administered as a single unit and this was िें प्रशामसत मकया जाता था औि इसे तमनयूि कहा
called Taniyur. The administrative unit was जाता था। प्रशासमनक इकाई गााँव थी औि उस हि तक
the village and to that extent there was a चोल प्रशासन औि गुप्ों के प्रशासन के बीच थोडा
little significant difference between Chola िहत्वपूणत अंति था।
administration and that of the Guptas.

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