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Tales of the tide: by Ashab Mohsin Junior Category 14-9-2010

I was getting ready for my trip to the beach on a sunny sweltering day as I volunteered for a
beach clean-up. I was gathering the necessary equipment without any knowledge of what was
ahead of me. I left my home and proceeded to the beach. There were not as many people as I
imagined. In my imagination the beach was crumbling with various people but here I was
looking at utmost 20 people. All my confidence drained. Everyone was assigned a part of the
beach moreover the part I was assigned was the corner of the beach and in my field of view there
was no man but looking back to that point in my life I was fated to be there.

I was a high school graduate. Applying for my dream college. I was not academically on top of
my class so to enroll in the college I had dreamed of for I knew I had to do something to make
my application finer. I was not built like an athlete, so my only hope was working for the welfare
of my country. As much as I hated to participate in a beach clean-up there was no option. The
day finally came, and I ventured to the beach looking exhausted due to the flaming hot weather.
After I was assigned to the area to clean up. I started to work tirelessly in hopes of getting some
type of appreciation from the organization, but little did I know my life was going to be changed

The filthy looking beach now appeared to have taken some shape. There was only a little work
left to do so I decided to take a small break. I realized it was a mistake as I had drained all my
stamina and there was no energy left. I had to rest for my body to recharge the energy and
stamina, unfortunately the rest turned into deep sleep. I had no clue how the time passed and
woke up moments before night fell. There was no man on the beach despite a heard a voice.
There was no one near me except a turtle. I thought I hit my head in my sleep and decided to
head home. At home I realized no sign of injury and as a teenager I had the courage to explore
what I thought were paranormal activities.

The next day I travelled to the same point. It was still as deserted as the cold lands of Antartica.
The only creature I saw was a crab. It came crawling to me at first, I hesitated but soon it got to
me that the crab was trying to tell me something. The crab said, “follow me” I was stunned just
when I was going to faint, the crab said, “come with me to know the truth”. I followed his tiny
little footsteps to a cave. The cave was covered with leaves, and it being located under a cliff
made it invisible for normal people. As I entered the cave, I glanced upon a giant turtle who
looked eternity old.

The giant turtle told me according to ancient tales I was chosen as the savior of all the sea
creatures, once every thousand years a man is born whose destiny is to save the sea creatures for
times to come. The turtle said, “your ability to talk to animals is a massive sign of you being the
chosen one”. “Live up to your fate” the turtle said as my vision got blurry, I fainted. I woke up
on my bed the following day and rushed to the cave to notice there was no cave. Was I really the
chosen one or was it a dream?
Either way I got to work, looking online for people who wanted to work for the oceans and care
for sea creatures, eventually I assembled a team and started to work for local beaches. The major
problem for the sea was plastic, troubling sea creatures in various ways. We started to spread
awareness about this. From time to time our team got bigger and turned into an organization.
Every month I go to a different beach and talk to sea creatures about their problems and try to
work for their well-being. As the inventor of this organization, I got accepted into my dream
college and teach people how they can work for the wellbeing of sea animals.

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