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The Holy Ghost fathers, led by Rev Fr Kevin Carey had acquired two portions of land with
intentions of building a church for Christians from Ruku and kingeero who were walking all
the way to Riruta catholic church for mass and worship. They decided to build a temporary
church at kingeero in 1956 to save the Christians from the Thirst of walking all the way for
worship. Meanwhile Rev Fr Carey started a nursery school here at Ruku where the land
was a bit bigger than kingeero and immediately preparations for building a permanent
church was started. The digging of trenches for this church was started and done by
Christians themselves supervised by the main constructor Mr Robert tuhiu..The overall
supervision was monitored closely by;

1, Rev Fr Kevin Carey

2, Rev Fr John Joseph Meade

And the church Leaders who were being consulted were;

1, Emilio Kimani Ndegwa
2, Simon Mbugua Mboco
3 Samuel kungu Maratu
4, Mrs Nungari Kimani

Almost at the same period Ruku HGM (kabocha) primary school was moved to kingeero
and therefore a chance for building 2 classes of St Kelvin’s secondary school was there.
The first headmaster of the Holy Ghost missionary Primary School was Mr Simon Wainaina
from Gathiga.
This Church ‘Our Lady of Rosary ‘was completed in 1965 and officially opened by His grace
Archbishop John Joseph McCarthy the first spiritan Archbishop of Nairobi.

The church grew to have several outstations which

Muthure Muguga,Mukui,and later approved school Kabete and Kiahuria.The Church was
then official made a Parish.
It is not possible to forget the following persons who have been leaders of this church;

1, Mr Simon Mbugua Mboco

2, Mr Emilio Kimani Ndegwa
3, Mr Henry Chege Wainaina
4, Mr Stephen Njihia Kinuthia
5, Mr Joseph Gachunga Njoroge
6, Mwarim Malbate Mwathi
7, Mr Stephen Njenga Mugo
9, Mr James Ngugi Gitau
10, Mr Peter Mungai Ndungu
11, Mr Christopher N mbugua
12 Mr Samuel Mungai Maana
13, Mr Samuel Mariga Kamau

And the current moderator Mr Samuel Mburu Kihuyu who is deputized by Mwarim Oliver

The following Reverend Fathers have led this parish since its inception;


1, Rev Fr Kevin Carey (1956-1965)

2, Rev Fr David O,leary(Jan-April 1966)

3, Rev Fr Cremin(April 1966-1967)

4, Rev Fr George Gathongo(April 1967-Feb1969)

5, Rev Fr Carol(1969-1974)

6, Rev Fr William Malone(1974-1975)

7, Rev Fr Darcy (1975—Dec 1976)

From there, Ruku parish was taken over by Consolata Missionaries Rev Fr Luigi Brabilla as
the father in charge,He was followed by Rev Fr Lawrence Cometto and finally before they
left the parish Rev Fr Dominic Kabasella.Therafter the Parish was taken over by diocesan
Priests who followed like this;

1,Rev Fr Augustine Kariuki

2,His Lordship Auxiliary Bishop David Kamau
3, Rev Fr Joseph Mokaya
4, Rev Fr Peter Njau
5, Rev Fr Wilfred Mwaura
6, Rev Fr James Mbugua

And the current Parish Father in-charge Rev Fr Moses Memia who is being assisted by Rev
Fr Jude Nduati
The catechist who have nourished us with Catholic Faith includes; Peter mbogo,Cosmus
Munyua,Catechist Njuguna,George Mwihia,Gabriel Kairu, Catechist Wachira and the
current one Catechist James Kariuki

1,We the church of Ruku feel indebted with Our first parish father in-charge Rev Fr Kelvin
Carey whose great vision of acquiring a lot of land for Ruku Centre and some of our
outstations is quite recommendable… May he rest in peace.

2, During Fr Gathongo’s tenure,many students enrolled in ST Kevin’s secondary school

and was a very famous school by then .Great people eg Fr John kiongo,Fr Kiratu,Fr
Augustine Kariuki and many others enrolled as student there.
3, Fr Luigi Brambilla built almost all the church halls in the parish which had over ten

4,During Fr Comettos tenure,the tower for the church bell was built we the aid of CMA
under the leadership of Mr Henry Chege and Stephen Njihia at the same time Ruku nursery
was built in to permanent building. Muguga and Gathiga polytechnics were also built.

WE cannot forget that during all these times of the church development, Mr John Kabiaru
Kabungu was the trusted treasurer.
5,It is during His Lordship David kamau that the perimeter wall surrounding the church was
6,Fr Peter Njau initiated the building of the modern kitchen and the present Church parish
7,Fr Mwaura rebranded the church flour by initiating the project of tiles
8,it was during Fr Mbugua’s tenure that modern Church pews replaced the old broke pews

And now during the tenure of Fr moses memia and Fr Jude Nduati that the rebranding of
the church compound with cobles was started and finished, The building of a modern gate
uplifted the face of the old church and now in progress is the modernization of our santually.
There is hope of more coming if we continue supporting our fathers in their vision.

The parish and the church had grown to a level that the present of two Fathers was not
enough to manage over 12 outstations and many outstations were in many times having no
Sunday mass cerebrations and the number of Christian faithful had grown very first.
The first outstation of Ruku to be made a parish was Karuri ,followed by Muguga,and later

It was during Rev Fr Joseph mokaya that our grotto for honoring our mother Mary was was buiit in 2002 and blessed by his Lordship bishop David Kamau,and the following
year of 2003 officialy opened by His Lordship Bishop Alfred Rotich then in the military
ordinariate.From there on the whole parish started cerebrating the day of’ OUR lady of
Rosary’here.The day is cerebrated on 7th October every year.

We the Fathers, who are present today,The church LPC, All groups leaders, The whole
congregation of the faithful of Ruku Catholic church, we thank all who took part in building
this Great church of Ruku.

GOD BLESS YOU..Thankyou.

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