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Gregorio, Diego Austin F.


1. Crisis
 A time of intense difficulty or danger
2. Vulnerability

 The conditions determined by physical, social, economic and environmental factors or

processes which increase the susceptibility of an individual, a community, assets or
systems to the impacts of hazards.
3. Risk
 Is the potential disaster losses (in terms of lives, health status, livelihoods, assets and
services) which could occur to a particular community or a society over some specified
future time period

4. Danger
 Exposure or liability to injury, pain, harm, or loss.

5. Damage
 Loss or harm resulting from injury to person, property, or reputation.

6. Mitigation

 The lessening or minimizing of the adverse impacts of a hazardous event.

7. Prevention

 Activities and measures to avoid existing and new disaster risks.

8. Crisis Restoration
 People chose to restore forests because they faced a dire situation: their future as farmers was
uncertain in the face of environmental change.

9. Crisis Analysis
 A situation analysis following a crisis typically looks at key crisis drivers, affected areas,
the number and type of affected people, the ways in which people are affected, the most
urgent needs and available capacities.
10. Crisis Post Action
 The organization is returning to business as usual. The crisis is no longer the focal point of
management's attention but still requires some attention. As noted earlier, reputation repair
may be continued or initiated during this phase. There is essential follow-up communication is

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