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• Dispute Resolutions and Crises/Incident goals and one or more believe that the

Management behavior of the other prevents them

from their own goal achievement.
• Definition of Terms
• The word “Conflict” comes from the
Latin word “conflingere” which means
-A disagreement, argument, or debate. (Oxford to come together for a battle.
• What are Conflict Theories?
• Conflict theory states that tensions and
-a firm decision to do or no to do something. conflicts arise when resources, status,
(Wikipedia) and power are unevenly distributed
between groups in society and that
Dispute Resolution these conflicts become the engine for
-is the process of resolving disputes between social change. In this context, power
parties (Wikipedia) can be understood as control of
material resources and accumulated
• Definition of Terms wealth, control of politics and the
Incident institutions that make up society, and
one's social status relative to others
-a event or occurrence. (determined not just by class but by
race, gender, sexuality, culture, and
religion, among other things).
-a time of intense difficulty, trouble or danger. (Crossman, 2019)

Disaster • What are Conflict Theories?

-a sudden event such as an accident or natural • Conflict theory originated in the work of
catastrophe, that causes great damage or loss Karl Marx, who focused on the causes
of life. and consequences of class conflict
between the bourgeoisie (the owners of
• What is Conflict?
the means of production and the
• A conflict is an activity which takes capitalists) and the proletariat (the
place when conscious beings working class and the poor). Many
(individuals or groups) wish to carry out social theorists have built on
mutually inconsistent acts concerning
Marx's conflict theory to bolster it, grow it, and
their wants, needs or obligations.
refine it over the years. Many others have
(Nicholson, M., 1992)
drawn on conflict theory to develop other types
• Conflict may also refer to a natural of theory
disagreement or struggle between
• So, while initially conflict theory
people which may be physical, or
described class conflicts specifically, it
between conflicting ideas. It can either
has lent itself over the years to studies
be within one person, or they can
of how other kinds of conflicts, like
involve several people or groups. It
those premised on race, gender,
exists when they have incompatible
sexuality, religion, culture, and those of the other individual. Thus, he does not
nationality, among others, are a part of deal with the conflict. Avoiding might take the
contemporary social structures, and form of diplomatically sidestepping an issue,
how they affect our lives. postponing an issue until a better time, or
simply withdrawing from a threatening
• What are the Conflict Resolution
• The following are the five (5) Conflict
• Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Kilmann
Resolution Strategies:
(2015) developed five conflict
b. Conflict Resolution Strategy #2: Competing
resolution strategies Thomas – Kilmann
Instrument or more generally known as TKI • This is assertive and uncooperative. An
individual pursues his own concerns at
Conflict Strategies that people use to handle
the other person’s expense. This is a
conflict, including avoiding, defeating,
power-oriented mode in which you use
compromising, accommodating, and
whatever power seems appropriate to
win your own position—your ability to
• What are the Conflict Resolution argue, your rank, or economic
Strategies? sanctions.

• The Thomas-Kilmann Instrument is • Competing means “standing up for

designed to measure a person’s your rights,” defending a position which
behavior in conflict situations. “Conflict you believe is correct, or simply trying
situations” are those in which the to win.
concerns of two people appear to be
• The following are the five (5) Conflict
Resolution Strategies:
• What are the Conflict Resolution
c. Conflict Resolution Strategy #3:
• In such conflict situations, an
• This is unassertive and cooperative—
individual’s behavior can be described
the opposite of competing. When
along two dimensions: (1)
accommodating, the individual neglects
assertiveness, the extent to which the
his own concerns to satisfy the concerns
person attempts to satisfy his own
of the other person; there is an element
concerns, and (2) cooperativeness, the
of self-sacrifice in this mode.
extent to which the person attempts to
satisfy the other person’s concerns. • Accommodating might take the form of
selfless generosity or charity, obeying
• The following are the five (5) Conflict
another person’s order when you would
Resolution Strategies:
prefer not to, or yielding to another’s
a. Conflict Resolution Strategy #1: point of view.

This is unassertive and uncooperative. The

person neither pursues his own concerns nor
• Also, accommodating is a strategy What is Republic Act No. 9285?
where one party gives in to the wishes
• This Act is known as the "Alternative
or demands of another. They are being
Dispute Resolution Act of 2004.“
cooperative but not assertive.
• What is the policy of the State
• The following are the five (5) Conflict
regarding Alternative Dispute
Resolution Strategies:
Resolution (ADR)?
d. Conflict Resolution Strategy #4:
• It is hereby declared the policy of the
State to actively promote party
• It is both assertive and cooperative— autonomy in the resolution of disputes
the complete opposite of avoiding. or the freedom of the party to make
Collaborating involves an attempt to their own arrangements to resolve their
work with others to find some solution disputes. Towards this end, the State
that fully satisfies their concerns. It shall encourage and actively promote
means digging into an issue to pinpoint the use of Alternative Dispute
the underlying needs and wants of the Resolution (ADR) as an important
two individuals. means to achieve speedy and impartial
justice and declog court dockets.
• Collaborating between two persons
might take the form of exploring a • What is the policy of the State
disagreement to learn from each regarding Alternative Dispute
other’s insights or trying to find a Resolution (ADR)?
creativesolution to an interpersonal
• As such, the State shall provide means
for the use of ADR as an efficient tool
• The following are the five (5) Conflict and an alternative procedure for the
Resolution Strategies: resolution of appropriate cases.
Likewise, the State shall enlist active
• e. Conflict Resolution Strategy #5:
private sector participation in the
settlement of disputes through ADR.
• It is moderate in both assertiveness and
• Does RA 9285 limits the power of the
cooperativeness. The objective is to find
Supreme Court to adopt any ADR
some expedient, mutually acceptable
solution that partially satisfies both
parties. It falls intermediate between • No. This Act shall be without prejudice
competing and accommodating. to the adoption by the Supreme Court
Compromising gives up more than of any ADR system, such as mediation,
competing but less than conciliation,arbitration, or any
accommodating. Likewise, it addresses combination thereof as a means of
an issue more directly than avoiding, achieving speedy and efficient means of
but does not explore it in as much resolving cases pending before all
depth as collaborating. courts in the Philippines which shall be
governed by such rules as the Supreme
Court may approve from time to time. receive a nonbinding assessment by an
(Sec. 2, RA 9285) experienced, neutral person, with
expertise in the subject in the substance
• What is Alternative Dispute Resolution?
of the dispute.
• Alternative Dispute Resolution System
(Sec. 3, par. n, RA 9285)
means any process or procedure used
to resolve a dispute or controversy, • What is Mediation?
other than by adjudication of a
• Mediation means a voluntary process in
presiding judge of a court or an officer
which a mediator, selected by the
of a government agency, as defined
disputing parties, facilitates
under RA 9285, in which a neutral third
communication and negotiation, and
party participates to assist in the
assist the parties in reaching a voluntary
resolution of issues, which includes
agreement regarding a dispute.
arbitration, mediation, conciliation,
early neutral evaluation, mini-trial, or (Sec. 3, par. q, RA 9285)
any combination thereof.
• Who is a Mediator?
(Sec. 3, par. a, RA 9285)
• Mediator means a person who conducts
• What is Arbitration? mediation.
• Arbitration means a voluntary dispute (Sec. 3, par. r, RA 9285)
resolution process in which one or more
arbitrators, appointed in accordance • What is Mediation Party?
with the agreement of the parties, or • This means a person who participates in
rules promulgated pursuant to RA 9285, a mediation and whose consent is
resolve a dispute by rendering an necessary to resolve the dispute.
award. (Sec. 3, par. d, RA 9285)
(Sec. 3, par. s, RA 9285)
• Note: Award means any partial or final
decision by an arbitrator in resolving • What is Mediation-Arbitration?
the issue or controversy. • "Mediation-Arbitration" or Med-Arb is a
• Who is an Arbitrator? step dispute resolution process
involving both mediation and
• Arbitrator means the person appointed arbitration.
to render an award, alone or with
others, in a dispute that is the subject of (Sec. 3, par. t, RA 9285)
an arbitration agreement. • What is Mini-trial?
(Sec. 3, par. e, RA 9285) • This means a structured dispute
• What is Early Neutral Evaluation? resolution method in which the merits
of a case are argued before a panel
• This means an ADR process wherein comprising senior decision makers with
parties and their lawyers are brought or without the presence of a neutral
together early in a pre-trial phase to third person after which the parties
present summaries of their cases and seek a negotiated settlement
(Sec. 3, par. u, RA 9285) • Dispute resolution through conciliation
involves the assistance of a neutral third
• How arbitration, mediation and
party who plays an advisory role in
conciliation are different from each
reaching an agreement.
• The process adopted by all the three
• Arbitration, mediation and conciliation
are different but, the main purpose is to
are the main Alternative Dispute
resolve the dispute in a way where the
Resolution Mechanism which is
interest of the parties is balanced.
generally adopted by the people to
resolve their disputes in an informal • What is ADR Provider?
manner. They try to reach a solution by
• "ADR Provider" means institutions or
settlement or negotiation with the
persons accredited as mediator,
assistance of a third neutral party and
conciliator, arbitrator, neutral
have turned out to be an effective
evaluator, or any person exercising
alternative to the litigation process.
similar functions in any Alternative
• How arbitration, mediation and Dispute Resolution system.
conciliation are different from each
• This is without prejudice to the rights of
the parties to choose non accredited
• Arbitration is a process where the individuals to act as mediator,
parties submit their case to a neutral conciliator, arbitrator, or neutral
third party who on the basis of evaluator of their dispute. (Sec. 3, par.
discussion determine the dispute and b, RA 9285)
comes to a solution.
• What is the liability of ADR
• Mediation and conciliation both are an providers/Practitioners?
informal process. Whereas, arbitration
• The ADR provides /practitioners shall
is more formal as compared to them. In
have the same civil liability for acts
mediation, the mediator generally sets
done in the performance of their official
out alternatives for the parties to reach
duties as that of public officers as
out an agreement.
provided in Section 38 (1), Chapter 9,
• The main advantage of the mediation is Book 1 of the Administrative Code of
that the settlement is made by the 1987, upon a clear showing of bad faith,
parties themselves rather than a third malice or gross negligence.
party. It is not legally binding on the
(Article 1.5, IRR, RA 9285)
parties. In addition, the basic motive of
mediation is to provide opportunities to • What are the cases wherein Republic
parties to negotiate and come to a final Act No. 9285 does not apply?
solution catering the needs of both
sides. The provisions of RA 9285 shall not apply to
resolution or settlement of the following:
• How arbitration, mediation and
conciliation are different from each a. Labor disputes covered by Presidential
other? Decree No. 442, otherwise known as the Labor
Code of the Philippines, as amended and its
Implementing Rules and Regulations; a. To act as appointing authority of mediators
and arbitrators when the parties agree in
b. The civil status of persons;
writing that it shall be empowered to do so;
c. The validity of a marriage;
b. To conduct seminars, symposia, conferences
d. Any ground for legal separation; and other public fora and publish proceedings
of said activities and relevant
e. The jurisdiction of courts; materials/information that would promote,
• What are the cases wherein Republic develop and expand the use of ADR;
Act No. 9285 does not apply? • Powers of the OADR?
f. Future legitime; c. To establish an ADR library or resource center
g. Criminal liability; where ADR laws, rules and regulation,
jurisprudence, books, articles and other
h. Those which by law cannot be compromised; information about ADR in the Philippines and
and elsewhere may be stored and accessed;
i. Those disputes referred to court-annexed d. To establish training programs for ADR
mediation. (Article 1.3, IRR, RA 9285) providers/practitioners, both in the public and
• QUESTIONS? private sectors; and to undertake periodic and
continuing training programs for arbitration and
• Assignment# 1 mediation and charge fees on participants. It
may do so in conjunction with or in cooperation
Read the following:
with the IBP, private ADR organizations, and
1. PD No. 1508 local and foreign government offices and
agencies and international organizations;
2. RA 7160
• Powers of the OADR?
3. G.R. L-62339 Oct 27, 1983
e. To certify those who have successfully
completed the regular professional training
programs provided by the OADR;
• The Office for Alternative Dispute
f. To charge for services rendered such as,
Resolution (OADR) is as an agency
among others, for training and certifications of
attached to the Department of Justice.
ADR providers;
It shall have a Secretariat and shall be
headed by an Executive Director, who g. To accept donations, grants and other
shall be appointed by the President of assistance from local and foreign sources; and
the Philippines, taking into
h. To exercise such other powers as may be
consideration the recommendation of
necessary and proper to carry into effect the
the Secretary of Justice. (Article 2.1.,
provisions of the ADR Act. (Art. 2.2., IRR, RA
IRR, RA 9285)
• Powers of the OADR?
• Functions of OADR?
The OADR shall have the following powers:
The OADR shall have the following functions:
a. To promote, develop and expand the use of The OADR shall have the following staff and
ADR in the private and public sectors through service divisions, among others:
information, education and communication;
a. Secretariat – shall provide necessary support
b. To monitor, study and evaluate the use of and discharge such other functions and duties
ADR by the private and public sectors for as may be directed by the Executive Director.
purposes of, among others, policy formulation;
b. Public information and Promotion Division –
c. To recommend to Congress needful statutory shall be charged with the dissemination of
changes to develop, strengthen and improve information, the promotion of the importance
ADR practices in accordance with international and public acceptance of mediation,
professional standards; conciliation, arbitration or any combination
thereof and other ADR forms as a means of
• Functions of OADR?
achieving speedy and efficient means of
d. To make studies on and provide linkages for resolving all disputes and to help in the
the development, implementation, monitoring promotion, development and expansion of the
and evaluation of government and private ADR use of ADR.
programs and secure information about their
• State Divisions of OADR
respective administrative rules/procedures,
problems encountered and how they were • c. Training Division – shall be charged
resolved; with the formulation of effective
standards for the training of ADR
e. To compile and publish a list or roster of ADR
practitioners; conduct of training in
providers/practitioners, who have undergone
accordance with such standards;
training by the OADR, or by such training
issuance of certifications of training to
providers/institutions recognized or certified by
ADR practitioners and ADR service
the OADR as performing functions in any ADR
providers who have undergone the
system. The list or roster shall include the
professional training provided by the
addresses, contact numbers, e-mail addresses,
OADR; and the coordination of the
ADR service/s rendered (e.g. arbitration,
development, implementation,
mediation) and experience in ADR of the ADR
monitoring and evaluation of
government and private sector ADR
• Functions of OADR? programs.

f. To compile a list or roster of foreign or • d. Records and Library Division – shall

international ADR providers/practitioners. The be charged with the establishment and
list or roster shall include the addresses, contact maintenance of a central repository of
numbers, e-mail addresses, ADR service/s ADR laws, rules and regulations,
rendered (e.g. arbitration, mediation) and jurisprudence, books, articles, and other
experience in ADR of the ADR information about ADR in the
providers/practitioners; and Philippines and elsewhere. (Art. 2.4.,
IRR, RA 9285)
g. To perform such other functions as may be
assigned to it. (Art. 2.3., IRR, RA 9285) • Advisory Council

• State Divisions of OADR

There is also created an Advisory Council merged, abolished, or its boundary
composed of a representative from each of the substantially altered, by law or by an
following: ordinance of the Sangguniang
Panlalawigan or Sangguniang
a. Mediation profession;
Panlungsod, subject to approval by a
b. Arbitration profession; majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite
to be conducted by the Comelec in the
c. ADR organizations; local government unit or units directly
d. IBP; and affected within such period of time as
may be determined by the law or
e. Academe. ordinance creating said Barangay. In the
The members of the Council, who shall be case of the creation of Barangays by the
appointed by the Secretary of Justice upon the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, the
recommendation of the OADR Executive recommendation of the Sangguniang
Director, shall choose a Chairman from among Bayan concerned shall be necessary.
themselves. (Art. 2.5., IRR, RA 9285) • BOOK III: LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS:
• Role of the Advisory Council TITLE ONE. THE BARANGAY

The Advisory Council shall advise the Executive SECTION. 386. Requisites for Creation. - (a) A
Director on policy, operational and other Barangay maybe created out of a contiguous
relevant matters. The Council shall meet territory which has a population of at least two
regularly, at least once every two (2) months, or thousand
upon call by the Executive Director. (Art. 2.6., (2,000) inhabitants as certified by the National
IRR, RA 9285) Statistics Office except in
• THE BARANGAY JUSTICE SYSTEM cities and municipalities within Metro Manila
ONE. THE BARANGAY political subdivisions or in highly urbanized
CHAPTER 1. ROLE AND CREATION OF THE cities where such territory shall
BARANGAY have a certified population of at least five
SEC. 384. Role of the Barangay. As the basic thousand(5,000) inhabitants:
political unit, the barangay serves as the Provided, That the creation thereof shall not
primary planning and implementing unit of reduce the population of the
government policies, plans, programs, projects,
and activities in the community, and as a forum original Barangay or Barangays to less than the
wherein the collective views of the people may minimum requirement
be expressed, crystallized, and considered, and prescribed herein.
where disputes may be amicably settled.
• Barangay Officials and Offices
TITLE ONE. THE BARANGAY SECTION. 387. Chief Officials and Offices. - (a)
There shall be in each Barangay a Punong
• SECTION. 385. Manner of Creation. - A Barangay, seven (7) Sangguniang Barangay
Barangay may be created, divided,
members, the Sangguniang Kabataan chairman, • Powers, Duties, and Functions of the
a Barangay Secretary, Sangguniang Barangay

and a Barangay treasurer. SECTION. 391. Powers, Duties, and Functions. -

(a) The Sangguniang Barangay, as the legislative
• Barangay Officials and Offices
body of the Barangay, shall:
(b) There shall also be in every Barangay a
(a) Enact ordinances as may be necessary to
Lupong Tagapamayapa.
discharge the responsibilities conferred upon it
The Sangguniang Barangay may form by law or ordinance and to promote the general
community brigades and create such other welfare of the inhabitants therein;
positions or offices as may be deemed
(b) Enact tax and revenue ordinances, subject to
necessary to carry out the purposes of the
the limitations imposed in this Code;
Barangay government in accordance with the
needs of public service, subject to the (c) Enact annual and supplemental budgets in
budgetary limitations on personal services accordance with the provisions of this Code;
prescribed under Title Five, Book II of this Code.
• Powers, Duties, and Functions of the
• Barangay Officials and Offices Sangguniang Barangay

SECTION. 388. Persons in Authority. - For (d) Provide for the construction and
purposes of the Revised Penal Code, the maintenance of Barangay facilities and other
Punong Barangay, Sangguniang Barangay public works projects chargeable to the general
members, and members of the Lupong fund of the Barangay or such other funds
Tagapamayapa in each Barangay shall be actually available for the purpose;
deemed as persons in authority in their
(e) Submit to the Sangguniang Panlungsod or
jurisdictions, while other Barangay officials and
Sangguniang Bayan such suggestions or
members who may be designated by law or
recommendations as it may see 161 fit for the
ordinance and charged with the maintenance of
improvement of the Barangay or for the welfare
public order, protection and security of life and
of the inhabitants thereof;
property, or the maintenance of a desirable and
balanced environment, and any Barangay • Powers, Duties, and Functions of the
member who comes to the aid of persons in Sangguniang Barangay
authority, shall be deemed agents of persons in
authority. (12) Authorize the Punong Barangay to enter
into contracts in behalf of the Barangay, subject
Who is the Barangay Chief Executive? to the provisions of this Code;
• The Sangguniang Barangay (a) Authorize the Barangay treasurer to make
direct purchases in an amount not exceeding
SECTION. 390. Composition. - The Sangguniang
One thousand pesos (P1,000.00) at any one
Barangay, the legislative body of the Barangay,
time for the ordinary and essential
shall be composed of the Punong Barangay as
administrative needs of the Barangay;
presiding officer, and the seven (7) regular
Sangguniang Barangay members elected at (b) Prescribe fines in amounts not exceeding
large and Sangguniang Kabataan chairman, as One thousand pesos (P1,000.00) for violation of
members. Barangay ordinances;
(c) Provide for the administrative needs of the (24) Exercise such other powers and perform
Lupong Tagapamayapa and the pangkat ng such other duties and functions as may be
tagapagkasundo; prescribed by law or ordinance.

• Powers, Duties, and Functions of the • PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No. 1508 June
Sangguniang Barangay 11, 1978

(d) Provide for the organization of community Section 1. Lupong Tagapayapa

brigades, Barangay tanod, or community service
a) Creation. There is hereby created in each
units as may be necessary;
barangay a body to be known as Lupong
(e) Organize regular lectures, programs, or fora Tagapayapa (hereinafter referred to as Lupon)
on community problems such as sanitation, composed of the Barangay Captain as chairman
nutrition, literacy, and drug abuse, and convene and not less than ten (10) nor more than twenty
assemblies to encourage citizen participation in (20) members, to be constituted every two
government; years in the following manner:

(f) Adopt measures to prevent and control the • Section 1. Lupong Tagapayapa
proliferation of squatters and mendicants in the
1. Any suitable person actually residing or
working in the barangay, not otherwise
• Powers, Duties, and Functions of the expressly disqualified by law, and taking into
Sangguniang Barangay account considerations of integrity, impartiality,
independence of mind, sense of fairness, and
(g) Provide for the proper development and
reputation for probity, including educational
welfare of children in the Barangay by
attainment, may be appointed member;
promoting and supporting activities for the
protection and total development of children, 2. A notice to constitute the Lupon, which shall
particularly those below seven (7) years of age; include the names of proposed members who
have expressed their willingness to serve, shall
(h) Adopt measures towards the prevention and
be prepared by the Barangay Captain within
eradication of
thirty (30) days after this Decree shall have
drug abuse, child abuse, and juvenile become effective, and thereafter within the first
delinquency; ten (10) days of January of every other year.
Such notice shall be posted in three (3)
• Powers, Duties, and Functions of the conspicuous places in the barangay
Sangguniang Barangay continuously for a period of not less than three
(i) Initiate the establishment of a Barangay high (3) weeks;
school, whenever feasible, in accordance with • Section 1. Lupong Tagapayapa
3. The Barangay Captain, taking into
(j) Provide for the establishment of a non- consideration any opposition to the proposed
formal education center in the Barangay appointment or any recommendation/s for
whenever feasible, in coordination with the appointment as may have been made within
Department of Education, Culture and Sports, ; the period of posting, shall within ten (10) days
(k) Provide for the delivery of basic services; and thereafter, appoint as members those whom he
determines to be suitable therefor;
4. Appointments shall be in writing signed by Section 3. Controversies or cases not subject to
the Barangay Captain and attested by the the provisions of this Act. - This Act shall not
Barangay Secretary; apply to controversies and to cases which are
subject to the jurisdiction of the Court of
• Section 1. Lupong Tagapayapa
Industrial Relations or which have been
5. The list of appointed members shall be submitted to it as provided by Commonwealth
posted in three (3) conspicuous places in the Act Numbered One hundred and three, as
barangay for the entire duration of their term of amended.
Section 4. Form of arbitration agreement. - A
6. When used herein: contract to arbitrate a controversy thereafter
arising between the parties, as well as a
Barangay refers not only to barrios which were submission to arbitrate an existing controversy
declared barangays by virtue of Presidential shall be in writing and subscribed by the party
Decree No. 557 but also to barangays otherwise sought to be charged, or by his lawful agent.
known as citizens assemblies pursuant to
Presidential Decree No. 86. Section 5. Preliminary procedure. - An
arbitration shall be instituted by:
Barangay Captain refers to the Barangay
Captains of the barrios which declared barangay (a) In the case of a contract to arbitrate future
by virtue of Presidential Decree No. 557 and to controversies by the service by either party
the Chairmen of barangays otherwise known as upon the other of a demand for arbitration in
citizens assemblies pursuant to Presidential accordance with the contract. Such demand
Decree No. 86. shall be set forth the nature of the controversy,
the amount involved, if any, and the relief
• sought, together with a true copy of the
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 876 contract providing for arbitration. The demand
AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE MAKING OF shall be served upon any party either in person
TO PROVIDE FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF (b) In the event that one party defaults in
ARBITRATORS AND THE PROCEDURE FOR answering the demand, the aggrieved party
ARBITRATION IN CIVIL CONTROVERSIES, AND may file with the Clerk of the Court of First
FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Instance having jurisdiction over the parties, a
Section 1. Short Title. - This Act shall be known copy of the demand for arbitration under the
as "The Arbitration Law." contract to arbitrate, with a notice that the
original demand was sent by registered mail or
Section 2. Persons and matters subject to delivered in person to the party against whom
arbitration. - Two or more persons or parties the claim is asserted.
may submit to the arbitration of one or more
arbitrators any controversy existing between (c) In the case of the submission of an existing
them at the time of the submission and which controversy by the filing with the Clerk of the
may be the subject of an action, or the parties Court of First Instance having jurisdiction, of the
to any contract may in such contract agree to submission agreement, setting forth the nature
settle by arbitration a controversy thereafter of the controversy, and the amount involved, if
arising between them. any. Such submission may be filed by any party
and shall be duly executed by both parties.
(d) In the event that one party neglects, fails or has not been appointed in the manner in which
refuses to arbitrate under a submission he was appointed; or
agreement, the aggrieved party shall follow the
(c) If either party to the contract fails or refuses
procedure prescribed in subparagraphs (a) and
to name his arbitrator within fifteen days after
(b) of this section.
receipt of the demand for arbitration; or
Section 6. Hearing by court. - A party aggrieved
(d) If the arbitrators appointed by each party to
by the failure, neglect or refusal of another to
the contract, or appointed by one party to the
perform under an agreement in writing
contract and by the proper Court, shall fail to
providing for arbitration may petition the court
agree upon or to select the third arbitrator.
for an order directing that such arbitration
proceed in the manner provided for in such (e) The court shall, in its discretion appoint one
agreement. Five days notice in writing of the or three arbitrators, according to the
hearing of such application shall be served importance of the controversy involved in any
either personally or by registered mail upon the of the preceding cases in which the agreement
party in default. is silent as to the number of arbitrators.
Section 7. Stay of civil action. - If any suit or (f) Arbitrators appointed under this section shall
proceeding be brought upon an issue arising out either accept or decline their appointments
of an agreement providing for the arbitration within seven days of the receipt of their
thereof, the court in which such suit or appointments. In case of declination or the
proceeding is pending, upon being satisfied that failure of an arbitrator or arbitrators to duly
the issue involved in such suit or proceeding is accept their appointments the parties or the
referable to arbitration, shall stay the action or court, as the case may be, shall proceed to
proceeding until an arbitration has been had in appoint a substitute or substitutes for the
accordance with the terms of the agreement: arbitrator or arbitrators who decline or failed to
Provided, That the applicant, for the stay is not accept his or their appointments.
in default in proceeding with such arbitration.
Section 13. Oath of arbitrators. - Before hearing
Section 8. Appointment of arbitrators. - If, in the any testimony, arbitrators must be sworn, by
contract for arbitration or in the submission any officer authorized by law to administer an
described in section two, provision is made for a oath, faithfully and fairly to hear and examine
method of naming or appointing an arbitrator the matters in controversy and to make a just
or arbitrators, such method shall be followed; award according to the best of their ability and
but if no method be provided therein the Court understanding. Arbitrators shall have the power
of First Instance shall designate an arbitrator or to administer the oaths to all witnesses
arbitrators. requiring them to tell the whole truth and
nothing but the truth in any testimony which
The Court of First Instance shall appoint an
they may give in any arbitration hearing. This
arbitrator or arbitrators, as the case may be, in
oath shall be required of every witness before
the following instances:
any of his testimony is heard.
(a) If the parties to the contract or submission
Section 14. Subpoena and subpoena duces
are unable to agree upon a single arbitrator; or
tecum. - Arbitrators shall have the power to
(b) If an arbitrator appointed by the parties is require any person to attend a hearing as a
unwilling or unable to serve, and his successor witness. They shall have the power to subpoena
witnesses and documents when the relevancy Section 19. Time for rendering award. - Unless
of the testimony and the materiality thereof has the parties shall have stipulated by written
been demonstrated to the arbitrators. agreement the time within which the
arbitrators must render their award, the written
Section 15. Hearing by arbitrators. - Arbitrators
award of the arbitrators shall be rendered
may, at the commencement of the hearing, ask
within thirty days after the closing of the
both parties for brief statements of the issues in
hearings or if the oral hearings shall have been
controversy and/or an agreed statement of
waived, within thirty days after the arbitrators
facts. Thereafter the parties may offer such
shall have declared such proceedings in lieu of
evidence as they desire, and shall produce such
hearing closed. This period may be extended by
additional evidence as the arbitrators shall
mutual consent of the parties.
require or deem necessary to an understanding
and determination of the dispute. The Section 20. Form and contents of award. - The
arbitrators shall be the sole judge of the award must be made in writing and signed and
relevancy and materiality of the evidence acknowledged by a majority of the arbitrators, if
offered or produced, and shall not be bound to more than one; and by the sole arbitrator, if
conform to the Rules of Court pertaining to there is only one. Each party shall be furnished
evidence. with a copy of the award. The arbitrators in
their award may grant any remedy or relief
Section 16. Briefs. - At the close of the hearings,
which they deem just and equitable and within
the arbitrators shall specifically inquire of all
the scope of the agreement of the parties,
parties whether they have any further proof or
which shall include, but not be limited to, the
witnesses to present; upon the receipt of a
specific performance of a contract.
negative reply from all parties, the arbitrators
shall declare the hearing closed unless the Section 21. Fees of arbitration. - The fees of the
parties have signified an intention to file briefs. arbitrators shall be fifty pesos per day unless
the parties agree otherwise in writing prior to
Section 17. Reopening of hearing. - The hearing
the arbitration.
may be reopened by the arbitrators on their
own motion or upon the request of any party, Section 23. Confirmation of award. - At any time
upon good cause, shown at any time before the within one month after the award is made, any
award is rendered. When hearings are thus party to the controversy which was arbitrated
reopened the effective date for the closing of may apply to the court having jurisdiction, as
the hearings shall be the date of the closing of provided in section twenty-eight, for an order
the reopened hearing. confirming the award; and thereupon the court
must grant such order unless the award is
Section 18. Proceeding in lieu of hearing. - The
vacated, modified or corrected, as prescribed
parties to a submission or contract to arbitrate
herein. Notice of such motion must be served
may, by written agreement, submit their
upon the adverse party or his attorney as
dispute to arbitration by other than oral
prescribed by law for the service of such notice
hearing. The parties may submit an agreed
upon an attorney in action in the same court.
statement of facts. They may also submit their
respective contentions to the duly appointed Section 24. Grounds for vacating award. - In any
arbitrators in writing; this shall include a one of the following cases, the court must make
statement of facts, together with all an order vacating the award upon the petition
documentary proof. of any party to the controversy when such party
proves affirmatively that in the arbitration The order may modify and correct the award so
proceedings: as to effect the intent thereof and promote
justice between the parties.
(a) The award was procured by corruption,
fraud, or other undue means; or Section 26. Motion to vacate, modify or correct
award: when made. - Notice of a motion to
(b) That there was evident partiality or
vacate, modify or correct the award must be
corruption in the arbitrators or any of them; or
served upon the adverse party or his counsel
(c) That the arbitrators were guilty of within thirty days after award is filed or
misconduct in refusing to postpone the hearing delivered, as prescribed by law for the service
upon sufficient cause shown, or in refusing to upon an attorney in an action.
hear evidence pertinent and material to the
Section 27. Judgment. - Upon the granting of an
controversy; that one or more of the arbitrators
order confirming, modifying or correcting an
was disqualified to act as such under section
award, judgment may be entered in conformity
nine hereof, and wilfully refrained from
therewith in the court wherein said application
disclosing such disqualifications or of any other
was filed. Costs of the application and the
misbehavior by which the rights of any party
proceedings subsequent thereto may be
have been materially prejudiced; or
awarded by the court in its discretion. If
(d) That the arbitrators exceeded their powers, awarded, the amount thereof must be included
or so imperfectly executed them, that a mutual, in the judgment.
final and definite award upon the subject
Section 28. Papers to accompany motion to
matter submitted to them was not made.
confirm, modify, correct, or vacate award. - The
Section 25. Grounds for modifying or correcting party moving for an order confirming,
award. - In any one of the following cases, the modifying, correcting, or vacating an award,
court must make an order modifying or shall at the time that such motion is filed with
correcting the award, upon the application of the court for the entry of judgment thereon also
any party to the controversy which was file the following papers with the Clerk of Court;
(a) The submission, or contract to arbitrate; the
(a) Where there was an evident miscalculation appointment of the arbitrator or arbitrators;
of figures, or an evident mistake in the and each written extension of the time, if any,
description of any person, thing or property within which to make the award.
referred to in the award; or
(b) A verified of the award.
(b) Where the arbitrators have awarded upon a
(c) Each notice, affidavit, or other paper used
matter not submitted to them, not affecting the
upon the application to confirm, modify, correct
merits of the decision upon the matter
or vacate such award, and a copy of each of the
submitted; or
court upon such application.
(c) Where the award is imperfect in a matter of
The judgment shall be docketed as if it were
form not affecting the merits of the
rendered in an action.
controversy, and if it had been a commissioner's
report, the defect could have been amended or Section 29. Appeals. - An appeal may be taken
disregarded by the court. from an order made in a proceeding under this
Act, or from a judgment entered upon an award
through certiorari proceedings, but such and the community come together to
appeals shall be limited to questions of law. The resolve collectively how to deal with the
proceedings upon such an appeal, including the aftermath of the offense and its
judgment thereon shall be governed by the implications for the future.
Rules of Court in so far as they are applicable.
• Overview of Restorative Justice
Section 30. Death of party. - Where a party dies
• Restorative justice is a philosophy that
after making a submission or a contract to
embraces a wide range of human
arbitrate as prescribed in this Act, the
emotions including, healing, mediation,
proceedings may be begun or continued upon
compassion, forgiveness, mercy,
the application of, or notice to, his executor or
reconciliation as well as sanction when
administrator, or temporary administrator of his
estate. In any such case, the court may issue an
order extending the time within which notice of • Restorative justice offers the process
a motion to confirm, vacate, modify or correct whereby those affected by the criminal
an award must be served. Upon confirming an behavior be they victims, offenders, the
award, where a party has died since it was filed families involved or the wider
or delivered, the court must enter judgment in community, all need to have a part in
the name of the original party; and the resolving the issues which flow from the
proceedings thereupon are the same as where a offending.
party dies after a verdict.
• Origin
HEALS • The roots of restorative justice can be
found throughout the bible. Biblical
Fundamental Concept of Restorative Justice scholars agree that to the authors of
the Hebrew Scriptures, the justice of
This lesson introduces alternatives of restoring
God is not the quality whereby God
and reforming offenders and restitute victims
rewards the good and punishes the
and the community with pure love and not
wicked. God is just when intervenes in
confrontational. It also introduces the principles
the lives of the underprivileged,
concerning the group or commission which was
especially orphans and widows, to save
tasknfor the implementation of the restorative
them from the injustices of men.
• Restorative Justice – Core Values
• What is Restorative Justice?
The Offender
Restorative Justice- is a process whereby the
stakeholders in particular offense- victims/ • Apology- either oral or written,
offenders and community- come together to recognizing responsibility and not
resolve collectively how to deal with the seeing oneself as a victim and realizing
aftermath of the offense and its implications for and acknowledging the harm suffered
the future. by the victim.
• Overview of Restorative Justice • Reintegration- earning his or her place
back in the community, particularly
• Restorative Justice is a process whereby
the particular offense-victim/ offender
through the action plan developed providing material assistance and offering moral
under the healing the harm process. spiritual direction.

• Restorative Justice – Core Values 4. Inclusion- provide opportunities for parties

with a stake in a specific crime to participate in
The Victim
its resolution. The ingredients of inclusions are;
• Harm- assessing what harm was done, invitation, acknowledgement that the person
developing a case plan to repair the invited has unique interest and recognition that
harm, creating an action plan for those he or she might want to try alternative
responsible for healing and repairing approaches.
the harm.

• Forgiveness- the opportunity is

extended for the victim to accept an
apology from the offender and to
extend forgiveness.

• Restorative Justice – Core Values

The Community

• Relationship- healing broken

relationships and creating new



1. Encounter- create opportunities for

victims, offenders and community
members who want to do so to meet,
to discuss the crime and its aftermath.
The elements of an encounter are:
meeting, narrative, emotion,
understanding and agreement.

2. Amends- expect offenders to take steps

to repair the harm they have caused.
The four elements of making amends
are: apology, change behavior,
restitution and generosity.



3. Reintegration- seeks to restore victims and

offenders as a whole, contributing members of
the society. The elements of reintegration are;
acknowledging human dignity and worth,

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