Sample Paper Final Term 2023-24_ic864196

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TIME : 3 HRS M.M.: 80

General Instructions:
i. Question paper comprises four Sections – A, B, C and D. There are 38 questions in the
question paper
ii. Section A has 20 questions, each question is of one mark each.
iii. Section B has 7 questions, which are of 2 marks each. The paragraph based questions are
of 4 marks.
iv. Section C has 8 questions, which are of 3 and 5 marks each.
v. Section D contains 2 map-based questions.
vi. There is no negative marking.

SECTION A-(20 marks)

Q.1 Who was the leader of the Bolshevik Party?

(a) Karl marx
(b) Stalin
(c) Lenin
(d) Louis Blanc

Q.2 Name the head of the state of France whose reign is known as the ‘Reign of Terror’.
(a) Napolean Bonaparte
(b) Marie Antoinette
(c) Louis XVI
(d) Maximilian Robespierre

Q.3Who could enter Jungvolk?

(a) Ten-year-old boys
(b) Twelve-year-old boys
(c) Fourteen-year-old boys
(d) Eighteen-year-old boys

Q4. Name the countries which sighed the Tripartite Pact?

(a) Germany, Russia, Turkey
(b) Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy
(c)Germany, Italy, Japan
(d)England, France, USA

Q.5 What is the latitude of the Southernmost point on the Indian Mainland?
(a)82 degree 30’E
(b)8 degree 4”N
(c)37 degree 6’ N
(d) 8 degree 5 S
Q.6 The Tropic of Cancer does not pass through
(b)West Bengal
(c) Madhya Pradesh

Q.7 Which physical feature of India is made up of alluvial deposits?

(a) The Deccan Plateau
(b)The Islands
(c) The Northern Plains
(d) The Coastal Plains

Q.8 Which one of the following is the longest river of the Peninsular India?
(a) Narmada
(b) Krishna
(d) Mahanadi

Q9. Which one of the following places receives the highest rainfall in the world?
(a) Silchar
(b) Mawsynram
(c) Cherrapunji
(d) Guwahati

Q10. The wind blowing in the northern plains in summers in known as:
(a) Kaal Baisakhi
(b) Loo
(c) Trade winds
(d) None of the above

Q11. Cinchona trees are found in the areas of rainfall more than
(a) 100 cm
(b) 50 cm
(c) 70 cm
(d) less than 50 cm

Q12. What fraction of jobs are reserved for women under MNREGA,2005?
(a) 1/3
(b) 1/4
(c) 1/2
(d) None of these

Q13. Which of the following is the most labour absorbing sectors of the Indian economy?
(a) Primary sector
(b) Tertiary sector
(c ) Secondary sector
(d) Private sector
Q14. Which of the following is included in the primary sector?
(a) Manufacturing
(b) Tourism
(c) Forestry
(d) Communication

Q15.Nutritional level of food energy is expressed in the form of

(a) calories per day
(b) wheat consumption
(c) rice consumption per day
(d) none of the above

Q16. The word ‘Democracy’ comes from the Greek word –

(a) Democracia
(b) Demokratia
(c) Demos
(d) Kratia

Q17. The Constituent Assembly adopted the Constitution of India on

(a) 26 January 1950
(b) 26 November 1949
(c) 26 January 1949
(d) 15 August 1947

Q18. How many seats are reserved in the Lok Sabha for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes?
(a) 47
(b) 60
(c) 84
(d) 100

Q19. The Second Backward Classes Commission was appointed by the government of India in
(a) 1979
(b) 1981
(c) 1985
(d) 1999

Q20. Why does the political executive have more powers than the permanent executive?
(a) Because hardly any expertise is required in taking policy decisions
(b) Because political executive consists of the direct representatives of the people
(c) Political leaders are more educated
(d) None of the above
Section-B (20 marks)

Q21. Describe the effects of industrialization on Russian society.

Q22. What are jet streams?

Q23. Give arguments against democracy

Q24. How institution decisions lead to delays and complications?

Q25. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow
All mothers were not treated equally under Nazism. Women who gave birth to racially unacceptable
children were penalised, while those who gave birth to racially desirable offspring were rewarded.
They received preferential care in hospitals and were eligible for discounts in stores, on theatre
tickets, and on train fares. Honour Crosses were given out to encourage ladies to have a large family.
For four children, a bronze cross was given, for six, a silver cross, and for eight or more, a gold
1. Which mothers were penalized and which were rewarded?
2. What were the rewards given to mothers?
3. When was silver cross given?
4. When was gold cross given?

Q26. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow
Consitution making is not unique to south africa. Every country has diverse groups of people. Their
relationship may not have been as bad as that between the whites and the blacks in South Africa. But
all over the world people have differences of opinon and interest. Whether democratic or not, most
countries in the world need to have these basic rules. This applies not just to governments. Any
association needs to have its constutions. It could be a club in your area, a cooperative society or a
political society, they all nedd a constution.
1. Why counties need to have a constution?
2. What policy was followed by the whites towards Balcks in South Africa?
3. How did South Africa resolve conflicats between Whites and Blacks, while preparing the
4. Do only democratic countries need constution?

Q27. Read the source below and answer the following questions :
In the two case studies we saw Sakal went to school and Vilas did not go. Sakal was physically
strong and healthy. There was no need for him to visit the doctor frequently. Vilas was a patient of
arthritis. He lacked the means to visit the doctor. Sakal acquired a degree in computer programming.
Sakal found a job in a private firm while Vilas continued with the same work as his mother. He
earned a meager income like his mother to support a family.
In the case of Sakal, several years of education added to the quality of labour. This enhanced his total
productivity. Total productivity adds to the growth of the economy. This in turn pays an individual
through salary or in some other form of his choice. In case of Vilas, there could not be any education
or health care in the early part of his life. He spends his life selling fish like his mother. Henceforth,
he draws the same salary of unskilled labourer as his mother.

1. How was Sakal better than Vilas?

2. Why Vilas couldnot get transformed into human capital?
3. How can people increase their productivity?
4. How can government contribute in the growth of economy?

Section-C(35 marks)

Q28.What does subsistence crisis mean? What led to subsistence crisis in France?

Q29. What were the main causes of the French revolution?

Q30. Give an account of Northern Plains of India.

Q31. How is human resource different from other resources like land and physical capital?

Q32. Compare the East flowing and West flowing rivers of the Peninsular plateau.

Q33. What are the challenges to free and fair elections in India?

Q34. Why are the rivers considered as the lifeline of human civilization?

Q35. Why do the political executives have more power than the permanent executives?

Q36. What are the causes of poverty?

Section-D(5 marks)

Q37. On the given political outline map of world, mark the following places:
A. Russia
B. Germany

Q38. On the given outline map of India, identify the locations with the help of specified information.

A. The starit separating Sri Lanka from India.

B. Ganga river
C. Chilika Lake

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