Grade 9 English (1)

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Monthly Assessment – October 2023

Subject : English Language

31 E
Class : 9 (National) .....
Duration : 2 periods
Admission no : Date :

1. Read the following article and answer the questions given below.
Introduction: The ocean, a vast and mysterious realm teeming with life, is an invaluable
resource that sustains all life on Earth. Yet, our precious oceans face an alarming threat: marine
pollution. Pollution, caused by human activities, poses a severe risk to marine ecosystems,
biodiversity, and ultimately, to our own well-being. As responsible stewards of the planet, it is
crucial that we understand the importance of conserving our oceans and take action to reduce
marine pollution. By doing so, we can secure a sustainable future for generations to come.
The Urgency of Ocean Conservation: Oceans cover more than 70% of our planet, serving as a
critical regulator of the Earth's climate, producing oxygen, and absorbing vast amounts of carbon
dioxide. They also support a diverse array of marine life, providing sustenance and livelihoods to
millions of people worldwide. However, the escalating levels of marine pollution, primarily from
plastic waste, chemical pollutants, and oil spills, are pushing our oceans to the brink of collapse.
Effects of Marine Pollution: Devastation of Marine Ecosystems: Pollutants disrupt delicate
marine ecosystems, leading to the loss of biodiversity, destruction of coral reefs, and the collapse
of fish populations. This disruption cascades through the food chain, affecting larger marine
animals and even impacting human communities dependent on the ocean for sustenance.
Harm to Human Health: Marine pollution introduces harmful substances into the seafood we
consume, posing health risks due to bioaccumulation and biomagnification of toxins. The
ingestion of contaminated seafood can lead to various health issues, including neurological
disorders, reproductive problems, and even cancer.
Economic Implications: The degradation of marine ecosystems and the decline of fisheries due
to pollution have severe economic consequences. Coastal communities that rely on fishing and
tourism suffer as livelihoods are disrupted, threatening the economic stability of these regions.
Ways to Reduce Marine Pollution: Embrace Responsible Waste Management: Proper waste
management practices, such as recycling, waste reduction, and responsible disposal, are essential
in preventing pollutants from reaching the ocean. Governments should implement
comprehensive recycling programs, enforce littering laws, and promote the use of eco-friendly
packaging to minimize plastic waste.

Grade 9 (National) English Language - Monthly Assessment - October 2023

Prepared for Lyceum International School by Lyceum Assessments
Promote Education and Awareness: Educating communities about the detrimental effects of
marine pollution is crucial. Schools, NGOs, and local organizations should collaborate to raise
awareness about responsible waste disposal, the impact of single-use plastics, and the
importance of reducing pollution at its source.

Support Policy Changes: Citizens can advocate for stricter regulations and policies to combat
marine pollution. Pressure on governments and industries to adopt sustainable practices and
enforce penalties for polluters can bring about significant change. Encouraging sustainable
fishing practices, reducing industrial waste, and promoting clean energy alternatives are essential
steps in protecting our oceans.
Engage in Cleanup Initiatives: Participating in beach cleanups and other marine conservation
projects is an impactful way to directly contribute to reducing marine pollution. By actively
engaging with local communities, individuals can raise awareness and inspire collective action to
protect our oceans.
Choose Sustainable Seafood: By opting for sustainably sourced seafood, consumers can
support responsible fishing practices and reduce the demand for overfished species.
Organizations like the Marine Stewardship Council provide certifications for sustainable
fisheries, making it easier for consumers to make informed choices.
Conclusion: The time for action is now. Conserving our oceans and reducing marine pollution is
not an option; it is an urgent necessity. By adopting responsible waste management practices,
raising awareness, supporting policy changes, and actively engaging in cleanup initiatives, we
can safeguard our oceans and ensure a sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.
Let us unite, for the sake of our blue planet, and pledge to protect and preserve the wonders of
our oceans.
(i) State whether the following statements are true or false.

(a) Marine pollution primarily originates from natural sources within the oceans. (-----)

(b) Marine pollution can lead to the destruction of coral reefs. (-----)

(c) Consuming seafood contaminated by marine pollution has no known health risks. (-----)

(d) Sustainable seafood choices have no impact on reducing marine pollution. (-----)

(e) Marine pollution only affects marine life and ecosystems, not human communities. (-----)
[Total = ½×5 = 2 ½ marks]

Grade 9 (National) English Language - Monthly Assessment - October 2023

Prepared for Lyceum International School by Lyceum Assessments
2. Underline the most appropriate choice.
(i) What is the primary source of marine pollution discussed in the article?
(a) Volcanic eruptions (b) Plastic waste
(c) Natural oil seepage (d) Sunlight penetration

(ii) What is the main economic consequence of marine pollution mentioned in the article?
(a) Increased tourism revenue (b) Expansion of fishing industries
(c) Economic stability of coastal communities (d) Growth of seafood exports

(iii) What is the purpose of organizations like the Marine Stewardship Council?
(a) Promote plastic pollution (b) Certify sustainable fisheries
(c) Encourage oil spills (d) Advocate for chemical pollutants
[Total = ½×3 = 1 ½ marks]

3. Match the following A with B.

(i) Plastic waste (a) Industrial runoff and discharges

(ii) Oil spills (b) Accidental leaks from ships and platforms

(iii) Chemical pollutants (c) Single-use plastics and improper disposal

(iv) Beach cleanups (d) Raises awareness and educates the public

(v) Supporting policy changes (e) Reduces demand for overfished species

(vi) Choosing sustainable seafood (f) Directly contributes to reducing marine

[Total = 6 marks]
4. Answer the questions in brief.
(i) Why are oceans considered invaluable resources for our planet? Give two reasons.

(2 marks)
(ii) Mention two primary sources of marine pollution mentioned in the article?

(2 marks)

Grade 9 (National) English Language - Monthly Assessment - October 2023

Prepared for Lyceum International School by Lyceum Assessments
(iii) How does marine pollution affect marine ecosystems and biodiversity? Name two ways.

(2 marks)
(iv) What two economic implications does marine pollution have, as discussed in the article?

(2 marks)
(v) What two key strategies suggested in the article for reducing marine pollution?

(2 marks)
[Total = 10 marks]

5. Complete the following short exchanges with the correct words given in the box.

school brood chain bunch packet

(i) Geetha : What did you buy for me?

Sanath : There is a ------------------------------------ of grapes in my bag for you and sister.

(ii) Geetha : Why Maldives is special?

Sanath : Because it consists a ------------------------------------ of islands.

(iii) Geetha : Where did you go last week?

Sanath : I went to my uncle’s farm and there was a beautiful ----------------------------------

of chicken

(iv) Geetha : I want to buy a ---------------------------------- of biscuits.

Sanath : Let’s go to the supermarket.

(v) Geetha : What are you watching?

Sanath : It’s a nice movie about a ---------------------------------- of fish.

[Total = 5 marks]

Grade 9 (National) English Language - Monthly Assessment - October 2023

Prepared for Lyceum International School by Lyceum Assessments
6. Fill in the blanks in the following dialogue. Use the words given in the box. Write the letter
of the correct word in the space given. The first one is done for you.

(i) night (ii) expensive (iii) cost (iv) inform

(v) interested (vi) holiday
Pubudu : Hi, Kalindu. We need to talk about our holiday plans.
Kalindu : That’s a good idea. I’m really ------------------- in travelling to Nuwara-Eliya.

Pubudu : Great! But, where are we going to stay, in a ---------------------------------- resort?

Kalindu : No, it will ---------------------------------- much. One of my uncles works on a farm

close to Nuwara-Eliya. He will help us to find a place?

Pubudu : Well, can you call him and arrange it?

Kalindu : Sure. I’ll call him at ---------------------------------- He comes home from work in the

Pubudu : Then, how are we going to travel?
Kalindu : By van. What do you think?
Pubudu : No. It is ---------------------------------- What about going by train?

Kalindu : I’m okay. Let’s ---------------------------------- others first and then finalize.

Pubudu : That’s good!

[Total = 5 marks]

7. Put A QUESTION TAG at the end of each sentence: One is done for you.
will be
(i) Tom won’t be late, --------------------------------------------------- ?

(ii) They were very angry, --------------------------------------------------- ?

(iii) Ann’s on holiday, ---------------------------------------------------?

(iv) You weren’t listening, ---------------------------------------------------?

(v) Sue doesn’t like onions, ---------------------------------------------------?

(vi) Jack’s applied for the job, ---------------------------------------------------?

(vii)You’ve got a camera, ---------------------------------------------------?

(viii)You can type, ---------------------------------------------------?

(ix) He won’t mind if I go early, ---------------------------------------------------?

(x) Tom could help you, ---------------------------------------------------?

(xi) We are learning English, ---------------------------------------------------?

[Total = 10 marks]
Grade 9 (National) English Language - Monthly Assessment - October 2023
Prepared for Lyceum International School by Lyceum Assessments
8. Gayan is absent for a week. His friends are discussing about him. Complete the blanks
with what his friend, Nisal wrote to another friend mentioning about the conversation.
The first one is done for you.
Rasika : Gayan didn’t come to school for a week.
Raja : He may be sick.
Kamala : I saw his brother yesterday.
Praba : We can ask about Gayan from him.
Nuwan : We shall go to his place to see him.
Teacher : He has sent a letter of excuse to me.
Rasika said that Gayan (i) hadn’t come to school for a week. Raja said that (ii) --------------------

------------------------------------------------. Kamala said that she (iii) ------------------------------------

-------------------------------- Praba suggested that they (iv) ----------------------------------------------

----------------------. Nuwan said that (v) --------------------------------------------------------------------

Then our teacher told us that (vi) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------.

[Total = 2 × 5 = 10 marks]

9. Fill in the blanks in the following dialogue using the words given in the box. The first one is
done for you.

with, on, in, without, to, at

Kumaran : Hi, Vihanga! I have a fantastic news for you.

Vihanga : Hello, Kumaran! What is it? Will you tell me (i) ---------------------- making me

nervous? Kumaran : A new sport equipment shop has been opened (ii) -----------

the town. I visited it yesterday evening.

Vihanga : Wow! The news is so good, but the problem is, I have already spent a lot of

money (iii) ----------- various things this month.

Kumaran : Same here, but it is worthy (iv) ----------- visit at least once. They sell goods

(v) ----------- a considerable rate.

Vihanga : Is that so? I’ll visit it when I go to the town (vi) ----------- my mother. Thank

you for the good news.

Kumaran : It’s my pleasure.

[Total = 5 marks]

Grade 9 (National) English Language - Monthly Assessment - October 2023

Prepared for Lyceum International School by Lyceum Assessments
10. Form questions to get the underlined phrases as the answers. Select the appropriate
question words given in the box. The first one is done for you.

How many What How far Where When How often

(i) When did your uncle die?

My uncle died in 1990.
(ii) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Anne was in London last week.

(iii) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

They drive to work twice a week.

(iv) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

There were 3 chairs in the kitchen.

(v) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

She's wearing jeans and a white blouse.

(vi) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Her school is 5 miles away from the village.

[Total = 5 marks]

11. Your science teacher has informed you about an assignment to be done tomorrow. Since your
friend is absent, write a note to him/her informing to bring the necessary things.
Include the followings. Use about 50 – 60 words.
 Topic of the assignment  Members in your group







[Total = 10 marks]

Grade 9 (National) English Language - Monthly Assessment - October 2023

Prepared for Lyceum International School by Lyceum Assessments
12. Write a paragraph on one of the topics. Use about 50-60 words.
(i) Home gardening as a leisure time activity. (ii) My plans after the O/L exam







[Total = 10 marks]

13. Write on one of the following. Use about 200 words.

(i) An article to a newspaper on the topic “Internet links us globally”
Include:− how communication takes place using internet
− the good and the bad effects of internet
− how we could improve our knowledge through internet

(ii) A speech to be presented in the morning assembly on “Reading enriches our knowledge"
Include:− types of reading materials
− advantages of reading
− importance of developing the reading habit











Grade 9 (National) English Language - Monthly Assessment - October 2023

Prepared for Lyceum International School by Lyceum Assessments






























Grade 9 (National) English Language - Monthly Assessment - October 2023

Prepared for Lyceum International School by Lyceum Assessments



























[Total = 20 marks]
Grade 9 (National) English Language - Monthly Assessment - October 2023
Prepared for Lyceum International School by Lyceum Assessments

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