Matter in our surroundings Work book

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Physical Nature of Matter

1. Which of the following are matte:

Bed, chair, thoughts, smell, ice cream and care.
Answer: Bed, Chair, Ice cream

2. What is the physical state of ice, water and water vapour?

Answer: Ice: Solid, Water: Liquid and Water vapour: Gas
B Answer the following questions:
1 Perform and explain an activity to show that particles have space between them.
Answer: We will take a glass of water and add sugar or salt and stir it. We will observed that there is no
raise in the level of water when sugar/salt is added to the water, the sugar or salt the particles adjust
themselves in the space between the water particles. This shows that particles of matter have some spaces
between them.

2. What are the different states of matter? Explain giving one example of each.
Answer: Solid liquid and gaseous state
Solid cell fixed shape and fixed the volume example ice
Liquids have fixed volume but not fixed shape example water
Gases neither have fixed shape nor fixed volume are called gases

3. Define matter.
Answer: anything that occupies space and has a mass are called matter.
Characteristics of Particles of Matter
Arrange the following substances in increasing order of forces of attraction between the particles of:
fruit juice, sugar, honey, carbon dioxide, cotton.
Answer: Carbon dioxide, fruit juice, Honey, Cotton, Sugar.

Answer the following questions:

1. Give reason : The smell of hot sizzling food reaches you several metres away, but to get the
smell from cold food have to go close.
Answer: The reason hot food smells reach us from much farther distances compared to cold food is due to
the difference in kinetic energy of the particles involved.

2. You can easily stretch a rubber band but not a metallic ring. Explain why.
Answer: Because force between particles of rubber band has much poor than the attraction force between
particles of a metallic ring.

3. Smell of perfume can be sensed even from a distance". Give reason.

Answer:This is because molecules of perfumes are moving with very high speed in all directions and their
diffuse easily into air particles.

Think and Answer:

1. Name the substances in which interparticle forces are the weakest and the strongest:
Fruit juice, sugar, honey, carbon dioxide, cotton, sodium chloride, ink, water.
Answer: Weakest: carbon dioxide Strongest: Sodiun Chloride

Which state of matter is least compressible?

Answer: Solid because particles are closely packed
1. Gjve three points of difference between liquid state and solid state.
Solid Liquid
Volume Definite Definite
Shape Fixed Not fixed
Inter- molecular space Negligible More

Define Fluidity.
Answer: The ability of a matter due to which itl can flow called fluidity
Liquids do not have definite shape and volume. Why?
Answer: The attraction forces between water particles are strong enough to maintain volume but
not much strong enough to maintain their shape.

Give three points of difference between gaseous state and liquid state.
Gaseous State Liquid
Volume Indefinite Definite
Shape Not Fixed Not fixed
Inter- molecular space Too much More

Changes of states of matter:

1. Name the process of following changes:
(a) liquid to solid: Freezing
(b) solid to gas : Sublimation
(c) gas to liquid: Condensation
(d) gas to solid: Deposition
2. Which are the factors affecting the rate of evaporation?
Answer: a. Surface area b. temperature c. wind speed d. humidity in air
3.Perform an activity to study the factors affecting the rate evaporation.
Answer: You will take 5 ml of water in a test tube and keep it in near a window or under a fan.
You will take 5 ml of water in open China dish and keep it near window or under a fan.
You will take 5 ml of water in open China dish and keep it inside a cupboard.
Record the room temperature, record the time or days taken for the evaporation.
Record your observation during rainy season.

We will observe that rate of evaporation, increase by increasing surface area, increase tempera-
ture, increase in wind speed and decrease with humidity in atmosphere.

Multiple-Choiee Questions
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. b 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. C 11. A 12. A
13. C 14. c
Assertion - Reason
For the following questions, two statements, one labelled assertion (A) and the other reason (R), are given.
Select the correct answer to the given questions from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below:
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation for A.
(b) Both Aan dR are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true butR is false.
(d) Ais false but R is true.
1. Assertion: Vapour is a gaseous state of matter which is otherwise liquid at room temperature.
Reason: Gaseous state of ammonia can be called vapour. B
2. Assertion: When we burn camphor, it disappears without leaving any ash.
Reason: Camphor undergoes sublimation. A
3. Assertion: When naphthalene balls are put in woollen clothes for a long period of time they, disap-
pear without leaving any residue.
Reason: The conversion of solid directly into vapour is called condensation. C
4. Assertion: It is easy to cook food in hilly regions.
Reason: The boiling point of water increases at high altitudes. D
5. Assertion: During evaporation of a liquid, its temperature remains constant.
Reason: The heat given is absorbed by the molecules and stored in the form of latent heat. D
6. Assertion: We generally observe that ice floats on water.
Reason: The density of ice and water is the same. C
7. Assertion: When a substance is heated and it undergoes a change of state, its temperature does
not change even if it is being heated.
Reason: The heat supplied is stored in the form of latent heat of vaporisation or latent heat of fusion. A
8. Assertion: Solids cannot diffuse in the surrounding air.
Reason: The molecules in solids are tightly packed. A
9. Assertion: Gases diffuse easily as compared to liquids.
Reason: The intermolecular spaces in gases are much more than in liquids. A
10. Assertion: As the temperature increases, the rate of evaporation increase.
Reason: With the increase in temperature, the kinetic energy of the molecules increases. A
11. Assertion: The intermolecular forces in solids are much stronger as compared to liquids.
Reason: The space between the molecules is called intermolecular space. B
12, Assertion: Gas is the most compressible state of matter.
Reason: Intermolecular spaces in gas are less, and hence they cannot be compressed further. C

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