Case study based questions Page 183 to 186

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Case Study I

India is a very populous

country. As food for this
qrowing population. we will
tsmall soon need more
aquarter of a billion tons of grains than
India is already every year.But
intensively cultivated, therefore it is
necessary to
increase our production
both crops and livestock. Simply efficiency for
production for storage in increasing the grain
warehouses cannot solve the problem of malnutrition and hunger. People should also have
the money to purchase food.
sustained livelihood. One Scientific marnagement
practices should be undertaken to obtain high yield from farms for
should undertake mixed
Answer the following questions: farming, intercropping and integrated farming practices.
hich these foods are rich in

Weat andcarbohydrates?
Peas gram, wheat, soya bean, peas
What is a balancd diet?
A diet hat costua all
e Cauho hy daeatus, Li pds,
/itminis Minerals,
Which crops requires more water to grow?

+ An experiment is designed to
understand the growth requirements of crops. Mustard seeds were
exposed to different temperature conditions. The table lists chosen and were
the locations of the seeds sown with respective temperature
Location Temperature
A 15°C to 18°C
35°C to 38C
-1°C to 2°C
D 45°C to 48°C

At which location would the mustard growmost effectively?

Crop Y is orown only in fewareas due to specitic
temperature requirements. lo increase the
feature should be included while productivity cron V
it is of
recommended to develop its different varieties. Which
varieties of crop Yin order to increase its productivity? developing the different

Improvement in Food Resources 183

Adaptahde to
lown X is situated at the banks of a river. Due to inadequate release from the reservoir, often the agricultural farms of
the town suffer from crop failures. Which typeof irrigation would be suitable for town X?

7. What is the main input used in organic farming to enrich the soil?

Which component adversely affects the health of the crops?

nptdke Omed cewpiny
9 Acrop Xis to be grown in a field. It is seen that Parthenium, a type of weed, usually affects crop X. Wbát measure would
help to protect crop Xfrom Parthenium?
Spaying Pestcde wich eotsols rotota of Parthnls:
10. What should one select to store grains at home in order to prevent any spoilage?

Use stunle steel ietigt contiaes Plantie aintytt
Such contineys nd, bug faetet guins frem mo'st
Case Study ll

Animal husbandry is the scientific management of animal livestock. It includes various aspects such as feeding, breeding
and disease control. Animal-based farming includes cattle, goat, sheep, poulty and fish farming. As the demand for
milk, eggs and meat is going up, animal husbandry needs to be improved.

184 Science WB-IX

Poultry farming is undertaken to raise domestic fowl for
egg production and chicken meat. Fish is a chief
animal protein for our food. Fish production includes the source of
true fish as well as shellish such as prawns and
farming is also called culture fishery. molluscs. Fish
of Beekeeping for making honey has become an agricultural enterprise as it needs low
qet additional income. investment and it can be used to

Answer the following questions:

1 If an exotic breed of cattle has longer lactation period, what can be the characteristic of Brown Swiss, a
type of exotic

Egy, ataling envian'm

wi h esstet
lactat on

2 Categorise the following breeds on the basis of long lactation period and resistance to diseases:
Jersey, Sahiwal, Brown Swiss and Red SindhË
Lony lacth'on Peviod Browm Swiks ,Stbtsat Jesey

Doeaye Rsstamca
Cattle are affected by an external parasite. Which part of the
cattle will most likely be affected?

food for broiler chickens.
4. The table lists four types of

Nutritional Value
Type of Food
Rich in fats
Rich in proteins
levels of vitamin A
Rich in fats with low
and vitamin K
Low levels of fats

desirable for broiler chickens?

Which type of food is e.
Fod ty
the sudden deaths of poultry fowls. How
affect poultry fowls and often lead to
fungi and
Virus, bacteria, reduced?
Such loss ofpoultry be
eedachd by Vaccneh'n a
can br inteeyat.
foul at galea
Resources 185
Improvement in Food
in the table
6. Four groups capture marine fishes with different instruments as listed

Tool/Equipment Used to Capture

Group Marine Fishes

A Hand-pulled fishing nets

B Fishing nets guided by echo sounders
C Fishing nets guided by satellites
D Pulley-based fishing nets

Which set of groups will most likely get the maximum fish catch?
7 The table describes the characteristics of Italian bees.

Characteristics of Italian 1 Description

A They sting less.
B They stay in beehives for long
C They have high honey
collection capacity.
D They breed well.

Which characteristic feature of Italian bees makes them suitable for commercial honey production?

C -

A huy havc a high heney clkchen cafu ity.

Sustainable Development Goals
Hunger is on the rise again globally and undernutrition continues to affect millions of children. Public investment
in agriculture globally is declining, small-scale food producers and family farmers require much greater support and
increased investment in infrastructure and technology for sustainable agriculture is urgently needed.
Anestimated 821 million people - approximately l in 9 people in the world - were undernourished in 2017, up from
784 million in 2015. This represents a worrying rise in world hunger for a third consecutive year after a prolonged
decline. Africa remains the continent with the highest prevalence of undernourishment, affecting one-fifh of its
population (more than 256 million people). Consistent with the continued growth in undernourishment, 770 million
people faced severe food insecurity in 2017.
Stunting has been decreasing in nearly every region since 2000. Still, more than 1 in 5 children under 5 years of
age (149 million) were stunted in 2018. Globally, 49 million children under 5 were affected bywasting and another

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