Case study based questions chapter 1 page no. 11-14 Jun 22, 2024

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Case Study I

Sushil took a glass of cold water and a

dlass of hot water as shown in
figures (a) and (b) respectively. He took two tea
bags and put one in
each glass. He observed the tea bags
for 5 minutes. He was
dissolve in the glasses of water
surprised see that the tea in
dissolved faster and the colour had changed. This hot water had
one liquid with another is called process of mixing
Sushil identified that this is a similar
process by which water and
mineral salts diffuse fromn the soilinto the root
hairs of the roots. The
process of diffusion is also very important for plant and
animal cells
as it allows the movement of
substances in and out of the cell. (a) (b)

Answer the following questions:

1 Why does diffusion happen in liquids?
be CuSe thk pauticles cam
Aan domdy
2. How is diffusion very important for plant and animal cells?

inpatat to cella kecase

erhangs n calla
On what fators diffusion depend? Ty amd Aet CozkO hgeughtmofg duiny hutoayuti
Rad of dfoasios cted hy - Concen tertion gacbtat
Membe pemea aily.
4. In which of the figures ((a) and (b)) does diffusion take place faster and why?

Case Study ll
Margi took three alassesiand filled them with equal amount of water. She labelled
the glasses as A. B and C. She kept the first glass A under the fan, glass B in
sunlight and glass Cat room temperature. When she observed the glasses after
15 minutes, she was surprised to see that the level of water in glass B had reduced
much more than in glass A, and the level of water in glass C remained almnost the
same. Thus,evaporation of water was faster in sunlight.
Matter in Our Surroundings 11
Evaporation is a process by which water changes into water vapour below its boiling point. She concluded th
evaporation would be faster if the temperature was increased. She then took a larger bowl and filled it with
amount of water and put it in sunlight. Surprisingly, the water evaporated within 10minutes. Thus, she
the amount of evaporation increases with increase in
concluded th
surface area.
She also recalled that wet clothes hanging on a line dry faster on a
windy day as compared to on a normal dac
Moreover, if the humidity in the air is less, then evaporation will be
Answer the following questions:
The image shows two changes.

Water at 0° C Process X Process Y

Water at 25° C Water at 100° C

Identifythe processes XandY.

X- Evap Evaposatey

2 Name the different states of matter X, Y and Sublimation


D e p o s i t i o n

Y- Li'yuid Z- Sley Freezing
In which state is the
evaporation of water faster? Melting

tate Nerte
4 Why do wet clothes hanging on a
line dry faster on a windy day
Evafoctien as compared to a
normal day?

Case Study Ill

The graph given here
represents the change of water from solid
state to gaseous state; that
means, A
represents steamn at 100° C. I, II, IIlrepresents
ice at -10° C and D
and V represent the various
phases during the transition.
Answer the following B
Identify the phases whichquestions C

water and water to steam. represent changes in state from ice to

12 Science WB-IX
heo m ia to wyte ta hescI

Identify the phases in which water coexists in two states.

Jkater coxisty ntwv otes n

Explain the changes taking place in the particles from Bto C.

Why does phase IVrequire greater amount of heat than phase I?

enegy to cenvet om wute to steam

Case Study V
table below.
The melting points of four metals A, B, C and D are given in the

Metal Melting Point

A 1500 K

B 1360K
700 K

D 600 K

Answer the following questions

soldering. ldentify the metals and give reason.
1. An allov of two metals from the above is used for

higher than the respective metals? Give reason.

Will the melting point of the above be lower or
melHng fogt f o alloy med by comlbiyng me talaCDwald be lewe
Thu melHng pointk h jndividd netalThis is bcassr
Hhan th ein pechivc
nohen dr fkherant metals
chang d
Joints cam be metal
increases, respectively with increase in pressure. ldentify the
3 The melting point of metals A and B ecreases and
moulds. Give reason.
which is used for making perfect
Matter in Our Surroundings13
Metal) s <Ised fot mahing h e t mouldeThis b, Wkccasse
ban q
Aighen melting unt cónfiead to meta3)
fa'ghe mcling pont onaking
shape mefd mould eata'n
esta'n issape yaty
4. Identify the metals in the increasing order of forces of attraction.
of attgch'en beturen etala gtoms
gneaaty strnge her mtzla witk highu melting foi nts.
the weakest Aorce eh aHyachi and Ahey
attra ofiÛn

Sustainable Development Goals

trying to unravel the properties c
Scientists at the Institute of Plasma Research (|PR) in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, are
fusion. Nuclear fusion can occur only at extrem
plasma because of its potential to aid power generation from nuclear
temperatures, at which plasma is the only state in which matter can
tokamak, a device for confining plasma. ADITYA
One of IPR's major achievements is the design and construction of a
opportunity to perform a wide variety of experiments
as this device is called, "provides Indian scientists a unique
plasma physicists.
plasma physics," says IPR director P. K. Kaw, one of the world's leading
degrees Celsius and is being used for a wide range
ADITYA can produce plasmas at temperatures up to 5 million
to yield more energy than it consumes, t
experimental and theoretical studies. Lawson criterion for nuclear fusion
exceed acertain threshold value, called the Lawson criterion. This correspon.

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