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04 LISTENING TEST In the Listening test, you will be asked fo demonstrate how wall you understand spoken English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book. PART 1 Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be ‘spoken only one time. Statoment (C), "They're sitting at a table," is the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (C) and mark it on your answer sheet. 62 (2000 70 THE NEXT PAGE, nee TESTA 63 Carer (GOON TO THE NEXT AGE, PART 2 Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will not bbe printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time, Selact the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet. 77. Mark your answer on your ariswer she. 20. Maik your answer on your answer sheet. 8, Mark your answer on your answer sheet 24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 410. Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 23, Mark your answer on your answer sheat. ‘1. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 24, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 12, Merk your answer on your answer sheet. 25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 18, Marc your answer on your answer sheet. 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 44, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 27, Mark your answer on your answer shest. 416, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 28. Marc your answer on your answer sheet 16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 47. Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 30, Mark your answer on your answer sheet 418, Mork your answer on your answer sheet. 31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 49, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. : You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response, to each question and mark the letter (A), (B),(C), or (D) on your answer sheot, The conversations will ‘not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. 2, 33, (©) On Friday afternoon 36. a7. Who most ikely is the man? (A) Adolivery person (B) Acontracior (C) Asalesperson (0) Ahouse cleaner ‘What will he man most likely bring when he rotumns? (A) An updated invoice (8) Aproduct recommended to him (C) Anew toot (0) Areplacement tle When will the man most likely return tothe woman's house? (A) On Thursday morning (8) On Thursday attemoon (C) On Friday moming What are the speakers mainly discussing? (A) The concition of forest paths (B) Hiking options (C) Arecycing program (©) Vending machines ‘Whats the woman concemed about? (A) The condition ofthe visitor center {@) Matoas being cisposed of property {C) The need for new plastic bins (D) Her work schedule What does the man suggest? (A) Showing a video (6) Purchasing a television (C) Recording some instructions (0) Hiring additional workers 38, 39, 40. Who most likely isthe woman? (A) Amanager (8) Aconsultant {C) Asalesperson (0) Atrainer ‘What did Takesti toll the man? (A) The training session will increase sales. {8) {he training session was not useful. (C) Some people prefer independent work. (0) More salespeople willbe hired. raat What will the man most likely do next? (A) Meet with the salespeople face-to-face (8) Ask Takeshi to talk to his tears (C) Cancel this week's sales meeting (©) Discuss future training sessions a. 42. 43, Where do the speakers most likely work? (A) Atan accounting fim (B) Ata warehouse (C) Ata university bookstore (0) Ata book: publishing company ‘What ie the woman's assignment? (A) To prepare a sales report (8) To train recently hired employees {C) To take notes during staff meetings (0) To proofread reports, ‘Why will the woman be unable to help the rman? (A) She lacks the technical taining {B) She is too busy. (C) She is unsure of what Anna really wants. (0) She sent her laptop to be serviced. Scene Test 4 67 45, ar, Who most likely are the speakers? (a) School teachers (B) Employees of a nature area (C) Members of a bird-watching club (©) Construction workers What probiem are the speakers discussing? (A) The proposed location of a building () The schedule of a community event (©) Some recently completed construction (0) Damage caused by animals What does the man suggest the speakers do? (A) Contact some builders (8) Conduct a tour of a nature preserve (C) Hold @ meeting at their workplace (0) Post an announcement at the community center What does the man say about hiring a new ‘employee? {(A) The hiting process is already finished. {8) Hiring may not be necessary. {C) There are no qualified applicants. (0) Thare ig na manay inthe huegat ‘What does the woman suggest? (A) Contracting some advertising work (6) Discussing the problem atthe next meeting (©) Training new factory team workers (©) Hiring a temporary employee Why wil the apeakers talk to Janct Olsen? (A) To gat her opinion about an issue (8) To ask how a problem was solved previously (©) To learn whether they can use her office (©) To ask about a recently hired team member 50 51, g What may prevent the woman fram seeing the exhibit? (A) The exhibit will ciose early. (8) A parade will bo hold. (C) The buses are not running. (0) She has a work commitment. What does the man tell the woman she can do? (A) Got atu rotund (B) Donate the cost of her tickets (C) Exchange her tickets for another date (©) Give her tickets to family members ‘What does the woman imply when she says, “Oh, | have too many financial commitments at the moment’? (A) She wil call the man back tater. () She will not visit the gift shop. (C) She will not attend a special event. (0) She will not purchase a membership. . What did Petra do on her way to the office? (A) She dropped a brochure off at a local store (B) She stopped at a printing shop. {C) She shopped at an office store for some supplies. (0) She contacted a repair technician ‘What does the man say about the brochure the speakers are discussing? (A) He likes the bright colors. (8) He already approved it. (C) Itcontaine too much information. (0) Itwas redesigned several times. Why will Petra make a phone call? (A) To order copies (B) To change @ deadline (C) To get a mistake corrected (0) To try to get a price reduced 58. What does the woman imply when ahe eaye, "haven't had a chance to look ati? {A) She is not interested in the price ist. (@) She likes the old furniture in the meeting room. (C) The furniture prices are very high. (0) The office furniture has not been ordered. ‘87. What is most likely tu ubuut the travel arrangements that the woman is working on? (A) They are taking more time than expected. (8) They will be finished tomorrow. {C) There are only two people working on them, (0) The man is responsible for managing them. '58, What does th man suggest that the woman do? (A) Train a coworker to order furiture (B) Ask whether a responsibilty can be removed (C) Find somebody to help with travel planning (0) Apply for a management position 59, Who most likely is the woman? (A) Aconsulting company employee {8) AWeb developer (C) A supervisor (0) Acortiied trainer What does the woman tell Felix’ supervisor? (A) She can provide some paperwork. (B) She is paid hourly (C) She is not familiar with a feature. (0) She has employees who can complete a task, 64. When will a Web site be launched? (A) Once a feature is added (@) Later that day (C) After two companies merge (0) inthe coming week Monarch Pottery, Weekly Schedule Monday | Hand Building (adults) Tuesday | Wheel Throwing (adults) Wednesday | Hand Building (children) Thursday | Wheel Throwing (children) Friday No classes '62, What prablem does the woman mention? (A) Her order arrived late. (8) Her order is missing an item, (C) She did not order enough of an item. (0) She did not receive an invoice. 163. What does the man say about some buckets of glaze? (A) They contain the wrong color glaze. (&) They are on the delivery truck now. (C) They were left behind, (0) They are heavier than they look. 64, Look at the graphic. On which day isthe ‘conversation taking place? (A) Tuesday (8) Wednesday (C) Thursday (0) Friday (2000 To THE NEXT PAGE a Test 4 69 Pater @€Monaco Hotel #9 Host your business event with ust ‘Bronze 125 Silver 150 Gold 175 Platinum 200 65. What are the speakers mainly discussing? (A) Aconference hosted by another company (8) location for an upcoming conference (©) ‘ne purpose or an annual conterence (0) Aconference speaker they both admire (66. What does the man imply about conference participants? (A) They will choose food options from a menu. (8) They wil eat breakfast together. {C) They will not be provided with meals, {D) They must buy snacks from a nearby store, 67. Look at the graphic. Which package will the speakers most likely purchase? (A) Bronze (8) Siver (C) Gold (0) Platinum Locker ‘Exercise, Precis [root] Saisie | “Reception Area Exercise & Area2 68. Where most likely does the woman work? (A) Ata delivery company (8) Ata fitness center (C) Ata truck repair facity (0) Atan exercise equipment manufacturer 69. Look at the graphic. Where wil the five heavy boxes be put? (A) tn the veception are () In the locker rooms, (C) In exercise area 1 (0) Inexercise area 2 70. What equipment wes delivered yesterday? (A) Rowing machines (8) Furniture (C) Poo! supplies (0) Weighting equipment PART 4 Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You willbe asked to answer three ‘questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and ‘mark the letter (A), (B), (C), oF (0) on your answer sheet. The talks will nt be printed in your test book ‘and will be spoken only one time, 71. Who is the speaker? (A) Abook author (8) Apark ranger (C) Atour guide {D) Apainter 72. What will the listeners mostly see during their visit? (A) Rare plants. (8) Works of art (C) Antique furnishing (0) Anineteenth-century library 73. What does the speaker invite the listeners todo? (A) Use amep {) Make a purchase (C) Stay withthe group (©) Take pictures 74, What doos the speaker recommend doing? (A) Creating more charging stations (B) Buying an electric pickup truck (C) Getting new tires (©) Shopping for a sports car 75. What disadvantage of elacvic pickup trucks does the speaker mention? (A) Their high cost (8) Their engine noise (C) Their slow speed (0) Their small size 70, What alternative use for electric pickup trucks does the speaker mention? (A) Sheltering animals (8) Generating radio signats (C) Supporting building structures, (0) Powering homes 1. 79. ‘Who most ikely is the speaker? (A) Astore cashier (8) A produce supplier (C) Arestaurant omer (0) A supermarket manager |. What are the owners doing? (A) Increasing staf pay (6) Introducing new products (C) Hosting a dinner (0) Hiring more employees What does the speaker imply when she says, "There's a sign-up sheet in the staff room"? (A) The new work hours are voluntary. (B) People who sign up gel a reward. (C) All employees must sign up fora shin. (0) The meeting will continue in the staff room. ). What is being advertised? (A) Asolar heating system for homes (8) Acontest for a new heating system (©) Abome cleaning service (0) Aservice for home heating systems |. What does the advertisement emphasize about the company? (A) Its 24-hour service (8) Its special cameras (C) Its low prices (0) Its customer service How can the listeners get a discount? (A) By presenting a coupon (B) By scheduling an appointment ontine (C) By mentioning a radio advertisement (0) By joining a maiing list (6001 70 THE NEXT PAGE, a esta 71 Caer 83. Whatis the purpose of the meeting? (A) To welcome new managers (8) To fix a problem with a training program (C) To provide an update (0) To announce a change in strategy 84, What does the speaker imply when he says, “But we hope to be a strong partner with Regent during this construction boom"? (A) Ragent ie a now contruction company. (8) The plant may eam profits soon, (C) The plant needs to create now products, (0) The company needs to build more plants, 85. What did new employees do? (A) They inspected local mines. (@) They delivered raw materials. (©) Tiroy eanstiicad a ig (©) They acquired cortiiation 86. What will happen at Coleman's Downtown Theater this weekend? (A) Movies of a special type will be shown, (8) An actor wil sign autographs. (C) Collectors will gathor fora trade show. (0) An outdoor seating area will be opened, 87. What might people lear this weekend? (A) How to prepare to run a marathon (6) How the city has grown in 100 years (C) The history af space exploration (0) The history of an artform ‘88. Who willbe in the lobby on Sunday? (A) A professional who works in the movies (B) Awrter who has released a new book (C) Ahistorian from a nearby university (0) An astronaut who has been to space n 89. What work do the listeners do? {A) Train security guards (8) Mako advertisements (C) Create security software (©) Provide financial advice 90. What will happen tonight? (A) Security systems will be updated, (8) More securty guards willbe on duty (C) Financial datas will be revised, (0) New computers will be purchased. 91. Why does the spoaker say, We are the ‘most trusted company in the industy, and we want to stay that way"? (A) To congratulate a colleague (B) To show appreciation to cients (C) To motivate the listoners to act (G) 10 mtroauce ine next speaker 92. What is the purpose of the broadcast? (A) To promote healthy eating habits {B) To describe new recipes (C) To review local restaurants (0) To promote Italian culture 93. What does the speaker eiilicize about Maria's Kitchen? (A) The cost. (8) The service (C) The parking (0) The view ‘94, What does the speaker recommend that the listeners do? (A) Ty the talian food at Maria's Kitchen (6) Cook ttalian food at home (C) Order the chicken at Amo's Bistro (D) Travel outside the area for the best allan food Car Production Stages fs Save Our Date” @ Sophia and Randy June 2 Newfield Hotel 5:00 Pa. reception m the Kose Garden ‘Music by Modeme Heart . Who is Sayan Mitra? tho most key isthe I Al cette consis rapneecteaty® a Saw yieme ketene, (B) An accountant ba a band leader (C) Acar dealer i} wedding planner sultant (6) Atestaurant worker ae = (©) A professional pintor 99, Look atthe graphle Which stage of car roduc ising? Peat resp Swe) i ethan! eer oe (B) An unavailable musician {C) Stage 3 (C) Additional guests: (0) Stage 4 (0) Achange in weather 1 What wil the listeners most likely do next? 97. Look atthe graphic, What information wi 10M hel shal ” be chan (8) view a presentation SECS Pe terues {6} Ask some questions erga {C) Review some specifications Pat ) Retin (6) Rone Gantort (D) Return to their desks (0) Modeme Heart This is the end of the Listening test. Test 4 73

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