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Amateur Ridden Horses 54-55 Mountain & Moorland – Novice Ridden 20-21
Arabs – Pure Bred In Hand 38-39 Mountain & Moorland – Novice WHP 20-21
Arabs – Pure Breds & Anglo/PBs Ridden 39 Mountain & Moorland – Ridden Ponies 17-19
Breeding Ponies 41 Mountain & Moorland – Open WHP 22-23
Carriage Driving 63-64 New Forest Ponies 25
Cleveland Bays 37-38 NPS Arena Eventing Challenge 49-50
Cobs – Ridden 50-51 Part Breds In Hand 42
Connemara Ponies 24-25 Part Bred Pony of the Year – Ridden 44-45
Dales, Fell & Highland Ponies 24 Piebalds & Skewbalds – In Hand & Ridden 38
Dartmoor Ponies 26 PRIZE MONEY 8
Double Harness Scurry 62 Racehorses as Riding Horses 56-57
Exmoor Ponies 25-26 REGULATIONS – HORSES 8-9
First Ridden Show Ponies – Open 48-49 RESS Rescue In Hand & Ridden 60
Flat Ridden Sport Horses 33 Riding Horses – In Hand 40
Hacks – In Hand 40 Riding Horses – Ridden 53-54
Hacks – Ridden 52-53 Senior Horses & Ponies In Hand & Ridden 60-62
Haflingers – In Hand & Ridden 39 Shetland Ponies 23-24
Heavy Horse – Cart Harness 67 Shire Horses 65
Heavy Horses – In Hand 66 Show Hunter Ponies 43-44
Heavy Horses – Ridden 66 Show Ponies 45-46
Heavy Horses – Turnouts 66-67 Side Saddle 57-58
Hunters – Amateur Ridden 32 Sport Horses In Hand 37
Hunters – 4 year Old & Novice 32-33 Supreme Pony Championship 49
Hunters – In Hand 35-36 Supreme In Hand Championship 42
Hunters – Small & Ladies 31-32 TIMETABLE 10-15
Hunters – Weights 30 Welsh Mountain Ponies – Section A 27
Irish Draughts & Irish Draught Sport Horses 36-37 Welsh Ponies – Section B 27-28
Lead Rein Pony of Hunter Type 47 Welsh Ponies Cob Type – Section C 28-29
Lead Rein Show Ponies – Open 48-49 Welsh Cobs – Section D 29
Maxi Cobs 51-52 Working Hunters – Open 34-35
Miniature Horses (British) 59 Working Hunters – Novice/Amateur 33-34
Mountain & Moorland – LR & FR 16-17 Working Show Horses / Working Cobs 55
Mountain & Moorland – Junior Ridden 19-20

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.



R1 RESPONSIBILITY: The Society, its Officers and Servants, shall not be responsible to any person
whatsoever whilst entering on, or leaving the Society’s premises, for any damage or loss, however
caused to the property of such person, or for any injury, fatal or otherwise, to any such person. The
Society, its Officers and Servants shall not be responsible for any accident, damage or loss however
caused that may occur to any exhibitor or his employee or to any animal, article or property brought
into the showground, or whilst entering or on leaving, or being carried into or out of the said
showground. The exhibitor shall be solely responsible for any loss, injury or damage that may be
done to, or occasioned by, or arising from any animal, article or property exhibited or brought into the
showground by him/her and he/she shall indemnify and hold harmless the Society from all action,
suits, expenses and claims on account of, or in respect of any such damage or injury which may be
so caused or occasioned.
R2 CONDUCT OF EXHIBITORS AND THEIR EMPLOYEES: All persons in charge of stock will be
subject to the orders of the Society’s Officials. Employees must be in attendance each day during the
Show, at least half an hour prior to the time appointed for the examination, exhibition or parade of the
animals in their charge. Exhibitors will be held responsible for the behaviour of their employees and
for the consequence of any misconduct of such employees. Any fine imposed upon an exhibitor or
his/her employee for infringing the regulations or disobedience to the order of the Steward shall be
recoverable from the exhibitor as a debt due to the Society, and until such fines be paid shall debar
the exhibitor from exhibiting at future shows of the Society.
R3 ANIMAL WELFARE: The Three Counties Agricultural Society expects all exhibitors to observe a best
practice at all times.

can be made online at Alternatively, entry forms for the Show may be
obtained from the Equine Team – email: No entry will be accepted
unless made on the prescribed form and accompanied by the correct fees. Information from entry
forms will be stored on computer and the name and details of entries will be published in the catalogue,
unless otherwise advised. Information about results may also be published and/or provided to the
Press and Breed Societies for publication. Information about exhibitors may also be passed to any
regulatory authority, such as DEFRA or Trading Standards, as well as the Society’s Veterinary
Advisers. The making of an entry is irrevocable consent for the storage and disclosure of information
in this way.
R5 EXHIBITS ENTERED IN MORE THAN ONE CLASS: Animals may be entered in more than one class,
except where otherwise stated in the schedule. The number of such additional classes shall be stated
in the space provided on the entry form and the additional fees remitted for each entry.
R6 ENTRIES FOR SPECIAL PRIZES: No fee is required for such entries, though each exhibit shall have
appeared in the appropriate breed class and the fees paid for the same. This regulation does not
apply for entry of animals for Champion Prizes as all eligible animals are automatically entered for
such awards.
R7 CLOSING DATE OF ENTRIES: The dates appointed for the closing of entries are:
Horses, Ponies Postal: 9th May 2024 Online: 20th May 2024
Show Jumping Postal: 3 June 2024 Online: 12th June 2024
No livestock or competing entry will be accepted for competition unless the necessary entry form is
properly completed and signed by the exhibitor (or by his duly authorised agent acting on his behalf),
together with a remittance to cover the necessary fees in full, shall have been delivered to the
Livestock Officer at the Society’s Offices, on or before the closing date of entry for the respective

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

section. No entry can be accepted by telephone. ENTRIES RECEIVED AFTER THE CLOSING
R8 CORRECTNESS OF ENTRY FORMS: Every exhibitor or competitor will be held responsible for the
correctness of his/her entry form and must check all entry details when confirmation is sent. At this
stage, changes may be made. If, when called upon to prove its correctness, he/she fails to do so, the
entry in question may be disqualified and any award made to it cancelled. If it shall be proved that
any exhibitor or competitor has knowingly signed an incorrect entry form, or has attempted to obtain
a prize by unfair means whatsoever, all awards made to such an exhibitor or competitor in any class
or competition may be cancelled and he/she may be disqualified from exhibiting at future shows of the
Society. Exhibitors are to state on entry forms if the exhibit has been imported from outside the United
R9 OWNERSHIP: All exhibits shall be bona fide property of the exhibitor at the original date of entry
closing, except where the regulation is varied by any condition applicable to specific classes stated in
the schedule. In the event of the death of the exhibitor between the date of entry closing and date of
the show, the executor of the deceased shall be deemed to be the exhibitor.
R10 ENTRY BY MINORS: Entries by persons under 18 years of age shall be accepted only provided the
entry form is countersigned by the parent, guardian or trustee of the entrant, who shall be held
responsible for the correctness of the entry and for the compliance with these Show Regulations. Any
entry made in contravention of this Regulation and inadvertently accepted may be cancelled.
R11 PARTICULARS OF EXHIBITS: Full pedigree details must be given on the entry form. The Sire and
Dam of ALL Horse/Pony exhibits including entries for both RIDDEN and BREEDING classes should
be included. These details may be printed in the show catalogue. Every animal entered for
competition must be entered or certified as eligible for entry in the Herd, Flock or Stud Book of its
breed in the UK. Where an animal is entered by the exhibitor as eligible for entry in the Herd, Flock
or Stud Book, proof of such eligibility must be furnished at the time of making the entry. This regulation
does not apply to Commercial Cattle classes.
R12 AGE OF EXHIBITS: The exact date of birth of each exhibit must be stated on the entry form except
in the case of horses or sheep, where the year of birth only need be given. In the case of doubt or
protest a certificate signed by the Society’s duly appointed Veterinary Surgeon shall be considered
final and conclusive.
R13 RIGHT TO REJECT ENTRIES: The Council of the Society reserves the right to reject or cancel the
entry or entries made by any person, if it shall deem fit to do so, and right to cancel any class or
classes, refunding any fees made in respect thereof. Owing to shortage of accommodation, which
can be provided to house stock at the show, the Council also reserves the right to limit the number of
entries in any class or section should this be necessary, with the exception of the Rare and Minority
Breeds Show.
R14 CANCELLATION OF ENTRIES: In the event of there being fewer than four entries in any breed
section (Pig breeds – three exhibitors) the classes for such breed may be cancelled and the entry fees
refunded, unless otherwise stated under individual breed sections. In the event of there being less
than two exhibitors entered in any class it will be cancelled and entry fees refunded, except in cases
where possible amalgamation is specifically allowed for in the schedule.
R15 NOMINATION OF ENTRIES: Any form failing to give the full name of the exhibit will be refused. The
entry form together with any fees remitted herewith will be returned to the person sending the form.
R16 ACCURACY OF CATALOGUE: The Society will not be responsible for any inaccuracy in any
pedigree or other particulars inserted in the catalogue, though every care will be made to ensure the
accuracy of all particulars printed therein. Please use BLOCK CAPITALS when completing your entry

R17 PAYMENT OF ENTRY AND/OR STABLING FEES: All remittances in payment of fees shall be by
crossed cheque, credit card or debit card, money order or postal order made payable to: ROYAL
THREE COUNTIES SHOW. A charge of £25 will be made for any returned or refused cheques.
R18 ENTRY FEES: Fees for each entry are shown at the head of each section of this Schedule. All entry
fees are inclusive of VAT @ 20%. (Any change in VAT rate will be applied from the due date.) VAT
registered no. 729848577. The acceptance of entries at Members’ rates is conditional upon the
Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

exhibitor having paid their annual subscription. Persons desiring to become members and wishing to
avail themselves of entering at Members’ rates must pay £75.00, being the subscription for 2024.
Entry fees include the Horse of the Year Show / SSADL levies contribution where applicable.
R19 REFUND OF ENTRY FEES: Any entry fee paid shall not be refundable, except in the case of an
animal incapacitated by accident, injury or illness. Any claim under this clause must be made in writing
to the Chief Executive Officer and must be accompanied by a certificate issued by a Veterinary
Surgeon to be received not later than 31st May 2024 together with all labels and passes issued by the
Society in respect of the entry fees in question. ANY CLAIM RECEIVED AFTER 31st May 2024 WILL

R20 EXHIBITORS’ WRISTBANDS: Each exhibitor shall receive wristbands as listed below, but a Member
of the Society will receive his/her Members’ Badge in lieu thereof.
R21 TICKET ALLOCATION: Exhibitor Wristbands will be allocated according to the number of exhibits
entered per day - as listed below. An extra wristand will be sent for competitors entered in Lead Rein
classes. Additional one-day exhibitor passes may be purchased in advance only at £16.20 inclusive
of VAT. Please ensure that wristbands are worn at all times when on the showground.
Number of Exhibit(s) Single day admission passes (valid for day of judging only)
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 4
5 and over 5
R22 LORRY PASSES – LIVESTOCK: All vehicles will be inspected before entering the showground.
“Dirty” vehicles will be turned away or moved to an area to be cleaned before entering the showground.
Exhibitors will be provided with a lorry pass to enable them to bring their stock into the showground,
and such passes will cover (pre-show) the lorry and driver. Upon off-loading of stock such lorries will
be required to be parked in the designated area and will not be permitted to return to the vicinity of the
stock lines until departure time on the afternoon of the last day of the show. Exhibitors must state on
entry forms the additional number of such lorry passes required. Please note: A one-way traffic
system will be in operation.

R23 ANIMALS SUFFERING FROM DISEASE: Every exhibitor shall indemnify the Society against all
actions, claims, proceedings and demands by any person, company or other representative body of
whatsoever nature in respect of any matter, directly or indirectly connected with the bringing onto the
Society’s showground of any animal which may have been suffering from any contagious or infectious
disease or which develops such a disease whilst on the showground and in addition the exhibitor shall
pay all costs and expenses incurred by the Society in connection with any such claim. The Society’s
Veterinary Officers are authorised to refuse permission for any animal to be admitted to or have
removed from the showground any animals affected with contagious or infectious disease. The
exhibitor or such animal may obtain a certificate from the Show Secretary, stating the nature of such
disease or infection. The onus of proving the freedom of any such animal from contagious or infectious
disease shall rest on the exhibitor of the animal concerned.

R24 PRIZES: Prizes will be awarded on the scales shown at the beginning of each entry section.
R25 CONDITIONAL AWARDS: In all cases where the prizes are offered or awarded conditionally, they
will be withheld until the exhibitor shall have proved to the satisfaction of the Council that the conditions
have been complied with.
R26 ROSETTES AND PRIZE COLOURS: No animal will be allowed to wear a rosette or ribbon other than
those issued by the Society and no rosette or ribbon may be displayed during judging which has been
awarded in a previous class. The colours for prizes will be:

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

FIRST: Red SECOND: Blue THIRD: Yellow FOURTH: Green FIFTH: Brown
R27 PROTESTS: Any exhibitor wishing to make a protest having reference to livestock or horses exhibited
at the show, must make the same in writing to the Livestock Officer, and must deposit a sum of £100.
If upon investigation the protest is not sustained to the satisfaction of the Stewards, the sum thus
deposited shall be forfeited to the Society’s funds. All protests must be delivered to the Show Office
at the showground before 4.00pm on the day on which the award shall have been made and no protest
will be subsequently received unless a satisfactory reason be given for the delay. Protests will be
considered by the Chief Steward of the section concerned in consultation with his/her assistants. If
the Chief Steward is unable to resolve the protest, then he/she will refer the matter to the Society’s
Livestock Committee.
R28 ALTERATION OF AWARDS: In case of protest made in accordance with Regulation R27, whereby
any prize animal becomes disqualified, the winner of the next succeeding prize in that class shall take
the prize that had been awarded to the disqualified animal.
R29 PRIZE MONEY PAYMENT: The prize money offered by the Society will be paid out before 1ST
AUGUST 2024 in respect of all prizes offered by the Society. Special prizes offered by private donors
of Breed Societies will be paid directly to the winners and the Society cannot hold itself responsible
for non-payment of any such prizes. Any claim or complaint regarding prize money paid or unpaid
shall be notified to the Livestock Officer of the Society before 1st September 2024. Cheques must be
cashed within six months of issue and any cheque not presented within this time limit will deem the
prize and cheque cancelled.
R30 CHALLENGE TROPHIES: Winners of previous trophies offered by the Society may hold these until
31 March 2024, the trophies must be returned in good condition to the Society’s Offices or to the
Society’s appointed agents for engraving. Trophies returned by post must be sent by Recorded
Delivery. Failure to return trophies by the due date may incur a maximum penalty of £5000. The
Society’s Trophy Registration number is shown in brackets after the name of each trophy in the list of
Special Prizes in each section.
R31 JUDGES: The Judges are instructed to withhold prizes where the entry is not of sufficient merit, and
in awarding prizes the Judges are instructed to make their awards according to the relative merits of
the exhibits for breeding purposes in breeding classes. If in the opinion of the Judges any animal
appears to be unfit for breeding purposes, the Judges shall be at liberty to have the animal examined
by one of the Society’s Veterinary Surgeons, whose opinion shall be considered final and conclusive,
and if he/she so directs, the animal will be disqualified from taking a prize which might otherwise be
awarded to it. No person other than a Steward or authorised Official of the Society shall enter a ring
when judging is in progress, nor shall have any communication with the Judges during the time of
judging, and all exhibitors and their agents acting in opposition to this regulation shall forfeit such prize
as may be awarded to their exhibit.
R32 CHANGE OF JUDGE: Should an exhibit be forward for competition, which was either bred or
previously owned by the officiating Judge, then a referee may be introduced at the request of the Chief
Steward of the Section. The onus of a horse being exhibited in a class judged by a person who has
had a financial interest in the animal or which has stood in his stable etc. must be on the exhibitor.
The exhibitor will know who is judging from the schedule, whereas the Judge will not know which
animals are coming before him until he arrives in the Ring. If there is an unforeseen change of Judge,
then the exhibitor should stand down from the class and entry fees will be refunded. EVERY EFFORT
R33 PARADES AND JUDGING: Any exhibitor or employee refusing to bring their exhibits on parade at a
specified time when requested by the Stewards to do so shall be liable to forfeit to the Society any
prize money their exhibits ready for such parade 30 minutes prior to the times of parades as laid down
in the official timetable. White coats or Breed Society uniform must be worn in the Breed judging Ring
and the Grand previously awarded to the said exhibits. All employees in charge of stock which is to

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

be paraded must have Parades. Cattle exhibitors should note that bulls should always have two


R34 PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE: All livestock exhibitors should ensure they have adequate public
liability insurance cover.
R35 SMOKING: To comply with Health and Safety Regulations, we are obliged to inform you that there
will be no smoking in the livestock lines or at the stable area.
R36 HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK REGULATION: Exhibitors are reminded that they are responsible
for the observation by themselves, their employees and their contractors or all Health and Safety at
Work regulations. Any item of risk or hazard should be reported to the Chief Executive’s Office

R37 VETERINARY SURGEON: it is a condition of entry that the Society’s Veterinary Surgeons may on
their own authority give such emergency treatment as they may consider appropriate in the event that
the owner or representative cannot be found.
R38 DEFRA REGULATION: Exhibitors should be aware of and conform to the regulations in place by
DEFRA at all times.
R39 TRANSIT OF ANIMALS: From January 2007, Welfare in Transport Regulations (EC) no. 1.2005 will
apply. NOTE: It will be an offence to transport any female animal for whom 90% or more of the
gestational period has already passed or female animals that have given birth in the previous week.
PLEASE NOTE: if you are transporting animals over 65Kms you will require an Animal Transporter
Authorisation, and as from January 2008 it is now a legal requirement to have a Certificate of
Competence for transporting animals over 65Kms. (Please check with your local authority).
R40 STALLING OF EXHIBITS: Exhibitors and their employees must see that their exhibits are stalled or
penned in the allotted space for them in accordance with their exhibit numbers, and no person shall
remove or otherwise deface any notice or exhibit number placed by the Society, or its Officers on the
stalls or pens, nor shall any exhibit be stalled or penned in the place allotted to another exhibit, and
no persons shall utilise a vacant stall or pen without written consent of the Steward or Chief Steward.
The penalty for the infringement of this regulation shall be that the exhibitor whose exhibit is incorrectly
stalled or penned shall forfeit all prizes awarded to such exhibit and shall incur a fine of £20 for each
day, or part of a day the animal is incorrectly stalled or penned. No animal shall be cleansed other
than at the wash downs provided for this purpose. GREAT CARE SHOULD BE TAKEN WHEN
R41 STRAW: Straw will be allocated free on the following basis: Cattle per stall – loose straw in stall on
arrival. Further straw to be distributed at the end of each day as required. No straw tickets will be
issued. Sheep – one third of a bale per pen plus one further straw bale ticket issued with passes for
every three pens. Pigs – half a bale per pen plus one further straw bale ticket issued with passes for
every two pens.
R42 RUGS AND SHEETS: Except by special permission of the Steward of the Section, no rug or sheet
shall be hung up so as to conceal any animal in a horsebox, stall or pen. All sheets used for this
purpose must be removed before the opening of the show on each day to the general public and must
not be replaced until after the closing of the show each day.
R43 PUBLICITY: Exhibitors will be allowed to promote their herd/flock but the following conditions will
a) Cattle section – space allowed per animal forward, maximum of 5’ wide per stall.
b) Sheep & pig sections – space allowed per pen maximum of 5’ wide per pen.
c) Maximum height for herd/flock publicity boards from ground level, cattle 8’, sheep & pigs 6’.
d) No promotion material to be hung from the roof or placed in the gangways.
e) No advertising other than acknowledgements of suppliers will be permitted.
f) Only rosettes and Prize Cards of this Society to be displayed and these must only be for the current
g) Exhibit cards provided by the Society must be clearly displayed for each animal forward.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

R44 STOVES: Exhibitors or their employees desiring to bring portable stoves or barbecues onto the
showground for cooking etc. will only be permitted to do so provided such stoves are carried and used
in a properly constructed fire resisting box. Use of stoves will not be permitted under any
circumstances within the confines of Livestock and Stock Person’s accommodation within the main
showground area.
R45 STEWARDS: No person shall officiate in the judging ring as Steward at the time of judging of a class
in which he or she shall have an exhibit. In the event of a Steward making entries after his or her
appointment, the Chief Steward shall at his sole discretion appoint a deputy Steward to carry out the
duties for the class in question.
R46 DOGS / PETS: are not allowed on the showground or in the Stock Lines with the exception of
Assistance Dogs and those taking part in competitive classes or events.
R47 PENALTIES: Any infringement of any of the Regulations or Conditions printed in this schedule will
subject the exhibitor to forfeiture of any prize to which he/she may be entitled (in addition to the
consequences attaching to the infringement) and the Council reserve the right to inform other
Agricultural Societies and bodies of any decision it may come to with respect to an exhibitor.
R48 INTERPRETATION OF REGULATIONS: The Council reserves to itself the sole absolute right to
interpret these or any other prescribed conditions and schedule and to finally settle and determine all
or any matter, question, difference, in regard thereto or otherwise arising out of, or in connection with
any incident in connection to the show, to substitute Judges for those announced in the schedule, or
make additional appointments as may be deemed necessary.
R49 PLEASE NOTE: All exhibitors and other persons admitted to the showground shall be subject to the
rules, orders, conditions and regulations of the Council of the Three Counties Agricultural Society.
The Organisers of this show have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of
everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions
to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of the Organisers and all
Officials and Stewards.
R50 MISCONDUCT: An exhibitor or their handler who is responsible for an infringement of the regulations
or misconduct, or any exhibitor or member of the general public who conducts himself in an improper
or offensive manner, to any Judge, Member of Council, Steward or official appointed by the Society
will be reported the Chief Executive. He/she may be refused entry to the Showground and may not
be allowed to compete in any class or competition that he/she may have entered for the show or
possibly any future Shows.

Three Counties Agricultural Society By order of the Council

Malvern, Worcestershire, WR13 6NW Three Counties Agricultural Society
Telephone: 01684 584930

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

R86 ENTRY FEES & PRIZE MONEY: All entry fees are inclusive of VAT @ 20% (any changes in the VAT
rate will be applied from the due date). Fees are as below unless otherwise stated in the schedule.
The following fees include the £18.00 Horse of the Year Show and £11.00 SSADL contribution where
TCAS Members Non-Members
In Hand Classes £15.00 £25.00
Open Ridden Classes £25.00 £40.00
Horse of the Year Show Qualifiers £47.00 £57.00
SSADL Classes – LIHS Qualifiers £40.00 £50.00
Heavy Horse Classes – In Hand/Turnouts £10.00 £10.00
Double Harness Scurry £15.00 £15.00
1–5 £60.00
6 – 10 £60.00 £30.00
11+ £60.00 £30.00 £15.00
1–5 £35.00
6 – 10 £35.00 £20.00
11+ £35.00 £20.00 £15.00
R87 STABLING & GATE INFORMATION: Free stabling is not provided. Exhibits must arrive and depart
on the day of judging, unless stabling is booked and paid for. Exhibitors requiring stabling for their
exhibits must reserve a stable (10’ x 10’) at a charge of £50 inclusive of VAT (this includes a £15
deposit per stable per night) for the period of 22 hours (from 7.00pm on the evening prior to judging
to 5.00pm on the day of judging). Reservations for stables must be made on the entry form in the
space provided and payment made at the time of entry. One bale of straw is provided per stable.
Stables must be cleaned out by the exhibitor prior to departure. The deposit will be refunded
after the show providing the stable is left clean. The Stable Manager will issue a refund
voucher to the Exhibitor after inspection of the stable. This voucher must be either handed in
to the show office or sent in to the Three Counties Agricultural Society to claim the refund.
Stables booked after the 20th May are subject to availability. GATES WILL BE SHUT BETWEEN
R88 FODDER: Free fodder is not provided and will not be available. Exhibitors are strongly advised to
bring their requirements with them to the show.
R89 STUD BOOK: every horse entered for competition in the breeding classes shall be entered for, or
accepted for, entry in the Stud Book of its breed in this country.
R90 AGE: It is only necessary to state the year of birth in respect of all horses except that of foals, where
the exact date of birth must be stated on the entry form. No foals under the age of THREE WEEKS
will be allowed on the showground.
R91 WEIGHT: if in the opinion of the Judges an exhibit in the Ridden Hunter classes is in the wrong weight,
transfer to the correct weight class is permitted, and no additional entry fee will be levied.
R92 HEIGHT: All certificates must be available with the horse/pony for inspection, failing which the
horse/pony may be measured. Failure to pass this height test or to comply with the Joint Measurement

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

Scheme Rule Book will disqualify the horse/pony from competition. The decision of the Society’s
appointed Veterinary Surgeon will be final.
R93 ELIGIBILITY: In all classes, animals must be practically sound and no veterinary inspection will be
required except where it may be considered necessary by the Judges, or on a protest being lodged.
The owner of the animal rejected for unsoundness may, upon request in writing to the Director, be
furnished with a copy of the Veterinary Inspector’s Certificate, and if he so desires, may remove the
animal from the showground at once upon rejection.
R94 CLASS ATTENDANCE: it is the exhibitor’s responsibility to present their exhibit(s) on time for classes.
R95 AMALGAMATION OF CLASSES: The Society reserves the right to amalgamate classes if
R96 BREEDING CLASSES: Mares whose foals have died or are prevented from being exhibited owing to
accident or illness CANNOT be exhibited.
R97 EQUINE INFLUENZA: Equine Influenza and Tetanus vaccinations are a compulsory requirement for
all horses attending the Three Counties Showground. The requirement for the first 3 vaccinations is
as follows: the first 2 vaccinations 21 – 60 days apart, a third booster between 100-180 days, and an
annual booster vaccination within 365 days thereafter. No horse should enter competitions within 7
days of an EI vaccination. Foals should commence vaccinations at 6 months old and must have
received two primary vaccinations before attending the show. Foals 6 months old and under are
exempt. This Rule may be subject to change from guidance from the FEI/BEF and any changes will
be notified via the Showing Council and ASAO websites. Random checks on vaccinations will be
R98 FARRIER: A farrier will be in attendance each day of the show from 07.00 until 18.00.
R99 FALL OF HORSE/PONY OR RIDER: A fall of horse/pony or rider during any class will result in
elimination. The rider must not remount in the ring and should see a medically qualified attendant
before remounting.
R101 OWNERS/HANDLERS: All horses must have a competent person in charge.
R101 ALL STALLIONS: are to be stabled in separate accommodation for Health & Safety reasons.
R102 DRESS CODE: Grooms/Attendants appearing with animals in judging rings must be of smart
appearance and in proper dress code (not jeans), with appropriate headwear,
R103 MOBILE PHONES: The use of mobile phones is not permitted within the Collecting and judging Rings.
R104 TIMETABLE: Classes may commence at or after the published time. The Society will not be
responsible for any loss where an exhibitor has made entries in more than one class and because of
a time over run it is not possible for him/her or the horse/pony to compete in one or more later classes.
No claim for refund of fees paid or other loss, direct, indirect or consequential will be accept or paid.
Once a class has commenced trotting it is deemed the class is closed and no further exhibitors may
enter the ring.
R105 SHOWING: In some circumstances exhibitors may be asked to perform their show two at a time. The
Judge may choose to organise a set show for exhibitors to perform.
R106 SUITABLY MOUNTED - All animals ridden anywhere on the Showground, rings or lorry parks (day
or night), must only be ridden by a rider whose size and weight does not compromise the animal’s
welfare. We are operating under the 20% rider weight guideline where the rider in full riding attire with
full tack must be less than 20% of the animal’s bodyweight. This is based on a relatively fit, healthy
animal, as an overweight animal is also a welfare concern. Welfare Officers, appointed by the Three
Counties Agricultural Society, will be monitoring the Equine Areas and have the power to ask riders
deemed too large to dismount. If riders re-mount after being approached by the Welfare Steward,
they will be disqualified. Only riders competing in the relevant class may be in the Collecting
R107 SENSORY WHISKERS - are the hard hairs located on the horse’s muzzle and around the eyes, also
known as ‘whiskers’ that are used for sensation. It is recommended that horses should not have
whiskers trimmed or removed (other than for veterinary purposes or with a vet’s certificate). Brood
Mares, foals and youngstock must present with no evidence of whiskers or sensory hairs
having been removed.
R108 EQUINE OBESITY - must be avoided and all horses / ponies exhibited should be fit for purpose for
the event or class they are competing in. Having a horse / pony which is obese is extremely detrimental
to its welfare and animals carrying too much fat are at a significantly increased risk of developing
serious health and welfare issues.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.



8.30am 8.00am
Judges: Mr D Puttock (C) & Mr K Morris (P) Judges: Mrs L Ahmet (C) & Miss K Lloyd (P)
Class H1 M&M Lead Rein (HOYS) Class H3 Ridden Welsh C (HOYS)
Class H2 M&M First Ridden (HOYS) Class H4 Ridden Welsh D (HOYS)
MINI CHAMPIONSHIP Class H5 Ridden Highland (HOYS)
12.00noon Class H6 Ridden Fell (HOYS)
Class H306 Two-Fence Challenge – SJ Class H7 Ridden Dales (HOYS)
2.00pm Class H8 Ridden Connemara (HOYS)
Judge: Mr C Horler Class H9 Ridden New Forest (HOYS)
Class H281 Heavy Horse Team Turnouts LARGE BREEDS CHAMPIONSHIP
5.00pm Judges: Mrs J Beatham (C) & Ms L Briant (P)
Judge: Mr C Horler Class H10 Ridden Dartmoor (HOYS)
Class H286 Driven HH (HOYS) Class H11 Ridden Exmoor/Shet (HOYS)
Class H12 Ridden Welsh A (HOYS)
GLOUCESTER RING Class H13 Ridden Welsh B (HOYS)
Class H270 Shire Barren Mare / Gelding
Class H271 Shire Brood Mare HEREFORD RING
Class H272 Shire Foal 8.00am
Class H273 Shire Colt, Filly or Gelding Yearling Judges: Mrs J James (C) & Mr R James (J)
Class H274 Shire Colt, Filly or Gelding 2 years Class H21 Novice M&M WHP exc 143cms
Class H275 Shire Horse of the Year Qualifier Class H22 Novice M&M WHP 143cms
CHAMPIONSHIP Class H23 Novice M&M WHP 133cms
Judge: Mr C Horler Class H24 Novice M&M WHP 122cms
Class H276 Any Other Heavy Horse Breed CHAMPIONSHIP
11.45am 12.15pm
Judge: Mrs J Webb Judges: Mrs J Lowth (C) & Mrs N Shuttleworth (J)
Class H30 Ridden Shetland Class H25 M&M Junior WHP (HOYS)
Judge: Mrs J Webb Class H26 M&M WHP 122cms (HOYS)
Class H31 Shetland 1,2,3 years old Class H27 M&M WHP 133cms (HOYS)
Class H32 Shetland Mare Class H28 M&M WHP 143cms (HOYS)
Class H33 Shetland Foal Class H29 M&M WHP exc 143cms (HOYS)
Class H34 Shetland Stallion / Gelding CHAMPIONSHIP
Judge: Mrs H Prescott 9.00am
Class H39 Ridden Dales/Fell/Highland Class H300 British Novice / 90cms Open
Judge: Mrs H Prescott Class H301 Discovery / 1m Open
Class H40 Dales/Fell/Highland Foal/Yearling
Class H41 Dales/Fell/Highland 2-3 yrs old 11.00am
Class H42 Dales/Fell/Highland 4 yrs & over Judges: Ms G Wright (C) & Mrs H Prescott (P)
CHAMPIONSHIP Class H14 Junior Ridden Small Breeds (HOYS)
3.30pm Class H15 Junior Ridden Large Breeds (HOYS)
Class H35 Miniature Shetland 1,2,3 years old 1.15pm
Class H36 Miniature Shetland Mare Class H302 1.05m Open
Class H37 Miniature Shetland Foal Class H303 Newcomers / 1.10m Open
Class H38 Miniature Shetland Stallion/Gelding Class H304 Foxhunter / 1.20m Open
CHAMPIONSHIP Class H305 National 1.30m / 1.40m Handicap

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

8.00am 8.00am
Judge: Mrs J Webb Judge: Mr E G Prosser (Mintfield)
Class H43 Ridden Connemara Class H62 Welsh A Stallion
Judge: Mrs J Webb Class H63 Welsh A Mare / Gelding
Class H44 Connemara 1,2,3 years old Class H64 Welsh A Colt / Filly Foal
Class H45 Connemara 4 yrs & over Class H65 Welsh A Yearling Filly / Gelding
CHAMPIONSHIP Class H66 Welsh A Yearling Colt
9.15am Class H67 Welsh A 2-3 years Filly / Gelding
Judge: Mrs J Beatham Class H68 Welsh A 2-3 years Colt
Class H46 Ridden New Forest WELSH A CHAMPIONSHIP
Judge: Mrs J Beatham 9.30am
Class H47 New Forest Stallion/Gelding Judge: Mr E G Prosser (Mintfield)
Class H48 New Forest Mare Class H69 Welsh B Stallion
Class H49 New Forest Colt / Filly Foal Class H70 Welsh B Mare / Gelding
Class H50 New Forest 2-3 yrs Colt/Filly/Gelding Class H71 Welsh B Colt / Filly Foal
Class H51 New Forest Yearling Colt/Filly/Gelding Class H72 Welsh B Yearling Filly / Gelding
CHAMPIONSHIP Class H73 Welsh C Yearling Colt
11.30am Class H74 Welsh B 2-3 years Filly / Gelding
Judge: Mrs S Wooderson Class H75 Welsh B 2-3 years Colt
Class H52 Ridden Exmoor WELSH B CHAMPIONSHIP
Judge: Mrs S Wooderson 11.00am
Class H53 Exmoor 1,2,3 years old Judge: Mr G W Thomas (Telynau)
Class H54 Exmoor 4 years & over Class H76 Welsh C Stallion
CHAMPIONSHIP Class H77 Welsh C Mare / Gelding
12.30pm Class H78 Welsh C Colt / Filly Foal
Judge: Mrs S A Squires Class H79 Welsh C Yearling Filly / Gelding
Class H55 Ridden Dartmoor Class H80 Welsh C Yearling Colt
Judge: Mrs S A Squires Class H81 Welsh C 2-3 years Filly / Gelding
Class H56 Dartmoor Mare Class H82 Welsh C 2-3 years Colt
Class H57 Dartmoor Colt / Filly Foal WELSH C CHAMPIONSHIP
Class H58 Dartmoor Gelding 12.30pm
Class H59 Dartmoor Stallion Judge: Mr G W Thomas (Telynau)
Class H60 Dartmoor 2-3 year Colt/Filly/Gelding Class H83 Welsh D Stallion
Class H61 Dartmoor Yearling Colt/Filly/Gelding Class H84 Welsh D Mare / Gelding
CHAMPIONSHIP Class H85 Welsh D Colt / Filly Foal
2.45pm Class H86 Welsh D Yearling Filly / Gelding
Judge: Mrs S Wooderson Class H87 Welsh D Yearling Colt
Class H16 Novice Ridden Connemara /NF Class H88 Welsh D 2-3 years Filly / Gelding
Class H17 Novice Ridden Dales/Fell/High Class H89 Welsh D 2-3 years Colt
Class H18 Novice Riden Welsh A / B WELSH D CHAMPIONSHIP
Class H19 Novice Ridden Dart/Exmoor/Shetland 2.30pm
Class H20 Novice Ridden Welsh C / D Judge: Mr G Thomas
CHAMPIONSHIP Class H90 Ridden Welsh A & B
Judge: Mr G Thomas
Class H91 Ridden Welsh C & D

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

7.45am 8.00am
Judges: Mrs S Smith (C) & Mr W Thorneycroft (R) Judges: Mrs J Price (C) & Mrs S Kivlochan (P)
Class H100 LWT Hunter (HOYS) Class H164 Show Hunter Pony 153cms (HOYS)
Class H101 MWT Hunter (HOYS) Class H165 Show Hunter Pony 143cms (HOYS)
Class H102 HWT Hunter (HOYS) Class H166 Show Hunter Pony 133cms (HOYS)
CHAMPIONSHIP Class H167 Show Hunter Pony 123cms (HOYS)
Class H250 Double Harness Scurry – Small 11.00am
Judges: Mrs J Jefferson (C) & Mr C McClelland (R)
11.30am Class H105 Lightweight Amateur Hunter
Judge: Mr C Horler (C) & Mr D Bennett (R) Class H106 Heavyweight Amateur Hunter
Class H280 Ridden Heavy Horse CHAMPIONSHIP
12.45pm 12.30pm
Class H314 Six Bar Show Jumping Judges: Mr S Somers (C) & Mrs K Nicholson (R)
Class H103 Ladies Side Saddle (HOYS)
3.00pm 1.30pm
Class H251 Double Harness Scurry – Large Judges: Mr S Somers (C) & Mr D Bennett (R)
5.20pm Class H107 4 years old Hunters
Judge: Mr C Horler Class H108 Novice Hunters
Class H282 Single Agricultural Turnouts CHAMPIONSHP
Class H283 Pairs Trade Turnouts 3.00pm
Judges: Ms K Lloyd (C) & Mrs J Price (P)
Class H168 Ridden Part Bred Pony (HOYS)
8.15am Judges: Mrs J Jefferson (C) & Mrs K Nicholson (R)
Judges: Mrs S Palmer (C) & Mrs H Buchanan (P) Class H104 Small Hunters (HOYS)
Class H172 Lead Rein SHP (HOYS) 5.00pm
9.15am Judge: Mr D Machin
Judges: Mrs S Palmer (C) & Ms K Lloyd (P) Class HS129 Price Family Supreme In Hand
Class H173 Lead Rein Pony (HOYS)
Class H174 First Ridden Pony (HOYS)
11.15am 9.00am
Judges: Mrs L Gaunt (C) & Mrs H Buchanan (P) Class H307 British Novice / 90cms Open
Class H169 Show Pony 128cms (HOYS) Class H308 Discovery / 1m Open
Class H170 Show Pony 138cms (HOYS) Class H309 1.05m Open
Class H171 Show Pony 148cms (HOYS) Class H310 Newcomers / 1.10m Open
2.15pm 12.45pm
Judges: Mrs J Hall (C) & Mr W Thorneycroft (R) Judge: Mrs J Strange
Class H125 Ridden Irish Draught Class H109 Flat Ridden Sport Horse
Class H126 Ridden Irish Draught Sport Horse 2.00pm
CHAMPIONSHIP Class H311 Accumulator – starting 1.10m
3.30pm Class H312 Foxhunter / 1.20m Open
Judge: Mrs J Strange Class H313 1.25m Open
Class H134 Ridden Cleveland Bay
Judge: Mrs S Palmer
Class H138 Ridden Pie / Skew Pony
Class H139 Ridden Pie/Skew Horse

Judge: Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.
Class H Supreme Pony Championship

8.00am 9.00am
Judge: Mr S Somers Judge: Mrs L Hamilton
Class H114 Hunter Brood Mare Class H175 NPS Arena Eventing – 70cms
Class H115 Hunter Colt / Filly Foal Class H176 NPS Arena Eventing – 90cms
Class H116 Hunter Yearling
Class H117 Hunter 2 years old
Judges: Mrs S Smith (C) & Mr W Thorneycroft (R)
Class H118 Hunter 3 years old
Class H110 Novice Working Hunter – 90cms
Class H111 Amateur Working Hunter – 100cms
9.30am Class H112 Open Working Hunter – 105cms
Judge: Mrs J Hall
Class H119 ID Graded Mare / Gelding 2.30pm
Class H120 ID Colt / Filly Foal Judges: Mrs S Rawding (C) & Mr C McClelland (R)
Class H121 ID Yearling Class H113 Open Working Hunter – 114cms (HOYS)
Class H122 ID 2-3 Years Old
10.45am 9.00am
Judge: Mrs J Hall Judge: Mrs L Ahmet
Class H123 ID Sport Horse Yearling Class H156 Riding Pony Brood Mare
Class H124 ID Sport Horse 2-3 Years Old Class H157 Riding Pony Colt / Filly Foal
CHAMPIONSHIP Class H158 Riding Pony Yearling
11.15qm Class H159 Riding Pony 2 years
Judge: Mr M Nicholson Class H160 Riding Pony 3 years
Class H127 In Hand Sport Horse Mare/Gelding CHAMPIONSHIP
Class H128 In Hand Sport Horse 2-3 years 10.45am
Class H129 In Hand Sport Horse yearling Judge: Mrs J Strange
CHAMPIONSHIP Class H130 Cleveland Bay Stallion/Gelding
12.30pm Class H131 Cleveland Bay Mare
Judge: Mrs S Rawding Class H132 Cleveland Bay Foal
Class H148 In Hand Riding Horse Mare Class H133 Cleveland Bay 1,2,3 years old
Class H149 Colt / Filly Foal CHAMPIONSHIP
Class H150 Riding Horse Yearling 12.00noon
Class H151 Riding Horse 2-3 years Judge: Mr R Marks
CHAMPIONSHIP Class H161 In Hand Part Bred 4 years & over
1.30pm Class H162 In Hand Part Bred 2 – 3 years
Judge: Mrs S Palmer Class H163 In Hand Part Bred yearling
Class H135 In Hand Pie/Skew Pony 4 yrs & over CHAMPIONSHIP
Class H136 In Hand Pie/Skew Horse 4 yrs & over 1.30pm
Class H137 In Hand Pie/Skew 1,2,3 years Judge: Mr R Marks
CHAMPIONSHIP Class H145 In Hand Haflinger 4 years & over
2.30pm Class H146 In Hand Haflinger 1,2,3 years
Judge: Mr M Nicholson CHAMPIONSHIP
Class H152 In Hand Hack Mare 2.15pm
Class H153 Colt / Filly Foal Judge: Mrs R McCormick
Class H154 Hack Yearling Class H140 In Hand Arabian 4 years & over
Class H155 Hack 2-3 Years Old Class H141 In Hand Arabian 2 – 3 years
CHAMPIONSHIP Class H142 In Hand Arabian yearling
Judge: Mr S Somers 3.00pm
Class HS135 Supreme Ridden Pony Judge: Mr R Marks
Class H147 Ridden Haflinger
Judges: Mrs R McCormick (C) & Mr D Bennett (R)
Class H143 Ridden Arabian
Class H144 Ridden PBA / AA

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

7.45am 8.45am
Judges: Mr J Cutts (C) & Mrs K Nicholson (R) Judges: Miss B Millington (C) & Ms C Hurst (R)
Class H200 LWT Ridden Cobs (HOYS) Class H203 Ridden Small Hacks (HOYS)
Class H201 HWT Ridden Cobs (HOYS) Class H204 Ridden Large Hacks (HOYS)
Judges: Mr M Nicholson (C) & Mrs D Bamonte (P)
Judge: Mr C Horler
Class H213 Novice Ridden RoR
Class H287 Best Working Harness
Class H214 Open Ridden RoR
Class H288 Best Decorated Harness
11.20am 12.45am
Class HS250 Scurry Championship Judges: Mr C Le Moignan (C) & Miss F Ludlow (R)
Class H202 Maxi Cobs (HOYS)
Judge: Mr C Horler
Judge: Miss J MacDonald
Class H284 Single Trade Turnouts
Class H219 Historical Concours Side Saddle
Class H285 Pairs Agricultural Turnouts
2.00pm Judges: Mr C Le Moignan (C) & Ms C Hurst (R)
Judges: Mr M Nicholson & Mrs D Bamonte Class H205 Small Riding Horses (HOYS)
Class HS208 Thoroughbred Champ & Parade Class H206 Large Riding Horses (HOYS)
Judges: Mr N Fuller (C) & Mrs S J Enston (R) 8.15am
Class H207 Amateur Riders Maxi Cobs Judges: Mr M Nicholson (C) & Mrs D Bamonte (P)
Class H208 Amateur Riders Riding Horses Class H215 Novice Potential Perf Class
Class H209 Amateur Riders Cobs Class H216 RoR Retrained Racehorse Challenge
12.00noon 11.30am
Judge: Mr R Marks Judges: Miss B Millington (C) & Miss F Ludlow (R)
Class H223 RESS In Hand Rescue Class H211 Open Working Show Horse
12.30pm 2.00pm
Judge: Miss J MacDonald Judge: Mr J Cutts (C) & Miss F Ludlow (R)
Class H217 Side Saddle Equitation Class H212 Open Working Cobs
Judge: Mr R Marks
Class H224 RESS Ridden Rescue
Judge: Mrs E Crew
Class H220 Miniature Horse Stallion (HOYS)
Class H221 Miniature Horse Mares/Gelding (HOYS)
Class H222 Miniature Horse Youngstock (HOYS)
Judge: Miss J MacDonald
Class H218 Classical Ladies Side Saddle

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

Judges: Mr M Morrison & Ms V Wigglesworth SHOW JUMPING & DRIVING
Class H225 Open SSADL In Hand 9.00am
Class H226 Open SSADL Ridden Class H315 85cms BS Amateur
11.30am Class H316 British Novice / 90cms Open
Judges: Mr M Morrison & Ms V Wigglesworth 11.00am
Class H227 In Hand Pre-Senior Horse/Pony Judge: Miss V Neal
Class H228 In Hand Senior Horse/Pony Class H252 Exercise Vehicles
Class H229 In Hand Senior Plus Horse/Pony Class H253 Open Driving – any vehicle
1.15pm 12.15pm
Judges: Mr M Morrison & Ms V Wigglesworth Class H317 95cms BS Amateur
Class H230 Ridden Pre-Senior Horse/Pony Class H318 Discovery / 1.0m Open
Class H231 Ridden Senior Horse/Pony 2.15pm
Class H232 Ridden Senior Plus Horse/Pony Judge: Miss V Neal
RIDDEN CHAMPIONSHIP Class H254 Private Driving not exc 138cms (HOYS)
Class H255 Private Driving exc 138cms (HOYS)
Class H256 Driving Concours D’Elegance
To Follow
Class H319 1.05m Open
Class H320 Newcomers / 1.10m Open

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.


To be run under the rules of the Horse of the Year Show. Copies can be obtained from
Riders and Owners must be members of their respective Breed Society, NPS, UKP&H, TSR or BSPS. Judges
may only judge one qualifying competition in the current year. This is a Horse of the Year Show Qualifier,
all data given upon entry of this class is provided to Grandstand Media Limited and stored on the
Grandstand Entries System. For full policy details please visit
Exhibitors are required by DEFRA to carry with them Official Identity Documents for all horses/ponies when
competing or travelling. Competitors are reminded that it is a DEFRA requirement that the Official Identity
Documents must be in the name of the legal owner within 30 days of ownership. This must be registered with
the breed society, relevant studbook or ID issuing agency, dependant on breed/type of animal. Spot checks
may be carried out at qualifying shows and by breed societies.
Please note that at Horse of the Year Show, riders must not compete in both the Mountain & Moorland Lead
Rein/First Ridden Pony of the Year and the Mountain & Moorland Pony of the Year.
Marks will be awarded in the following way:
Show, freedom of action 50 maximum
Breed type and conformation 50 maximum
In the event of equality, the pony with the highest Show/Freedom of Action mark will be deemed the winner.
If there is still equality at this point, then the judges’ decision will be final. PLEASE NOTE: All Animals
competing in Mountain and Moorland Lead Rein and First Ridden classes will be required to be in possession
of a current/valid JMB height certificate within 28 days of the notification of qualification from HOYS or by the
closing date of HOYS entries, whichever is sooner. Failure to do so may result in qualification of the pony
being removed, at the discretion of GML. JMB certificates are NOT required to enter this qualifier.


Colne Mountain & Moorland Lead Rein Pony of the Year Championship. H1 is a qualifier for the 2024
Horse of the Year Show. H2 is a qualifier for Sweet Dreams Show Confectioners Mountain & Moorland
First Ridden Pony of the Year Championship at Horse of the Year Show, NEC Birmingham, 9th - 13th
October 2024. Only one exhibit may qualify per class. The highest placed pony, not already qualified from
the three will qualify. Qualification will not pass below third place and will be verified by the Horse of the Year
Show office.
The NPS/Showing Classics & Partridge & Parr M&M LR/FR National Championship. The highest placed
pony, if owned by an NPS member, in each class will qualify for the final. Qualification may pass to third.
These classes are judged under the Rules of the NPS. Ponies must be register in the main body of their
respective Mountain and Moorland Stud Books. Part breds are not eligible. Qualifying rounds for most NPS
competitors are open to ponies owned by NPS members and non-members but only ponies owned by adult
NPS Qualifying or Life members are eligible to qualify to for the final of the competition at the Summer
Championship Show at Malvern.
The National Welsh Championship Show 2024 - National Ridden Welsh Breeds Championships
sponsored by The Brynseion Stud. All 1st & 2nd placed WPCS registered Welsh exhibits (not already qualified)
in relevant classes qualify to enter respective National Welsh Show Championship classes. Qualifiers will be
directly contacted after this show with details of qualification and entry details. For Show Details and Schedule
see our Facebook page or

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

JUDGES: Mr D Puttock, Newent, Gloucestershire. (Conformation)
Mr K Morris, Preston, Lancashire. (Performance)
H1 Colne Mountain & Moorland Lead Rein Pony - Horse of the Year Show qualifier. This class is open
to registered Mountain & Moorland Mares and Geldings four years old or over registered in the main
body of their respective stud books, Dartmoor, Exmoor, Shetland, New Forest, Welsh A & B. Ponies
not to exceed 122cms. Riders must have attained their 3rd birthday by the day of the competition but
must not have attained their 9th birthday before 1 January in the current year. The highest placed
pony not already qualified from the first three will qualify to compete at Horse of the Year Show 2024.
To be led by an attendant and to be shown in Snaffle Bridles, Lead Rein to be attached to the
noseband only.
H2 Sweet Dreams Show Confectioners Mountain & Moorland First Ridden Pony - Horse of the Year
Show qualifier. This class is open to Mountain & Moorland Mares and Geldings four years old or over
registered in the main body of their respective stud books, Dartmoor, Exmoor, Shetland, New Forest,
Welsh A & B. Ponies not to exceed 128cms. Riders must have attained their 3rd birthday by the day
of the competition but must not have attained their 12th birthday before 1 January in the current year.
The highest placed pony not already qualified from the first three will qualify to compete at Horse of
the Year Show 2024. To be shown in any suitable bridle.
HS1 MINI CHAMPION - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H1 - H2. TCAS Rosettes for Champion
and Reserve.


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

This competition is open to stallions, mares and geldings, four years old and over, to be registered in, and
complying with the showing requirements of, the main body of their respective stud books. Part breds are
not eligible to compete. Ponies must not exceed the height limits as stipulated by the relevant Breed Societies.
JMB certificates are not required to enter this qualifier. All Animals competing in Mountain and Moorland
Ridden classes will be required to be in possession of a current/valid JMB height certificate within 28 days of
the notification of qualification from HOYS or by the closing date of HOYS entries, whichever is sooner. Failure
to do so may result in qualification of the pony being removed, at the discretion of GML. Riders and Owners
must be members of their respective breed society, NPS, UKPH, TSR or BSPS. Riders can be of any age
with the exception of those riding stallions who must have attained their 12th birthday (small breeds) and 14th
birthday (large breeds) before 1st January in the current year. Correct riding attire must be worn. Spurs are
not allowed and whips must not exceed 30".
Judges may only judge one qualifier during the current year and marks will be awarded as follows:
Show, freedom of action 50 maximum
Breed, type, conformation 50 maximum
In case of equality, the pony with the highest show, freedom of action mark will be deemed the winner. If
there is still equality at this point, the Judge’s decision will be final.
These classes will be run in accordance with the general rules as set out in the Horse of the Year Show
rulebook, a copy of which can be downloaded from This is a Horse of the Year Show
Qualifier, all data given upon entry of this class is provided to Grandstand Media Limited and stored
on the Grandstand Entries System. For full policy details please visit
This class is a qualifying class for Horse of the Year Show, NEC, Birmingham, 9th - 13th October 2024.
Qualification will not pass below 3rd Place. Qualification will be verified by the Horse of the Year Show office.
This class entitles eligible amateur combinations to earn points for the Premier Amateur League, with the
opportunity of gaining a wild card place at HOYS 2024. This is open to current TSR members or those that
have signed up to the Premier Amateur League 2024, for more information see

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

National Pony Society / Baileys Horse Feeds Mountain & Moorland Ridden Pony of the Year at Horse
of the Year Show. Classes H3 – H13 are qualifiers for the Horse of the Year Show, NEC, Birmingham, 9th -
13th October 2024. Only one exhibit may qualify per class. The highest placed pony, not already qualified,
from the first three ponies will qualify, qualification will not pass below third place and will be subject to
verification from the Horse of the Year Show Office.
NPS/The Nipna Dales Pony Stud Mountain and Moorland Ridden Silver Medal Rosette Championship.
A Silver Medal Rosette is offered by the NPS for the best registered pony in the Mountain & Moorland Ridden
Section. NPS Silver Medal Rosettes are only awarded when the Owner of the champion pony is a Qualifying
or Life Member of the NPS. If the Owner of the Champion Pony is not a Member, the rosette may be awarded
to the Reserve Champion. If the Champion pony has previously qualified it is still entitled to the Silver Medal
rosette but the Qualification goes to the Reserve Champion pony, provided the Owner of that pony is a
Member of the NPS. The Silver Medal Rosette and the Qualification can be awarded no lower than first
Reserve. Qualifiers are entitled to compete in the final of the Silver Medal Rosette Championship to be held
at the NPS Summer Championship Show.
The NPS/Ringside Stud M&M Open Ridden National Championship. The highest placed pony, if owned
by an NPS member, in each class will qualify for the final. Qualification may pass to third. These classes are
judged under the Rules of the NPS. Ponies must be register in the main body of their respective Mountain
and Moorland Stud Books. Part breds are not eligible. Qualifying rounds for most NPS competitors are open
to ponies owned by NPS members and non-members but only ponies owned by adult NPS Qualifying or Life
members are eligible to qualify to for the final of the competition at the Summer Championship Show at
The National Welsh Championship Show 2024 - National Ridden Welsh Breeds Championships
sponsored by The Brynseion Stud. All 1st & 2nd placed WPCS registered Welsh exhibits (not already qualified)
in relevant classes qualify to enter respective National Welsh Show Championship classes. Qualifiers will be
directly contacted after this show with details of qualification and entry details. For Show Details and
Schedule see our Facebook page or
to be held at the North Of England Summer Show on 30th June 2024, kindly sponsored by The Andrews
Family. Sashes to the Champion and Reserve Rosettes to all other prizewinners and finalists. The
Small Breeds & Large Breeds Open Ridden M & M Champions will qualify. If the Champion has already
qualified then the Reserve Champion will go forward. Only the Champion or Reserve Champion will qualify.
Exhibitors who qualify for the final will be sent details directly from: The Secretary, North of England Summer
Show, Blue Slate Stables, Showley Rd., Clayton-le-Dale, Lancs, BB1 9DP. PRIZE MONEY at the Final: 1st
- £1000, 2nd - £400, 3rd - £100, 4th - £50, 5th - £25, 6th - £25, 7th - £25, 8th - £25.
JUDGES: Mrs L Ahmet, Sevenoaks, Kent. (Conformation)
Ms K Lloyd, Lilbourne, Warwickshire. (Performance)
H3 National Pony Society/Baileys Horse Feeds Mountain & Moorland Ridden Welsh Section C -
Horse of the Year Show Qualifier. Stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over.
H4 National Pony Society/Baileys Horse Feeds Mountain & Moorland Ridden Welsh Section D -
Horse of the Year Show Qualifier. Stallion, mare or gelding. 4 years old or over.
H5 National Pony Society/Baileys Horse Feeds Mountain & Moorland Ridden Highland - Horse of
the Year Show. Stallion mare or gelding, 4 years old or over.
H6 National Pony Society/Baileys Horse Feeds Mountain & Moorland Ridden Fell - Horse of the
Year Show. Stallion mare or gelding, 4 years old or over.
H7 National Pony Society/Baileys Horse Feeds Mountain & Moorland Ridden Dales - Horse of the
Year Show. Stallion mare or gelding, 4 years old or over.
H8 National Pony Society/Baileys Horse Feeds Mountain & Moorland Ridden Connemara - Horse
of the Year Show Qualifier. Stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over.
H9 National Pony Society/Baileys Horse Feeds Mountain & Moorland Ridden New Forest - Horse
of the Year Show Qualifier. Stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

HS2 CHAMPION - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H3 – H9. TCAS Rosettes for Champion and
Reserve. Champion to qualify for the ‘ANDREWS FAMILY’ SUPREME RIDDEN MOUNTAIN &

JUDGES: Mrs J Beatham, Salisbury, Wiltshire. (Conformation)

Ms L Briant, Chippenham, Wiltshire. (Performance & NPS Siver Medal)
H10 National Pony Society/Baileys Horse Feeds Mountain & Moorland Ridden Dartmoor - Horse of
the Year Show Qualifier. Stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over.
H11 National Pony Society/Baileys Horse Feeds Mountain & Moorland Ridden Exmoor and
Shetland - Horse of the Year Show Qualifier. Stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over.
H12 National Pony Society/Baileys Horse Feeds Mountain & Moorland Ridden Welsh Section A -
Horse of the Year Show Qualifier. Stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over.
H13 National Pony Society/Baileys Horse Feeds Mountain & Moorland Ridden Welsh Section B -
Horse of the Year Show Qualifier. Stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over.
HS3 CHAMPION - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H10 - H13. TCAS Rosettes for Champion
and Reserve. Champion to qualify for the ‘ANDREWS FAMILY’ SUPREME RIDDEN MOUNTAIN &
HS4 SILVER MEDAL ROSETTE for the overall champion from classes H3 – H13.


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

This class is open to mares and geldings, four years old and over, to be registered in, and complying with the
showing requirements of, the main body of their respective stud books. Part breds are not eligible to compete.
Ponies must not exceed the height limits as stipulated by the relevant Breed Societies. All Animals competing
in Mountain and Moorland Junior Ridden will be required to be in possession of a current/valid JMB height
certificate within 28 days of the notification of qualification from HOYS or by the closing date of HOYS entries,
whichever is sooner. Failure to do so may result in qualification of the pony being removed, at the discretion
of GML. JMB certificates are not required to enter this qualifier. These classes will be run in accordance with
the general rules as set out in the Horse of the Year Show rulebook, a copy of which can be downloaded
from This is a Horse of the Year Show Qualifier, all data given upon entry of this class
is provided to Grandstand Media Limited and stored on the Grandstand Entries System. For full
policy details please visit
Exhibitors are required by DEFRA to carry with them Official Identity Documents for all horses/ponies when
competing or travelling. Competitors are reminded that it is a DEFRA requirement that the Official Identity
Documents must be in the name of the legal owner within 30 days of ownership. This must be registered with
the breed society, relevant studbook or ID issuing agency, dependant on breed/type of animal. Spot checks
may be carried out at qualifying shows and by breed societies.
Riders and Owners must be members of their respective breed society, NPS, UKPH, TSR or BSPS. Riders
of Small Breeds must not have attained their 14th birthday by the 1st January in the current year. Riders of
Large Breeds must have attained their 10th birthday by the 1st January in the current year and not have
attained their 18th birthday by the 1st January in the current year. Riders must not compete at Horse of the
Year Show in both the M&M Lead Rein / First Ridden Pony of the Year and the Junior M&M Ridden Pony of
the Year. If qualification for the Horse of the Year Show is achieved in both classes the rider must nominate
the class they wish to compete in. Correct riding attire must be worn. Spurs are not allowed and whips must
not exceed 30". Judges may only judge one qualifier during the current year.
Marks will be awarded as follows:
Show, freedom of action 50 maximum
Breed, type, conformation 50 maximum

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

In case of equality, the pony with the highest show, freedom of action mark will be deemed the winner. If
there is still equality at this point, the Judge’s decision will be final.
This class is a qualifying class for Horse of the Year Show, NEC, Birmingham, 9th - 13th October 2024.
Qualification will not pass below 3rd Place. Qualification will be verified by the Horse of the Year Show office.


Westown Stud Junior Ridden Mountain & Moorland Pony of the Year at Horse of the Year Show.
Classes H14 – H15 are qualifiers for the Horse of the Year Show, NEC, Birmingham, 9th - 13th October 2024.
Only one exhibit may qualify per class. The highest placed pony, not already qualified, from the first three
ponies will qualify, qualification will not pass below third place and will be subject to verification from the Horse
of the Year Show Office.
NPS / The Cooper Family Mountain & Moorland Junior Ridden Championship. The highest placed pony,
if owned by an NPS member, in each class will qualify for the final. Qualification may pass down to third
place if the first and second ponies are already qualified.
The National Welsh Championship Show 2024 - National Ridden Welsh Breeds Championships
sponsored by The Brynseion Stud. All 1st & 2nd placed WPCS registered Welsh exhibits (not already qualified)
in relevant classes qualify to enter respective National Welsh Show Championship classes. Qualifiers will be
directly contacted after this show with details of qualification and entry details. For Show Details and
Schedule see our Facebook page or

JUDGES: Ms G Wright, Burley, Hampshire. (Conformation)

Mrs H Prescott, Burscough, Lancashire. (Performance)
H14 Westown Stud Junior Mountain and Moorland Small Breeds, Horse of the Year Show qualifier.
Mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, registered in the Pure Bred Stud Books of Dartmoor, Exmoor,
Shetland, Welsh A & B. Riders to have not attained their 14th birthday by the 1st January in the current
H15 Westown Stud Junior Mountain and Moorland Large Breeds, Horse of the Year Show qualifier.
Mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, registered in the Pure Bred Stud Books of Connemara, Dales,
Fell, Highland, New Forest, Welsh Sections C & D. Riders to have attained their 10th birthday but not
their 18th birthday by the 1st January in the current year.
HS5 CHAMPION - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H14 - H15. TCAS Rosettes for Champion



To be judged under the rules of the National Pony Society. Ponies must be shown in a snaffle bit.


NPS/Picton Mountain & Moorland Novice Ridden Championship. To be judged under the Rules of the
NPS. These classes are open to pure breed stallions, mares and geldings four years old or over which must
be registered in the main body of their respective Mountain & Moorland Stud Books. Rider any age.
A pony is not eligible to compete if, before 1st January in the current year, it has done any of the
i) Won an open affiliated mixed M&M Ridden class.
ii) Qualified for LIHS, Horse of the Year Show or RIHS Open M&M Ridden Classes.
iii) Qualified for the M&M Novice or Intermediate Ridden final at the NPS Summer Championship show
(NB Ponies can compete as novices in this competition for two consecutive years provided they do
not submit an entry to the final in the first year).
Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

iv) If a pony qualifies for Horse of the year Show or RIHS in its second year it is immediately de-noviced and
cannot compete in the Picton Final.
The first prize winners from each class will go forward to the Final to be held at the NPS Summer
Championship Show, Malvern in August. A pony may only qualify once. Where the first pony in the class has
already qualified, the pony standing next in line which has not qualified will be deemed the qualifier.
Qualification may go no lower than third place. Qualifying rounds are open to NPS Members and Non
Members BUT ONLY the highest placed pony owned by a Qualifying or Life member, will be eligible to qualify
for the final. Qualification to go no lower than third place.

JUDGE: Mrs S Wooderson, Stowmarket, Suffolk.

H16 Connemara & New Forest, stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over.
H17 Dales, Fell & Highland, stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over.
H18 Welsh Section A & Welsh Section B, stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over.
H19 Dartmoor, Exmoor & Shetland, stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over.
H20 Welsh Section C & Welsh Section D, stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over.
HS6 CHAMPIONSHIP - open to 1st and 2nd prize winners in classes H16-H20. TCAS Rosettes for
Champion and Reserve.



All Ponies in Novice Classes must be shown in a snaffle bridle.


The following classes are qualifiers for the NPS M&M Novice Working Hunter Pony National
Championship. A pony is not eligible to compete if, before 1st January in the current year, it has done any
of the following:
i. Won an open affiliated mixed WHP class.
ii. Qualified for Horse of the Year Show or RIHS Open WHP classes.
iii. Qualified for the M&M Novice or Intermediate WHP final at the NPS Summer Championship show
(N.B. Ponies can compete as novices in this competition for two consecutive years provided they do
not submit an entry to the final in the first year).
iv. If a pony qualifies for Horse of the Year Show or RIHS in its second year it is immediately de-noviced
and cannot compete in the Novice WHP Final.

JUDGES: Mrs J James, Rugeley, Staffordshire. (Conformation)

Mr R James, Rugeley, Staffordshire. (Jump)
H21 Novice M&M Working Hunter Pony exceeding 143cm but not exceeding 148cms (except for Dales
and Welsh Section D for which there is no height restriction).
H22 Novice M&M Working Hunter Pony exceeding 133cms but not exceeding 143cms.
H23 Novice M&M Working Hunter Pony exceeding 122cm but not exceeding 133cms.
H24 Novice M&M Working Hunter Pony not exceeding 122cm.
HS7 CHAMPION - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H21 – H24. TCAS Rosettes for Champion
and Reserve.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.


These competitions run under the rules of the Horse of the Year Show copies of which can be obtained from This is a Horse of the Year Show Qualifier, all data given upon entry of this class is
provided to Grandstand Media Limited and stored on the Grandstand Entries System. For full policy
details please visit
These classes are open to Mountain and Moorland stallions, mares and geldings, four years old and over.
To be registered in, and complying with the showing requirements of, the main body of their respective stud
books. Ponies must be within the correct height stipulations for their height section however ponies must not
exceed the height limits as stipulated by the relevant breed societies. Riders of stallions must have attained
their 12th birthday (small breeds) and 14th birthday (large breeds) before 1st January in the current year.
Exhibitors are required by DEFRA to carry with them Official Identity Documents for all horses/ponies when
competing or travelling. Competitors are reminded that it is a DEFRA requirement that the Official Identity
Documents must be in the name of the legal owner within 30 days of ownership. This must be registered with
the breed society, relevant studbook or ID issuing agency, dependant on breed/type of animal. Spot checks
may be carried out at qualifying shows and by breed societies.
Please note: All Animals competing in Mountain and Moorland WHP classes will be required to be in
possession of a current/valid JMB height certificate within 28 days of the notification of qualification from
HOYS or by the closing date of HOYS entries, whichever is sooner. Failure to do so may result in qualification
of the pony being removed, at the discretion of GML. JMB certificates are not required to enter this qualifier.
Riders and Owners must be members of their respective Breed Society, NPS, UKPH, TSR or BSPS. Marks
will be awarded in the following way:
Please note that at Horse of the Year Show ponies must not compete in both the Mountain & Moorland Junior
122cm Working Hunter Pony of the Year and the Mountain & Moorland 122cm Working Hunter Pony of the
Year. The pony will compete in the class in which it qualifies first during the season. Riders and ponies may
compete in both section A and section B at HOYS qualifiers. Once a pony has qualified in either section A or
section B it will no longer be eligible to compete in the section in which it has not qualified.
In Class H25 (Mountain & Moorland Junior 122cm Working Hunter Pony) the course of fences must contain
only one double and no water tray.
In the event of equality, the TOTAL MARK from Phase 1 will take precedence, followed by the Individual
Show & Manners Mark, and then the Breed Type & Conformation Mark.


Mountain & Moorland Working Hunter Pony Championship at Horse of the Year Show. Classes H25 –
H29 are qualifiers for the Horse of the Year Show, NEC, Birmingham, 9th - 13th October 2024. Only one
exhibit from classes H25 - H29 may qualify. The highest placed pony, not already qualified, from the first
three ponies will qualify. Qualification will not pass below third place and will be verified by the Horse of the
Year Show office.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

NPS/TopSpec M&M Working Hunter Pony National Championship. The highest placed pony, if owned
by an NPS member, in each class will qualify for the final. Qualification may pass down to third place if the
first and second ponies are already qualified.

JUDGES: Mrs J Lowth, Minehead, Somerset. (Conformation)

Mrs N Shuttleworth, North Allerton, North Yorkshire. (Jump)
This class will be split into five sections and must run in the below order:
H25 Jackson’s of Yorkshire Junior Mountain and Moorland 122cm Working Hunter Pony of the
Year. Horse of the Year Show Qualifier. Mare or gelding 4 years old and over, not exceeding 122cms.
Rider not to have attained their 12th birthday before 1st January in the current year.
H26 Jackson’s of Yorkshire Mountain and Moorland 122cm Working Hunter Pony of the Year -
Horse of the Year Show Qualifier. Stallion, mare or gelding 4 years old and over, not exceeding
H27 Jackson’s of Yorkshire Mountain and Moorland 133cm Working Hunter Pony of the Year -
Horse of the Year Show Qualifier. Stallion, mare or Gelding 4 years old and over, exceeding 122cms
but not exceeding 133cms.
H28 Jackson’s of Yorkshire Mountain and Moorland 143cm Working Hunter Pony of the Year -
Horse of the Year Show Qualifier. Stallion, mare or gelding 4 years old and over exceeding 133cms
but not exceeding 143cms.
H29 Jackson’s of Yorkshire Mountain and Moorland Exc143cm Working Hunter Pony of the Year -
Horse of the Year Show Qualifier. Stallion, mare or gelding 4 years old and over exceeding 143cms.
HS8 CHAMPION - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H25 – H29. Rebecca Jade Nordell Memorial
Trophy (171) presented by Mrs Nordell. TCAS Rosettes for Champion and Reserve.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

Please ensure that Registration numbers are entered on entry forms. All entries to be registered or eligible
for registration in the Shetland Pony Society Stud Book. Exhibits entered in classes H31 – H34 are not
eligible to compete in classes H35 – H38. Classes must be confined to Registered Ponies. Ponies must be
named on the entry form and in the catalogue if one is produced. Society rosettes must only be given to
ponies registered with the Society or eligible for registration (i.e. foals). Three-year-old fillies with foals at foot
may not be shown. All foals must be a minimum of three weeks old on the day of the Show. Ridden stallions
MUST display a stallion bridle badge. In hand stallions 2 years and over are advised to display a stallion
bridle badge. Children under 14 years old may not show colts (excluding foals) or entire males in In-hand
classes. Children under 12 years old on the day of the show may not show entire males in ridden classes.
In the interests of safety, hard hats must be worn by all handlers aged 14 years or under in In- hand classes.
Exhibitors should not kneel but remain standing while in the ring. Hard hats must be worn by all exhibitors,
irrespective of age, in ridden classes. In ridden classes, if a rider falls off at any time whilst in the ring, both
pony and rider must leave the ring, rider dismounted, and take no further part.


The following classes are qualifiers for the NPS/ Absorbine M&M In Hand National Championship. The
highest placed pony owned by an NPS Qualifying or Life member, go forward to the final. Qualification may
go no lower than third place. Breed Champion to qualify for the Champions Prelim Round at the Great British
In Hand Show 7th September 2024.

JUDGE: Mrs J Webb, Highbridge, Somerset.

H30 Best ridden Shetland, stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over.
H31 Shetland 1, 2 or 3 years old, colt, filly or gelding.
H32 Shetland mare, 4 years old & over, with or without her own foal at foot.
H33 Shetland foal, shown with mare in class H32.
Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

H34 Shetland stallion or gelding, 4 years old or over.
HS9 CHAMPION IN HAND SHETLAND - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H31 – H34. The
Glenfall Dolly Velvenna Cup (43), presented by Miss J L Cullingford. Shetland Pony Society
Championship Rosette. TCAS Rosettes for Champion and Reserve. Geldings 4 years old & over
and foals are not eligible for the Price Family Supreme In Hand Championship.
H35 Miniature Shetland 1, 2 or 3 years old, colt, filly or gelding, not to exceed 87cms (34 inches) at
H36 Miniature Shetland mare, 4 years old & over, with or without her own foal at foot. Not to exceed 87
cm (34 inches).
H37 Miniature Shetland foal, shown with mare in class H36.
H38 Miniature Shetland stallion or gelding, 4 years old or over, not to exceed 87cms (34 inches).
HS10 CHAMPION IN HAND MINIATURE SHETLAND - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H35 –
H38. TCAS Rosettes for Champion and Reserve. Geldings 4 years old & over and foals are not
eligible for the Price Family Supreme In Hand Championship.


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

Run under the rules of the Dales Pony Society, the Fell Pony Society and the Highland Pony Society. All Fell
Ponies must be registered in main section of the Fell Pony Society Stud Book. All Highland Ponies must be
registered in the full body of the Highland Pony Society Stud Book (including appendices A, B & C). All
competing Highland pony stallions (In Hand, Ridden, WHP etc) aged 4 years and over must be licensed
with the Highland Pony Society. The following classes are qualifiers for the NPS / Absorbine M&M In Hand
National Championship. The highest placed pony owned by an NPS Qualifying or Life member, go forward
to the final. Qualification may go no lower than third place. Breed Champion to qualify for the Champions
Prelim Round at the Great British In Hand Show 7th September 2024.

JUDGE: Mrs H Prescott, Burscough, Lancashire.

H39 Best ridden Dales, Fell & Highland, stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over.

H40 Highland, Dales, Fell, Foal / Yearling, colt, filly or gelding.

H41 Highland, Dales, Fell, 2-3 years old, stallion, colt, filly or gelding.
H42 Highland, Dales, Fell 4 years old & over, stallion, mare or gelding.
HS11 SPECIAL ROSETTES offered by the Highland Pony Society and the Fell Pony Society for the best
registered Highland & Fell ponies shown in hand by an exhibitor who must produce a current
membership card in the ring.
HS12 CHAMPION - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H40 – H42. TCAS Rosettes for Champion
and Reserve. Geldings 4 years old & over and foals are not eligible for the Price Family Supreme In
Hand Championship.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

All entries must be registered in the British Connemara Pony Society Stud Book or the Stud Book of another
Approved Connemara Pony Society. Registration numbers must be stated on the entry form.


This show is a qualifier for the Tam O’Shanter Breeding Championships being held at the annual BCPS
Breed Show on July 19th – 20th 2024 at Warwickshire College of Agriculture, Warwickshire, CV35 9BL. The
three highest placed Connemara Mares from class H45 - will qualify for the Tam O’Shanter Breeding

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

Championship (3 qualifiers). The highest three placings of each age group - Connemara yearlings, two years
olds and three years olds from class H44 will qualify for the Tam O’Shanter Breeding Championship (9
qualifiers). The following classes are qualifiers for the NPS/ Absorbine M&M In Hand National
Championship. The highest placed pony owned by an NPS Qualifying or Life member, go forward to the
final. Qualification may go no lower than third place. Breed Champion to qualify for the Champions Prelim
Round at the Great British In Hand Show 7th September 2024.

JUDGE: Mrs J Webb, Highbridge, Somerset.

H43 Best ridden Connemara, stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over.
H44 Connemara, 1,2,3 years old, any sex. Not exceeding 147.3cms/14.2hh in height.
H45 Connemara, 4 years old & over, any sex. Not exceeding 147.3cms /14.2hh in height.
HS13 BEST YEARLING in class H44, £20 and Rosette, a gift of Mrs E Beckett.
HS14 CHAMPION IN HAND CONNEMARA - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H44 – H45. TCAS
Rosettes for Champion and reserve Champion. Geldings 4 years old & over and foals are not eligible
for the Price Family Supreme In Hand Championship.


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____


This is a NFPB&CS Elite Show, scoring for the Society's Elite Scheme. The following classes are qualifiers
for the NPS/ Absorbine M&M In Hand National Championship. The highest placed pony owned by an NPS
Qualifying or Life member, go forward to the final. Qualification may go no lower than third place. Breed
Champion to qualify for the Champions Prelim Round at the Great British In Hand Show 7th September 2024.

JUDGE: Mrs J Beatham, Salisbury, Wiltshire.

H46 Best ridden New Forest, stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over.
H47 New Forest licensed stallion / gelding 4 years old & over.
H48 New Forest mare, 4 years old or over, with or without foal at foot.
H49 New Forest colt or filly foal, sired by a registered stallion and the produce of a mare in H48.
H50 New Forest 2 or 3 years old, colt, filly or gelding.
H51 New Forest yearling, colt, filly or gelding.
HS15 CHAMPION IN HAND NEW FOREST - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H47 – H51. TCAS
Rosettes for Champion and Reserve. Geldings 4 years old & over and foals are not eligible for the
Price Family Supreme In Hand Championship. The New Forest Pony Breeding and Cattle Society
offer a Champion rosette and Society Star rosette for the best of breed in classes H47 – H51.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

Animals entered in this class must be registered in Section 1 of the Exmoor Pony Breed Society Stud Book
and must be shown in natural condition.


Exmoor Pony Society rosettes are offered to the Best of Breed, Best Gelding, Best Youngstock and Best
Ridden. The following classes are qualifiers for the NPS/ Absorbine M&M In Hand National
Championship. The highest placed pony owned by an NPS Qualifying or Life member, go forward to the
final. Qualification may go no lower than third place. Breed Champion to qualify for the Champions Prelim
Round at the Great British In Hand Show 7th September 2024.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

JUDGE: Mrs S Wooderson, Stowmarket, Suffolk.
H52 Best ridden Exmoor, 4 years old and over.
which qualifies for The Exmoor Pony of the Year.
H53 Registered Exmoor Pony, colt, filly or gelding, 1, 2 or 3 years old. To be shown In Hand.
H54 Registered Exmoor Pony, stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over. To be shown In Hand.
HS17 CHAMPION EXMOOR IN HAND PONY open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H53 – H54. TCAS
Rosettes for Champion and Reserve. Geldings 4 years old & over and foals are not eligible for the
Price Family Supreme In Hand Championship.
qualify for the Exmoor Pony of the Year Competition.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

Ponies must be fully registered in the Dartmoor Pony Society Stud Book. Exhibitors do not have to be
members of the DPS to participate but only members are eligible to receive the Star rosette. Current
membership cards to be produced in the ring.


This is a Star Rosette Show for the Dartmoor Pony Society. Champion to receive the Star Rosette. The
following classes are qualifiers for the NPS/ Absorbine M&M In Hand National Championship. The highest
placed pony owned by an NPS Qualifying or Life member, go forward to the final. Qualification may go no
lower than third place. Breed Champion to qualify for the Champions Prelim Round at the Great British In
Hand Show 7th September 2024.

JUDGE: Mrs S A Squires, Stroud, Gloucestershire.

H55 Best ridden Dartmoor, 4 years old and over.
H56 Registered Dartmoor mare, 4 years old & over, with or without her own foal at foot.
H57 Dartmoor colt or filly foal - by a registered Dartmoor stallion, only foals shown with their mares in
class H56 are eligible.
H58 Registered Dartmoor gelding 4 years old & over.
H59 Registered Dartmoor stallion 4 years old & over.
H60 Registered Dartmoor two or three years old, colt, filly or gelding.
H61 Registered Dartmoor yearling colt, filly or gelding.
HS19 CHAMPION IN HAND DARTMOOR PONY - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H56 – H61.
The Dunros Perpetual Trophy (68), presented by Mrs D Hollingsworth. TCAS Rosettes for Champion
and Reserve. Geldings 4 years old & over and foals are not eligible for the Price Family Supreme In
Hand Championship.
HS20 CHAMPION STAR ROSETTE presented by The Dartmoor Pony Society to the Champion. Current
Dartmoor Pony Society membership must be produced in the ring for the Star rosette award.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

This Section is held under the Rules of the Welsh Pony and Cob Society and exhibits entered must be
registered or eligible for registration in the Welsh Stud Book or entered or eligible for entry in the Appendix
thereto as FS2 mares. Registration or entry of eligible but un-registered or un-entered animals to be
completed within one month of the Show, otherwise the award will be withheld.


The following classes are qualifiers for the NPS/ Absorbine M&M In Hand National Championship. The
highest placed pony owned by an NPS Qualifying or Life member, go forward to the final. Qualification may
go no lower than third place. Breed Champion to qualify for the Champions Prelim Round at the Great
British In Hand Show 7th September 2024.
This Section is a qualifier for The National Welsh Championship Show 2024 National Section A In-Hand
Championship sponsored by Greenlands Insurance Services Ltd. The Section Champion, Reserve &
Youngstock Champion (not already qualified) qualify to enter.
This Section is a qualifier for The National Welsh Championship Show 2024 National Gelding In-Hand
Championship sponsored by Sarum Investments Ltd. All 1st & 2nd placed WPCS registered geldings in
relevant classes (not already qualified) qualify to enter.
Qualifiers will be directly contacted after this show with details of qualification and entry details. For Show
Details and Schedule see our Facebook page or
JUDGE: Mr E G Prosser, Port Talbot, West Glamorgan. (Mintfield)
Ridden Welsh Section A & B, see class H90.
H62 Welsh A stallion four years old and upwards.
H63 Welsh A mare or gelding, four years old or over.
H64 Welsh A colt or filly foal - only foals shown with their mares in class H63 eligible.
H65 Welsh A yearling filly and gelding.
H66 Welsh A yearling colt.
H67 Welsh A two or three years old filly or gelding.
H68 Welsh A two or three years old colt.
HS21 CHAMPION - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H62 - H68. TCAS Rosettes for Champion
and Reserve. Geldings 4 years old & over and foals are not eligible for the Price Family Supreme In
Hand Championship.


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

This Section is held under the Rules of the Welsh Pony and Cob Society and exhibits entered must be
registered or eligible for registration in the Welsh Stud Book or entered or eligible for entry in the Appendix
thereto as FS2 mares. Registration or entry of eligible but un-registered or un-entered animals to be
completed within one month of the Show, otherwise the award will be withheld.


This Section is a qualifier for The National Welsh Championship Show 2024 National Section B In-Hand
Championship sponsored by Greenlands Insurance Services Ltd. The Section Champion, Reserve &
Youngstock Champion (not already qualified) qualify to enter.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

This Section is a qualifier for The National Welsh Championship Show 2024 National Gelding In-Hand
Championship sponsored by Sarum Investments Ltd. All 1st & 2nd placed WPCS registered geldings in
relevant classes (not already qualified) qualify to enter.
Qualifiers will be directly contacted after this show with details of qualification and entry details. For Show
Details and Schedule see our Facebook page or
The following classes are qualifiers for the NPS/ Absorbine M&M In Hand National Championship. The
highest placed pony owned by an NPS Qualifying or Life member, go forward to the final. Qualification may
go no lower than third place. Breed Champion to qualify for the Champions Prelim Round at the Great British
In Hand Show 7th September 2024.
JUDGE: Mr E G Prosser, Port Talbot, West Glamorgan. (Mintfield)
Ridden Welsh Section A & B, see class H90.
H69 Welsh B stallion four years old and upwards.
H70 Welsh B mare or gelding, four years old or over.
H71 Welsh B colt or filly foal - only foals shown with their mares in class H70 eligible.
H72 Welsh B yearling filly and gelding.
H73 Welsh B yearling colt.
H74 Welsh B two or three years old filly or gelding.
H75 Welsh B two or three years old colt.
HS22 CHAMPION - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H69 -H75. TCAS Rosettes for Champion
and Reserve. Geldings 4 years old & over and foals are not eligible for the Price Family Supreme In
Hand Championship.


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

This Section is held under the Rules of the Welsh Pony and Cob Society and exhibits entered must be
registered or eligible for registration in the Welsh Stud Book or entered or eligible for entry in the Appendix
thereto as FS2 mares. Registration or entry of eligible but un-registered or un-entered animals to be
completed within one month of the Show, otherwise the award will be withheld.


This Section is a qualifier for The National Welsh Championship Show 2024 National Section C In-Hand
Championship sponsored by Greenlands Insurance Services Ltd. The Section Champion, Reserve &
Youngstock Champion (not already qualified) qualify to enter.
This Section is a qualifier for The National Welsh Championship Show 2024 National Gelding In-Hand
Championship sponsored by Sarum Investments Ltd. All 1st & 2nd placed WPCS registered geldings in
relevant classes (not already qualified) qualify to enter.
Qualifiers will be directly contacted after this show with details of qualification and entry details. For Show
Details and Schedule see our Facebook page or
The following classes are qualifiers for the NPS/ Absorbine M&M In Hand National Championship. The
highest placed pony owned by an NPS Qualifying or Life member, go forward to the final. Qualification may
go no lower than third place. Breed Champion to qualify for the Champions Prelim Round at the Great British
In Hand Show 7th September 2024.
JUDGE: Mr G W Thomas, Caernarfon, Gwynedd. (Telynau)
Ridden Welsh C & D, see class H91.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

H76 Welsh C stallion four years old and upwards.
H77 Welsh C mare or gelding, four years old or over.
H78 Welsh C colt or filly foal - only foals shown with their mares in class H77 eligible.
H79 Welsh C yearling filly and gelding.
H80 Welsh C yearling colt.
H81 Welsh C two or three years old filly or gelding.
H82 Welsh C two or three years old colt.
HS23 CHAMPION - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H76 – H82. TCAS Rosettes for Champion
and Reserve. Geldings 4 years old & over and foals are not eligible for the Price Family Supreme In
Hand Championship.


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

This Section is held under the Rules of the Welsh Pony and Cob Society and exhibits entered must be
registered or eligible for registration in the Welsh Stud Book or entered or eligible for entry in the Appendix
thereto as FS2 mares. Registration or entry of eligible but un-registered or un-entered animals to be
completed within one month of the Show, otherwise the award will be withheld.


This Section is a qualifier for The National Welsh Championship Show 2024 National Section D In-Hand
Championship sponsored by Greenlands Insurance Services Ltd. The Section Champion, Reserve &
Youngstock Champion (not already qualified) qualify to enter.
This Section is a qualifier for The National Welsh Championship Show 2024 National Gelding In-Hand
Championship sponsored by Sarum Investments Ltd. All 1st & 2nd placed WPCS registered geldings in
relevant classes (not already qualified) qualify to enter.
Qualifiers will be directly contacted after this show with details of qualification and entry details. For Show
Details and Schedule see our Facebook page or
The following classes are qualifiers for the NPS/ Absorbine M&M In Hand National Championship. The
highest placed pony owned by an NPS Qualifying or Life member, go forward to the final. Qualification may
go no lower than third place. Breed Champion to qualify for the Champions Prelim Round at the Great British
In Hand Show 7th September 2024.
JUDGE: Mr G W Thomas, Caernarfon, Gwynedd. (Telynau)
Ridden Welsh C & D, see class H91.
H83 Welsh D stallion four years old and upwards.
H84 Welsh D mare or gelding, four years old or over.
H85 Welsh D colt or filly foal - only foals shown with their mares in class H64 eligible.
H86 Welsh D yearling filly and gelding.
H87 Welsh D yearling colt.
H88 Welsh D two or three years old filly or gelding.
H89 Welsh D two or three years old colt.
HS24 CHAMPION - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H83 – H89. TCAS Rosettes for Champion
and Reserve. Geldings 4 years old & over and foals are not eligible for the Price Family Supreme In
Hand Championship.
JUDGE: Mr G W Thomas, Caernarfon, Gwynedd.

H90 Ridden Welsh A or B stallion, mare or gelding, four years old and upwards.
H91 Ridden Welsh C or D stallion, mare or gelding, four years old and upwards.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.


These classes will run in accordance with the general rules as set out in the Horse of the Year Show Rule
Book, a copy of which can be downloaded from Held under the rules of the British Show
Horse Association, with HOYS Rules taking precedence. All Riders, Owners and Producers must be
Members of the British Show Horse Association, The Showing Register or Sport Horse Breeding GB. Horses
must be registered with the British Show Horse Association, The Showing Register or Sport Horse Breeding
GB. Riders must be 15 years of age or older. Registration numbers must be quoted on entry form. This is
a Horse of the Year Show Qualifier, all data given upon entry of this class is provided to Grandstand
Media Limited and stored on the Grandstand Entries System. For full policy details please visit Exhibitors are required by DEFRA to carry with them Official Identity
Documents for all horses/ponies when competing or travelling. Competitors are reminded that it is a DEFRA
requirement that the Official Identity Documents must be in the name of the legal owner within 30 days of
ownership. This must be registered with the breed society, relevant studbook or ID issuing agency, dependant
on breed/type of animal. Spot checks may be carried out at qualifying shows and by breed societies.
Horse of the Year Show. The highest placed unqualified Show Hunter in the first five, in classes H100-H102
will qualify for the Horse of the Year Show, NEC Birmingham, 9th – 13th October 2024. No horse lower than
fifth will qualify. Qualification will be verified by the Horse of the Year Show Office. Horses competing at the
Horse of the Year Show and qualifying shows in The Hunter sections of The Sport Horse Breeding of Great
Britain classes at their Affiliated Shows cannot compete in Hack, Cobs and Riding Horse classes at the same
show, on the same day and vice versa. This does not apply to SHB (GB) Ridden Sport Horse classes. Entries
in these classes may not compete in the Small Show Hunter of the Year and vice versa. Competitors must
enter their horses in the appropriate sections, but section A will be judged first, and the judges shall have the
power to transfer exhibits to section B or C if they deem it necessary. The highest placed unqualified exhibit
in the top 5 in each Open Affiliated class will qualify to compete in the BSHA Supreme of the Year Final. The
Finals will be held at the BSHA National Championship Shows in September 2024.
This show is a qualifier for the Irish Draught Horse Society (GB) £2,000 Ridden Challenge. The highest
placed horse (not already qualified) from each of the following classes that is registered or eligible for
registration on the Irish Draught or Irish Draught Sport Horse Register, with a minimum of 25% proven Irish
Draught breeding, will qualify for the final of the IDHS (GB) £2,000 Challenge. Horses need not be registered
with the Irish Draught Horse Society (GB) to qualify but must be on the IDHS (GB) Registers by the time of
the Championship, which will be held at the IDHS (GB) National Championship Show on 7th – 8th September
at Onley Equestrian Centre, Onley Grounds Farm, Willoughby, Rugby, Warwickshire CV23 8AJ. In the final,
the Champion will be awarded £1,000 prize money and a trophy. The Reserve Champion will be awarded
£500, and 3rd to 7th inclusive will be awarded £100 each. In addition, the highest placed Purebred Irish
Draught will receive a trophy and £100, and the highest placed Sport Horse will receive a trophy and £50. A
horse may only qualify for the final once, regardless of the type or number of classes won, placed in or
entered. Qualifiers will be contacted by a member of the IDHS Show Team. Qualifiers are required to
complete an online form at to inform the IDHS (GB) that they have qualified for the final.
JUDGES: Mrs S Smith, Berkeley, Gloucestershire. (Conformation)
Mr W Thorneycroft, Colston Bassett, Nottinghamshire. (Ride)
H100 Catplant Group of Companies Ltd LWT Show Hunter. Horse of the Year Show Qualifier. Mare &
gelding, 4 years old & over, capable of carrying up to 12½ stone, to exceed 158cms.
H101 Catplant Group of Companies Ltd MWT Show Hunter. Horse of the Year Show Qualifier. Mare or
gelding, 4 years old or over, capable of carrying 12½ stone and not exceeding 14 stone, to exceed
H102 Catplant Group of Companies Ltd HWT Show Hunter. Horse of the Year Show Qualifier. Mare or
gelding, 4 years old or over, capable of carrying over 14 stone, to exceed 158cms.
HS100 CHAMPION RIDDEN HUNTER - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H100-H102. The Rennel
Perpetual Cup (41), a gift of Lord Rennel, KBE, CB, DL. TCAS Rosettes for Champion and Reserve.
HS101 WINNER OF CLASS H102 - the "Work of Art" Perpetual Cup (80), a gift of the late Mr J R Sumner.
Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.


Classes H103 – H104 will run in accordance with the general rules as set out in the Horse of the Year Show
rulebook, a copy of which can be downloaded from Held under the rules of the British Show
Horse Association, with HOYS Rules taking precedence. Horses must be registered with the British Show
Horse Association, Hunters may also be registered with The Showing Register or Sport Horse Breeding GB.
All Riders, Owners and Producers must be Members of the British Show Horse Association, The Showing
Register or Sport Horse Breeding GB. Riders must be 15 years of age or older. Registration numbers must
be quoted on entry form. This is a Horse of the Year Show Qualifier, all data given upon entry of this
class is provided to Grandstand Media Limited and stored on the Grandstand Entries System. For
full policy details please visit Horses competing at the Horse of the Year
Show and qualifying shows in The Hunter sections of The Sport Horse Breeding of Great Britain classes at
their Affiliated Shows cannot compete in Hack, Cobs and Riding Horse classes at the same show, on the
same day and vice versa..Exhibitors are required by DEFRA to carry with them Official Identity Documents
for all horses/ponies when competing or travelling. Competitors are reminded that it is a DEFRA requirement
that the Official Identity Documents must be in the name of the legal owner within 30 days of ownership. This
must be registered with the breed society, relevant studbook or ID issuing agency, dependant on breed/type
of animal. Spot checks may be carried out at qualifying shows and by breed societies.


Horse of the Year Show. The highest placed unqualified Ladies Side Saddle (class H103) and Small Show
Hunter (class H104) in the first five qualify for the Horse of the Year Show, NEC Birmingham, 9th - 13th
October 2024. No horse lower than fifth will qualify. Qualification will be verified by the Horse of the Year
Show Office. Entries in the Small Show Hunter may not compete in the Show Hunter of the Year, and vice
This show is a qualifier for the Irish Draught Horse Society (GB) £2,000 Ridden Challenge. The highest
placed horse (not already qualified) from each of the following classes that is registered or eligible for
registration on the Irish Draught or Irish Draught Sport Horse Register, with a minimum of 25% proven Irish
Draught breeding, will qualify for the final of the IDHS (GB) £2,000 Challenge. Horses need not be registered
with the Irish Draught Horse Society (GB) to qualify but must be on the IDHS (GB) Registers by the time of
the Championship, which will be held at the IDHS (GB) National Championship Show on 7th – 8th September
at Onley Equestrian Centre, Onley Grounds Farm, Willoughby, Rugby, Warwickshire CV23 8AJ. In the final,
the Champion will be awarded £1,000 prize money and a trophy. The Reserve Champion will be awarded
£500, and 3rd to 7th inclusive will be awarded £100 each. In addition, the highest placed Purebred Irish
Draught will receive a trophy and £100, and the highest placed Sport Horse will receive a trophy and £50. A
horse may only qualify for the final once, regardless of the type or number of classes won, placed in or
entered. Qualifiers will be contacted by a member of the IDHS Show Team. Qualifiers are required to
complete an online form at to inform the IDHS (GB) that they have qualified for the final.
JUDGES: Mr S Somers, Ewyas Harold, Herefordshire. (Conformation)
Mrs K Nicholson, Thirn, North Yorkshire. (Ride)
H103 Mears Flooring Ladies Side Saddle - Horse of the Year Show Qualifier. Mare or gelding, 4 years
old and over, exceeding 148cms, suitable to carry a side saddle, to be ridden by a lady. Open to all
horses registered with the BSHA, Hunters may also be registered with The Showing Register of Sport
Horse Breeding (GB). Riders must be 15 years of age or older. Exhibits will be required to
gallop/extend together during the Go Round phase. This is also a qualifier for The Mears Ladies
Show Horse Championship, with a First Prize of £200, to be held at the BSHA National
Championships 2024, the four highest placed to qualify.
HS102 £10 PRIZE presented by Mrs J Guille, Herefordshire to the best turned out rider in the Ladies class.
(Guidance on turnout is available in the SSA Yearbook, or on application to the Show Office).

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

JUDGES: Mrs J Jefferson, Harrogate, North Yorkshire. (Conformation)
Mrs K Nicholson, Thirn, North Yorkshire. (Ride)
H104 Hamilton Tarmac Small Show Hunter - Horse of the Year Show Qualifier. Mare or gelding, 4 years
old or over, exceeding 148cms but not exceeding 158cms.
(Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire) - the Gadesden Memorial Perpetual Cup (19), a gift
of the Misses Gadesden.


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

These classes are unaffiliated.


This show is a qualifier for the Irish Draught Horse Society (GB) £2,000 Ridden Challenge. The highest
placed horse (not already qualified) from each of the following classes that is registered or eligible for
registration on the Irish Draught or Irish Draught Sport Horse Register, with a minimum of 25% proven Irish
Draught breeding, will qualify for the final of the IDHS (GB) £2,000 Challenge. Horses need not be registered
with the Irish Draught Horse Society (GB) to qualify but must be on the IDHS (GB) Registers by the time of
the Championship, which will be held at the IDHS (GB) National Championship Show on 7th – 8th September
at Onley Equestrian Centre, Onley Grounds Farm, Willoughby, Rugby, Warwickshire CV23 8AJ. In the final,
the Champion will be awarded £1,000 prize money and a trophy. The Reserve Champion will be awarded
£500, and 3rd to 7th inclusive will be awarded £100 each. In addition, the highest placed Purebred Irish
Draught will receive a trophy and £100, and the highest placed Sport Horse will receive a trophy and £50. A
horse may only qualify for the final once, regardless of the type or number of classes won, placed in or
entered. Qualifiers will be contacted by a member of the IDHS Show Team. Qualifiers are required to
complete an online form at to inform the IDHS (GB) that they have qualified for the final.

JUDGES: Mrs J Jefferson, Harrogate, North Yorkshire. (Conformation)

Mr C McClelland, Earls Croome, Worcestershire. (Ride)

H105 Lightweight Amateur Hunter - for amateur exhibitors. Mare or gelding 4 years old or over, capable
of carrying up to 13 stone.
H106 Heavyweight Amateur Hunter - for amateur exhibitors. Mare or gelding 4 years old or over, capable
of carrying over 13 stone.
HS104 CHAMPION AMATEUR RIDDEN HUNTER - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H105 - H106.
TCAS Rosettes for Champion and Reserve.


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

These classes are unaffiliated.
SPECIAL PRIZE kindly sponsored by Mr & Mrs Robert Hamilton. £50 and rosette for the highest placed
horse in classes H107 and H108 owned and ridden by an amateur resident in the Three Counties.

JUDGES: Mr S Somers, Ewyas Harold, Herefordshire. (Conformation)

Mr D Bennett, Poulton-le-Fylde, Lancashire. (Ride)
H107 4 years old, Mare or gelding, exceeding 148cm/14.2hh, any weight.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

H108 Novice Mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, any weight. Not having won a first prize value of £60 or
a total of £200 (or equivalent values) in prize money in any Ridden Hunter classes at home or abroad,
before 1 January 2024.
HS105 CHAMPION - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H107 - H108. TCAS Rosettes for Champion
and Reserve.
HS106 SPECIAL PRIZE - £50 and rosette for the highest placed horse in classes H107 and H108 owned
and ridden by an amateur resident in the Three Counties.


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __

These classes are unaffiliated. Horses will not be ridden by the Judge but will be required to give a short
individual show of walk, trot & canter of approximately 1 minute, to be awarded marks out of a possible 20
for each pace. Lengthened strides in trot and canter must be shown. All horses are required for a conformation
assessment to be awarded marks out of a possible 50. Horses to be shown on the flat, will not be required
to jump. Snaffle bridles must be worn. Horses will not be ridden by the judge but will be required to give a
short individual show of walk, trot & canter of approximately 1 minute, to be awarded marks out of a possible
20 for each pace. Lengthened strides in trot and canter must be shown. Marks, all horses are required for a
conformation assessment to be awarded marks out of a possible 50.

JUDGE: Mrs J Strange, Haslemere, Surrey.

H109 Flat Ridden Sport Horse. Horses to be shown on the flat, will not be required to jump. Snaffle bridles
must be worn. Bitless bridles and Wilkie snaffles are not allowed. Martingales are not allowed but
neck straps are permitted. Horses will enter the ring as a class and be seen in walk, trot and canter
before being called in and asked to do an individual show.


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

It is strongly recommended that competitors 18 years old & over wear correctly secured Skull Caps / Riding
Hats that meet one of the following Safety Standard: All PAS 015; VG1; ASTM F1163 04a onwards; SNELL
E2001; AS/NZ 3838 2003 onwards. It is mandatory for competitors under the age of 18 to wear such Skull
Caps or Riding Hats. In the jumping phase of Working Hunter classes Skull Caps / Riding Hats must be


This show is a qualifier for the Irish Draught Horse Society (GB) £2,000 Ridden Challenge. The highest
placed horse (not already qualified) from each of the following classes that is registered or eligible for
registration on the Irish Draught or Irish Draught Sport Horse Register, with a minimum of 25% proven Irish
Draught breeding, will qualify for the final of the IDHS (GB) £2,000 Challenge. Horses need not be registered
with the Irish Draught Horse Society (GB) to qualify but must be on the IDHS (GB) Registers by the time of
the Championship, which will be held at the IDHS (GB) National Championship Show on 7th – 8th September
at Onley Equestrian Centre, Onley Grounds Farm, Willoughby, Rugby, Warwickshire CV23 8AJ. In the final,
the Champion will be awarded £1,000 prize money and a trophy. The Reserve Champion will be awarded
£500, and 3rd to 7th inclusive will be awarded £100 each. In addition, the highest placed Purebred Irish
Draught will receive a trophy and £100, and the highest placed Sport Horse will receive a trophy and £50. A
horse may only qualify for the final once, regardless of the type or number of classes won, placed in or

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

entered. Qualifiers will be contacted by a member of the IDHS Show Team. Qualifiers are required to
complete an online form at to inform the IDHS (GB) that they have qualified for the final.

JUDGES: Mrs S Smith, Berkeley, Gloucestershire. (Conformation)

Mr W Thorneycroft, Colston Bassett, Nottinghamshire. (Ride)

H110 Novice Working Hunter. Mare or gelding, 4 years old or over not to have won a total of £100 in prize
money (excluding Championship prize money) in SHB(GB) affiliated Working Hunter classes or more
than £200 BS points or 5 BE points before 1 January 2024. Working Hunters may compete 'Hors
Concours' in Novice Working Hunter classes in the jumping phase only at the discretion of the Show
Secretary but the horse cannot compete in any other Working Hunter classes for the duration of that
Show. Approximate height of fences 90cms.
H111 Amateur Working Hunter. Mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, exceeding 148cms (14.2hh approx.)
To be ridden by an Amateur, as defined under 2024 SHB (GB) rules. Approximate height of fences
H112 Open Working Hunter. Mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, exceeding 148cms. Approximate
height of fences 1.05m


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

This class will run in accordance with the general rules as set out in the Horse of the Year Show Rule Book,
a copy of which can be downloaded from Held under the rules of the British Show Horse
Association, with HOYS Rules taking precedence. Horses must be registered with the British Show Horse
Association, The Showing Register or Sport Horse Breeding GB and all Riders, Owners and Producers must
be Members of the British Show Horse Association, The Showing Register or Sport Horse Breeding GB.
Riders must be 15 years of age or older. No entry will be accepted unless accompanied by Registration
Numbers. This is a Horse of the Year Show Qualifier, all data given upon entry of this class is provided
to Grandstand Media Limited and stored on the Grandstand Entries System. For full policy details
please visit
Exhibitors are required by DEFRA to carry with them Official Identity Documents for all horses/ponies when
competing or travelling. Competitors are reminded that it is a DEFRA requirement that the Official Identity
Documents must be in the name of the legal owner within 30 days of ownership. This must be registered with
the breed society, relevant studbook or ID issuing agency, dependant on breed/type of animal. Spot checks
may be carried out at qualifying shows and by breed societies
This competition is for Working Hunters, any weight, mares, geldings or stallions (competing stallions must
have a red, white and blue ribbon displayed in their tail), four years old & over, exceeding 148cms, to be
ridden. Any horse which has qualified as a Grade A Show Jumper or Advanced Event Horse as at 1st January
in the current year is not eligible to compete in Working Hunter Classes.
Fences will not exceed 1.14m (3’9”) in height. There should be a minimum of 8 fences and a maximum of 12
fences. The course must contain a combination and should contain a water tray. These classes will be
judged in two parts. Part One (Jumping) will be judged first, without a jump-off. All clear rounds and any
other horses the Judges may require will go forward to the next part. A rider can ride up to two horses in the
jumping phase but must then select only one horse to take forward into the ride and conformation section if
required. (No change of rider is allowed). Marks must be awarded in the following way:
Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

In the event of equality, the CONFORMATION MARK from Phase II will take precedence, followed by the
RIDE MARK, and then the STYLE MARK. Failure to jump in the correct section will result in elimination.


Horse of the Year Show. The highest exhibit in class H113 will qualify for the Horse of the Year Show, NEC,
Birmingham, 9th – 13th October 2024. If the first place has already qualified the second will go forward down
to third place. Qualification will be verified by the Horse of the Year Show office. In accordance with BSHA
Rules the annual BSHA £15 Horse of the Year Show fee must be paid to BSHA before the entry is made if
the Exhibitor wishes to qualify. The BSHA Horse of the Year Show fee cannot be paid retrospect. This fee
is not the Horse of the Year Show contribution which goes to Grandstand Media Ltd.
This show is a qualifier for the Irish Draught Horse Society (GB) £2,000 Ridden Challenge. The highest
placed horse (not already qualified) from the following class that is registered or eligible for registration on the
Irish Draught or Irish Draught Sport Horse Register, with a minimum of 25% proven Irish Draught breeding,
will qualify for the final of the IDHS (GB) £2,000 Challenge. Horses need not be registered with the Irish
Draught Horse Society (GB) to qualify but must be on the IDHS (GB) Registers by the time of the
Championship, which will be held at the IDHS (GB) National Championship Show on 7th – 8th September at
Onley Equestrian Centre, Onley Grounds Farm, Willoughby, Rugby, Warwickshire CV23 8AJ. In the final, the
Champion will be awarded £1,000 prize money and a trophy. The Reserve Champion will be awarded £500,
and 3rd to 7th inclusive will be awarded £100 each. In addition, the highest placed Purebred Irish Draught
will receive a trophy and £100, and the highest placed Sport Horse will receive a trophy and £50. A horse
may only qualify for the final once, regardless of the type or number of classes won, placed in or entered.
Qualifiers will be contacted by a member of the IDHS Show Team. Qualifiers are required to complete an
online form at to inform the IDHS (GB) that they have qualified for the final.

JUDGES: Mrs S Rawding, Chevington, Suffolk. (Conformation)

Mr C McClelland, Earls Croome, Worcester. (Ride)
H113 Sport Horse Breeding of Great Britain Working Hunter of the Year - Horse of the Year Show
Qualifier. Stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over exceeding 148cms. Competing stallions must
have a red, white and blue ribbon displayed in their tail.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____


These classes are qualifiers for The National Welsh Championship Show 2024 - National WPBR In-Hand
Championships sponsored by Greenlands Insurance Services Ltd. and National Welsh In Hand Gelding
Championship sponsored by Sarum Investments Ltd. All 1st & 2nd placed WPCS registered Welsh Part Bred
exhibits in relevant classes (not already qualified) qualify to enter. Unregistered qualifiers with 12.5% Welsh
blood may retrospectively register with WPCS prior to entry. Qualifiers will be directly contacted after this
show with details of qualification and entry details. For Show Details and Schedule see our Facebook page
JUDGE: Mr S Somers, Ewyas Harold, Herefordshire.
H114 Hunter Brood Mare exceeding 148cms (14.2hh approx) with her foal at foot or a relevant certificate
of pregnancy for the following year, which may be inspected at the show. Mares which have not yet
foaled or that have lost their foals are eligible to enter with a relevant certificate of service that may be
inspected at the show. Mares could be measured on the day of the Show by an appointed official.
H115 Hunter Colt or Filly Foal - only foals shown with their mares in class H114 eligible and must be at
least 3 weeks old on the first day of the Show.
H116 Hunter Yearling Colt, Filly Or Gelding born in 2023.
H117 Hunter 2 Years Old Colt, Filly Or Gelding born in 2022.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

H118 Hunter 3 Years Old Colt, Filly Or Gelding born in 2021.

HS107 HUNTER CHAMPION - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H114 - H118 Simmons Perpetual
Cup (67), presented by Mrs A Simmons. TCAS Rosettes for Champion and Reserve. Foal champions
are not eligible for the Price Family Supreme In Hand Championship.
Midlands-In-Hand Perpetual Trophy (141). To be eligible, Members must wear their Membership
Badges and produce current membership cards if requested. M.I.H. Secretary, Treleaven, Byton,
Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2HS.
HS109 SPECIAL PRIZE Open to the highest placed horse owned by an Amateur Producer living in the Three
Counties, in classes H114 - H118. £50 and memento to the winner.




This show is a Qualifier for The Moorbennhall Irish Draught Youngstock Challenge. The two highest placed
pure-breds from each age group that have not already qualified in classes H121 - H122, eligible for Class 1
in the Irish Draught Breed Register by a Class 1, Class 2 or RID (GB) sire, out of a Graded Mare. This show
is also a qualifier for the IDHS(GB) Irish Draught Sport Horse Youngstock Challenge. The 2 highest placed
Irish Draught Sport horses with at least 25% Irish Draught breeding in classes H123 & H124 will qualify. If
one or both have already qualified, the horse next in line in each age group will qualify to go forward to their
respective final, which will be held at the IDHS (GB) National Championship Show on 7th – 8th September
2024 at Onley Equestrian Centre, Onley Grounds Farm, Willoughby, Rugby, Warwickshire CV23 8AJ.
Qualifiers will be contacted by a member of the IDHS Show Team. Qualifiers are required to complete an
online form at to inform the IDHS (GB) that they have qualified for the final. In the final,
there will be three preliminary classes with the two highest placed semi-finalists from each class going forward
to the Championship where the Champion will receive £500 and the Reserve Champion £150.

JUDGE: Mrs J Hall, Shipston on Stour, Warwickshire.

H119 Irish Draught Graded Mare / Gelding - four years old and over.
H120 Irish Draught Filly or Colt Foal - Produce of a mare entered or eligible for entry in the above class,
and eligible for Class 1 on the Irish Draught Breed Register
HS110 BEST FOAL, BY ANY NON-RID STALLION - TCAS Rosettes for winner.
HS111 BEST FOAL BY A RID STALLION - TCAS Rosettes for winner.
H121 Irish Draught Yearling - filly, colt or gelding, by a Class 1, Class 2 or RID (GB) sire out of a Graded
H122 Irish Draught 2-3 Years Old - two and three year old filly, two and three year old colt or gelding (three
year old colts must be un-inspected), by a Class 1, Class 2 or RID (GB) sire out of a Graded dam.
HS112 TCAS Commended Rosettes are offered to the highest placed two years old in class H122.
HS113 CHAMPION IN HAND IRISH DRAUGHT HORSE - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H119
– H122. TCAS Rosettes for Champion and Reserve. Geldings 4 years old & over and Foal Champions
are not eligible for the Price Family Supreme In Hand Championship.
H123 Irish Draught Sport Horse Yearling - filly, colt or gelding, registered on the ID Sport Horse Register.
H124 Irish Draught Sport Horse 2 – 3 Years old - two and three years old filly, two and three year old colt
or gelding (three year old colts must be un-inspected), registered on the ID Sport Horse Register
HS114 CHAMPION IN HAND IRISH DRAUGHT HORSE - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H123
– H124. TCAS Rosettes for Champion and Reserve. Foal Champions are not eligible for the Price
Family Supreme In Hand Championship.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

This show is a qualifier for the Irish Draught Horse Society (GB) £2,000 Ridden Challenge. The highest
placed horse (not already qualified) from each of the following classes that is registered or eligible for
registration on the Irish Draught or Irish Draught Sport Horse Register, with a minimum of 25% proven Irish
Draught breeding, will qualify for the final of the IDHS (GB) £2,000 Challenge. Horses need not be registered
with the Irish Draught Horse Society (GB) to qualify but must be on the IDHS (GB) Registers by the time of
the Championship, which will be held at the IDHS (GB) National Championship Show on 7th – 8th September
at Onley Equestrian Centre, Onley Grounds Farm, Willoughby, Rugby, Warwickshire CV23 8AJ. In the final,
the Champion will be awarded £1,000 prize money and a trophy. The Reserve Champion will be awarded
£500, and 3rd to 7th inclusive will be awarded £100 each. In addition, the highest placed Purebred Irish
Draught will receive a trophy and £100, and the highest placed Sport Horse will receive a trophy and £50. A
horse may only qualify for the final once, regardless of the type or number of classes won, placed in or
entered. Qualifiers will be contacted by a member of the IDHS Show Team. Qualifiers are required to
complete an online form at to inform the IDHS (GB) that they have qualified for the final.
JUDGES: Mrs J Hall, Shipston on Stour, Warwickshire. (Conformation)
Mr W Thorneycroft, Colston Bassett, Nottinghamshire. (Ride)
H125 Ridden Irish Draught - 4 years old and over, stallion, mare or gelding registered on the Irish Draught
Breed Register
H126 Ridden Irish Draught Sport Horse - 4 years old and over, stallion, mare or gelding registered on the
ID Sport Horse Register
HS115 CHAMPION RIDDEN IRISH DRAUGHT HORSE - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H125 –
H126. TCAS Rosettes for Champion and Reserve.


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

These classes are un-affiliated.
JUDGE: Mr M Nicholson, Thirn, North Yorkshire.
H127 Sport Horse In Hand Mare / Gelding – 4 years old & over, exceeding 148cms.
H128 Sport Horse In Hand 2-3 years old – colt, filly or gelding, to exceed 148cms at maturity.
H129 Sport Horse In Hand Yearling – colt, filly or gelding, to exceed 148cms at maturity.
HS116 CHAMPIONSHIP - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H127 – H129. TCAS rosettes for
Champion and Reserve. Geldings 4 years old & over and Foals are not eligible for the Price Family
Supreme In Hand Championship.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

These classes are open to both Pure and Part Bred animals. Every animal must be registered, or in case of
foals be eligible for entry in the Stud Book, Grade Registers or Part Bred Register of the Cleveland Bay Horse
Society. Those first registered with another Society must have their passports over stamped by CBHS to
JUDGE: Mrs J Strange, Haslemere, Surrey.
H130 Cleveland Bay stallion or gelding, 4 years old & over.
H131 Cleveland Bay mare, 4 years old and over with or without a foal at foot.
H132 Cleveland Bay Pure / Part Bred Foal, born in 2024.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

H133 Cleveland Bay 1,2,3 years old, born in 2021, 2022 or 2023. In the event of sufficient entries this
class will be split into age groups.
HS117 CHAMPION CLEVELAND BAY - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H130 – H133. TCAS
Rosettes for Champion and Reserve. Geldings 4 years old & over and Foals are not eligible for the
Price Family Supreme In Hand Championship.
H134 Cleveland Bay Ridden class. Pure or Part bred Cleveland Bay, stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years
old & over. Will be judged as a ridden hunter class.



Classes H135 – H137 are open to mares, geldings and graded stallions, four years old or over. Stallions are
required to wear stallion discs in order to compete.
JUDGE: Mrs S Palmer, Barford, Norfolk.
H135 In-Hand Skewbald/Piebald Ponies, stallion, mare or gelding, not exceeding 153cms, four years old
& over, any type.
H136 In-Hand Skewbald/Piebald Horses, stallion, mare or gelding, exceeding 153cms, four years old &
over, any type.
H137 In Hand Skewbald / Piebald 1,2,3 years old, colt, filly or gelding, any height or type.
HS118 CHAMPION IN HAND COLOURED HORSE OR PONY - open to 1st and 2nd prize winners in classes
H135 – H137. TCAS Rosettes for Champion and Reserve. Geldings 4 years old & over are not eligible
for the Price Family Supreme In Hand Championship.
H138 Ridden Piebald / Skewbald Pony, stallion, mare or gelding, not exceeding 153cms, any type.
H139 Ridden Piebald / Skewbald Horse, Horse or Pony, stallion, mare or gelding, exceeding 153cms, any
HS119 CHAMPION RIDDEN COLOURED HORSE OR PONY - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes
H138 – H139. TCAS Rosettes for Champion and Reserve.


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

All entries to be registered in their respective Stud Book Registers with the Arab Horse Society, by the closing
date of entries. Classes are conducted in accordance with Arab Horse Society rules and regulations.
Exhibitors are requested to submit a photocopy of their AHS Registration Certificate with their entries. Class
winner rosettes will be donated by the Arab Horse Society.


UK IN HAND AWARDS – At this show points can be gained for the UK In Hand Awards. Cards must be
signed by the Judge. Full details and Points cards are available on the Arab Horse Society website:

JUDGE: Mrs R McCormick, Bodiam, East Sussex.

H140 Arabian 4 years old or over stallion, mare or gelding.

HS120 BEST GELDING ROSETTE for the highest placed gelding if not the winner in class H140, offered by
the Arab Horse Society.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

H141 Arabian two or three years old colt, filly or gelding.
H142 Arabian yearling colt, filly or gelding.
HS121 CLASS WINNER ROSETTE for the best exhibit in classes H140 – H142, offered by the Arab Horse
HS122 CHAMPION PURE BRED ARAB – open to prize winners in classes H140 – H142. TCAS Rosettes
for Champion and Reserve. Geldings 4 years old & over are not eligible for the Price Family Supreme
In Hand Championship.



All entries to be registered in their respective Stud Book Registers with the Arab Horse Society, by the closing
date of entries. Classes are conducted in accordance with Arab Horse Society Rules and Regulations.
Horses containing 12.5% and over Arab blood are eligible to compete in classes H143 – H144.


Class H144 is a qualifier for the NPS/ The Andrews Family Ridden Part bred National Championship.
The highest placed horse/pony owned by an NPS Qualifying or Life member, go forward to the final.
Qualification may go no lower than third place.

JUDGES: Mrs R McCormick, Bodiam, East Sussex. (Conformation)

Mr D Bennett, Poulton-le-Fylde, Lancashire. (Ride)
H143 Ridden Pure Bred Arab stallions, geldings and mares, 4 years old and over. Under saddle to be
judged as riding horses. Rider any age.
H144 Ridden Part Bred Arab and Anglo Arab stallions, geldings and mares, 4 years old and over. Under
saddle to be judged as riding horses. Rider any age.
HS123 CHAMPION - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H143 – H144. AHS Midlands Group Trophy
(109), presented by the Arab Horse Society Midlands Group, for the Best Exhibit in the Ridden Arab
Classes. TCAS Rosettes for Champion and Reserve.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

1. All entries to be registered in the appropriate section of the Haflinger Society of Great Britain Stud Book.
2. Classes H145 – H146 will be judged in accordance to the rules of the Haflinger Society of Great Britain.
3. All exhibitors must be fully paid up members of the Haflinger Society of Great Britain.
JUDGE: Mr R Marks, Badsey, Worcestershire.
H145 Haflinger In Hand 4 years old & over, stallion, mare or gelding.
H146 Haflinger In Hand 1, 2 or 3 years, colt, filly or gelding.
HS124 CHAMPION HAFLINGER - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H145 – H146. TCAS Rosettes
for Champion and Reserve and the Thrivon Perpetual Trophy (107), presented by Chapman &
Frearson Limited. Geldings 4 years old & over and foals are not eligible for the Price Family Supreme
In Hand Championship.
H147 Best ridden Haflinger, stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

No membership of either the BSHA or the NPS is required in order to enter these classes.


NPS/ Mr & Mrs Roberts Ottergayle Supreme In Hand Hack Championship. Qualifying rounds will be held
at shows affiliated to the British Show Horse Association or National Pony Society. Exhibitors do not have to
be NPS members and horses do not have to be registered with the NPS. The highest placed horse from
each class will qualify for the final to be held at the NPS Championship Show, Malvern in August. If the
highest placed horse has already qualified, qualification may go down to third place. Foals are excluded from
this qualification.
JUDGE: Mrs S Rawding, Chevington, Suffolk.
H148 Riding Horse Mare 4 years old and over, exceeding 148cms.
H149 Riding Horse colt or filly foal likely to make a Riding Horse at maturity. To be accompanied by the
dam from class H148.
H150 Riding Horse Yearling, to make more than 148cms at maturity.
H151 Riding Horse 2-3 years, to make more than 148cms at maturity.
HS125 CHAMPION IN HAND RIDING HORSE - open to the 1st & 2nd prize-winners in classes H148 – H151.
TCAS Rosettes to Champion and Reserve. Foal champions are not eligible for the Price Family
Supreme In Hand Championship.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

No membership of either the BSHA or the NPS is required in order to enter these classes.


NPS/ Mr & Mrs Roberts Ottergayle Supreme In Hand Hack Championship. Qualifying rounds will be held
at shows affiliated to the British Show Horse Association or National Pony Society. Exhibitors do not have to
be NPS members and horses do not have to be registered with the NPS. The highest placed horse from
each class will qualify for the final to be held at the NPS Championship Show, Malvern in August. If the
highest placed horse has already qualified, qualification may go down to third place. Foals are excluded from
this qualification.
JUDGE: Mr M Nicholson, Thirn, North Yorkshire.
H152 Hack Mare, 4 years old and over, exceeding 148cms not exceeding 160cms.
H153 Hack colt or filly foal likely to make a Hack at maturity. To be accompanied by the dam from class
H154 Hack Yearling colt, filly or gelding unlikely to exceed 160cms at maturity and not to exceed 154cms
on 15th June 2024.
H155 Hack two or three years old colt, filly or gelding unlikely to exceed 160cms at maturity and not to
exceed 157cms (for two years olds) and 159cms (for three years olds) on 15th June 2024.
HS126 CHAMPION IN HAND HACK- open to the 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H152 – H155. TCAS
Rosettes to Champion and Reserve. Foal champions are not eligible for the Price Family Supreme
In Hand Championship.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

To be judged under the rules of the NPS.


NPS / Kalusta Stud British Riding Pony (Show Pony) In-Hand Supreme Championship. To make a
ridden show pony. To be judged under the rules of the NPS. This Competition is for Riding Ponies not
exceeding 148cms (14.2hh) which must be registered in the NPS Riding Pony Stud Book, Register or
Appendix, International or Sports Pony section of the BRPSB, the GSB, the AHSB, the AASB or registered
in the main body of their respective Mountain & Moorland Stud Books. Part-Breds are not eligible unless
entered in the NPS Stud Book, Register or Appendix, International or Sports Pony section of the BRPSB. 1st
and 2nd placed ponies from each class (excluding foals) to compete for the Championship. The highest
placed pony owned by an NPS member in each class to go forward to the final at NPS Summer
Championships 2024. If the first placed pony has qualified, the second placed pony owned by an NPS
member will qualify, qualification can go no lower than third place.
NPS / Area 20 British Riding Pony (Show Pony) In-Hand Silver Medal Championship. A Silver Medal
Rosette is offered by the NPS for the best registered pony in the Show Pony In-Hand Section. NPS Silver
Medal Rosettes are only awarded when the Owner of the champion pony is a Qualifying or Life Member of
the NPS. A valid membership card must be in the Rider's/Handler's possession on entering the ring and be
produced immediately on request by either the judge or steward. If the Owner of the Champion Pony is not a
Member, or the Owner's membership card is not immediately produced, the rosette may be awarded to the
Reserve Champion provided they have the required membership card. If the Champion pony has previously
qualified it is still entitled to the Silver Medal rosette but the Qualification Card goes to the Reserve Champion
pony, provided the Owner of that pony is a Member of the NPS. The Silver Medal Rosette and the
Qualification Card can be awarded no lower than first Reserve. Foals are not eligible for Silver Medal
championships. Qualifiers are entitled to compete in the final of the Silver Medal Rosette Championship to
be held at the NPS Summer Championship Show.
The National Welsh Championship Show 2023 National Ridden Welsh Part Bred Championships. All
1st & 2nd placed WPCS registered Welsh Part Bred exhibits in each class (not already qualified) qualify to
enter. Unregistered qualifiers with 12.5% Welsh blood may retrospectively register with WPCS prior to entry.
Qualifiers will be directly contacted after this show with details of qualification and entry details. For Show
Details and Schedule see our Facebook page or
JUDGE: Mrs L Ahmet, Sevenoaks, Kent.
H156 Riding Pony brood mare, not exceeding 148cms with her own foal at foot.
H157 Riding Pony foal, colt or filly out of a mare exhibited in class H156.
H158 Riding Pony yearling colt, filly or gelding.
H159 Riding Pony two years old colt, filly or gelding.
H160 Riding Pony three years old, colt, filly or gelding.
HS127 CHAMPIONSHIP - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H156 – H160. The Prudential
Assurance Cup (77), a gift of the Prudential Assurance Company Limited. TCAS Rosette for Supreme
Champion and Reserve. Foal Champions are not eligible for the Price Family Supreme In Hand

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

All entries to be registered in their respective Stud Book Registers by the closing date of entries.
JUDGE: Mr R Marks, Badsey, Worcestershire.
H161 Part Bred four years old & over, stallion, mare or gelding.
H162 Part Bred two or three years old, colt, filly or gelding.
H163 Part Bred yearling, colt, filly or gelding.
HS129 CHAMPION PART BRED – open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H161 – H163. TCAS Rosettes
for Champion and Reserve. Geldings 4 years old & over are not eligible for the Price Family Supreme
In Hand Championship.



HORSE OF THE YEAR SHOW. The champion from each qualifying show will qualify for the Championship,
to be held at the NEC Birmingham, 9th - 13th October 2024. The objective of the competition is to find the
supreme light horse or pony in-hand champion of the year, irrespective of breed or type (excluding heavy
The champion horse or pony from the following classes will be eligible to compete, provided it has not already
won a qualifying round in 2024: Dartmoor, Exmoor, Shetland, Miniature Shetlands, Welsh Sections A, B, C
and D, Connemara, Fell, Dales, Highland, New Forest, Hacks, Riding Horse, Hunter Breeding, Irish Draught
and Irish Draught Sport Horse, Pure Bred Arabs, Part Breds, Breeding Ponies, Haflinger, Piebald and Skewbald
and Cleveland Bay. Foals & Geldings 4 years old & over are NOT eligible.
If the champion has already qualified for HOYS 2024 or is ineligible, then the reserve champion of that section
may come forward, provided it has not already qualified and is eligible. If both champion and reserve
champion have already qualified or are ineligible, then the section will not be represented in this qualifying
round. Foal champions are not eligible.
In the event of a horse/pony having been awarded more than one section Championship at this show, that
horse/pony will represent both/all sections and the qualification will not pass down to the Reserve Champion
in the 2nd and any subsequent sections. There will be no direct entry into Supreme In-hand Championship
Qualifier, all animals must be a section champion or reserve champion (as applicable).
This is a Horse of the Year Show Qualifier, all data given upon entry of this class is provided to
Grandstand Media Limited and stored on the Grandstand Entries System. For full policy details
please visit
PRIZES - Champion £100 rosette and sash, Reserve £50 and rosette. Qualification will be verified by the
Horse of the Year Show office. Prize money will be paid out after the final by Grandstand Media Ltd to all
Champions who come forward to the Horse of the Year Show 2024.
JUDGE: Mr D Machin, Market Drayton, Shropshire.
HS130 The Price Family Supreme Light Horse / Pony - The object of the competition is to find the
supreme light horse or pony in-hand champion of the year, irrespective of breed or type (excluding
heavy horses).

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

These classes are run in accordance with the general rules as set out in the Horse of the Year Show rulebook,
a copy of which can be downloaded from This Show is affiliated to the National Pony
Society. The owner does not have to be an NPS member for the pony to enter this competition or to qualify
but the owner must be a Qualifying or Life member of the NPS to enter the final. This Show is affiliated to
the British Show Pony Society. Owners and riders must be BSPS members and animals must be registered
with the BSPS to qualify for the Blue Riband. Any Pony taking part in classes judged under BSPS rules will
be liable to dope testing. This is a Horse of the Year Show Qualifier, all data given upon entry of this
class is provided to Grandstand Media Limited and stored on the Grandstand Entries System. For
full policy details please visit
Exhibitors are required by DEFRA to carry with them Official Identity Documents for all horses/ponies when
competing or travelling. Competitors are reminded that it is a DEFRA requirement that the Official Identity
Documents must be in the name of the legal owner within 30 days of ownership. This must be registered with
the breed society, relevant studbook or ID issuing agency, dependant on breed/type of animal. Spot checks
may be carried out at qualifying shows and by breed societies.
Marks will be awarded in the following way:
Manners & Way of Going 50 Marks Maximum
Conformation, Type & Freedom of Action 50 Marks Maximum
In the case of equality, the pony with the highest Manners & Way of Going mark will be deemed the winner.
If there is still equality at this point, then the judges’ decision will be final.


Horse Of The Year Show, NEC, Birmingham 9th - 13th October 2024. Classes H164 – H167 are qualifiers
for the 2024 Horse of the Year Show. Only one exhibit from classes H164 – H167 may qualify. The highest
placed pony, not already qualified, from the first five ponies will qualify. Qualification will not pass below 5th
place. Qualification will be verified by the Horse of the Year. Horses must be registered with either NPS, UK
Ponies & Horses, TSR, or BSPS and a valid JMB number lodged with that society. Riders and Owners
must be members of either NPS, UK Ponies & Horses, TSR, or BSPS.
This class entitles eligible amateur combinations to earn points for the Premier Amateur League, with the
opportunity of gaining a wild card place at HOYS 2024. This is open to current TSR members or those that
have signed up to the Premier Amateur League 2024, for more information see
Blue Riband. Only ponies owned and ridden by BSPS Members and registered with the BSPS are eligible
to qualify. Registration numbers must be quoted on the entry forms. The first and second placed winners in
classes H164 - H167 will qualify. BSPS CHAMPIONSHIPS. The first and second prize winners only in each
of classes H164 - H167 will qualify.
BSPS Binks Family Show Champion Of Champions. The 1st prize winners in classes H164 – H167 will
qualify for the Binks Family Champion of Champions.
NPS/Robertson Bell Open Ridden Show Hunter Pony National Championship. The highest placed pony,
if owned by an NPS member, in each class will qualify for the final. The owner does not have to be an NPS
member for the pony to enter this competition or to qualify but the owner must be a Qualifying or Life member
of the NPS to enter the final. Qualification may pass down to third place if the first and second ponies are
already qualified.
The National Welsh Championship Show 2024 - National Ridden Welsh Part Bred Championships. All
1st & 2nd placed WPCS registered Welsh Part Bred exhibits in each class (not already qualified) qualify to
enter. Unregistered qualifiers with 12.5% Welsh blood may retrospectively register with WPCS prior to entry.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

Qualifiers will be directly contacted after this show with details of qualification and entry details. For Show
Details and Schedule see our Facebook page or
JUDGES: Mrs J Price, Clyro, Herefordshire. (Conformation)
Mrs S Kivlochan, Eversholt, Buckinghamshire. (Performance)
H164 The Binks Family Show Hunter Pony 153cms – Horse of the Year Show Qualifier. Mare or gelding,
4 years old and over, exceeding 143cms and not exceeding 153cms. Riders not to have attained
their 20th birthday before 1 January 2024.
H165 The Binks Family Show Hunter Pony 143cms – Horse of the Year Show Qualifier. Mare or gelding,
4 years old and over, exceeding 133cms and not exceeding 143cms. Riders not to have attained
their 17th birthday before 1 January 2024.
H166 The Binks Family Show Hunter Pony 133cms – Horse of the Year Show Qualifier. Mare or gelding,
4 years old and over, exceeding 123cms and not exceeding 133cms. Riders not to have attained
their 14th birthday before 1 January 2024.
H167 The Binks Family Show Hunter Pony 123cms– Horse of the Year Show Qualifier. Mare or gelding,
4 years old or over, not exceeding 123cms. Riders not to have attained their 12th birthday before 1
January 2024.
HS131 CHAMPION SHOW HUNTER PONY - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H164 – H167.
TCAS Rosettes for Champion and Reserve. Champion and Reserve Champion to go forward to the
Tony Fluck Memorial Trophy at 4.00pm in the Gloucester Ring.


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

This class will be run in accordance with the general rules as set out in the Horse of the Year Show rulebook,
a copy of which can be downloaded from This is a Horse of the Year Show Qualifier, all
data given upon entry of this class is provided to Grandstand Media Limited and stored on the
Grandstand Entries System. For full policy details please visit
Exhibitors are required by DEFRA to carry with them Official Identity Documents for all horses/ponies when
competing or travelling. Competitors are reminded that it is a DEFRA requirement that the Official Identity
Documents must be in the name of the legal owner within 30 days of ownership. This must be registered with
the breed society, relevant studbook or ID issuing agency, dependant on breed/type of animal. Spot checks
may be carried out at qualifying shows and by breed societies.
These classes are open to ponies registered within one or more of the following stud books:
a) The partbred or Anglo / Part bred section of the AHS with a minimum of 12.5% Arab blood
b) The partbred section of the WPCS stud books with a minimum of 12.5% Welsh blood.
c) The partbred section of the DPS stud book with a minimum of 12.5% Dartmoor blood.
d) The partbred section of the BCS stud book with a minimum of 25% Connemara blood.
e) The partbred section of the NFPB&CS with a minimum of 25% New Forest blood.
Ponies must not exceed 148cms, a valid JMB number must be lodged with Grandstand Media Limited prior
to entry in any qualifying round. A copy of the pony's passport, showing its registration or overstamping with
the AHS, WPCS, DPS, BCPS or NFPB&CS must be logged with Grandstand Media Ltd prior to entry in any
qualifying round. Riders and Owners must be members of either NPS, UKPH, TSR, BSPS, CHAPS, AHS,
Marks will be awarded in the following way:
Performance 50 Marks Maximum
Conformation, Movement & Quality 50 Marks Maximum
In the case of equality, the horse with the highest Performance mark will be deemed the winner. If there is
still equality at this point, then the judges’ decision will be final.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

Horse Of The Year Show. Class H168 is a qualifier for the Horse of the Year Show, NEC Birmingham, 9th -
13th October 2024. Only one exhibit may qualify per class. The highest placed pony, not already qualified,
from the first five ponies will qualify. Qualification will not pass below fifth place and will be verified by the
Horse of the Year Show office.
NPS/The Andrews Family Part Bred Ridden National Championship. The highest placed pony, if owned
by an NPS member, in each class will qualify for the final. Qualification may pass down to third place if the
first and second ponies are already qualified.
The National Welsh Championship Show 2024 - National Ridden Welsh Part Bred Championships. All
1st & 2nd placed WPCS registered Welsh Part Bred exhibits in each class (not already qualified) qualify to
enter. Unregistered qualifiers with 12.5% Welsh blood may retrospectively register with WPCS prior to entry.
Qualifiers will be directly contacted after this show with details of qualification and entry details. For Show
Details and Schedule see our Facebook page or
JUDGES: Ms K Lloyd, Lilbourne, Warwickshire. (Conformation)
Mrs J Price, Clyro, Herefordshire. (Performance)
H168 The Andrews Family Ridden Part Bred Pony of the Year - Horse of the Year Show Qualifier.
Stallions, mares or geldings, 4 years old and over, not exceeding 148cms. Ponies must be shown
plaited and in a coloured browband. All riders must wear a dark coloured jacket. Riders of stallions
must have obtained their 14th birthday before the 1st January in the current year. First and second
placed exhibitors to go forward to the Tony Fluck Memorial Trophy at 4.00pm in the Gloucester


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

These classes are run in accordance with the general rules as set out in the Horse of the Year Show rulebook,
a copy of which can be downloaded from This Show is affiliated to the National Pony
Society. The owner does not have to be an NPS member for the pony to enter this competition or to qualify
but the owner must be a Qualifying or Life member of the NPS to enter the final. This Show is affiliated to
the British Show Pony Society. Owners and riders must be BSPS members and animals must be registered
with the BSPS to qualify for the Blue Riband. Any Pony taking part in classes judged under BSPS rules will
be liable to dope testing. This is a Horse of the Year Show Qualifier, all data given upon entry of this
class is provided to Grandstand Media Limited and stored on the Grandstand Entries System. For
full policy details please visit
Exhibitors are required by DEFRA to carry with them Official Identity Documents for all horses/ponies when
competing or travelling. Competitors are reminded that it is a DEFRA requirement that the Official Identity
Documents must be in the name of the legal owner within 30 days of ownership. This must be registered with
the breed society, relevant studbook or ID issuing agency, dependant on breed/type of animal. Spot checks
may be carried out at qualifying shows and by breed societies.
This competition is open to ponies, four years old or over, mares and geldings. Ponies must be owned and
ridden by members of and registered with the BSPS, NPS, The Showing Register or UK Ponies & Horses to
compete in classes with qualification for Horse of the Year Show and a valid JMB number registered with that
Society. Riders and Owners must be members of either NPS, UK Ponies & Horses, TSR, or BSPS. Ponies
must be registered with either NPS, UK Ponies & Horses, TSR or BSPS.
Marks will be awarded in the following way:
Manners & Way of Going 50 Marks Maximum
Conformation, Type & Freedom of Action 50 Marks Maximum

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

In the case of equality, the pony with the highest Manners & Way of Going mark will be deemed the winner.
If there is still equality at this point, then the judges’ decision will be final.


Horse Of The Year Show, NEC, Birmingham, 9th - 13th October 2024. Classes H169 – H171 are qualifiers
for the 2024 Horse of the Year Show. Only one exhibit may qualify per class. The highest placed pony, not
already qualified, from the first five ponies will qualify. Qualification will not pass below 5th place. Qualification
will be verified by the Horse of the Year Show office.
The Blue Riband Pony Of The Year. Only ponies owned and ridden by BSPS Members and registered with
the BSPS are eligible to qualify for the Blue Riband. Registration numbers must be quoted on the entry forms.
The first and second placed winners in classes H169 – H171 will qualify.
BSPS Championships. The first and second prize winners only in each of classes H169 – H171 will qualify
for the 2024 BSPS Championships Show to be held at Arena UK.
BSPS Binks Family Champion Of Champions. The 1st prize winners in classes H169 – H171 will qualify
for the Binks Family Champion of Champions.
The National Welsh Championship Show 2024 - National Ridden Welsh Part Bred Championships. All
1st & 2nd placed WPCS registered Welsh Part Bred exhibits in classes H169 – H171 (not already qualified)
qualify to enter. Unregistered qualifiers with 12.5% Welsh blood may retrospectively register with WPCS prior
to entry. Qualifiers will be directly contacted after this show with details of qualification and entry details. For
Show Details and Schedule see our Facebook page or
The Thomas Family Supreme Ridden Pony Championship. The Final to be held at the North Of England
Summer Show on 30th June 2024. Kindly sponsored by The Thomas
Family. PRIZE MONEY (at the Final): 1st - £1000, 2nd - £400 3rd - £100, 4th - £50, 5th - £25, 6th - £25, 7th - £25,
8th - £25. Sashes to the Champion and Reserve Rosettes to all other prize winners and finalists. The
Show Pony Champion will qualify. If the Champion has already qualified, then the Reserve Champion will go
forward. Only the Champion or Reserve Champion will qualify. Exhibitors who qualify for the final will be sent
details directly from: The Secretary, North of England Summer Show, Blue Slate Stables, Showley Rd,
Clayton-le-Dale, Lancs, BB1 9DP.
JUDGES: Mrs L Gaunt, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire. (Conformation)
Mrs H Buchanan, Knutsford, Cheshire. (Performance)
H169 British Show Pony Society 128cms Children’s Riding Pony- Horse of the Year Show Qualifier.
Mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, not exceeding 128cms. Rider not to have attained their 13th
birthday before 1 January in the current year.
H170 British Show Pony Society 138cm Children's Riding Pony - Horse of the Year Show Qualifier.
Mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 128cms, but not exceeding 138cms. Riders not to
have attained their 15th birthday before 1 January in the current year.
H171 British Show Pony Society 148cm Children's Riding Pony - Horse of the Year Show Qualifier.
Mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 138cms, but not exceeding 148cms. Riders not to
have attained their 17th birthday before 1 January in the current year.
HS132 CHAMPION RIDING PONY - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H169 – H171. Tennent
Trophy (TC40). TCAS Rosettes for Champion and Reserve. Champion and Reserve Champion to
go forward to the Tony Fluck Memorial Trophy at 4.00pm in the Gloucester Ring. Champion
qualifies for the Thomas Family Supreme Ridden Pony Championship at the North of England
Summer Show.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

These classes are run in accordance with the general rules as set out in the Horse of the Year Show rulebook,
a copy of which can be downloaded from This is a Horse of the Year Show Qualifier, all
data given upon entry of this class is provided to Grandstand Media Limited and stored on the
Grandstand Entries System. For full policy details please visit
Exhibitors are required by DEFRA to carry with them Official Identity Documents for all horses/ponies when
competing or travelling. Competitors are reminded that it is a DEFRA requirement that the Official Identity
Documents must be in the name of the legal owner within 30 days of ownership. This must be registered with
the breed society, relevant studbook or ID issuing agency, dependant on breed/type of animal. Spot checks
may be carried out at qualifying shows and by breed societies.
Ponies must be owned, registered with and ridden by members of the BSPS, NPS, The Showing Register or
UKPH to compete in classes with qualification for Horse of the Year Show and a valid JMB number registered
with that Society.
This Show is affiliated to the British Show Pony Society. Owners and riders must be BSPS members, and
animals must be registered with the BSPS to qualify for the Blue Riband. Any Pony taking part in classes
judged under BSPS rules will be liable to dope testing.
Marks will be awarded in the following way:
Manners & Way of Going 50 Marks Maximum
Conformation, Type & Freedom of Action 50 Marks Maximum
In the case of equality, the pony with the highest Manners & Way of Going mark will be deemed the winner.
If there is still equality at this point, then the judges’ decision will be final.


Horse Of The Year Show, NEC, Birmingham, 9th - 13th October 2024. Class H172 is a qualifier for the
Horse of the Year Show. Only one exhibit may qualify. The highest placed pony, not already qualified, from
the first five ponies will qualify. Qualification will not pass below fifth place and will be verified by the Horse of
the Year Show office.
BSPS Binks Family Champion Of Champions. The 1st prize winner in class H172 will qualify for the Binks
Family Champion of Champions.
NPS Leading Rein Show Hunter Pony National Championships. The owner does not have to be an NPS
member for the pony to enter this competition or to qualify but the owner must be a Qualifying or Life member
of the NPS to enter the final. Qualification may pass down to third place if the first and second ponies are
already qualified.
JUDGES: Mrs S Palmer, Barford, Norfolk. (Conformation)
Mrs H Buchanan, Knutsford, Cheshire. (Performance)
H172 The Enablelink Ltd. Lead Rein Pony of Hunter Type - Horse of the Year Show Qualifier. Mare or
gelding, 4 years old and over, not exceeding 122cms. Riders must have attained their 3rd birthday by
the day of competition and not to have attained their 9th birthday before 1st January in the current
year. This class is a qualifier for the 2024 Horse of the Year Show. Obstacles will be used in the
qualifying rounds and in the final. First and second placed exhibitors to go forward to the Tony Fluck
Memorial Trophy at 4.00pm in the Gloucester Ring.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Classes H173 – H174 are run in accordance with the general rules as set out in the Horse of the Year Show
rulebook, a copy of which can be downloaded from This is a Horse of the Year Show
Qualifier, all data given upon entry of this class is provided to Grandstand Media Limited and stored on the
Grandstand Entries System. For full policy details please visit
This competition is open to mares or geldings 4 years old and over. Ponies must be owned and ridden by
members of and registered with the BSPS, UKPH, NPS or the The Showing Register to compete in classes
with qualification for Horse of the Year Show and a valid JMB number registered with that Society.
This Show is affiliated to the National Pony Society. The owner does not have to be an NPS member for the
pony to enter this competition or to qualify but the owner must be a Qualifying or Life member of the NPS to
enter the final.
This Show is affiliated to the British Show Pony Society. Owners and riders must be BSPS members, and
animals must be registered with the BSPS to qualify for the Blue Riband. Any Pony taking part in classes
judged under BSPS rules will be liable to dope testing.
Exhibitors are required by DEFRA to carry with them Official Identity Documents for all horses/ponies when
competing or travelling. Competitors are reminded that it is a DEFRA requirement that the Official Identity
Documents must be in the name of the legal owner within 30 days of ownership. This must be registered with
the breed society, relevant studbook or ID issuing agency, dependant on breed/type of animal. Spot checks
may be carried out at qualifying shows and by breed societies.
Marks will be awarded in the following way:
Manners & Way of Going 50 Marks Maximum
Conformation, Type & Freedom of Action 50 Marks Maximum
In the case of equality, the horse with the highest Manners & Way of Going mark will be deemed the
winner. If there is still equality at this point, then the judges’ decision will be final.


Horse Of The Year Show, NEC, Birmingham 9th - 13th October 2024. Classes H173 – H174 are qualifiers
for the 2024 Horse of the Year Show. Only one exhibit from classes H173 – H174 may qualify. The highest
placed pony, not already qualified, from the first five ponies will qualify. Qualification will not pass below 5 th
place. Qualification will be verified by the Horse of the Year. Horses must be registered with either NPS, UK
Ponies & Horses, TSR, or BSPS and a valid JMB number lodged with that society. Riders and Owners
must be members of either NPS, UK Ponies & Horses, TSR, or BSPS
BSPS Championships. The first and second prize winners only in each of classes H173 – H174 will qualify
for the 2024 BSPS Championships Show to be held at Arena UK.
BSPS Binks Family Show Champion Of Champions. The 1st prize winners in classes H173 – H174 will
qualify for the Binks Family Champion of Champions.
NPS First Ridden & Leading Rein Show Pony National Championships. The owner does not have to be
an NPS member for the pony to enter this competition or to qualify but the owner must be a Qualifying or Life
member of the NPS to enter the final. Qualification may pass down to third place if the first and second
ponies are already qualified.
The National Welsh Championship Show 2024 - National Ridden Welsh Part Bred Championships. All
1st & 2nd placed WPCS registered Welsh Part Bred exhibits in each class (not already qualified) qualify to
enter. Unregistered qualifiers with 12.5% Welsh blood may retrospectively register with WPCS prior to entry.
Qualifiers will be directly contacted after this show with details of qualification and entry details. For Show
Details and Schedule see our Facebook page or

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

JUDGES: Mrs S Palmer, Barford, Norfolk. (Conformation)
Ms K Lloyd, Lilbourne, Warwickshire. (Performance)
H173 Annabel’s Deliciously British Lead Rein Show Pony - Horse of the Year Show Qualifier. Mare or
gelding, four years old or over, not exceeding 122cms. Riders to have attained their 3rd birthday by
the day of competition and not to have attained their 8th birthday before 1st January in the current
year. Ponies to be shown in Snaffle Bridles. Lead rein to be affixed to nose-band, on which it must
remain while the pony is in the ring. No child under the age of 3 years may compete.
HS133 Harry Hall Perpetual Trophy (24), awarded to the 1st Prize winner in Class H173, a gift of Messrs
Harry Hall Ltd.
H174 Annabel’s Deliciously British First Ridden Show Pony - Horse of the Year Show Qualifier. Mare
or gelding, 4 years old and over, not exceeding 122cms. Riders to have attained their 3rd birthday by
the day of competition and not to have attained their 10th birthday before 1st January in the current
year. The pony to be ridden off the leading rein. Ponies to be shown in Snaffle Bridles.
HS134 MINI CHAMPION - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in H173 – H174. TCAS Rosettes for Mini
Champion and Reserve. Champion and Reserve Champion to go forward to the Tony Fluck
Memorial Trophy at 4.00pm in the Gloucester Ring.


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____


JUDGE: Mr S Somers, Ewyas Harold, Herefordshire.
HS135 The Tony Fluck Memorial Trophy. The Champion and Reserve Champion or the first and second
prize winners from the following sections are to come forward:- Open Show Pony, Leading Rein and
First Ridden Show Ponies, Show Hunter Ponies, Lead Rein Pony of Hunter Type, and Ridden Part
Breds. Sash kindly presented by Mrs S Fluck to the Champion. TCAS rosettes for Champion and
Reserve. Failure to come forward for judging WILL result in forfeiture of all prize money.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

These classes are qualifiers for the NPS / Anthony Evans Arena Eventing Challenge Final. The final to be
held at Aston Le Walls, on Saturday 21st September 2024. The final is open to mares, geldings and stallions
four years old and over, maximum height 158cm, in possession of an equine passport but no specific
registration or breed society criteria. Ponies’ manes may be plaited at competitor discretion. Riders may only
ride one pony in each class.
Classes at the Final will be split into two sections:
a). Ponies who have qualified in 60cm to 70cm qualifying rounds. Maximum height of fences at the final 70cm
b). Ponies who have qualified in 75cm to 90cm qualifying rounds. Maximum height of fences at the final 90cm
Qualification will be gained by achieving a top 10 placing. Qualification will be confirmed by the NPS Office.
Any qualification gained in the 60/70cms or 80/90cms will jump the higher limit in the final. No membership is
required to qualify but the owner must become a NPS Member to compete in the final. (Life, Qualifying or

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

The aim of the competition is to achieve the fewest penalties from the total of three components – Show
Jumping Penalties, Cross Country Penalties, Speed (or as close to the optimum time as possible). Suggested
speed 340m/m for 70 cm and under and 360m/m for 80 & 90cm qualifiers. The cross country section will be
timed. In the event of a tie, the winner will be the closest to, but under the optimum time.
Penalties: Knockdown 2 penalties
Refusal 4 penalties
Each commenced second over the optimum time 1 penalty
Each commenced second in excess of 5 seconds under the optimum time 1 penalty
Third refusal, run-out or circle at same obstacle Elimination
Four refusals around the course Elimination
JUDGE: Mrs L Hamilton, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.
H175 NPS Arena Eventing Challenge 70cms. Open to stallions, mares and geldings, 4 years old & over
not exceeding 158cms.
H176 NPS Arena Eventing Challenge 90cms. Open to stallions, mares and geldings, 4 years old & over
not exceeding 158cms.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

Held under the rules of the British Show Horse Association. Horses must be registered with the Association
and all Owners, producers and Riders must be Association Members. Riders must be 15 years of age or
older. Registration numbers must be quoted on entry form. In Horse of the Year Show qualifiers, Horse of
the Year Show Rules take precedence. A copy of the Horse of the Year Show rulebook can be downloaded
from This is a Horse of the Year Show Qualifier, all data given upon entry of this class
is provided to Grandstand Media Limited and stored on the Grandstand Entries System. For full
policy details please visit
Horses competing at the Horse of the Year Show and qualifying shows in the Hunter sections of the
Sport Horse Breeding of Great Britain classes at their Affiliated Shows cannot complete in Hack, Cobs and
Riding Horse Classes at the same Show, on the same day and vice versa. This does not apply to SHB(GB)
Ridden Sport Horse classes.
Exhibitors are required by DEFRA to carry with them Official Identity Documents for all horses/ponies when
competing or travelling. Competitors are reminded that it is a DEFRA requirement that the Official Identity
Documents must be in the name of the legal owner within 30 days of ownership. This must be registered with
the breed society, relevant studbook or ID issuing agency, dependant on breed/type of animal. Spot checks
may be carried out at qualifying shows and by breed societies.


Horse of the Year Show. The highest placed Cob in classes H200 – H201 will qualify for the Horse of the
Year Show, NEC, Birmingham, 9th – 13th October 2024. If the first place has already qualified the second
will go forward and if the first and second have already qualified the third will go forward down to fifth place.
Qualification will be verified by the Horse of the Year Show office. In accordance with BSHA Rules the annual
BSHA £15 Horse of the Year Show fee must be paid to BSHA before the entry is made if the Exhibitor wishes
to qualify. The BSHA Horse of the Year Show fee cannot be paid retrospect. This fee is not the Horse of the
Year Show contribution which goes to Grandstand Media Ltd.
The British Show Horse Association offers a Novice, Amateur and Young Rider rosette in each Open class
and a Champion rosette for each section (with the with the exception of Open Working Show Horse, Ladies
Side Saddle and HOYS Hunter classes). Recipients of the Young Rider rosette will qualify for the BSHA
Young Rider of the Year at the National Championship Show in September 2024. The awards will go down
the line; there is no limit on how many of these rosettes can be claimed in a year. The highest placed
Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

unqualified exhibit in the top 5 in each Open Affiliated class will qualify to compete in the BSHA Supreme of
the Year Final. The Finals will be held at the BSHA National Championship Show in September 2024.
This show is a qualifier for the Irish Draught Horse Society (GB) £2,000 Ridden Challenge. The highest
placed horse (not already qualified) from each of the following classes that is registered or eligible for
registration on the Irish Draught or Irish Draught Sport Horse Register, with a minimum of 25% proven Irish
Draught breeding, will qualify for the final of the IDHS (GB) £2,000 Challenge. Horses need not be registered
with the Irish Draught Horse Society (GB) to qualify but must be on the IDHS (GB) Registers by the time of
the Championship, which will be held at the IDHS (GB) National Championship Show on 7th – 8th September
at Onley Equestrian Centre, Onley Grounds Farm, Willoughby, Rugby, Warwickshire CV23 8AJ. In the final,
the Champion will be awarded £1,000 prize money and a trophy. The Reserve Champion will be awarded
£500, and 3rd to 7th inclusive will be awarded £100 each. In addition, the highest placed Purebred Irish
Draught will receive a trophy and £100, and the highest placed Sport Horse will receive a trophy and £50. A
horse may only qualify for the final once, regardless of the type or number of classes won, placed in or
entered. Qualifiers will be contacted by a member of the IDHS Show Team. Qualifiers are required to
complete an online form at to inform the IDHS (GB) that they have qualified for the final.

JUDGES: Mr J Cutts, Glossop, Derbyshire (Conformation)

Mrs K Nicholson, Thirn, North Yorkshire. (Ride)
H200 The Harrod and Coles Family Lightweight Cobs - mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding
148cms but not exceeding 155cms, capable of carrying up to 14 stone.
H201 The Harrod and Coles Family Heavyweight Cobs - mare or gelding, 4 years old and over,
exceeding 148cms but not exceeding 155cms capable of carrying more than 14 stone.
HS200 CHAMPION - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H200 – H201. The Peter Walker Perpetual
Cup (115), presented by Lord Walker, MBE, PC, MP. TCAS Rosettes for Champion and Reserve.
HS201 BSHA SPECIAL AWARDS - Novice, Amateur and Young Rider Rosettes awarded in classes H200 -
H201 and Champion Rosette.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

Held under the rules of the British Show Horse Association. Horses must be registered with the Association
and all Owners, producers and Riders must be Association Members. Riders must be 15 years of age or
older. Registration numbers must be quoted on entry form. In Horse of the Year Show qualifiers, Horse of
the Year Show Rules take precedence. A copy of the Horse of the Year Show rulebook can be downloaded
from This is a Horse of the Year Show Qualifier, all data given upon entry of this class
is provided to Grandstand Media Limited and stored on the Grandstand Entries System. For full
policy details please visit
Exhibitors are required by DEFRA to carry with them Official Identity Documents for all horses/ponies when
competing or travelling. Competitors are reminded that it is a DEFRA requirement that the Official Identity
Documents must be in the name of the legal owner within 30 days of ownership. This must be registered with
the breed society, relevant studbook or ID issuing agency, dependant on breed/type of animal. Spot checks
may be carried out at qualifying shows and by breed societies.
Horses competing at the Horse of the Year Show and qualifying shows in the Hunter sections of the
Sport Horse Breeding of Great Britain classes at their Affiliated Shows cannot complete in Hack, Cobs and
Riding Horse Classes at the same Show, on the same day and vice versa. This does not apply to SHB(GB)
Ridden Sport Horse classes.


Horse of the Year Show. The highest placed Maxi Cob in class H202 will qualify for the Horse of the Year
Show, NEC, Birmingham, 9th – 13th October 2024. If the first place has already qualified the second will go
forward and if the first and second have already qualified the third will go forward down to fifth place.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

Qualification will be verified by the Horse of the Year Show office. In accordance with BSHA Rules the annual
BSHA £15 Horse of the Year Show fee must be paid to BSHA before the entry is made if the Exhibitor wishes
to qualify. The BSHA Horse of the Year Show fee cannot be paid retrospect. This fee is not the Horse of the
Year Show contribution which goes to Grandstand Media Ltd.
The British Show Horse Association offers a Novice, Amateur and Young Rider rosette in each Open class
and a Champion rosette for each section (with the with the exception of Open Working Show Horse, Ladies
Side Saddle and HOYS Hunter classes). Recipients of the Young Rider rosette will qualify for the BSHA
Young Rider of the Year at the National Championship Show in September 2024. The awards will go down
the line; there is no limit on how many of these rosettes can be claimed in a year. The highest placed
unqualified exhibit in the top 5 in each Open Affiliated class will qualify to compete in the BSHA Supreme of
the Year Final. The Finals will be held at the BSHA National Championship Show in September 2024.
This show is a qualifier for the Irish Draught Horse Society (GB) £2,000 Ridden Challenge. The highest
placed horse (not already qualified) from the following class that is registered or eligible for registration on the
Irish Draught or Irish Draught Sport Horse Register, with a minimum of 25% proven Irish Draught breeding,
will qualify for the final of the IDHS (GB) £2,000 Challenge. Horses need not be registered with the Irish
Draught Horse Society (GB) to qualify but must be on the IDHS (GB) Registers by the time of the
Championship, which will be held at the IDHS (GB) National Championship Show on 7th – 8th September at
Onley Equestrian Centre, Onley Grounds Farm, Willoughby, Rugby, Warwickshire CV23 8AJ. In the final, the
Champion will be awarded £1,000 prize money and a trophy. The Reserve Champion will be awarded £500,
and 3rd to 7th inclusive will be awarded £100 each. In addition, the highest placed Purebred Irish Draught
will receive a trophy and £100, and the highest placed Sport Horse will receive a trophy and £50. A horse
may only qualify for the final once, regardless of the type or number of classes won, placed in or entered.
Qualifiers will be contacted by a member of the IDHS Show Team. Qualifiers are required to complete an
online form at to inform the IDHS (GB) that they have qualified for the final.
JUDGES: Mr C Le Moignan, Misterton, Yorkshire. (Conformation)
Miss F Ludlow, Grantham, Lincolnshire (Ride)
H202 The Leeman Family Maxi Cob – Horse of the Year Show Qualifier. Mare or gelding 4 years old and
over, exceeding 155cms - to be judged as Cobs. Judges must pay particular attention to type (i.e.
short legged animals of COB type). To be shown hogged.
HS202 BSHA SPECIAL AWARDS - Novice, Amateur and Young Rider Rosettes awarded in class H202.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

These classes will run in accordance with the general rules as set out in the Horse of the Year Show Rule
Book, a copy of which can be downloaded from Held under the rules of the British Show
Horse Association, with HOYS Rules taking precedence. Horses must be registered with the Association and
all Owners, producers and Riders must be Association Members. Riders must be 15 years of age or older.
Registration numbers must be quoted on entry form. In Horse of the Year Show qualifiers, Horse of the Year
Show Rules take precedence. A copy of the Horse of the Year Show rulebook can be downloaded from This is a Horse of the Year Show Qualifier, all data given upon entry of this class is
provided to Grandstand Media Limited and stored on the Grandstand Entries System. For full policy
details please visit
Exhibitors are required by DEFRA to carry with them Official Identity Documents for all horses/ponies when
competing or travelling. Competitors are reminded that it is a DEFRA requirement that the Official Identity
Documents must be in the name of the legal owner within 30 days of ownership. This must be registered with
the breed society, relevant studbook or ID issuing agency, dependant on breed/type of animal. Spot checks
may be carried out at qualifying shows and by breed societies.
Horses competing at the Horse of the Year Show and qualifying shows in the Hunter sections of the
Sport Horse Breeding of Great Britain classes at their Affiliated Shows cannot complete in Hack, Cobs and
Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

Riding Horse Classes at the same Show, on the same day and vice versa. This does not apply to SHB(GB)
Ridden Sport Horse classes.


Horse of the Year Show. The highest placed Hack in classes H203 – H204 will qualify for the Horse of the
Year Show, NEC, Birmingham, 9th – 13th October 2024. If the first Hack has already qualified the second
will go forward and if the first and second have already qualified the third will go forward down to fifth place.
Qualification will be verified by the Horse of the Year Show office. In accordance with BSHA Rules the annual
BSHA £15 Horse of the Year Show fee must be paid to BSHA before the entry is made if the Exhibitor wishes
to qualify. The BSHA Horse of the Year Show fee cannot be paid retrospect. This fee is not the Horse of the
Year Show contribution which goes to Grandstand Media Ltd.
The British Show Horse Association offers a Novice, Amateur and Young Rider rosette in each Open class
and a Champion rosette for each section (with the with the exception of Open Working Show Horse, Ladies
Side Saddle and HOYS Hunter classes). Recipients of the Young Rider rosette will qualify for the BSHA
Young Rider of the Year at the National Championship Show in September 2024. The awards will go down
the line; there is no limit on how many of these rosettes can be claimed in a year. The highest placed
unqualified exhibit in the top 5 in each Open Affiliated class will qualify to compete in the BSHA Supreme of
the Year Final. The Finals will be held at the BSHA National Championship Show in September 2024.
JUDGES: Miss B Millington, Rudry, Caerphilly. (Conformation)
Ms C Hurst, Stourport on Severn, Worcestershire. (Ride)
H203 The Andrews Family Small Hack - Horse of the Year Show qualifier. Mare or gelding, 4 years old
and over, exceeding 148cms and not exceeding 154cms to be ridden.
H204 Culford Lodge Commodities Large Hack - Horse of the Year Show qualifier. Mare or gelding, 4
years and over, exceeding 154cms and not exceeding 160cms to be ridden.
HS203 CHAMPION - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H203 – H204. The Howells-Davies Perpetual
Trophy (95), presented by the late Mr W J Howells-Davies, (Vice President 1976). TCAS Rosettes
for Champion and Reserve.
HS204 BSHA SPECIAL AWARDS - Novice, Amateur and Young Rider Rosettes and Champion Rosette.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

These classes will run in accordance with the general rules as set out in the Horse of the Year Show Rule
Book, a copy of which can be downloaded from Held under the rules of the British Show
Horse Association, with HOYS Rules taking precedence. Horses must be registered with the Association and
all Owners, producers and Riders must be Association Members. Riders must be 15 years of age or older.
Registration numbers must be quoted on entry form. In Horse of the Year Show qualifiers, Horse of the Year
Show Rules take precedence. A copy of the Horse of the Year Show rulebook can be downloaded from This is a Horse of the Year Show Qualifier, all data given upon entry of this class is
provided to Grandstand Media Limited and stored on the Grandstand Entries System. For full policy
details please visit
Exhibitors are required by DEFRA to carry with them Official Identity Documents for all horses/ponies when
competing or travelling. Competitors are reminded that it is a DEFRA requirement that the Official Identity
Documents must be in the name of the legal owner within 30 days of ownership. This must be registered with
the breed society, relevant studbook or ID issuing agency, dependant on breed/type of animal. Spot checks
may be carried out at qualifying shows and by breed societies.
Horses competing at the Horse of the Year Show and qualifying shows in the Hunter sections of the
Sport Horse Breeding of Great Britain classes at their Affiliated Shows cannot complete in Hack, Cobs and
Riding Horse Classes at the same Show, on the same day and vice versa. This does not apply to SHB(GB)
Ridden Sport Horse classes.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

Horse of the Year Show. The highest placed Riding Horse in classes H205 – H206 will qualify for the Horse
of the Year Show, NEC, Birmingham, 9th – 13th October 2024. If the first place has already qualified the
second will go forward and if the first and second have already qualified the third will go forward down to fifth
place. Qualification will be verified by the Horse of the Year Show office. In accordance with BSHA Rules the
annual BSHA £15 Horse of the Year Show fee must be paid to BSHA before the entry is made if the Exhibitor
wishes to qualify. The BSHA Horse of the Year Show fee cannot be paid retrospect. This fee is not the
Horse of the Year Show contribution which goes to Grandstand Media Ltd.
The British Show Horse Association offers a Novice, Amateur and Young Rider rosette in each Open class
and a Champion rosette for each section (with the with the exception of Open Working Show Horse, Ladies
Side Saddle and HOYS Hunter classes). Recipients of the Young Rider rosette will qualify for the BSHA
Young Rider of the Year at the National Championship Show in September 2024. The awards will go down
the line; there is no limit on how many of these rosettes can be claimed in a year. The highest placed
unqualified exhibit in the top 5 in each Open Affiliated class will qualify to compete in the BSHA Supreme of
the Year Final. The Finals will be held at the BSHA National Championship Show in September 2024.
This show is a qualifier for the Irish Draught Horse Society (GB) £2,000 Ridden Challenge. The highest
placed horse (not already qualified) from each of the following classes that is registered or eligible for
registration on the Irish Draught or Irish Draught Sport Horse Register, with a minimum of 25% proven Irish
Draught breeding, will qualify for the final of the IDHS (GB) £2,000 Challenge. Horses need not be registered
with the Irish Draught Horse Society (GB) to qualify but must be on the IDHS (GB) Registers by the time of
the Championship, which will be held at the IDHS (GB) National Championship Show on 7th – 8th September
at Onley Equestrian Centre, Onley Grounds Farm, Willoughby, Rugby, Warwickshire CV23 8AJ. In the final,
the Champion will be awarded £1,000 prize money and a trophy. The Reserve Champion will be awarded
£500, and 3rd to 7th inclusive will be awarded £100 each. In addition, the highest placed Purebred Irish
Draught will receive a trophy and £100, and the highest placed Sport Horse will receive a trophy and £50. A
horse may only qualify for the final once, regardless of the type or number of classes won, placed in or
entered. Qualifiers will be contacted by a member of the IDHS Show Team. Qualifiers are required to
complete an online form at to inform the IDHS (GB) that they have qualified for the final.
JUDGES: Mr C Le Moignan, Misterton, Yorkshire. (Conformation)
Ms C Hurst, Stourport on Severn, Worcestershire. (Ride)
H205 Vale Farms Yorkshire Ltd. Small Riding Horse - Horse of the Year Show qualifier. Mare or gelding,
4 years old and over, exceeding 148cms but not exceeding 158cms.
H206 Epiony Large Riding Horse - Horse of the Year Show qualifier. Mare or gelding, 4 years old and
over, exceeding 158cms.
HS205 CHAMPION RIDING HORSE - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H205 - H206. TCAS
Rosettes for Champion and Reserve.
HS206 BSHA SPECIAL AWARDS - Novice, Amateur and Young Rider Rosettes and Champion Rosette.


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

JUDGES: Mr N Fuller, Rawreth, Essex. (Conformation)

Mrs S J Enston, Dymock, Gloucestershire. (Ride)

H207 Amateur Ridden Maxi Cob – Mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 148cms. Open to
horses owned and ridden by an amateur. The rider need not be the owner of the horse.
H208 Amateur Riding Horse – Mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 148cms. Open to horses
owned and ridden by an amateur. The rider need not be the owner of the horse.
H209 Amateur Ridden LWT / HWT Cob – Mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 148cms. Open
to horses owned and ridden by an amateur. The rider need not be the owner of the horse.
Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

H210 Amateur Ridden Hack – Mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 148cms but not exceeding
154cms. Open to horses owned and ridden by an amateur. The rider need not be the owner of the
HS207 CHAMPION - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H207 – H210. TCAS Rosettes for Champion
and Reserve.


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

JUDGES: Miss B Millington, Rudry, Caerphilly. (Conformation)

Miss F Ludlow, Grantham, Lincolnshire (Ride)

H211 RIHS & SEIB Open Working Show Horse Qualifying Classes - Class H211 is a qualifier for the
Open Working Show Horse Championship at The Royal International Horse Show. All affiliated BSHA
Open Working Show Horse classes are qualifiers for the Royal International Horse Show final and the
SEIB Working Show Horse Final. For the RIHS qualification, the winner, if not already qualified in the
Working Show Horse class will qualify. If the first has already qualified, the qualification may pass
down to no lower than fifth place. For the SEIB Working Show Horse qualification, the two highest
placed unqualified in the top 5 will qualify. Qualifying classes held after the Royal International Horse
Show and the BSHA National Championships in the current season will carry the qualification forward
to the next season but only the WINNER will receive qualification in these cases. Open ONLY to
Hacks, Cobs, Maxi Cobs and Riding Horses, mare or gelding four years old and over, exceeding
148cms. This class is NOT open to Hunters, i.e. those horses registered and competing as a hunter
or working hunter with BSHA, Sport Horse Breeding of Great Britain or The Showing Register for the
current season. Please refer to rule 2(iv) in the 2024 BSHA Rulebook. The Working Show Horse
qualifying classes may be entered on a day ticket, but appropriate membership and horse registration
must be applied for within 14 days of the qualifier in order to confirm qualification. Any Horse which is
a Grade B Showjumper, Intermediate Eventer, or above, as at the 1st January of the current year, is
not eligible to compete in any Working Show Horse class. A Rider may ride up to two Horses in the
jumping phase but must then select one Horse to take through to the Ride and Conformation phases
(if required). No change of Rider is allowed.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

JUDGE: Mr J Cutts, Glossop, Derbyshire. (Conformation)

Miss F Ludlow, Grantham, Lincolnshire (Ride)

H212 Open Working Cobs – Open to Cobs and Maxi Cobs, mare or gelding four years old and over,
exceeding 148cms. Horses may wear protective boots, of a plain colour, for the jumping phase only;
no weighted boots are permitted; no change of tack is permitted between jumping and flat phases.
Height of fences: minimum 2’6 maximum ’9, maximum spread 2’9”.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

Class H213 - Tattersalls ROR Novice Ridden Show Series Qualifier 2024. Thoroughbred
mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, any height, must have raced in GB and have current RoR
competition membership. Riders must be 15 years or over on the 1st January of the calendar
year holding the classes. Horses should be ridden in a snaffle, pelham or simple double bridle
with a plain cavasson noseband. Horses should be plaited.All those entering horses and/or
participating in the show agree to be bound by the Retraining of Racehorses Rules and
Regulations from time to time in force. Competitors/handlers/grooms must wear a safety/kite
mark hard hat with a chinstrap. Racing injuries and blemishes are NOT ignored in this series.
The first three go forward to the Final at The Jockey Club RoR National Championships Aintree,
August 2024. To take part in this class, horses must NOT have won: a ridden open class under
any affiliated showing society including (inc SEIB/HOYS, BSHA, SHB(GB) BSPS, BSPA,
Tattersalls RoR Open /Amateur Ridden Show Series Qualifier, TARRA Ridden, or any other
open class except Tattersalls (TBA) RoR Challenge Show Series, other Working Hunter type
classes or In Hand. Unaffiliated Show wins are not considered. Horses may remain in the
Tattersalls RoR Novice Ridden Show Series (Formerly RoR Jockey Club Novice Show Series)
classes until they have won (win) three Tattersalls RoR Novice Show Series Qualifiers. They
are de-noviced on their third novice win or at midnight on the day they win an open class,
whichever happens first. They are still eligible to compete in the Tattersalls RoR Novice
Final at The Jockey Club RoR National Championships.
Prizes - Rosette 1st -4th. Vouchers - 1st £40, 2nd £30, 3rd £20.
Class H214 - Tattersall RoR Open Ridden Show Series Qualifier 2025. Thoroughbred mare
or gelding, 4 years old or over, any height. Riders must be 15 years or over on the 1 st January
2024. Horses should be ridden in a snaffle, Pelham or simple double bridle with a plain cavasson
noseband. Horses should be plaited. The first THREE go forward to the championship at
Hickstead in June 2025. All entries MUST be competition registered with the RoR and include
their competition registration number on entry form and have RACED in GB. All those entering
horses and/or participating in the show agree to be bound by the Retraining of Racehorses
Rules and Regulations from time to time in force’. Please be aware that the show will split the
class on the horse’s last run in a race (NH or Flat) or will provide 2 ride judges should the entries
exceed 20. Please mark your entry form accordingly. Competitors must wear a safety/kite mark
hard hat with a chinstrap. Racing injuries and blemishes will NOT be ignored in this series.
Prizes: Rosettes 1st – 4th and Vouchers 1st to 3rd. Veteran prize (15+) - £20 voucher to be
redeemed from RoR office and qualification for the Veteran Final at the RoR National
Championships at Aintree. 1st £40, 2nd £30, 3rd £20.
Class H215 – Novice Potential Performance Class - Exhibits will be assessed individually
and marks awarded accordingly (a) Jumping 40%, (b) Style and presence while jumping 20%,
(c) Conformation 40%. Account will be taken of dislodged fences and refusals but final
assessment will be made on overall jumping ability. Three refusals and the exhibit is eliminated.
Exhibits will enter the ring and give a SHORT show. They will proceed immediately to jump.
The first fence will be practice jump and will not be marked. The use of martingales and brushing
boots is not prohibited but is not encouraged.
Class H216 - Tattersalls RoR Former Racehorse Challenge Show Series Qualifier 2024.
Mare or gelding 4 years old or over and of any height. Riders must be 15 years or over on the
1st January 2024. Horses to be ridden in any suitable bridle and should be plaited. All entries
must be registered with RoR and HAVE raced in GB. Racing injuries and blemishes ARE
IGNORED in this series. The first three go forward to the final at The Jockey Club RoR National
Championships, Aintree, August 2024. The Judge will NOT ride. Horses may be stripped for
conformation at the discretion of the judge. Competitors must wear a safety/kite mark hard hat
with a chinstrap. All those entering horses and/or participating in the show agree to be bound
Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

by the Retraining of Racehorses Rules and Regulations from time to time in force’. The class to
be judged 50% jumping, 20% Style while jumping and performance and 30% awarded for show,
manners and suitability to be retrained.
Jumping to be judged:
8 rustic jumps 3 foot (90cm) to 3 foot 3 inches (1 metre) with a maximum spread of 95cms)
The following points to be deducted at the end of each jumping round:
• 10 points to be deducted for a knock down.
• 15 points to be deducted for a refusal.
• 20 points for second refusal.
• Elimination for third refusal or fall or Error of Course.
Class returns without boots and judged for an individual show/conformation. (In some classes,
at the judge’s discretion, horses might be asked to do a ‘show’ following their jumping without
leaving the ring. This is often the case with a large number in the class). Each horse to complete
an individual show of no longer than 1 ½ minutes. Show to include the following movements:
Walk, Trot, canter showing change of leg, extended canter (gallop) halt and stand, walk off on
long rein. Total marks out of 30% for Show, manners and suitability to be retrained.
Fences for the final at Aintree can be up to a maximum of 3’6” (1.05 metre)
Prizes: Rosettes and Vouchers 1st to 3rd place.
1st £30, 2nd £20 3rd £10
JUDGES: Mr M Nicholson, Thirn, North Yorkshire. (Conformation)
Mrs D Bamonte, Lapford, Exeter. (Ride)
H213 The RoR Tattersalls RoR Novice Show Series Qualifier. Thoroughbred mare or gelding, 4 years
old or over, any height. Rider must be 15 years or over on 1st January.
H214 Tattersalls RoR Open Ridden Show Series Qualifier. Thoroughbred mare or gelding, 4 years old
or over, any height. Riders must be 15 years or over.
H215 Novice Potential Performance Class. The maximum height and spread will be 2'9". There will be
an optional fence at 3'. Competitors are not obliged to jump this higher fence.
H216 Tattersalls RoR Former Racehorse Challenge Show Series Qualifier. Mare or gelding 4yrs old or
over, any height. Riders must be 15 years old or over on the 1st January.
HS208 CHAMPION - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H213 – H216 in the Main Ring at 12.45pm.
All competitors in classes H213, H214, H215 & H216 will be invited to parade during the
Championship. TCAS Rosettes for Champion and Reserve and all competitors that parade.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

These classes are run under SSA Rules, as stated in the current Members' Handbook.
Class H217 Side Saddle Equitation - Run under SSA Rules defined in the current Members’ Handbook.
Open to SSA Members and Non-Members. Members carrying their current Championship Points Cards are
eligible for SSA rosettes to 3rd Adult and 3rd Junior places and SSA Championship Points. Southernden
Farm offers a rosette to the highest placed Member aged under 14 on 1st January of the current year. A
rosette in memory of The Late Mr R Philpot is offered to the Adult Member and Just So Elegant to the Junior
Member, judged to be the best turned out. Competitors must wear a hat to current Safety Standard or above.
Class H218 Classical Ladies Side Saddle - Open to SSA Adult Members and Non-members, aged 18 and
over on January 1st of the current year, riding side saddle, on horses exceeding 148cm (14.2hh). To be
judged 25% conformation and action, 25% manners & way of going, 25% rider, and 25% turnout of horse &
rider, by a SHBGB, BSHA or SSA Panel Judge. Judges may request a short show but will not ride exhibits;
Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

horses will not be stripped. Traditional habits must be worn. Fancy Dress and Period Costumes NOT
permitted. NB Silks Hats are permitted to be worn in this class AT ANY TIME OF THE DAY. Judges must
use the mark sheet provided. The highest placed horse/rider combination qualifies for the Final to be held
at the National Side Saddle Show. In the event of previous qualification, the Qualification Card may be passed
down to fourth place. The highest placed horse/rider combination qualifies for the Final to be held at the
National Side Saddle Show. One special rosette and the qualification card will be given to the qualifying
combination each show, this may not always be the winner. If the winner has already qualified they may be
passed down to fourth place. Qualifiers kindly sponsored by Mrs. T. Mitchell and Mr. L. Mitchell. Qualifying
combinations are required to become Full Members of the SSA 21 days prior to the National Side Saddle
Show or as soon as possible if qualified after that date to be eligible to compete at the Final. Combinations
qualifying between one National Side Saddle Show and the next may carry forward the qualification, for that
year only. The four highest placed Riding Horse, Hack (not ex 160cm), Cob or Hunter, Mare or Gelding, 4
years and over, ridden by a SSA Adult Member qualify for the current year’s BSHA Championship Show
Mears Ladies Show Horse Championship and if already qualified the ticket will go to the next highest
placed horse down to 5th place. Combinations qualifying after the current year’s BSHA Championship Show
may carry forward the qualification, to the following year. SSA Members who qualify for The Mears Ladies
Show Horse Championship, will not be required to join the BSHA in order to compete in any Side Saddle
class at the BSHA National Championship Show. If the BSHA Championship Show entries have closed at
the time of qualification, competitors will not be charged a late entry fee for the Championship.


THE SIR LANCELOT MEMORIAL TROPHY - A Special rosette will be offered to the Adult Member, carrying
their current Championship Points Card, of the SSA Area in which the Show is organised, who during the
Equitation Qualifier Class (irrespective of final placing) is judged to be the most elegant. That member will be
eligible to compete in the Final for the Sir Lancelot Memorial Trophy (donated by the late Mrs E. Skelton) at
the National Side Saddle Show. A Member may only qualify once per season between one National Show
and the next, and if the Judge’s first choice has already qualified, the rosette will be awarded to the next
eligible competitor. Competitors must wear a hat to current Safety Standard or above.
The four highest placed Riding Horse, Hack (not ex 160cm), Cob or Hunter, Mare or Gelding, 4 years and
over, ridden by a SSA Adult Member qualify for the current year’s BSHA Championship Show Mears Ladies
Show Horse Championship and if already qualified the ticket will go to the next highest placed horse down
to 5th place. Combinations qualifying after the current year’s BSHA Championship Show may carry forward
the qualification, to the following year. SSA Members who qualify for The Mears Ladies Show Horse
Championship, will not be required to join the BSHA in order to compete in any Side Saddle class at the
BSHA National Championship Show. If the BSHA Championship Show entries have closed at the time of
qualification, competitors will not be charged a late entry fee for the Championship.
JUDGE: Miss J MacDonald, Berkeley, Gloucestershire.
H217 The Side Saddle Association Equitation Championships Qualifying Open Class.
HS209 SPECIAL ROSETTE - Southernden Farm offers a rosette to the highest placed Member aged under
14 on 1st January of the current year. A rosette in memory of The Late Mr R Philpot is offered to the
Adult Member and Just So Elegant to the Junior Member, judged to be the best turned out.
Competitors must wear a hat to current Safety Standard or above.
H218 Classical Ladies Side Saddle Qualifier
H219 Historical Concours Side Saddle – any historical period may be portrayed up to 19050. The aim is
to give a correct presentation of the chosen historical period. This is not a Fancy Dress class.
Costume and tack will be taken into consideration. If an un-mounted leader is required, he/she may
wear correct costume for the period and their role. The class will be judged at a walk. Competitors
on lead rein are permitted. Inspection of the costume and horse tack will take place when the class
is lined up. Competitors are requested to bring a brief resume of their costume to the show
and hand to the Commentary Box adjacent to the Malvern Ring prior to the commencement of
the class.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

These competitions are run under the rules of the Horse of the Year Show, copies of which can be obtained
from This is a Horse of the Year Show Qualifier, all data given upon entry of this class
is provided to Grandstand Media Limited and stored on the Grandstand Entries System. For full
policy details please visit
Exhibitors are required by DEFRA to carry with them Official Identity Documents for all horses/ponies when
competing or travelling. Competitors are reminded that it is a DEFRA requirement that the Official Identity
Documents must be in the name of the legal owner within 30 days of ownership. This must be registered with
the breed society, relevant studbook or ID issuing agency, dependant on breed/type of animal. Spot checks
may be carried out at qualifying shows and by breed societies.
These classes are affiliated to the British Miniature Horse Society (BMHS), all classes will be run under their
rules. Only horses owned by a BMHS member may enter and must be registered with the BMHS. Owners,
exhibitors and handlers must be current members and have paid the appropriate BMHS 2024 Showing Levy.
All horses must be measured in the current year prior to competing in the qualifier. All competitors
are advised to visit for a list of measuring venues.

H220 3 years and over Fully Licensed Registered Stallions.
4 years old not to exceed 87cms.
3 years old not to exceed 86cms.

H221 3 years and over Registered mares and geldings.

4 years old not to exceed 87cms
3 years old not to exceed 86cms.
H222 Youngstock 1 and 2 years olds.
Registered Colts, Fillies and Geldings
2 years old not to exceed 84cms.
Yearlings not to exceed 82cms.


Horse of the Year Show. Classes H220 – H222 are qualifiers for the Horse of the Year Show, NEC,
Birmingham, 9th - 13th October 2024. Qualification will not pass below 6th place. Qualification will be verified
by the Horse of the Year Show office. First and second prize-winners from classes H220 – H222 will qualify
to compete in the Miniature Horse Championship. The qualifying horse will be the highest placed, previously
unqualified (HOYS) exhibit within the Championship of the registered fully licensed stallion, mares/gelding
and young stock sections. The Championship is only open to the first and second prize winners in the
registered mare/gelding, stallion and youngstock sections respectively, and all horses forward in the
Championship must be placed as any one of the six could be eligible for HOYS qualifications.
Supreme Champion of Champions. The Champion Miniature will also qualify for the class at the BMHS
International Breed Show in September 2024.
JUDGE: Mrs E Crew, Bridgwater, Somerset.
H220 Miniature Horse Stallion - 3 years and over fully licensed registered stallions.
H221 Miniature Horse Mares/Gelding - 3 years and over registered mares and geldings.
H222 Miniature Horse Youngstock - 1 & 2 years old. Registered colts, fillies and geldings.
HS211 CHAMPION - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H220 – H222. TCAS Rosettes for the
Champion and Reserve.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____


H223 – H224: £20.00

1. Any equine that is adopted, fostered, under a guardianship scheme from any National Equine Welfare
Council registered Charity (NEWC).
2. Any equine that has been adopted, fostered, under a guardianship scheme from any other equine charity
(must be registered with the Charity Commission).
3. Any equine that has been ‘independently’ rescued by an individual. There must be supporting evidence
(photographic, veterinary) that will be included in the ‘Rescue History’ for the equine, to demonstrate their
rescue status.

The mark system is designed to reward those equines that have the strongest rescue history and most
dramatic ‘transformation’. Marks are awarded as follows:
Rescue History and Transformation 60%
Performance 40%
In the event of a tie, the Rescue History and Transformation takes precedence. All entries are asked to
provide, on entry to the class, a written ‘Rescue History’, detailing the background and history of the equine.
Also, to be included are ‘before’ and ‘after’ photographs. This will be for the Judge to discuss with the
competitor during the Judging of the Class and marks awarded accordingly. Please will all competitors
ensure that they bring their Rescue History to the Commentary Box adjacent to the Malvern Ring by
11.00am on Sunday 16th June.


The two highest placed exhibits not already qualified from classes H223 and H224 will qualify for the Rescue
Equine Showing Society In Hand / Ridden Championships to take place at Equifest 2024 at Arena UK on
Saturday 3rd August. RESS will award qualification rosettes to all exhibits in a qualifying position.
H223 RESS IN HAND RESCUE HORSE / PONY – Open in Hand. Any age, type, breed. Mares with foal
at foot are not permitted. No exhibit under the age of one year may be exhibited on its own.
H224 RESS RIDDEN RESCUE HORSE / PONY – Open Ridden. Any type or breed, four years of age and
over. Lead Rein and First Ridden ponies are permitted but will not be included in the initial go-round.
All riders must be the appropriate height / weight for their equine.


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____


Members Open Challenges Members, Mountain & Moorland Challenges,
Members Lead Rein/First Ridden Challenges, Members Foreign Breeds Challenges,
Senior Of Year Championship
For Ponies And Horses 15 years Of Age And Over

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

1. 1st to 6th in each age group will qualify for the London International Horse Show 2nd round qualifiers 2024.
2. 1st to 6th from each AGE section will qualify for the SSADL Members Open Challenge. (Lead Rein Ponies
are NOT permitted) Open to all types and Breeds. Members Mountain and Moorland Challenge. (Lead
Rein Ponies are NOT permitted) Members Foreign Breeds Challenge.
3. The 6 highest placed Lead/or First Ridden Members Lead Rein/First Ridden Challenge
4. 1st – 3rd in each age group will qualify for the Senior of Year Championship (If a competitor has already
qualified the qualification can be passed down the line). Once a member has filled out their qualification
card to the relevant classes then said card must be sent into the Office


OPEN to Members and Non-members, HOWEVER, to claim the LIHS ticket a competitor MUST already be
a 2024 member. The member MUST produce the membership card or a covering letter from the SSADL
Show office to be able to claim the LIHS Ticket. The same rider/handler/pony/horse combination must stay
the same for the Grand Final, unless under special circumstances, then the Directors will intervene. For a
competitor to be eligible to compete at the LIHS Senior Showing Grand Final at the XCELL, ALL
ponies/horses MUST meet the current FEI Vaccination Regulations.
compete in qualifiers but are not allowed in any Championship. Should this arise, the 2nd & 3rd will go forward
to the day Championship.

• No Spurs - with the exception to Adult Side Saddle Riders.

• No Galloping/Canter Extensions.
• No wearing of Face/Body Jewellery, with the exception to a medical earing.
• No Foals are permitted in SSADL classes IN HAND CLASSES.
• Minimum age of handler = 11yrs
• STALLIONS: Either In-Hand or Ridden competitors must be over the age of 16 years.
• Grooms must be 16 years of age and over and correctly dressed.
All competitors should acquaint themselves with SSADL rules before entering. SSADL Rulebook can be found
Showing Information:
SSAD LTD Head Office
Clare Frost, Suncrest, 119 High Lane, Brown Edge, Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire. ST6 8RT
Tel 01782 503526
JUDGES: Mr M Morrison, Near Frodsham, Cheshire.
Ms V Wigglesworth, Hyde, Cheshire.
H225 SSADL Mixed Age In Hand Pony Or Horse 15 Years Old & Over.
H226 SSADL Mixed Age Ridden Pony Or Horse 15 Years Old & Over.
H227 SSADL In Hand Pre-Senior Horses/Ponies (15 to 18 years old).
H228 SSADL In Hand Senior Horses/Ponies (19 to 23 years old).

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

H229 SSADL In Hand Senior Plus Horses/Ponies (24 years old and over).
HS212 In Hand Championship - the 1st & 2nd prize winners from the above classes are required to go
forward to the day championship. The highest placed 2024 SSADL Member Champion will claim the
LIHS ticket. If the Champion has already qualified, then the qualification will be handed down the
line to the next eligible competitor.
H230 SSADL Ridden Pre-Senior Horses/Ponies (15 to 18 years old).
H231 SSADL Ridden Senior Horses/Ponies (19 to 23 years old).
H232 SSADL Ridden Senior Plus Horses/Ponies (24 years old & over).
HS213 Ridden Championship - the 1st & 2nd prize winners from the above classes are required to go
forward to the day championship. The highest placed 2024 SSADL Member Champion will claim the
LIHS ticket. If the Champion has already qualified, then the qualification will be handed down the
line to the next eligible competitor.


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

ENTRY FEE:- £15.00 including VAT each entry

To be run under the rules of the Osborne Scurry Group HOYS Series 2024 (OSG). Drivers & grooms must
be members of the OSG. Vehicles & ponies must comply with the rules of the OSG.
Class H250 – Open to pairs of ponies 122cms & under
Prizes: £500 to be awarded as follows:- £120, £90, £70, £60, £60, £50, £50
Class H251 – Open to pairs of ponies over 122cms but not exceeding 148cms
Prizes: £500 to be awarded as follows:- £120, £90, £70, £60, £60, £50, £50
Class HS250 – Championship. Open to the six highest placed competitors in Classes H250 & H251.
Irrespective of placing competitors eliminated in Classes H250 & H251 are not eligible for the Championship.
Prizes: £350 to be awarded as follows:- £100, £70, £60, £40, £40, £40


In Classes H250 & H251 the highest placed competitor disregarding those already qualified will qualify for
the Osborne Refrigerators Double Harness Scurry Championship of the Year at the 2024 Horse of the Year
JUDGE: Mr C J M Walker, Dursley, Gloucestershire.
Course Builder: Mr S J Williams.
H250 A pair of ponies, 122cms and under.
H251 A pair of ponies, exceeding 122cms but not exceeding 148cms.
HS250 CHAMPIONSHIP - Open to the six highest placed competitors in Classes H250 & H251.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

ENTRY FEE: H252 – H253 £15 inc VAT

ENTRY FEE: H256 Free of charge
ENTRY FEE: H254 – H255 £57 inc VAT (includes £18.00 Horse of the Year Show Contribution Fee)

All competitors must have either BDS membership or Third Party Liability Insurance and these details must
be stipulated on the entry form. Private Driving classes are held under the auspices of the British Driving
Society. The membership number must be quoted on the entry form and the membership card available for
inspection in the ring. These classes are open to all competitors with proof of 3 rd party insurance or
membership of BDS or British Carriage Driving. The driver must be aged 8 years or over on the first day of
the show at which they are to compete. A driver under the age of 18 must be accompanied in the vehicle by
a competent and responsible person aged 18 years or over: a "responsible adult". Proof of age will be required
if necessary. It is the responsibility of the owner/driver (if over 18) or (if the owner/driver is under 18) the
responsible adult to ensure that his/her groom/s is/are competent for the purpose of attending to the turnout
and aged 8 or over on the day of the show. When in the vehicle grooms, passenger/s and drivers must have
their feet firmly on the floor of the vehicle or use a suitable fixed footrest. This regulation applies at all times
and in all areas on the showground. All drivers/grooms/passengers under the age of 14 years must wear a
correctly fitted hard hat that meets the latest safety regulations when in a carriage or in attendance to a


Horse of the Year Show. The Harness Horse and Pony of the Year Championship Qualifier at the 9th – 13th
October 2024, will be awarded to the highest placed turnout owned & driven by a member of the British
Driving Society in Class HS252 Private Driving Championship, disregarding those already qualified down to
6th place. Qualification will not pass below 6th place. Qualification will be verified by the Horse of the Year
Show office. All data given upon entry of these classes is provided to Grandstand Media Limited and
stored on the Grandstand Entries System. For full policy details please visit All entrants in classes H254 – H255 must be registered on the Horse of the
Year Show database prior to entry.
Victoria Foods Exercise / Pleasure Driving Qualifier - Sunday 15th September 2024. Open to turnouts
drawn by any horse, pony or donkey, harnessed as a single, pair or tandem of any height or breed to a two
or four wheeled vehicle. Show wagons, trade turnouts, private drive vehicles, or any other type of turnout not
fitting the above category are not eligible. Pneumatic tyres are permitted on exercise vehicles The qualifying
rosette will be presented to the exercise or pleasure drive champion, or the winner of the exercise/pleasure
drive class at shows without a championship, Should the champion or class winner have previously qualified,
the reserve champion or second in the class will become eligible to qualify, in the event that both champion
and reserve or first and second in a class have previously qualified the rosette will be presented to the
champion or class winner.
JUDGE: Miss V Neal, Winchester, Hampshire.
H252 2 or 4 Wheel Exercise Vehicles. Open to single or tandem equines any height, four years old and
over, to be driven to a 2-wheel exercise carriage including traditional or pneumatic wheels,
specifically designed for carriages (i.e. not car tyres). This is a Victoria Food Company Driving
Championship Qualifier. In the event that the Winner has already qualified then the second place
competitor qualifies. If the second placed competitor has also qualified, the rosette to be awarded
back to the Champion. Once qualified, the horse, whip and vehicle may not be changed.
HS251 BEST NOVICE TURNOUT FROM CLASS H252 - The Malvern Hills District Driving Group Perpetual
Trophy (165).
H253 Open Driving – Open to all types of vehicles – Traditional or Exercise. Horse or pony, 4 years old
and over.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

H254 Harness Horse and Pony of the Year Championship – Private Driving not exceeding 138cms, for
equines 4 years old and over to be driven to a traditional type vehicle. (Exercise vehicles, show
wagons and commercial vehicles are NOT eligible).
H255 Harness Horse and Pony of the Year Championship – Private Driving exceeding 138cms, for
equines 4 years old and over to be driven to a traditional type vehicle. (Exercise vehicles, show
wagons and commercial vehicles are NOT eligible).
HS252 CHAMPION PRIVATE DRIVING - Open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H254 – H255, the
Lloyd Baker Perpetual Cup (91), a gift of the late Miss O Lloyd-Baker, CBE, JP, (President 1965).
T.C.A.S. Rosettes for Champion and Reserve. This is a Victoria Food Company Driving
Championship Qualifier. In the event that the Champion has already qualified then the Reserve
Champion qualifies. If the Reserve has also qualified, the rosette to be awarded back to the
Champion. Once qualified, the horse, whip and vehicle may not be changed.
H256 Concours D’Elegance – Open to singles, pairs and tandems driven to a traditional vehicle
(excluding show wagons and trade). To be judged from a distance for the most elegant and stylish
overall impression. No close inspection will be required. Fancy dress or period costume is prohibited.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

HEAVY HORSES: Heavy Horse Exhibitors who require a stable will be stabled in the Heavy Horse
Village, which is located adjacent to the Coach Park. Please refer to page 8 for entry fees. Stabling
fees will be refunded after the show to all entries forward on the day.
PLEASE NOTE: Grants will be awarded on the recommendation of the Judge. Grants may be
withheld if the entry does not possess sufficient merit.


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

CLASSES H270 – H274
£10.00 (including VAT).
£28.00 (including VAT & £18.00 HOYS Contribution).

Only horses of the Shire Horse Breed which are registered in the Shire Horse Stud Book or Grading register
(except Geldings) are eligible to compete in these classes. All persons entering, competing or exhibiting an
animal in these classes covered by the Shire Horse Society, to which the Society is affiliated, shall be deemed
to have consented to the jurisdiction of the Shire Horse Society and be subject to its constitution and rules
(including and disciplinary procedures) in so far as they are applicable to the Shire Horse classes.


SHIRE HORSE OF THE YEAR CHAMPIONSHIP. Class H275 is a qualifier for the Horse of the Year Show
to be held at the NEC, Birmingham, 9th - 13th October 2024. This class is open to pure bred fully registered
Shire horses of two years old and over that are entered and exhibited in their appropriate breed classes at
Qualifying Shows. The Shire Horse Society reserve the right to share your membership data with Grandstand
Media Limited in compliance with the Horse of The Year Show (HOYS) Rules and Regulations. This sharing
is for the purpose of HOYS matters to include, but not limited to, qualification or disciplinary. For further details
regarding the use of data for Horse of The Year Show qualifiers please refer to
JUDGE: Mr C Horler, Timsbury, Bath.
H270 Shire barren mare / gelding, 3 years old or over.
H271 Shire brood mare, 3 years old or over.
H272 Shire foal, born in 2024.
H273 Shire yearling, colt, filly or gelding, born in 2023.
H274 Shire 2 years old colt, filly or gelding, born in 2022.
H275 Shire Horse of the Year Championship supported by the Shire Horse Society – Horse of the
Year Show Qualifier. Open to pure bred Shire Horses, two years old and over.
HS270 BEST MARE OR FILLY - Silver Spoon, offered by the Shire Horse Society, subject to the Society's
conditions of award (Stud book and Grade 'B' animals only).
HS271 CHAMPION - open to 1st & 2nd prize winners in classes H270 - H275. TCAS rosettes for Champion
and Reserve. The Gloucestershire AS Cup (61), presented in the memory of the late Herbert Whiteley
of Primley, Paignton.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

ENTRY FEES: £10.00

£10.00 (including VAT).
JUDGE: Mr C Horler, Timsbury, Bath.

H276 Heavy Horse any breed, any age.



£10.00 (including VAT).

This class is open to purebred stallions, mares or geldings, 4 years old or over, that are registered in the main
British Stud Books of the Shire, Clydesdale, Suffolk or Percheron Horse Societies, to be ridden. Partbreds
are not eligible. (For Clydesdales horses, they are to hold a Clydesdale Horse Society passport with full
pedigree details, stallions and mares are to appear in the main section of the Clydesdale Horse stud book
and geldings are to have appeared as produce of their dam).

JUDGES: Mr C Horler, Timsbury, Bath. (Conformation)

Mr D Bennett, Poulton-le-Fylde, Lancashire. (Ride)

H280 British Ridden Heavy Horse. Purebred Stallions, mares or geldings, 4 years old or over. Horses will
be required to gallop. Riders of stallions must have obtained their 16th birthday before the 1st January
of the current year. The two highest placed competitors not already qualified will qualify for the
BRHHS Eversley Ridden Heavy Horse Championship at Equifest, Arena UK, 1st – 4th August.


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

CLASSES H281 – H238
£10.00 (including VAT).
£28.00 (including VAT & £18.00 HOYS Contribution).
PLEASE NOTE the following classes may be subject to a restriction of entries due to a lack of room
JUDGE: Mr C Horler, Timsbury, Bath.
H281 Team of Three, Four or Six Horses, Heavy Horse Trade or Agricultural Turnouts.
PRIZE MONEY: 1st £50, 2nd £30, 3rd £20, 4th £10, 5th £10.
GRANT: of £225 for each exhibitor forward in addition to prize money.
H282 Single Heavy Horse Agricultural Turnout.
PRIZE MONEY: 1st £50, 2nd £30, 3rd £20, 4th £10, 5th £10.
GRANT: of £150 for each exhibitor forward in addition to prize money.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.

H283 Pairs, Heavy Horse Trade Turnout.
PRIZE MONEY: 1st £50, 2nd £30, 3rd £20, 4th £10, 5th £10.
GRANT: of £190 for each exhibitor forward, in addition to prize money.
H284 Single Heavy Horse Trade Turnout.
PRIZE MONEY: 1st £50, 2nd £30, 3rd £20, 4th £10, 5th £10.
GRANT: of £150 for each exhibitor forward in addition to prize money.
H285 Pairs, Heavy Horse Agricultural Turnout. (No high seats or springs.)
PRIZE MONEY: 1st £50, 2nd £30, 3rd £20, 4th £10, 5th £10.
GRANT: of £190 for each exhibitor forward, in addition to prize money
HS281 A SPECIAL PRIZE of £50 and the O H Eeles Perpetual Trophy (116), to the Best Single, Pair or
Team of Horses, exhibited in Classes H281 - H285.


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

This competition is open to mares and geldings that are Heavy Horses of draught type, four years old and
over. Breeds to include, but not limited to Shire, Clydesdale, Percheron, Suffolk Punch and Belgian Draught.
Drivers to have obtained their 18th birthday by the 1st of January in the current year. All Drivers and Owners
must be Members of either the Shire Horse Society, The Clydesdale Horse Society, The Suffolk Horse
Society or British Percheron Horse Society.
Exhibitors are required by DEFRA to carry with them Official Identity Documents for all horses/ponies when
competing or travelling. Competitors are reminded that it is a DEFRA requirement that the Official Identity
Documents must be in the name of the legal owner within 30 days of ownership. This must be registered with
the breed society, relevant studbook or ID issuing agency, dependant on breed/type of animal. Spot checks
may be carried out at qualifying shows and by breed societies.
To be driven in a 2 wheeled show cart in Chrome Harness and Peak Collars or English Harness to suit the
cart, Brass Harness and Short Top Collars also allowed. This is not a turnout class; aprons, spares and
lamps are not required. This class will be run in accordance with Horse of the Year Show rulebook, a copy
of which can be downloaded from


This is a Horse of the Year Show Qualifier, all data given upon entry of this class is provided to Grandstand
Media Limited and stored on the Grandstand Entries System. For full policy details please visit This class is a qualifying class for Horse of the Year Show, NEC, Birmingham,
9th - 13th October 2024. Qualification will not pass below 5th place. Qualification will be verified by the Horse
of the Year Show office.
H286 Gogar Services Driven Heavy Horse of the Year. Horse of the Year Show Qualifier.


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

JUDGE: Mr C Horler, Timsbury, Bath.

H287 Best Turned-Out Heavy Horse in Working Cart Harness. To be judged 25% for horse, 75% for
harness. GRANT of £50 for each exhibitor forward in addition to prize money.
H288 Best Turned-Out Heavy Horse in Decorated Harness. To be judged 25% for horse, 75% for
harness. GRANT of £50 for each exhibitor forward in addition to prize money.

Horse and Pony entries close: 9th May 2024 by post. 20th May 2024 online.


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