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Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous

I am
I, you, we, they V I, you, we, they have I, you, we, they have been
+ he, she, it is Ving
he, she, it Vs he, she, it has he, she, it has been
you, we, they are

I am not
I, you, we, they don’t V I, you, we, they haven’t I, you, we, they haven’t been
- he, she, it isn’t Ving
he, she, it doesn’t V he, she, it hasn’t he, she, it hasn’t been
you, we, they aren’t
Am I
Do I, you, we, they V Have I, you, we, they Have I, you, we, they been
? Is he, she, it Ving
Does he, she, it V Has he, she, it Has he, she, it been
Are you, we, they

+ I, he, she, it was

I, you, we, they V2 I, you, we, they V3 I, you, we, they
Ving had had been Ving
he, she, it Ved you, we, they were he, she, it Ved he, she, it

I, he, she, it wasn’t

I, you, we, they I, you, we, they V3 I, you, we, they

- he, she, it
didn’t V Ving
he, she, it
Ved he, she, it
hadn’t been Ving
you, we, they weren’t

I, you, we, they Was I, he, she, it I, you, we, they V3 I, you, we, they
? Did he, she, it
V Ving Had
he, she, it Ved
he, she, it
been Ving
Were you, we, they

I, you, we, they I, you, we, they I, you, we, they will V3 I, you, we, they will
+ he, she, it
will V
he, she, it
will be Ving
he, she, it have Ved he, she, it have been

I, you, we, they I, you, we, they won’t I, you, we, they won’t V3 I, you, we, they won’t
- he, she, it
won’t V
he, she, it be
he, she, it have Ved he, she, it have been

I, you, we, they I, you, we, they I, you, we, they V3 I, you, we, they
? Will he, she, it
V Will
he, she, it
be Ving Will
he, she, it
he, she, it
have been Ving

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