recount text

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Nama Penulis : Andi Hidayat, S.Pd.

NIM : 22222299102
Nama Sekolah : SMA Islamic Al-Irsyad Boarding School
Semester : Ganjil
Fase/Kelas : E/X
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Materi : Recount Text

Domain Content : Reading and Viewing

1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial teks lisan dan tulis

berbentuk recount terkait pengalaman pribadi, biografi
dan peristiwa bersejarah
2. Menganalisis struktur teks lisan dan tulis berbentuk
recount terkaitk pengalaman pribadi, biografi dan
peristiwa bersejarah
3. Menemukan informasi rinci pada teks recount terkait
pengalaman, biografi dan peristiwa bersejarah

Listening and Speaking

4. Menemukan makna kata dalam teks recount terkait
Tujuan Pembelajaran : pengalaman, biografi dan peristiwa bersejarah
5. Menyebutkan unsur kebahasaan teks lisan dan tulis
berbentuk recount terkait pengalaman pribadi, biografi
dan peristiwa bersejarah
6. Menyatakan secara lisan unsur kebahasaan teks recount
Writing and Presenting

7. Menyusun teks tulis berbentuk recount terkait topik

pengalaman pribadi, biografi dan peristiwa bersejarah
8. Mempresentasikan secara lisan teks berbentuk Recount
terkait pengalaman pribadi

Profil Pelajar Pancasila : Kreatif
Bernalar kritis
Metode : Genre Based Approach
Media : Laptop, Proyektor, Video, Gambar, Edmodo

Alokasi Waktu : 8x45 Menit (4x Pertemuan)

Pertemuan Pertama
1. Apakah kamu pernah memiliki pengalaman yang
2. Bagaimana perasaanmu dengan pengalamanmu?
3. Apa yang kamu lakukan agar pengalaman itu bisa
diketahui oleh orang banyak?
Pertemuan Kedua
Pertanyaan Pemantik :
1. Apakah kamu punya seorang tokoh yang diidolakan?
2. Siapa tokoh yang kamu idolakan?
3. Apa prestasi atau kelebihannya?
Pertemuan Ketiga
1. Apa yang kamu tentang perang gerilya yang pernah
dilakukan oleh tentara Indonesia?
2. Siapa yang memimpin peran gerilya tersebut?


1. Profil Pelajar Pancasila

Butir Waktu
Teknik Bentuk Instrumen Keterangan
Isntrumen Pelaksanaan
Saat pembelajaran Penilaian
Observasi Jurnal Lampiran 1
berlangsung Formatif

2. Pengetahuan
Bentuk Butir Waktu
Teknik Keterangan
Isntrumen/Soal Isntrumen Pelaksanaan
Tertulis Uraian Lampiran 2 pembelajaran
Lembar Penilaian
Observasi Lampiran 3 pembelajaran
Observasi Formatif
Pilihan Ganda Penilaian
Tertulis Lampiran 4 pembelajaran
dan Uraian Sumatif

3. Keterampilan
Bentuk Butir Waktu
Teknik Keterangan
Instrumen/Soal Isntrumen Pelaksanaan
Praktik Tes lisan Lampiran 5 pembelajaran
1. Guru membuka dengan mengucapkan salam dan berdoa yang dipimpin
oleh Ketua Kelas
2. Guru menanyakan kabar dan mengabsen kehadiran siswa
3. Guru mengajak siswa untuk bermain Tongue Twister
4. Guru memberikan beberapa pertanyaan pemantik sebelum memulai
5. Guru menyampaikan cakupan materi dan tujuan pembelajaran
6. Guru meminta siswa untuk duduk berkelompok
Building Knowledge of Field
1. Siswa diberikan beberapa kosa kata terkait materi
2. Siswa diminta untuk membacakan percakapan terkait pengalaman pribadi
Bersama temannya
3. Siswa berdiskusi dengan temannya untuk menjawab pertanyaan dalam
teks percakapan
Modelling of the Text
4. Guru memberikan contoh teks Recount dengan topik pengalaman pribadi
5. Guru membaca teks recount dan siswa menirukannya
6. Siswa diminta untuk membacakan teks recount terkait pengalaman pribadi
7. Guru memberikan umpan balik dan masukan terkait pelafalan dan
intonasi siswa
8. Guru memberikan beberapa kosa kata dan artinya yang ada pada teks
9. Guru meminta siswa untuk mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks
dan unsur kebahasaan
10. Siswa diminta untuk mengerjakan aktivitas pada LKPD

1. Guru memberikan umpan balik daterhadap proses pembelajaran. Well,
class, you have done a very good job today. Most of you are active. I hope
next time, all of you could involve in the interaction. How do you feel during
the lesson? Is there anyone want to say something?
2. Guru dan siswa menyimpulkan pembelajaran
3. Menyampaikan rencana kegiatan pada pertemuan selanjutnya
1. Formatif
2. Sumatif
Tongue Twister Game
Listen to this video. You have to repeat each Tongue twister three times as fast as you can. Good

1. Blue Bluebird
2. She sees cheese
3. Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear
Fuzzy wuzzy had no hair
Fuzzy wuzzy wasn’t very fuzzy,
was he
4. Six sticky skeletons
5. Pad kid poured curd pulled cod
Your teacher will ask you about your experience. Tell your experience and share it to your friend.
1. Do you have any interesting experience?
2. Do you still remember that?
3. What do you do to share that experience to your friend or people?

Read dialogue and answer the questions.
Mirna : Hi, Toni, nice to meet you again after long
holiday. Toni : Hello. Mirna, nice to meet you too.
Mirna : Anyway, where did you go on the last holiday?
Toni : Well. I went to Bali. It's a wonderful place with beautiful beaches and
sceneries. Mirna : Wow. It sounds great. What did you do there?
Toni : My family and I spent four nights there in a bungalow in Kuta beach. I had a great
vacation there. I swam and surfed on the beach. I also played football and sand with
my brother.
Mirna : What else did you do there?
Toni : The next morning I visited another small island around Bali on a boat. It was a
great experience to see many beautiful places and have a talk with tourists there.
Mirna : What did you do before you left Bali?
Toni : On the last day, I went to the merchandise shops and bought some stuffs there. I
bought shirts, shorts, and also traditional clothes. Unfortunately, I couldn't afford to buy
a surfing board because it was too expensive.
Mirna : Well, it's nice to hear your story. I hope that I can also visit Bali someday.
Wonderful Luar Biasa Vacation Liburan
Place Tempat Merchandise Barang
Beautiful Indah Shirt Kemeja
Long Lama/Panjang Unfortunately Sayangnya
Holiday Hari libur Afford Mampu
Sceneries Pemandangan Expensive Mahal
Experience Pengalaman Place Tempat

V1 V2 Meaning
Meet Met Bertemu
Go Went Pergi
Spend Spent Menghabiskan
Have Had Memiliki
Swin Swam Berenang
Surf Surfed Berselancar
Visit Visited Mengunjungi
Buy Bought Membeli
Hope Hoped Berharap

Pronoun talking about?

1. What is the conversation To be
2. How long did Toni spend holiday? Past
I am was 3. What did Toni do on the last day?
You are were 4. What does Mirna wish after listening Toni’s
We are were experience?
They are Were 5. Unfortunately, I couldn't afford to buy a surfing
She is Was board because it was too expensive. The word it
He is was refers to?
It as Was
Read again the conversation about Toni’s holiday and mention what he did during his holiday in
the table below.
No Activities Time
1 First day

2 On the morning

3 Last day

Read the text below and answer the question.
Simple Past
My First Experience
At that time, I was 17 years old. I asked my father to give me a gift which is a

motorcycle. However, my wish was rejected by my father because I was still a
kid. Then, I asked my father to teach me to ride a motorcycle. Initially, my
Adverb father refused my request and promised to teach me next year, but I
sulked. Simple Past Conjucntion
Finally, my father taught me to ride a motorcycle in a field near the house.
Father gave instructions on how to drive it. First, my father led me from behind
Simple Past and I was riding on my father. Over time, I wanted to try it myself. I
Past Continuous
was happy and proud to be riding a motorcycle.
A few days later, I tried to ride a motorcycle on the narrow street of my

house. I was nervous when there was another motorcycle in front of me.
Unexpectedly, my motorcycle hit the wall which made me fallen from the
motorbike. Simple Past Conjucntion
I was afraid of being scolded when I got home. But the reality, my father was very

proud of me. I was also given advice to be calmer in driving.

1. What is the text talking about?
2. Why did the writer write his experience?
3. Why did the author’s father forbid him to ride a motorcycle?
4. What is the main idea of the second paragraph??
5. Have you ever fallen from motorcycle or bicycle?
1. Experience : Pengalaman 5. Street : Jalan
2. Gift : Hadiah 6. Nervous : Gugup
3. Request : Permohonan
4. Sulked : Merajuk

Materi Ajar

1. Definition of Recount Text

Recount text is a text that telling the reader about event or story that has happened
in the past.
2. Purpose of Recount Text
To entertain the reader with the event or story in the past. It recalls and reconstructs
event, experiences, and achievements from the past in logical sequences.
3. Generic Structure of Recount Text
a. Orientation
It provides all necessary background information to enable audiences to make
sense of the text.
It also gives the readers the background information needed to understand the
text, such as who was involved, where it happened, and when it happened.
b. Series of Event
A series of events, ordered in a chronological sequence
c. Re-orientation
In concludes by summarizing result, evaluating the topics, or offering personal
comment or opinion
4. Language Feature of Recount Text
a. Using specific participant
b. Using Simple Past Tense, Past Continuous Tense, and Past Perfect Tense
Simple Past Tense
(+) S + V2 + O
(-) S + Did not (Didn’t) + V1 + O
(?) Did + S + V1 + O? Yes, I did/Yes, you did/Yes, she did
No, I didn’t
She/He didn’t
Simple Past Continuous
(+) S + Was/Were + Ving + O
(-) S + Was/Were + not + Ving + O
(?) Was/Were + S + Ving + O? Yes, I was/Yes, you were/Yes, she was
No, I wasn’t/No, we weren’t/No, he wasn’t
Past Perfect
(+) S + had + V3 + O
(-) S + had + not + V3 + O
(?) Had + S + V3 + O? Yes, I had/Yes, we had/Yes, she had
No, I had not/No, you had not/No, he had not
Adverb of Time : Yesterday
Last night/last morning/last month/last year
Two days ago/three days ago/etc.
c. Using Conjunction
And So
But Or
From Before
To After
For Because
d. Using Adverb and Adverbial
Last week/Last night/Last month/Last year
Two days ago/three days ago
Slowly, unfortunately, unexpectedly, unfortunately, directly
5. Type of Recount Text
a. Personal Recount
b. Factual Recount
c. Historical Recount
d. Imaginative Recount

Read the text below. Mention the generic structure and the language features of the text with
your group and put them into the table.
I. Identify the part of the text above.

II. Mention the Language Feature of the text above. Look at the example.

Personal Participant

Paragraph 1: My family and I had a picnic, we went to Sanur

beach, we left by car, my father drove his car, we arrived, we
spent the nigh

Paragraph 2:

Paragraph 3:
Simple Past

Paragraph 4:
Paragraph 1: Last holiday, in the afternoon, in the evening,

Paragraph 2:

Adver of Time

Paragraph 3:

Paragraph 4:

Paragraph 1: and, then,

Paragraph 2:

Paragraph 3:

Paragraph 4:
Read again the text above and answer these questions.
1. What does the purpose of the text above?
2. What time did the writer go to Sanur beach?
3. How did the writer go to Sanur beach?
4. What did the writer do in Sanur beach?
5. Which paragraph shows the orientation?
6. Which paragraph explains the events?
7. Which paragraph explains the re-orientation?
8. Who were involved in the text above?
9. What doses the word reasonable mean (paragraph 1)?
10. It was really nice holiday (paragraph 4). The word it in the sentence refers to?
1. Guru membuka dengan mengucapkan salam dan berdoa yang dipimpin
oleh Ketua Kelas
2. Guru menanyakan kabar dan mengabsen kehadiran siswa
3. Guru mereview Kembali materi pada pertemuan sebelumnya dengan
mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan
4. Guru memberikan beberapa pertanyaan pemantik sebelum memulai
5. Guru menyuruh siswa untu duduk dengan kelompoknya masing-masing
Building Knowledge of the Field

1. Guru memberikan beberapa kata kerja

2. Siswa secara individu membuat lima kalimat Simple Past Tense dengan
menggunakan kata kerja yang telah disediakan
3. Guru memberikan feedback terkait tugas yang diselesaikan oleh siswa
4. Guru menampilkan foto seoarng pahlawan
5. Siswa diminta mengamati gambar menjawab beberapa pertanyaan terkait
Modelling of the Text
6. Siswa diberikan contoh recount text terkait biografi Muhammad Hatta
7. Guru meminta siswa untuk membacakan teks recount terkait topik
biografi Muhammad Hatta
8. Guru memberikan umpan balik dan masukan terkait pelafalan dan
intonasi siswa
9. Siswa diminta untuk mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan
unsur kebahasaan dari teks biografi Muhammad Hatta
10. Guru memberikan contoh lain teks biografi tentang Nabi Muhammad
11. Guru menyuruh siswa untuk menjawab beberapa pertanyaan pada teks
tersebut terkait fungsi, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan
12. Guru memberikan umpan balik terhadap hasil pengerjaan siswa

1. Guru memberikan umpan balik daterhadap proses pembelajaran. Well, you
are very impressive today. I hope in the next meeting, you can be better and
more active. I know you can do it!
2. Guru dan siswa menyimpulkan pembelajaran
3. Menyampaikan rencana kegiatan pada pertemuan selanjutnya
1. Formatif
2. Sumatif
Your teacher will ask you several questions about your idol. Share it to your friends.
1. Do you have an idol?
2. Why do you admire him/her?
3. What is his/her achievement?
Look at the table below. Pick five verbs from the table and make them into Simple Paste
Example : (+) I went to school yesterday
(-) I didn’t go to school yesterday
(?) Did you go to school yesterday?
No Verb1 Verb2 Verb3 Verbing Meaning
1 Go Went Gone Going Pergi/Berangkat
2 Study Studied Studied Studying Belajar
3 Read Read Read Reading Membaca
4 Write Wrote Written Writing Menulis
5 Sit Sit Sit Sitting Duduk
6 Stand Stood Stood Stood Berdiri
7 Hear Heard Heard Hearing Mendengar
8 Feel Felt Felt Feeling Merasakan
9 Get Got Gotten Getting Mendapat
10 Know Knew Known Knowing Mengetahui
11 Invite Invited Invited Inviting Mengundang/Mengajak
12 Help Helped Helped Helping Menolong
13 Explain Explained Explained Explaining Menjelaskan
14 Close Closed Closed Closing Menutup
15 Open Opened Opened Opening Membuka
Look at this picture and answer the questions.
1. What is his name?
2. Where and when was he born?
3. Who is he for Indonesian peoples?
4. What great services did he do for Indonesia?
5. When was he passed away?

Read the text about the Biography of Muhammad Hatta and answer the questions.
Muhammad Hatta,
well known as Bung Hatta, is
an Indonesian nationalist
leader and vice-president. He
was born in Bukittinggi,
Sumatra in 1902. He spent
his life studying in the
Netherlands. In 1932, he
obtained a doctorate in economics in 1932.

Returning to Indonesia, he became active in the Indonesian nationalist movement.
Because of his activity, he was arrested by the Dutch in 1934 and was imprisoned on the
island of Bandanaira. When the Dutch surrendered to Japanese, he was released by the
Japanese colonial in 1942.
In 1945, after the proclamation of Indonesia's Independence, Hatta became vice-
president under Sukarno of the Indonesia Republic. By 1948 Hatta was the prime minister
of the struggling government. As vice-president, he disagreed more and more with
President Sukarno's policies, and he resigned in 1956. After Sukarno's fall in 1966, Hatta
served the new government in various advisory roles in economic and financial matters.
In 1980, he died as one of the national heroes. He had devoted his life for the
national interest, not only in struggling period, but also in the developing era.
Sumber Artikel:
1. What is the recount text?
2. What kind of text above?
3. What tenses are used in the text above?
4. What is the purpose of the text above?
5. Why was Muhammad Hatta jailed by Dutch?
6. How long did he become a vice-president of the Republic of Indonesia?

Biographical recount text is a text that describes the details
Definition : of a person's life history in real and written by someone
Generic Structure
It contains an introduction to the background information
a. Orientation :
of the person, such as full name, place and date of birth.
It is a series of events in the story told chronologically.
Contains an explanation of a good story in the form of
b. Event : problem solving, career processes, and various events that
have been experienced by the person to deliver him to a
It is a conclusion that is the author's comment about the
c. Re-Orientation : person. Tell about the achievement or the contribution of
the person
to inform by retelling past events and achievements in a
Purpose :
person's life.
Using Simple Past Tense
Using action verb
Language Features :
Using adverbial
Taken from:


(+) : S + was/were + Ving + O
(-) : S + was/were + not + Ving + O
Was/were + S +Ving + O? Yes, I was/Yes, you were/Yes, he was
(?) : No, I wasn’t/No they weren’t/No, she wasn’t

Make sentences using Past Continuous Tense
(+) : ………………………………………………………………….
(-) : …………………………………………………………………
(?) : ………………………………………………………………..

Pronoun To be
Present Past
I am was
You are were
We are were
They are Were
She is Was
He is was
It as Was
Read the text about Biography of Prophet Muhammad and change the bolded words into
the right form.
Muhammad was born in Meccah, April 571 AD.
His father (is) Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib, the
grandson of Hashim. His mother (is) Aminah bint Wahb
from the descendants of Bani Zuhrah, one of the tribes
of Quraysh. His father (die) before he was born and he
was (raise) first by his grandfather and then his uncle.
The family (is) active in Meccan politics and
trade. Muhammad is the prophet and founder of
Islam. At age 40, he began to have revelations from
Allah that (become) the basis for the Qur’an and the
foundation of Islam.
Under the tyrant and the cruelty of Quraish infidel, Muhammad and his loyal followers
(go) to Yastrib or now known as Madinah.
In Madinah Muhammad united the ethnic group. After eight years, Muhammad
(can) gather 10.000 muslims to attack Mecca and Muhammad (take) a city. After that,
Muhammad and his followers (shatter) all of the statues in Mecca.
In 632 after Haji Wada/farewell pilgrimage, He (is) sick and passed away.
Muhammad is a best role model for all humans in the world. Although he passed away, his
commands and sunnah will never forget until the end of the world
Answer the question below
1. What is the purpose of the text above?
2. Which paragraph shows the orientation, event and re-orientation?
3. Which paragraph shows the orientation?
4. Which paragraph shows the event?
5. Which paragraph shows the re-orientation?
6. Why did Muhammad decide to go from Mecca?
7. How did Muhammad attack Mecca?
8. What will you do after read the biography of Muhammad prophet?

Read again the text about biography of Muhammad prophet. Answer the questions
below. Look at the example.
Event 1 Muhammad and his followers to Yastrib
Event 2
Event 3

True or False
No Statements True False
Text that tells the reader about the story or event that
has happened is Recount text
Orientation, Event and Re-orientation are the generic
structure of Recount text
One of language feature of Recount text is using Simple
Present Tense
4 I were studying with my sister yesterday
5 She didn’t understand what you spoke
1. Guru membuka dengan mengucapkan salam dan berdoa yang dipimpin
oleh Ketua Kelas
2. Guru menanyakan kabar dan mengabsen kehadiran siswa
3. Guru memberikan beberapa pertanyaan pemantik sebelum memulai
4. Guru mereview Kembali materi pada pertemuan sebelumnya dengan
mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan

5. Guru menyuruh siswa duduk Bersama kelompoknya masing-masing

Building Knowledge of Field
1. Siswa diberikan beebrapa kosa kata yang terkait materi
Modelling of the Text
1. Guru meminta siswa untuk menonton video tentang sejarah General
Offensive of 1st March 1949
2. Guru menyuruh siswa untuk menjawab pertanyaan terkait video pada
3. Guru memberikan umpan balik pada hasil pengerjaan siswa
4. Siswa diberikan contoh teks recount General Offensive of 1st March 1949
5. Guru membaca teks dan siswa menirukan
6. Guru memberikan umpan balik terkait pelafalan dan intonasi
7. Siswa dan temannya berdiskusi untuk mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial,
struktur tes dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks yang diberikan guru
8. Siswa menjawab bebeapa pertanyaan terkait teks yang diberikan
9. Guru memberikan umpan balik pada hasil pengerjaan soal

1. Guru memberikan umpan balik daterhadap proses pembelajaran. You are
very amazing guys. I know you can do best if you try. Keep doing a good
2. Guru dan siswa menyimpulkan pembelajaran
3. Guru dan siswa merefleksikan hasil pembelajaran
4. Guru menyampaikan rencana kegiatan pada pertemuan selanjutnya
1. Formatif
2. Sumatif
War Perang Dutch Belanda
Offensive Serangan Escape Melarikan diri
Retreat Mundur Leadership Kepemimpinan
Minister Menteri Palace Istana
General Umum Hide out Persembunyian/bersembunyi

Watch the video and answer the questions.
1. What does the video tell
2. Who laucnhed a military
offensive and when did that
3. Where were six Indonesia
minister exiled by Dutch?
4. Who led a guerrilla war?
5. What do you feel after wacthed
the video?
Read the text and answer the questions.
General offensive of 1st March 1949
The Dutch launched a military offensive on 19 December 1948 which in termed Operation
Crow. By the following day it had conquered the city of Yogyakarta, the location of temporary
Republican Capital.
By the end of December, all major Republican held cities in Java and Sumatra were in
Dutch Hands. The Republican President, Vice-President and all but six Republic of Indonesia
Minister were captured by Dutch troops and exiled on Bangka Island of the east coast of
In areas surrounding Yogyakarta and Surakarta, Republican force refused to surrender and
continued a wage a guerrilla war under the leadership of Republican military chief of staff
General Sudirman who had escaped the Dutch offensives. An emergency Republican government
was established in the West Sumatra.
On March, 1 1949 at 6 am., Republican for launched March General Offensive. The
offensive caught the Dutch by surprise. For his part, Hamengkubowono IX allowed his palace to
be used as a hide out for the troops. For 6 hours Indonesian troops had control of Yogyakarta
before finally retreating.
The offensive was a moral and diplomatic success, inspiring demoralized troops all around
Indonesia, as well as proving to the United Nation that the Indonesian Army still existed and
were capable of fighting. On the other hand, the offensive had demoralized the Dutch forces
because they never thought that Indonesia forces could assault and control the city, even for a
few hours.
Taken from:
1. What does the purpose of the text above?
2. What is the main topic of third paragraph?
3. When the Dutch launched the Operation Crow?
4. What did the Hamengkubowono IX do to help Indonesian troops?
5. the offensive had demoralized the Dutch forces because they never thought that
Indonesia forces could assault and control the city, even for a few hours. The word
They in this sentence refer to?
Find the meaning of word. You can use the dictionary
No Words Meaning
1 Offensive Serangan
2 Launched
3 Conquered
4 Held
5 Vice-President
6 Temporary
7 Minister
8 Guerilla War
9 Established
10 Goverment

1. Definition of Historical Recount
Historical Recount is a text that used to explain and retell factual events in the past
that has historical values.
2. Social Function
To inform the audiences on historical event
3. Generic Structure
a. Orientation

It consists sets the scene for the audience by providing background information
such as date and place
b. Event

Sequence of the events presented in chronological orders a written in detail.

c. Re-orientation
Re-orientation is used to summarize/evaluate/restate the events.
4. Language Features
a. Using Simple Past Tense and Past Perfect Tense
b. Using Adverb
c. Using Conjunction

Read the text about the History of Global Offensive of 1 ST March 1949 and draw a line to
the right part.
The Dutch launched a military offensive on
19 December 1948 which in termed Operation Crow.
By the following day it had conquered the city of
Yogyakarta, the location of temporary Republican

By the end of December, all major Republican

held cities in Java and Sumatra were in Dutch Orientation
Hands. The Republican President, Vice-President
and all but six Republic of Indonesia Minister were
captured by Dutch troops and exiled on Bangka
Island of the east coast of Sumatra.

In areas surrounding Yogyakarta and

Surakarta, Republican force refused to surrender
and continued a wage a guerrilla war under the
leadership of Republican military chief of staff
General Sudirman who had escaped the Dutch
offensives. An emergency Republican government
was established in the West Sumatra.

On March, 1 1949 at 6 am., Republican for

launched March General Offensive. The offensive
caught the Dutch by surprise. For his part,
Hamengkubowono IX allowed his palace to be used
as a hide out for the troops. For 6 hours Indonesian
troops had control of Yogyakarta before finally
The offensive was a moral and diplomatic
success, inspiring demoralized troops all around
Indonesia, as well as proving to the United Nation
that the Indonesian Army still existed and were
capable of fighting. On the other hand of the
offensive had demoralized the Dutch forces because
they never thought that Indonesia forces could
assault and control the city, even for a few hours.
True or False
No Statements True False
1 The function of the text is to inform the reader about the past
historical event
2 The first paragraph tells about the orientation of the history
3 The second until fourth paragraph talks about the event
4 The last paragraph informs the reader about the re-orientation
5 The text above is using Simple Past and Perfect Past Tense

Find the language feature of the text on the colored text.
General offensive of 1st March 1949
The Dutch launched a military offensive on 19 December 1948 which in termed
Operation Crow. By the following day it had conquered the city of Yogyakarta, the location
of temporary Republican Capital.
By the end of December, all major Republican held cities in Java and Sumatra were in
Dutch Hands. The Republican President, Vice-President and all but six Republic of Indonesia
Minister were captured by Dutch troops and exiled on Bangka Island of the east coast of
In areas surrounding Yogyakarta and Surakarta, Republican force refused to
surrender and continued a wage a guerrilla war under the leadership of Republican military
chief of staff General Sudirman who had escaped the Dutch offensives. An emergency
Republican government was established in the West Sumatra.
On March, 1 1949 at 6 am., Republican for launched March General Offensive. The
offensive caught the Dutch by surprise. For his part, Hamengkubowono IX allowed his
palace to be used as a hide out for the troops. For 6 hours Indonesian troops had control of
Yogyakarta before finally retreating.
The offensive was a moral and diplomatic success, inspiring demoralized troops all
around Indonesia, as well as proving to the United Nation that the Indonesian Army still
existed and were capable of fighting. On the other hand, the offensive had demoralized the
Dutch forces because they never thought that Indonesia forces could assault and control
the city, even for a few hours.

(…………..……………) (…C…o…n…ju…n… (..................................)

Choose five verbs below and make them into Past Perfect Tense.
Example : (+) I had studied English
(-) I had not studied English
(?) Had you studied English?

No Verb1 Verb2 Verb3 Verbing Meaning

1 Become Became Become Becoming Menjadi
2 Bring Brought Brought Bringing Membawa
3 Drink Drank Drunk Drinking Meminum
4 Think Thought Thought Thinking Berfikir
5 Buy Bought Bought Buying Membeli
6 Come Came Come Coming Datang
7 Drive Drove Driven Driving Mengendarai
8 Play Played Played Palying Bermain
9 Join Joined Joined Joining Bergabung
10 Knock Knocked Knocked Knocking Mengetuk
1. Guru membuka dengan mengucapkan salam dan berdoa yang dipimpin
oleh Ketua Kelas
2. Guru menanyakan kabar dan mengabsen kehadiran siswa
3. Guru mengajak siswa bermain Tongue Twtister
4. Guru mereview Kembali materi yang telah dipelajari dengan memberikan
soal Pilihan Ganda pada aplikasi Edmodo
5. Guru membrikan umpan balik
Joint Construction
1. Guru memberikan teks Recount yang belum sempurna terkait pengalaman
2. Siswa diminta untuk melengkapi teks recount
3. Guru memberikan umpan balik
Independent Construction
4. Siswa menyusun teks Recount terkait pengalaman pribadinya
5. Siswa membacakan hasil penyusunan teks Recount terkait pengalaman
6. Guru memberikan umpan balik terkait sikap, pelafalan, intonasi dan unsur

1. Guru memberikan umpan balik daterhadap proses pembelajaran. You are
very amazing guys. You are now is very capable and so confident to show
up. I hope you can keep that good performance and make it better and
2. Guru dan siswa merefleksikan hasil pembelajaran
1. Formatif
2. Sumatif
Choose the right answer
1. Text that informs the reader about event that has happened is….
A. Narrative Text D. Speech Text
B. Introduction Text E. Report Text
C. Recount Text
2. The Generic Structure of Recount text are….
A. Orientation, Event and Re-orientation
B. Orientation, Re-orientation and Event
C. Event, Orientation and Re-orientation
D. Event, Re-orientation and Orientation
E. Re-orientation, event and Orientation
3. These are the language features of Recount text, except….
A. Using Simple Past Tense
B. Using Simple Past Perfect
C. Using Simple Present Tense
D. Using Conjunction
E. Using Adverbial
4. To entertain the reader with story or even in the past is the purpose of….
A. Recount Text
B. Procedure Text
C. Speech Text
D. Fable
E. Narrative Text
5. Type of the Recount text below, Except….
A. Personal Recount
B. Factual Recount
C. Historical Recount
D. Imaginative Recount
E. Fable Recount
6. It tells the reader about the information background of the Recount text is called….
A. Event
B. Conclusion
C. Re-orientation
D. Conflict
E. Orientation
7. It contains a series of events, ordered in a chronological sequence is…. of the
Recount text
A. Orientation D. Conclusion
B. Event E. Resolution
C. Re-orientation
8. Re-orientation informs the reader about….
A. Conflict of the main character
B. The information background of the Recount text
C. The name of the author
D. Conclusion or personal comment about the event or what happened in the end
E. Name of the main character
9. Text that used to explain and retell factual events in the past that has historical values
A. Historical Recount
B. Narrative Text
C. Procedure Text
D. Fable
E. Telling Story
10. I ……. A book about the history of Bandung Lautan Api yesterday in library.
A. Read
B. Went
C. Seen
D. Buy
E. Watch
Complete the Recount text below with the correct sentence.

The Football Competition

When I (……) in the Junior High School, I joined two clubs. They (…….) the Football Club and the
Karate Club. I (… ) those clubs because I love sports, especially football and karate. I took
football on
Sunday mornings and karate on Mondays at 4 p.m.

One day my football club joined a football competition. There were eight clubs joining the
competition. At first, our club (….....) the match. Then, we had to defeat one club to get to the final.
Remarkably, we won again. After those two matches, we (…..........) lunch in the cafeteria nearby. We
were so impatient to play in the last game.

It (…….) the hard one because our opponent was very tough. (…. ), we won the game with a nice score
of 3 – 2. We were very happy and proud.
was Won was
had Finally

Write your most memorable experience. You can tell your experience in this table below.
Look at the example.
Experience Activities Time/When
My Experience I went to Seoul Last Summer
Visiting Seoul I was landed At 7 AM
I went to Hongdae At night
…. ….
Your Experience Your Activities Time/When


Make a story about your most memorable experience on the piece of paper and share it to
your friends.

Stubbs & Wood. (2000). Targeting Text. Sydney: Blake Education (halaman 8-9)

Achyani., dkk. (2016). Big Book Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris Jakarta.: Cmedia (halaman 781)

Syafitry, Irmayani. (2022). 10 Contoh Recount Text beserta artinya. Diunduh pada tanggal: 20/09/2022

Sekolah Oke. (2011). Recount Text: Muhammad Hatta. Recount Text: Muhammad Hatta | SEKOLAH
OKE. Diunduh pada tanggal: 20/09/2022

Useful. (2020). Biografi Singkat Nabi Muhammad. Biografi Singkat Nabi Muhammad SAW dalam
Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya – RuangBahasaInggris.Com. Diunduh pada tanggal: 20/09/2022

Priyana, Joko., dkk. (2008). Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X. Jakarta: Pusat
Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional


Nama Peserta Didik : ………………………

Kelas : ………………………

Tanggal : ………………………..

No Catatan Perilaku
Butir Sikap
Membaca Qur’an sebelum
memulai pembelajaran
Melaksanakan shalat duha

Mengucapkan salam Ketika

bertemu Guru
1 Beriman
Berdzikir setelah shalat

Membuang sampah ke tempat

Bersikap jujur dan peduli

Peserta didik dapat menangkap

informasi dari teks yang dibaca
Peserta didik dapat
2 Bernalar Kritis mengeumkakan pendapatnya
dengan percaya diri dan tepat
Peserta didik mampu
mengambil sebuah keputusan
Peserta didik dapat meghasilkan
gagasan yang orisinal
Peserta Didik dapat
3 Kreatif menghasilkan karya yang
Peserta didik dapat menanyakan
pertanyaan yang terkait materi


1. Text that informs the reader about event that has happened is….
A. Narrative Text D. Speech Text
B. Introduction Text E. Report Text
C. Recount Text
2. The Generic Structure of Recount text are….
A. Orientation, Event and Re- D. Event, Re-orientation and
orientation Orientation
B. Orientation, Re-orientation E. Re-orientation, event and
and Event Orientation
C. Event, Orientation and Re-
3. These are the language features of Recount text, except….
A. Using Simple Past Tense D. Using Conjunction
B. Using Simple Past Perfect E. Using Adverbial
C. Using Simple Present Tense
4. To entertain the reader with story or even in the past is the purpose of….
A. Recount Text D. Fable
B. Procedure Text E. Narrative Text
C. Speech Text
5. Type of the Recount text below, Except….
A. Personal Recount D. Imaginative Recount
B. Factual Recount E. Fable Recount
C. Historical Recount
6. It tells the reader about the information background of the Recount text is called….
A. Event D. Conflict
B. Conclusion E. Orientation
C. Re-orientation
7. It contains a series of events, ordered in a chronological sequence is…. of the
Recount text
A. Orientation D. Conclusion
B. Event E. Resolution
C. Re-orientation
8. Re-orientation informs the reader about….
A. Conflict of the main character
B. The information background of the Recount text
C. The name of the author
D. Conclusion or personal comment about the event or what happened in the end
E. Name of the main character
9. Text that used to explain and retell factual events in the past that has historical values
A. Historical Recount
B. Narrative Text
C. Procedure Text
D. Fable
E. Telling Story
10. I ……. A book about the history of Bandung Lautan Api yesterday in library.
A. Read
B. Went
C. Seen
D. Buy
E. Watch
1. C 6. E
2. A 7. B
3. C 8. D
4. A 9. A
5. E 10. A


Nama Siswa : ………………………………………………

Kelas : ………………………………………………

Aspek Uraian Aspek

No Ya Tidak Tindak Lanjut
Pengamatan Pengamatan
Siswa bertanya sesuai
dengan materi pelajaran.
Siswa menjawab
pertanyaan dari guru
Siswa bercanda dengan
Siswa diam, tidak
menjawab pertanyaan

Aspek Uraian Aspek

No Ya Tidak Tindak Lanjut
Pengamatan Pengamatan
Siswa antusias mengikuti
2 Siswa menyimak Guru
Siswa menjawab aktifitas
Non-Verbal dalam LKPD
Siswa berpartisipasi
dalam diskusi kelompok
Siswa mengerjakan tugas

Tujuan Level Bentuk Nomor

No Indikator Skor
Pembelajaran Kogniti soal soal

Tujuan Level Bentuk Nomor

No Indikator Skor
Pembelajaran Kogniti soal soal


Kriteria Skor
Jika menjawab dengan benar 2
Jika salah menjawab 0
Kriteria Skor
Siswa menjawab dengan sangat tepat sesuai dengan instruksi dengan menggunakan 5
grammar dan vocabulary yang tepat
Siswa menjawab dengan tepat dengan vocabulary yang tepat namun terdapat sedikit 4
kesalahan pada Grammar
Siswa menjawab dengan tepat namun masih terdapat kesalahan pada vocabulary dan 3
Siswa menjawab kurang tepat dan terdapat kesalahan pada vocabulary dan grammar 2
Siswa menjawab tidak tepat dan terdapat kesalahan pada vocabulary dan grammar 1
Siswa tidak menjawab 0

Penilaian dilakukan pada kegiatan PTS atau PAS


Rubrik Penilaian Speaking


5 : Mudah dipahami dan memiliki aksen penutur asli
4 : Mudah dipahami meskipun dengan aksen Bahasa ibu
Terdapat kesalahan pengucapan namun masih dapat
3 :
Pengucapan Sulit dipahami karena masih terdapat kesalahan pada
2 :
pengucapan dan sering diulang
Tidak dapat dipahami karena banyak kesalahan pada
1 :
0 : Diam


5 : Tidak ada kesalahan pada tata bahasa
Terdapat sedikit kesalahan tata bahasa namun tidak
4 :
mengubah makna
Sering membuat kesalahan tata bahasa yang memperngaruhi
3 :
Tata Bahasa makna
Banyak kesalahan tata bahasa yang mengubah makna dan
2 :
sering mengulangnya
1 : Banyak kesalahan tata bahasa dan sulit untuk dipahami
0 : Tidak melakukan
5 : Lancar tanpa harus mengulang kata atau kalimat
4 : Lancar namun terkadang ada pengulangan kata atau kalimat
3 : Sedikit lancar dan terdapat banyak pengulangan kata atau kalimat
2 : Kurang lancar dan terkadang berhenti serta banyak pengulangan kata
1 : Tidak lancar dan terkadang membaca teks
0 : Tidak melakukan

No Nama Peserta Didik ASPEK Nilai

Pengucapan Tata Bahasa Kelancaran Akhir
1 Badru Tamam
2 Cahya Dahliani
3 Delia Febriani
4 Devina Febrianti
5 Fitri Rahmawati
6 Intan Alyasari
7 Lia Kurnia
8 Maya Febrianti
9 Mega Tri Utami
10 Mila Amelia
11 Muhamad Fahreza
12 Muhammad Nasrul Hak
13 Muhammad Fariz Adz Zikri
14 Neng Rika
15 Nita Rosani
16 Raja Prasetia Sugiharto
17 Restiani Safitri
18 Rifasya Maulana
19 Saselia Zaia
20 Shafira Cinta Ramadani
21 Shergi Dwi Anugrah
22 Siti Hafshah Nuraini
23 Siti Rahmawati
24 Siti Romlah
25 Sulthan Prasetio Sugiharto
26 Susanti
27 Tiara Anggun Pratiwi
28 Chacha Nursolah
29 Muhamad Parid Miptahudin
30 Adelia Septi Maharani

Visit Website :

Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. Who is in the picture?

2. What is he for Indonesia
3. When and where was he born?
4. What is his parent’s name?
5. What achievement did he achieve for Indonesia?

After you answer the questions. Write his biography on the piece of paper. You can search
the internet for other resources.

Visit website :

Visit website :
1. Definition of Recount Text
Recount text is a text that telling the reader about event or story that has happened
in the past.
2. Purpose of Recount Text
To entertain the reader with the event or story in the past
3. Generic Structure of Recount Text
a. Orientation
It gives the readers the background information needed to understand the text,
such as who was involved, where it happened, and when it happened.
b. Event
A series of events, ordered in a chronological sequence
c. Re-orientation
A personal comment about the event or what happened in the end.
4. Language Feature of Recount Text
a. Using personal participant
b. Using Simple Past Tense, Past Continuous Tense, and Past Perfect Tense

Simple Past Tense

(+) S + V2 + O
(-) S + Did not (Didn’t) + V1 + O
(?) Did + S + V1 + O? Yes, I did/Yes, you did/Yes, she did
No, I didn’t
She/He didn’t
Simple Past Continuous
(+) S + Was/Were + Ving + O
(-) S + Was/Were + not + Ving + O
(?) Was/Were + S + Ving + O? Yes, I was/Yes, you were/Yes, she was
No, I wasn’t/No, we weren’t/No, he wasn’t
Past Perfect
(+) S + had + V3 + O
(-) S + had + not + V3 + O
(?) Had + S + V3 + O? Yes, I had/Yes, we had/Yes, she had
No, I had not/No, you had not/No, he had not
Adverb of Time : Yesterday
Last night/last morning/last month/last year
Two days ago/three days ago/etc.
c. Using Conjunction
And So
But Or
From Before
To After
For Because
d. Using Adverb and Adverbial
Last week/Last night/Last month/Last year
Two days ago/three days ago
Slowly, unfortunately, unexpectedly, unfortunately, directly

5. Type of Recount Text

e. Personal Recount
f. Factual Recount
g. Historical Recount
h. Imaginative Recount

Look at the table below.

No Verb1 Verb2 Verb3 Verbing Meaning
1 Go Went Gone Going Pergi/Berangkat
2 Study Studied Studied Studying Belajar
3 Read Read Read Reading Membaca
4 Write Wrote Written Writing Menulis
5 Sit Sit Sit Sitting Duduk
6 Stand Stood Stood Stood Berdiri
7 Hear Heard Heard Hearing Mendengar
8 Feel Felt Felt Feeling Merasakan
9 Get Got Gotten Getting Mendapat
10 Know Knew Known Knowing Mengetahui
11 Invite Invited Invited Inviting Mengundang/Mengajak
12 Help Helped Helped Helping Menolong
13 Explain Explained Explained Explaining Menjelaskan
14 Close Closed Closed Closing Menutup
15 Open Opened Opened Opening Membuka

Make five sentences using Simple Past dan Past Continuous. You can make the sentences
using verbs in the table below.

Look at the pictures below and answer the questions.

After you answer the questions. Visit the website below and compare your answer.
Do you have people or idol you admire. Explain your idol by creating his/ger biography on
the piece of paper. Submit it to your teacher.

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