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What is the opposite
of "happy"?
a) Sad
b) Angry
c) Excited
d) Tired
What is the opposite
of "happy"?
a) Sad
b) Angry
c) Excited
d) Tired
Choose the correct word
order for a simple sentence:
a) Dog the brown is
b) Is brown the dog
c) The dog is brown
d) Brown are the dog
Choose the correct word
order for a simple sentence:
a) Dog the brown is
b) Is brown the dog
c) The dog is brown
d) Brown are the dog
What is the plural form of
a) Childs
b) Childrens
c) Childies
d) Children
What is the plural form of
a) Childs
b) Childrens
c) Childies
d) Children
Qual é a forma negativa do
verbo "to be" no presente?
a) I am not
b) You are not
c) He/She/It is not
d) Todas as acima.
Qual é a forma negativa do
verbo "to be" no presente?
a) I am not
b) You are not
c) He/She/It is not
d) Todas as acima.
Choose the correct synonym
for "happy":
a) Sad
b) Joyful
c) Angry
d) Tired
Choose the correct synonym
for "happy":
a) Sad
b) Joyful
c) Angry
d) Tired
Which of the following is a
a) Run
b) Jump
c) On
d) Todas acima
Which of the following is a
a) Run
b) Jump
c) On
d) Todas acima
What is the correct
comparative form of "big"?
a) Biger
b) More big
c) Bigger
d) Biggest
What is the correct
comparative form of "big"?
a) Biger
b) More big
c) Bigger
d) Biggest
Choose the correct possessive form: The
cat is sleeping on ________ bed.
a) It's
b) Its
c) It
d) Its'
Choose the correct possessive form: The
cat is sleeping on ________ bed.
a) It's
b) Its
c) It
d) Its'
What is the opposite of
a) Rain
b) Hot
c) Cool
d) Icy
What is the opposite of
a) Rain
b) Hot
c) Cool
d) Icy
Identify the correct
a) Im tree minutes lete for school.
b) I’m three minutes late for school.
c) I’m tree minutes late for eschool.
d) Im three minutes late for schol.
Identify the correct
a) Im tree minutes lete for school.
b) I’m three minutes late for school.
c) I’m tree minutes late for eschool.
d) Im three minutes late for schol.
What is the plural of
a) Peoples
b) Persons
c) People
d) Persos
What is the plural of
a) Peoples
b) Persons
c) People
d) Persos
Como se diz "De nada" em
a) Thank you
b) You're welcome
c) Please
d) Excuse me
Como se diz "De nada" em
a) Thank you
b) You're welcome
c) Please
d) Excuse me
Como se pergunta "Qual é o
seu nome?" em inglês?
a) What it's your name?
b) What are you name?
c) What is your name?
d) What your name is?
Como se pergunta "Qual é o
seu nome?" em inglês?
a) What it's your name?
b) What are you name?
c) What is your name?
d) What your name is?
Como se pergunta "Quantos
anos você tem?" em inglês?
a) What are your age?
b) How many years are you?
c) How old are you?
d) How many years old is you?
Como se pergunta "Quantos
anos você tem?" em inglês?
a) What are your age?
b) How many years are you?
c) How old are you?
d) How many years old is you?
Qual é o verbo para "comer"
em inglês?
a) To eat
b) To drink
c) To sleep
d) To run
Qual é o verbo para "comer"
em inglês?
a) To eat
b) To drink
c) To sleep
d) To run
Qual é o verbo para "dormir"
em inglês?
a) To eat
b) To drink
c) To sleep
d) To run
Qual é o verbo para "dormir"
em inglês?
a) To eat
b) To drink
c) To sleep
d) To run
Qual é o pronome possessivo
para "meu" em inglês?
a) My
b) Your
c) His/Her/Its
d) Our
Qual é o pronome possessivo
para "meu" em inglês?
a) My
b) Your
c) His/Her/Its
d) Our
Qual é o pronome possessivo
para "seu" em inglês?
a) My
b) Your
c) His/Her/Its
d) Our
Qual é o pronome possessivo
para "seu" em inglês?
a) My
b) Your
c) His/Her/Its
d) Our
Qual é o pronome pessoal
para "ele" em inglês?
a) He
b) She
c) His
d) They
Qual é o pronome pessoal
para "ele" em inglês?
a) He
b) She
c) His
d) They
Qual é a preposição para
indicar lugar?
a) Across from
b) On
c) In
d) Todas as acima.
Qual é a preposição para
indicar lugar?
a) Across from
b) On
c) In
d) Todas as acima.
Go Run Laugh

Come Walk Cry
Speak Sing Think
Listen Dance Swim
Write Play Teach
Read Work Drive
Jump Study Climb
Mic test!
Hello, how are you? Where is the bathroom?
What is your name? I'm lost. Help!
Where are you from? What time is it?
Can you help me? I need a doctor.
Please, thank you. How are you feeling?
Excuse me. Nice to meet you.
How much does it cost? See you later.
I would like to order. I’m going home, goodbye.
Good job!

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