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1 The definition of Religion is incomplete and misleading without the inclusion of Indigenous
2 The attributes of God in Indigenous Religioh has a strong bias towards the Israelitic
3Analyse the concept of Dziva/Perenial river in the light of God's providence in Indigenous
4The spiritual dimension of life is more pronounced than the physical dimension in Indigenous
5 Ability to aquire wealthy is viewed as a blessing from Ancestors and poverty is seen as a curse
from Ancestors.To what extend do you agree/disagree with the assertion.
6 Avernging spirits /Ngozi plays an instrumental role in the promotion of Ubuntu spirit amoung
the Shona/Ndebele.Analyse.
7 Indigenous Religion uphold the status of women.Discuss.
8Indigenous Religion is anthropocentric.Analyse
9Globalisation is a major threat to Ubuntu in contemporary society in Zimbabwe.Is this a fair
10 Tourism in Zimbabwe plays a very important role in the preservation of Sacred places in
11 Marriage in Indigenous Religion is nothing more than a sexual union.Evaluate.
12 Marriage in Indigenous religion has no place for women rights.Discuss
13 Indigenous Religion has no place for women in the political affairs .AnaIyse
14The concept of mediumship has degraded the status of women in Indigenous Religion.To what
extent do yu agree/disagree.
15 Indigenous healthy methods has failed to address healthy challenges in contemporary society
in Zimbabwe.
16 Totenism has resulted in the preservation of the Natural Enivironment and the promotion of
Tourism in Zimbabwe.Discuss
17 Traditional leadership provide a model of good governance that should be adopted by state
governance in Zimbabwe.Evaluate.
18 Analyse the centrality of the covenant in Judaism.
19The origin of prophecy in Judaism is a thorn in the flesh amoung the contemporary scholars of
20Prophets were nothing more than a hinderance in the political affairs of Judaism.Evaluate.
21Marriage Institution in Judaism provides a role model that should be adopted by religions such
as Indigenous religion in so far as the upraising of the status of wimen is concerned.To what extent
do yu agree or disagree
22Compare the perception of death in Judaism and Indigenous religion.
23Compare and contrast the concept of healthy and wellbeing in Judaism and Indugenous religion.
24Analyse the connection between covenant and land in Judaism
25 Evaluate Jewish attitude towards the Environment.

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