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Sedimentary Geology 282 (2012) 321–335

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Provenance and depositional conditions of Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary

sandstones from northeastern Mexico
Stephanie Rehrmann a, Carita Augustsson a, b,⁎, Rocio Nereyda Izaguirre Valdez c, d,
Uwe Jenchen c, d, Peter Schulte e
Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Corrensstrasse 24, 48149 Münster, Germany
Institut für Geowissenschaften, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Burgweg 11, 07749 Jena, Germany
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL), Avenida Universidad S/N, Ciudad Universitaria, C.P. 6645, San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León, Mexico
Facultad de Ciencias de la Tierra, UANL, Hacienda de Guadalupe, Carretera a Cerro Prieto, km 8, C. P. 67700 Linares, Nuevo León, Mexico
GeoZentrum Nordbayern, Universität Erlangen, Schlossgarten 5, 91054 Erlangen, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We compare Late Maastrichtian siliciclastic sandstone in northeastern Mexico with those representing the
Received 3 February 2012 Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) boundary to reveal differences in provenance and depositional conditions be-
Received in revised form 23 August 2012 tween background sedimentation and K–Pg sand. Lithology and compositional variations are presented for
Accepted 5 October 2012
the deep-water Burgos Basin and the shallow-water La Popa Basin.
Available online 18 October 2012
The Late Maastrichtian sandstones in the Burgos Basin have sharp lower contacts, contain abundant trace fos-
Editor: G.J. Weltje sils and are separated by meter-thick marl layers. They represent sporadic mass flows from coastal areas sep-
arated by long phases of hemipelagic sedimentation. The K–Pg sandstone layers are amalgamated, contain
Keywords: thin marl intercalations only in the uppermost part and trace fossils are present in the top sandstone layer
Mexico only. Also this succession represents mass-flow deposits, but the sand may have been deposited during a
Cretaceous very short period. The La Popa Basin sandstones represent deltaic sedimentation interrupted by submarine
Paleogene channel deposition during the K–Pg boundary transition with abundant rip-up clasts and bioclasts at the base.
Provenance The sandstones of the Burgos Basin are quartz to akosic wacke dominated by quartz (>90%) and some feld-
spar (b 10%) in calcite cement and matrix. Lithic fragments are rare and dominated by chert and bioclasts.
Ultra-stable heavy minerals (ZTR = 50–80) and plutonic quartz grains (ca. 40% of the total quartz population)
are particularly common in the K–Pg sandstones. In the Maastrichtian sandstones, metamorphic heavy
minerals, particularly chlorite, clinozoisite, and tourmaline (20–50% of the heavy mineral population), and
metamorphic quartz (80% of the quartz population) have higher abundances. The La Popa sandstones are
subarkose to arkose and arkosic wacke and have a high abundance of feldspar (15–30%) and lithic fragments
(5–20%), mainly of siltstone and carbonate. The sandstones from both basins have chemical compositions
typical for recycling (Zr/Sc = 12–27 and 17–140 in the Burgos and La Popa Basin, respectively) and influences
from mafic source rocks (Th/Sc = 0.4–1.1; Ti/Nb = 350–510). Therefore we suggest that all studied succes-
sions share a common provenance with transport of recycled orogenic metasedimentary components from
northwestern Mexico and magmatic arc material from western Mexico. Subsequently, longshore currents
mixed the detritus with limestone clasts derived from the tectonically active Sierra Madre Oriental, which
probably is the cause for compositional changes in the sandstones. Due to increased sediment input from
western Mexico at the K–Pg boundary, provenance changes cannot be related to the Chicxulub impact.
© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Earth (e.g., Alvarez et al., 1980; Hildebrand et al., 1991; Pope et al.,
1994; Schulte et al., 2010) that formed the 180 km in diameter Chicxulub
The Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) boundary represents a sudden crater on the Yucatán Peninsula in southern Mexico (e.g., Hildebrand et
mass extinction most likely caused by the collision of an asteroid with al., 1991; Fig. 1). Globally, the K–Pg boundary is marked by a thin layer
of red-stained clay with anomalous enrichments of the platinum-group
⁎ Corresponding author at: Institut für Geowissenschaften, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität elements, suggesting an extraterrestrial component (Alvarez et al.,
Jena, Burgweg 11, 07749 Jena, Germany. Tel.: +49 3641 94 87 24; fax: +49 3641 94 86 22. 1980). Shocked minerals and spherules as well as Ni-rich spinels support
E-mail addresses: (S. Rehrmann), (C. Augustsson),
an impact event (e.g., Smit, 1999). Closer to the Chicxulub crater, in the
(R.N. Izaguirre Valdez), (U. Jenchen), region around the Gulf of Mexico (Fig. 1), the deposit at the K–Pg (P. Schulte). boundary is thicker and usually consists of similar sequences of

0037-0738/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
322 S. Rehrmann et al. / Sedimentary Geology 282 (2012) 321–335

the Gulf of Mexico, detritus from different source regions, including

recycled orogen, basement and volcanic-arc provenance types, was
mixed by a large fluvial system.
26°03‘30“W In this study, we reconstruct depositional conditions and the sand-
stone provenance for two geological sections located in the deep-
marine Burgos Basin in northeastern Mexico: the late Maastrichtian
El Cerrito section in Linares (Ekdale and Stinnesbeck, 1998), and the
well-known El Peñón K–Pg section ca. 35 km east of Linares (Fig. 2).
In both sections, decimeter- to meter-scale sandstone beds are in-
2 S1 tercalated in silty marl. Furthermore, comparison is made to late
S2 3
1 Maastrichtian to K–Pg transition sections in the shallow-marine La
Popa Basin northwest of Monterrey (and ca. 170 km northwest of
26°02‘30“W Linares; Fig. 2). Here, sand and conglomerate beds are intercalated
in silty to sandy siliciclastic units.
The aim of the study is to reveal whether differences in lithology
100°44‘00“N 100°43‘30“N 100°43‘00“N 100°42‘30“N
500 m and detrital components can be correlated to differences in the trans-
Moscow Landing portation system and depositional regime for the late Maastrichtian and
Shell Creek K–Pg boundary sand. The focus is on the framework petrographic and
Brazos River whole-rock chemical composition. Furthermore, cathodoluminescence
(CL) characteristics of quartz, mineralogical, heavy-mineral petrograph-
ical and tourmaline compositions are taken into account for the Burgos
La Popa
Los Ramones Basin.
Rancho Nuevo
La Sierrita Loma Cerca
El Peñón El Mulato 2. Geological setting
La Lajilla
El Mimbral Chicxulub Northeastern Mexico is part of two geologic provinces: the Sierra
La Ceiba impact structure
Madre Oriental in the west and the Gulf of Mexico Coastal Province
Mexico City in the east, a passive continental margin, which includes the Sierra
Bochil Madre Oriental foreland basins and consequently also the studied
sedimentological sections (Fig. 2; English and Johnston, 2004). The
600 km Sierra Madre Oriental is a fold and thrust belt that developed during
the Late Cretaceous to Paleogene Laramide orogeny (80 to 55 Ma).
It is part of the North American Cordillera and extends from SW of
Fig. 1. Selection of localities with K–Pg boundary sequences around the Gulf of Mexico the Yucatán peninsula to the Rio Grande along the US-Mexican bor-
and the associated Chicxulub impact crater (modified from Smit et al., 1996; Schulte
der in the north (Weidie and Murray, 1967). The Laramide orogeny
and Kontny 2005). The white points mark the studied K–Pg sections. The detail shows
the geographical position of the profiles in La Popa on a GoogleEarth image. 1–3 = also gave rise to block uplifts in the southwestern United States
this study, S1–S2 = Schulte et al. (2011). (e.g., the Colorado Plateau) and to the Rocky Mountain fold and thrust
belt (English and Johnston, 2004). In the North of the Sierra Madre
Oriental, deformation is dominated by huge folds and numerous
decimeter- to meter-thick siliciclastic sandstone beds, intercalated overthrusts from the southwest (Weidie and Murray, 1967; Gray et
within hemipelagic sediments (Smit et al., 1996; Schulte et al., 2010). al., 2001). Trough-like foreland basins formed to the east during the
In these sites, the deposit commonly also includes abundant ejecta Late Cretaceous as a consequence of the rapid uplift of the Sierra
interpreted to derive from the Chicxulub impact (e.g., spherules and Madre Oriental (e.g., Echanove, 1986; Soegaard et al., 2003). The
limestone clasts) and the sandstones bear evidence for high-energy de- shallow-marine Sabinas, La Popa, and Parras basins are located north-
position. Therefore, many studies suggest deposition of the siliciclastic west of Monterrey along the northern part of the Sierra Madre Oriental,
unit by sedimentary mass flows from the shelf. This transport may and the deep-marine Burgos Basin is located southeast of Monterrey
have been ultimately triggered by the energy released by the Chicxulub (Fig. 2).
impact event, resulting in earthquakes larger than magnitude 10 and In the Sierra Madre Oriental, pre-Mesozoic rocks underwent defor-
tsunami waves approaching the Gulf of Mexico coastline (e.g., Smit et mation in late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic time (Weidie and Murray,
al., 1996; Lawton et al., 2005; Schulte et al., 2010). Other studies pro- 1967; Stewart et al., 1999; Goldhammer and Johnson, 2001). During
pose a volcanic origin for the ejecta (Keller et al., 2009) and that sand the Triassic and Jurassic, faulting led to continental redbed deposition
deposition was triggered by sea-level fluctuations and had no correla- primarily in fault troughs and graben structures. A marine transgression
tion with the Chicxulub impact (e.g., Keller et al., 1993, 2003; led to the reestablishment of marine conditions and extensive carbon-
Stinnesbeck et al., 1993). ate deposition during the Late Jurassic (Morán-Zenteno, 1994). During
Further clues to the depositional conditions may derive from com- Late Cretaceous and Paleogene time the Sierra Madre Oriental was
bined lithological and provenance studies of shallow- and deep-water slowly exposed and formed a large land area that promoted a steady in-
K–Pg sandstone beds in northeastern Mexico and a comparison to flux of terrigenous clastic detritus in the shallow to moderately deep-
late Maastrichtian sandstones in the same basins. Such lithological water shelf-slope system in the foreland area (Echanove, 1986; Sohl
and petrographical comparisons have not been conducted before et al., 1991; Goldhammer and Johnson, 2001; Lawton et al., 2001). Con-
and may not only be important for K–Pg boundary studies, but also tinued uplift caused the Gulf of Mexico gradually to retreat, so that
for the depositional conditions of deep-water sandstones in general. eastward-prograding coastlines and delta successions developed in
For the K–Pg boundary deposits in the shallow-marine Parras and the foreland basins (Fig. 2).
La Popa basins (Fig. 2), Lawton et al. (2009) concluded that detritus During the late Maastrichtian, the deep-water Burgos Basin mainly
had been transported from source regions as far away as the south- received fine-grained siliciclastic detritus, represented by the marls of
western United States, about 1500 km from the depositional sites. the Méndez Formation (e.g., Weidie et al., 1972; Echanove, 1986).
On the way to the Sierra Madre foreland basins, which were part of Benthic foraminifera assemblages at El Peñón indicate middle bathyal
S. Rehrmann et al. / Sedimentary Geology 282 (2012) 321–335 323

105°W 100°W

0 500 km
tion Late Maastrichtian
loca shoreline
Early Maastrichtian
shoreline 30°N

600 km

PB Monterrey
BB El Cerrito,
Torreón El Peñón
Front of Sierra

Madre orogen

G u lf o f M e x ic o

Pacific Ocean

110°W 105°W 100°W

Open-marine, shallow Moderately deep Outer-ramp lime
nearshore medium- to marine mudstone and
fine-grained clastics calcareous shale, shale
Magmatic arc
Alluvial,fluvial Subbasins in the
continental clastics Sierra Madre foreland

Fig. 2. Maastrichtian paleogeography of northeastern Mexico with inferred drainage routes. BB — Burgos Basin, CP — Coahuila Platform, LB — La Popa Basin, MB — Magiscatzin Basin,
PB — Parras Basin, SB — Sabinas Basin (after Goldhammer and Johnson, 2001; Lawton et al., 2009).

water depths (600–1000 m) for the marls underlying the K–Pg de- At least 300 framework grains >63 μm (i. e., a total of 500–1200
posit and probably slightly shallower deposition for the shales of the points) in each of 27 sandstone samples from the Burgos Basin sand-
Paleocene Velasco Formation (Alegret and Thomas, 2001; Alegret stones (by author SR) and 200–270 grains (totally 300–350 points)
et al., 2001). In the La Popa Basin, Maastrichtian sedimentation is from 16 samples from the El Papalote sections in the La Popa Basin
represented mainly by deltaic sandstone, siltstone, and mudstone of (by author RNIV) were point-counted according to the Gazzi–Dickinson
the Potrerillos Formation that are coeval with evaporite diapirism method (Dickinson, 1970) on standard thin sections that were not
(Lawton et al., 2001). The deposits in the uppermost ca. 7 m below the stained for feldspar.
K–Pg boundary layer and the lowermost meter in the Paleogene have Five of the samples from El Cerrito, 17 from El Peñón and all 25
been interpreted as storm deposits in the lower shoreface (Aschoff and from La Popa Basin were processed for whole-rock element chemical
Giles, 2005). analysis. The samples were powdered in an agate mill and analyzed
with ICP-ES (oxides, Ba and Sc) and ICP-MS (trace elements) by Acme
3. Methods Labs in Vancouver, Canada.
The mineral composition of bulk samples for 27 samples of the
The Maastrichtian section at El Cerrito near the cemetery in Burgos Basin sandstones was determined at the University of Erlangen
Linares (24°52″N, 99°33′W), the K–Pg boundary outcrop at El Peñón on wet powdered samples (grain size b10 μm obtained with a McCrone
(24°58′N, 99°13′W), and three K–Pg boundary sections close to the Micromill, see Srodon et al., 2001) with a Siemens D5000 X-ray diffrac-
El Papalote diapir in the La Popa Basin (26°03′N, 100°43′W) were tometer. Powdered samples were scanned from 5° to 85° 2Θ with steps
mapped and sampled for petrographic and element chemical of 0.2° and a scanning time of 4 s. The BGMN 5.0 Rietveld refinement
analysis. At El Cerrito and El Peñón, 10 and 20 sandstone samples, program (Bergmann et al., 1998, #2270) was used for mineral quantifi-
respectively, were collected, including two samples from spherule cation and provided very good fits: (i) the observed weighted residual
layers (Fig. 3). In La Popa, 17 samples were collected from the El errors Rwp ranged from 12 to 15.5%, (ii) the weighted residual errors
Papalote sections, as well as 5 and 3 samples, respectively, from late Rwp are close to the statistically expected values Rexp, indicating good
Maastrichtian sandstones at San José de la Popa (26°07′N, 100°52′W) agreement between the observed and simulated XRD patterns, and
and the Delgado synclinal (25°58′N, 100°48′W). (iii) the calculated quality parameter 1-ρ ranged from 1.6 to 2.4%. To
324 S. Rehrmann et al. / Sedimentary Geology 282 (2012) 321–335

El Peñón (K-Pg transition) El Cerrito (Late Maastrichtian)

cm cm
759 EP11.1 1667
744 EP 10.1
EP 9.1

EP 8.1 1367.5 P 8.2
Unit 3 1347
P 8.1

615.5 EP 7.1

EP 6.1
EP 6.2
567.5 P 6.2
EP 5.1 1073
EP 4.7 P6
540.5 P 6.1
EP 4.8 1041.5

864.5 P 4.3

EP 4.4 P 4.2
Unit 2 EP 4.2

P 4.1
EP 4.5

EP 4.3

EP 4.6
563 P 2.3
EP 4.1 P 2.2
EP 3

148.5 EP 2.1o P 2.1

138.5 EP 2.1 500
Unit 1 120 EP 2.1u
EP 1

Silt Fine Medium Coarse Silt Fine Medium Coarse

Sand Sand
Sandstone Sandstone Chondrites Horizontal lamination
Spherule (sub-)parallel Sandstone with current Marl and
layer Sandstone laminated with ripples directions shale Burrows Load casts

Trough-type ripples Flaser bedding

Climbing ripples J-shaped structure

Fig. 3. Lithology of the El Peñón and El Cerrito sections in the Burgos Basin. The first number in the sample names represents the bed number. Note that the complete thickness of
beds 1, 7, and 9 at El Cerrito is shown in condensed form. Sample points are shown in gray. See also Stinnesbeck et al. (1993), Keller et al. (1994) and Smit et al. (1996) for the
lithology at El Peñón.

address precision of the XRD analysis, multiple preparations and sub- disturbance of the quartz CL signal. The quartz grains were mounted
sequent analysis of a single sample were conducted, resulting in an with epoxy on 1.35 mm thick glass slides, polished to 25 μm thickness,
interquartile range of the major mineral phases in the acceptable and coated with carbon. The investigations were carried out as outlined
range of ca. 0.5–1 wt.%. The accuracy of the Rietveld refinement was in Augustsson and Bahlburg (2003) and Augustsson et al. (2011) with
tested by several representative samples spiked with 10 wt.% zincite the exception of a sample current of 3.5–4.5 μA. The procedure includes
(ZnS) as an internal standard. This standard could be recovered satisfac- measuring times of 50 s. Uncertainty in metering the intensity counts
torily by all refinements, although a tendency towards higher values is was ca. ±10 counts. With the used settings only minor alteration of
obvious (ca. 11–12 wt.% recovery). These overestimations are mostly the shape of the spectra that has no relevance for the color assignment
related to the presence of additional X-ray amorphous components in- was observed during the complete exposure time (see also Augustsson
cluding chert. et al., 2011; Augustsson and Reker, 2012). We use the CL colors of
A total of 470 quartz grains (344 from El Peñón; 125 from El quartz as provenance indicators although the efficacy of this method
Cerrito) from the point-counted sandstones were measured for their is debated (e. g., Boggs et al., 2002; Götte and Richter, 2006). Neverthe-
CL spectra with a hot CL microscope (HC-1LM) at the Institute for less, correlation of data from detrital quartz and zircon as well as a
Geology and Paleontology in Münster. Before measurement, the car- reinvestigation of the CL of quartz from various crystalline rocks con-
bonate in the 63–125 μm size fraction, which represents the main firm that the colors still can be used as provenance indicators, provided
grain size in the sandstones, was dissolved with HCl (20%) during 4 h that their corresponding spectra are evaluated (Augustsson et al., 2011;
on a hotplate (80 °C, which does not affect the CL signal) to avoid Augustsson and Reker, 2012). The discrimination method presented by
S. Rehrmann et al. / Sedimentary Geology 282 (2012) 321–335 325

Augustsson and Reker (2012) is used here for evaluation. Hence, mainly The zircon–tourmaline–rutile (ZTR; (zircon+tourmaline+rutile)/total
red- and violet-luminescent volcanic quartz were discriminated from non-opaque heavy mineral count) index was determined to estimate the
plutonic, high-temperature metamorphic, and pegmatitic quartz with maturity of the sediments (Hubert, 1962). The provenance-sensitive
bright to medium blue CL as well as from mainly dark blue to brown- apatite–tourmaline (ATi; apatite/(apatite+tourmaline)) and rutile–
luminescent low-temperature metamorphic quartz based on their zircon (RZi; TiO2 group/(TiO2 group+zircon)) indices were calculated
wavelength spectra. The intensities of the two main peaks for quartz because they represent minerals with similar hydraulic behavior that
in visible light (blue: 470–490 nm, red: 600–640 nm) were compared are relatively immune to alteration during the sedimentary cycle
to the intensity in the trough between the peaks to determine the (Morton and Hallsworth, 1994). Therefore, they provide a good
spectral shapes for each analyzed grain. Only the largest grains were reflection of the source rock characteristics.
measured because many spectra have red and blue peak positions at
shorter wavelengths and/or the trough position shifted to longer wave-
lengths than expected (Fig. 4). This is due to disturbance from the 4. Results
surrounding slide glass as an effect of the small grain size. These shifts
do not cause changes in the interpreted color based on the relative 4.1. Lithology
peak intensity (Fig. 4; Augustsson and Reker, 2012).
The 63–125 μm heavy mineral fractions of 27 sandstones from the The lithology of the El Cerrito outcrop is previously undescribed.
Burgos Basin were separated with sodium polytungstate (2.85 g/cm3). Meter-thick silty marl layers of the Méndez Formation intercalated
More than 100 transparent heavy minerals were counted in each with four calcareous mostly massive sandstone beds are exposed
sample. Tourmaline, a mineral that appears in all analyzed samples, (Figs. 3 and 5A). The four sandstone beds are 20–165 cm thick and
was chosen for chemical analysis to reveal their source rock types. The the lower contact always is sharp. Impact ejecta clasts have not
composition of 232 tourmaline grains was analyzed in Münster at the been observed, in agreement with the late Maastrichtian age assigned
Institute for Mineralogy with a JEOL JXA 8900 Superprobe. Operating by Ekdale and Stinnesbeck (1998). The lowermost sandstone bed is
conditions were 15 kV accelerating voltage, 15 nA beam current, and 65 cm thick (Fig. 3) and of fine to medium sand grain size. Bioturba-
a beam diameter of 3 μm. Due to the beam-sensitive character of the tion occurs mainly in the upper part. The second sandstone bed from
samples, counting times were 10 s on the peak and 5 s on the back- the bottom is slightly coarser-grained, 1.65 m thick and has an un-
ground. Detection limits for single spot analysis were between 75 and even base with load casts. Internal subhorizontal bedding is visible
150 ppm (1σ). Standard deviations were typically b1% for concentra- at the top. On the surface, apparently symmetric ripples with NW–
tions >10 wt.% oxides and ≤5% for concentrations of 1–10 wt.% oxides. SE striking undulating crests and numerous trace fossils are present.
One to two centimeter thick, non-branching sand-filled burrows,
probably Ophiomorpha, are most common. The third, overlying, sand-
Glass spectrum stone bed is 32 cm thick and consists of fine-grained sandstone with
Spectrum unaffected by glass
Spectrum affected by glass
flaser bedding and calcite veins. Besides a few Chondrites traces,
reaching as much as 25 cm into the sandstone from the top, no inter-
Counts (not to scale)

nal structures were discernible. The topmost sandstone bed is 20 cm

thick and contains some horizontal lamination (Fig. 3). In the upper
part, clay lenses are common. Here, also frequent bioturbation occurs
as clay-filled mm-sized burrows, which emanate from the surface and
branch out at ca. 1 cm depth. They are most likely of the Chondrites
type (Fig. 5B; cf. Kappel, 2003).
The lithology of the El Peñón K–Pg boundary outcrop has previ-
ously been described in several earlier studies that mostly concen-
trated on the lowest part of the section (e. g., Stinnesbeck et al., 1993;
Keller et al., 1994; Smit et al., 1996). Like most K–Pg boundary outcrops
400 500 600 700 800 in the Gulf Coast region, the sedimentary sequence can be divided into
Wavelength(nm) three units. Unit 1 overlies marl of the upper Maastrichtian Méndez
Formation unconformably (Fig. 3). It consists of a discordantly devel-
Spectra without glass signal n = 35 oped 20–60 cm thick layer with mm-sized spherules, abundant calcite
Red peak intensity / trough intensity

Spectra with glass signal clasts, and a few quartz grains. The rock is grain-supported, weakly
cemented, and no grain orientation, sorting, or bioturbation has been
observed. A ca. 20 cm thick well-indurated layer of fine- to medium-
grained sandstone with a calcareous matrix is intercalated in the
low-T met. & upper part of the unit (Fig. 5C). Unit 2 is composed of 3.9 m thick
mafic plutonic
fine- to medium-grained, massive sandstone in several amalgamated
beds. It overlies unit 1 unconformably with an undulating erosional
brown volcanic contact (Fig. 3). Grain sizes decrease slightly up-section, although the
middle to upper part contains alternating coarser and finer medium
dark felsic plutonic,
1 blue
high-T met. & sand sizes. In the lower part, weak normal grading is caused by interca-
medium bright lated spherules and variably sized marl clasts. In the uppermost 80 cm,
blue blue pegmatitic
sub-parallel lamination and thin layers rich in mm- to cm-sized shale
clasts are present. Trace fossils are absent except for one J-shaped struc-
1 2 3 4 ture, which may represent a burrow, at the base (Figs. 3, 5D). In unit 3,
Blue peak intensity / trough intensity which is 2.2 m thick, about 10 cm thick silty marl layers intercalate with
up to 70 cm thick layers of fine to medium sandstone. Sedimentary
Fig. 4. The effect on quartz CL spectra when measurements include the surrounding
glass illustrated with the actual spectral shape for quartz (above) and the relative inten-
structures include lamination, climbing ripples, and small-scale cross-
sities of the two main peaks for quartz (below; discrimination scheme from Augustsson bedding. Current directions are highly variable. On top of the unit,
and Reker, 2012). both ripples and various burrows are visible, particularly Ophiomorpha
326 S. Rehrmann et al. / Sedimentary Geology 282 (2012) 321–335

Fig. 5. (A) Overview of the topmost two sandstone beds at El Cerrito (hammer for scale). (B) Top of layer 8 at El Cerrito with deep burrows of Chondrites in the otherwise struc-
tureless sandstone beds. (C) Overview of the El Peñón section with the basal spherule deposit (unit 1) and its intercalated sandy limestone layer (SLL), as well as overlying amal-
gamated structureless sandstones of unit 2 (from Schulte et al., 2010). (D) J-shaped structure (burrow?) at El Peñón. (E) Uppermost Maastrichtian Delgado Sandstone Member
(Kmd) of the Potrerillos Formation in La Popa. The Member is ca. 50 m from bottom to top in the image. (F) K–Pg transition sandstone beds of the Delgado Sandstone Member
(person on top of the uppermost bed for scale).

and Chondrites as defined by Smit et al. (1996) and Ekdale and are recrystallized to cement. Therefore, the sandstones are carbonate-
Stinnesbeck (1998). Unit 3 marks the top of the outcrop hill. cemented (5–30%), but they also contain a calcareous matrix (20–
The lithology of the Maastrichtian and K–Pg boundary part of 50%; Fig. 7). The sandstones are only slightly compacted and cementa-
the Potrerillos Formation in the La Popa Basin has previously been de- tion is the only observed diagenetic overprint. Replacement textures
scribed in detail by Aschoff and Giles (2005) and Schulte et al. (2011) and overgrowths of quartz and feldspar have not been recognized.
and therefore is only given here briefly. In all three studied profiles, Micritic fillings and shell fragments are uncommon and most likely
sandy siltstone of the Middle Siltstone Member is overlain discor- from bivalves and ostracodes, especially in El Cerrito. Abundant benthic
dantly by 8–13 m sedimentary deposits of the calcareous Delgado and planktonic foraminifera also were observed, especially in bed 6 at El
Sandstone Member, which represents the K–Pg transition (Fig. 6). Peñón (cf. Fig. 3). At El Peñón, grain sizes vary distinctly across the sec-
The lower 4–5 m is dominated by fine sandstone with siltstone and tion from medium-fine to medium and medium-coarse sand, although
mudstone intercalations. It is covered by 2–5 m of sandy channel no pronounced upward-fining or -coarsening trend is present (Fig. 3).
deposits representing the actual K–Pg boundary (Fig. 6). They are At El Cerrito, grain sizes vary from fine to medium sand size. Only sand-
composed mainly of fine sandstone. At the base (unit 1 of Schulte stones P4.1 to P4.3 are of medium to coarse sand size.
et al., 2011), bivalve, gastropod, shark teeth, and other bioclastic re- The mineral grains in both sections are mostly angular. In the
mains are abundant. Furthermore, sandstone clasts similar to under- framework, quartz and feldspar mostly occur to 90–100% and up to
lying sandstone are present. The uppermost 1–3 m of the Delgado 10%, respectively (when bioclasts are excluded; Fig. 8). The highest
Sandstone Member is represented by fine-grained sandstone with a quartz and lowest feldspar proportions were observed in the El Cerrito
coarsening-upward trend. sandstones. Fifty to 90% of the quartz grains are monocrystalline in
both sections (Fig. 9). Of these, 60–80% is non-undulatory. In the poly-
4.2. Petrography and mineralogy crystalline quartz fraction, >60% contains more than three subgrains.
Among the feldspars, plagioclase dominates with exception of sand-
The sandstones at El Peñón and El Cerrito can be characterized as stone EP 4.5, where potassium feldspar is more prominent (Fig. 9).
well-sorted quartz wackes or arkosic wackes, according to the rock clas- Lithic fragments are rare (b1%) and were identified as chert grains.
sification of Pettijohn et al. (1987). Former carbonate rock fragments Additionally, bioclasts are common. The results from the Rietveld
S. Rehrmann et al. / Sedimentary Geology 282 (2012) 321–335 327

WNW ca. 1 km ESE

Schulte et al. (2011): section 1
OS 17
Schulte et al. (2011): section 2 This study: section 1 This study: section 2 16 This study: section 3

Upper Mud-
Upper Mud-

Upper Mud-
Upper Mud-

Upper Mud-
m m m OS m

stone Mb.
stone Mb.

stone Mb.
stone Mb.

stone Mb.
9 12
14 14 OS
8 11
13 13
RIV-P1.1 LS 7 10
LS 12 12
7 LS

Delgado Sandstone Mb.

6 RIV-P2.8 9
Delgado Sandstone Mb.

K-Pg 11 BD 11
5 8
K-Pg 5 10

Delgado Sandstone Mb.

BD 4 RIV-P2.7 RIV-P3.2
9 9 K-Pg 7
4 RIV-P1.4

Delgado Sandstone Mb.


Delgado Sandstone Mb.

3 K-Pg 6
8 8
3 OS
RIV-P1.5 LS 2 RIV-P2.6 BD RIV-P3.3
LS 7 5
LS 2 7
OS 1 RIV-P3.4
6 4
OS 1 6
LS 0 3
OS 5
stone Mb.
Middle Silt-

0 5 RIV-P3.5
stone Mb.
Middle Silt-

-1 OS 2
RIV-P2.5 4 4 LS
3 3 OS
RIV-P2.4 2 0
Mudstone 2

stone Mb.
Middle Silt-
Siltstone OS -1
OS 1
Fine sandstone LS 1
Medium-coarse sandstone OS
RIV-P2.3 LS 0 0

stone Mb.
Middle Silt-
stone Mb.
Middle Silt-

Macrofossils OS -1

Fig. 6. Lithology of the El Papalote sections in the La Popa Basin (part of the Potrerillos Formation) including two sections from Schulte et al. (2011). K–Pg BD = K–Pg boundary
deposit, LS = lower shoreface, OS = outer shelf.

refinement of the X-ray diffraction patterns corroborate the data The lithic fragments are dominated by sedimentary grains of siltstone
from the petrographic analysis: quartz (ca. 20–50 wt.%) and calcite and carbonate. Some felsic volcanic grains were encountered.
(ca. 7–45 wt.%) are the dominant components, followed by feldspars
(mostly albite, 20–41 wt.%, and minor orthoclase, b 2 wt.%). The 4.3. Whole-rock geochemistry
Rietveld analysis recorded slightly higher quartz and calcite contents,
and lower feldspar contents for the late Maastrichtian El Cerrito sec- With one exception, all sandstones have low SiO2 and Al2O3
tion than for the K–Pg El Peñón sandstones. Also, the El Cerrito sand- contents of 33–70 wt.% and 4–12 wt.%, respectively, due to dilution
stones have higher chlorite contents (up to 10 wt.%), whereas the with CaO (9–31 wt.%) from carbonate. Corresponding SiO2/Al2O3 of
El Peñón sandstones generally include more illite (up to 9 wt.%). The 5–9 and 6–11 in the Burgos Basin and La Popa Basin, respectively, is
mineralogical composition of the El Peñón and El Cerrito sandstones typical for sandstones. As can be expected for sandstones dominated
reveals only weak stratigraphic trends. At El Peñón, only unit 3 is by albite among the feldspars, Na2O concentrations are higher than
marked by a gradual increase in the quartz and plagioclase content K2O percentages, as illustrated by Na2O/K2O ratios of 3–12 and 2–8
and there is a slight upsection increase in quartz content in the El in the Burgos Basin and La Popa Basin, respectively (Figs. 9 and 10).
Cerrito section (Fig. 9). The Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA; Nesbitt and Young, 1982), a
The La Popa Basin sandstones are well-sorted subarkoses to arkoses measure of the alteration from feldspar to clay minerals, mainly is be-
and arkosic wackes with high carbonate cement (3–25%) and matrix tween 50 and 65 (after correction for CaO in carbonate) in both basins,
contents (6–25%). Cementation is the main observed diagenetic over- i. e., values that are typical for low degrees of chemical alteration dur-
print. Micritic fillings and shell fragments (e. g., bivalves) occur. Grain ing weathering and diagenesis.
sizes increase slightly upwards within fine sand in all three profiles. Provenance-indicative trace element ratios generally are similar
Similar to the Burgos Basin sandstones, the sand grains are mostly for all sandstones. Th/Sc, an indicator for felsic, crustal origin, ranges
angular and with a dominance of quartz in the framework (60–80%). from 0.4 to 1.1 and Ti/Nb, a tracer for mafic input, is 350–510, gener-
Differently, feldspar, mainly represented by plagioclase, and lithic frag- ally with slightly higher values for the Burgos Basin than for the La
ments are more common (15–30% and 5–20%, respectively; Fig. 10). Popa Basin (Figs. 9 and 10). The zircon and recycling indicator Zr/Sc
328 S. Rehrmann et al. / Sedimentary Geology 282 (2012) 321–335

Fig. 7. Thin sections from El Peñón (EP 4.6) and El Cerrito (P 4.3). Qz = quartz, qzp = polycrystalline quartz (>3 subgrains), plg = plagioclase.

is 12–27 in the Burgos Basin and 17–140 in the La Popa Basin. Within 4.4. Cathodoluminescence of quartz
the individual basins, Zr/Sc is somewhat higher in K–Pg transition
sandstones (17–42 and 36–50 in the Burgos and La Popa basins, re- Most quartz grains luminesce in medium and dark blue shades in
spectively) than in Maastrichtian sandstones (12–27 and 17–80 with both sections. They mainly have relative peak intensities for the red
some scatter, respectively). Other indices are not age-discriminative peak between 1.0 and 1.8. At El Peñón, the relative peak intensities
(Figs. 9 and 10). for the blue peak are 1.0–2.0, which is typical for a mixture of meta-
The composition of the two spherule layers in unit 1 at El Peñón morphic and plutonic quartz (Fig. 11). At El Cerrito, low values of
differs from the sandstone composition. Lower SiO2 and Na2O con- b1.5 point to a dominance of metamorphic quartz. Spectra typical
centrations result in low SiO2/Al2O3 of ca. 3 and low Na2O/K2O of ca. for volcanic quartz with red, violet, and blue luminescence and rela-
0.5. CIA (61 and 63) is similar to the sandstones. Th/Sc of 0.2, Ti/Nb tive blue peak intensities above ca. 1.3 are rare (Fig. 11). The applica-
of ca. 800, and Zr/Sc of 8 and 9 also deviate from the sandstones tion of the discrimination diagram of Augustsson and Reker (2012)
(Figs. 9 and 10). A ca. 10 cm thick marl layer in unit 3 at El Peñón leads to 45% and 42% spectra typical for low-grade metamorphic
has a similar composition to the sandstones, however. and plutonic quartz, respectively, from El Peñón and 80% and 20%, re-
spectively, from El Cerrito (Table 1). The remaining b 5% is typical for
volcanic quartz. No distinct quartz cathodoluminescence trends with-
Q El Peñón in the individual sections were observed, except for a slight decrease
Craton of metamorphic quartz upsection at El Peñón.
interior El Cerrito
Qm (Late The evaluation of quartz affected by glass signal may lead to an
Maastrichtian) overestimation of the proportion of metamorphic quartz and some
El Papalote 1
Transitional volcanic input may be obscured. The application of optional dis-
continental El Papalote 2
El Papalote 3
crimination lines between plutonic and metamorphic quartz in the
classification scheme, as suggested by Augustsson and Reker (2012),
theoretically may lead to a completely different result with ca. 80%
and 20% plutonic and metamorphic quartz, respectively, in both pro-
files. Nevertheless, only a part of the spectra were affected by glass
Basement signal. Therefore, a dominance of plutonic quartz is unrealistic.
uplift Recycled
4.5. Heavy mineral petrography
Magmatic arc
Heavy minerals obtained from both Burgos Basin sections are
predominantly of metamorphic origin, including chlorite (b 38%),
tourmaline (1–19%), clinozoisite (b13%), garnet (b3%), and epidote
F Lt (b1%; Fig. 12). The magmatic minerals zircon (5–62%), apatite (6–
49%), enstatite (b 6%), and hornblende (1–54%) are also abundant.
Fig. 8. Light mineral discrimination schemes after Dickinson et al. (1983). Symbols
with dots represent data from the K–Pg boundary deposit in the La Popa Basin. Q =
Zircon and apatite are significantly more abundant in El Peñón than
total quartz, F = total feldspar, L = lithic fragments, Qm = monocrystalline quartz, in El Cerrito. Therefore, the ATi and specifically the ZTR indices are
Lt = L including polycrystalline quartz. higher for the El Peñón sandstones (ATi: 52–96; ZTR: 50–79) than
S. Rehrmann et al. / Sedimentary Geology 282 (2012) 321–335 329

EP 11.1
EP 10.1
EP 9.1

EP 8.1
EP 7.1
EP 6.1
EP 6.2 (39)
El Peñón (K-Pg transition)

EP 5.1
EP 4.7
EP 4.8



EP 4.4
EP 4.2

EP 4.5

EP 4.3

EP 4.6
EP 4.1
EP 3
EP 2.1o
EP 2
EP 2.1u
EP 1
0.90 0.95 1.0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.6 0.7 0.8 50 55 60 65 0.2 1 10 100 1000

P 8.2
P 8.1
El Cerrito (Late Maastrichtian)

P 6.2
P 6.1

P 4 .3
P 4.2
P 4.1

P 2.3
P 2.2
P 2.1



Plg/Fsp t Qm /Qt
Qt /(Qt+Fsp t) Qm, non-undoulus /Qm Qp(>3 subgrains) /Qp CIA Th/Sc Na2O/K2O Zr/Sc Ti/Nb
0.90 0.95 1.0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.6 0.7 0.8 50 55 60 65 0.2 1 10 100 1000

Fig. 9. Light mineral framework content and whole-rock chemical composition of El Peñón and El Cerrito sandstones (except sample names in bold referring to spherule layer and
marl). Values for the upper continental crust (McLennan, 2001) are marked in gray. Qm = monocrystalline quartz, Qm, non-undulose = Qm with b5° undulosity, Qp = polycrystalline
quartz, Qp(>3 subgrains) = Qp with >3 subgrains, Qt = total quartz, Fspt = total feldspar, Plg = plagioclase.

for El Cerrito (ATi: 54–79; ZTR: 9–29). Rutile was only observed at El (Table 2). The calcium content is generally low (b 3.75 wt.% for El
Peñón (b6%) and there, the RZi is ≤8. In contrast, El Cerrito has a sig- Peñón and b 4.33 wt.% for El Cerrito).
nificantly higher abundance of hornblende, chlorite, clinozoisite, and About 80–85% of the tourmaline grains from El Peñón and 68–82%
enstatite (Fig. 12). from El Cerrito have a chemical composition that is typical for
Generally, the El Peñón sandstones, particularly unit 3, have a metasedimentary protoliths of metapelitic composition (fields 4, 5,
highly variable heavy mineral content with samples EP 6.1 and EP 8.1 9 and 10 in the diagrams of Henry and Guidotti, 1985; Fig. 13). Beside
having a considerably lower ZTR (36 and 16, respectively) and higher this metamorphic influence, a considerable amount (>15% for El
abundances of apatite and hornblende compared to the enclosing sand- Peñón and El Cerrito) of grains has a composition typical for deriva-
stones (Fig. 12). In contrast, the El Cerrito section shows only little var- tion from magmatic sources (Fig. 13). There are no obvious composi-
iation in the heavy mineral content across the section. tional variations of tourmaline within or between the two sections.

4.6. Chemical composition of tourmaline 5. Provenance

The tourmaline grains are mainly subrounded and commonly bro- The high proportions of quartz in the studied sections are typical
ken. They are generally characterized by a strong pleochroism and a for sandstones derived from recycled orogens (Fig. 8; Dickinson et
brown to olive-green or yellow color. The grains have chemical com- al., 1983). However, local differences in sediment transport and deposi-
positions between the end-members buergerite, schorl, and dravite tional settings can induce strong variations, especially on the amount of
330 S. Rehrmann et al. / Sedimentary Geology 282 (2012) 321–335

EP 3 RIV-P3.2


EP 2




EP 1





UJe-01 (0.06)

0.70 0.75 0.800.85 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.6 0.7 0.8 50 55 60 65 0.2 1 10 100 1000
Q t /(Q t+Fspt) Plg/Fspt Q m/Qt CIA Th/Sc Na2O/K2O Zr/Sc Ti/Nb

Fig. 10. Light mineral framework content and whole-rock chemical composition of La Popa sandstones. Sample names from the K–Pg boundary deposit are given in bold. DS =
Delgado Syncline, SJdLP = San José de la Popa, EP = El Papalote profile. See Fig. 9 for further explanation.

lithic fragments. Thus, the frame-work petrography only gives a first

10 impression about possible provenance areas and additional data are
El Peñón, n = 344 Unit 3, n = 118
needed for verification. Nevertheless, the general similarity both in
Red peak intensity / trough intensity

(K-Pg transition) Unit 2, n = 179

light mineral and whole-rock element composition suggests a similar
Unit 1, n = 47
5 origin for the sandstones from both the La Popa Basin and the Burgos
red Basin. Such a similarity can be expected, because the sediment derived
low-T met. & from the same coastal stretch. Source areas with three main rock types
mafic plutonic have to be considered: (1) carbonate, (2) siliciclastic metasedimentary,
violet and (3) plutonic rocks.
brown volcanic
(1) The presence of carbonate shells, matrix, and cement suggests
felsic plutonic, that unconsolidated material from the shelf was mixed with
1 high-T met. &
medium bright siliciclastic detritus during transport. In addition, detrital car-
blue blue pegmatitic
bonate grains as well as chert clasts may have been derived
from the Mesozoic sedimentary rocks of the coevally uplifting
10 Sierra Madre Oriental to the west (Fig. 2). These rocks mainly
El Cerrito, n = 125 layer 8, n = 9 consist of carbonate and chert, evaporite, and to a lesser degree
Red peak intensity / trough intensity

(Late Maastrichtian) layer 6, n = 43 of terrigenous siliciclastic rocks (Weidie and Murray, 1967;
layer 4, n = 71 Avenius, 1982).
layer 2, n = 2 (2) The siliciclastic material in the sandstones is strongly indicative
of sedimentary recycling. The high Zr/Sc values are rather in
low-T met. &
agreement with recycling than with erosion and transport
mafic plutonic
violet directly from other rocks types. Furthermore, in the Burgos
Basin the high heavy mineral indices ZTR and ATi and the
brown volcanic metapelitic protoliths for most tourmaline grains support
dark felsic plutonic, recycling. The ultimate sources partly were mafic, as indicated
1 high-T met. & both by the geochemical composition (e. g., Ti/Nb values, CIA in
medium bright
blue blue pegmatitic combination with low K2O contents) and the general domi-
nance of plagioclase among the feldspars. Furthermore, the
sandstones in the Burgos Basin with dark CL colors for quartz
1 2 3 4 and their large polycrystalline quartz fraction also indicate
Blue peak intensity / trough intensity
low-temperature metamorphic rocks as ultimate sources, al-
Fig. 11. Relative peak intensities for measured quartz CL spectra (discrimination though plutonic detritus was equally important for the K–Pg
scheme from Augustsson and Reker, 2012). sandstones at El Peñón, as indicated by the CL results. The
S. Rehrmann et al. / Sedimentary Geology 282 (2012) 321–335 331

Table 1
Origin of quartz grains based on their cathodoluminescence spectra.

Volcanic Plutonica Metamorphicb Total

(#) (%) (#) (%) (#) (%) (#) (%)

Unit 1 1 2% 17 36% 29 62% 47 100%

Unit 2 10 6% 69 39% 100 56% 179 101%
Unit 3 5 4% 60 51% 53 45% 118 100%
Total (El Peñón) 16 5% 146 42% 182 53% 344 100%
Layer 2 – – 2 2
Layer 4 1 1% 13 18% 57 80% 71 99%
Layer 6 – – 10 23% 33 77% 43 100%
Layer 8 – 1 8 9
Total (El Cerrito) 1 b1% 24 20% 98 80% 123 100%
Plutonic and high-temperature metamorphic and pegmatitic quartz.
Metamorphic and mafic plutonic quartz, excluding high-temperature metamorphic quartz.

source difference is supported by the heavy mineral contents section includes Silurian, Mississippian, and Permian siliciclastic
in the two sections. rocks containing volcanic detritus and intercalations of felsic
The uplifting Sierra Madre Oriental west of the Burgos Basin volcanic rocks (Stewart et al., 1999). Triassic sandstones con-
poses the closest possible source for siliciclastic material. tain little volcanic detritus but were fed from mainly felsic
Present-day exposures are scarce and restricted to isolated rocks (Barboza-Gudiño et al., 2010). Jurassic–Cretaceous sand-
areas in northeastern Mexico (cf. Gursky, 1996). The Paleozoic stones contain too much volcanic detritus and plutonic quartz

El Peñón (K-Pg transition) El Cerrito (Late Maastrichtian)

EP 11.11 n>100

EP 9.1

EP 8.1
P 8.2
EP 7.1 P 8.1

EP 6.1
EP 6.2
EP 5.1
EP 4.7
EP 4.8 P 6.2
P 6.1

P 4.3

P 4.2

P 4.1
EP 4.4

EP 4.2
EP 4.5
EP 4.3

EP 4.6 Enstatite
EP 4.1 Rutile
EP 2.1o Others
EP 2.1u

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 9 0 100
Heavy minerals (%) Heavy minerals (%)

Fig. 12. Heavy mineral content of the El Peñón and El Cerrito sandstones.
332 S. Rehrmann et al. / Sedimentary Geology 282 (2012) 321–335

Table 2
Typical chemical compositions of tourmalinea.

Discrimination fieldb Sample_grain Structural formula

2 EP2.1u_4 (Na0.60Ca0.03 K0.01)(Fe1.82 Mg0.57Al0.42Ti0.02Mn0.01)(Al6.00)(Si6.04)(BO3)3(OH)4

4 (10) EP2.1o_9 (Na0.60Ca0.10 K0.02)(Fe0.93 Mg1.36Al0.19Ti0.22Mnb0.01)(Al6.00)(Al0.22Si5.88)(BO3)3(OH)4
5 (9) EP4.1_11 (Na0.56Ca0.37 Kb0.01)(Fe1.10 Mg1.47Ti0.12Mn0.01)(Fe0.27Al5.83)(Si6.01)(BO3)3(OH)4
6 (10) EP8.1_1 (Na0.73Ca0.24 K0.02)(Fe0.76 Mg2.15Ti0.12)(Fe0.74Al5.26)(Si6.10)(BO3)3(O,F)4
Normalization was made on the basis of 29 O.
Henry and Guidotti (1985).

(Ocampo-Díaz, 2011). Hence, transport from the Sierra Madre La Popa indicate a higher degree of reworking or recycling. Sim-
Oriental probably was restricted to material from the youngest ilar to the results from this study, a partial change in source
strata, i. e. Cretaceous limestone detritus. areas is also given by U–Pb ages of the late Maastrichtian to
Low-grade metasedimentary rocks are dominant on the Coa- K–Pg transition sandstones from the La Popa Basin (Lawton
huila platform (deformed carbonates) and the Burro Arch et al., 2009). Plutonic material may have been derived both
(deformed metasediments) north of both the Burgos Basin from granitic and sedimentary units of the Caborca basement
and the La Popa Basin, but these areas were situated below (cf. Ferrari et al., 2007; Lawton et al., 2009) and from an exten-
sea level during late Maastrichtian time (Goldhammer and sive magmatic arc province in western Mexico, which existed
Johnson, 2001; Fig. 2). Neither coast-parallel sand transport during the development of the Sierra Madre Oriental fold and
contributing metamorphic detritus from South Texas is con- thrust belt and the foreland basins (Dickinson and Lawton,
sidered due to the scarcity of volcanic quartz in the Burgos 2001; Fig. 2). The arc province is the result of arc collision and
Basin sandstones (cf., Ewing and Caran, 1982; Reese et al., accretion on the western flank of Mexico beginning in late
2000). Instead, the metasedimentary source areas probably Early Cretaceous time (Dickinson and Lawton, 2001). This
were more distant. The material may have been derived west-facing continental-margin arc-trench system is dominated
from the Caborca basement block in northwestern Mexico by volcanic–plutonic arc mineral assemblages. Pre-Paleogene
and possibly also from Laurentian crustal elements in the south- plutonic rocks are of dioritic to granitic composition and the
western USA (cf. Lawton et al., 2009; Fig. 2). The Caborca block volcanic rocks dominantly are andesitic (Ferrari et al., 2007).
represents an offset segment of the latest Precambrian to early Hence, such a model would imply transport of plagioclase
Paleozoic metasedimentary Cordilleran passive margin, whereas from mafic volcanic rocks and quartz from plutonites. Most
Laurentian basement is contiguous to the North American cra- potassium feldspar from the felsic source rocks must have un-
ton that consists of metamorphic and igneous rocks (Dickinson dergone alteration before deposition.
and Lawton, 2001). The provenance interpretation presented here is similar to the
(3) The plutonic detritus may have derived from a source partly one of Soegaard et al. (2003) and Lawton et al. (2009) for
separate from the metasedimentary one. This is indicated by Upper Cretaceous to lower Paleogene sandstones from the shal-
the larger amount of plutonic quartz grains and less metamor- low La Popa and Parras foreland basins (Fig. 2). Similar to this
phic heavy minerals in the K–Pg than in the Maastrichtian sand- study, Lawton et al. (2009) recorded a dominance of plagioclase
stones in the Burgos Basin, results that cannot be explained by among the feldspars and only sparse lithic volcanic fragments
variations in grain size and quartz content. This is also in accor- in the sandstones. Based on the framework petrography and zir-
dance with the lower chlorite content at El Peñón, as revealed by con U–Pb dating, a long-lived northwestern Mexican drainage
the Rietveld analysis. Furthermore, the high ZTR in the Burgos system that originated in the area of present-day California,
Basin, as well as the higher Zr/Sc in the K–Pg sections also in Arizona, and New Mexico was considered. They suggested that

Ca Ca

El Peñón
Al (K-Pg)

El Cerrito
(Late Maastrichtian) 9
10 12
1 Fe Mg

1. Li-rich granitoid pegmatites and aplites

2. Li-poor granitoids and their associated pegmatites and aplites
3. Fe3+-rich quartz-tourmaline rocks (hydrothermally altered granites)
7 4. Metapelites and metapsammites coexisting with an Al-saturating phase
2 4 5. Metapelites and metapsammites not coexisting with an Al-saturating phase
6. Fe 3+-rich quartz-tourmaline rocks, calc-silicate rocks and metapelites
5 7. Low-Ca meta-ultramafics and Cr-V-rich metasediments
8. Metacarbonates and meta-pyroxenites

3 8 9. Ca-rich metapelites, metapsammites and calc-silicate rocks

10. Ca-poor metapelites, metapsammites and calc-silicate rocks
6 11. Metacarbonates
12. Meta-ultramafics

Fe50Al50 Al50Mg50

Fig. 13. Chemical composition of tourmaline in molecular percentages from El Peñón and El Cerrito. Discrimination fields from Henry and Guidotti (1985).
S. Rehrmann et al. / Sedimentary Geology 282 (2012) 321–335 333

this drainage system received sediment from transverse rivers sections due to mixed bathyal and neritic benthic foraminifera in the
that presumably flowed parallel to the Sierra Madre Oriental spherule layers (Alegret et al., 2001). The alternation of marl and
fold belt and discharged into the Parras and La Popa foreland sandstone in unit 3 indicates a change in depositional conditions.
basins, presumably at the Torreón syntaxis ca. 300 km west of Mass flows of the thin, commonly rippled sand layers assume decreas-
Monterrey (Fig. 2). The drainage area west of the Sierra Madre ing sediment supply from the shelf. This interpretation is supported by
Oriental probably was smaller than suggested by Lawton et al. the high variability and in part opposing current directions recorded
(2009), because the petrographic and geochemical composition in the sandstones (see also Smit et al., 1996). We assume the opposing
of the Burgos and La Popa Basin sandstones are not in accor- current directions to be the result of a complete system of near-
dance with erosion of all geographical areas that would have simultaneous mass flows from different points of origin along the
to be passed. Furthermore, it is unlikely that the major part of Gulf of Mexico (cf. Smit et al., 1996; Schulte et al., 2010). In the mass
western Mexico would drain towards the east during uplift of flow model, the intercalated dm-thick marl layers in unit 3 assume
the Sierra Madre Oriental. additional transport from the shelf margin or slope presumably closer
The detritus of the latest Maastrichtian to K–Pg boundary sand- to El Peñón. As a comparison, evidence of joint mass transport of
stones both in the shallow-marine La Popa Basin and the deep- Méndez Formation marl and unit 1 spherules has been observed at
marine Burgos Basin derived from similar sources. We infer La Sierrita only 40–50 km northwest of El Peñón (Soria et al., 2001).
transport mainly of metasedimentary detritus from the north- The confinement of burrowers to the very top of unit 3 suggests that
west that was mixed with igneous material from a transport colonization took place after deposition of the sandstones, although
system emanating from the magmatic arc province in western some burrows may actually have been established already during
Mexico. deposition of the uppermost layers. This is in accordance with deposi-
tion of the unit during a very short period (see e. g., Smit et al., 1996;
6. Depositional conditions for the Burgos Basin Schulte et al., 2010). Alternatively, the sedimentological features
of unit 3 can be interpreted in favor of deposition taking place during
Schulte et al. (2011) interpret the K–Pg sedimentary rocks in the a much longer period of time (see e. g., Stinnesbeck et al., 1993; Adatte
La Popa basin as representing shelf sand deposition that was followed et al., 1996) and with the marl layers being the result of background
by (hyper-)concentrated density flows within a valley at the actual sedimentation. The sandstones with their varying current directions
K–Pg boundary. Hence, the depositional settings were different for would be in accordance with deposition in a coastal realm. This would
the latest Maastrichtian sand and the K–Pg boundary sand. assume a rather unrealistic sea-level drop of >500 m from the latest
Similar to the La Popa Basin, in the deep-marine Burgos Basin Maastrichtian, however (cf. Alegret and Thomas, 2001; Alegret et al.,
differences in the depositional conditions prevailed. During the late 2001).
Maastrichtian, the dominance of marl sedimentation indicates that Incorporating the heavy mineral data of the El Peñón section
detrital coarse-grained material was effectively shielded from the allows for additional constraints on the depositional conditions. Spe-
deep foreland basins of the Sierra Madre Oriental. The occurrence of cifically, the difference in heavy mineral content of unit 2 compared
intercalated sandstone beds with sharp lower contacts at El Cerrito with the much more complex composition of unit 3 of the El Peñón
points to sporadic coarser-grained sediment input by local mass section may suggest that mineralogically more heterogeneous mate-
flows derived from shallow coastal areas. This is in accordance with rial was incorporated in the sandstones during deposition of unit 3.
the upward change from lamination to ripple formation due to waning This may, like in El Cerrito, be explained by temporarily tapping of
current energy within individual sandstone beds, pointing to deposi- sediment sources from areas more proximal to the sediment input,
tion by a single turbidite event. The good sorting of the sandstones bypassing storage on the shallow shelf (e.g., Hurst and Morton,
can be explained by the dominance of fine-grained sand already in 2001). In the case of the El Peñón sandstones, this suggests that the
the coastal source areas. Because of the thick marl layers between detritus of unit 2 originated from well-mixed shallow shelf areas of
the sandstone beds, the mass flow events probably were separated the Burgos Basin northwest of El Peñón. In contrast, the sediments
by long phases of background sedimentation. This interpretation is of unit 3 may alternately have been derived from different coastal
supported by the colonization by burrowers in the topmost part of stretches as indicated by the varying current directions, possibly
the sandstone beds. The causes for the sediment instability that trig- with partial transport from the shallow La Popa and Parras basins or
gered the mass transport may include sediment overload on the the Sabinas foreland basin. The trigger for the deep-marine sandstone
shelf, earthquakes, storm events, and / or recorded late Cretaceous deposition is usually tied to the Chicxulub impact (e. g., Bohor, 1996;
sea-level fluctuations (Leeder, 1999; Lawton et al., 2001). The in- Smit et al., 1996; Schulte et al., 2010). Related earthquakes can ex-
creased heterogeneity, most apparent in the increase of quartz, may plain the transport, possibly in conjunction with increased shelf insta-
be a result of tapping more proximal sources that overstepped storage bility due to a low sea level.
on the shelf (Hurst and Morton, 2001). The appearance of apparently
symmetrical ripples as well as both Chondrites and Ophiomorpha may 7. Conclusions
be in favor of shallower conditions than indicated from foraminifers
(600–1000 m; Alegret and Thomas, 2001; Alegret et al., 2001), al- The petrographic and chemical compositions indicate that the
though the trace fossils may appear in water depths of several hundred detritus of the late Maastrichtian and K–Pg boundary sandstone beds
meters (cf. Heard and Pickering, 2008). However this may imply rapid in the Burgos and La Popa basins derived from similar source regions.
sea-level drops for each of the four sandstone layers and equally rapid Both recycled orogenic and stable cratonic areas contributed to the
sea-level rises after sandstone deposition. The main interpretations composition of the sandstones with a mixture of magmatic, metamor-
would not be different if shallower water conditions prevailed though. phic, and carbonate material. The siliciclastic transport from western
The results from the El Peñón sandstones support an interpretation Mexico most likely took place via a stable fluvial system that operated
of the K–Pg sandstones as a result of mass transport (cf. Soria et al., during the Late Cretaceous and early Paleogene. By the time the fluvial
2001, for a near-by locality). Water-escape features in all three layers system encountered the Gulf of Mexico, longshore currents led to
(see Keller et al., 1994; Smit et al., 1996), faint lamination, the general reworking, mixing with calcareous material from the Sierra Madre
lack of trace fossils in units 1 and 2, and the relatively good sorting in- Oriental, and redistribution of the material along the coast. The sedi-
dicate a first phase of rapid deposition by sand-loaded mass flows de- ment transport system must have been long-lived to permit for a sim-
rived from shallower shelf areas dominated by fine sand. A reworked ilar provenance for the upper Maastrichtian and the K–Pg sandstone
shelf origin is also assumed for other NE Mexican K–Pg boundary beds (Lawton et al., 2009, inferred that the river system persisted for
334 S. Rehrmann et al. / Sedimentary Geology 282 (2012) 321–335

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