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New results for generalized Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta functions using Laplace


Article in International Journal of Mathematics and Computer in Engineering · December 2024

DOI: 10.2478/ijmce-2024-0017


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3 authors:

Oguz Yagci Recep Şahin

Kirikkale University Kirikkale University


Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisar

Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University


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International Journal of Mathematics and Computer in Engineering 2(2) (2024) 83–92

International Journal of Mathematics and Computer in Engineering

Original Study

New results for generalized Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta functions using laplace transform
Oğuz Yağcı1 †, Recep Şahin1 , Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisar2
1 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Art and Sciences, Kırıkkale University, Kırıkkale, 71450, Türkiye
2 Department of Mathematics, College of Science and Humanities in Alkharj, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Alkharj, 11942,
Saudi Arabia

Communicated by Haci Mehmet Baskonus; Received: 26.06.2023; Accepted: 06.10.2023; Online: 00.00.2024

Fractional Kinetic equations (FKEs) including a wide variety of special functions are widely and successfully applied in
describing and solving many important problems of physics and astrophysics. In this present work, the solutions of a FKEs
of the generalized Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta function using the Laplace transform are derived and examined.
Keywords: Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta function, generalized Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta function, fractional Kinetic equation, Mittag-Leffler func-
tion, Laplace transform.
AMS 2020 codes: 11M35; 44A20; 33E12.

1 Introduction

The Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta function is defined by Srivastava and Choi [1, 2]:

Φ (z, r, α ) = ∑ r (1)
n=0 (n + α )

α ∈ C \ Z0 ; r ∈ C when |z| < 1; ℜ(r) > 1 when |z| = 1 .
In 1997, Goyal and Laddha [3] defined and studied an extension of (1) one variable in the following equation:

Φ?ε (z, r, α ) = ∑ (ε )n (2)
n=0 (n + α )r n!
(ε ∈ C; α ∈ \Z0 ; |x| < 1).
Afterwards, many researchers studied many different generalizations and extensions of the Hurwitz-Lerch
Zeta function one variable. The interested readers can refer to these earlier publications for further researches
and applications (Lin and Srivastava [4], Lin et al. [5], Choi et al. [6], Gupta et al. [7], Garg et al. [8], Srivastava
et al. [9], Daman and Pathan [10], Srivastava et al. [11], and Srivastava [12]).
† Corresponding author.
Email address:

ISSN 2956-7068 doi:10.2478/ijmce-2024-0017

Open Access.© 2024 Yağcı et al., published by Sciendo.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution alone 4.0 License.
84 Yağcı et al. International Journal of Mathematics and Computer in Engineering 2(2024) 83–92

Later on, in 2017, Choi and Parmar [13] introduced and examined a generalization of (1) two variables in
the following equation:

∞ (m)a+b (n)a (n0 )b va yb

Φm,n,n0 ;u (v, y, r, p) = ∑ (u) a! b! (a + b + p)r (3)
a,b=0 a+b

u, p ∈ C \ Z0 ; m, n, n0 ∈ C; r, v, y ∈ C when |v| < 1 and |y| < 1;

ℜ(r − u − m − n − n ) > 1 when |v| = 1 and |y| = 1 .

A large number of generalizations and extensions of the Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta function two variables have been
studied by several authors (Choi et al. [14], and Srivastava et al. [15]).
In 2011, Srivastava et al. [16] introduced and studied the following extension of the generalized Hurwitz-
Lerch Zeta function:
(σ , ρ , κ )
∞ (λ ) ( µ )
σn ρn zn
Φλ , µ ; ω (z, s, a) = ∑ s
, (4)
n=0 (ω )κ n n! (n + a)

(λ , µ ∈ C; a, ω ∈ C \ Z− +
0 ; σ , ρ , κ ∈ R ; κ − σ − ρ > −1 when s, z ∈ C;
κ − σ − ρ = −1 and s ∈ C when |z| < δ ? = σ −σ ρ −ρ κ κ ;
κ − σ − ρ = −1 and ℜ(s + ω − λ − µ ) > 1 when |z| = δ ? ).
The main goal of this work is to demonstrate the generalized FKEs involving generalized Hurwitz-Lerch
Zeta function (4). Here, we consider the Laplace transform methodology to get the results.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The fractional Kinetic equations are given in Section 2. The
numerical results and graphics are described in Section 3. Conclusion is introduced by Section 4.

2 Fractional Kinetic equations

In Haubold and Mathai [17] one designated the fractional differential equation for the rate of change of
reaction. The destruction rate and the production rate follow:

= −d(zy ) + p(zy ), (5)
where z = z(y) the rate of the reaction, d = d(z) the rate of destruction, p = p(z) the rate of production and zy
denotes the function defined by zy (y? ) = z(y − y? ), y? > 0.
The special case of equation (5) for spatial fluctuations and inhomogeneities in z(y) the quantities are ne-
glected, that is the equation
= −ci zi (y) (6)
with the initial condition that zi (y = 0) = z0 is the number of density of the species i at time y = 0 and ci > 0. If
we shift the index i and integrate the standard Kinetic equation (6), we have
z(y) − z0 = −c 0 Dy−1 z(y) (7)

where 0 Dy−1 is the special case of the Riemann-Liouville integral operator 0 Dy−x given as Srivastava and Saxena
[18], ˆ y
−x 1
0 Dy f (y) = (y − s)x−1 f (s)ds, (8)
Γ(x) 0
FKE’s involving Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta functions using laplace transform 85

(y > 0, ℜ(x) > 0).

The fractional generalisation of the standart Kinetic equation (7) is given by Haubold and Mathai [17] as

z(y) − z0 = −cx 0 Dy−1 z(y) (9)

and obtained the solution of (6) as follows:

z(y) = z0 ∑ (cy)xk . (10)
k=0 Γ(xk + 1)

Furthermore, Saxena and Kalla [19] considered the following fractional Kinetic equation:

z(y) − z0 f (y) = −cx 0 Dy−1 z(y) (ℜ(x) > 0), (11)

where z(y) denotes the number density of a given species at time y, z0 = z(0) is the number of density of that
species at time y = 0, c is a constant and f ∈ L(0, ∞).
By applying the Laplace transform (Erdélyi et al. [20], Srivastava and Karlsson [21], and Srivastava and
Manocha [22]) to the equation (11),
F(p) x n −xn
L {z(y); p} = z0 = z0 ∑ (−c ) p F(p), (12)
1 + cx p−x n=0
n ∈ z0 , <1 .
The extension and generalisation of FKEs involving many fractional operators were found in (Saxena et al. [23],
Saxena et al. [24], Chouhan and Sarwat [25], Chouhan et al. [26], Agarwal et al. [27], Agarwal et al. [28],
Agarwal and Nisar [29], Baleanu et al. [30], Nisar et al. [31], Nisar [32], Şahin and Yağcı [33], Yağcı and
Şahin [34], Akel et al. [35], and Hidan et al. [36]).

2.1 Solution of generalized FKE’s involving generalized Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta function

Here, we will present the solution of the generalised FKEs which by considering generalized Hurwitz-Lerch
Zeta function (4).

Theorem 1. If d > 0, x > 0; λ , µ , δ ∈ C, and d 6= δ be such that a, ω ∈ C \ Z− +

0 ; σ , ρ , κ ∈ R , then the
solution of the following fractional equation
(σ , ρ , κ )
z(y) − z0 Φλ , µ ; ω (dx yx , s, a) = −δ x 0 Dy−x (13)

is given by
∞ (λ )σ n (µ )ρ n Γ(xn + 1)(dx yx )n
z(y) = z0 ∑ s
Ex,xn+1 (−δ x yx ), (14)
n=0 (ω )κ n n! (n + a)
where Ex,xn+1 (.) is the Mittag-Leffler function (Mittag and Leffler [37]).

Proof. The Laplace transform of the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral operator is given by Srivastava and
Saxena [18], and Erdélyi et al. [20]:

L {0 Dy−x f (y); s} = s−x F(s) (15)

86 Yağcı et al. International Journal of Mathematics and Computer in Engineering 2(2024) 83–92

where F(p) is given in Erdélyi et al. [20], Srivastava and Karlsson [21], and Srivastava and Manocha [22]. Now,
applying the Laplace transform to the both sides of (13), we obtain
(σ , ρ , κ )
L {z(y); p} = z0 L { Φλ , µ ; ω (dx yx , s, a); p} − δ x L {0 Dy−x z(y); p}
ˆ ∞ ∞ (λ ) ( µ ) (dx yx )n 
−py σn ρn
z(p) = z0
e ∑ (ω )κ n n! (n + a)s dy − δ x p−x z(p)
z(p) + δ x p−x z(p)
∞ (λ ) ( µ ) dxn ˆ ∞
σn ρn
= z0 ∑ s
e−py yxn dy (16)
n=0 (ω )κ n n! (n + a) 0
∞ (λ )σ n (µ )ρ n dxn Γ(xn + 1)
= z0 ∑
n=0 (ω )κ n n! (n + a)
s pxn+1
  −x r
(λ )σ n (µ )ρ n Γ(xn + 1) dxn −(xn+1) ∞

z(p) = z0 ∑ s
p ∑ − .
n=0 (ω )κ n n! (n + a) r=0 δ
The inverse Laplace transform of (16) is given by Erdélyi et al. [20]

t x−1
L−1 {p−x ; y} = , (ℜ(x) > 0), (17)
we get
(λ )σ n (µ )ρ n Γ(xn + 1) dxn

L−1 {z(p)} = z0 ∑ (ω )κ n n! (n + a)s
 ∞   −x r 
−1 −(xn+1) p
×L p ∑ − δ (18)
∞ (λ )σ n (µ )ρ n Γ(xn + 1)(dx yx )n ∞ r xr yxr
z(y) = ∑ ∑ (−1) δ .
n=0 (ω )κ n n! (n + a)s r=0 Γ(xn + xr + 1)
So, we can be yield the required result (14).
Theorem 2. If d > 0, x > 0; λ , µ ∈ C be such that a, ω ∈ C \ Z− +
0 ; σ , ρ , κ ∈ R , then the solution of the
following fractional equation
(σ , ρ , κ )
z(y) − z0 Φλ , µ ; ω (dx yx , s, a) = −dx 0 Dy−x (19)
is given by
∞ (λ )σ n (µ )ρ n Γ(xn + 1)(dx yx )n
z(y) = z0 ∑ s
Ex,xn+1 (−dx yx ), (20)
n=0 (ω )κ n n! (n + a)
where Ex,xn+1 (.) is the Mittag-Leffler function (Mittag-Leffler [37]).
Proof. The proof of Theorem 2 is parallel to the proof of Theorem 1, thus the details are omitted.
Theorem 3. If x > 0; λ , µ , δ ∈ C be such that a, ω ∈ C \ Z− +
0 ; σ , ρ , κ ∈ R , then the solution of the following
fractional equation
(σ , ρ , κ )
z(y) − z0 Φλ , µ ; ω (y, s, a) = −δ x 0 Dy−x (21)
is given by
∞ (λ )σ n (µ )ρ n Γ(n + 1)t n
z(y) = z0 ∑ (ω )κ n n! (n + a)s Ex,n+1 (−δ x t x ), (22)
where Ex,n+1 (.) is the Mittag-Leffler function (Mittag-Leffler [37]).
Proof. Theorem 3 can be easily acquired from Theorem 1, so the details are omitted.
FKE’s involving Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta functions using laplace transform 87

2.2 Special Cases

ρ, κ
Choosing λ = σ = 1 in the equation (4), which is the generalized Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta function Φµ ; ω (z, s, a)
introduced and studied by Lin and Srivastava [4].
Applying λ = σ = 1 in the Theorem 1, Theorem 2, and Theorem 3 obtained the following forms:

Corollary 4. If d > 0, x > 0; µ , δ ∈ C, and d 6= δ be such that a, ω ∈ C \ Z− +

0 ; ρ , κ ∈ R , then the solution of
the following fractional equation

(ρ , κ )
z(y) − z0 Φµ ; ω (dx yx , s, a) = −δ x 0 Dt−x (23)

is given by
(µ )ρ n Γ(xn + 1)(dx yx )n

z(y) = z0 ∑ (ω )κ n (n + a)s Ex,xn+1 (−δ x yx ). (24)

Corollary 5. If d > 0, x > 0; µ ∈ C be such that a, ω ∈ C \ Z− +

0 ; ρ , κ ∈ R , then the solution of the following
fractional equation
(ρ , κ )
z(y) − z0 Φµ ; ω (dx yx , s, a) = −dx 0 Dy−x (25)

is given by
(µ )ρ n Γ(xn + 1)(dx yx )n

z(y) = z0 ∑ s
Ex,xn+1 (−dx yx ). (26)
n=0 (ω )κn (n + a)

Corollary 6. If µ , δ ∈ C be such that a, ω ∈ C \ Z− +

0 ; ρ , κ ∈ R , then the solution of the following fractional
(ρ , κ )
z(y) − z0 Φµ ; ω (y, s, a) = −δ x 0 Dy−x (27)

is given by
∞ (µ )ρ n Γ(n + 1)yn
z(y) = z0 ∑ (ω )κ n (n + a)s Ex,n+1 (−δ x yx ). (28)

Setting σ = ρ = κ = 1 in the equation (4), which is the generalized Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta function
Φλ , µ ; ω (z, s, a) introduced and studied by Garg et al. [8].
Applying σ = ρ = κ = 1 in the Theorem 1, Theorem 2, and Theorem 3 obtained the following forms:

Corollary 7. If d > 0, x > 0; λ , µ , δ ∈ C, and d 6= δ be such that a, ω ∈ C \ Z− 0 , then the solution of the
following fractional equation
z(y) − z0 Φλ , µ ; ω (dx yx , s, a) = −δ x 0 Dy−x (29)

is given by

(λ )n (µ )n Γ(xn + 1)(dx yx )n
z(y) = z0 ∑ s
Ex,xn+1 (−δ x yx ). (30)
n=0 (ω )n n! (n + a)

Corollary 8. If d > 0, x > 0; λ , µ ∈ C be such that a, ω ∈ C \ Z− 0 , then the solution of the following fractional
z(y) − z0 Φλ , µ ; ω (dx yx , s, a) = −dx 0 Dy−x (31)

is given by

(λ )n (µ )n Γ(xn + 1)(dx yx )n
z(y) = z0 ∑ s
Ex,xn+1 (−dx yx ). (32)
n=0 (ω )n n! (n + a)
88 Yağcı et al. International Journal of Mathematics and Computer in Engineering 2(2024) 83–92

Corollary 9. If λ , µ , δ ∈ C be such that a, ω ∈ C \ Z−

0 , then the solution of the following fractional equation

z(y) − z0 Φλ , µ ; ω (y, s, a) = −δ x 0 Dy−x (33)

is given by
(λ )n (µ )n Γ(n + 1)t n

z(y) = z0 ∑ s
Ex,n+1 (−δ x t x ). (34)
n=0 ( ω )n n! (n + a)
Upon taking σ = ρ = κ = 1 and λ = ω in the equation (4), which is the generalized Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta
function Φ?µ (z, s, a) introduced and studied by Goyal and Laddha [3].
Applying σ = ρ = κ = 1 and λ = ω in the Theorem 1, Theorem 2, and Theorem 3 obtained the following
Corollary 10. If d > 0, x > 0; µ , δ ∈ C, and d 6= δ be such that a ∈ C \ Z− 0 , then the solution of the following
fractional equation
z(y) − z0 Φ?µ (dx yx , s, a) = −δ x 0 Dy−x (35)
is given by

(µ )n Γ(xn + 1)(dx yx )n
z(y) = z0 ∑ s
Ex,xn+1 (−δ x yx ). (36)
n=0 n! (n + a)

Corollary 11. If d > 0, x > 0; µ ∈ C be such that a ∈ C \ Z− 0 , then the solution of the following fractional
z(y) − z0 Φ?µ (dx yx , s, a) = −dx 0 Dy−x (37)
is given by

(µ )n Γ(xn + 1)(dx yx )n
z(y) = z0 ∑ s
Ex,xn+1 (−dx yx ). (38)
n=0 n! (n + a)

Corollary 12. If λ , µ , δ ∈ C be such that a ∈ C \ Z−

0 , then the solution of the following fractional equation

z(y) − z0 Φ?µ (y, s, a) = −δ x 0 Dy−x (39)

is given by

(µ )n Γ(n + 1)t n
z(y) = z0 ∑ n! (n + a)s Ex,n+1 (−δ x t x ). (40)
Upon taking σ = ρ = µ = 1 and z = λ. Then, the limit case of (4) when λ → ∞, would yield the Mittag-
Leffler type function Eκ , ω (s;t) studied by Barnes [38], that is,


Eκ , ω (s; z) = ∑ , (41)
n=0 (n + a)s Γ(ω + κ n)

(a, ω ∈ C \ Z−
0 ; ℜ(κ ) > 0; s, z ∈ C).

Applying σ = ρ = µ = 1 and z = λz . Then, the limit case of (4) when λ → ∞ in the Theorem 1, Theorem
2, and Theorem 3 obtained the following forms:
Corollary 13. If d > 0, x > 0; κ , δ ∈ C, and d 6= δ be such that a, ω ∈ C\Z− 0 , then the solution of the following
fractional equation
z(y) − z0 Eκ , ω (s; dx yx ) = −δ x 0 Dy−x (42)
is given by
Γ(xn + 1)(dx yx )n

z(y) = z0 ∑ (n + a)s Γ(ω + κ n) Ex,xn+1 (−δ x yx ). (43)
FKE’s involving Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta functions using laplace transform 89

Corollary 14. If d > 0, x > 0; κ ∈ C be such that a, ω ∈ C \ Z− 0 , then the solution of the following fractional
z(y) − z0 Eκ , ω (s; dx yx ) = −dx 0 Dy−x (44)

is given by

Γ(xn + 1)(dx yx )n
z(y) = z0 ∑ (n + a)s Γ(ω + κ n) Ex,xn+1 (−dx yx ). (45)

Corollary 15. If κ , δ ∈ C be such that a, ω ∈ C \ Z−

0 , then the solution of the following fractional equation

z(y) − z0 Eκ , ω (s; y) = −δ x 0 Dy−x (46)

is given by

Γ(n + 1)t n
z(y) = z0 ∑ (n + a)s Γ(ω + κ n) Ex,n+1 (−δ x yx ). (47)

Finally, upon setting λ , µ , ω , σ , ρ , κ = 1 in the equation (4), which gives the equation (1) Srivastava and
Choi [1], and Srivastava and Choi [2].
Choosing λ , µ , ω , σ , ρ , κ = 1 in the Theorem 1, Theorem 2, and Theorem 3 obtained the following forms:

Corollary 16. If d > 0; δ , x ∈ C, a ∈ C \ Z−

0 , and d 6= δ , then the solution of the following fractional equation

z(y) − z0 Φ(dx yx , s, a) = −δ x 0 Dy−x (48)

is given by

Γ(xn + 1)(dx yx )n
z(y) = z0 ∑ (n + a)s Ex,xn+1 (−δ x yx ). (49)

Corollary 17. If d > 0; x ∈ C, a ∈ C \ Z−

0 , then the solution of the following fractional equation

z(y) − z0 Φ(dx yx , s, a) = −dx 0 Dy−x (50)

is given by

Γ(xn + 1)(dx yx )n
z(y) = z0 ∑ (n + a)s Ex,xn+1 (−dx yx ). (51)

Corollary 18. If δ ∈ C, a ∈ C \ Z−
0 , then the solution of the following fractional equation

z(y) − z0 Φ(y, s, a) = −δ x 0 Dy−x (52)

is given by

Γ(n + 1)t n
z(y) = z0 ∑ (n + a)s Ex,n+1 (−δ x t x ). (53)

3 Numerical result and graphics

This section obtains the general solutions of the fractional Kinetic equation involving the generalized Hurwitz-
Lerch Zeta function using Laplace transform.
90 Yağcı et al. International Journal of Mathematics and Computer in Engineering 2(2024) 83–92

Example 19. Let λ , µ , ω , ρ , κ , σ , a, s = 1, d, δ = 4, and z0 = 3 in the (13). Then, we have the following
(1, 1, 1)
z(y) − 3 Φ1, 1; 1 (40,4 yx , 1, 1) = −4x 0 Dy−x . (54)

Applying the Laplace transform to the both sides of (54), we get

(1, 1, 1)
L {z(y); p} = 3 L { Φ1, 1; 1 (4x yx , 1, 1); p} − 4x L {0 Dy−x z(y); p}
  −x r (55)

(1)n (1)n Γ(xn + 1) 4xn −(xn+1) ∞ p
z(p) = 3 ∑ p ∑ − .
n=0 (1)n (n + 1)! r=0 4

Then, using the inverse Laplace transform of (55), we obtain

(1)n (1)n Γ(xn + 1) 4xn
L−1 {z(p)} = 3 ∑
n=0 (1)n (n + 1)!
 ∞   −x r 
−1 −(xn+1) p
×L p ∑ − 4 (56)

(1)n (1)n Γ(xn + 1)(4x yx )n ∞ yxr
z(y) = ∑ ∑ (−1)r 1xr .
n=0 (1)n (n + 1)! r=0 Γ(xn + xr + 1)

In the following, we plotted the 2D graphs of solution which yielded by (56), for the different values of x
using Mathematica.


0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30

Fig. 1 The graphs of (56) for the values x = 0.4 (blue), x = 0.5 (orange) and x = 0.6 (green).

4 Conclusions

The fractional Kinetic equation involving the generalized Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta function is studied using the
Laplace transform. The results obtained in this study have remarkable significance as the solution of the equa-
tions are general and can be reproduced many new and known solutions of FKEs involving various type of
special functions.
FKE’s involving Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta functions using laplace transform 91

5 Declarations

5.1 Conflict of interest:

The authors hereby declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.

5.2 Funding:

Not applicable.

5.3 Author’s contribution:

O.Y.-Writing original draft; R.Ş.-Supervision. K.S.N.- Writing review editing, Methodology. All authors
read and approved the final submitted version of this manuscript.

5.4 Acknowledgement:

We thank the reviewers for their constructive comments in improving the quality of this paper.

5.5 Data availability statement:

All data that support the findings of this study are included within the article.

5.6 Using of AI tools:

The authors declare that they have not used Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in the creation of this article.


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