Breyer et al. 2007-Evidence for LateCretaceous...

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Evidence for Late Cretaceous Volcanism in Trans-Pecos Texas

John A. Breyer, Arthur B. Busbey III, Richard E. Hanson, Kenneth E. Befus,

William R. Griffin,1 Ulysses S. Hargrove,1 and Steven C. Bergman1

Department of Geology, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas 76129


Cretaceous basaltic pyroclastic strata have been discovered in a fault block on the southern edge of the Rosillos
Mountains laccolith in the Big Bend area of Trans-Pecos Texas. The sequence comprises base-surge and pyroclastic-
fall deposits inferred to have accumulated on the flanks of a small phreatomagmatic volcano. A diverse assemblage
of freshwater turtles (including Aspideretes), crocodile teeth, and dinosaur bones have been recovered from the
uppermost part of the sequence. The fauna indicate a Late Cretaceous, probably Campanian age. An outward-dipping
normal fault bounding the pyroclastic strata on the southeast juxtaposes sediments of the Upper Cretaceous Javelina
Formation in the hanging wall with pyroclastic rocks in the footwall, indicating the pyroclastic strata must be
Maastrichtian or older. U-Pb SHRIMP-RG analyses of zircons separated from a basaltic block thrown out of the
volcano yield an inferred igneous crystallization age of 72.6 Ⳳ 1.5 Ma, consistent with the biostratigraphic and struc-
tural evidence. The pyroclastic strata in the fault block provide the first evidence for Late Cretaceous volcanism in
the Trans-Pecos region. Previously, the onset of igneous activity in the area was thought to be no older than 64 Ma.
We speculate that the basaltic pyroclastic rocks represent an extension of the Upper Cretaceous Balcones magmatic
province into Trans-Pecos Texas.

Online enhancement: appendix.

Most igneous activity in the Trans-Pecos magmatic leomagnetic fold tests and 40Ar/39Ar dates of 37 Ma
province in west Texas (fig. 1a) took place in four for the gabbro (Harlan et al. 1995). More recently,
phases from 48 to 17 Ma (Henry and McDowell the Red Hills intrusion in Presidio County yielded
1986; Henry et al. 1991). The first two phases, at U-Pb zircon and Re-Os molybdenite ages of
48–39 and 38–32 Ma, postdate Laramide folding but 64.2 Ⳳ 0.2 Ma and 60.2 Ⳳ 0.3 Ma, respectively, in-
took place under a compressional stress regime in- dicating that the onset of Tertiary magmatism in
herited from that earlier tectonism. The two youn- the Trans-Pecos region was earlier than previously
ger phases, at 31–27 and 24–17 Ma, coincide, re- thought (Gilmer et al. 2003). McDowell et al. (2004)
spectively, with the change from compression to reported a U-Pb monazite age of 69 Ⳳ 1 Ma from a
extension in the area and the onset of significant tuff in the Upper Cretaceous Javelina Formation in
Big Bend, but the distal nature of the deposit sug-
Basin and Range faulting (Henry and McDowell
gests that the source may be far to the west.
1986; Henry and Price 1986; Henry et al. 1991).
Maxwell and Dietrich (1965, p. 29) and Maxwell et
al. (1967, p. 288) suggested that gabbroic sills at Recently Discovered Cretaceous
Mariscal Mountain in Big Bend National Park pre- Pyroclastic Strata
date Laramide folding, but this is disproved by pa-
Previously undescribed strata exposed in a steep-
Manuscript received July 5, 2005; accepted August 1, 2006.
walled canyon on the southern edge of the Rosillos
Department of Geosciences, University of Texas, Dallas, Mountains laccolith (Oligocene) on the Rosillos
Texas, 75083. Mountains Ranch adjoining Big Bend National Park

[The Journal of Geology, 2007, volume 115, p. 243–251] 䉷 2007 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved. 0022-1376/2007/11502-0006$15.00


work, well-sorted, massively bedded scoriaceous

basaltic lapillistones interpreted to be of pyroclas-
tic-fall origin (figs. 3, 4). Most of the sequence con-
sists of interbedded tuff, lapilli tuff, and lapillistone
composed of basaltic tephra intermixed with ter-
rigenous detritus. Beds either are massive or show
normal coarse-tail grading and less common in-
verse and inverse-to-normal grading. Some beds
show basal scour features, low-angle cross-bedding,
dunelike bed forms, or undulatory bedding. These
characteristics indicate tractional transport and de-
position under conditions of high bed shear stress
and are consistent with formation of parts of the
sequence from pyroclastic surges (Valentine and
Fisher 2000). Other beds show uniform thickness
and planar bases and tops and are inferred to rep-
resent pyroclastic-fall deposits and/or planar-bed-
ded surge deposits. Bedding sags beneath ballistic
clasts are conspicuous in thinner-bedded, finer-
grained deposits (figs. 3, 5), indicating that the beds
were wet and cohesive when the projectiles landed.
Blocks are ≤30 cm across and consist of basalt,
mudstone, sandstone, and fine-grained felsic tuff
containing altered bubble-wall shards; fluidal ba-
salt bombs are less common.
Juvenile ash and lapilli in the deposits consist
predominantly of altered basaltic glass (tachylite
and sideromelane). Sideromelane is variably re-
Figure 1. A, Map showing Big Bend National Park placed by palagonite, smectite, and/or carbonate.
(BBNP) at the southern end of the Trans-Pecos magmatic Pyroclasts range from scoriaceous and irregular to
province (TPMP) and the location of the area detailed in poorly vesicular, subequant, and angular; some
B. EP p El Paso; B p Brewster County; K p Kinney have partly rounded, dropletlike shapes. The ju-
County; T p Terrell County; V p Val Verde County. B, venile debris is intermixed with large amounts of
Map showing the location of the study area (black circle)
sand- and gravel-sized terrigenous detritus, includ-
on the southeastern side of the Rosillos Mountains lac-
ing mono- and polycrystalline quartz (some ruti-
colith adjoining BBNP. The study area is 1 km southwest
of the headquarters of the Rosillos Mountains Ranch. lated), feldspar grains, and felsic volcanic lithic and
tuffaceous clasts. Quartz xenocrysts with corroded
margins occur in many basaltic pyroclasts. Phe-
(fig. 1b) provide the first evidence of Cretaceous nocrysts include relatively unaltered plagioclase
volcanism in the Big Bend area of west Texas. The and abundant olivine replaced by carbonate Ⳳ
strata crop out over an area about 250 m across smectite. Basaltic blocks and bombs show relict
bounded by either vertical or outward-dipping nor- intersertal and intergranular textures, with plagio-
mal faults on three sides (fig. 2). The faults juxta- clase microlites variably altered to clay; interstitial
pose pyroclastic strata within the fault block glass or mafic minerals in the groundmass are com-
against Cretaceous rocks of strikingly different fa- pletely replaced by smectite. The high degree of
cies outside the fault block. The sequence is re- alteration prevents determination of the original
peated by faults within the block, but no more than magmatic affinities of the basalt without detailed
15 m of strata appear to be present. The strata inside geochemical studies.
the fault block disappear beneath alluvium to the Features of the basaltic pyroclasts indicate deri-
southwest and do not reappear in the walls of the vation from phreatomagmatic eruptions involving
next canyon, which is !1 km away, suggesting that variable degrees of magmatic volatile exsolution to-
either a fault occurs between the two canyons or gether with explosive conversion of external water
the pyroclastic deposits do not extend that far. to steam (Heiken and Wohletz 1985). We infer that
Agglomerate containing fluidal basalt bombs at phreatomagmatic explosions were generated during
the base of the sequence is overlain by open-frame- subsurface interactions between rising basaltic
Journal of Geology L AT E C R E TA C E O U S V O L C A N I S M 245

Figure 2. Geologic map of the study area on the Rosillos Mountains Ranch. The box shows the area of the photograph
in figure 6. Topographic contours shown in feet.

magma and groundwater-rich parts of the Creta- cano, which were disrupted during the explosive
ceous sedimentary sequence, resulting in eruption phreatomagmatism.
of large quantities of disaggregated sediment inter-
mixed with juvenile basaltic tephra. Coarse pyro-
Age of the Pyroclastic Strata
clastic-fall deposits, including large ballistic clasts
associated with bedding sags, indicate deposition Biostratigraphy. A collecting locality within the
in near-vent settings. The pyroclastic-surge depos- uppermost pyroclastic strata exposed in the fault
its are inferred to record repeated generation of base block (figs. 2, 3) has yielded abundant fragmentary
surges during pulsatory phreatomagmatic erup- turtle remains, dinosaur bones, the broken tooth of
tions. Overall, the characteristics of the pyroclastic a crocodilian, and numerous pieces of silicified
rocks are consistent with accumulation on the wood. A single well-preserved mytilaceaid bivalve
gently inclined flanks of a small, subaerial phreato- (cf. Brachiodontes) and a single complete vivarid
magmatic volcano, such as a maar or tuff ring. gastropod (cf. Vivarus) were also found. The dino-
Clasts of felsic tuff within the sequence are inferred saur fossils include a badly weathered distal femur,
to be derived from distal air-fall deposits interca- the centrum of a sacral vertebra, and many bone
lated with the terrigenous strata beneath the vol- fragments. The centrum of the sacral vertebra is

the vent that produced the underlying pyroclastic

material had ceased activity. Pyroclasts in this up-
permost part of the sequence presumably were de-
rived from another vent nearby.
The turtles provide the tightest biostratigraphic
control. The fragmentary remains include a few
vertebrae, several incomplete long bones, and nu-
merous pieces of the carapace and plastron of at
least three genera. The most common fossils are
pieces of the shell of Aspideretes sp. At least four
of the species figured by Tomlinson (1997) are pres-
ent. Also, both the pelomedusid Bothremys and the
trionychoid Adocus have been identified by their
unique ornamentation.

Figure 3. Measured section of pyroclastic sequence.

Vertical scale is in meters. Horizontal scale shows grain
size. kp parallel laminae. Black diamond shows position
of basaltic block yielding U-Pb zircon age.
Figure 4. Photograph showing polished surface of cut
slab of basaltic-scoria lapillistone. Dark material be-
dorsoventrally compressed and is probably from ei- tween lapilli is calcite cement stained with alizarin red-
ther a ceratopsian or an ankylosaur. The fauna in- S. Cover glass over middle portion of slab. Note loose
dicate that the fossil-bearing strata accumulated in packing of scoriaceous lapilli. The slab is 17 cm long and
a small freshwater lake or pond that developed after 8.5 cm across.
Journal of Geology L AT E C R E TA C E O U S V O L C A N I S M 247

in the footwall (figs. 2, 6). Rocks in the footwall

must be older than those in the hanging wall that
are in contact with them across the fault. At a min-
imum, the deposits in the fault block must be older
than Middle to Late Maastrichtian. The structural
evidence thus indicates that the fossils have not
been reworked into Tertiary deposits and that vol-
canic activity was taking place in this part of the
Big Bend in the Late Cretaceous.
Geochronology. Zircon grains were extracted
from a block of olivine basalt associated with a
bedding sag in the pyroclastic sequence (fig. 3).
Twenty-six zircon grains were analyzed using the
SHRIMP-RG ion microprobe at Stanford Univer-
sity. Analytical techniques and results can be found
in the appendix, available in the online edition and
from the Journal of Geology office. The grains typ-
ically are euhedral with well-developed pyramidal
terminations, exhibit well-defined, concentric (ig-

Figure 5. Photograph showing sedimentary layering

(arrows) in pyroclastic strata deformed beneath ballistic
block (upper black triangle). The second black triangle
marks another block.

In Big Bend, Bothremys is found only in the upper

two members of the Aguja Formation and Adocus
only in the uppermost member (Tomlinson 1997).
Aspideretes is known from the uppermost member
of the Aguja Formation and from the overlying Jav-
elina and Black Peaks formations, but it is abun-
dant and diverse only in the Aguja Formation. The
biostratigraphic ranges of these turtles overlap only
in the uppermost member of the Aguja Formation,
the “upper shale member” of Lehman (1985). The
strata described here must represent a previously
unrecognized facies of the upper shale member,
which is Upper Campanian/Lower Maastrichtian
(Lehman 1986, 1989, 1991)
Structural Relationships. Structural-stratigraphic
relationships also indicate a Late Cretaceous age
Figure 6. Photograph of the southeastern boundary
for the strata in the fault block. The southeastern fault showing Javelina Formation (Middle to Upper Maas-
boundary of the block is an outward-dipping nor- trichtian) in the hanging wall of the fault juxtaposed with
mal fault that juxtaposes sediments of the Javelina the pyroclastic deposits in the footwall. Arrows show
Formation (Middle to Upper Maastrichtian) in the movement on fault. View is to the southwest. For lo-
hanging wall of the fault with the pyroclastic strata cation of photograph, see figure 2.

neous) compositional zonation in cathodolumi- corporated in the basalt magma before or during
nescence images, and contain only minor opaque eruption. Ogg et al. (2004) place the Campanian-
inclusions (avoided during analyses); obvious in- Maastrichtian boundary at 70.6 Ⳳ 0.6 Ma. Thus, an
herited cores were not observed. Concordant or age of 72.6 Ⳳ 1.5 Ma for the basaltic volcanism is
nearly concordant analyses for individual grains consistent with the biostratigraphic and structural-
yield ages ranging from Proterozoic to Cretaceous, stratigraphic constraints. We favor the second in-
with the majority of the analyses yielding Creta- terpretation for the zircon age data, but note that
ceous ages (fig. 7; table A1, available in the online our age assignment for the volcanism rests prin-
edition and from the Journal of Geology office). The cipally on the biostratigraphic and structural-strat-
wide spread in ages indicates that the zircon pop-
igraphic evidence.
ulation contains a significant number of xeno-
The abundance of zircon xenocrysts may at least
crysts. Analyses of the five youngest grains show
partly result from fine-scale interaction between
overlapping 2j error ellipses. Four of these analyses
overlap the concordia curve (fig. 7) and yield a the basaltic magma and older rocks during subsur-
weighted mean concordia age of 72.6 Ⳳ 1.5 Ma face phreatomagmatic processes. One possible
(MSWD p 0.76). There is no obvious difference in source for the older zircon grains is sandstones
characteristics between the five youngest zircon lower in the Aguja Formation, which contain a
grains and the older grains. One possible interpre- large proportion of igneous detritus derived from
tation is that all the analyzed grains are xenocrysts, arc terranes farther west (Lehman 1985, 1986). An-
which would make the basalt younger than other possible source is represented by the blocks
72.6 Ⳳ 1.5 Ma. An alternate interpretation is that of felsic tuff within the basaltic pyroclastic se-
the weighted mean concordia age of 72.6 Ⳳ 1.5 Ma quence, which indicate that distal air-fall deposits
is the igneous crystallization age of the basalt, with in the strata beneath the volcano were involved in
the older zircon grains representing xenocrysts in- the phreatomagmatic explosions.

Figure 7. Tera-Wasserburg concordia diagram (Tera and Wasserburg 1972) showing 2j error ellipses for analyses of
zircon grains from the basalt block. Ages on concordia curve are shown in Ma. Inset shows four analyses used to
calculate concordia age; bold number next to each error ellipse indicates analysis number in table A1; heavy black
circle represents calculated age with 2j error. Cathodoluminescence images of the grains yielding these four analyses
are shown to the right. The circles indicate the spots that were analyzed.
Journal of Geology L AT E C R E TA C E O U S V O L C A N I S M 249

Cretaceous (fig. 8). Magmatic activity in the Bal-

cones province spanned the Cenomanian through
Maastrichtian but peaked in the Campanian
(Byerly 1991) at the same time as the basaltic vol-
canism in the Big Bend area described here. Alka-
line mafic and ultramafic magmas generated in the
upper mantle moved into the crust along reacti-
vated older structures (Barker et al. 1987; Byerly
1991). Submarine vents opened on the Cretaceous
sea floor along the trend of the buried Paleozoic
Ouachita structural belt, and some volcanoes grew
above sea level to form islands (Spencer 1969;
Young 1976; Luttrell 1977; Ewing and Caran 1982).
Figure 8. Late Cretaceous volcanic activity in the Griffin et al. (2005) reported U-Pb zircon ages of 86
southwestern United States. Position of Ouachita front and 77 Ma and 40Ar/39Ar amphibole ages of 77 Ma
in south Texas and Big Bend from Flawn et al. (1961). from parts of the Balcones province. Miggins et al.
Location of volcanoes in Balcones magmatic province (2004) recognized two distinct phases of magmatic
(BMP) from Luttrell (1977). Leading edge of magmatic arc activity in the southwestern Balcones province, at
in Mexico from Damon et al. (1981). B p Brewster 82–80 Ma and 74–72 Ma, based on 40Ar/39Ar data.
County; K p Kinney County; T p Terrell County; V p
Flawn et al. (1961) emphasized the relationship
Val Verde County; TPMP p Trans-Pecos magmatic
between the buried frontal zone of the Late Paleo-
zoic Ouachita system and the distribution of the
mafic and ultramafic rocks of the Balcones igneous
Implications for Late Cretaceous Volcanism province (Spencer 1969). The Ouachita front runs
just north of the Rio Grande from western Kinney
The new biostratigraphic, structural-stratigraphic, County to southern Brewster County (fig. 8). Mag-
and geochronological data reported here provide the
matic rocks of the Balcones province are known
first direct evidence for Cretaceous volcanism in
along the Ouachita front in Texas as far west as the
the Trans-Pecos region. Subduction-related mag-
Rio Grande in Kinney County, 250 km east of the
matism moved from west to east across northern
newly discovered Cretaceous basalt volcanic rocks
Mexico and the southwestern United States during
in Big Bend (fig. 8; Luttrell 1977).
the Cretaceous and Paleogene (Coney and Reynolds
We speculate that Upper Cretaceous basaltic vol-
1977; Damon et al. 1981; Cameron et al. 1983).
canic rocks in the Big Bend area represent a western
Upper Cretaceous andesites and related igneous
extension of the Balcones igneous province, based
rocks in southeastern Arizona (Cooper 1971) and
on their proximity to the Ouachita frontal zone and
southwestern New Mexico (Jones et al. 1967) mark
their similarity in age to the peak of magmatic ac-
the onset of arc volcanism in those areas (Miller et
al. 1992). It is unlikely that subduction-related vol- tivity in the Balcones province. The style of vol-
canism began in Trans-Pecos Texas at the same canism was somewhat different, however, reflect-
time, however, because volcanic centers in west ing phreatomagmatic interactions between basaltic
Texas lie another 300 km inboard from the Late magma and unconsolidated alluvial plain sedi-
Cretaceous magmatic arc (fig. 8). Laramide mag- ments in the Big Bend area, as opposed to shallow-
matism first reached Trans-Pecos Texas at about 64 marine Surtseyan volcanic eruptions in the main
Ma (Gilmer et al. 2003). Subsequent igneous activ- part of the Balcones province to the east. Further
ity at 48–32 Ma, which took place in a continental- examples of Late Cretaceous magmatism should be
arc setting, probably marks the full development of sought along the intervening part of the Ouachita
subduction-related magmatism in Texas, as sug- frontal zone. A possible western continuation of
gested by Henry and McDowell (1986; see also Da- the Balcones province also has economic implica-
mon et al. 1981). tions because submarine volcanoes in the province
If subduction-related magmatism did not reach created important reservoirs for petroleum (Luttrell
Trans-Pecos Texas until 64 Ma, another explana- 1977; Miggins et al. 2004). If Late Cretaceous mag-
tion must be sought for Late Cretaceous volcanism matic activity extended that far inland from the
in the Big Bend area of Texas. Volcanic activity was Gulf, it would be along the trace of the Ouachita
taking place 250–300 km to the east in the Balcones front—either to the north in Val Verde, Terrell, or
igneous province of south Texas during the Late eastern Brewster County or to the west in southern

Brewster County, which is where the volcanic ac- University, for sharing his knowledge of Creta-
tivity reported here took place (fig. 8). ceous strata in the Big Bend area with us. The
assistance and insightful discussion provided by J.
Wooden and F. Mazdab of the USGS/Stanford mi-
croprobe lab are also acknowledged. Thoughtful
We are indebted to R. Pitcock, owner of the Ros- reviews by D. Barker, G. Byerly, and an anony-
illos Mountains Ranch, for allowing us access to mous reviewer improved the quality of the manu-
his property. We thank T. M. Lehman, Texas Tech script.


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