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Chapter 7– AI Ethics

Question Bank

1. What is the significance of data collection in the world of Artificial Intelligence as

highlighted in the text?

a. Data collection is irrelevant to AI advancements

b. Data is not considered valuable in AI development
c. Data is crucial for the functioning and advancements in AI
d. Data plays a minor role in AI ethics

2. Why do smart phone applications often request permissions to access user data as
mentioned in the text?

a. To invade user privacy

b. To improve app performance.
c. To gather data without user consent
d. To track user locations

3. In terms of AI bias, why are female voices predominantly used for virtual assistants as
discussed in the text?

a. Female voices are more soothing to users

b. Female voices are easier to understand
c. It is a biased decision influenced by developers
d. Male voices are not compatible with AI technology

4. What potential bias is exhibited when search results for salons predominantly show
female-oriented options?

a. Negative bias
b. Positive bias
c. Neutral bias
d. Biased towards male audience

5. According to the text, what issue arises due to the uneven access to Artificial Intelligence

a. Increased job opportunities for all

b. Widening gap between AI users and non-users
c. Decrease in technological advancements
d. Equal distribution of AI devices

6. Should AI replace laborious jobs based on the information provided?

a. Yes, to increase technological dependency

b. No, as it may cause mass unemployment
c. Yes, to improve efficiency and productivity
d. No, as it may hinder technological progress

7. Is it ethical for young children to use technology to complete their homework without
applying critical thinking?

a. Yes, as it enhances children's learning capabilities

b. No, as it hinders cognitive development
c. Yes, as technology should be integrated into education
d. No, as it promotes dependency on technology

8. In conclusion, what is necessary to ensure the appropriate and effective mitigation of

risks associated with AI, as stated in the text?

a. Increased risks within the AI ecosystem

b. Less trustworthy socio-technical environments
c. Propagation of unethical AI practices
d. Establishment of a more trustworthy ecosystem

9. What are some reasons why smartphones collect data from users?

a. To improve user experience and provide personalized services.

b. To track user behavior for marketing purposes.

c. To enhance app functionality.

d. All of the above.

10. Is bias in AI always negative?

a. Yes, bias in AI is always negative.

b. No, bias in AI can sometimes be positive.

c. It depends on the context.

11. Should AI replace laborious jobs? Why or why not?

a. Yes, to improve efficiency and productivity.

b. No, to prevent mass unemployment and ensure job security.

c. It depends on the nature of the job and the impact on society.

12. Is it ethical to let young children use technology to complete their homework without
understanding the concepts?

a. Yes, it promotes technological literacy from a young age.

b. No, it hinders their ability to learn and understand concepts.

c. It depends on the specific use case and educational context.

13. What era are we currently transitioning to from the Information era?
a. Industrial Revolution era
b. Artificial Intelligence era
c. Renaissance era
d. Technological era

14. According to the text, what kind of data do we use in the Artificial Intelligence era to
build solutions?
a. Information gathered from surveys
b. Intelligence collected from the data
c. Physical object's data
d. Voice recordings

15. Why do companies collect data, according to the text?

a. To sell it to other companies
b. To analyze trends and make decisions
c. To keep it private and secure
d. To delete it permanently

16. What ethical concern is mentioned in the text when it comes to the bias present in AI?
a. AI Access
b. Moral Issues
c. Data Privacy
d. AI Bias

17. Which of the following best describes data privacy?

a. Ensuring that individuals have control over their personal information and how it
is collected, used, and shared.
b. Protecting data from unauthorized access and breaches.

c. Encrypting data to ensure its security.

d. Deleting all data after it has been used.

18. The Hanson Robotics humanoid robot_______________, was granted citizenship is Saudi

a. Sophia

b. Simi

c. Selena

d. Sara

19. The Indian project ______________uses the face recognition technology to compare photos
from missing kids with photos of kids from orphanages

a. Track Child

b. Trail Child

c. Course Child

d. Route Child

20. Artificially intelligent machines:

a. Do not have a human touch

b. Bring precision and accuracy to processes

c. Can't do repetitive tasks

d. Improve productivity

21. Safety in Al can be understood as "Al must not cause accidents, or exhibit____________

a. Harmful behavior

b. Precision and accuracy

c. Human touch

d. Fairness
Fill in the Blanks:

1. The world of Artificial Intelligence is highly dependent on _______________. (Data)

2. Smart phones are considered a major source of data collection due to

their __________features. (Convenient)

3. Every time you install an app, it asks for various ____________ to access your phone's data.

4. Virtual assistants commonly have a____________ voice which may indicate a bias. (Female)

5. Technology advancements like AI can lead to widespread ___________if not managed

properly. (Unemployment)

6. Full form of TAY the artificial intelligent chatbot is (Thinking About You.)

Questions and Answers

1. Where do we collect data from?

Data is collected from various sources such as smart

Phones, websites, social media platforms, sensors, IoT devices, and more. These sources
provide a wealth of information that is valuable for businesses and organizations.

2. Why do we need to collect data?

Data collection serves several purposes, including improving products and services,
personalizing user experiences, targeting advertisements, conducting research, and making
informed decisions. Data is essential for organizations to understand their customers,
improve efficiency, and stay competitive in the market.

3. Should AI replace laborious jobs?

While AI can replace laborious jobs and improve efficiency, it should be implemented
responsibly to minimize negative impacts on employment. Efforts should be made to
retrain and up skill workers to adapt to the changing job market.

4. Should AI not replace laborious jobs?

AI should not replace laborious jobs entirely, as it could lead to unemployment and
economic disparities. Instead, AI should be used to enhance human capabilities and create
new opportunities for meaningful work.

5. Is it ethical to let the boy use technology to help in this manner?

While using technology to assist with homework can be convenient, it is important for
children to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Over-reliance on
technology for tasks like homework may hinder the development of these skills. Therefore,
while it may be ethical to use technology for assistance, it should be balanced with efforts
to encourage learning and understanding

6. What is AI Ethics?

AI ethics is a set of moral guidelines and methods meant to guide the creation and ethical
application of artificial intelligence technologies. Organizations are beginning to create AI
codes of ethics as AI has become ingrained in goods and service

7. Give some examples where AI is being used for good

AI is being used for good in various fields, including healthcare, education, environment,
and humanitarian efforts. Here are some examples:

1. Healthcare: AI is used to improve diagnostics, personalize treatment plans, and

predict patient outcomes. For example, IBM's Watson for Oncology helps
oncologists identify personalized, evidence-based cancer treatment options.

2. Education: AI is used to personalize learning experiences, provide feedback to

students, and improve educational outcomes. For example, Duolingo uses AI to
personalize language learning for users.

3. Environment: AI is used to monitor and manage natural resources, predict natural

disasters, and track climate change. For example, AI-powered drones are used to
monitor deforestation and illegal logging activities.

4. Humanitarian Efforts: AI is used to assist in disaster response, improve access to

healthcare and education in underserved areas, and support human rights efforts.
For example, the World Food prograsmme uses AI to analyze satellite imagery to
predict and prevent food shortages.

5. Accessibility: AI is used to develop assistive technologies for people with

disabilities, such as speech recognition systems for the visually impaired and sign
language recognition systems for the hearing impaired.

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