9th_English_SL Moulyankana Ans by Royson Creations

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PÉJ¸ïPÀÄåJJ¹, ªÀįÉèñÀégÀA, ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ-560003.

KSQAAC, Malleshwaram, Bengaluru-560003.
ªÀi˯ÁåAPÀ£À - ªÀiÁZïð 2024 - ªÀiÁzÀj ¥Àæ±ÉÆßÃvÀÛgÀ ¥ÀwæPÉ
Assessment - March 2024 Model Paper
Class : 9
Marks : 80
Second Language English Time : 3 Hours
Information to be filled by the Student
Royson Creations Youtube Channel
Name of the Student : _____________________________________________________________

Student SATS No : Signature

of the Student :________________

Information to be filled by the Room Invigilator
School DISE Code :
School Name :____________________________________________________________________
Cluster :__________________ Block :______________________ District :__________________
School Type : Govt. Aided Un-aided
(Put “” mark for applicable information)
Signature of the Room Invigilator : ______________________
Information to be filled by the Evaluator at the time of evaluation
Question Number Obtained Marks Question Number Obtained Marks Question Number Obtained Marks
1 14 27
2 15 28
3 16 29
4 17 30
5 18 31
6 19 32
7 20 33
8 21 34
9 22 35
10 23 36
11 24 37
12 25 38
13 26
Total marks Total marks Total marks
Grand Total
Total marks obtained (in words) :____________________________________________________
Signature of the Evaluator : _______________________
I Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions/
incomplete statements. Choose the correct alternative and
write the complete answer along with its letter of alphabet.

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1. Read the given conversation and choose the language function

of the underlined sentence :

Bishop : Friend, sit down and warm yourself.

Convict : You must be a great soul, Thank you.

A) Requesting B) Gratitude
C) Order D) Seeking information

Answer : B Gratitude

2. The appropriate prefix for the word ‘happy’ is ________________

A) un B) im
C) in D) ir

Answer : A un

3. Read the following stanza and choose the correct pair of rhyming

There are balms for all our pain,

But when youth, the dream, departs,
It takes something from our hearts,
And it never comes again.

A) our - our B) pain - departs

C) pain - again D) hearts - again

Answer : C pain - again


9th SL English QP 2
4. Jean Valjean fed on filth for nineteen years.
Choose the correct meaning for the underlined word.
A) bread B) fish
C) dirty food D) rice

Answer : dirty food

C _____________________

II Do as directed : 12 x 1 = 12
5. Pick out the word that does not belong to the set.
victory success defeat win


6. Combine the word in Column-A with its collocative word in

launch - [ cards, coins, leaders, satellite ]

Launch satellite

7. Choose the infinitive given in the sentence.

He began to feel terribly drowsy.

to feel

8. Frame the question to get underlined word as an answer.

Rihan was eating the chocolates.

What was Rihan eating?


9. Fill in the blank with correct tense form of the verb given in
the brackets:
defeated (defeat) the Kauravas in the battle.
The Pandavas ______________

9th SL English QP Downloaded From Royson Creations 3
10. Choose the correct homophone and complete the statement.
When I went behind a tree, I saw a ______________
deer . (deer, dear)


11. Write the correct form of the word given in brackets.

The judge said that only fresh evidence would make him change his
judgement . (judge)


12. Identify the figure of speech used in the given sentence :

Suddenly the black night showed it’s teeth in a flash of lightning.


13. Combine the following sentences using the conjunction given

in the brackets.
Varsha ran fast.
She could not come first. (but)

Varsha ran fast but could not come first.


14. Change the statement from active to passive voice.

Rama killed Ravana in Ramayana

Ravana was killed by Rama in Ramayana.


15. Replace the underlined word with correct phrasal verb.

We started our journey towards Hampi.
(set up, set out, set down, set in)

We set out our journey towards Hampi.


16. Change the given statement into negative.

Ranga is coming to school today.

Ranga is not coming to school today.

9th SL English QP Downloaded From Royson Creations 4
III The following statement has two errors. Correct the sentence
using the given clues: 2 x 1 = 2

17. a panch knows no friend or enemy but only justise

a) spelling correction


b) Capital letters to be corrected.

A Panch

IV 7 x 2 = 14
18. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that
follow :
“Remember then, there is only one time that is important
and that time is ‘Now’. It is the most important time because it is
the only time we have any power to act.
“The most necessary person is the person you are with at
a particular moment. The most important business is to do that
person good, because we are sent into this world for that purpose

a) Why ‘now’ is the most important time ?

'Now' is the most important time because it is the time


we have any power to act.



b) What is the most important business for a person to do ?

The most important business for a person is to good


to the person we are with at a particular moment.



9th SL English QP Downloaded From Royson Creations 5

19. Read the following conversation and answer the questions that
follow : Downloaded From Royson Creations
Ravi : Doctor, I’m not well.
Doctor : Please lie down on this table. (examines and
checks temperature) You’ve a severe cold. You’ve
fever also.
Ravi : Have I ? I’ve taken some medicines, but to no avail.
Doctor : Who gave you those medicines?
Ravi : The pharmacist.
Doctor : Shouldn’t accept such medicines Ravi. It’s not
good. You should always consult a doctor before
you start taking medicines. Don’t ever go for self
a) The person who sells medicines in the shop (Give one word
from the conversation)

The pharmacist

b) Why did Ravi consult the doctor ?

Ravi consulted the doctor because he had a severe cold


and fever.

20. Manju’s friends voted their favorite pass time hobbies. The
result is as follows :

9th SL English QP 6
Read the picture carefully and answer the questions that follow:
a) What hobby is liked most in the voting ?


b) What hobbies got same number of votes ?

Singing and dancing


21. Read the given advertisement carefully and answer the questions
that follow :
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a) Which age group was summer camp 2019 organized for ?

Age group 3 to 10


b) How many activities were included in the Kidzee Ramnagaria

Summer Camp 2019 ?

10 activities

9th SL English QP 7
22. Read the following stanza and answer the questions that follow:
A stranger came one night to Yussouf’s tent,
Saying, “Behold one outcast and in dread.
Against whose life the bow of power is bent,
Who flies, and hath not where to lay his head;
I come to thee for shelter and for food,
To Yussouf, called through all our tribes, “The Good.”
a) Who came to Yussouf’s tent one night ?

A stranger came to Yussouf's tent one night.



b) Why did the stranger come to Yussouf ?

The stranger came to Yussouf for shelter and food.



23. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow :
Finally a simple old woman came to see the king. The
exhausted prime minister brought her into the royal bed chamber
The simple old woman peered into the king’s face for a long
time. Then she said, “Your majesty, you are suffering from a strange
and rare disease. So rare and strange, that no name exists for it.”
“There, I knew it,” cried the king in glee. “I kept telling all of
them, the fools, that I’m a sick man.”
a) Who brought the simple old woman to the royal bed chamber?

The prime minister



b) What did the simple old woman say to the king ?

The simple old woman told the king that he was suffering
from a strange and rare disease.
9th SL English QP Downloaded From Royson Creations 8
24. Read the given passage and answer the following questions :
The opening batsmen put on thirty runs without being
separated. The visiting fast bowlers couldn’t do much. Then the
spin bowlers came on, and immediately there was a change in the
game. Two wickets fell in one over, and the score was thirty-three
for two. Suraj made a few quick runs, then he too was out to one of
the spinners, caught behind the wicket. And it was Ranji’s turn.
He walked slowly to the wicket. The bowler took a short run
and then the ball was twirling towards Ranji.
And then a thrill ran through Ranji’s arm as he felt the ball
meet the bat.
CRACK! The ball, hit firmly with the middle of Ranji’s bat,
streaked past the helpless bowler and sped towards the boundary.
Four runs!

a) How did the game change when the spin bowlers came in ?

The game change when the spin bowlers came in


because two wickets fell in one over.


b) What was the result when a thrill ran through Ranji’s arm ?

He felt the ball meet the bat.



V Answer the following question in 5-6 sentences each.

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25. Write a message reading the telephone conversation given
Bank Manager : Can you connect me to Mr. Prakash ?
Office Receptionist : Sorry Sir, he has gone out for the field work.
Bank Manager : When he comes back, ask him to meet me at
Brindavan Hotel at 5 O’clock along with the
Annual Report.
9th SL English QP 9
Office Receptionist : Ok, sure sir. Thank you.

Dear Prakash,

The bank manager called when you went out for the
field work. He wants you to meet him at Brindavan
Hotel at 5 O' clock along with the Annual Report
Office receptionist
26. Sentences given below are the steps to a simple meditation.
Re-arrange them in the correct sequence :
a) Take a deep breath in through the nose. 3
b) Release through the mouth. 5
c) Repeat step three to five. 6
d) Hold for three seconds. 4
e) Find yourself a comfortable seat. 1
f) Sit with your back straight, shoulders relaxed. 2







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VI Read the following texts and answer the questions that follow :
4 x 3 = 12
27. “What is the greatest wonder in the world?”
“Every day men see creatures depart to Yama’s abode and
yet, those who remain, seek to live forever. This verily is the greatest
Thus, the Yaksha posed many questions and Yudhistira
answered them all.
9th SL English QP 10
In the end the Yaksha asked, “O king, one of your dead
brothers can now be revived. Whom do you want revived? He shall
come back to life.”
a) Who posed many questions to Yudhistira ?

b) What is the opposite of life ?


c) What was the reward granted to Yudhistira at the end ?

One of his dead brothers would come back to life.



28. The King put on ordinary clothes and went to meet the hermit.
Before he reached the hermit’s hut, the king left his horse with his
bodyguard and went alone.
As the king came near the hermit’s hut, he saw the hermit digging
the ground in front of his hut. He greeted the king and continued

a) Who did the king meet ?

The king met a hermit


b) What was the hermit doing when the king came to meet him?

The hermit was digging the ground in front of his hut


when the king came to meet him.


c) A person who lives alone and leads a simple life.

(Give one word from the extract)

A hermit
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9th SL English QP 11
29. The Panchayat was held under the old banyan tree. Jumman stood
up and said, “The voice of the panch is the voice of God. Let my aunt
nominate the head Panch. I will abide by her decision.” “I nominate
Algu Chowdhary as the Panch. The Panch knows neither enemy nor
friend.” stated the lady.

a) Where was the Panchayat held ?

The panchayat was held under the old banyan tree.


b) According to Jumman which is the voice of God ?

The voice of the panch is the voice of God.


c) Who was nominated as the Panch by Jumman ?

Algu Choudhary.

30. Upagupta, the disciple of Buddha, lay asleep in

the dust by the city wall of Mathura.
Lamps were all out, doors were all shut and
stars were all hidden by the murky sky of August.
a) Who was the disciple of Buddha ?


b) Where did Upagupta lay asleep ?

Upagupta lay asleep in the dust by the city walls of Mathura.


c) What had happened to stars ?

The stars were all hidden by the murky sky of August


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9th SL English QP 12
VII Given below is a profile of Mr. Kapil Dev. Write a paragraph
using the clues given below : 1x3=3

31. Full Name : Kapil Dev Nikhanj

Place and date of birth : Chandigarh, 6th January 1959
Profession : Cricket player, Captain
Achievements : Won the world cup in 1983
Autobiography : “Straight from the Heart”
Reason for popularity : India’s greatest all rounder

This profile is about Mr. Kapil Dev. His full name is Kapil

Dev Nikhanj. He was born in Chandigarh on 6th January


1959. He was a cricket player and he was the captain


of the Indian cricket team. He won the world cup in


1983. His autography is, "Straight from the Heart". He


was India's greatest all rounder.





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VIII Develop the story using the clues given below : 1 x 3 = 3

32. Once a crow _______ . The crow was _______ some _______ . It was
very _______ . The crow was _______ and couldn’t _______ anymore.
Suddenly, it saw a _______ under a _______ . The jug _______ some
water ______ couldn’t drink it. ______ some pebbles _______ in the jug.
The water _______ and _______ water flew _______ happily.

Once, a crow became very thirsty. It wanted some


water but couldn't find water anywhere. Suddenly, it

9th SL English QP 13
saw a jug under a tree. There was some water in the jug.
The crow tried to drink water but couldn't drink it because
the water was at the bottom of the jug. So, the crow thought
of a plan and put pebbles in the jug. Water came up and
the crow drank it and flew away happily.

IX Study the picture given below : 1 x 3 = 3

33. Write a description or an account of what the picture suggests
to you in a paragraph.

A picture is worth a thousand words. This picture is of

village. There are three women. They are waiting to
get water. But, there is no water in the tap. On the
other hand, there is a man cutting down the trees. He
has already cut down many trees. This picture shows

that there is no water, no life if we don't have trees.


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9th SL English QP 14
X Read the given text and answer the questions that follows :
34. Believe in yourself
No matter what you choose.
Keep a winning attitude
And you can never lose.

Think about your destination

But don’t worry if you stray
Because the most important thing
Is what you’ve learned along the way.

a) What attitude we should always have ?

We should have a winning attitude.


b) Write a pair of rhyming words from the given poem.
Choose - lose
Stray - way
c) What is the most important thing along the way ?

What we have learned along the way is the most


important thing.
d) What do we have to do, when we go stray ?

We have to think about our destination when we go stray.



XI Read the following passage and answer the questions that

follow: 1 x 4 = 4
A child playing on the street was hit by a speeding vehicle.
The child was lying in a pool of blood. It was shifted to a hospital.
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9th SL English QP
The doctors who examined the child told its parents that the child
needed immediate blood transfusion and they must arrange for four
bottles of blood immediately.
The eager parents offered good money for buying blood. Many
young men did give blood but none accepted the money offered.
They bluntly told the parents that blood could not be bought with
money and that it should be donated by one person to another.

a) What was the instruction given by the doctors to the parents

after examining the child ?

The doctors instructed the parents that the child needed


immediate blood transfusion and the parents had to

arrange four bottles of blood immediately.

b) Many young men gave blood but none accepted the money.

Many young men gave blood nut none accepted the

money because they told the parents that blood couldn't

be bought with money and that had to be donated by


person to another.
XII Answer the following question in about 8-10 sentences :
36. Read the given poem and summarize it in your own words.
The Fox and the Grapes.
One summer’s day a Fox was passing through
An orchard; faint he was and hungry, too.
When suddenly his keen eye chanced to fall
Upon a bunch of grapes above the wall.
“Ha! Just the thing !” he said, “who could resist it ?”
He eyed the purple cluster-jumped-and missed it.
“Ahem !” he coughed. “I’ll take more careful aim.”
And sprang again. Results were much the same,

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Although his leaps were desperate and high.
At length he paused to wipe a tearful eye,
And shrug a shoulder. “I am not so dry,
And lunch is bound to come within the hour.....
Besides, he said, “I’m sure those grapes are sour.”
Once, a hungry fox came across an orchard of grapes.
It saw a bunches of grapes. As it was very hungry, it
wanted to eat a bunch of grapes. So, it jumped up to

catch a bunch of grapes; but couldn't reach it. It jumped


again and again but its effort was in vain. At last, it gave
up of getting the grapes and said that those grapes
were sour.








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9th SL English QP 17
XIII Write an essay on any one of the following : 1x4=4
37. a) Water Pollution
b) Freedom fighters - their sacrifices
c) My favorite cricket player





















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9th SL English QP 18
XIV. Write a letter using the information given below: 1x5=5
38. Imagine you are Suman/Suma studying in Government High
School, Harihara.
Write a letter to your father asking him to send Rs.1,000/- to
the school trip.
Write a letter to the Head master, requesting him/her to issue
your Transfer Certificate (TC).

Govt. High School, Harihara
26th January, 2024
The Head Master
Govt. High School, Harihara
Respected sir,
Subject: Requesting to issue my original TC
I am studying in 9th Std in your school. My father got
transferred to Hubli and we are moving there soon. I
would like to join the school there. So, I request you to
issue my original TC and marks card.

Thank you

Yours faithfully

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9th SL English QP 19
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Govt. High School, Harihara
26th January, 2024

Dear father,
I am fine. I hope you are fine too. How are they all at home? I
enjoy my school days. Our teachers teach us well. They take
special classes for us every day. I am studying well. I have got
80% in the preparatory exam. I hope to get 90% in the final exam.
They have arranged a tour to many places of Karnataka. I want to
participate in the tour too. So, I request you to send me Rs.1000
for the school tour.

Tell my regards to all at home.

Yours lovingly

House No.123
JP Nagar

9th SL English QP 20

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