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"Representative of First Language Acquisition"

Dosen pembimbing :
Ni Putu Artila Dewi, M.Pd.

Nama : Yesi Kristanti

Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
NIM : 202088203001




A. Background

What's Language?

Have been confirmed by linguists that the language as a communication tool is

genetically only in humans; not found on other living creatures. Language is the
main characteristic that distinguishes humans with other creatures and can not be
separated from humans. History proves how language affects various aspects of a
person's life.

Humans interact with each other through communication in the form of language.
Communication occurs either verbally or non verbally that is by writing, readings
and sign or symbol. Language itself is a complex process that does not just
Humans communicate through language requires a process that develops in stages
of his age. Language has an important role in human life. Aside from being a
medium for action, language also functions as a cultural reflection of speakers.
Language is the source of life and strength. Language can control behavior,
realize their actions and change the situation. Language is a symbol of arbitrary
sounds used in communication and allows people from different cultural
backgrounds can interact. (Octavian, 2006:2). Linguistics that make the language
as a symbol of the arbitrators and conventional. Having certain model of cognitive
linguistic theory of language which is a phenomenon involving mentalistik which
here are not aware of language acquisition in children (Tarigan, 1986: 6) .

Every aspect of language acquisition in the language is very complex, sometimes

very young children already know the system is considered grammar. In general,
people do not realize that language is a skill that is very complex. Use ordinary

language because it seemed natural and not taught by anyone, a baby will grow up
together with the growth of the language. Infancy or toddler (under five years) is
the most significant period in human life. In infancy, humans first learned or
introduced to the atmosphere of a totally "new", compared with previous periods
in the womb. During the first 3 days, normal infants are still more sleep.
Approximately 80% of the time used for sleep, After two weeks the baby started
to be able to perform various activities without the help of others, ranging from
turning, sitting, crawling and so forth, before the age of 7-8 months, feeling or
emotion baby began to emerge, although the ratio or his thoughts were not
functioning at all, at the age of 12-14 months, babies begin to recognize its
environment, whether physical or social environment, Gradually, babies begin to
understand the relationship between "words" with anything or anyone around him.
And for that, babies begin to need a tool of expression called "language". Starting
this time that babies begin to learn about language from the surroundings.
Language acquisition in infants is very gradually to gather in some parts of which
will be discussed in this paper. Therefore, the author deliberately raised themes
relating to language acquisition in humans especially in children which is "Aspect
Of Children Language Acquisition."

B. Problem Statements

Based on the background above, this problem can be formulated as follows:

1. What is Language Acquisition?
2. How about Development and Language Acquisition Process?
3. How about Factors Affecting the Development of Language?
4. How about The Stages of Language Acquisition?
5. How about The Functions of Children Language?

C. Objectives
From the problem statements, the author can take objective. That purposes
are :
1. To know Language Acquisition.
2. To know Development and Language Acquisition Process.
3. To know The Stages of Language Acquisition.
4. To know The Stages of Language Acquisition.
5. To know The Functions of Children Language

"Representative of First Language Acquisition"

A. What is Language Acquisition?

Process the child begins to recognize verbal communication witsh its environment
is called language acquisition of children. The term used for the acquisition of
British counterpart of the term acquisition, namely the process of language
acquisition by children naturally when he learns his native language.
(Dardjowidjojo, 2008:225).

Language acquisition is closely related to cognitive development, namely. first, if

the child is able to produce utterances which, based on the grammar which are
neat, does not automatically imply that the child has mastered the relevant
languages well. Second, the speaker must obtain the cognitive categories that
underlie the various meanings expressive natural languages.

B. Development Language Acquisition Proces

 Acquisition in the field Phonology
Child uses sounds that have been studied with the sound that have not
been studied, for example, replace sound/i/ that have been studied with the
sound/r/ that has not been studied.

 Acquisition in the field of morphology

At the age of 3 years children have already formed several morphemes
which show grammatical function of nouns and verbs used. Grammatical
errors often occur at this stage because children are still trying to say what
he wants to convey children continue to improve his language until the age
of ten years.
 Acquisition in the field of syntax
Alamsyah(2007:21) mentions that children develop a level of grammatical
sentences that are generated through several stages, namely through
imitation, through the classification of morphemes, and through the
preparation by way of putting words together to form sentences.

 Acquisition in the field of semantic.

Children use certain words based on similarity of motion, size, and shape.
For example, children already know the meaning of the word clock,
Originally referring to a child just watches her parents, but then he used
the word to all kinds of hours.

C. Factor Affecting the Development of Language

Specifically identified a number of factors that influence language development
1) Cognition
High or low cognitive abilities of individuals will affect the language
development faster than the individual. This relevant to the earlier
discussion that there is a significant correlation between a person’s mind
with the language.
2) Communication pattern within family
In a lot of family communication pattern are relatively democratic
direction, or direct interactions will accelerate the development of
language families than those who apply the communication and interaction
3) Amount of child or family
A number of families with many children or many family members, the
language development of the child is faster, because the communication
takes place varying compared with having only a single child and no other
members besides the core family.
4) Position of birth order
The child born in the middle position, his language development will be
faster then firstborn or youngest children. This is due to the middle child
has a communication upwards.
5) Billingualism
Children raised in families that use more than one language or better, the
development of language is more faster than using only one language
because the kids accostumed to use.

D. The Stages of Language Acquisition

There are four stages, how infants develop their first language acquisition
 First stage is word goo-goo-gaaa-gaaa. Those are the first languages
which are expresed by baby. In this stage, baby try to express what they
want but baby only can speak goo-goo-gs-gaa to express anything. Wheter
baby is happy or hungry, baby always speak those words,
 the second stage appears when children begin to say simple word such as
mama and water. In this stage, children have memorized some word in
their mind. They also try to imitate what is other people around them say.
Then they say in simple word to express something.
 Third stage, children try to the real communication. In this stage children
start to say in a short sentence into ungrammatical such as “give milk”
means that they want milk and daddy home means that their father has
 Forth stage, children start to develop more and more complex word in a
grammatical concept or rule. In the age four and five, they can indentify
word wheter its word plural or singular such as book and books, actually
in this stage, children still have some errors in grammatical rules but, it is
not commonly taught in American school until children are twelve or

E. The Functions of Children Language

There are some of the function of children language namely:
 Instrumental function
Child uses language to express needs and get what they want
E.g ; want drink
 Regularory function
In this function that laguage is used to tell others what to do and child
realize language is a useful tool as by using language they can get what
they want.
E.g: go away
 Interaction function
Language wich is used to communicate with other people and make a
E.g : love you, daddy, thank you
 Personal function
>When the child used language to express feelings and opinions
>Realise language is more than demanding and get praised for using
E.g ; me good girl
Those functions helps the child yo satisfy its physical, emotional and
social needs.
 Heuritic function
Language is used to get info about the environment or world. Child uses
language to ask questions about everything and he/she is always seeking
an answer.
E.g ; What that tractor doing?
 Imaginative function
>Language is used to tell stories and to create an imaginary situation.
>Child is able to recognize an object can be called many things.
E.g ; Creating an imaginary friend
These function help the child to make interaction with the environment
around them.
 Informative function
>Child begins to use language to talk about kinds of new things
>They learn to represent themselves using language.
E.g : telling a story about what happened to them
This function is representational stage where the child uses language to
convey facts and information.

Language acquisition is the process by which humans acquire the capacity to

perceive, produce and use words to understand and communicate. First language
acquisition is the ability of human to acquire their mother tongue from their early
age. There are four theories to describe the process of children in understanding
and practicing their first language, behaviorist/imitation, innateness, cognitive,
The significance of first language acquisition for children are to express needs and
get what they want, used to tell others what to do, and tell stories and to create an

Dardjowidjojo Soenjono, pengantar pemahaman bahasa manusia, books online.

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