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A Research Article Analysis

On the Article:

Teachers’ Effective Use of Educational Resources and Their Effect on

Students’ Learning

Submitted to
School of Graduate Studies
J.H. Cerilles State College
Pagadian City

In Partial Fulfilment
Of the Requirements for the Course
Ed.Ad 512
(Management of Physical and other School Resources)


July 2024

Teachers’ Effective Use of Educational Resources and Their Effect on
Students’ Learning
Jacob Kola Aina
Azeez Adebayo Abdulwasiu


2.1 What is/are the issue/gap/problems which prompted the researcher/s to

conduct the study?
The first problem/issue/gap that led the researchers to undertake the study is
the lack of literature regarding the effects of teachers' resourcefulness on students'
learning. Second, there are a abundance of educational resources available; third,
many African teachers encounter difficulties in making use of these resources.
Finally, a major issue has been created by the high unemployment rates and dearth
of certified teachers in many African countries, as well as the large number of recent
graduates applying for teaching positions without the necessary training.
Additionally, poor use of resources by educators has a negative effect on the
learning outcomes of students. In order to fill these gaps, this study looked at the
essential characteristics of a resourceful teacher and how they affect students'
2.2 Were the cited/reviewed literatures enough to establish the
introduction/background of the study? How many literatures were significantly
reviewed? Were the literatures cited relevant and updated to the present
study? How?
The study's introduction and background material were sufficiently covered by
the reviewed literature. The eleven references, which span the years 2013 to 2023,
demonstrated the value of instructors' resourcefulness and how it impacts students'
learning. The introduction was thorough and rich because of the references, which
came from a variety of sources, approaches, and subjects. The fact that they all
discuss education, learning, and teaching makes them all pertinent to the research.
Since the majority of the sources are current—some were published within the
previous ten years—and come from reliable sources like books and journals, they

are considered reliable. This clarified the significance of teachers using their
creativity and helped frame the study's research topic.
2.3. What theory/ies is/are presented as the framework/general statement of
the research? What evidence/citations were provided to present the theory/ies,
or the general statement of the research?

The study highlights the critical role that resourceful teachers play in
improving students' learning experiences by presenting the notion of resourcefulness
as the foundation for the investigation. "Authentic Learning Experiences:
Investigating How Teachers Can Lead Their Students to Intrinsic Motivation in
Meaningful Work" by Van Donge (2018), "The effects of science teachers’
pedagogical content knowledge on students’ attitudes toward science and their
achievement" by Usak, Uygun, & Duran (2022), and "The role of teachers’ reflective
practice in quality education" by Petrescu et al. (2018) are just a few of the scholarly
works that are cited and used as evidence to support this theory. These publications
aid in the development of the resourcefulness theory and highlight its importance
within the framework of contemporary education.

2.4 What is /are the objectives of the research? Were the objectives properly
presented in the statement of the problem (SOP) part?

The objectives of the research are to investigate the impact of resourceful

teachers on students' learning experiences and to identify the key qualities and
characteristics of resourceful teachers. The objectives were properly presented in
the statement of the problem (SOP) part, where the study outlined the need to
examine how teachers' resourcefulness influences students' motivation, retention,
collaboration, and academic performance. Additionally, the SOP highlighted the
importance of identifying the crucial qualities of resourceful teachers, aligning with
the research objectives to explore the impact and characteristics of resourceful


3.1 What is the research design used in the study?

A review of the literature was the study's method of research design.

Numerous intellectual works, including edited volumes, peer-reviewed journal

articles, and other academic research, are cited and synthesized in the paper.
Through a thorough review of a large body of empirical research and literature, the
study offers a thorough understanding of how resourceful teachers affect students'
educational experiences. This method enables the study to support its investigation
of the characteristics and outcomes of inventive teachers in the context of
contemporary education by drawing on accepted ideas, data, and conclusions from a
variety of sources.
3.2 What is the method/instrument used in the collection/gathering of data?
What data is/are gathered to answer the researcher's statement of the

The study primarily collects data through a comprehensive evaluation of the

body of existing literature using a qualitative approach. The information from
academic books, research papers, and articles that examine the influence of creative
teachers on students' learning experiences is used to fill in the gaps in the
researcher's problem description and objectives. The study compiles data on student
motivation, retention, teamwork, and academic achievement in addition to the traits
and attributes of creative educators. The research endeavors to offer insights into
the impact of resourceful educators on pupils and to pinpoint the fundamental
attributes that enhance their efficacy within the educational setting by scrutinizing
and combining the available data.
3.3 What sampling method of participants/respondents, if any, is used? How
many were treated as samples for this study?

Since the study largely uses a literature review technique, neither participants
nor responses are sampled in this way.
3.4 What method of analysis is used to treat the gathered data?

The method of analysis used to treat the gathered data is primarily qualitative in
nature. The study conducts an extensive review of existing literature, including
scholarly articles, books, and research papers, to synthesize and analyze
information related to the impact of resourceful teachers on students' learning
experiences. Through this qualitative approach, the research aims to identify and
discuss the qualities and effects of resourceful teachers, drawing on established
theories, evidence, and findings from various sources. This method allows the study

to provide a comprehensive analysis of the influence of resourceful educators on

students and to explore the essential characteristics that contribute to their
effectiveness in the educational context.


4.1 What were the result for each statement of the problem?

The study doesn't specifically list the outcomes for every problem statement.
Rather, its main objective is to synthesize and analyze the body of current literature
about how inventive teachers affect students' learning experiences. The study
intends to shed light on how resourceful teachers affect students and pinpoint the
critical traits that enhance their efficacy in a learning environment. Consequently,
because the study's focus is on a qualitative assessment of the literature rather than
on primary data gathering or investigation, it does not give particular empirical
outcomes for individual problem statements.

4.2 Were their table presented the result, if any, enough to summarize the
result how?
The study does not present any tables or empirical data to summarize the
results. Instead, it relies on a qualitative review of literature to synthesize and
analyze information related to the impact of resourceful teachers on students'
learning experiences. As a result, the study does not utilize tables or empirical data
to summarize specific findings.

4.3 Does the conclusion present some new knowledge on the field under
investigation? What is/are this knowledge?

The study concludes that teaching methods that are flexible and creative are
important for students to learn well. The study says that being resourceful is a key
quality for teachers in the 21st century, and it identifies 11 specific traits that make a
teacher resourceful. By thinking about resourcefulness in this way, the study adds
new knowledge to the field of education. It highlights the importance of teachers
being able to adapt, be creative, and use available tools to help students learn better.
The study also emphasizes the need for teachers to keep learning and improving
their teaching methods, showing that teaching is a constantly changing profession.

This new knowledge shows how important it is for teachers to be resourceful and
how it affects students' learning experiences in today's schools.


5.1 Which part or portion of the research needs improvement? How it/they may
be Improved?

If the study included more details on how it gathered the data it did, it would
be more beneficial. It has to specify the location of the information search and the
process used to select the data to include. It might also discuss any issues with the
data it discovered. The study would become more strong and trustworthy as a result.
5.2 Would you consider replicating the study? Which part/s would you

Certainly, it would be advantageous to repeat the study, particularly the one

that addresses the various ways in which educators could be regarded as
resourceful. This section is crucial because it identifies the characteristics that have
an impact on pupils and offers advice on how to use technology and successful
communication in the classroom. Teachers can investigate and confirm the influence
of these attributes on student learning outcomes by conducting a replication of this
portion of the study. Understanding the ways in which teachers' inventiveness affects
student performance and engagement in the classroom may be aided by replicating
this portion of the study.

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