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0 Company Background
1.1 Number of years in business
Fantasy Frozen Satay is a small company that produce frozen satay. This company has
operated for two years in Gaya Street, Sabah. We produce and offer various type of frozen
satay such as signature Satay frozen which consists of chicken, beef, fish and mutton satay.
We will expand our frozen satay business at China and we will focus on serving the big
market using large appliances such as industrial-scale refrigerator, among other. We are
also promoting our product through social media such as Facebook and Instagram to
expand our product to all people in Malaysia. Fantasy Frozen Satay is a partnership
company, which consist of 5 members and each member will be assigned to different
department such as administration, financial, operation and also marketing. Fantasy Frozen
Satay mission is “spreading happiness” among consumer and introduce Malaysia traditional
food to foreign market.
Vision: To bring happiness to our customers by serve delicious satay.
1) To introduce our country traditional food to foreign market.
2) To understand our customer’s changing needs and always improve our customer
3) Our aim is for everyone in China to experience on eating our authentic taste of Frozen
4) To improve our employees' skills and export our products to all major continents,
particularly to nations with substantial Asian populations, such as China.

Business Name Fantasy Frozen Satay

Business Address Gaya Street, Pusat Bandar Kota Kinabalu,
88000, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Nature of the Business Producing and selling frozen satay
Type of the Business Partnership
Date of Registration 1 January 2020
Telephone Number 011-25097898
Facebook Fantasy frozen satay
Instagram @Fantasyfrozensatay
2.0 Location

Fantasy Frozen Satay is located at Gaya Street, Pusat Bandar, Kota Kinabalu, 88000 Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah. Gaya Street located in the Kota Kinabalu District and has been known as
the centre of business for over a hundred years and has it has been dubbed as the
Chinatown of Sabah due to many Chinese coffee shops and restaurant situated there. We
choose this location base on a few aspects that has been consider which are the
infrastructure, the system of transportation and the environment.

The reason why we choose this place because it is near to residential areas, university
areas, near the restaurant and easily accessible in terms of parking spots. Besides that,
Fantasy Frozen Satay closes to areas such as housing estates, shops, bus stop and also
major road. Customers are welcome to come in for a closer look at the merchandise and will
be greeted pleasantly. Therefore, customer can easily come and purchase our product by
using the public transport that available around the location of our physical store. We also
provide option for consumer to buy our product through website or takeaway application
such as Food Panda and also Grab Food. In other words, our premise has provided basic
amenities such as water, electricity supply and telephone service. With this infrastructure,
Fantasy Frozen Satay management and service will work smoothly and efficiently.

3.0 Size of the Company

The starting date of the business

Our business start on 1st January 2020. This business will not be dissolved if one of the
partners is death but it will be dissolved if all partners are agreed to dissolve it.

Contribution of Capital

Position Capital
General Manager 20,000
Admin Manager 10,000
Marketing Manager 10,000
Operation Manager 10,000
Financial Manager 10,000
Total 60,000.00

Partner’s position in Fantasy Frozen Satay

Name Position
WANG YIZHOU Operation Manager
ZHANG JINGMIN Financial Manager
3.1 Organization Chart

3.2 Manpower Planning

Position Number of Staff
General Manager 1
Admin Manager 1
Marketing Manager 1
Operation Manager 1
Financial Manager 1
Operational Workers 3
Driver 1

3.3 Schedule of Tasks and Responsibilities

Position Job Description

General Manager · To form the objectives, planning strategies and
monitor the organizational policies and also as
mastermind in an organizational

· To plan and monitor the strategic progress of

the business

· To maintain good communications skill and

relationship government, private sector and

· Ensure all activities to run smoothly using the

proper procedure

· Able to cooperate and interact with people

Admin Manager · To carry out interview for workers and evaluate
the worker performance

· Ensure that all of the company's goals are met.

· To plan administrative system and ensure it

become efficient and effective

· Help the general manager manage and plan

systematic management
Marketing Manager · To determine the marketing target, present
market, and the most appropriate technique to

· To prepared marketing analysis and observe the

strategic location to expand the business

· Doing consistent promotion ensures the sales

reach the objective

· To determine the measures and effort that must

be taken in a methodical manner in order to
achieve a smooth increase in sales.
Operation Manager · Arrange the set of services and education that
will offer

·To ensure that the flow stock flows smoothly

without any supply stock shortages

· To ensure the flow stock runs smoothly without

having any shortage in the supply stock

· To ensure the quality of product

· Plan out the program that will be done

Financial Manager · Prepared the company's cash flow, trading profit
and loss account, and balance sheet.

· To manage all financial management

· To manage administrative, operational, and

marketing costs in order for the business to be
financially healthy. To be responsible for all
aspects of the company's finances.


The product that we have chosen to be sold in foreign market is our signature Satay frozen
which consists of chicken, beef, fish and mutton satay. In addition to this, our Satay frozen
has low calories and variety of flavour such as Black pepper, spicy and honey. Furthermore,
complete package with delicious sauce. Consumers will only need to reheat the frozen satay
by grilling or microwaving and they will find this product convenient as they only need to
heat up the satay for a few minutes before enjoying it with the sauce that comes together in
the package. We targeting this product to satay lover who are open to trying new things
and want to increase brand awareness of Malaysia unique condiment or side dish to Chinese
consumer and promote Malaysia countries, cultures, food, attract foreign tourist and
contribute to the trade industries. Fantasy Frozen Satay features with premium boneless
chicken cubes marinated in fresh chopped lemongrass, onion, garlic and selected herbs and
spices. It is then skewered and charcoal-grilled to retain the unique satay aroma, before
being frozen and packed.

We want to develop halal products to the global market in China and package our product
by using high quality plastic (Low Density Polyethylene), plastic container with lids and
disposable food container. It is to make sure the quality of the products is in good condition
and easy to use. We will make sure that our product is mix with vitamins and nutrition to
consumers. Our product is designed for both women and men and is appropriate for all
income levels, including lower-income, middle-income, and also higher-income levels. Our
product truly assists consumers in saving time when it comes to food preparation, and Satay
is appropriate for any occasion or time of day, including lunch, tea time, and dinner. Next,
we differentiate ourselves by allowing customers to customise their tastes, and our satay is
a simple snack that everyone can enjoy at any time, such as while watching movies,
picnicking, or during leisure time. Aside from that, our product is free of preservatives and
only uses fresh raw materials, which we replace every day to assure their freshness. Our
product also certified with HALAL certificate from JAKIM which means our products are
Muslim-friendly and we also make suggestion of the best way to serve the product and the
list of ingredients being used. In addition to this, our product will create curiosity among
customers that will encourage them to seek out more about our product and we also
focused on wide product range. In addition to this, our Satay are unique that our business
has secret ingredient and customer who buy with us would not find the same taste like us.

5.0 Current Market; Sales, Revenue, Profit/Loss generated

Based on current people estimates from Department of Statistic Malaysia, population in

Sabah are 3899.3 people. From this population of people in Sabah, Fantasy Frozen Satay
predicts that 10% people will be interest in buying our product.
Population in Sabah= 3899.3

Market Size= 3899.3 X 10% = 389.93%

Total Market Size = 3899.3 X (0.5 X10) + (0.43 X10) + (0.7X10)/3)

= 3899.3 X 5.433 X 5

= RM105924, 48

Forecast Sales

Sales forecasting is the method by which the marketing manager forecasts the company's
sales for each month during the first year. The details of the forecasting that we had to do
for a year in a roll are listed below.

Month SALE (RM)

January 12000
February 17000 Chinese New Year Celebration
March 10000
April 10000
May 18000 Harvest Festival and Hari Raya
June 12000
July 10000
August 8000
September 11000
October 80000
November 10000
December 18000 New Year and Christmas Celebration
Total Yearly sales for RM216000 RM18000 X 12 = RM216000
forecast for 2020
Total yearly sales for 5% X RM216000= RM10800
forecast for 2021 RM 10800 +RM216000


The increase the number of sales in February, June and December due to Chinese New Year
Celebration, Hari Raya celebration, New year celebration and also Christmas celebration. We
utilize sales promotion during festival season to attract more consumers.

Schedule of Remuneration

No Position No Monthly EPF SOCSO Amount

Salary Contribution (RM)
13 % (RM) 2%

1 General 1 2500 325 50 2875

2 Admin Manager 1 2000 260 40 2300
3 Marketing 1 1500 195 30 1725
4 Operation 1 1500 195 30 1725
5 Financial 1 1800 234 36 2070
6 Driver 1 800 104 16 920
7 Operation 1 500 65 10 575
Workers 1
8 Operation 1 500 65 10 575
Workers 2
9 Operation 1 500 65 10 575
Workers 3
Total 9 RM11600 RM1508 RM232 RM13340
Raw material Estimate Quantity Estimate Price per Total
Required unit (RM)

Chicken tender 50kg 4 RM200

Fish Fillet 50kg 4 RM200
Beef 50kg 4 RM200
Lamb 50kg 4 RM200
Total RM800

Onion 10kg 2 RM20
Garlic 10kg 2 RM20
Lemongrass 10kg 2 RM20
Herbs and spics 10kg 2 RM20
Honey 2 kg 12 RM24
Salt 20kg 2 RM40
Sugar 20kg 2 RM40
Turmeric 10kg 1 RM10
Oil 5kg 10 RM50
Corn-starch 10kg 1 RM10.00
Chili Powder 10kg 3 RM30
Black Pepper 10kg 3 RM30
Satay Stick 100 pcs 10 RM10.00
Lemon extract 30 litres - RM10.00
Total RM334
Marketing Budget

No Item (Promotion) Monthly Expenses

1 Pamphlet 20
2 Poster 20
3 Notice 20
Total 60

Operation Budget

No Item Monthly expenses

1 Purchase chiller/freezer and furniture RM 300

2 Remuneration Salary RM15985

3 Licence RM 50

4 Raw material RM1134

5 Promotion RM60

6 Company Insurance RM50

7 Van Rental RM200

Total RM17779



Sales RM18000

(-) Cost of goods sold

Less: Operating

Petrol RM150 RM150

Marketing Expenses

Promotion RM60 RM60

Hire purchases expenses

Van RM200

Chiller/ Freezer and Furniture RM300 RM500

Remuneration Expenses

Salary RM13340

Operation Expenses

Raw Material RM800

Sauce RM334



6.0 Competitor Analysis

Competition analysis involves of the evaluation of strengths and weaknesses of current and
potential customers. The Strengths and weaknesses of competitors may include about their
location, price, quality, value added services and marketing strategy. The information about
the competitors will help Fantasy Frozen Satay to improve its business strategy and
improves their existence in market. Based on the research done by Fantasy Frozen
marketing team, we have identified that there are four competitors in our market and
competitor is a threat that can affect our company. The competitors for our product are
Ayamas, Wak Ali Satay frozen satay, Ocean Bella Tuna Fish Satay and also Homey frozen



 The taste of chilled satay produced  Higher commodity prices, such as

by Ayamas is in line with the style Ayamas Jumbo Chicken Satay in

of Malaysians soy sauce are estimated to be

RM18.89 per pack (10 sticks).
 Owning international halal earnest
 Eating frozen food is harmful to
and best-selling international and
local markets such as cold storage
 Halal satay product competition
 Good marketing potential like
packaging design and customer


 Ingredients are easy to handle and  New competitor

enjoy  Health problem

 Has international market potential  Shortage of raw materials

 Have a specific customer base

7.0 Introduction about the chosen foreign country

China is one of the countries with a lot of market opportunities for international investors
and a lot of growth potential. According to the World Bank (World Bank, 2009), China has
overtaken the United States and Germany as the world's largest trading nation. Besides
that, most export is from Hong Kong, South Korea, and Taiwan. Furthermore, China has the
world's largest population, which has been quickly increasing in recent years, growing by
about 15 million people per year. China's population was estimated to be 1.412 billion
people in November 2020. Malaysia and China have maintained a diplomatic relationship,
and China has been Malaysia's major trading partner for the past 11 years. China is one of
the world's greatest economies, with a booming population and significant purchasing
power. Since then, they have made steady progress in the sectors of politics, economics,
and culture, and China is definitely one of Malaysia's most important economic partners,
both now and in the future.

8.0 Identification of the foreign country environment

8.1 Politic

China has a growing market with rapid industrial development and economic growth thus it
is important to be patient as it takes a considerable amount of time to build business
relationship with them. Moreover, the political conditions are stable and it provides a goof
atmosphere for foreign companies. According to (Bremmer, 2016) China’s political policies
welcome for foreign multinational companies as they have issued their legal laws regarding
business and China provide a good pathway for business as it has a positive atmosphere
and political stability. In August 2017, China introduced new laws under the Food Safety
Law, revising food safety standards, food production and operation, supervision and
management, and legal duties. To safeguard native industries from international
competition, China imposes substantial tariff barriers on foreign companies.

8.2 Legal
However, most of the food products imported into China are subject to stringent and
complicated documentation procedures. Before shipping the products, entities are required
to submit properly documented information on quality, quarantine, origin, and import
control, along with a detailed packaging list and a description of the packaging material,
among other documents.
Companies having international trading rights are permitted to export products into China,
but they must first register with the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) or one of its
authorised local offices, as required by the Foreign Trade Law and the Measures on Filing
and Registration of Foreign Trade Operators.
8.3 Culture

China has become the world’s third largest trading nation after the United States and
Germany (Hye, 2012). The culture in China and business practices is different from those in
the western countries, when you want to expand your business in Mainland, the knowledge
of Chinese business etiquette is vital to your company success. The culture in China and
business practices is different from those in the western countries, when you want to
expand your business in Mainland, the knowledge of Chinese business etiquette is vital to
your company success. China is one of the world’s largest economies with high purchasing
power and a growing population. Although Chinese culture is multifaceted, experts from all
over the world agree that despite the diversity of Chinese groups, many common elements
survive. These are mostly derived from the Chinese culture's extensive influence of
Confucian philosophy, and they are at the heart of Chinese identity. According to (Lu, 2011)
China and Malaysia are both multilingual countries where the national language of China is
Mandarin, while Malaysia is Malay. China has lot of rules and regulation they would like to
avoid ambiguous or uncertain. In Chinese culture, rank is extremely important in business
relationship and must keep rank differences while communicating. Culture distance has a
significant impact on international company operations since they must advertise their
products to local consumers by adapting to local culture, negotiate with business partners,
and perform other activities that entail cultural content.

8.4 Economic

China has a growing market with rapid industrial development and economic growth thus it
is important to be patient as it takes a considerable amount of time to build business
relationship with them. China is one of the world’s largest economies with high purchasing
power and a growing population. China's debts, on the other hand, have risen to 141
percent of GDP, indicating a risk of financial instability in the economy. Chinese buyers love
product that have a history, heritage and a strong position. Besides that, Chinese millennial
are powerful in foreign market and really concern about the quality of the product. In
business world, Chinese people usually don’t like doing business with companies they don’t
know and consider “relationship” among various parties as one of the most important
factors in business. However, the “relationship” is not based on money. According to
(Kwintessential, 2005) if you want to establish close relationship with Chinese market, you
have to foster understanding and emotional bonds. Keeping in touch on a regular basis is
the most effective method. According to (Pandaily, 2018) in terms of infrastructure, China's
internet users have reached 772 million in terms of internet and wireless technologies. In
addition, 256 million internet users used an online food delivery service in 2016. (Tao,2017).
This might be seen as an opportunity for Fantasy Frozen Satay for promote our product.

9.0 Swot analysis of your company and industry in the foreign country


Offer variety of signature frozen satay

Fantasy Frozen Satay has introduced various of satay that is different from another
competitor. For example, we have variety of choice which consists of Chicken, beef, fish and
also mutton satay to fulfil customers need. In addition to this, our product has low calories
and variety of flavour such as Black pepper, spicy and honey in one price for consumer to
adjust they taste. Our Satay are unique that our business has secret ingredient and
customer who buy with us would not find the same taste like us.

Strategic Location

Fantasy Frozen Satay is located at Kota Kinabalu and it is a centre of attraction for customer
to find our shop. In addition to this, we also provide delivery service for customer to enjoy
our Satay. For example, consumer can buy our product through website or takeaway
application such as Food Panda and also Grab Food.

Improve health awareness in our product

Our product has low calories that consists of vitamins and nutrition to consumers. Besides
that, our product specially made for both female and male and suitable for any income level
which are lower-income level, middle-income level and higher-income level. We focus on
quality of the product that we offer to consumer and does not use artificial flavours or
preservatives in our Satay.

Technologies Advantage
We have utilized the latest technologies to improve the productivity of the product and uses
cold room to freeze to prevent quicky damage and last longer. In addition to this, we have
long lasting packaging which designed to cost and protect the product. For example,
package our product by using high quality plastic (Low Density Polyethylene), plastic
container with lids and disposable food container. It is to make sure the quality of the
products is in good condition and easy to use.


Weak brand reputation

Fantasy Frozen Satay is a small company that has operated for two years in business
industry. In order to enter foreign market, they need to improve their brand reputation.
Fantasy Frozen Satay only has two years’ experience, where it may difficult for the company
to compete with other popular brands in foreign market. The company might face difficult in
getting new customers due to their brand are still not well known. Fantasy Frozen Satay has
weak brand reputation compare with other competitors has better branding and better
reputation due to their size. Other competitors that well established and has better brand
recognition generally see a higher percentage of the market share. Before enter foreign
market, Fantasy Frozen Satay need to increase or improve their brand reputation by using
various marketing tools.

Insufficient capital
Insufficient capital is also one of Fantasy Frozen Satay weakness due to the company are
still consider new in foreign market. When a company decide to enter foreign market, they
need to have enough capital in order to survive in foreign market. Investing in foreign
market can bring risks to Fantasy Frozen Satay because it requires a lot capital. They need
to spend a lot money on producing product, marketing and other stuffs in foreign market.

Health problem due to frozen food

Although frozen food is easy to prepare but the nutrients in frozen food will gradually be
lost. As we all know, fresh food is high in nutrients, while frozen food will cause the loss of
nutrients. During transportation and storage, the vitamins in the food will also slow down.
Break it down. Moreover, as the storage time becomes longer and longer, the loss of these
nutrients will

become more and more serious. Therefore, compared with homemade fresh food, the
nutritional value of frozen food has actually been greatly discounted. The number of
colonies in frozen food exceeds the standard and it also relatively unhygienic. Frozen food
contains a lot bacteria in bulk. These bacteria may bring in various pathogenic
microorganisms before freezing because the raw material itself carries bacteria, the bacteria
continue to multiply during the processing, and the production personnel carry the bacteria
and the mechanical equipment is not clean enough. Although low temperature can inhibit
the reproduction of microorganisms, it cannot effectively kill them. Once the temperature is
restored to a suitable temperature, the microorganisms will become active again, thereby
increasing hidden dangers to health.


Have a potential of business growth

Fantasy Frozen Satay has potential has potential in China Market this is because we want to
introduce more value-added food, or higher convenience-level food and affordable frozen
food to our worldwide consumer. Besides that, “Shaokao” is one of the China most popular
street foods, consisting of meat, fish and vegetables threaded onto skewers and cooked
over coals. Beside that, there is a lot of festive in China such as Chinese New Year, Mid-
autumn festival and many more. Through this festival, Fantasy Frozen Satay can attract
consumer interest.

Offer Online Order

We have open opportunity for consumer to buy our product through online platform and
provide delivery service. In addition to this, we will promote our product through Weibo and
WeChat to encourage consumer to buy our product. Furthermore, we will work with Chinese
influencers to market our product, as most Chinese consumers are more likely to like and
follow famous people because they are regarded "experts" in their sector.

Compete with the local market and Global competition

Fantasy Frozen Satay will face competition with the existing market in China related to the
food market. There are many competitors who are offer the same product. For example,
Frozen Spring Rolls Vegetables Samosa Chinese Food, Frozen Vegetable and Fish Fillet
Frozen Seafood, Fresh Frozen Squid Rings Seafood and other food market in China. Beside
that, consumer will do pricing compare with another competitor.

Changes in taste of consumer

There are many brands offering the same product with more promotion and customer have
many options to order the same product this is because consumer is more prefer to unique
and difference taste of food.

10.0 Opportunities, Risks and Challenges

Based on Fantasy Frozen Satay Swot analysis, the opportunities of our product in foreign
market is we can introduce our country traditional food to new customers. Satay is a dish of
seasoned, skewered, grilled meat and it serve with a sauce. This dish is one of well-known
traditional dish in Malaysia. By introducing our local food to foreign market, customer get to
experience new kind of food that they never try it before. Our frozen satay consists of
chicken, beef, fish and mutton, where customers have various choices to choose and they
also can choose satay flavour that they prefer. The second opportunities are growing frozen
food market. Frozen food market growing more in future because frozen food is easy to
prepared and it did not take a lot time. It brings convenient to customers where customers
only need to heat up the food for few minutes and the food can be served in short time.
Besides that, frozen food has a long durability compare with fresh food. Frozen food can be
store in the freezer for many months and it will still be good for consumption. Frozen food
also popular in China market where the country produces frozen dumpling, frozen tangyuan,
frozen zongzi and others product. Frozen dumpling is top frozen food product in China. This
can bring opportunities to Fantasy Frozen Satay to sold frozen satay in China market.
The risks of Fantasy Frozen Satay enter foreign market is frozen satay might not being
accepted from China market. In China, “Shaokao” is a street food can be found on a busy
Chinese streets and night markets. “ShaoKao” consists of heavily spiced, barbecued foods
on skewers. There are various kind of “shaokao” which are chicken skewers, beef skewers,
mutton skewers, pork skewers and seafood skewers. Some consumers from China might not
able accept our product because they not familiar with this kind of frozen skewers. They

hesitate to try it because they not sure whether the product are fresh or whether the
product are safe to consume. This can cause consumers in China might more prefer to buy
their own “shaokao” rather than buying our products. This can become one of risks when
we bring frozen satay to foreign market. Lack of technology knowledge can become one of
risk when the company enter China market. This is because production of frozen satay of
the company depends more on man force instead of using machine. China is well known of
using machinery in producing food product. By using machine, it can produce large amount
of product in a short time. Fantasy Frozen Satay did not have experience in using machine
to produce food product which can cause them difficult in producing product.

The challenges of Fantasy Frozen Satay are the complexity and unpredictability of the
supply chain. Many companies are facing a problem that is increasingly large supply chains,
more and more abundant product lines, and more and more personalized needs. Providing
different types of products and services to different customers will inevitably form a complex
supply chain system, which may be a system of global suppliers, subcontractors, factories,
warehouses, transporters, customers, agents, and after-sales services. This will cause form
a huge network. The complexity of such a network is difficult to solve, especially when there
is a problem with this huge system, it is difficult to quickly find where and why the problem
occurred. Inside the supply chain, the main risks include information transmission error,
procurement or logistics interruption, warehousing management confusion, material
planning disorder. While outside the supply chain, market uncertainty, industry and
economic periodicity, policy and legal risks as well as natural disasters and other irresistible
risks, the supply chain will be blocked or interrupted. Different countries have different ways
in managing supply. Fantasy Frozen Satay have to learn and understand how China market
subdivide products, how to develop new products and meet customer needs, and take the
correct measures to formulate supply chain strategies, optimize the processes of all links in
the supply chain, and maintain supply chain networks and resources.
11.0 Identification of possible entry mode of business strategy into the region


According to (Sharma,2004) company who want to enter international market need to

consider different types of market. Fantasy Frozen Satay has chosen export mode to send
all the goods and service to another country for sale. The reason why we have chosen
export mode this is because well-established method of reaching foreign country and does
not require any good to be produced in target country (Chasson, 1998). Besides that, export
has lower cost and no investment in foreign production facilities is required. By exporting
our Fantasy Frozen Satay, we can find a new market and provide companies with a quick
entry route into the foreign market. According to (Hye, 2012) China economy has moved
towards a more consumption-driven economy and increasingly open for imported
commodities therefore, our company has grab this to export our product in China. Fantasy
Frozen Satay will success if we export to China market our company can take advantages by
achieve more profits this is they has a good market opportunity.


In conclusion, our product will be success in the worldwide market because we can use this
chance to boost international consumer interest in Malaysian cuisines and increase affinity
for Malaysian food products. Furthermore, if we meet significant demand and receive
positive feedback, we may be able to engage with China as a commercial partner or be
marketed globally through a franchise system in the future. Fantasy Frozen Satay will cater
to the needs of the local community in both large and rising markets. We hope to enhance
brand awareness of Malaysia's distinctive condiment or side dish among Chinese consumers,
promote Malaysia's countries, cultures, and food, attract foreign tourists, and contribute to
the trade sectors by marketing this product to satay lovers who are open to trying new
things. We believe that, our Satay will definitely build a trend in China.

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