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Computer Science (A Level)

1.3.3 - Networks
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Duration: Not set
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• Answer all the questions, unless your teacher tells you otherwise.
• Read each question carefully. Make sure you know what you have to do before starting your answer.
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• The quality of written communication is assessed in questions marked with either a pencil or an asterisk. In History and
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• The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
• The total number of marks for this paper is 154.
• The total number of marks may take into account some 'either/or' question choices.

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1 A company releases an Internet connected fridge. Users can email messages to the fridge and it puts them on
its display.

The fridge uses the TCP/IP stack.

Explain what is meant by the term ‘TCP/IP stack’.


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2(a) A hotel uses a computer system to keep track of room bookings. The hotel staff are able to query a database to
discover which rooms are booked or which rooms are free.

The hotel’s computer network uses a client-server model.

(i) Describe what is meant by the term ‘client-server’ in this context.


(ii) Give two advantages of client-server compared to peer-to-peer.


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(b) The hotel’s network uses multiple switches.

Explain the purpose of a network switch.


(c) * The hotel is concerned about the security of its computer network.

Discuss the threats which potentially exist to the hotel’s computer network and how these threats could be
eliminated or reduced.

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(d) The hotel stores data about rooms, customers and bookings in a database. Each customer can book multiple
rooms and each room can be booked multiple times.

(i) Draw an Entity Relationship Diagram for this database.


(ii) Define what is meant by the term ‘foreign key’, giving one example of where a foreign key would be used in
the hotel booking database.



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(iii) Describe two different ways that hashing could be used in this database.


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(e) The hotel booking database enforces referential integrity.

Explain what is meant by the term ‘referential integrity’ and how this could potentially be broken.


3 In order to view a website, a user enters a website address into their web browser such as
The website will then be displayed onto the user’s screen.

Explain how the Domain Name System (DNS) plays a role in websites being loaded.


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4 *A company has six solicitors working in two offices in different locations. They work with the general public and
help them solve any sensitive legal issues they may be facing.

The solicitors would like to set up a computer network to allow them to work together more effectively.

Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of computer networking to the company.

You should refer to the following in your answer:

• Different networking methods
• Cost implications
• Security implications

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5 RestaurantReview is a website that allows users to leave reviews and ratings for different restaurants.

The website uses a database with the following structure.

The database management system ensures referential integrity is maintained.

Each review includes a score out of 5. When the score is entered on the website it is checked in the browser to
ensure a number no higher than 5 has been entered. It is then checked again on the server.

(i) State what is meant by the term ‘server’.


(ii) Explain why it is important that the review score that the user entered is also checked server-side.


6(a) The internet can be considered an example of a WAN.

Describe what is meant by the term ‘WAN’.


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(b) The internet uses a set of protocols referred to as the TCP/IP stack. The TCP/IP stack consists of four different
layers, each with its own set of protocols.

(i) Explain why protocols are important on a network.


(ii) State the name of the four layers of the TCP/IP stack.


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7 The electricity company decides to trial smart meters. These can be connected to a computer so the user can
download and analyse records of their electricity usage.

(i) In order to be able to access all the functionality of the meter, the computer needs a device driver. Describe
what is meant by the term ‘device driver’.


(ii) In order to transfer data, the meter and computer need an established set of rules for how they will

State the term used for a set of rules for communication between two devices.


(iii) Once downloaded, the user can analyse the data.

State the type of application that the user might use to analyse the data once downloaded.


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8 A company produces digital photo frames (i.e. photo frames that display digital photographs).

Several of these photo frames can be placed around a house and connected in a peer to peer network.

Describe what is meant by the term ‘peer to peer network’.


9 Most films are now distributed to cinemas digitally. A studio allows cinemas to download its latest film 5 days
before the release date via a private download. It wants to ensure that no cinema shows it before the release

Describe one technical measure the studio could use to ensure that films are not shown early.


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10 An architect firm specialises in designing skyscrapers.

The computers in the architect firm’s office are connected to a LAN which is connected to the Internet.

(i) The LAN is set up in a client-server network.

Give one advantage and one disadvantage to the architects’ firm of a client-server set up rather than a peer
to peer setup.




(ii) The LAN is connected to the Internet via a firewall. Describe the term ‘firewall’.


(iii) State why the architects’ firm would use a firewall.


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11 A company releases an Internet connected fridge. Users can email messages to the fridge and it puts them on
its display.

The fridge uses the TCP/IP stack.

Explain what is meant by the term ‘TCP/IP stack’.


12(a) Explain what the code in Fig. 8.1 does.


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(b) In certain scenarios the user's IP address is logged in a database.

(i) Describe what is meant by an IP Address.


(ii) Explain why the programmers have chosen to store the user's IP address.


(c) An extract from the database is shown below:

(i) The username admin is entered into the form.

State what the value of statement would be after line 03 of the code in Fig. 8 .1 is run.


(ii) State what the value of hashInDB would be after line 04 of the code in Fig. 8.1 is run.


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(d) In SQL the character ; denotes the next statement and the characters –– denote a comment.

The username DenverJ34'; DROP TABLE users; –– is entered into the form.

(i) State what the value of statement would be after line 03 is run.


(ii) Describe what happens when line 04 is run.


(iii) State the name of a law the user has broken by entering the username
DenverJ34'; DROP TABLE users; --


13(a) A dance group decide they are going to use the Internet to promote their work.

The dance group stream other groups' videos online.

Explain why a connection with a high bit rate is important for this task.


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(b) Online videos are often streamed using User Datagram Protocol (UDP). UDP is a logical protocol.

(i) Describe what is meant by the term ‘logical protocol’.


(ii) Explain one advantage of layering logical protocols separately from physical protocols.


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14(a) A coffee company has coffee shops located across the country. Each shop has its own Local Area Network
(LAN). The company wants to connect the shops in a Wide Area Network (WAN).

(i) Describe two characteristics of a LAN.


(ii) Describe two characteristics of a WAN.


(b) Describe one piece of hardware that each shop will need to connect their LAN to the company's WAN.


The new network will enable the company to roll out a mobile phone application that allows people to place their
orders before they arrive at the shop. The company is deciding whether to use a menu-driven interface or a
natural language interface.

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15 See And Believe is a company that specialises in computer-generated imagery (CGI) for films.

Producing CGI requires lots of processing power and so the company has a large number of high-performance

* The company is working on scenes from the latest Stellar Scuffles film. There is strict security around the film,
and there are worries about unauthorised people gaining access to the company's network and putting clips from
the film on the Internet.

Discuss to what extent each of the following laws is intended to address the issue of someone accessing and
distributing clips of the film online:

the Computer Misuse Act

the Copyright Design and Patents Act
the Data Protection Act.


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16 Elegant Bags is a company that makes designer handbags. It has decided it wants to sell its products online.

Elegant Bags puts its website on its servers which are given a public IP address. It also purchases the domain

Explain the automated process that takes place that allows customers to access the site when they enter the
domain name into their browser.


17 InterMovie is a service that allows users to stream movies over the Internet.

When users have played a movie it remains stored in a cache on the user’s computer. This means that someone
wanting to access the same film in future can stream it from other users rather than directly from the company’s

(i) State what this network model is called.


(ii) Explain why the company might have opted for this model.


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18(a) Describe how packet switching is used to transmit datafrom one computer to another computer on a network.


(b) Explain two advantages of using packet switching instead of circuit switching to send a message between two
computer on a network.

(c) When a message is transmitted it is liable to corruption.

(i) A system of transmission uses a parity bit in each byte of data to identify when an error has occurred.

One of the following bytes has been corrupted:

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01101101 10101010

10111010 10100010

State which of the bytes has been corrupted and justify your answer.


(ii) Use the bytes:

01101101 10000001 10001000

to explain how a check sum is used to check data transmissions for errors.


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19(a) The office workers of a large company each use a standalone computer.

The company is considering networking the machines.

(i) Describe what is meant by a LAN.


(ii) State two advantages of having a LAN instead of a set of stand-alone machines.


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(b) Describe the following types of data transmission:

(i) Serial data transmission


(ii) Full duplex


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20 A school has three independent computer networks.

One for student use.

One for teacher use.
One for use in the administration offices.

The three networks are going to be combined to allow data to be stored in one location. The data will be
accessible at any computer if the correct access codes are used.

Explain how the following devices may be used in the above situation.

(i) A bridge


(ii) A gateway


21 The computers in a car showroom are connected in a network with all data being held in a central server. The
computers are used by the salesmen, but can also be used by customers to watch videos of the cars that are on

What is meant by a protocol?


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22(a) Zuhair wants to create a Local Area Network (LAN) for himself and his family, in his home.

Describe what is meant by a LAN.

(b) TCP/IP uses packet switching.

Explain what is meant by packet switching.



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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

1 – Stands for “Transmission Control 1 AO1.1 Accept layers in any order.

Protocol / Internet Protocol”… (1) 2 A01.2
– Protocol(s)/set of rules… (1) Accept Data Link instead of Link.
– …for communicating across a network /
the internet. (1) Ignore any mention of Physical layer.
– Each protocol belongs to a different
layer. (1) Do not accept Network for Internet layer.
– The layers are: Application, Transport,
Internet, Link (1) MP3 is dependent on either MP1 or MP2
– (Starting at the Application layer) data is being awarded.
further encapsulated as it as it is passed
to the next layer. (1) Examiner’s Comments

Most candidates achieve zero to two marks

on this question. Explanations generally
contained errors or omissions. A
fundamental explanation would suffice for
full marks e.g. ‘Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol is a set of rules
used for communicating across the

Total 3

2 a i Client computers connect to server 3

Server provides access to a AO1.2
In this case hotel staff use client
computers to connect to database on
server (or other sensible example).

ii e.g. 2
only one point of failure
easier to manage users/access
Easier to backup
Easier to keep data secure.
Technicians can more easily remotely
install / monitor.

b Joins computers/devices together on a 3

Receives packets/data
Recipient’s address is given in packet
header/it uses the mac address
Send packets/data
Out the correct port /to the specific
computer device

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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

c Mark Band 3–High Level (7-9 marks) 9 AO1

The candidate demonstrates a thorough AO1.1 Malware and viruses are software that can
knowledge and understanding of network (2) have a negative impact on computer
security. The material is generally accurate AO1.2 systems
and detailed. (2) Spyware and keyloggers can record
AO2.1 information entered and send back to a
The candidate is able to apply their (2) third party
knowledge and understanding directly and AO3.3 Phishing attacks attempt to steal data by
consistently to the context provided. (3) fraudulently appearing as legitimate emails
Evidence/examples will be explicitly asking for secure information
relevant to the explanation. Denial of Service Attacks can overload a
computer system with traffic and effectively
The candidate provides a thorough disable access for legitimate users
discussion which is well balanced.
Evaluative comments are consistently AO2
relevant and well-considered. Hotel’s systems could be disrupted by
DDOS attacks so no external bookings
There is a well-developed line of reasoning able to be made.
which is clear and logically structured. The Phishing and spyware attacks may
information presented is relevant and compromise visitor security and result in
substantiated. financial loss
Malware, viruses could destroy hotel data
Mark Band 2-Mid Level (4-6 marks) Theft of customer data would be an issue
The candidate demonstrates reasonable under Data Protection Act / GDPR for
knowledge and understanding of network which the hotel could be prosecuted
security; the material is generally accurate
but at times underdeveloped. AO3
Education for staff and customers is
The candidate is able to apply their important to deal with recognising and
knowledge and understanding directly to dealing with threats
the context provided although one or two Up to date software, limitations of use of
opportunities are missed. devices such as USB sticks and restricted
Evidence/examples are for the most part access to wireless networks can all limit
implicitly relevant to the explanation. risks.
Use of Firewall to restrict traffic entering
The candidate provides a sound and leaving the network.
discussion, the majority of which is Should be balanced against customer
focused. Evaluative comments are for the experience; will customers return if they
most part appropriate, although one or two have no access to It facilities?
opportunities for development are missed.

There is a line of reasoning presented with

some structure. The information presented
is in the most part relevant and supported
by some evidence.

Mark Band 1-Low Level (1-3 marks)

The candidate demonstrates a basic
knowledge of network security; the material

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Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

is basic and contains some inaccuracies.

The candidate makes a limited attempt to
apply acquired knowledge and
understanding to the context provided.
The candidate provides a limited
discussion which is narrow in focus.
Judgments if made are weak and
unsubstantiated. The information is basic
and communicated in an unstructured way.
The information is supported by limited
evidence and the relationship to the
evidence may not be clear.

0 marks
No attempt to answer the question or
response is not worthy of credit.

d i -Customer, Room and Booking entities, 4

must be singular AO2.2
-Customer joined to Booking and Room
joined to booking and no other links
-Customer to Booking relationship
indicated as one-many -Room to Booking
relationship indicated as one-many

ii A field that links to a (primary) key in a 3

second table AO1.1
Example : Customer ID // RoomID… (1)
… in Booking table AO2.1

iii Hashing for security 4

…e.g. hash passwords in database AO1.2
…to make sure they cannot be read if (2)
they are stolen AO2.2
Hashing for direct access (2)
…e.g. Customer/Room/Booking
records can be quickly accessed
…by using hash of index as address

e Database/relationships are consistent 2 Accept example that is not related to the

// each foreign key links to an AO1.1 database given (as this is an AO1
existing/valid primary key (1) question)
Suitable example of being broken (e.g. AO1.2 (1)
if primary key is deleted/updated,
foreign keys are no longer valid /
changes should be cascaded)

Total 30

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3 1 mark per bullet up to a maximum of 4 4 Award the mark for checking of cache at
marks AO1.1 any of the stages but limit to one mark for
(2) this aspect.
DNS is used to resolve IP AO1.2
corresponding to URL (2)
Request sent to DNS resolver.
Resolver checks its cache and if it
doesn’t hold the URL, it passes it in to
the TLD Name server which checks its
cache and returns the answer or
passes on to the..
Authoritative Name Server.
The IP address is returned back up to
the requesting client.
Or an error if no resolution can be

Total 4

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Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

4 Mark Band 3–High Level 9 Knowledge

(7-9 marks) AO1.1
The candidate demonstrates a thorough (2) As firm is on multiple sites it will need
knowledge and understanding of AO1.2 to be connected via a WAN
networking methods and cost and security (2) Each office would have its own LAN
implications. AO2.1 Use of Client/Server network which will
The candidate is able to apply their (2) allow
knowledge and understanding directly and AO3.3 Centralised security
consistently to the context provided. (3) Centralised back up
Evidence/examples will be explicitly Shared resources such as
relevant to the explanation. file/print/internet are not tied to a
The candidate is able to evaluate different peer computer
methods of network and how they would Extra hardware for client/server
be beneficial to the business and come to would incur extra expense
a reasoned conclusion. VPN would allow secure access to
server in one site from another
There is a well-developed line of reasoning Cloud computing would allow remote
which is clear and logically structured. The storage of data
information presented is relevant and Would allow sharing of data
substantiated. between sites and client locations
Provide extendable storage
Mark Band 2-Mid Level Built in back up
(4-6 marks) Strong security, but out of firms
The candidate demonstrates reasonable control
knowledge and understanding of Network would allow data and
networking methods and cost and security resources such as printers to be
implications and is able to talk about some shared
of the attributes of each; the material is Sharing resources would allow
generally accurate but at times solicitors easier access to client
underdeveloped. The candidate is able to files
apply their knowledge and understanding Even with strong security, networks
directly to the context provided although bring vulnerability to sensitive data
one or two opportunities are missed. being held
Evidence/examples are for the most part
implicitly relevant to the explanation. Application
The candidate makes a reasonable
attempt to explain how different aspects of As a solicitor’s firm will deal with
networks would be beneficial to the sensitive data security concerns would
business however they may not always be be paramount to clients who have data
accurate. They will come to a conclusion stored with them
although their justifications may not be Use of VPN may be necessary to
clear. provide secure links between
There is a line of reasoning presented with Data would need to be encrypted
some structure. The information presented Clients may be unhappy with
is in the most part relevant and supported external services such as cloud
by some evidence. Strong security measures would
bring extra cost, which could push
Mark Band 1-Low Level fee’s up

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(1-3 marks) Client server set up would require extra

The candidate demonstrates a basic equipment
knowledge of networking methods and cost Switches/routers/gateways/
and security implications and may be able servers/NIC/cabling/ WAP
to recall the attributes of one or more with Extra costs may push fee’s up
limited understanding shown; the material A network would give solicitors
is basic and contains some inaccuracies. quicker/immediate access to client files
The candidate makes a limited attempt to Allows solicitor to quickly switch
apply acquired knowledge and between clients
understanding to the context provided. Allow solicitors to collaborate and
The candidate has some explanation of the help colleagues
benefits or drawbacks to the business Allows clients to be seen by
although the accuracy may be limited and solicitors at either office and they
their conclusions not clear would sill have access to their case
The information is basic and Allows solicitors to research old
communicated in an unstructured way. The cases from either office
information is supported by limited
evidence and the relationship to the Evaluation
evidence may not be clear. The candidate could come to either a
conclusion of the network being an overall
0 marks drawback or benefit. However, their
No attempt to answer the question or reasoning must clearly lead to that
response is not worthy of credit. conclusion with clear justification.

Total 9

5 i – A device which provides a central point 1

of control / access AO1.1 Examiner’s Comments

Many candidates did not clearly define the

term. Candidates should be reminded that
they must clearly express fundamental
definitions at this level of study.

ii – Client side processing can be modified 2

– And can sometimes be disabled on the AO2.1 (1) Examiner’s Comments
browser AO2.2 (1)
– To prevent malicious code (such as an Again, many candidates did not clearly
SQL injection / XSS) explain the importance of a server-side
– To prevent a non-validated review (one check in this scenario.
with a score of over 5) being sent to the

(1 mark per -, max 2)

Total 3

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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

6 a - Wide Area Network 2 (AO1.1)

- Collection of connected
computers/devices over a large
geographical area Examiner’s Comments
- Often using 3rd party communications
channels Although most candidates stated that a
(1 Mark per -, max 2) WAN is a wide area network, many did not
go on to state that devices on a WAN are
connected over a large geographical area.

b i - Allowing them to communicate 2 (AO1.2)

- By ensuring all devices follow the
same rules/standards
- So they interpret data/signals in the Examiner’s Comments
same way
(1 Mark per -, max 2) Most candidates explained what a protocol
is rather than why they are important on a
network. Candidates should be
encouraged to apply their knowledge to the
question being asked. Some candidates
gained credit for correctly explaining that
protocols enable devices to interpret data
in the same way, allowing them to

ii - Application 4 (AO1.1)
- Transport
- Internet
- Network Interface/(Data) Link/Physical Examiner’s Comments
(1 Mark per -, max 4)
Most candidates achieved three or four
marks on this question, the layers were
accepted in any order. Those who did not,
invariably scored zero marks.

Total 8

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7 i - A program/software 2
- That controls a piece of hardware AO1.1
- Providing an interface/bridge between (2)
the device and (operating) system
(1 per -, max 2) Examiner’s Comments

Many candidates stated a valid definition

for a device driver but some definitions
were too vague to gain credit at this level
of study.

ii Protocol(s) 1 cao
(1) Examiner’s Comments

Most candidates correctly stated

protocol(s) here.

iii - Spreadsheet package 1 Accept any suitable application.

- DBMS/database AO1.2 No proprietary names
(1 per -, max 1) (1)
Examiner’s Comments

Surprisingly fewer than anticipated

candidates achieved this mark. Candidates
should be reminded that the use of
proprietary names is not acceptable and
will not gain credit.

Total 4

8 - Devices on the network have equal 2

status/no (central) server. AO1.1
- Devices on the network share data (2)
(1 per -, max 2) Examiner’s Comments

Candidates invariably achieved a mark on

this question for either stating that peer to
peer networks allow the sharing of data or
that all devices have equal status. Few
achieved two marks for stating both of
these points.

Total 2

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9 Encrypt the film (1) 2 Accept

Send the key / password out on the (AO2.2) Use Digital Rights Management / DRM…
release date (1)
..To keep content encrypted until given

Examiner’s Comments
Some candidates lost credit on this
question by failing to mention encryption.

Total 2

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10 i Advantage: 2 Accept for MP1 better security

– Centrally administered in one
location. (1) (AO1.2) Do not credit quick access as an

– One location to back up. (1)

– Central point of failure. (1)

– Can be expensive to maintain

/ set up (e.g. cabling costs,
specialist staff.) (1)

(Max 1 Advantage, 1 Disadvantage) Examiner’s Comments

Many candidates offered advantages and
disadvantages of networks in general as
opposed to those of a client-server over a
peer to peer setup.

ii A hardware device / piece of 1 Accept ‘content’ for ‘traffic / packages’

software that monitors (and filters /
blocks) traffic / packets going to and
from a network. (1) (AO1.1)

Examiner’s Comments
(Max 1) To achieve this mark, candidates were
required to show an understanding that
firewalls monitor traffic going to and from a
network, many only discussed one-way

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iii Prevent unauthorised access to a 1 Accept for MP1 malicious attacks / traffic
network. (1)
To restrict applications that are used
internally that have internet (AO 1.2)
access. (1)
To restrict websites that can be
accessed from within the
company. (1)
To protect the company’s data /
intellectual property. (1)

Examiner’s Comments
(Max 1) Most candidates gave ‘to stop malicious
attacks’ which was awarded as an
interpretation of ‘to protect company data’.

Total 4

11 - Stands for “Transmission Control Protocol 1 Accept layers in any order.

/ Internet Protocol”… (1)

- Protocol(s)/set of rules… (1) AO1.1 Accept Data Link instead of Link.

- …for communicating across a network / 2 Ignore any mention of Physical layer.

the internet. (1)
A01.2 Do not accept Network for Internet layer.
- Each protocol belongs to a different
layer. (1) MP3 is dependent on either MP1 or MP2
being awarded.
- The layers are: Application, Transport,
Internet, Link (1)

- (Starting at the Application layer) data is

further encapsulated as it as it is passed to
the next layer. (1)

Examiner’s Comment
Most candidates achieve zero to two marks
on this question. Explanations generally
contained errors or omissions.
A fundamental explanation would suffice
for full marks e.g. ‘Transmission Control
Protocol / Internet Protocol is a set of rules
used for communicating across the

Total 3

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12 a Any five from: 5

Takes the username and password from
the form (1)
Uses the username to create an SQL
statement (1) to get the passwordHash
belonging to the given username (1) Runs
the SQL Statement (1) hashes the given
password and compares it to the retrieved
hash (1)
If they match it generates a success
webpage, otherwise it records the user’s IP
address. (1)

b i Any two from: 2

A numerical address made of 4 numbers
each between 0 and 255 / 32 hexadecimal
digits (1)
That uniquely identifies a device on a
network. (1)
It is a logical identifier (i.e. can change on a
physical device) (1)

ii IP address can help identify a user… (1) 2

…so company can potentially track users
attempting to gain unauthorised access (1)

c i SELECT passwordHash FROM users 1

WHERE name = ‘admin’

ii 0e5a511 1

d i SELECT passwordHash FROM users 1

WHERE name = ‘DenverJ34’; DROP
TABLE users; ’ --

ii Gets passwordHash for username 2

DenverJ34 (1)
then deletes the table called users. (1)

iii Computer Misuse Act 1

Total 15

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13 a Three from: 3
Examiner's Comments

□ Video streaming requires a large This question was answered better than
amount of data… [1] exam questions on this topic in previous
□ …In a short period of time [1] exam series. With many candidates
□ Video streaming is time sensitive [1] referring to the pertinent points.
□ Or else there are interruptions in the
video [1]

b i Three from: 3
Examiner's Comments

□ A set of rules… [1] Most candidates appropriately described a

□ …that define the communication of logical protocol with many citing an
data [1] example as part of their description.
□ focusing on how data is represented
□ appropriate e.g. character set / baud
rate [1]

ii □ The physical layer can be changed 2 Allow opposite the software can be
[1] changed without making alterations to the
□ Without rewriting the software physical layer.
working on the logical layers [1]
Examiner's Comments

Few candidates gained credit on this

question as many did not clearly explain an
advantage of layering the protocols

Total 8

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14 a i Two of: 2 Only award security mark if it is relative

□ A LAN covers a small geographical

area (e.g. a building or campus). [1]
□ A LAN uses connections owned by
the organisation that owns it. [1]
□ More secure than a WAN [1]

ii Two of: 2 Only award security mark if it is relative

Examiner's Comments
□ A WAN covers a large geographical
area.[1] These questions were generally well
□ A WAN often uses third party answered, although some candidates
connections.[1] described a LAN as having few computers
□ Less secure than a LAN [1] with a WAN having many.

b □ A router [1]… 2 Do not accept MODEM.

□ … A device that passes data Do not accept ‘…connects LAN to WAN’
between two networks. [1] for 2nd mark.

OR Examiner's Comments

Most candidates stated a valid creditworthy

□ A gateway [1]… piece of hardware but their descriptions
□ … A device which connects two lacked clarity.
dissimilar networks to each other.[1]

Total 6

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15 Mark Band 3–High Level (7-9 marks) 9 AO1: Knowledge and Understanding
The candidate demonstrates a thorough The following is indicative of possible that
knowledge and understanding of to what candidates may refer to but is not
extent all three of the laws apply to this prescriptive or exhaustive:
scenario; the material is generally accurate
and detailed. The candidate is able to Any individual or organisation that
apply their knowledge and understanding produces media has their ownership of that
directly and consistently to the context media protected by the Copyright, Designs
provided. Evidence / examples will be and Patents Act. (Accept Copyright Act)
explicitly relevant to the explanation. The This means other parties are not allowed to
candidate provides a thorough discussion reproduce or redistribute it without
which is well-balanced. Evaluative permission.
comments are consistently relevant and

There is a well-developed line of reasoning Gaining unauthorised access to a

which is clear and logically structured. The computer system is in breach of the
information presented is relevant and Computer Misuse Act.
substantiated. Gaining unauthorized access with intent to
commit a crime is a more severe offence
Mark Band 2 –Mid Level (4-6 marks) under the act.
The candidate demonstrates reasonable
knowledge and understanding of to what The Data Protection Act is designed to
extent the three laws apply to the scenario; protect personal data and focuses on the
the material is generally accurate but at data holder
times underdeveloped. The candidate is
able to apply their knowledge and AO2.1: Application
understanding directly to the context The selected knowledge / examples should
provided although one or two opportunities be directly related to the specific question.
are missed. Evidence / examples are for The following is indicative of possible
the most part implicitly relevant to the factors / evidence that candidates may
explanation The candidate provides a refer to but is not prescriptive or
reasonable discussion, the majority of exhaustive:
which is focused. Evaluative comments are
for the most part appropriate, although one Posting the material on the Internet would
or two opportunities for development are be in breach of the Copyright, Designs and
missed Patents Act.

There is a line of reasoning presented with As the hacker is gaining unauthorised

some structure. The information presented access to the network they are breaking
is in the most part relevant and supported the Computer Misuse Act.
by some evidence. As they are accessing it with the intent of
committing a further crime (i.e. breaking
Mark Band 1-Low Level (1-3 marks) the Copyright, Designs & Patents Act) they
The candidate demonstrates a basic are committing the most second serious
knowledge of legal issues surrounding the offence under this Act.
scenario with limited understanding shown; Were they to amend any data on the
the material is basic and contains some network whilst on there they would be
inaccuracies. The candidate makes a committing an even more serious offence.

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limited attempt to apply acquired

knowledge and understanding to the As DPA focuses on personal data the
context provided. hacker would not be in breach of this law.
The candidate provides a limited However if whilst on the network the
discussion which is narrow in focus. hacker were able to access employee data
Judgments if made are weak and the company could find themselves in
unsubstantiated. trouble.

The information is basic and A03.3:Evaluation

communicated in an unstructured way. The The relative weights of the three acts and
information is supported by limited the impact that they have in relation to the
evidence and the relationship to the question: copyright and patent act highly
evidence may not be clear. relevant if clips are shared, computer
misuse act relevant due to unauthorised
0 marks access, data protection act only relevant if
No attempt to answer the question or personal data is accessed (affects
response is not worthy of credit. company obligations not the hacker.)

Examiner's Comments

Candidates were assessed on the quality

of their extended response in this question.
Most candidates could describe each of
the laws appropriately, with some applying
them to the scenario. However, fewer
candidates discussed the extent to which
the laws could be applied in the scenario.
Therefore limiting credit awarded, in many
cases, to the low / mid level mark band.
Centres should encourage candidates to
structure their response to clearly address
all parts of the question.

Total 9

16 (Customers enter) domain name and 3

this is sent to DNS servers. Examiner's Comments
DNS servers map this domain to an IP
address Many candidates used the correct term in
If the DNS server can't resolve, it relation to the automated process i.e. DNS
passes the request (recursively) to but too many candidates found it difficult to
another DNS server. clearly explain the stages of the process.
DNS Server sends the IP address to Many responses lacked structure.
… so it can retrieve the website from
server on which it is hosted.
(1 per -, Max 3)

Total 3

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17 i Peer to peer (1). 1 For 1 mark.

Accept hybrid of client-server and peer to


ii Peer to peer means there isn’t a 2 Up to 2 marks for a valid explanation that
reliance on the company’s server (1) demonstrates application of knowledge
and its connection to the Internet (1). and understanding to given context.
This means it hasn’t got to invest in lots
of hardware and bandwidth (1) and the
system is likely to be more fault
tolerant (1).

Total 3

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18 a Data is split into equal sized blocks 5 For ‘reordered’ accept reorganised or
(called packets) similar, but NOT ‘reassembled’.
Each packet has a header of
information (including destination Examiner's Comments
address and the place of the packet in
the complete message) Another question which is ideal to be
(Each packet is placed on the network answered as numbered points. Some
and) each may travel by a different candidates confused circuit and packet
route switching but most earned two or three
(At each node on the network the marks. The difficult point was that each
destination address is read and the) time the packet arrived at a node another
best route is found ‘best route’ needed to be found.
Packets need to be reordered at the

b Transmission is safer from 4 1 per bullet, max 2 pairs of bullets.

interception… Can award marks for opposite points made
…because it is impossible to intercept about Circuit Switching but do not
all the packets as they use different giveexplanation mark
routes Efficient use, not speed
Very efficient use of network…
…as each channel only used for short
time / does not tie up a part of the Do not credit anything about speed of
network transmission of the file
If there is an error then only a small,
identifiable, part of the data is Examiner's Comments
…this can be retransmitted easily This was well answered unless the
candidate was confusing packet and circuit

c i 10101010 3
Three bytes have an odd number of
ones and as there is only one error odd
parity is being used
This byte has an even number of ones.

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ii The bytes are added together… 6 Accept any indication that addition has
…101110110 been done, not just any old calculation
Any carry out of the byte is ignored…
This is sent with the data Accept: The value is calculated at the
The same sum is done at the receiving receiving end and returned to sender for
end and the results compared comparison. This would get the last two
mark points

Examiner's Comments

The first part of the question was well

answered, but checksums are less well
understood. There were some very good
answers that used the three example
bytes, but many thought that if they added
two of the bytes the answer would be the
third byte and when it did not they
surmised that the communication had

Total 18

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19 a i Local Area network 2

(Over) a small geographical area
Use of hard-wiring / wireless

ii Communication between machines / 2 Not: Shared processing power

Any machine can be used Examiner's Comments
Easier to maintain / add / delete
software / files Most candidates scored well in this
Sharing of peripheral devices / question. There were some interesting
software / data variations on the accepted version of ‘local
Monitoring of workers area network’. There were those who
Simplifies backup procedures thought that the ‘a’ stood for ‘access’. This
sort of response was fine because the
candidate had the correct concept and was
able to go on and earn the marks, whereas
candidates who stated that the ‘l’ stood for
‘large’ would then go on to describe the
characteristics of a WAN and consequently
did not gain marks.

b i Individual data bits sent… 2

…one after another along the
communication medium / one wire / as
a single stream

ii Communication can be done in both 2

directions… Examiner's Comments
…at the same time
This was well answered by the majority of
candidates; the only confusion being that
serial was treated as ‘simplex’.

Total 8

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20 i –Provides a link between (local area) 2 2nd mark must be in context.

–To connect the student and / or teacher Examiner's Comments
and / or administration networks together.
This question was poorly attempted by
most candidates with many candidates not
contextualising their response.

ii –Provides a link between two dissimilar 2 Accept connect a LAN to a WAN for 1st
networks bullet point 2nd mark must be in context.
–Links the school networks to the Internet
Examiner's Comments

As above, in general, candidates were not

clear in their description of how this device
would be used.

Total 4

21 A set of rules… 2 Must be rules – plural 1st bullet point

–…to govern data transmission (between
devices) Examiner's Comments

This question was well answered with most

candidates gaining full credit.

Total 2

22 a A group of computers / devices (1 – 2 Up to 2 marks for a valid description.

AO1.2) connected over a small
geographical area (1 – AO1.2). The
infrastructure is usually owned by the
network owner (1 – AO1.2).

b Data is split into chunks called packets 4 Up to 2 marks for demonstrating

(1 – AO1.1) which have labels (1 – knowledge (AO1.1).
AO1.1) including address being sent to Up to 2 marks for demonstrating
(1 – AO1.1) and order (1 – AO1.1). understanding (AO1.2).
Each packet is sent on the most
convenient / avoidable route (1 –
AO1.2) meaning they may arrive in a
different order to which they were sent
(1 – AO1.2). Once packets arrive at
receiver they are reordered (1 –

Total 6

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