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Emcee:Good evening everyone! May we have your

attention please? We are about to begin the program in
5 minutes so please find your seats and make yourselves
comfortable as we all enjoy the rest of the night.

Thank you. "A very good evening to each and every one
and welcome to_______________18th Birthday. My name
is _________ and I will be your host for tonight. We
would like to thank everyone for gracing this very
momentous occasion because as they say, you only get to
be 18 once."
EMCEE: Before anything else, may I ask everybody to
please stand for the Lord’s Moment for our guidance
and blessings to be led by

Emcee:Once again, a very good evening to each and

every one. As we all know, we are all gathered here
tonight in celebration of a wonderful life for a girl who is
now turning into a fine lady. All of you who are here must
have witnessed her grow over the years into the wonderful
person she is now.

EMCEE:As a jumpstart, let us all welcome and

acknowledge the key persons who took a great part in
making this joyous affair possible. Ladies and gentlemen,
it is with great pleasure that I introduce to you the family of
our lovely debutant. YOUNGER
BROTHER:____________, MOTHER:MRS. _________

Emcee:A big round of applause please. Thank you very

EMCEE: Tonight is a celebration of adulthood and a
thanksgiving of the life God has given to our lovely
celebrant. Let us put our hands together, as we welcome
the main highlight of this celebration, and as she stepped
into a higher level of life. Ladies and gentlemen, may I
ask everyone to stand as we all welcome our lovely
debutant,MS._____________________ Grand Entrance
of Debutant

Emcee:Wow, blooming and lovely, indeed! Saan nga

ba siya nagmana? Kay Mommy ba o kay Daddy? Or
baka both? Evidently, before tonight,_________ has
had happy years in a very happy home. The love of a
family will always be God’s greatest blessing. Sabi nga
nila, in life we can have several friends, classmates, and
social circles, but there is only one family who is always
willing and ready to welcome us no matter what.
Ladies and gentlemen, to welcome all of us to their
lovely daughter’s 18th birthday party,

here’sMOMMY MARDILYN PILAR. Welcome Remarks –


EMCEE:Thank you for that heartwarming message,


EMCEE:Who is _____________in the real sense of

word? Of course aside from being a kind and
responsible daughter, friend or classmate maybe, there
are things that some people know but not known to
others. Let’s find out as we randomly ask some quirky,
trivial and even personal questions to some of our
important guests here. (3 persons to interview: one family
member, one Benildo friend, & one UST friend) Question
for FAMILY MEMBER: *ask name & relation to
debutante*What can you say of her when she was a child?
Question for BENILDO FRIEND: *ask name*How did you
meet? What is her remarkable characteristic? Question for
UST FRIEND: *ask name*How did you meet? What
makes Christabelle very..

EMCEE:Thank you for everyone who answered. Let’s

have another ice breaker! Let’s call this“How well do you
know ________________?”Gaano niyo nga ba kakilala
ang ating lovely debutant? I have with me a list of trivia
questions about tonight’s fine lady. The mechanics is
just simple. I will read the trivia and if you know the
answer, raise your hand and wait to be called. Oh diba
parang recitation lang. Alright, let’s keep the ball rolling!
1.First off, when is her real birthday?______________
2.Where was she baptized?____________________
3.What is her nickname in their house?___________
4.What is her favorite color?________________________

E M C E E : For those who weren’t able to answer yet,

don’t worry because we still have lots of questions
for you to be asked later. For now, we are going to proceed
with the18 Roses. Like a pretty flower that attracts bees
and butterflies, __________________will be
surrounded by 18 equally handsome gentlemen who
will represent the debutant’s 18 Roses. The 18
Roses signify the debutante’s coming of age. Each
man will have the chance to hold her hand for a short
dance.Just a note gentlemen: Don’t leave our lovely
debutante until the next one arrives. Let’s not keep
everyone waiting. Starting off is

EMCEE:Last but not the least,the forever most handsome

and most loving guy in her life.)

18. Father(___________)
19. EMCEE:May we call again the persons who are part
of the 18 Roses to proceed in front for a picture with the
debutante. (while the picture taking)
20. EMCEE:Ladies and gentlemen, the 18 Roses. Thank
you gentlemen! Next are the18 Candles. The 18 candles
signify the 18 women that will be her guiding light in her
journey towards fulfilling her dreams.These are the
people close to the heart of our celebrant, and whom
she listens and confides to for inspiring words and
friendly advices.Just a reminder to the ladies: After
giving messages, place the candles next to the
debutante’s birthday cake. Staring off,

EMCEE:May we call again the persons who are part of the

18 Candles to proceed in front for a picture with the
debutante. (while the picture taking)

EMCEE:Ladies and gentlemen, the 18 Candles. Thank

you ladies! Now, may I ask everyone to stand up once
again for the CANDLE BLOWING CEREMONY. Let’s us all
together sing a HAPPY BIRTHDAY SONG for our lovely
debutante. ______________, make a wish and blow the
candles afterwards. Let’s us give our debutante a round of
applause. EMCEE:You may now take your seats. Next
is the most awaited part of the program. It’s DINNER
TIME. We will call everyone by table. Once your table
number is called, proceed in front for a picture with the
debutante and you can proceed with the dinner
afterwards. *D I N N E RT I M E*

EMCEE:While some of you are still feasting on the

buffet and the decadent dessert, may I ask everyone
to give a round of applause again for our lovely debutante.

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