AI in workplace

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This outline will argue that at present, technology advancement has delivered
great convenience to humans’ workspace, which takes place of humans in
significant numbers of jobs. However, humans will not be completely superseded
by AI tools. This will be supported by several reasons. Firstly, AI can possibly
generate biased results and discrimination, which might lead to a company's
deficiency. Secondly, AI has specific restrictions on people in improving soft skills
which are considerably sought-after in most industries. Thirdly, AI does not totally
displace workers in specific work activities including human resourcing, social
interactions and unpredictable physical activities. On the other hand, a counter-
argument is that high-speed artificial intelligence development might shift the
human-machine frontier to a completely unprecedented terrain. Nonetheless, the
remedy to this is constantly putting an emphasis on training the modern workforce,
which probably enhances workers’ resilience.


AI - stands for Artificial intelligence - can be defined as a study of algorithms that equips
machines with the ability to perform cognitive functions (Uta Wilkens, 2020). AI can be
seen in physical form like hybrid robots, service robots or virtual AI. AI makes up 30% of
the overall economy. In Asia, China has the greatest economic gains from AI with a
GDP increase of 26% by 2030 (“Impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the economy &
jobs," n.d.)

Firstly, AI can possibly make ineffective decisions due to incorrect various input
and malpractice of
humans, which leads to biased results and discriminatory execution of the entire
Explain + Evidence: Algorithms of AI,which drive AI to function, are built on data of
man-made outcomes, inevitably including man-made misconduct and incomprehensive
sources of information. Consequently, final decisions of AI can incline toward a specific
side and hold a biased perspective leads to inefficient strategy.
 According to Science research (2019), a widely used health care algorithm that
helps determine which patients need additional attention was found to have a
significant racial bias, favoring white patients over blacks ones who were sicker
(Ziad Obermeyer et al., 2019).
 A report of Baker McKenzie (2022) based on 500 companies in the US, up to
95% of organizations deploying AI in the HR department look for AI bias before
launching them. This proves the necessity of involving humans in decision-
making to oversee and mitigate AI’s bias.
Secondly, AI and other advanced technological applications still have some certain
limitations in improving soft skills of employees. Such soft skills include teamwork,
critical and creative thinking, interpersonal skills,... which are necessary and highly
demanded in most industries nowadays.
Explain + Evidence: Since AI has an absolute advantage in analyzing data gained
from the internet, in essence, the information processing of AI just happens with inputs.
Thus, it cannot help humans to learn and practice these soft skills because there are no
inputs at all but humans need to experience and learn themselves. And even there are
inputs, AI personal’s recommendations cannot be applied to everyone because each of
them meet different obstacles in improving soft skills, AI’s advice will somehow become
useless for them.
 According to data from the OECD (2014) which was published by World
Economic Forum, Japan is a country that has 81% of firms facing the problem of
finding incompetent employees due to the lack of soft-skills which make it harder
for workers to meet the skill sets (Manpower Talent Shortage Survey via OCED).
Thirdly, AI does not completely replace workforce’s particular work activities
including managing people, social interactions and unpredictable physical works
such as childcare, gardeners or machinery installation.
Explain + Evidence: The major reason for this low automation susceptibility is
because these activities mechanically difficult to robotize and demand moderately
low wages, which makes automation a less appealing business proposal.
 Based on McKinsey Global Institute report (2017), Germany future
employees will spend more time on works involving interacting with
shareholders or managing individuals, whilst less time on predictable
physical works, data collection and processing, where human performance
has been surpassed by machines (McKinsey & Company, n.d.).
 In terms of education field, human teachers play a crucial and irreplaceable
role in the educational manner, thus AI does not have capabilities to
substitute teachers’ tasks. The reason for this statement is because AI
lacks the complexity and adaptability demanded to educate like humans.
Furthermore, AI cannot read or respond to pupils’ emotions, needs,
problems and manage the classroom surroundings or give students
inspiration, as AI cannot understand humans’ insights. Therefore, AI can
only assist teachers as a tool, not to supplant them.
On the other hand, an argument for this topic is that despite a decline in displacement
of humans in manual work caused by artificial intelligence, within the current rapid pace
of technological development, human beings probably continuously face a more serious
and an unprecedented structural churn.
Explain + Evidence:
 Artificial intelligence is also expected to substitute humans for tasks which
are, originally, exclusively performed by human’s soft skills.
 According to the World Economic Forum’s “The Future of Jobs Report 2020”,
plenty of work mainly involving traits with a comparative advantage for humans,
such as reasoning, communicating and coordinating, will be operated
However, a response to this is that reskilling and upskilling programmes or
campaigns should be created in order for workers to be fully equipped in many
aspects of knowledge and skills, which allows humans to address the fear of
Explain + Evidence: Upskilling programmes help increase the professionalism during
the working process for each laborer.
 In 2021, Amazon organized a training campaign for staff up to the year 2025
including UXDR programme which brings opportunity for staff to learn and
develop the skills of researching and designing, and Mechatronics and Robots
programme which gives staff knowledge and skills to complete the technical
maintenance role in the workplace (FUNiX,2023, May 24).
 As a result, upskilling or reskilling programmes help staff meet the staff demand
about enhancing working level, hence, staff feel more confident and they will
dedicate more in jobs.

This outline has shown that AI can not totally replace humans in the workplace.
The reasons given are due to ineffective decisions-making by AI and AI limitations
in improving employees’ soft skills or low adoption of automation in particular work
activities. Although a counterargument is that AI can be a useful tool assisting
some workers’ specific tasks which are beyond their expectations and abilities, the
response shows that the job productivity can’t be increased considerably if lacking
of partnership between human and cutting-edge AI tools because human workers
always leave the most impact on the whole economic efficiency.

 Ziad Obermeyer, Brian Powers, Christine Vogeli, & Sendhil Mullainathan. (2019,
October 25). Dissecting racial bias in an algorithm used to manage the health of
populations. Science.
 Baker McKenzie. (2022, March 30).
 Saadia Zahidi, S.Z, (2023). The Future of Jobs Report 2023.
 Uta Wilkens. (2020, September 22). Artificial intelligence in the workplace – A
double-edged sword. Discover Journals, Books & Case Studies | Emerald
 (n.d.). Global management consulting | McKinsey & Company.
 4 VI du về các Chuong Trinh nâng CAO ky năng Nhan Su. (2023, May 24). Học
trực tuyến CNTT, học lập trình từ cơ bản đến nâng cao.
These countries are facing the greatest skills shortages | World Economic Forum
 Impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the economy & jobs. (n.d.). Bank of America.
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