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Basic Correspondences of the Sephiroth

The Spheres and the Paths

Interpenetrating Triangles: Tarot Spread for Pathworking
Day of the Week _________________________ Date ______________________ Time _____________________________
Moon Phase ______________________________ Deck ______________________ Spread Triangles ___________________
Question ________________________________________________________________________________________________


Card Card

Card Card


Kindergarten Kabbalah Presentation for the Greater Seattle Tarot Meetup Triangles: Tarot Spread for Pathworking
© 2009; 2020 by Joy Vernon. All rights reserved. Saturday, June 13, 2020
Triangles/Synthesis: Tarot Spread for Pathworking
Day of the Week _________________________ Date ______________________ Time _____________________________
Moon Phase ______________________________ Deck ______________________ Spread Triangles/Synthesis _________
Question ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Path Card


Path Card Path Card

Kindergarten Kabbalah Presentation for the Greater Seattle Tarot Meetup Triangles: Tarot Spread for Pathworking
© 2009; 2020 by Joy Vernon. All rights reserved. Saturday, June 13, 2020
Instructions for Triangles: Tarot Spread for Pathworking
In Paths of Wisdom, John Michael Greer describes a technique for using the paths on the Tree to balance forces
within yourself. This spread applies that technique to tarot. First, identify an imbalance within yourself that you
would like to work on. This is the “Want” that we chose earlier. Using the Basic Correspondences handout, find the
sephirah that would correspond as a source of that imbalance—for instance, a tendency to overanalyze things may
arise from Hod, the sphere of the intellect.
Once you’ve located your sephirah, you’ll notice that it is connected by the paths of the Tree to at least two
other sephiroth. These connections form triangles. Examine the triangles your sephirah is a part of.
Is an imbalance in Hod due to being torn between the dreamy contemplation of Yesod and the limitations
demanded by Malkuth?
Or perhaps an imbalance in Hod results from discomfort around the emotions in Netzach, resulting in not being
true to yourself in Tiphareth.
You can choose any three sephiroth that are connected on the Tree by the lettered paths.
Interpenetrating Triangles
Approximating their positions on the tree, label three of the card positions in the diagram above as your three
sephiroth. Label the other three as the paths that connect those sephiroth.
Choose one of the following three ways to proceed:
1. Randomly draw (see definition below) all six cards
2. Intentionally select (see definition below) your sephiroth cards to represent what you already understand
about yourself in terms of this imbalance, then randomly draw the path cards to gain insight on how to
move towards balance
3. Lay out the three majors associated with the paths you chose, then randomly draw three cards for the
sephiroth positions to compare that which is unique to you with the universal forces that influence you
Triangles: Synthesis
1. Lay out the three majors associated with the paths you chose. Study them carefully, then choose a Synthesis
card (see definition below). The Synthesis card represents your personal path to balance. Spend some time
in contemplation of your synthesis card as it represents balance in the area you have chosen to work on.
Allow your contemplation of the card to inspire a simple symbol based on the image in the card or your
understanding of the card. Your symbol can be used in ritual work, as a meditative tool, or in any creative
way that helps you manifest change around the imbalance you are seeking to correct.
Random Draw: Shuffle the cards face down, cut the deck, then lay out from the top of the deck the requisite number
of cards in order; or, fan out the deck face down and pull the requisite number of cards randomly, intuitively, or
through energetic means without consulting the pictures
Intentional or Analytical Draw: Look at the pictures on the cards and make a conscious choice as to what cards to
use based on the images, the feelings you get from the card, the kabbalistic correspondences we’ve learned today, or
any other appropriate decision-making process
Synthesis: Compare two or more cards and note any symbols common to each card being compared. Also consider
what symbol on each card most specifically summarizes the meaning you see in the card. Note such a symbol for
each card being compared. Now look through the deck for a single card that contains the symbols you have made
note of. This card is the “synthesis” of the other cards. (This is a special technique I developed in August 2008.)

Kindergarten Kabbalah Presentation for the Greater Seattle Tarot Meetup Triangles: Tarot Spread for Pathworking
© 2009; 2020 by Joy Vernon. All rights reserved. Saturday, June 13, 2020

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