REPORT WRITING/ me English cetre

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A report is a structured written presentation directed to readers in response to
some specific purpose, aim or request. There are many varieties of reports, but Dated: March 01, 2024.
generally their function is to give an account of something, to answer a question, or to To
offer a solution to a problem. The Chairman,
From: Social Welfare officer, A.B.C
An effective report is: Subject: Report on Load Shedding of Power Supply
1. Appropriate to its purpose, Dear Sir,
2. Accurate With deep sense of sorrow, a crucial issue is being discussed to you in this
3. Logical, report is a serious problem of our country; that is load shedding of power supply.
4. Clear and concise Electricity is needed in every sector of modern life. Our business, houses, trade
5. Well organized with clear paragraphs. centers, schools, hospitals, colleges, industries, mills and factories entirely depend on
6. The facts should be capable of being verified. Moreover, arguments should electricity. It has disturbed our social, economic and cultural life.
be soundly based and your reasoning should be logical. Through this report, I want to discuss some reasons due to which we do not
7. A report should not be an essay reflecting personal emotions and opinions. have sufficient supply of power, Firstly, we produce electricity from water, oil, coal
You must look at all sides of a problem with an open mind before stating and gas. We are failed, in the production of all these resources. We have failed to
your conclusions. build Dams. Secondly, electricity which is produced by coal, gas and oil is very costly
and we cannot afford. The consumption of electricity is increased as compared with
RULES FOR REPORT WRITING its production. So because of the lack of these resources we are facing the problem of
load shedding.
Before you write a single word you must:
1. Set your objective of writing a report. Suggestions:-
2. Assess your readership it makes you easier to write the report. We can solve the crisis of load shedding by adopting the following
3. Decide what information you will need. measurements.
4. Prepare your skeletal framework.  First, the generation of electricity can be increased by setting up more
5. Test and revise your skeletal framework. stations and should build more dams.
6. Check spelling, grammar and punctuation.  Second, the government should generate new power plant by cheap sources.
7. Carefully proof-read the final draft.  Third, a campaign on electronic media should be started to save energy by all
 Fourth, people should be made aware of the true nature of power crisis.
So after adopting these suggestions we can save a lot of energy.
Apply the following "report checklist"
1. Are its facts correct?
2. Is it comprehensive
Yours truly,
3. Is all the included information relevant
4. Is the style clear, concise and professional?
5. Does the introduction adequately introduce the discussion?
6. Is the discussion organized logically
7. Does the conclusion section interpret, analyze and evaluate?
8. Are the suggestions reasonable?
2. REPORT ON USAGE OF MOBILE PHONES AMONG STUDENTS goods. The markets are also worried with this sudden change that is occurring with no
proper set up.
Dated: March 01, 2024 There are many factors which cause rise in prices. Firstly, the most important
Subject: Usage of Mobile Phones among Students of these, is the growing population. Because of the growing population the demand is
Dear Sir, higher than the supply. Secondly, the wrong policies of government lead to hoarding,
With deep sense of sorrow, I report to you an increasing problem of the use smuggling and black marketing of essential goods. Thirdly, the prices of world
of mobile phones among students. This is an age of science and technology. The markets also have direct or indirect effects upon things produced inside the country.
progress in the field of technology and communication has surprised everyone. Now- Suggestions:-
a-days, the mobile phones have become very popular in the modern life. They have There are some remedies which are suggested here to overcome this colossal
become a friend and a companion to everyone. It is not only the necessity of issue.
businessmen and travellers but students are also using this invention.  Firstly, our first duty should be to check the birth rate. We should make a
The usage of mobile phones among students is harmful. They are wasting vigorous propaganda in favour of family planning.
time by the use of mobile phones. No doubt mobile phone is a boon but for the  Secondly, the best way of reducing inflation is to increase production of
students, it has become a sordid boon. During the examination they waste their time, different kinds of goods.
cannot concentrate upon their study, remain engaged in sending messages to other  Thirdly, the government should remain vigilant and take severe action
friends and mostly spend their most precious time in doing useless activities on social against those who are engaged in hoarding, black marketing and smuggling.
media. Imports should be reduced and exports should be increased. After taking
Suggestions:- these measures inflation can be removed.
There are some suggestions for the students to use this new invention.
Firstly, they should use it carefully. Secondly, they should not use it all the time. They
must be careful about their future. Thirdly, the unrestricted use of mobile telephones Yours truly,
should be controlled. Parents must keep a watch on their children.

Yours truly,
Dated: March 04, 2024
A.B.C. City.
Dated: March 01, 2024. From: A resident of A.B.C. City
To Subject: Law and Order Situation
The Editor Dear sir,
The News Being a citizen of Pakistan, I feel it my duty to send you a report about a
Lahore. major problem of our country that is the law and order situation in our city. The law
From: A news reporter and order situation in the city A.B.C, has worsened for the last month. A large number
Subject: Inflation and its Effects of thefts, robberies and snatching have been committed in every part of the city.
Dear Sir, On the 26th January 2024, two shops and three factories were looted by three
I was asked to make a report on a serious problem of our country that is armed dacoits. On 13th February 2024, three armed dacoits entered into the house of
inflation or rising prices. The report is made with heavy heart that the prices of two businessmen M/S Muzzafar and Shoukat Ali. The dacoits murdered them
necessities of life are increasing constantly. The majority of people in our country that mercilessly. No clue to the dacoits has been found before so far. On 28 th February
belongs to the low income group are being hard-hit by the high prices of essential
2024, two jewellery shops were looted by the armed dacoits at mid day. Still no dacoit Firstly, It is suggested that the superintendent and supervisory staff
has been arrested so far. Even the mobile police did not patrol at night. should be appointed after careful scrutiny. Secondly, you must take a strict action
Suggestions:- against the corrupt superintendent along with staff. They should be punished.
It is suggested that the number of policemen on duty should be increased.
The mobile police should be active and alert all the time. The police should rapidly
take severe action against all illegal activities and deal with the criminals with iron Yours truly,
hands. XYZ
Member of Inspection Team
Yours sincerely Islamabad.
Dated: March 01, 2024
Dated: March 01, 2024. To
To The Editor
The Chairman The News
FBISE Islamabad
Islamabad. From: A citizen
From: Member of Inspection Team Subject: Food crises in Pakistan
Subject: Checking of Examination Centers Dear Sir,
Dear Sir, Being a citizen of Pakistan, I feel it my duty to send you a report about a
Being a member of Inspection Team of FBISE examination, I feel it my big problem of our country that is the shortage of food. In spite of the fact that
duty to write you a report on rising corruption and cheating in the examination 61% of the total cultivated area devoted to production of food crops and about
centre. I visited many examination centers but a report about a few of them is 52% labour force is engaged in the production of food and other agricultural
likely to reveal the nature of corruption going on in these centres. The report products, there is still problem of food shortage.
The shortage problem worsened due to some reasons. Firstly, agriculture
reveals the following facts and figures.
sector in Pakistan is facing a lot of problems e.g. uneconomical holding, low
Firstly, I want to tell you about "Govt. Boys College centre" A.B.C, area,
quality seeds, less use of urea, insufficient facilities of irrigation, water-logging
which is the biggest centre in the city. It is functioning in a big hall and three
and salinity, soil erosion and out – dated techniques of cultivation. Secondly, in
rooms. The hall has the capacity of seven hundred students. and three rooms have
Pakistan growth rate is greater than G.N.P. rate. Majority of population is not
three hundred students. Yesterday, as I entered one of the rooms, large number of
taking part in production process. Thirdly, crops are destroyed due to heavy rains,
boys were copying from the books without any fear of superintendent. The
floods and storms. Sometimes crop diseases and pests become the cause of low
superintendent along with the supervisory staff was taking tea.
Secondly, I visited the "Govt. Girls College center". Five hundred
students were sitting in the hall. There was no noise and girls were doing their
Firstly, Food shortage can be avoided with farm mechanization in
paper without any help of other girls. Seating arrangement was proper and
agriculture, because it encourages multiple cropping. Secondly, there is a need for
appropriate. The superintendent of that center was very strict and honest lady.
making the family planning policy successful. Increase in food crops is only
After that I concluded that corruption existed only in boys’ centers as compared
possible when quality seeds, fertilizers and modern implements of agriculture are
to the girls ‘center.
used and for this agriculture credit is necessary. So, after solving these problems,
Pakistan will not face the food shortage.
Yours truly,

X.Y. Z.

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